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RavenMarQ edited this page Nov 20, 2024 · 6 revisions

For reference documentation.

Project Languages

For valid project language input strings, run in CLI the following command on an existing .und project:

und list -all settings <und_path>

This command outputs a large amount of text into the stream, so you may set the output as a text file. Either way, you will have to find the list of project languages under the "Languages" header. Under said header, languages that are used in the project are marked with a '+' as well as all the possible languages the Understand CLI can analyze. Keep in mind that shorthand such as "cpp" for C++ or "py" for Python do not work, but the strings are case-insensitive.

     Ada                                     Assembly
     Basic                                   C++
     C#                                      Fortran
     Java                                    Jovial
     Pascal                                  Python
     VHDL                                    Web

Reference Typing

Reference types between files or classes in projects differ by language. However, (here)[] is Scitool's documentation on the entity and reference kinds of dependencies. For more information on your project's language, find the " Reference Kinds" header.

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