title: "Encrypt-then-MAC for Committing AEAD (cAEAD)" docname: draft-lucas-generalised-committing-aead-latest category: info
ipr: trust200902 keyword: Internet-Draft
stand_alone: yes smart_quotes: yes pi: [toc, sortrefs, symrefs]
name: Samuel Lucas
organization: Individual Contributor
email: [email protected]
ADGKLS22: title: "How to Abuse and Fix Authenticated Encryption Without Key Commitment" rc: "31st USENIX Security Symposium (USENIX Security 22)" target: https://www.usenix.org/conference/usenixsecurity22/presentation/albertini author: - ins: A. Albertini name: Ange Albertini org: Google - ins: T. Duong name: Thai Duong org: Google - ins: S. Gueron name: Shay Gueron org: University of Haifa; Amazon - ins: S. Kölbl name: Stefan Kölbl org: Google - ins: A. Luykx name: Atul Luykx org: Google - ins: S. Schmieg name: Sophie Schmieg org: Google date: 2022
BH22: title: "Efficient Schemes for Committing Authenticated Encryption" rc: "EUROCRYPT 2022. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 13276, pp. 845-875" target: https://eprint.iacr.org/2022/268 seriesinfo: DOI: 10.1007/978-3-031-07085-3_29 author: - ins: M. Bellare name: Mihir Bellare org: University of California - ins: V. T. Hoang name: Viet Tung Hoang org: Florida State University date: 2022
LGR21: title: "Partitioning Oracle Attacks" rc: "30th USENIX Security Symposium (USENIX Security 21), pp. 195–212" target: https://www.usenix.org/conference/usenixsecurity21/presentation/len author: - ins: J. Len name: Julia Len org: Cornell Tech - ins: P. Grubbs name: Paul Grubbs org: Cornell Tech - ins: T. Ristenpart name: Thomas Ristenpart org: Cornell Tech date: 2021
DGRW18: title: "Fast Message Franking: From Invisible Salamanders to Encryptment" rc: "CRYPTO 2018. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 10991, pp. 155-186" target: https://eprint.iacr.org/2019/016.pdf seriesinfo: DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-96884-1_6 author: - ins: Y. Dodis name: Yevgeniy Dodis org: New York University - ins: P. Grubbs name: Paul Grubbs org: Cornell Tech - ins: T. Ristenpart name: Thomas Ristenpart org: Cornell Tech - ins: J. Woodage name: Joanne Woodage org: Royal Holloway, University of London date: 2018
GLR17: title: "Message Franking via Committing Authenticated Encryption" rc: "CRYPTO 2017. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 10403, pp. 66-97" target: https://eprint.iacr.org/2017/664 seriesinfo: DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-63697-9_3 author: - ins: P. Grubbs name: Paul Grubbs org: Cornell Tech - ins: J. Lu name: Jiahui Lu org: Shanghai Jiao Tong University - ins: T. Ristenpart name: Thomas Ristenpart org: Cornell Tech date: 2017
GCM: title: "NIST Special Publication 800-38D: Recommendation for Block Cipher Modes of Operation: Galois/Counter Mode (GCM) and GMAC" rc: "U.S. National Institute of Standards and Technology" target: https://csrc.nist.gov/publications/nistpubs/800-38D/SP-800-38D.pdf author: - ins: M. Dworkin name: Morris Dworkin org: NIST date: November 2007
BN00: title: "Authenticated encryption: Relations among notions and analysis of the generic composition paradigm" rc: "ASIACRYPT 2000. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 1976, pp. 531-545" target: https://eprint.iacr.org/2000/025 seriesinfo: DOI: 10.1007/3-540-44448-3_41 author: - ins: M. Bellare name: Mihir Bellare org: University of California - ins: C. Namprempre name: Chanathip Namprempre org: Thammasat University date: 2000
--- abstract
This document describes how to construct a committing authenticated encryption with associated data (cAEAD) algorithm by combining an unauthenticated cipher and collision-resistant, hash-based message authentication code (MAC).
--- middle
Authenticated encryption with associated data (AEAD) schemes provide confidentiality and authenticity. However, research has revealed that if keys can be adversarial, these properties are not enough. Instead, AEADs also need to be committing, meaning the ciphertext is a binding commitment of all the AEAD inputs. This requires collision resistance {{BH22}}.
Unfortunately, many existing AEAD schemes, such as AES-GCM {{GCM}} and ChaCha20-Poly1305 {{!RFC8439}}, are not committing. This means it is possible for authentication to pass for multiple different keys. Thus, a ciphertext can be successfully decrypted to different plaintexts {{ADGKLS22}}. Furthermore, an attacker who knows the key can find different messages that lead to the same authentication tag.
This has led to practical attacks, such as the partitioning oracle attack {{LGR21}}, which can allow an attacker to guess many encryption passwords at once by repeatedly providing a ciphertext that successfully decrypts under different keys to an oracle (e.g. a server that knows the encryption key). Such a ciphertext that potentially decrypts under thousands of keys can quickly be computed by an attacker, although the complexity and scalability of attacks depends on the AEAD. This exploits a lack of key commitment.
Another type of attack was demonstrated on Facebook Messenger's message franking scheme {{DGRW18}}, which exploited a lack of message commitment. Due to end-to-end encryption, Facebook does not know a recipient's key. Therefore, when reporting a received message as abusive, the recipient must send their key for verification. However, a fake key could be used by the recipient to transform a harmless message from the sender into an abusive one.
Whilst such attacks only apply in certain scenarios, developers intuitively expect an AEAD to be committing, increasing the risk of falling prey to this type of protocol vulnerability. Moreover, certain mitigations require changes to primitives and cryptographic libraries, and many naive mitigations may leak information. For example, the padding fix and generic UtC transform {{ADGKLS22}} may lead to timing differences during decryption, and prepending an unsalted hash of the key leaks its identity.
However, Encrypt-then-MAC with the encryption key and authentication key derived from the same input keying material and a 256-bit or greater authentication tag from a collision-resistant, hash-based MAC is committing {{GLR17}}. This combination has been widely used, well analysed {{BN00}}, provides additional security against forgeries, and can sometimes be more performant than certain existing AEAD schemes.
The partitioning oracle attack authors recommend using a committing AEAD (cAEAD) by default when non-committing AEAD vulnerabilities cannot be ruled out {{LGR21}}. Therefore, this document introduces a simple Encrypt-then-MAC cAEAD scheme that can be implemented using an unauthenticated cipher and collision-resistant, hash-based MAC from a cryptographic library. For instance, ChaCha20 {{!RFC8439}} and BLAKE2b {{!RFC7693}}.
{::boilerplate bcp14-tagged}
a || b
: the concatenation ofa
: the length ofa
in octets.LE64(x)
: the little-endian encoding of 64-bit unsigned integerx
: the UTF8 encoding of strings
.a.Slice(i, l)
: the copy ofl
octets froma
, starting at indexi
.Encrypt(p, n, k)
: the unauthenticated encryption of plaintextp
using noncen
and keyk
.MAC(m, k, l)
: thel
-bit MAC of messagem
using keyk
.ConstantTimeEquals(a, b)
: the constant time comparison ofa
, which returnstrue
if equal andfalse
otherwise.Decrypt(c, n, k)
: the unauthenticated decryption of ciphertextc
without the appended tag using noncen
and keyk
: overwritea
with zeros in a way that is not optimised away by the compiler.
: the authentication tag length, which MUST be 32 octets (256 bits).ENCRYPTION_CONTEXT
: "Cipher.Encrypt()", replacing "Cipher" with the properly capitalised and punctuated name of the cipher being used. For example, "ChaCha20.Encrypt()" or "AES-CTR.Encrypt()".MAC_CONTEXT
: "MAC.KeyedHash()", replacing "MAC" with the properly capitalised and punctuated name of the MAC being used, followed by "-" and the output length in bits if that is missing from the name. If the MAC output length is being truncated, both the full output length and truncated output length MUST be specified. For example, "BLAKE2b-256.KeyedHash()", "BLAKE2b-512-256.KeyedHash()" (truncated BLAKE2b-512), "HMAC-SHA-256.KeyedHash()", "HMAC-SHA-512-256.KeyedHash()" (truncated HMAC-SHA-512), or "HMAC-SHA-512/256.KeyedHash()" (HMAC with the SHA-512/256 algorithm).
Inputs and outputs:
: the key length, which MUST be 32 octets (256 bits).N_MIN
: the nonce length, which MUST be the maximum nonce length supported by the cipher being used. For example, 12 octets (96 bits) for ChaCha20 {{!RFC8439}}.A_MAX
: 264-1 octets.P_MAX
: 264-1 octets unless the cipher being used requires a smaller maximum plaintext length to avoid the internal counter repeating or a collision being likely with a 50% probability. For example, 274,877,906,880 octets MUST be the maximum for ChaCha20 {{!RFC8439}}.C_MAX
The meanings of these parameters are defined in {{!RFC5116, Section 4}}.
This scheme combines two primitives:
- An unauthenticated stream cipher or block cipher. The key size MUST be 256 bits.
- A collision-resistant keyed hash function or collision-resistant hash function used within HMAC {{!RFC2104}}. The output length MUST be 256 bits or truncated to 256 bits.
Importantly, the MAC MUST be hash-based and collision resistant. This ensures the ciphertext is a commitment of all the inputs, corresponding to security notion CMT-4 {{BH22}}. This provides the best security and ease of use by default.
Encrypt(plaintext, nonce, key, associatedData)
The Encrypt
function encrypts a plaintext message, authenticates the ciphertext and associated data, and returns the ciphertext concatenated with the authentication tag.
: the plaintext to be encrypted (length MUST be less thanP_MAX
: the public nonce (length MUST beN_MIN
: the secret key (length MUST beK_LEN
: the associated data to authenticate (length MUST be less thanA_MAX
Distinct associated data inputs, as described in {{!RFC5116, Section 3}}, will be unambiguously encoded as a single input. The application MUST create a structure in the associated data input if needed.
- The ciphertext concatenated with the authentication tag or an error if the inputs do not meet the length criteria above.
encryptionKey = MAC(UTF8(ENCRYPTION_CONTEXT), key, K_LEN)
macKey = MAC(UTF8(MAC_CONTEXT) || nonce, key, K_LEN)
ciphertext = Encrypt(plaintext, nonce, encryptionKey)
tag = MAC(associatedData || ciphertext || LE64(associatedData.Length) || LE64(ciphertext.Length), macKey, T_LEN)
return ciphertext || tag
Decrypt(ciphertext, nonce, key, associatedData)
The Decrypt
function verifies that the authentication tag is correct for the given inputs and returns the decrypted ciphertext on success or an error if verification fails.
: the ciphertext and appended tag to be authenticated and decrypted (length MUST be less thanC_MAX
: the public nonce (length MUST beN_MIN
: the secret key (length MUST beK_LEN
: the associated data to authenticate (length MUST be less thanA_MAX
- Either the decrypted plaintext or an error indicating that the authentication tag is invalid for the given inputs.
tag = ciphertext.Slice(ciphertext.Length - T_LEN, T_LEN)
ciphertextNoTag = ciphertext.Slice(0, ciphertext.Length - T_LEN)
encryptionKey = MAC(UTF8(ENCRYPTION_CONTEXT), key, K_LEN)
macKey = MAC(UTF8(MAC_CONTEXT) || nonce, key, K_LEN)
computedTag = MAC(associatedData || ciphertextNoTag || LE64(associatedData.Length) || LE64(ciphertextNoTag.Length), macKey, T_LEN)
if (ConstantTimeEquals(tag, computedTag) is false)
return "authentication failed" error
plaintext = Decrypt(ciphertextNoTag, nonce, encryptionKey)
return plaintext
This algorithm is an instantiation of the generalised cAEAD scheme discussed above using ChaCha20 {{!RFC8439}} as the cipher and BLAKE2b {{!RFC7693}} as the MAC.
The context strings are:
: "ChaCha20.Encrypt()".MAC_CONTEXT
: "BLAKE2b-256.KeyedHash()".
The ChaCha20 specific input and output lengths are:
: 12 octets (96 bits).P_MAX
: 274,877,906,880 octets.C_MAX
The rest of the lengths remain the same for all instantiations of this generalised cAEAD scheme.
The security of this generalised scheme depends on the unauthenticated cipher and collision-resistant, hash-based MAC used. For instance, ChaCha20 should provide 256-bit security against plaintext recovery, and HMAC-SHA256 should provide at least 128-bit security against forgery attacks. A 256-bit tag provides 128-bit security against collisions. This collision resistance should make it infeasible for a ciphertext to be decrypted under multiple keys and for two messages to have the same tag.
The nonce MUST NOT be repeated or reused for a given key. Doing so is catastrophic for security. For example, it results in identical keystreams with stream ciphers, which leaks the XOR of the plaintexts.
The authentication tag comparison MUST be done in constant time to avoid leaking information via timing.
If authentication fails, the ciphertext MUST NOT be decrypted.
A larger MAC output length (e.g. 512 bits) that gets truncated to 256 bits MAY be used as long as the MAC_CONTEXT
string is specified as instructed. However, the MAC output length MUST NOT be less than or truncated below 256 bits as this would affect the collision resistance, which is needed for this scheme to be committing.
Every key MUST be randomly chosen from a uniform distribution. This means randomly generated using a cryptographically secure pseudorandom number generator (CSPRNG) or the output of a key derivation function (KDF).
The nonce MAY be public and/or predictable. It can be a counter, the output of a KDF by deriving the nonce alongside the key, or randomly generated using a CSPRNG. However, care MUST be taken to ensure that the likelihood of two randomly generated nonces colliding is low by frequently rotating the key being used.
The internally derived encryptionKey
and macKey
SHOULD be erased from memory before returning an output. However, this may not be possible in some programming languages.
IANA is requested to assign an entry for AEAD_ChaCha20_BLAKE2b
in the AEAD Registry with this document as the reference.
--- back
plaintext: 5468657265277320736f6d6520676f6f6420696e207468697320776f726c642c204d722e2046726f646f2c20616e64206974277320776f727468206669676874696e6720666f722e
nonce: 000000000000000000000000
key: 1001000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
ciphertext: 18337327ef02753bf8d996db218a3697c18943ea6efc86a7e449cb67a7592b9e1715a07771797c93789350528e2e7a8d25b4ca7a7d2968776d50577946cb5da693f1e09309236b7bdb04001a8feeab7de48946f08df1cfd0ce03a719232ea7106efb8706e40d7cb6
nonce: 000000000000000000000000
key: 1001000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
ciphertext: a1ad6c7c4a9bb8201cf72904ebea1fed709c75ded85adaea7034bdbba1b5ec4f
nonce: 000000000000000000000000
key: 1001000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
associatedData: 76312e302e30
ciphertext: c0deb4501fe4cc651687cff8c9f5377072d4788cfe2d0f51dd97fab7b16fab84
plaintext: 5468657265277320736f6d6520676f6f6420696e207468697320776f726c642c204d722e2046726f646f2c20616e64206974277320776f727468206669676874696e6720666f722e
nonce: 010000000000000000000000
key: 1001000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
ciphertext: db685e0ff12fafd611a832c90e6c7905598ed65babdf6d8cf7057d07b5168673727dda3ef3d6ed2520332c8036e2ce0f72c413290bc4ae41d2d398e4cb2d1f6e906e232ae471ca0ea4ade513d685a4fab9a886fa885b6f6b54ff04d66612cfdde669bd0dbda23f54
plaintext: 5468657265277320736f6d6520676f6f6420696e207468697320776f726c642c204d722e2046726f646f2c20616e64206974277320776f727468206669676874696e6720666f722e
nonce: 000000000000000000000000
key: 1002000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
ciphertext: 308319762a72faf302e6d34c2f882c27addc1b2130549e55a084bcdc189c2da0497fdbab20989f24a25f2d3934ac825caaf46ec61a853a06eb97b14c2ced147b94c2223506862d32af0be2b1f658597412e65d77560844eee38a190063300c8e8a8c62ea25b943b3
This test MUST return an "authentication failed" error.
ciphertext: 408319762a72faf302e6d34c2f882c27addc1b2130549e55a084bcdc189c2da0497fdbab20989f24a25f2d3934ac825caaf46ec61a853a06eb97b14c2ced147b94c2223506862d32af0be2b1f658597412e65d77560844eee38a190063300c8e8a8c62ea25b943b3
nonce: 000000000000000000000000
key: 1002000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
This test MUST return an "authentication failed" error.
ciphertext: 308319762a72faf302e6d34c2f882c27addc1b2130549e55a084bcdc189c2da0497fdbab20989f24a25f2d3934ac825caaf46ec61a853a06eb97b14c2ced147b94c2223506862d32af0be2b1f658597412e65d77560844eee38a190063300c8e8a8c62ea25b943b4
nonce: 000000000000000000000000
key: 1002000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
This test MUST return an "authentication failed" error.
ciphertext: 308319762a72faf302e6d34c2f882c27addc1b2130549e55a084bcdc189c2da0497fdbab20989f24a25f2d3934ac825caaf46ec61a853a06eb97b14c2ced147b94c2223506862d32af0be2b1f658597412e65d77560844eee38a190063300c8e8a8c62ea25b943b3
nonce: 000000000000000000000001
key: 1002000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
This test MUST return an "authentication failed" error.
ciphertext: 308319762a72faf302e6d34c2f882c27addc1b2130549e55a084bcdc189c2da0497fdbab20989f24a25f2d3934ac825caaf46ec61a853a06eb97b14c2ced147b94c2223506862d32af0be2b1f658597412e65d77560844eee38a190063300c8e8a8c62ea25b943b3
nonce: 000000000000000000000000
key: 1003000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
This test MUST return an "authentication failed" error.
ciphertext: 308319762a72faf302e6d34c2f882c27addc1b2130549e55a084bcdc189c2da0497fdbab20989f24a25f2d3934ac825caaf46ec61a853a06eb97b14c2ced147b94c2223506862d32af0be2b1f658597412e65d77560844eee38a190063300c8e8a8c62ea25b943b3
nonce: 000000000000000000000000
key: 1002000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
associatedData: 76312e302e30
Thank you to Viet Tung Hoang, Julia Len, and Paul Grubbs for their excellent presentations on the topic of committing authenticated encryption.
ChaCha20 and Poly1305 were designed by Daniel J. Bernstein.
BLAKE2 was designed by Jean-Philippe Aumasson, Samuel Neves, Zooko Wilcox-O'Hearn, and Christian Winnerlein.
HMAC was designed by Mihir Bellare, Ran Canetti, and Hugo Krawczyk.