- Worth 70 marks - 7 questions 10 marks each
- 3 hours
- 35 mark hurdle
- Half of subject on Symbolic AI and half on Probabilistic AI
- 2-3 sentence answers
- Thinking like a human
- Thinking rationally
- Acting like a human
- Acting rationally
- A person talks to a computer via typing
- Computer has to imitate a human well enough to fool the other guy
- Semantic understand is hard
- Maths related things are easy
- Conversational agents are hard
Characterise requirements for an agent in terms of its percepts, actions, environment and performance measure
- Has to take inputs i.e. sensors
- Has to do actions which change the environment with actuators
- Has to exist in an environment
- Has to evaluate its current state and have a performance measure of the desirability of the state
- Just remember PEAS
- Performance Measure
- Environment
- Actuators
- Sensors
- Fully vs Partially Observable
- Can you see all relevant info?
- Deterministic vs Stochastic
- Is there a chance for your choice to fuck up or is it certain that your move determines the next
- Episodic vs Sequential
- Does your environment change at all?
- Static vs Dynamic
- Does your environment change while you're thinking/deciding?
- Discrete vs Continuous
- Is there a finite number of moves?
- Simple Reflex Agents
- simple boi
- if x do y
- Model Based Reflex Agents
- Has a current internal representation of the world
- Uses a lot of memory
- Decides things based on current state
- Goal Based Agents
- Contains future predicted states of the world
- Has a goal to achieve
- Decides things based on current/future predictions
- Utility Based Agents
- Same as above but has utility values
- Tries to maximize happiness
- Make a decision based on the environment
- Don't use something too complex
- Formulate a Problem:
- Consider the current state and goal state
- Consider the operations we can do to change state
- e.g. drive from southbank to unimelb
- States: Southbank, Unimelb
- Actions: Drive
- A solution is considered a sequence of actions leading from the initial state to the goal state
- We measure how good a solution is by using path cost
- Expand breadth wise
- Complete if branching factor is finite
- Time: O(bd)
- Space: O(bd)
- Optimal Path if path cost is uniform, otherwise not complete or optimal in general
- Expand depth wise
- Not Complete if in Infinite Space
- Time: O(bm)
- Space: O(bm)
- Not Optimal Path
- Uniform Cost Search
- Expand least-cost node
- Complete if step size > 0
- Time: n nodes g cost <= optimal cost
- Space: n nodes g cost <= optimal cost
- Optimal
- Depth Limited Search
- Do depth first to a certain limit
- Not Complete
- Time: O(bl)
- Space: O(bl)
- Not Optimal
- Iterative Deepening Search
- Do DFS for each 'step'
- Complete
- Time: O(bd)
- Space: O(bd)
- Optimal if step size = 1
- Bidirectional Search
- Search from both goal and start
- Complete
- Time: O(bd/2)
- Space: O(bd/2)
- Optimal
- Greedy Best First Search
- Go down the path that seems to be as close as possible to the end
- Not Complete (needs repeated state checking)
- Time: O(bm)
- Space: O(bm)
- Not Optimal
- AStar (A*) Search
- Avoid expanding paths that are already expensive
- Keep an ordered list of the f(n) cost of things
- Expand the next one
- Evaluate things with:
- f(n) = cost so far to reach n (g(n)) + estimate cost to goal from n (heuristic h(n))
- Similar to Uniform Cost search but evaluating distance from the goal
- Complete
- Time: Exponential in [relative error in h * length of soln] - Expands similarly to breadth first so O(berror*d)
- Space: O(bd) all nodes in memory
- Optimal
- Avoid expanding paths that are already expensive
Derive and compare heuristics for a problem e.g., is a given heuristic h1 admissible; for given heuristics h1 and h2, does h1 dominate h2
- Heuristics is the h(n) part of the AStar evaluation
- An Admissible heuristic is when the heuristic value is always lower than the cost of getting to the goal
- If a heuristic is admissible then it will always find a path to the goal
- If a heristic is not admissible then it may not find an optimal path to the goal but it will do it faster
- A heuristic dominates another when all of it's values for the same input are higher than the other's
- h1(n) >= h2(n) for all of n
- Evaluate games as a search problem
- Initial State
- Actions
- Terminal Test (win/lose/draw)
- Utility Function
- e.g. chess: +1, 0, -1
- poker: cash one or lost
Demonstrate operation of game search algorithms e.g., which nodes will be pruned under given node order or optimal node ordering in a given search tree
- Minimax
- Check all possible moves for their value up to a certain level
- Calculate our value with a heuristic similar to AStar
- Maximize our utility value when it's our turn
- Minimize enemy utility value when it's not
- Absolutely perfect play with infinite lookahead
- Complete
- Optimal (against another optimal opponent)
- Time: O(bm)
- Space: O(bm)
- Check all possible moves for their value up to a certain level
- AlphaBeta Pruning
- Do the same as minimax, but every time you find a new minimum/maximum, keep track of it and discard values that are under/over this value
- Calculate our value
- If our current lowest MIN value is 3 and we find a 2 while minimizing, set the new lowest MIN value to 2 and discard the rest of the branch
- Basically imagine you're pruning a tree to the shortest/longest branch
- Not Complete
- Optimal since it results in the same thing
- Time: O(bm/2) with perfect ordering
- Space: Same as time?
- Do the same as minimax, but every time you find a new minimum/maximum, keep track of it and discard values that are under/over this value
- Quiescence Search
- Find a cut-off depth in minimax
- Expectiminimax
- Minimax but before every outcome you add a "chance node" which applies a probability to it
- Tree grows really fast
- As depth increases probability of reaching a node becomes diminished
- Means we care less about really deep nodes
- Can use machine learning in AI when we have an algorithm with weighted features
- Gradient Descent Learning
- Problems with Machine Learning:
- Delayed Reinforcement: It takes a while before we get feedback
- Credit Assignment: We don't know what actions resulted in the outcome
- Supervised Learning:
- Single step prediction
- Predict tomorrow
- Temporal Difference Learning
- Multi-step prediction
- Predict tomorrow and the day after etc.
- Delayed feedback
- Hope we're doing this right lol
- Multi-step prediction
Not expected to derive or memorise the TDLeaf(λ) weight update rule, but if given this rule may ask you to explain what the main terms mean
- TD Leaf:
- wj: Current weight
- di: Error
- η: Learning rate
- λ = 0: weights move towards the predicted reward at next state (i.e. move towards r(si+1, w)) using only the next state
- λ = 1: weights move towards the final true reward (i.e. move towards r(sN)) using all states
- : How reward is changing with respect to weight
- : Weighted Sum of Error
- A CSP has three main parts.
- X set of variables: {X1... Xn}
- D set of domains for each variable: {D1...Dn}
- C set of constraints that must be fulfilled
- Can be unary (itself), binary (2 variables) or higher order/tertiary constraints (multiple variables e.g. all different values)
- A goal test is defined by these constraints
- Model a problem in terms of these:
- e.g. classic lecture scheduling problem
- X would be lectures
- D would be times available
- C would be all times different for each lecture i.e. allDiff
- Backtracking Search
- Depth first search by assigning each domain value to each of variables
- Literally takes forever
- Ends up making n!dn leaves! Insanity.
- Depth first search by assigning each domain value to each of variables
- Forward Checking
- Whenever you assign a variable, remove this value from any neighbours
- Arc Consistency (AC-3)
- Start from a queue of arcs and check each node at each arc whether they share any values/domain in common
- If they do have a conflict, add all arcs from that node to the queue to check again later
- Keep going until the queue is empty (i.e. the graph is consistent and there are no conflicts)
- Time Complexity: O(n2d3)
- Can be reduced to O(n2d2) with a good heuristic/ordering
- This checks for conflicts
- You should do this before backtracking search
- Start from a queue of arcs and check each node at each arc whether they share any values/domain in common
e.g., in what order are variables or values chosen using minimum remaining values, degree heuristic, least constraining value
- Variable Ordering
- Minimum Remaining Values
- Degree Heuristic
- Value Ordering
e.g., show how the domain of values of each variable are updated by forward checking, or arc consistency, where X → Y means using arc consistency to update domain of X so that for every value x ∈ X there is some allowed value y ∈ Y
- See above
- Tree Structured CSP
- Make a variable a root node
- Go down the tree and apply
makeArcConsistent(Parent(Xj) Xj)
to all nodes - If you're at the deepest point, assign X so that it is consistent with it's parents
- Best Case Time Complexity: Tree can be solved in O(nd2) i.e. linear time
- You only need to take into account 2 nodes at any one time since removing a domain value from a node will not impact its other children d2
- If there are loops then you need to account for those with the below:
- Worst Case Time Complexity: O(dn) i.e. Tree with Loops
- Nearly Tree Structured CSP
- We can use Cutset Conditioning
- Conditioning: instantiate a variable and prune its neighbours' domain values
- Cutset: set of variables that can be deleted so constraint graph forms a tree
- Cutset conditioning: instantiate (in all ways) a set of variables such that the remaining constraint graph is a tree
- Time Complexity: where c is the cutset size -> O(dc(n-c)d2) basically remove the variables which make the tree a loop with dn and then use the tree time complexity nd2
- Auctions have 3 main dimensions:
- Winner Determination: Which bidder wins and what do they pay?
- First price auctions: highest bid is paid
- Second-price auctions: second highest bid is paid
- Knowledge of Bids:
- Open cry: Every bidder can see all bids from all other bidders
- Sealed: Every bidder can’t see the other bids
- Order of bids:
- One-shot: each bidder can only make one bid
- Ascending: each successive bid must exceed the previous bid
- Descending: start from a high price and go down and the first to bid wins
- Winner Determination: Which bidder wins and what do they pay?
- Mechanism for an auction consists of:
- a language to describe the allowable strategies an agent can follow
- a communication protocol for communicating bids from bidders to the auctioneer
- an outcome rule, used by auctioneer to determine the outcome
- when to stop the auction
- who’s the winner
- how much they have to pay
- English
- Start low and keep open-cry bidding higher
- Efficient
- Susceptible to the winner's curse
- Susceptible to collusion
- Dutch
- Start high and go lower until someone open-cry bids
- Efficient
- Susceptible to the winner's curse
- Susceptible to collusion
- First-Price Sealed-Bid Auction
- Everyone bids what they think it's worth once and then the winner pays the highest value
- May not be efficient
- Since person who values it the most may not win
- Susceptible to the winner's curse
- Not susceptible to collusion
- Easier to communicate
- Second-Price Sealed-Bid (Vickrey) Auction
- Everyone bids what they think it's worth once and the winner pays the second highest value
- Efficient and Truth revealing
- Strategy is just to bid your value
- Not susceptible to the winner's curse
- You aren't paying what you value it
- Not susceptible to collusion
- Computational simplicity
- Counter intuitive for human bidders
- Inference by enumeration is changing the space in which the probability is taken from
- A and B are independent iff
P(A|B) = P(A) or P(B|A) = P(B) or P(A, B) = P(A)P(B)
- Also means
P(A|!B) = P(A) and etc.
- This means if A and B are independent then we can simplify P(A|B,C)
- Since
P(A|B) = P(A)
- Also
P(A, B|C) = P(A|C)P(B|C)
sinceP(A, B) is P(A)P(B)
- Since
- Now we can simplify complex things such as full joint distribution using chain rule
- Given A and B are independent
P(A, B, C)
would normally have 23-1 entries - Reduce it by using the above rules + chain rules
Chain Rule: P(X1, X2, X3, X4) = P(X4 | X1, X2, X3)
P(A, B, C) = P(C|A, B) P(A, B)
P(A, B, C) = P(C|A, B) P(B|A) P(A)
P(A, B, C) = P(C|A) P(B|A) P(A)
= 2 + 2 + 1 = 5 entries vs 7
- Given A and B are independent
P(A|B)P(B) = P(B|A)P(A)
- Solve this into
P(A|B) = P(B|A)P(A)/P(B)
Note: if the arithmetic is too complex to compute the exact final value then simplify the expression as best you can
- Basically form a graph where causal nodes lead to symptomal modes
- Causes -> Symptoms
- A grandfather node should be independent of it's grandchildren
- Look at Uncertainty
- This is can be done with global semantics:
Use inference by enumeration to answer a query about simple or conjunctive queries on a given belief network
- Simple Query:
- Simply calculating a probability from posterior marginals
- e.g., P(NoGas|Gauge = empty, Lights = on, Starts = false)
- Conjunctive Query:
- Breaking a query into smaller queries using the chain rule:
- P(Xi, Xj|E = E) = P(Xi|E = E) P(Xj|Xi, E = E)
- Degrees of freedom: Basically how many different ways can we "move"
- Something is non-holonomic when it has more degrees of freedom than controls
- For example a car is non-holonomic because has 2 controls but has 3 degrees of freedom
- Since it can rotate in the x axis and we can accelerate/decelerate in the x axis but we cannot accelerate/decelerate in the y axis
- For example a car is non-holonomic because has 2 controls but has 3 degrees of freedom
- Examples of Sources of Uncertainty in Robots:
- Perceptions (incorrect sensing)
- Incorrect sensors
- False positive/negative
- Limited/Finite Time
- Partially Obstructed Environment
- Actions (incorrect doing)
- Rough Surfaces
- Obstacles
- Slippage
- Inaccurate Joint Encoding
- Injuries (Effective Breakdown)
- Perceptions (incorrect sensing)
- Basically we scan our environment and decide where we can't go
- Tutorial 11
- Basically re-calculating P(+) when calculating P(o|++)
- Draw where it can't go lol
- Cell Decomposition:
- Break configuration space into simpler cells
- Depends on the resolution of the cells
- Basically like pixel-izing our config space so it's finite
- Inaccurate
- Break configuration space into simpler cells
- Skeletonisation:
- Voronoi Diagrams:
- We define limits around the configuration space
- Voronoi Diagrams don't scale well
- Probabilistic Roadmap:
- Generate random points within configuration space and creating a graph
- Need to generate enough points to ensure everywhere is reachable
- Voronoi Diagrams:
- Localisation vs Mapping
- Localisation is when you're given a map and observed landmarks and you update your location and orientation distribution
- Where am I?
- Mapping is when you're given the pose distribution and observed landmarks and you derive a map from this
- Making a map
- SLAM (Simultaneous):
- Do both of the above at the same time
- Localisation is when you're given a map and observed landmarks and you update your location and orientation distribution