In addition to the courses offered by the individual departments, the School of Engineering also offers the following courses which are interdisciplinary in nature.
This course will explore technological innovation by studying the evolution of technologies and industries in Silicon Valley. We will review the development of fundamental technologies such as vacuum tubes, semiconductors, and biotechnology, and systems such as radar, communications, aerospace, personal computing, the internet, social media and platforms. This approach will help students to understand 1) the defining features of this region and how it has continued to lead in global technology development even as the fundamental technologies have changed, and 2) the complexity of the innovation process and the influence of the public sector, academia, investors, and other entities on innovation and entrepreneurship. Also listed as ENGR 145.
(4 units)
This course is designed to present a broad overview of diverse topics in nanobioengineering, with emphasis on areas that directly impact applications in biotechnology and medicine. Specific examples that highlight interactions between nanomaterials and various biomolecules will be discussed, as well as the current status and future possibilities in the development of functional nanohybrids that can sense, assemble, clean, and heal. Also listed as BIOE 256.
(2 units)
This course will cover the basic principles used to classify and evaluate biofuels in terms of thermodynamic and economic efficiencies as well as environmental impact for resource recovery. Special emphasis will be placed on emerging applications, namely Microbial Fuel Cell Technology and Photo-bioreactors. Also listed as BIOE 157/257. Prerequisite: BIOE 21 or BIOL 1B, CHEM 13, PHYS 33.
(2 units)
Overview of key elements of physics, chemistry, biology, and engineering underlying this interdisciplinary field. Bulk vs. surface properties of materials. Surface phenomena and quantum phenomena. Self-assembly and soft lithography. Nanoscale materials characterization. Carbon nanotubes, inorganic nanowires, organic molecules for electronics, biological and bio-inspired materials. Emerging applications of nanoscale materials. Prerequisite: Graduate standing.
(2 units)
Addresses the fundamental scientific and technological underpinnings of the
important new field of nanotechnology. Examines how our understanding and our technological capabilities have evolved over the past century, and how nanotechnology proposes new applications that can address social and economic goals. An appreciation of the interaction between these goals and the evolution of the technology is central to the course. Students will develop critical thinking about the prospects for nanotechnology in order to be able to assess the relevant ethical and social issues, and also the possibility and/or likelihood of the development of specific applications.
(4 units)
Physics, chemistry, and materials science of materials in the nanoscale. Thin films, inorganic nanowires, carbon nanotubes, and quantum dots are examples covered in detail as well as state-of-the-art synthesis processes and characterization techniques for these materials as used in various stages of technology development. Also listed as ELEN 360. Prerequisites: ENGR 260 and ELEN 261.
(2 units)
It is by no means clear that the shortage of carbon-free energy can be resolved by identifying alternative resources. As a result, conservation must play a key role in the development of new energy policies, both locally and globally. This course explores how conservation and sustainability relate to each other, with special emphasis on the value of cost-effective, innovative water recycling, and strategies for reducing the use of electrical energy.
(2 units)
The class will survey the types of energy used historically from traditional biomass to coal, to natural gas, to nuclear and renewables, as well as the increasingly diverse possibilities for future use discussed in current policy debates. Coverage will also include a historical review of regulation and policy in the energy industry. The geographic scope will be international. The field of energy analysis and policy is inherently interdisciplinary. Prerequisite: ELEN 280/MECH 287.
(2 units)
This course explores the ethical implications of energy production, distribution, and consumption, with the aim of understanding those normative considerations that motivate public, institutional and private bodies to develop sustainable energy policies and practices. Through examination of texts and case studies, students will learn to critically analyze, develop and defend ethical judgments and practices with respect to energy. Topics include considerations of environmental justice; tension between global and local spheres of ethical concern; the rights and interests of potential stakeholders, both human and non-human; our duties with respect to prevention or mitigation of harms and management of risk; our ethical obligations to future generations; and the role of personal, civic and professional virtues in guiding sustainable energy practices.
(2 units)
The primary purpose of Co-op education is to give students an opportunity to gain practical knowledge in their field of study. This course is designed to prepare them for such an experience, by providing the appropriate academic background that is required for an internship. It consists of a series of lectures on topics that will familiarize them with the Silicon Valley working environment and will enable them to relate their experience in the industry to their academic program. This course is required for all students who wish to enroll in ENGR 289 (Extended Co-op Education). Attendance is mandatory.
(1 unit)
Students who wish to do an academic internship must be enrolled in this class. The course may be taken for credit up to three times, and students are required to submit a final report in each quarter in which they are enrolled. The final report should focus on skills, experiences, and insights that they acquired in the current term. In order to get a passing grade, students must also submit a supervisor report, which evaluates their performance during the most recent ten week period. Prerequisite: ENGR 288.
(1 unit)
Special research directed by a faculty member. By arrangement. Prerequisite: Registration requires the faculty member’s approval.
(1–6 units per quarter)
Provides practical, theoretical, and experiential tools to manage a multicultural workforce. Cases from Silicon Valley engineering environments will be studied. Topics will include: (1) insights into various cultures’ approaches to time, information, planning, decision making, relationships, power, and change; (2) developing leadership, motivation, and participation in multicultural teams; (3) creating an environment that maximizes the benefits of diversity and retains workers from a variety of cultural backgrounds; (4) resolving conflict when there are different cultural approaches; and (5) the role of corporate culture for multicultural and global companies.
(2 units)
This course, based on brain science, culture, and communication, provides a foundation for managing the different worlds—the various cultural lenses, paradigms, and different competencies—many women and men bring to an engineering workplace. Gender Competence, effective management of differences increases “fire prevention,” customer focus, and innovation in research, development, and marketing of products; and advancement of both women and men.
(2 units)
Challenges of working virtually and globally. Building global teams. Working across cultures and distance; achieving goals while managing differences. Diverse approaches to managing task, time, and hierarchy. Social interactions and decision-making. Culture’s impact on teamwork. Global leader dimensions. Trust building. Empowering self and others. Business practices in China, India, Russia, and other countries.
(2 units)
Exploration of legal issues affecting project engineers, contractors, and owners. Topics include structure of project teams, contracts, standard of care, insurance, and dispute resolution. Evolving legal issues with Integrated Project Delivery (IPD) and Building Information Modeling (BIM).
(2 units)
Study of available legal provisions for establishing, receiving, preserving, and enforcing intellectual property rights in research, development, engineering, and marketing of products. Includes a study of patents, trade secrets, copyrights, mask works, trademarks, and employer-employee contracts regarding intellectual property.
(2 units)
It can be challenging to communicate and collaborate effectively with people from
different disciplines. This course will help students from business, engineering, and law learn to understand each other’s perspectives, speak each other’s language, and work together effectively in a collaborative environment. Students from different schools will be organized into teams to work together on a simulated project involving a technological matter, such as privacy/security or IP. Also listed as LAW 371.
(3 units)
The field of climate ethics has emerged recently to negotiate the serious and complex ethical choices facing human society as we balance energy, environmental, and economic development needs. Social science and ethical lenses are used to examine energy use and climate disruption in light of the moral principle of social justice. This course gives graduate engineering students the background and skills to communicate these issues in several different modes. It consists of three main thematic parts: energy choices; social vulnerabilities; and difficult policy dilemmas.
(2 units)
How does one innovate products and services for developing countries? How can complex problems be tackled with simple technologies and low-cost business models? This course presents a framework of engineering design and management techniques that are appropriate for developing markets. Topics such as “ruggedization,” cost control, and local resource use will be explored through a variety of examples and case studies, which range from alternative energy and low-cost diagnostics to mobile applications and micro entrepreneurship. This course examines the potential social benefits that design, manufacturing, and business innovation can provide to address various challenges in the developing world.
(2 units)
The mobile revolution is changing the lives of people across the globe, from Wall Street to Main Street to rural villages. This course will provide an overview of the technological innovation, including applications and instrumentation, which the mobile revolution is spawning, particularly in underserved communities globally. It will feature guest speakers from technology companies involved in Mobile R&D, look at market and beneficiary needs, and discuss how to innovate products and services for these customers and how to tackle complex “life” problems with simple technologies, applications, and business models, using real-life case studies.
(2 units)
Energy storage systems play an essential role in the utilization of renewable energy. They are used to provide reserve power under different circumstances and needs such as peak shaving, load leveling, and ancillary services. Power electronics equipment converts the battery power into usable grid power. The course will survey batteries, pumped storage, flywheels, ultracapacitors, etc., with an analysis of the advantages and disadvantages, and uses of each. Also listed as ELEN 287.
(2 units)
This course surveys energy engineering and entrepreneurship in emerging market countries, with an emphasis on strategies for coping with the absence of a grid. It analyzes strategies for energy generation, transmission, and storage at household, community and regional scales drawing from sector and case studies in the developing world.
(2 units)
IDS provides opportunity for the SCU graduate engineering student to begin to integrate knowledge gained in other engineering coursework with innovation management, design thinking and spiritual development, particularly in entrepreneurial and intrapreneurial contexts, whether for commercial and/or social benefit. The 2-credit course assumes engineers play significant roles in innovating efforts in their future employments and deployments. As a result, IDS aims to deepen the engineering student’s leadership character, competences and capacity, especially for these contexts and deployments.
(2 units)
This class is designed to introduce students to 3D print technology, which offers a range of exciting possibilities for product design, delivery, and democratization of entrepreneurship. Along with hands-on experience of the technology, students will be exposed to the ecosystem engaged by the technology. Implications for life sciences, career opportunities, entrepreneurship, and restructuring of global markets and society will be examined.
(2 units)
Strategies and tactics for moving new products and technologies into global emerging markets, comprehending cultural impact, and creating new markets. Understanding your company’s objective, determining what is possible, and developing practical go-to-market strategies. Topics include new ventures, sustainability, social responsibility, risk assessment and mitigation.
(2 units)
The main purpose of this course is to examine the role that leadership and strategic vision play in a globalized interconnected business environment. Emphasis will be placed on developing critical thinking and collaborative skills through research projects and case studies.
(2 units)
A review of the engineering principles, technical subsystems, and design processes that serve as the foundation of developing and operating spacecraft systems. This course focuses on subsystems and analyses relating to orbital mechanics, power, command and data handling, and attitude determination and control. Note: ENGR 371 and 372 may be taken in any order. Also listed as MECH 371.
(4 units)
A review of the engineering principles, technical subsystems, and design processes that serve as the foundation of developing and operating spacecraft systems. This course focuses on subsystems and analyses relating to mechanical, thermal, software, and sensing elements. Note: ENGR 371 and 372 may be taken in any order. Also listed as MECH 372.
(4 units)
*Eligible for Technical Stem in Engineering Management