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h1:LxeOpSwHxABJmUn/MG1IvRgCAasNZTLOkJPxbbu5VWo= @@ -205,7 +201,6 @@ golang.org/x/sys v0.0.0-20201119102817-f84b799fce68/go.mod h1:h1NjWce9XRLGQEsW7w golang.org/x/sys v0.0.0-20210423082822-04245dca01da/go.mod h1:h1NjWce9XRLGQEsW7wpKNCjG9DtNlClVuFLEZdDNbEs= golang.org/x/sys v0.0.0-20210615035016-665e8c7367d1/go.mod h1:oPkhp1MJrh7nUepCBck5+mAzfO9JrbApNNgaTdGDITg= golang.org/x/sys v0.0.0-20220520151302-bc2c85ada10a/go.mod h1:oPkhp1MJrh7nUepCBck5+mAzfO9JrbApNNgaTdGDITg= -golang.org/x/sys v0.0.0-20220704084225-05e143d24a9e/go.mod h1:oPkhp1MJrh7nUepCBck5+mAzfO9JrbApNNgaTdGDITg= golang.org/x/sys v0.0.0-20220722155257-8c9f86f7a55f/go.mod h1:oPkhp1MJrh7nUepCBck5+mAzfO9JrbApNNgaTdGDITg= golang.org/x/sys v0.2.0/go.mod h1:oPkhp1MJrh7nUepCBck5+mAzfO9JrbApNNgaTdGDITg= golang.org/x/sys v0.10.0 h1:SqMFp9UcQJZa+pmYuAKjd9xq1f0j5rLcDIk0mj4qAsA= diff --git a/vendor/github.com/hashicorp/golang-lru/v2/.golangci.yml b/vendor/github.com/hashicorp/golang-lru/v2/.golangci.yml index 95700902..7e7b8a96 100644 --- a/vendor/github.com/hashicorp/golang-lru/v2/.golangci.yml +++ b/vendor/github.com/hashicorp/golang-lru/v2/.golangci.yml @@ -2,12 +2,13 @@ # SPDX-License-Identifier: MPL-2.0 linters: + fast: false + disable-all: true enable: - - megacheck - revive + - megacheck - govet - unconvert - - megacheck - gas - gocyclo - dupl @@ -16,18 +17,30 @@ linters: - unused - typecheck - ineffassign - - stylecheck + # - stylecheck - exportloopref - gocritic - nakedret - gosimple - prealloc - fast: false - disable-all: true + +# golangci-lint configuration file +linters-settings: + revive: + ignore-generated-header: true + severity: warning + rules: + - name: package-comments + severity: warning + disabled: true + - name: exported + severity: warning + disabled: false + arguments: ["checkPrivateReceivers", "disableStutteringCheck"] issues: + exclude-use-default: false exclude-rules: - path: _test\.go linters: - dupl - exclude-use-default: false diff --git a/vendor/github.com/hashicorp/golang-lru/v2/README.md b/vendor/github.com/hashicorp/golang-lru/v2/README.md index b60785fc..a942eb53 100644 --- a/vendor/github.com/hashicorp/golang-lru/v2/README.md +++ b/vendor/github.com/hashicorp/golang-lru/v2/README.md @@ -9,10 +9,8 @@ Documentation Full docs are available on [Go Packages](https://pkg.go.dev/github.com/hashicorp/golang-lru/v2) -Example -======= - -Using the LRU is very simple: +LRU cache example +================= ```go package main @@ -23,12 +21,59 @@ import ( ) func main() { - l, _ := lru.New[int, any](128) - for i := 0; i < 256; i++ { - l.Add(i, nil) - } - if l.Len() != 128 { - panic(fmt.Sprintf("bad len: %v", l.Len())) - } + l, _ := lru.New[int, any](128) + for i := 0; i < 256; i++ { + l.Add(i, nil) + } + if l.Len() != 128 { + panic(fmt.Sprintf("bad len: %v", l.Len())) + } +} +``` + +Expirable LRU cache example +=========================== + +```go +package main + +import ( + "fmt" + "time" + + "github.com/hashicorp/golang-lru/v2/expirable" +) + +func main() { + // make cache with 10ms TTL and 5 max keys + cache := expirable.NewLRU[string, string](5, nil, time.Millisecond*10) + + + // set value under key1. + cache.Add("key1", "val1") + + // get value under key1 + r, ok := cache.Get("key1") + + // check for OK value + if ok { + fmt.Printf("value before expiration is found: %v, value: %q\n", ok, r) + } + + // wait for cache to expire + time.Sleep(time.Millisecond * 12) + + // get value under key1 after key expiration + r, ok = cache.Get("key1") + fmt.Printf("value after expiration is found: %v, value: %q\n", ok, r) + + // set value under key2, would evict old entry because it is already expired. + cache.Add("key2", "val2") + + fmt.Printf("Cache len: %d\n", cache.Len()) + // Output: + // value before expiration is found: true, value: "val1" + // value after expiration is found: false, value: "" + // Cache len: 1 } ``` diff --git a/vendor/github.com/hashicorp/golang-lru/v2/internal/list.go b/vendor/github.com/hashicorp/golang-lru/v2/internal/list.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000..5cd74a03 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/hashicorp/golang-lru/v2/internal/list.go @@ -0,0 +1,142 @@ +// Copyright 2009 The Go Authors. All rights reserved. +// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style +// license that can be found in the LICENSE_list file. + +package internal + +import "time" + +// Entry is an LRU Entry +type Entry[K comparable, V any] struct { + // Next and previous pointers in the doubly-linked list of elements. + // To simplify the implementation, internally a list l is implemented + // as a ring, such that &l.root is both the next element of the last + // list element (l.Back()) and the previous element of the first list + // element (l.Front()). + next, prev *Entry[K, V] + + // The list to which this element belongs. + list *LruList[K, V] + + // The LRU Key of this element. + Key K + + // The Value stored with this element. + Value V + + // The time this element would be cleaned up, optional + ExpiresAt time.Time + + // The expiry bucket item was put in, optional + ExpireBucket uint8 +} + +// PrevEntry returns the previous list element or nil. +func (e *Entry[K, V]) PrevEntry() *Entry[K, V] { + if p := e.prev; e.list != nil && p != &e.list.root { + return p + } + return nil +} + +// LruList represents a doubly linked list. +// The zero Value for LruList is an empty list ready to use. +type LruList[K comparable, V any] struct { + root Entry[K, V] // sentinel list element, only &root, root.prev, and root.next are used + len int // current list Length excluding (this) sentinel element +} + +// Init initializes or clears list l. +func (l *LruList[K, V]) Init() *LruList[K, V] { + l.root.next = &l.root + l.root.prev = &l.root + l.len = 0 + return l +} + +// NewList returns an initialized list. +func NewList[K comparable, V any]() *LruList[K, V] { return new(LruList[K, V]).Init() } + +// Length returns the number of elements of list l. +// The complexity is O(1). +func (l *LruList[K, V]) Length() int { return l.len } + +// Back returns the last element of list l or nil if the list is empty. +func (l *LruList[K, V]) Back() *Entry[K, V] { + if l.len == 0 { + return nil + } + return l.root.prev +} + +// lazyInit lazily initializes a zero List Value. +func (l *LruList[K, V]) lazyInit() { + if l.root.next == nil { + l.Init() + } +} + +// insert inserts e after at, increments l.len, and returns e. +func (l *LruList[K, V]) insert(e, at *Entry[K, V]) *Entry[K, V] { + e.prev = at + e.next = at.next + e.prev.next = e + e.next.prev = e + e.list = l + l.len++ + return e +} + +// insertValue is a convenience wrapper for insert(&Entry{Value: v, ExpiresAt: ExpiresAt}, at). +func (l *LruList[K, V]) insertValue(k K, v V, expiresAt time.Time, at *Entry[K, V]) *Entry[K, V] { + return l.insert(&Entry[K, V]{Value: v, Key: k, ExpiresAt: expiresAt}, at) +} + +// Remove removes e from its list, decrements l.len +func (l *LruList[K, V]) Remove(e *Entry[K, V]) V { + e.prev.next = e.next + e.next.prev = e.prev + e.next = nil // avoid memory leaks + e.prev = nil // avoid memory leaks + e.list = nil + l.len-- + + return e.Value +} + +// move moves e to next to at. +func (l *LruList[K, V]) move(e, at *Entry[K, V]) { + if e == at { + return + } + e.prev.next = e.next + e.next.prev = e.prev + + e.prev = at + e.next = at.next + e.prev.next = e + e.next.prev = e +} + +// PushFront inserts a new element e with value v at the front of list l and returns e. +func (l *LruList[K, V]) PushFront(k K, v V) *Entry[K, V] { + l.lazyInit() + return l.insertValue(k, v, time.Time{}, &l.root) +} + +// PushFrontExpirable inserts a new expirable element e with Value v at the front of list l and returns e. +func (l *LruList[K, V]) PushFrontExpirable(k K, v V, expiresAt time.Time) *Entry[K, V] { + l.lazyInit() + return l.insertValue(k, v, expiresAt, &l.root) +} + +// MoveToFront moves element e to the front of list l. +// If e is not an element of l, the list is not modified. +// The element must not be nil. +func (l *LruList[K, V]) MoveToFront(e *Entry[K, V]) { + if e.list != l || l.root.next == e { + return + } + // see comment in List.Remove about initialization of l + l.move(e, &l.root) +} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/hashicorp/golang-lru/v2/simplelru/list.go b/vendor/github.com/hashicorp/golang-lru/v2/simplelru/list.go deleted file mode 100644 index c39da3c1..00000000 --- a/vendor/github.com/hashicorp/golang-lru/v2/simplelru/list.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,128 +0,0 @@ -// Copyright 2009 The Go Authors. All rights reserved. -// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style -// license that can be found in the LICENSE_list file. - -package simplelru - -// entry is an LRU entry -type entry[K comparable, V any] struct { - // Next and previous pointers in the doubly-linked list of elements. - // To simplify the implementation, internally a list l is implemented - // as a ring, such that &l.root is both the next element of the last - // list element (l.Back()) and the previous element of the first list - // element (l.Front()). - next, prev *entry[K, V] - - // The list to which this element belongs. - list *lruList[K, V] - - // The LRU key of this element. - key K - - // The value stored with this element. - value V -} - -// prevEntry returns the previous list element or nil. -func (e *entry[K, V]) prevEntry() *entry[K, V] { - if p := e.prev; e.list != nil && p != &e.list.root { - return p - } - return nil -} - -// lruList represents a doubly linked list. -// The zero value for lruList is an empty list ready to use. -type lruList[K comparable, V any] struct { - root entry[K, V] // sentinel list element, only &root, root.prev, and root.next are used - len int // current list length excluding (this) sentinel element -} - -// init initializes or clears list l. -func (l *lruList[K, V]) init() *lruList[K, V] { - l.root.next = &l.root - l.root.prev = &l.root - l.len = 0 - return l -} - -// newList returns an initialized list. -func newList[K comparable, V any]() *lruList[K, V] { return new(lruList[K, V]).init() } - -// length returns the number of elements of list l. -// The complexity is O(1). -func (l *lruList[K, V]) length() int { return l.len } - -// back returns the last element of list l or nil if the list is empty. -func (l *lruList[K, V]) back() *entry[K, V] { - if l.len == 0 { - return nil - } - return l.root.prev -} - -// lazyInit lazily initializes a zero List value. -func (l *lruList[K, V]) lazyInit() { - if l.root.next == nil { - l.init() - } -} - -// insert inserts e after at, increments l.len, and returns e. -func (l *lruList[K, V]) insert(e, at *entry[K, V]) *entry[K, V] { - e.prev = at - e.next = at.next - e.prev.next = e - e.next.prev = e - e.list = l - l.len++ - return e -} - -// insertValue is a convenience wrapper for insert(&Element{Value: v}, at). -func (l *lruList[K, V]) insertValue(k K, v V, at *entry[K, V]) *entry[K, V] { - return l.insert(&entry[K, V]{value: v, key: k}, at) -} - -// remove removes e from its list, decrements l.len -func (l *lruList[K, V]) remove(e *entry[K, V]) V { - e.prev.next = e.next - e.next.prev = e.prev - e.next = nil // avoid memory leaks - e.prev = nil // avoid memory leaks - e.list = nil - l.len-- - - return e.value -} - -// move moves e to next to at. -func (l *lruList[K, V]) move(e, at *entry[K, V]) { - if e == at { - return - } - e.prev.next = e.next - e.next.prev = e.prev - - e.prev = at - e.next = at.next - e.prev.next = e - e.next.prev = e -} - -// pushFront inserts a new element e with value v at the front of list l and returns e. -func (l *lruList[K, V]) pushFront(k K, v V) *entry[K, V] { - l.lazyInit() - return l.insertValue(k, v, &l.root) -} - -// moveToFront moves element e to the front of list l. -// If e is not an element of l, the list is not modified. -// The element must not be nil. -func (l *lruList[K, V]) moveToFront(e *entry[K, V]) { - if e.list != l || l.root.next == e { - return - } - // see comment in List.Remove about initialization of l - l.move(e, &l.root) -} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/hashicorp/golang-lru/v2/simplelru/lru.go b/vendor/github.com/hashicorp/golang-lru/v2/simplelru/lru.go index b165ea2a..408239c4 100644 --- a/vendor/github.com/hashicorp/golang-lru/v2/simplelru/lru.go +++ b/vendor/github.com/hashicorp/golang-lru/v2/simplelru/lru.go @@ -5,6 +5,8 @@ package simplelru import ( "errors" + + "github.com/hashicorp/golang-lru/v2/internal" ) // EvictCallback is used to get a callback when a cache entry is evicted @@ -13,8 +15,8 @@ type EvictCallback[K comparable, V any] func(key K, value V) // LRU implements a non-thread safe fixed size LRU cache type LRU[K comparable, V any] struct { size int - evictList *lruList[K, V] - items map[K]*entry[K, V] + evictList *internal.LruList[K, V] + items map[K]*internal.Entry[K, V] onEvict EvictCallback[K, V] } @@ -26,8 +28,8 @@ func NewLRU[K comparable, V any](size int, onEvict EvictCallback[K, V]) (*LRU[K, c := &LRU[K, V]{ size: size, - evictList: newList[K, V](), - items: make(map[K]*entry[K, V]), + evictList: internal.NewList[K, V](), + items: make(map[K]*internal.Entry[K, V]), onEvict: onEvict, } return c, nil @@ -37,30 +39,30 @@ func NewLRU[K comparable, V any](size int, onEvict EvictCallback[K, V]) (*LRU[K, func (c *LRU[K, V]) Purge() { for k, v := range c.items { if c.onEvict != nil { - c.onEvict(k, v.value) + c.onEvict(k, v.Value) } delete(c.items, k) } - c.evictList.init() + c.evictList.Init() } // Add adds a value to the cache. Returns true if an eviction occurred. func (c *LRU[K, V]) Add(key K, value V) (evicted bool) { // Check for existing item if ent, ok := c.items[key]; ok { - c.evictList.moveToFront(ent) + c.evictList.MoveToFront(ent) if c.onEvict != nil { - c.onEvict(key, ent.value) + c.onEvict(key, ent.Value) } - ent.value = value + ent.Value = value return false } // Add new item - ent := c.evictList.pushFront(key, value) + ent := c.evictList.PushFront(key, value) c.items[key] = ent - evict := c.evictList.length() > c.size + evict := c.evictList.Length() > c.size // Verify size not exceeded if evict { c.removeOldest() @@ -71,8 +73,8 @@ func (c *LRU[K, V]) Add(key K, value V) (evicted bool) { // Get looks up a key's value from the cache. func (c *LRU[K, V]) Get(key K) (value V, ok bool) { if ent, ok := c.items[key]; ok { - c.evictList.moveToFront(ent) - return ent.value, true + c.evictList.MoveToFront(ent) + return ent.Value, true } return } @@ -87,9 +89,9 @@ func (c *LRU[K, V]) Contains(key K) (ok bool) { // Peek returns the key value (or undefined if not found) without updating // the "recently used"-ness of the key. func (c *LRU[K, V]) Peek(key K) (value V, ok bool) { - var ent *entry[K, V] + var ent *internal.Entry[K, V] if ent, ok = c.items[key]; ok { - return ent.value, true + return ent.Value, true } return } @@ -106,27 +108,27 @@ func (c *LRU[K, V]) Remove(key K) (present bool) { // RemoveOldest removes the oldest item from the cache. func (c *LRU[K, V]) RemoveOldest() (key K, value V, ok bool) { - if ent := c.evictList.back(); ent != nil { + if ent := c.evictList.Back(); ent != nil { c.removeElement(ent) - return ent.key, ent.value, true + return ent.Key, ent.Value, true } return } // GetOldest returns the oldest entry func (c *LRU[K, V]) GetOldest() (key K, value V, ok bool) { - if ent := c.evictList.back(); ent != nil { - return ent.key, ent.value, true + if ent := c.evictList.Back(); ent != nil { + return ent.Key, ent.Value, true } return } // Keys returns a slice of the keys in the cache, from oldest to newest. func (c *LRU[K, V]) Keys() []K { - keys := make([]K, c.evictList.length()) + keys := make([]K, c.evictList.Length()) i := 0 - for ent := c.evictList.back(); ent != nil; ent = ent.prevEntry() { - keys[i] = ent.key + for ent := c.evictList.Back(); ent != nil; ent = ent.PrevEntry() { + keys[i] = ent.Key i++ } return keys @@ -136,8 +138,8 @@ func (c *LRU[K, V]) Keys() []K { func (c *LRU[K, V]) Values() []V { values := make([]V, len(c.items)) i := 0 - for ent := c.evictList.back(); ent != nil; ent = ent.prevEntry() { - values[i] = ent.value + for ent := c.evictList.Back(); ent != nil; ent = ent.PrevEntry() { + values[i] = ent.Value i++ } return values @@ -145,7 +147,7 @@ func (c *LRU[K, V]) Values() []V { // Len returns the number of items in the cache. func (c *LRU[K, V]) Len() int { - return c.evictList.length() + return c.evictList.Length() } // Resize changes the cache size. @@ -163,16 +165,16 @@ func (c *LRU[K, V]) Resize(size int) (evicted int) { // removeOldest removes the oldest item from the cache. func (c *LRU[K, V]) removeOldest() { - if ent := c.evictList.back(); ent != nil { + if ent := c.evictList.Back(); ent != nil { c.removeElement(ent) } } // removeElement is used to remove a given list element from the cache -func (c *LRU[K, V]) removeElement(e *entry[K, V]) { - c.evictList.remove(e) - delete(c.items, e.key) +func (c *LRU[K, V]) removeElement(e *internal.Entry[K, V]) { + c.evictList.Remove(e) + delete(c.items, e.Key) if c.onEvict != nil { - c.onEvict(e.key, e.value) + c.onEvict(e.Key, e.Value) } } diff --git a/vendor/github.com/klauspost/cpuid/v2/.gitignore b/vendor/github.com/klauspost/cpuid/v2/.gitignore deleted file mode 100644 index daf913b1..00000000 --- a/vendor/github.com/klauspost/cpuid/v2/.gitignore +++ /dev/null @@ -1,24 +0,0 @@ -# Compiled Object files, Static and Dynamic libs (Shared Objects) -*.o -*.a -*.so - -# Folders -_obj -_test - -# Architecture specific extensions/prefixes -*.[568vq] -[568vq].out - -*.cgo1.go -*.cgo2.c -_cgo_defun.c -_cgo_gotypes.go -_cgo_export.* - -_testmain.go - -*.exe -*.test -*.prof diff --git a/vendor/github.com/klauspost/cpuid/v2/.goreleaser.yml b/vendor/github.com/klauspost/cpuid/v2/.goreleaser.yml deleted file mode 100644 index 944cc000..00000000 --- a/vendor/github.com/klauspost/cpuid/v2/.goreleaser.yml +++ /dev/null @@ -1,74 +0,0 @@ -# This is an example goreleaser.yaml file with some sane defaults. -# Make sure to check the documentation at http://goreleaser.com - -builds: - - - id: "cpuid" - binary: cpuid - main: ./cmd/cpuid/main.go - env: - - CGO_ENABLED=0 - flags: - - -ldflags=-s -w - goos: - - aix - - linux - - freebsd - - netbsd - - windows - - darwin - goarch: - - 386 - - amd64 - - arm64 - goarm: - - 7 - -archives: - - - id: cpuid - name_template: "cpuid-{{ .Os }}_{{ .Arch }}_{{ .Version }}" - replacements: - aix: AIX - darwin: OSX - linux: Linux - windows: Windows - 386: i386 - amd64: x86_64 - freebsd: FreeBSD - netbsd: NetBSD - format_overrides: - - goos: windows - format: zip - files: - - LICENSE -checksum: - name_template: 'checksums.txt' -snapshot: - name_template: "{{ .Tag }}-next" -changelog: - sort: asc - filters: - exclude: - - '^doc:' - - '^docs:' - - '^test:' - - '^tests:' - - '^Update\sREADME.md' - -nfpms: - - - file_name_template: "cpuid_package_{{ .Version }}_{{ .Os }}_{{ .Arch }}" - vendor: Klaus Post - homepage: https://github.com/klauspost/cpuid - maintainer: Klaus Post - description: CPUID Tool - license: BSD 3-Clause - formats: - - deb - - rpm - replacements: - darwin: Darwin - linux: Linux - freebsd: FreeBSD - amd64: x86_64 diff --git a/vendor/github.com/klauspost/cpuid/v2/CONTRIBUTING.txt b/vendor/github.com/klauspost/cpuid/v2/CONTRIBUTING.txt deleted file mode 100644 index 2ef4714f..00000000 --- a/vendor/github.com/klauspost/cpuid/v2/CONTRIBUTING.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,35 +0,0 @@ -Developer Certificate of Origin -Version 1.1 - -Copyright (C) 2015- Klaus Post & Contributors. -Email: klauspost@gmail.com - -Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies of this -license document, but changing it is not allowed. - - -Developer's Certificate of Origin 1.1 - -By making a contribution to this project, I certify that: - -(a) The contribution was created in whole or in part by me and I - have the right to submit it under the open source license - indicated in the file; or - -(b) The contribution is based upon previous work that, to the best - of my knowledge, is covered under an appropriate open source - license and I have the right under that license to submit that - work with modifications, whether created in whole or in part - by me, under the same open source license (unless I am - permitted to submit under a different license), as indicated - in the file; or - -(c) The contribution was provided directly to me by some other - person who certified (a), (b) or (c) and I have not modified - it. - -(d) I understand and agree that this project and the contribution - are public and that a record of the contribution (including all - personal information I submit with it, including my sign-off) is - maintained indefinitely and may be redistributed consistent with - this project or the open source license(s) involved. diff --git a/vendor/github.com/klauspost/cpuid/v2/LICENSE b/vendor/github.com/klauspost/cpuid/v2/LICENSE deleted file mode 100644 index 5cec7ee9..00000000 --- a/vendor/github.com/klauspost/cpuid/v2/LICENSE +++ /dev/null @@ -1,22 +0,0 @@ -The MIT License (MIT) - -Copyright (c) 2015 Klaus Post - -Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy -of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal -in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights -to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell -copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is -furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: - -The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all -copies or substantial portions of the Software. - -THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR -IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, -FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE -AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER -LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, -OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE -SOFTWARE. - diff --git a/vendor/github.com/klauspost/cpuid/v2/README.md b/vendor/github.com/klauspost/cpuid/v2/README.md deleted file mode 100644 index 857a93e5..00000000 --- a/vendor/github.com/klauspost/cpuid/v2/README.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,481 +0,0 @@ -# cpuid -Package cpuid provides information about the CPU running the current program. - -CPU features are detected on startup, and kept for fast access through the life of the application. -Currently x86 / x64 (AMD64/i386) and ARM (ARM64) is supported, and no external C (cgo) code is used, which should make the library very easy to use. - -You can access the CPU information by accessing the shared CPU variable of the cpuid library. - -Package home: https://github.com/klauspost/cpuid - -[![PkgGoDev](https://pkg.go.dev/badge/github.com/klauspost/cpuid)](https://pkg.go.dev/github.com/klauspost/cpuid/v2) -[![Build Status][3]][4] - -[3]: https://travis-ci.org/klauspost/cpuid.svg?branch=master -[4]: https://travis-ci.org/klauspost/cpuid - -## installing - -`go get -u github.com/klauspost/cpuid/v2` using modules. -Drop `v2` for others. - -### Homebrew - -For macOS/Linux users, you can install via [brew](https://brew.sh/) - -```sh -$ brew install cpuid -``` - -## example - -```Go -package main - -import ( - "fmt" - "strings" - - . "github.com/klauspost/cpuid/v2" -) - -func main() { - // Print basic CPU information: - fmt.Println("Name:", CPU.BrandName) - fmt.Println("PhysicalCores:", CPU.PhysicalCores) - fmt.Println("ThreadsPerCore:", CPU.ThreadsPerCore) - fmt.Println("LogicalCores:", CPU.LogicalCores) - fmt.Println("Family", CPU.Family, "Model:", CPU.Model, "Vendor ID:", CPU.VendorID) - fmt.Println("Features:", strings.Join(CPU.FeatureSet(), ",")) - fmt.Println("Cacheline bytes:", CPU.CacheLine) - fmt.Println("L1 Data Cache:", CPU.Cache.L1D, "bytes") - fmt.Println("L1 Instruction Cache:", CPU.Cache.L1I, "bytes") - fmt.Println("L2 Cache:", CPU.Cache.L2, "bytes") - fmt.Println("L3 Cache:", CPU.Cache.L3, "bytes") - fmt.Println("Frequency", CPU.Hz, "hz") - - // Test if we have these specific features: - if CPU.Supports(SSE, SSE2) { - fmt.Println("We have Streaming SIMD 2 Extensions") - } -} -``` - -Sample output: -``` ->go run main.go -Name: AMD Ryzen 9 3950X 16-Core Processor -PhysicalCores: 16 -ThreadsPerCore: 2 -LogicalCores: 32 -Family 23 Model: 113 Vendor ID: AMD -Features: ADX,AESNI,AVX,AVX2,BMI1,BMI2,CLMUL,CMOV,CX16,F16C,FMA3,HTT,HYPERVISOR,LZCNT,MMX,MMXEXT,NX,POPCNT,RDRAND,RDSEED,RDTSCP,SHA,SSE,SSE2,SSE3,SSE4,SSE42,SSE4A,SSSE3 -Cacheline bytes: 64 -L1 Data Cache: 32768 bytes -L1 Instruction Cache: 32768 bytes -L2 Cache: 524288 bytes -L3 Cache: 16777216 bytes -Frequency 0 hz -We have Streaming SIMD 2 Extensions -``` - -# usage - -The `cpuid.CPU` provides access to CPU features. Use `cpuid.CPU.Supports()` to check for CPU features. -A faster `cpuid.CPU.Has()` is provided which will usually be inlined by the gc compiler. - -To test a larger number of features, they can be combined using `f := CombineFeatures(CMOV, CMPXCHG8, X87, FXSR, MMX, SYSCALL, SSE, SSE2)`, etc. -This can be using with `cpuid.CPU.HasAll(f)` to quickly test if all features are supported. - -Note that for some cpu/os combinations some features will not be detected. -`amd64` has rather good support and should work reliably on all platforms. - -Note that hypervisors may not pass through all CPU features through to the guest OS, -so even if your host supports a feature it may not be visible on guests. - -## arm64 feature detection - -Not all operating systems provide ARM features directly -and there is no safe way to do so for the rest. - -Currently `arm64/linux` and `arm64/freebsd` should be quite reliable. -`arm64/darwin` adds features expected from the M1 processor, but a lot remains undetected. - -A `DetectARM()` can be used if you are able to control your deployment, -it will detect CPU features, but may crash if the OS doesn't intercept the calls. -A `-cpu.arm` flag for detecting unsafe ARM features can be added. See below. - -Note that currently only features are detected on ARM, -no additional information is currently available. - -## flags - -It is possible to add flags that affects cpu detection. - -For this the `Flags()` command is provided. - -This must be called *before* `flag.Parse()` AND after the flags have been parsed `Detect()` must be called. - -This means that any detection used in `init()` functions will not contain these flags. - -Example: - -```Go -package main - -import ( - "flag" - "fmt" - "strings" - - "github.com/klauspost/cpuid/v2" -) - -func main() { - cpuid.Flags() - flag.Parse() - cpuid.Detect() - - // Test if we have these specific features: - if cpuid.CPU.Supports(cpuid.SSE, cpuid.SSE2) { - fmt.Println("We have Streaming SIMD 2 Extensions") - } -} -``` - -## commandline - -Download as binary from: https://github.com/klauspost/cpuid/releases - -Install from source: - -`go install github.com/klauspost/cpuid/v2/cmd/cpuid@latest` - -### Example - -``` -λ cpuid -Name: AMD Ryzen 9 3950X 16-Core Processor -Vendor String: AuthenticAMD -Vendor ID: AMD -PhysicalCores: 16 -Threads Per Core: 2 -Logical Cores: 32 -CPU Family 23 Model: 113 -Features: ADX,AESNI,AVX,AVX2,BMI1,BMI2,CLMUL,CLZERO,CMOV,CMPXCHG8,CPBOOST,CX16,F16C,FMA3,FXSR,FXSROPT,HTT,HYPERVISOR,LAHF,LZCNT,MCAOVERFLOW,MMX,MMXEXT,MOVBE,NX,OSXSAVE,POPCNT,RDRAND,RDSEED,RDTSCP,SCE,SHA,SSE,SSE2,SSE3,SSE4,SSE42,SSE4A,SSSE3,SUCCOR,X87,XSAVE -Microarchitecture level: 3 -Cacheline bytes: 64 -L1 Instruction Cache: 32768 bytes -L1 Data Cache: 32768 bytes -L2 Cache: 524288 bytes -L3 Cache: 16777216 bytes - -``` -### JSON Output: - -``` -λ cpuid --json -{ - "BrandName": "AMD Ryzen 9 3950X 16-Core Processor", - "VendorID": 2, - "VendorString": "AuthenticAMD", - "PhysicalCores": 16, - "ThreadsPerCore": 2, - "LogicalCores": 32, - "Family": 23, - "Model": 113, - "CacheLine": 64, - "Hz": 0, - "BoostFreq": 0, - "Cache": { - "L1I": 32768, - "L1D": 32768, - "L2": 524288, - "L3": 16777216 - }, - "SGX": { - "Available": false, - "LaunchControl": false, - "SGX1Supported": false, - "SGX2Supported": false, - "MaxEnclaveSizeNot64": 0, - "MaxEnclaveSize64": 0, - "EPCSections": null - }, - "Features": [ - "ADX", - "AESNI", - "AVX", - "AVX2", - "BMI1", - "BMI2", - "CLMUL", - "CLZERO", - "CMOV", - "CMPXCHG8", - "CPBOOST", - "CX16", - "F16C", - "FMA3", - "FXSR", - "FXSROPT", - "HTT", - "HYPERVISOR", - "LAHF", - "LZCNT", - "MCAOVERFLOW", - "MMX", - "MMXEXT", - "MOVBE", - "NX", - "OSXSAVE", - "POPCNT", - "RDRAND", - "RDSEED", - "RDTSCP", - "SCE", - "SHA", - "SSE", - "SSE2", - "SSE3", - "SSE4", - "SSE42", - "SSE4A", - "SSSE3", - "SUCCOR", - "X87", - "XSAVE" - ], - "X64Level": 3 -} -``` - -### Check CPU microarch level - -``` -λ cpuid --check-level=3 -2022/03/18 17:04:40 AMD Ryzen 9 3950X 16-Core Processor -2022/03/18 17:04:40 Microarchitecture level 3 is supported. Max level is 3. -Exit Code 0 - -λ cpuid --check-level=4 -2022/03/18 17:06:18 AMD Ryzen 9 3950X 16-Core Processor -2022/03/18 17:06:18 Microarchitecture level 4 not supported. Max level is 3. -Exit Code 1 -``` - - -## Available flags - -### x86 & amd64 - -| Feature Flag | Description | -|--------------------|------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| -| ADX | Intel ADX (Multi-Precision Add-Carry Instruction Extensions) | -| AESNI | Advanced Encryption Standard New Instructions | -| AMD3DNOW | AMD 3DNOW | -| AMD3DNOWEXT | AMD 3DNowExt | -| AMXBF16 | Tile computational operations on BFLOAT16 numbers | -| AMXINT8 | Tile computational operations on 8-bit integers | -| AMXFP16 | Tile computational operations on FP16 numbers | -| AMXTILE | Tile architecture | -| AVX | AVX functions | -| AVX2 | AVX2 functions | -| AVX512BF16 | AVX-512 BFLOAT16 Instructions | -| AVX512BITALG | AVX-512 Bit Algorithms | -| AVX512BW | AVX-512 Byte and Word Instructions | -| AVX512CD | AVX-512 Conflict Detection Instructions | -| AVX512DQ | AVX-512 Doubleword and Quadword Instructions | -| AVX512ER | AVX-512 Exponential and Reciprocal Instructions | -| AVX512F | AVX-512 Foundation | -| AVX512FP16 | AVX-512 FP16 Instructions | -| AVX512IFMA | AVX-512 Integer Fused Multiply-Add Instructions | -| AVX512PF | AVX-512 Prefetch Instructions | -| AVX512VBMI | AVX-512 Vector Bit Manipulation Instructions | -| AVX512VBMI2 | AVX-512 Vector Bit Manipulation Instructions, Version 2 | -| AVX512VL | AVX-512 Vector Length Extensions | -| AVX512VNNI | AVX-512 Vector Neural Network Instructions | -| AVX512VP2INTERSECT | AVX-512 Intersect for D/Q | -| AVX512VPOPCNTDQ | AVX-512 Vector Population Count Doubleword and Quadword | -| AVXIFMA | AVX-IFMA instructions | -| AVXNECONVERT | AVX-NE-CONVERT instructions | -| AVXSLOW | Indicates the CPU performs 2 128 bit operations instead of one | -| AVXVNNI | AVX (VEX encoded) VNNI neural network instructions | -| AVXVNNIINT8 | AVX-VNNI-INT8 instructions | -| BMI1 | Bit Manipulation Instruction Set 1 | -| BMI2 | Bit Manipulation Instruction Set 2 | -| CETIBT | Intel CET Indirect Branch Tracking | -| CETSS | Intel CET Shadow Stack | -| CLDEMOTE | Cache Line Demote | -| CLMUL | Carry-less Multiplication | -| CLZERO | CLZERO instruction supported | -| CMOV | i686 CMOV | -| CMPCCXADD | CMPCCXADD instructions | -| CMPSB_SCADBS_SHORT | Fast short CMPSB and SCASB | -| CMPXCHG8 | CMPXCHG8 instruction | -| CPBOOST | Core Performance Boost | -| CPPC | AMD: Collaborative Processor Performance Control | -| CX16 | CMPXCHG16B Instruction | -| EFER_LMSLE_UNS | AMD: =Core::X86::Msr::EFER[LMSLE] is not supported, and MBZ | -| ENQCMD | Enqueue Command | -| ERMS | Enhanced REP MOVSB/STOSB | -| F16C | Half-precision floating-point conversion | -| FLUSH_L1D | Flush L1D cache | -| FMA3 | Intel FMA 3. Does not imply AVX. | -| FMA4 | Bulldozer FMA4 functions | -| FP128 | AMD: When set, the internal FP/SIMD execution datapath is 128-bits wide | -| FP256 | AMD: When set, the internal FP/SIMD execution datapath is 256-bits wide | -| FSRM | Fast Short Rep Mov | -| FXSR | FXSAVE, FXRESTOR instructions, CR4 bit 9 | -| FXSROPT | FXSAVE/FXRSTOR optimizations | -| GFNI | Galois Field New Instructions. May require other features (AVX, AVX512VL,AVX512F) based on usage. | -| HLE | Hardware Lock Elision | -| HRESET | If set CPU supports history reset and the IA32_HRESET_ENABLE MSR | -| HTT | Hyperthreading (enabled) | -| HWA | Hardware assert supported. Indicates support for MSRC001_10 | -| HYBRID_CPU | This part has CPUs of more than one type. | -| HYPERVISOR | This bit has been reserved by Intel & AMD for use by hypervisors | -| IA32_ARCH_CAP | IA32_ARCH_CAPABILITIES MSR (Intel) | -| IA32_CORE_CAP | IA32_CORE_CAPABILITIES MSR | -| IBPB | Indirect Branch Restricted Speculation (IBRS) and Indirect Branch Predictor Barrier (IBPB) | -| IBRS | AMD: Indirect Branch Restricted Speculation | -| IBRS_PREFERRED | AMD: IBRS is preferred over software solution | -| IBRS_PROVIDES_SMP | AMD: IBRS provides Same Mode Protection | -| IBS | Instruction Based Sampling (AMD) | -| IBSBRNTRGT | Instruction Based Sampling Feature (AMD) | -| IBSFETCHSAM | Instruction Based Sampling Feature (AMD) | -| IBSFFV | Instruction Based Sampling Feature (AMD) | -| IBSOPCNT | Instruction Based Sampling Feature (AMD) | -| IBSOPCNTEXT | Instruction Based Sampling Feature (AMD) | -| IBSOPSAM | Instruction Based Sampling Feature (AMD) | -| IBSRDWROPCNT | Instruction Based Sampling Feature (AMD) | -| IBSRIPINVALIDCHK | Instruction Based Sampling Feature (AMD) | -| IBS_FETCH_CTLX | AMD: IBS fetch control extended MSR supported | -| IBS_OPDATA4 | AMD: IBS op data 4 MSR supported | -| IBS_OPFUSE | AMD: Indicates support for IbsOpFuse | -| IBS_PREVENTHOST | Disallowing IBS use by the host supported | -| IBS_ZEN4 | Fetch and Op IBS support IBS extensions added with Zen4 | -| INT_WBINVD | WBINVD/WBNOINVD are interruptible. | -| INVLPGB | NVLPGB and TLBSYNC instruction supported | -| LAHF | LAHF/SAHF in long mode | -| LAM | If set, CPU supports Linear Address Masking | -| LBRVIRT | LBR virtualization | -| LZCNT | LZCNT instruction | -| MCAOVERFLOW | MCA overflow recovery support. | -| MCDT_NO | Processor do not exhibit MXCSR Configuration Dependent Timing behavior and do not need to mitigate it. | -| MCOMMIT | MCOMMIT instruction supported | -| MD_CLEAR | VERW clears CPU buffers | -| MMX | standard MMX | -| MMXEXT | SSE integer functions or AMD MMX ext | -| MOVBE | MOVBE instruction (big-endian) | -| MOVDIR64B | Move 64 Bytes as Direct Store | -| MOVDIRI | Move Doubleword as Direct Store | -| MOVSB_ZL | Fast Zero-Length MOVSB | -| MPX | Intel MPX (Memory Protection Extensions) | -| MOVU | MOVU SSE instructions are more efficient and should be preferred to SSE MOVL/MOVH. MOVUPS is more efficient than MOVLPS/MOVHPS. MOVUPD is more efficient than MOVLPD/MOVHPD | -| MSRIRC | Instruction Retired Counter MSR available | -| MSR_PAGEFLUSH | Page Flush MSR available | -| NRIPS | Indicates support for NRIP save on VMEXIT | -| NX | NX (No-Execute) bit | -| OSXSAVE | XSAVE enabled by OS | -| PCONFIG | PCONFIG for Intel Multi-Key Total Memory Encryption | -| POPCNT | POPCNT instruction | -| PPIN | AMD: Protected Processor Inventory Number support. Indicates that Protected Processor Inventory Number (PPIN) capability can be enabled | -| PREFETCHI | PREFETCHIT0/1 instructions | -| PSFD | AMD: Predictive Store Forward Disable | -| RDPRU | RDPRU instruction supported | -| RDRAND | RDRAND instruction is available | -| RDSEED | RDSEED instruction is available | -| RDTSCP | RDTSCP Instruction | -| RTM | Restricted Transactional Memory | -| RTM_ALWAYS_ABORT | Indicates that the loaded microcode is forcing RTM abort. | -| SERIALIZE | Serialize Instruction Execution | -| SEV | AMD Secure Encrypted Virtualization supported | -| SEV_64BIT | AMD SEV guest execution only allowed from a 64-bit host | -| SEV_ALTERNATIVE | AMD SEV Alternate Injection supported | -| SEV_DEBUGSWAP | Full debug state swap supported for SEV-ES guests | -| SEV_ES | AMD SEV Encrypted State supported | -| SEV_RESTRICTED | AMD SEV Restricted Injection supported | -| SEV_SNP | AMD SEV Secure Nested Paging supported | -| SGX | Software Guard Extensions | -| SGXLC | Software Guard Extensions Launch Control | -| SHA | Intel SHA Extensions | -| SME | AMD Secure Memory Encryption supported | -| SME_COHERENT | AMD Hardware cache coherency across encryption domains enforced | -| SPEC_CTRL_SSBD | Speculative Store Bypass Disable | -| SRBDS_CTRL | SRBDS mitigation MSR available | -| SSE | SSE functions | -| SSE2 | P4 SSE functions | -| SSE3 | Prescott SSE3 functions | -| SSE4 | Penryn SSE4.1 functions | -| SSE42 | Nehalem SSE4.2 functions | -| SSE4A | AMD Barcelona microarchitecture SSE4a instructions | -| SSSE3 | Conroe SSSE3 functions | -| STIBP | Single Thread Indirect Branch Predictors | -| STIBP_ALWAYSON | AMD: Single Thread Indirect Branch Prediction Mode has Enhanced Performance and may be left Always On | -| STOSB_SHORT | Fast short STOSB | -| SUCCOR | Software uncorrectable error containment and recovery capability. | -| SVM | AMD Secure Virtual Machine | -| SVMDA | Indicates support for the SVM decode assists. | -| SVMFBASID | SVM, Indicates that TLB flush events, including CR3 writes and CR4.PGE toggles, flush only the current ASID's TLB entries. Also indicates support for the extended VMCBTLB_Control | -| SVML | AMD SVM lock. Indicates support for SVM-Lock. | -| SVMNP | AMD SVM nested paging | -| SVMPF | SVM pause intercept filter. Indicates support for the pause intercept filter | -| SVMPFT | SVM PAUSE filter threshold. Indicates support for the PAUSE filter cycle count threshold | -| SYSCALL | System-Call Extension (SCE): SYSCALL and SYSRET instructions. | -| SYSEE | SYSENTER and SYSEXIT instructions | -| TBM | AMD Trailing Bit Manipulation | -| TLB_FLUSH_NESTED | AMD: Flushing includes all the nested translations for guest translations | -| TME | Intel Total Memory Encryption. The following MSRs are supported: IA32_TME_CAPABILITY, IA32_TME_ACTIVATE, IA32_TME_EXCLUDE_MASK, and IA32_TME_EXCLUDE_BASE. | -| TOPEXT | TopologyExtensions: topology extensions support. Indicates support for CPUID Fn8000_001D_EAX_x[N:0]-CPUID Fn8000_001E_EDX. | -| TSCRATEMSR | MSR based TSC rate control. Indicates support for MSR TSC ratio MSRC000_0104 | -| TSXLDTRK | Intel TSX Suspend Load Address Tracking | -| VAES | Vector AES. AVX(512) versions requires additional checks. | -| VMCBCLEAN | VMCB clean bits. Indicates support for VMCB clean bits. | -| VMPL | AMD VM Permission Levels supported | -| VMSA_REGPROT | AMD VMSA Register Protection supported | -| VMX | Virtual Machine Extensions | -| VPCLMULQDQ | Carry-Less Multiplication Quadword. Requires AVX for 3 register versions. | -| VTE | AMD Virtual Transparent Encryption supported | -| WAITPKG | TPAUSE, UMONITOR, UMWAIT | -| WBNOINVD | Write Back and Do Not Invalidate Cache | -| X87 | FPU | -| XGETBV1 | Supports XGETBV with ECX = 1 | -| XOP | Bulldozer XOP functions | -| XSAVE | XSAVE, XRESTOR, XSETBV, XGETBV | -| XSAVEC | Supports XSAVEC and the compacted form of XRSTOR. | -| XSAVEOPT | XSAVEOPT available | -| XSAVES | Supports XSAVES/XRSTORS and IA32_XSS | - -# ARM features: - -| Feature Flag | Description | -|--------------|------------------------------------------------------------------| -| AESARM | AES instructions | -| ARMCPUID | Some CPU ID registers readable at user-level | -| ASIMD | Advanced SIMD | -| ASIMDDP | SIMD Dot Product | -| ASIMDHP | Advanced SIMD half-precision floating point | -| ASIMDRDM | Rounding Double Multiply Accumulate/Subtract (SQRDMLAH/SQRDMLSH) | -| ATOMICS | Large System Extensions (LSE) | -| CRC32 | CRC32/CRC32C instructions | -| DCPOP | Data cache clean to Point of Persistence (DC CVAP) | -| EVTSTRM | Generic timer | -| FCMA | Floatin point complex number addition and multiplication | -| FP | Single-precision and double-precision floating point | -| FPHP | Half-precision floating point | -| GPA | Generic Pointer Authentication | -| JSCVT | Javascript-style double->int convert (FJCVTZS) | -| LRCPC | Weaker release consistency (LDAPR, etc) | -| PMULL | Polynomial Multiply instructions (PMULL/PMULL2) | -| SHA1 | SHA-1 instructions (SHA1C, etc) | -| SHA2 | SHA-2 instructions (SHA256H, etc) | -| SHA3 | SHA-3 instructions (EOR3, RAXI, XAR, BCAX) | -| SHA512 | SHA512 instructions | -| SM3 | SM3 instructions | -| SM4 | SM4 instructions | -| SVE | Scalable Vector Extension | - -# license - -This code is published under an MIT license. See LICENSE file for more information. diff --git a/vendor/github.com/klauspost/cpuid/v2/cpuid.go b/vendor/github.com/klauspost/cpuid/v2/cpuid.go deleted file mode 100644 index cf2ae9c5..00000000 --- a/vendor/github.com/klauspost/cpuid/v2/cpuid.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,1407 +0,0 @@ -// Copyright (c) 2015 Klaus Post, released under MIT License. See LICENSE file. - -// Package cpuid provides information about the CPU running the current program. -// -// CPU features are detected on startup, and kept for fast access through the life of the application. -// Currently x86 / x64 (AMD64) as well as arm64 is supported. -// -// You can access the CPU information by accessing the shared CPU variable of the cpuid library. -// -// Package home: https://github.com/klauspost/cpuid -package cpuid - -import ( - "flag" - "fmt" - "math" - "math/bits" - "os" - "runtime" - "strings" -) - -// AMD refererence: https://www.amd.com/system/files/TechDocs/25481.pdf -// and Processor Programming Reference (PPR) - -// Vendor is a representation of a CPU vendor. -type Vendor int - -const ( - VendorUnknown Vendor = iota - Intel - AMD - VIA - Transmeta - NSC - KVM // Kernel-based Virtual Machine - MSVM // Microsoft Hyper-V or Windows Virtual PC - VMware - XenHVM - Bhyve - Hygon - SiS - RDC - - Ampere - ARM - Broadcom - Cavium - DEC - Fujitsu - Infineon - Motorola - NVIDIA - AMCC - Qualcomm - Marvell - - lastVendor -) - -//go:generate stringer -type=FeatureID,Vendor - -// FeatureID is the ID of a specific cpu feature. -type FeatureID int - -const ( - // Keep index -1 as unknown - UNKNOWN = -1 - - // Add features - ADX FeatureID = iota // Intel ADX (Multi-Precision Add-Carry Instruction Extensions) - AESNI // Advanced Encryption Standard New Instructions - AMD3DNOW // AMD 3DNOW - AMD3DNOWEXT // AMD 3DNowExt - AMXBF16 // Tile computational operations on BFLOAT16 numbers - AMXFP16 // Tile computational operations on FP16 numbers - AMXINT8 // Tile computational operations on 8-bit integers - AMXTILE // Tile architecture - AVX // AVX functions - AVX2 // AVX2 functions - AVX512BF16 // AVX-512 BFLOAT16 Instructions - AVX512BITALG // AVX-512 Bit Algorithms - AVX512BW // AVX-512 Byte and Word Instructions - AVX512CD // AVX-512 Conflict Detection Instructions - AVX512DQ // AVX-512 Doubleword and Quadword Instructions - AVX512ER // AVX-512 Exponential and Reciprocal Instructions - AVX512F // AVX-512 Foundation - AVX512FP16 // AVX-512 FP16 Instructions - AVX512IFMA // AVX-512 Integer Fused Multiply-Add Instructions - AVX512PF // AVX-512 Prefetch Instructions - AVX512VBMI // AVX-512 Vector Bit Manipulation Instructions - AVX512VBMI2 // AVX-512 Vector Bit Manipulation Instructions, Version 2 - AVX512VL // AVX-512 Vector Length Extensions - AVX512VNNI // AVX-512 Vector Neural Network Instructions - AVX512VP2INTERSECT // AVX-512 Intersect for D/Q - AVX512VPOPCNTDQ // AVX-512 Vector Population Count Doubleword and Quadword - AVXIFMA // AVX-IFMA instructions - AVXNECONVERT // AVX-NE-CONVERT instructions - AVXSLOW // Indicates the CPU performs 2 128 bit operations instead of one - AVXVNNI // AVX (VEX encoded) VNNI neural network instructions - AVXVNNIINT8 // AVX-VNNI-INT8 instructions - BMI1 // Bit Manipulation Instruction Set 1 - BMI2 // Bit Manipulation Instruction Set 2 - CETIBT // Intel CET Indirect Branch Tracking - CETSS // Intel CET Shadow Stack - CLDEMOTE // Cache Line Demote - CLMUL // Carry-less Multiplication - CLZERO // CLZERO instruction supported - CMOV // i686 CMOV - CMPCCXADD // CMPCCXADD instructions - CMPSB_SCADBS_SHORT // Fast short CMPSB and SCASB - CMPXCHG8 // CMPXCHG8 instruction - CPBOOST // Core Performance Boost - CPPC // AMD: Collaborative Processor Performance Control - CX16 // CMPXCHG16B Instruction - EFER_LMSLE_UNS // AMD: =Core::X86::Msr::EFER[LMSLE] is not supported, and MBZ - ENQCMD // Enqueue Command - ERMS // Enhanced REP MOVSB/STOSB - F16C // Half-precision floating-point conversion - FLUSH_L1D // Flush L1D cache - FMA3 // Intel FMA 3. Does not imply AVX. - FMA4 // Bulldozer FMA4 functions - FP128 // AMD: When set, the internal FP/SIMD execution datapath is no more than 128-bits wide - FP256 // AMD: When set, the internal FP/SIMD execution datapath is no more than 256-bits wide - FSRM // Fast Short Rep Mov - FXSR // FXSAVE, FXRESTOR instructions, CR4 bit 9 - FXSROPT // FXSAVE/FXRSTOR optimizations - GFNI // Galois Field New Instructions. May require other features (AVX, AVX512VL,AVX512F) based on usage. - HLE // Hardware Lock Elision - HRESET // If set CPU supports history reset and the IA32_HRESET_ENABLE MSR - HTT // Hyperthreading (enabled) - HWA // Hardware assert supported. Indicates support for MSRC001_10 - HYBRID_CPU // This part has CPUs of more than one type. - HYPERVISOR // This bit has been reserved by Intel & AMD for use by hypervisors - IA32_ARCH_CAP // IA32_ARCH_CAPABILITIES MSR (Intel) - IA32_CORE_CAP // IA32_CORE_CAPABILITIES MSR - IBPB // Indirect Branch Restricted Speculation (IBRS) and Indirect Branch Predictor Barrier (IBPB) - IBRS // AMD: Indirect Branch Restricted Speculation - IBRS_PREFERRED // AMD: IBRS is preferred over software solution - IBRS_PROVIDES_SMP // AMD: IBRS provides Same Mode Protection - IBS // Instruction Based Sampling (AMD) - IBSBRNTRGT // Instruction Based Sampling Feature (AMD) - IBSFETCHSAM // Instruction Based Sampling Feature (AMD) - IBSFFV // Instruction Based Sampling Feature (AMD) - IBSOPCNT // Instruction Based Sampling Feature (AMD) - IBSOPCNTEXT // Instruction Based Sampling Feature (AMD) - IBSOPSAM // Instruction Based Sampling Feature (AMD) - IBSRDWROPCNT // Instruction Based Sampling Feature (AMD) - IBSRIPINVALIDCHK // Instruction Based Sampling Feature (AMD) - IBS_FETCH_CTLX // AMD: IBS fetch control extended MSR supported - IBS_OPDATA4 // AMD: IBS op data 4 MSR supported - IBS_OPFUSE // AMD: Indicates support for IbsOpFuse - IBS_PREVENTHOST // Disallowing IBS use by the host supported - IBS_ZEN4 // AMD: Fetch and Op IBS support IBS extensions added with Zen4 - INT_WBINVD // WBINVD/WBNOINVD are interruptible. - INVLPGB // NVLPGB and TLBSYNC instruction supported - LAHF // LAHF/SAHF in long mode - LAM // If set, CPU supports Linear Address Masking - LBRVIRT // LBR virtualization - LZCNT // LZCNT instruction - MCAOVERFLOW // MCA overflow recovery support. - MCDT_NO // Processor do not exhibit MXCSR Configuration Dependent Timing behavior and do not need to mitigate it. - MCOMMIT // MCOMMIT instruction supported - MD_CLEAR // VERW clears CPU buffers - MMX // standard MMX - MMXEXT // SSE integer functions or AMD MMX ext - MOVBE // MOVBE instruction (big-endian) - MOVDIR64B // Move 64 Bytes as Direct Store - MOVDIRI // Move Doubleword as Direct Store - MOVSB_ZL // Fast Zero-Length MOVSB - MOVU // AMD: MOVU SSE instructions are more efficient and should be preferred to SSE MOVL/MOVH. MOVUPS is more efficient than MOVLPS/MOVHPS. MOVUPD is more efficient than MOVLPD/MOVHPD - MPX // Intel MPX (Memory Protection Extensions) - MSRIRC // Instruction Retired Counter MSR available - MSR_PAGEFLUSH // Page Flush MSR available - NRIPS // Indicates support for NRIP save on VMEXIT - NX // NX (No-Execute) bit - OSXSAVE // XSAVE enabled by OS - PCONFIG // PCONFIG for Intel Multi-Key Total Memory Encryption - POPCNT // POPCNT instruction - PPIN // AMD: Protected Processor Inventory Number support. Indicates that Protected Processor Inventory Number (PPIN) capability can be enabled - PREFETCHI // PREFETCHIT0/1 instructions - PSFD // AMD: Predictive Store Forward Disable - RDPRU // RDPRU instruction supported - RDRAND // RDRAND instruction is available - RDSEED // RDSEED instruction is available - RDTSCP // RDTSCP Instruction - RTM // Restricted Transactional Memory - RTM_ALWAYS_ABORT // Indicates that the loaded microcode is forcing RTM abort. - SERIALIZE // Serialize Instruction Execution - SEV // AMD Secure Encrypted Virtualization supported - SEV_64BIT // AMD SEV guest execution only allowed from a 64-bit host - SEV_ALTERNATIVE // AMD SEV Alternate Injection supported - SEV_DEBUGSWAP // Full debug state swap supported for SEV-ES guests - SEV_ES // AMD SEV Encrypted State supported - SEV_RESTRICTED // AMD SEV Restricted Injection supported - SEV_SNP // AMD SEV Secure Nested Paging supported - SGX // Software Guard Extensions - SGXLC // Software Guard Extensions Launch Control - SHA // Intel SHA Extensions - SME // AMD Secure Memory Encryption supported - SME_COHERENT // AMD Hardware cache coherency across encryption domains enforced - SPEC_CTRL_SSBD // Speculative Store Bypass Disable - SRBDS_CTRL // SRBDS mitigation MSR available - SSE // SSE functions - SSE2 // P4 SSE functions - SSE3 // Prescott SSE3 functions - SSE4 // Penryn SSE4.1 functions - SSE42 // Nehalem SSE4.2 functions - SSE4A // AMD Barcelona microarchitecture SSE4a instructions - SSSE3 // Conroe SSSE3 functions - STIBP // Single Thread Indirect Branch Predictors - STIBP_ALWAYSON // AMD: Single Thread Indirect Branch Prediction Mode has Enhanced Performance and may be left Always On - STOSB_SHORT // Fast short STOSB - SUCCOR // Software uncorrectable error containment and recovery capability. - SVM // AMD Secure Virtual Machine - SVMDA // Indicates support for the SVM decode assists. - SVMFBASID // SVM, Indicates that TLB flush events, including CR3 writes and CR4.PGE toggles, flush only the current ASID's TLB entries. Also indicates support for the extended VMCBTLB_Control - SVML // AMD SVM lock. Indicates support for SVM-Lock. - SVMNP // AMD SVM nested paging - SVMPF // SVM pause intercept filter. Indicates support for the pause intercept filter - SVMPFT // SVM PAUSE filter threshold. Indicates support for the PAUSE filter cycle count threshold - SYSCALL // System-Call Extension (SCE): SYSCALL and SYSRET instructions. - SYSEE // SYSENTER and SYSEXIT instructions - TBM // AMD Trailing Bit Manipulation - TLB_FLUSH_NESTED // AMD: Flushing includes all the nested translations for guest translations - TME // Intel Total Memory Encryption. The following MSRs are supported: IA32_TME_CAPABILITY, IA32_TME_ACTIVATE, IA32_TME_EXCLUDE_MASK, and IA32_TME_EXCLUDE_BASE. - TOPEXT // TopologyExtensions: topology extensions support. Indicates support for CPUID Fn8000_001D_EAX_x[N:0]-CPUID Fn8000_001E_EDX. - TSCRATEMSR // MSR based TSC rate control. Indicates support for MSR TSC ratio MSRC000_0104 - TSXLDTRK // Intel TSX Suspend Load Address Tracking - VAES // Vector AES. AVX(512) versions requires additional checks. - VMCBCLEAN // VMCB clean bits. Indicates support for VMCB clean bits. - VMPL // AMD VM Permission Levels supported - VMSA_REGPROT // AMD VMSA Register Protection supported - VMX // Virtual Machine Extensions - VPCLMULQDQ // Carry-Less Multiplication Quadword. Requires AVX for 3 register versions. - VTE // AMD Virtual Transparent Encryption supported - WAITPKG // TPAUSE, UMONITOR, UMWAIT - WBNOINVD // Write Back and Do Not Invalidate Cache - X87 // FPU - XGETBV1 // Supports XGETBV with ECX = 1 - XOP // Bulldozer XOP functions - XSAVE // XSAVE, XRESTOR, XSETBV, XGETBV - XSAVEC // Supports XSAVEC and the compacted form of XRSTOR. - XSAVEOPT // XSAVEOPT available - XSAVES // Supports XSAVES/XRSTORS and IA32_XSS - - // ARM features: - AESARM // AES instructions - ARMCPUID // Some CPU ID registers readable at user-level - ASIMD // Advanced SIMD - ASIMDDP // SIMD Dot Product - ASIMDHP // Advanced SIMD half-precision floating point - ASIMDRDM // Rounding Double Multiply Accumulate/Subtract (SQRDMLAH/SQRDMLSH) - ATOMICS // Large System Extensions (LSE) - CRC32 // CRC32/CRC32C instructions - DCPOP // Data cache clean to Point of Persistence (DC CVAP) - EVTSTRM // Generic timer - FCMA // Floatin point complex number addition and multiplication - FP // Single-precision and double-precision floating point - FPHP // Half-precision floating point - GPA // Generic Pointer Authentication - JSCVT // Javascript-style double->int convert (FJCVTZS) - LRCPC // Weaker release consistency (LDAPR, etc) - PMULL // Polynomial Multiply instructions (PMULL/PMULL2) - SHA1 // SHA-1 instructions (SHA1C, etc) - SHA2 // SHA-2 instructions (SHA256H, etc) - SHA3 // SHA-3 instructions (EOR3, RAXI, XAR, BCAX) - SHA512 // SHA512 instructions - SM3 // SM3 instructions - SM4 // SM4 instructions - SVE // Scalable Vector Extension - // Keep it last. It automatically defines the size of []flagSet - lastID - - firstID FeatureID = UNKNOWN + 1 -) - -// CPUInfo contains information about the detected system CPU. -type CPUInfo struct { - BrandName string // Brand name reported by the CPU - VendorID Vendor // Comparable CPU vendor ID - VendorString string // Raw vendor string. - featureSet flagSet // Features of the CPU - PhysicalCores int // Number of physical processor cores in your CPU. Will be 0 if undetectable. - ThreadsPerCore int // Number of threads per physical core. Will be 1 if undetectable. - LogicalCores int // Number of physical cores times threads that can run on each core through the use of hyperthreading. Will be 0 if undetectable. - Family int // CPU family number - Model int // CPU model number - Stepping int // CPU stepping info - CacheLine int // Cache line size in bytes. Will be 0 if undetectable. - Hz int64 // Clock speed, if known, 0 otherwise. Will attempt to contain base clock speed. - BoostFreq int64 // Max clock speed, if known, 0 otherwise - Cache struct { - L1I int // L1 Instruction Cache (per core or shared). Will be -1 if undetected - L1D int // L1 Data Cache (per core or shared). Will be -1 if undetected - L2 int // L2 Cache (per core or shared). Will be -1 if undetected - L3 int // L3 Cache (per core, per ccx or shared). Will be -1 if undetected - } - SGX SGXSupport - maxFunc uint32 - maxExFunc uint32 -} - -var cpuid func(op uint32) (eax, ebx, ecx, edx uint32) -var cpuidex func(op, op2 uint32) (eax, ebx, ecx, edx uint32) -var xgetbv func(index uint32) (eax, edx uint32) -var rdtscpAsm func() (eax, ebx, ecx, edx uint32) -var darwinHasAVX512 = func() bool { return false } - -// CPU contains information about the CPU as detected on startup, -// or when Detect last was called. -// -// Use this as the primary entry point to you data. -var CPU CPUInfo - -func init() { - initCPU() - Detect() -} - -// Detect will re-detect current CPU info. -// This will replace the content of the exported CPU variable. -// -// Unless you expect the CPU to change while you are running your program -// you should not need to call this function. -// If you call this, you must ensure that no other goroutine is accessing the -// exported CPU variable. -func Detect() { - // Set defaults - CPU.ThreadsPerCore = 1 - CPU.Cache.L1I = -1 - CPU.Cache.L1D = -1 - CPU.Cache.L2 = -1 - CPU.Cache.L3 = -1 - safe := true - if detectArmFlag != nil { - safe = !*detectArmFlag - } - addInfo(&CPU, safe) - if displayFeats != nil && *displayFeats { - fmt.Println("cpu features:", strings.Join(CPU.FeatureSet(), ",")) - // Exit with non-zero so tests will print value. - os.Exit(1) - } - if disableFlag != nil { - s := strings.Split(*disableFlag, ",") - for _, feat := range s { - feat := ParseFeature(strings.TrimSpace(feat)) - if feat != UNKNOWN { - CPU.featureSet.unset(feat) - } - } - } -} - -// DetectARM will detect ARM64 features. -// This is NOT done automatically since it can potentially crash -// if the OS does not handle the command. -// If in the future this can be done safely this function may not -// do anything. -func DetectARM() { - addInfo(&CPU, false) -} - -var detectArmFlag *bool -var displayFeats *bool -var disableFlag *string - -// Flags will enable flags. -// This must be called *before* flag.Parse AND -// Detect must be called after the flags have been parsed. -// Note that this means that any detection used in init() functions -// will not contain these flags. -func Flags() { - disableFlag = flag.String("cpu.disable", "", "disable cpu features; comma separated list") - displayFeats = flag.Bool("cpu.features", false, "lists cpu features and exits") - detectArmFlag = flag.Bool("cpu.arm", false, "allow ARM features to be detected; can potentially crash") -} - -// Supports returns whether the CPU supports all of the requested features. -func (c CPUInfo) Supports(ids ...FeatureID) bool { - for _, id := range ids { - if !c.featureSet.inSet(id) { - return false - } - } - return true -} - -// Has allows for checking a single feature. -// Should be inlined by the compiler. -func (c *CPUInfo) Has(id FeatureID) bool { - return c.featureSet.inSet(id) -} - -// AnyOf returns whether the CPU supports one or more of the requested features. -func (c CPUInfo) AnyOf(ids ...FeatureID) bool { - for _, id := range ids { - if c.featureSet.inSet(id) { - return true - } - } - return false -} - -// Features contains several features combined for a fast check using -// CpuInfo.HasAll -type Features *flagSet - -// CombineFeatures allows to combine several features for a close to constant time lookup. -func CombineFeatures(ids ...FeatureID) Features { - var v flagSet - for _, id := range ids { - v.set(id) - } - return &v -} - -func (c *CPUInfo) HasAll(f Features) bool { - return c.featureSet.hasSetP(f) -} - -// https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/X86-64#Microarchitecture_levels -var oneOfLevel = CombineFeatures(SYSEE, SYSCALL) -var level1Features = CombineFeatures(CMOV, CMPXCHG8, X87, FXSR, MMX, SSE, SSE2) -var level2Features = CombineFeatures(CMOV, CMPXCHG8, X87, FXSR, MMX, SSE, SSE2, CX16, LAHF, POPCNT, SSE3, SSE4, SSE42, SSSE3) -var level3Features = CombineFeatures(CMOV, CMPXCHG8, X87, FXSR, MMX, SSE, SSE2, CX16, LAHF, POPCNT, SSE3, SSE4, SSE42, SSSE3, AVX, AVX2, BMI1, BMI2, F16C, FMA3, LZCNT, MOVBE, OSXSAVE) -var level4Features = CombineFeatures(CMOV, CMPXCHG8, X87, FXSR, MMX, SSE, SSE2, CX16, LAHF, POPCNT, SSE3, SSE4, SSE42, SSSE3, AVX, AVX2, BMI1, BMI2, F16C, FMA3, LZCNT, MOVBE, OSXSAVE, AVX512F, AVX512BW, AVX512CD, AVX512DQ, AVX512VL) - -// X64Level returns the microarchitecture level detected on the CPU. -// If features are lacking or non x64 mode, 0 is returned. -// See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/X86-64#Microarchitecture_levels -func (c CPUInfo) X64Level() int { - if !c.featureSet.hasOneOf(oneOfLevel) { - return 0 - } - if c.featureSet.hasSetP(level4Features) { - return 4 - } - if c.featureSet.hasSetP(level3Features) { - return 3 - } - if c.featureSet.hasSetP(level2Features) { - return 2 - } - if c.featureSet.hasSetP(level1Features) { - return 1 - } - return 0 -} - -// Disable will disable one or several features. -func (c *CPUInfo) Disable(ids ...FeatureID) bool { - for _, id := range ids { - c.featureSet.unset(id) - } - return true -} - -// Enable will disable one or several features even if they were undetected. -// This is of course not recommended for obvious reasons. -func (c *CPUInfo) Enable(ids ...FeatureID) bool { - for _, id := range ids { - c.featureSet.set(id) - } - return true -} - -// IsVendor returns true if vendor is recognized as Intel -func (c CPUInfo) IsVendor(v Vendor) bool { - return c.VendorID == v -} - -// FeatureSet returns all available features as strings. -func (c CPUInfo) FeatureSet() []string { - s := make([]string, 0, c.featureSet.nEnabled()) - s = append(s, c.featureSet.Strings()...) - return s -} - -// RTCounter returns the 64-bit time-stamp counter -// Uses the RDTSCP instruction. The value 0 is returned -// if the CPU does not support the instruction. -func (c CPUInfo) RTCounter() uint64 { - if !c.Supports(RDTSCP) { - return 0 - } - a, _, _, d := rdtscpAsm() - return uint64(a) | (uint64(d) << 32) -} - -// Ia32TscAux returns the IA32_TSC_AUX part of the RDTSCP. -// This variable is OS dependent, but on Linux contains information -// about the current cpu/core the code is running on. -// If the RDTSCP instruction isn't supported on the CPU, the value 0 is returned. -func (c CPUInfo) Ia32TscAux() uint32 { - if !c.Supports(RDTSCP) { - return 0 - } - _, _, ecx, _ := rdtscpAsm() - return ecx -} - -// LogicalCPU will return the Logical CPU the code is currently executing on. -// This is likely to change when the OS re-schedules the running thread -// to another CPU. -// If the current core cannot be detected, -1 will be returned. -func (c CPUInfo) LogicalCPU() int { - if c.maxFunc < 1 { - return -1 - } - _, ebx, _, _ := cpuid(1) - return int(ebx >> 24) -} - -// frequencies tries to compute the clock speed of the CPU. If leaf 15 is -// supported, use it, otherwise parse the brand string. Yes, really. -func (c *CPUInfo) frequencies() { - c.Hz, c.BoostFreq = 0, 0 - mfi := maxFunctionID() - if mfi >= 0x15 { - eax, ebx, ecx, _ := cpuid(0x15) - if eax != 0 && ebx != 0 && ecx != 0 { - c.Hz = (int64(ecx) * int64(ebx)) / int64(eax) - } - } - if mfi >= 0x16 { - a, b, _, _ := cpuid(0x16) - // Base... - if a&0xffff > 0 { - c.Hz = int64(a&0xffff) * 1_000_000 - } - // Boost... - if b&0xffff > 0 { - c.BoostFreq = int64(b&0xffff) * 1_000_000 - } - } - if c.Hz > 0 { - return - } - - // computeHz determines the official rated speed of a CPU from its brand - // string. This insanity is *actually the official documented way to do - // this according to Intel*, prior to leaf 0x15 existing. The official - // documentation only shows this working for exactly `x.xx` or `xxxx` - // cases, e.g., `2.50GHz` or `1300MHz`; this parser will accept other - // sizes. - model := c.BrandName - hz := strings.LastIndex(model, "Hz") - if hz < 3 { - return - } - var multiplier int64 - switch model[hz-1] { - case 'M': - multiplier = 1000 * 1000 - case 'G': - multiplier = 1000 * 1000 * 1000 - case 'T': - multiplier = 1000 * 1000 * 1000 * 1000 - } - if multiplier == 0 { - return - } - freq := int64(0) - divisor := int64(0) - decimalShift := int64(1) - var i int - for i = hz - 2; i >= 0 && model[i] != ' '; i-- { - if model[i] >= '0' && model[i] <= '9' { - freq += int64(model[i]-'0') * decimalShift - decimalShift *= 10 - } else if model[i] == '.' { - if divisor != 0 { - return - } - divisor = decimalShift - } else { - return - } - } - // we didn't find a space - if i < 0 { - return - } - if divisor != 0 { - c.Hz = (freq * multiplier) / divisor - return - } - c.Hz = freq * multiplier -} - -// VM Will return true if the cpu id indicates we are in -// a virtual machine. -func (c CPUInfo) VM() bool { - return CPU.featureSet.inSet(HYPERVISOR) -} - -// flags contains detected cpu features and characteristics -type flags uint64 - -// log2(bits_in_uint64) -const flagBitsLog2 = 6 -const flagBits = 1 << flagBitsLog2 -const flagMask = flagBits - 1 - -// flagSet contains detected cpu features and characteristics in an array of flags -type flagSet [(lastID + flagMask) / flagBits]flags - -func (s *flagSet) inSet(feat FeatureID) bool { - return s[feat>>flagBitsLog2]&(1<<(feat&flagMask)) != 0 -} - -func (s *flagSet) set(feat FeatureID) { - s[feat>>flagBitsLog2] |= 1 << (feat & flagMask) -} - -// setIf will set a feature if boolean is true. -func (s *flagSet) setIf(cond bool, features ...FeatureID) { - if cond { - for _, offset := range features { - s[offset>>flagBitsLog2] |= 1 << (offset & flagMask) - } - } -} - -func (s *flagSet) unset(offset FeatureID) { - bit := flags(1 << (offset & flagMask)) - s[offset>>flagBitsLog2] = s[offset>>flagBitsLog2] & ^bit -} - -// or with another flagset. -func (s *flagSet) or(other flagSet) { - for i, v := range other[:] { - s[i] |= v - } -} - -// hasSet returns whether all features are present. -func (s *flagSet) hasSet(other flagSet) bool { - for i, v := range other[:] { - if s[i]&v != v { - return false - } - } - return true -} - -// hasSet returns whether all features are present. -func (s *flagSet) hasSetP(other *flagSet) bool { - for i, v := range other[:] { - if s[i]&v != v { - return false - } - } - return true -} - -// hasOneOf returns whether one or more features are present. -func (s *flagSet) hasOneOf(other *flagSet) bool { - for i, v := range other[:] { - if s[i]&v != 0 { - return true - } - } - return false -} - -// nEnabled will return the number of enabled flags. -func (s *flagSet) nEnabled() (n int) { - for _, v := range s[:] { - n += bits.OnesCount64(uint64(v)) - } - return n -} - -func flagSetWith(feat ...FeatureID) flagSet { - var res flagSet - for _, f := range feat { - res.set(f) - } - return res -} - -// ParseFeature will parse the string and return the ID of the matching feature. -// Will return UNKNOWN if not found. -func ParseFeature(s string) FeatureID { - s = strings.ToUpper(s) - for i := firstID; i < lastID; i++ { - if i.String() == s { - return i - } - } - return UNKNOWN -} - -// Strings returns an array of the detected features for FlagsSet. -func (s flagSet) Strings() []string { - if len(s) == 0 { - return []string{""} - } - r := make([]string, 0) - for i := firstID; i < lastID; i++ { - if s.inSet(i) { - r = append(r, i.String()) - } - } - return r -} - -func maxExtendedFunction() uint32 { - eax, _, _, _ := cpuid(0x80000000) - return eax -} - -func maxFunctionID() uint32 { - a, _, _, _ := cpuid(0) - return a -} - -func brandName() string { - if maxExtendedFunction() >= 0x80000004 { - v := make([]uint32, 0, 48) - for i := uint32(0); i < 3; i++ { - a, b, c, d := cpuid(0x80000002 + i) - v = append(v, a, b, c, d) - } - return strings.Trim(string(valAsString(v...)), " ") - } - return "unknown" -} - -func threadsPerCore() int { - mfi := maxFunctionID() - vend, _ := vendorID() - - if mfi < 0x4 || (vend != Intel && vend != AMD) { - return 1 - } - - if mfi < 0xb { - if vend != Intel { - return 1 - } - _, b, _, d := cpuid(1) - if (d & (1 << 28)) != 0 { - // v will contain logical core count - v := (b >> 16) & 255 - if v > 1 { - a4, _, _, _ := cpuid(4) - // physical cores - v2 := (a4 >> 26) + 1 - if v2 > 0 { - return int(v) / int(v2) - } - } - } - return 1 - } - _, b, _, _ := cpuidex(0xb, 0) - if b&0xffff == 0 { - if vend == AMD { - // Workaround for AMD returning 0, assume 2 if >= Zen 2 - // It will be more correct than not. - fam, _, _ := familyModel() - _, _, _, d := cpuid(1) - if (d&(1<<28)) != 0 && fam >= 23 { - return 2 - } - } - return 1 - } - return int(b & 0xffff) -} - -func logicalCores() int { - mfi := maxFunctionID() - v, _ := vendorID() - switch v { - case Intel: - // Use this on old Intel processors - if mfi < 0xb { - if mfi < 1 { - return 0 - } - // CPUID.1:EBX[23:16] represents the maximum number of addressable IDs (initial APIC ID) - // that can be assigned to logical processors in a physical package. - // The value may not be the same as the number of logical processors that are present in the hardware of a physical package. - _, ebx, _, _ := cpuid(1) - logical := (ebx >> 16) & 0xff - return int(logical) - } - _, b, _, _ := cpuidex(0xb, 1) - return int(b & 0xffff) - case AMD, Hygon: - _, b, _, _ := cpuid(1) - return int((b >> 16) & 0xff) - default: - return 0 - } -} - -func familyModel() (family, model, stepping int) { - if maxFunctionID() < 0x1 { - return 0, 0, 0 - } - eax, _, _, _ := cpuid(1) - // If BaseFamily[3:0] is less than Fh then ExtendedFamily[7:0] is reserved and Family is equal to BaseFamily[3:0]. - family = int((eax >> 8) & 0xf) - extFam := family == 0x6 // Intel is 0x6, needs extended model. - if family == 0xf { - // Add ExtFamily - family += int((eax >> 20) & 0xff) - extFam = true - } - // If BaseFamily[3:0] is less than 0Fh then ExtendedModel[3:0] is reserved and Model is equal to BaseModel[3:0]. - model = int((eax >> 4) & 0xf) - if extFam { - // Add ExtModel - model += int((eax >> 12) & 0xf0) - } - stepping = int(eax & 0xf) - return family, model, stepping -} - -func physicalCores() int { - v, _ := vendorID() - switch v { - case Intel: - return logicalCores() / threadsPerCore() - case AMD, Hygon: - lc := logicalCores() - tpc := threadsPerCore() - if lc > 0 && tpc > 0 { - return lc / tpc - } - - // The following is inaccurate on AMD EPYC 7742 64-Core Processor - if maxExtendedFunction() >= 0x80000008 { - _, _, c, _ := cpuid(0x80000008) - if c&0xff > 0 { - return int(c&0xff) + 1 - } - } - } - return 0 -} - -// Except from http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/CPUID#EAX.3D0:_Get_vendor_ID -var vendorMapping = map[string]Vendor{ - "AMDisbetter!": AMD, - "AuthenticAMD": AMD, - "CentaurHauls": VIA, - "GenuineIntel": Intel, - "TransmetaCPU": Transmeta, - "GenuineTMx86": Transmeta, - "Geode by NSC": NSC, - "VIA VIA VIA ": VIA, - "KVMKVMKVMKVM": KVM, - "Microsoft Hv": MSVM, - "VMwareVMware": VMware, - "XenVMMXenVMM": XenHVM, - "bhyve bhyve ": Bhyve, - "HygonGenuine": Hygon, - "Vortex86 SoC": SiS, - "SiS SiS SiS ": SiS, - "RiseRiseRise": SiS, - "Genuine RDC": RDC, -} - -func vendorID() (Vendor, string) { - _, b, c, d := cpuid(0) - v := string(valAsString(b, d, c)) - vend, ok := vendorMapping[v] - if !ok { - return VendorUnknown, v - } - return vend, v -} - -func cacheLine() int { - if maxFunctionID() < 0x1 { - return 0 - } - - _, ebx, _, _ := cpuid(1) - cache := (ebx & 0xff00) >> 5 // cflush size - if cache == 0 && maxExtendedFunction() >= 0x80000006 { - _, _, ecx, _ := cpuid(0x80000006) - cache = ecx & 0xff // cacheline size - } - // TODO: Read from Cache and TLB Information - return int(cache) -} - -func (c *CPUInfo) cacheSize() { - c.Cache.L1D = -1 - c.Cache.L1I = -1 - c.Cache.L2 = -1 - c.Cache.L3 = -1 - vendor, _ := vendorID() - switch vendor { - case Intel: - if maxFunctionID() < 4 { - return - } - c.Cache.L1I, c.Cache.L1D, c.Cache.L2, c.Cache.L3 = 0, 0, 0, 0 - for i := uint32(0); ; i++ { - eax, ebx, ecx, _ := cpuidex(4, i) - cacheType := eax & 15 - if cacheType == 0 { - break - } - cacheLevel := (eax >> 5) & 7 - coherency := int(ebx&0xfff) + 1 - partitions := int((ebx>>12)&0x3ff) + 1 - associativity := int((ebx>>22)&0x3ff) + 1 - sets := int(ecx) + 1 - size := associativity * partitions * coherency * sets - switch cacheLevel { - case 1: - if cacheType == 1 { - // 1 = Data Cache - c.Cache.L1D = size - } else if cacheType == 2 { - // 2 = Instruction Cache - c.Cache.L1I = size - } else { - if c.Cache.L1D < 0 { - c.Cache.L1I = size - } - if c.Cache.L1I < 0 { - c.Cache.L1I = size - } - } - case 2: - c.Cache.L2 = size - case 3: - c.Cache.L3 = size - } - } - case AMD, Hygon: - // Untested. - if maxExtendedFunction() < 0x80000005 { - return - } - _, _, ecx, edx := cpuid(0x80000005) - c.Cache.L1D = int(((ecx >> 24) & 0xFF) * 1024) - c.Cache.L1I = int(((edx >> 24) & 0xFF) * 1024) - - if maxExtendedFunction() < 0x80000006 { - return - } - _, _, ecx, _ = cpuid(0x80000006) - c.Cache.L2 = int(((ecx >> 16) & 0xFFFF) * 1024) - - // CPUID Fn8000_001D_EAX_x[N:0] Cache Properties - if maxExtendedFunction() < 0x8000001D || !c.Has(TOPEXT) { - return - } - - // Xen Hypervisor is buggy and returns the same entry no matter ECX value. - // Hack: When we encounter the same entry 100 times we break. - nSame := 0 - var last uint32 - for i := uint32(0); i < math.MaxUint32; i++ { - eax, ebx, ecx, _ := cpuidex(0x8000001D, i) - - level := (eax >> 5) & 7 - cacheNumSets := ecx + 1 - cacheLineSize := 1 + (ebx & 2047) - cachePhysPartitions := 1 + ((ebx >> 12) & 511) - cacheNumWays := 1 + ((ebx >> 22) & 511) - - typ := eax & 15 - size := int(cacheNumSets * cacheLineSize * cachePhysPartitions * cacheNumWays) - if typ == 0 { - return - } - - // Check for the same value repeated. - comb := eax ^ ebx ^ ecx - if comb == last { - nSame++ - if nSame == 100 { - return - } - } - last = comb - - switch level { - case 1: - switch typ { - case 1: - // Data cache - c.Cache.L1D = size - case 2: - // Inst cache - c.Cache.L1I = size - default: - if c.Cache.L1D < 0 { - c.Cache.L1I = size - } - if c.Cache.L1I < 0 { - c.Cache.L1I = size - } - } - case 2: - c.Cache.L2 = size - case 3: - c.Cache.L3 = size - } - } - } -} - -type SGXEPCSection struct { - BaseAddress uint64 - EPCSize uint64 -} - -type SGXSupport struct { - Available bool - LaunchControl bool - SGX1Supported bool - SGX2Supported bool - MaxEnclaveSizeNot64 int64 - MaxEnclaveSize64 int64 - EPCSections []SGXEPCSection -} - -func hasSGX(available, lc bool) (rval SGXSupport) { - rval.Available = available - - if !available { - return - } - - rval.LaunchControl = lc - - a, _, _, d := cpuidex(0x12, 0) - rval.SGX1Supported = a&0x01 != 0 - rval.SGX2Supported = a&0x02 != 0 - rval.MaxEnclaveSizeNot64 = 1 << (d & 0xFF) // pow 2 - rval.MaxEnclaveSize64 = 1 << ((d >> 8) & 0xFF) // pow 2 - rval.EPCSections = make([]SGXEPCSection, 0) - - for subleaf := uint32(2); subleaf < 2+8; subleaf++ { - eax, ebx, ecx, edx := cpuidex(0x12, subleaf) - leafType := eax & 0xf - - if leafType == 0 { - // Invalid subleaf, stop iterating - break - } else if leafType == 1 { - // EPC Section subleaf - baseAddress := uint64(eax&0xfffff000) + (uint64(ebx&0x000fffff) << 32) - size := uint64(ecx&0xfffff000) + (uint64(edx&0x000fffff) << 32) - - section := SGXEPCSection{BaseAddress: baseAddress, EPCSize: size} - rval.EPCSections = append(rval.EPCSections, section) - } - } - - return -} - -func support() flagSet { - var fs flagSet - mfi := maxFunctionID() - vend, _ := vendorID() - if mfi < 0x1 { - return fs - } - family, model, _ := familyModel() - - _, _, c, d := cpuid(1) - fs.setIf((d&(1<<0)) != 0, X87) - fs.setIf((d&(1<<8)) != 0, CMPXCHG8) - fs.setIf((d&(1<<11)) != 0, SYSEE) - fs.setIf((d&(1<<15)) != 0, CMOV) - fs.setIf((d&(1<<23)) != 0, MMX) - fs.setIf((d&(1<<24)) != 0, FXSR) - fs.setIf((d&(1<<25)) != 0, FXSROPT) - fs.setIf((d&(1<<25)) != 0, SSE) - fs.setIf((d&(1<<26)) != 0, SSE2) - fs.setIf((c&1) != 0, SSE3) - fs.setIf((c&(1<<5)) != 0, VMX) - fs.setIf((c&(1<<9)) != 0, SSSE3) - fs.setIf((c&(1<<19)) != 0, SSE4) - fs.setIf((c&(1<<20)) != 0, SSE42) - fs.setIf((c&(1<<25)) != 0, AESNI) - fs.setIf((c&(1<<1)) != 0, CLMUL) - fs.setIf(c&(1<<22) != 0, MOVBE) - fs.setIf(c&(1<<23) != 0, POPCNT) - fs.setIf(c&(1<<30) != 0, RDRAND) - - // This bit has been reserved by Intel & AMD for use by hypervisors, - // and indicates the presence of a hypervisor. - fs.setIf(c&(1<<31) != 0, HYPERVISOR) - fs.setIf(c&(1<<29) != 0, F16C) - fs.setIf(c&(1<<13) != 0, CX16) - - if vend == Intel && (d&(1<<28)) != 0 && mfi >= 4 { - fs.setIf(threadsPerCore() > 1, HTT) - } - if vend == AMD && (d&(1<<28)) != 0 && mfi >= 4 { - fs.setIf(threadsPerCore() > 1, HTT) - } - fs.setIf(c&1<<26 != 0, XSAVE) - fs.setIf(c&1<<27 != 0, OSXSAVE) - // Check XGETBV/XSAVE (26), OXSAVE (27) and AVX (28) bits - const avxCheck = 1<<26 | 1<<27 | 1<<28 - if c&avxCheck == avxCheck { - // Check for OS support - eax, _ := xgetbv(0) - if (eax & 0x6) == 0x6 { - fs.set(AVX) - switch vend { - case Intel: - // Older than Haswell. - fs.setIf(family == 6 && model < 60, AVXSLOW) - case AMD: - // Older than Zen 2 - fs.setIf(family < 23 || (family == 23 && model < 49), AVXSLOW) - } - } - } - // FMA3 can be used with SSE registers, so no OS support is strictly needed. - // fma3 and OSXSAVE needed. - const fma3Check = 1<<12 | 1<<27 - fs.setIf(c&fma3Check == fma3Check, FMA3) - - // Check AVX2, AVX2 requires OS support, but BMI1/2 don't. - if mfi >= 7 { - _, ebx, ecx, edx := cpuidex(7, 0) - if fs.inSet(AVX) && (ebx&0x00000020) != 0 { - fs.set(AVX2) - } - // CPUID.(EAX=7, ECX=0).EBX - if (ebx & 0x00000008) != 0 { - fs.set(BMI1) - fs.setIf((ebx&0x00000100) != 0, BMI2) - } - fs.setIf(ebx&(1<<2) != 0, SGX) - fs.setIf(ebx&(1<<4) != 0, HLE) - fs.setIf(ebx&(1<<9) != 0, ERMS) - fs.setIf(ebx&(1<<11) != 0, RTM) - fs.setIf(ebx&(1<<14) != 0, MPX) - fs.setIf(ebx&(1<<18) != 0, RDSEED) - fs.setIf(ebx&(1<<19) != 0, ADX) - fs.setIf(ebx&(1<<29) != 0, SHA) - - // CPUID.(EAX=7, ECX=0).ECX - fs.setIf(ecx&(1<<5) != 0, WAITPKG) - fs.setIf(ecx&(1<<7) != 0, CETSS) - fs.setIf(ecx&(1<<8) != 0, GFNI) - fs.setIf(ecx&(1<<9) != 0, VAES) - fs.setIf(ecx&(1<<10) != 0, VPCLMULQDQ) - fs.setIf(ecx&(1<<13) != 0, TME) - fs.setIf(ecx&(1<<25) != 0, CLDEMOTE) - fs.setIf(ecx&(1<<27) != 0, MOVDIRI) - fs.setIf(ecx&(1<<28) != 0, MOVDIR64B) - fs.setIf(ecx&(1<<29) != 0, ENQCMD) - fs.setIf(ecx&(1<<30) != 0, SGXLC) - - // CPUID.(EAX=7, ECX=0).EDX - fs.setIf(edx&(1<<4) != 0, FSRM) - fs.setIf(edx&(1<<9) != 0, SRBDS_CTRL) - fs.setIf(edx&(1<<10) != 0, MD_CLEAR) - fs.setIf(edx&(1<<11) != 0, RTM_ALWAYS_ABORT) - fs.setIf(edx&(1<<14) != 0, SERIALIZE) - fs.setIf(edx&(1<<15) != 0, HYBRID_CPU) - fs.setIf(edx&(1<<16) != 0, TSXLDTRK) - fs.setIf(edx&(1<<18) != 0, PCONFIG) - fs.setIf(edx&(1<<20) != 0, CETIBT) - fs.setIf(edx&(1<<26) != 0, IBPB) - fs.setIf(edx&(1<<27) != 0, STIBP) - fs.setIf(edx&(1<<28) != 0, FLUSH_L1D) - fs.setIf(edx&(1<<29) != 0, IA32_ARCH_CAP) - fs.setIf(edx&(1<<30) != 0, IA32_CORE_CAP) - fs.setIf(edx&(1<<31) != 0, SPEC_CTRL_SSBD) - - // CPUID.(EAX=7, ECX=1).EDX - fs.setIf(edx&(1<<4) != 0, AVXVNNIINT8) - fs.setIf(edx&(1<<5) != 0, AVXNECONVERT) - fs.setIf(edx&(1<<14) != 0, PREFETCHI) - - // CPUID.(EAX=7, ECX=1).EAX - eax1, _, _, _ := cpuidex(7, 1) - fs.setIf(fs.inSet(AVX) && eax1&(1<<4) != 0, AVXVNNI) - fs.setIf(eax1&(1<<7) != 0, CMPCCXADD) - fs.setIf(eax1&(1<<10) != 0, MOVSB_ZL) - fs.setIf(eax1&(1<<11) != 0, STOSB_SHORT) - fs.setIf(eax1&(1<<12) != 0, CMPSB_SCADBS_SHORT) - fs.setIf(eax1&(1<<22) != 0, HRESET) - fs.setIf(eax1&(1<<23) != 0, AVXIFMA) - fs.setIf(eax1&(1<<26) != 0, LAM) - - // Only detect AVX-512 features if XGETBV is supported - if c&((1<<26)|(1<<27)) == (1<<26)|(1<<27) { - // Check for OS support - eax, _ := xgetbv(0) - - // Verify that XCR0[7:5] = ‘111b’ (OPMASK state, upper 256-bit of ZMM0-ZMM15 and - // ZMM16-ZMM31 state are enabled by OS) - /// and that XCR0[2:1] = ‘11b’ (XMM state and YMM state are enabled by OS). - hasAVX512 := (eax>>5)&7 == 7 && (eax>>1)&3 == 3 - if runtime.GOOS == "darwin" { - hasAVX512 = fs.inSet(AVX) && darwinHasAVX512() - } - if hasAVX512 { - fs.setIf(ebx&(1<<16) != 0, AVX512F) - fs.setIf(ebx&(1<<17) != 0, AVX512DQ) - fs.setIf(ebx&(1<<21) != 0, AVX512IFMA) - fs.setIf(ebx&(1<<26) != 0, AVX512PF) - fs.setIf(ebx&(1<<27) != 0, AVX512ER) - fs.setIf(ebx&(1<<28) != 0, AVX512CD) - fs.setIf(ebx&(1<<30) != 0, AVX512BW) - fs.setIf(ebx&(1<<31) != 0, AVX512VL) - // ecx - fs.setIf(ecx&(1<<1) != 0, AVX512VBMI) - fs.setIf(ecx&(1<<6) != 0, AVX512VBMI2) - fs.setIf(ecx&(1<<11) != 0, AVX512VNNI) - fs.setIf(ecx&(1<<12) != 0, AVX512BITALG) - fs.setIf(ecx&(1<<14) != 0, AVX512VPOPCNTDQ) - // edx - fs.setIf(edx&(1<<8) != 0, AVX512VP2INTERSECT) - fs.setIf(edx&(1<<22) != 0, AMXBF16) - fs.setIf(edx&(1<<23) != 0, AVX512FP16) - fs.setIf(edx&(1<<24) != 0, AMXTILE) - fs.setIf(edx&(1<<25) != 0, AMXINT8) - // eax1 = CPUID.(EAX=7, ECX=1).EAX - fs.setIf(eax1&(1<<5) != 0, AVX512BF16) - fs.setIf(eax1&(1<<21) != 0, AMXFP16) - } - } - - // CPUID.(EAX=7, ECX=2) - _, _, _, edx = cpuidex(7, 2) - fs.setIf(edx&(1<<5) != 0, MCDT_NO) - } - - // Processor Extended State Enumeration Sub-leaf (EAX = 0DH, ECX = 1) - // EAX - // Bit 00: XSAVEOPT is available. - // Bit 01: Supports XSAVEC and the compacted form of XRSTOR if set. - // Bit 02: Supports XGETBV with ECX = 1 if set. - // Bit 03: Supports XSAVES/XRSTORS and IA32_XSS if set. - // Bits 31 - 04: Reserved. - // EBX - // Bits 31 - 00: The size in bytes of the XSAVE area containing all states enabled by XCRO | IA32_XSS. - // ECX - // Bits 31 - 00: Reports the supported bits of the lower 32 bits of the IA32_XSS MSR. IA32_XSS[n] can be set to 1 only if ECX[n] is 1. - // EDX? - // Bits 07 - 00: Used for XCR0. Bit 08: PT state. Bit 09: Used for XCR0. Bits 12 - 10: Reserved. Bit 13: HWP state. Bits 31 - 14: Reserved. - if mfi >= 0xd { - if fs.inSet(XSAVE) { - eax, _, _, _ := cpuidex(0xd, 1) - fs.setIf(eax&(1<<0) != 0, XSAVEOPT) - fs.setIf(eax&(1<<1) != 0, XSAVEC) - fs.setIf(eax&(1<<2) != 0, XGETBV1) - fs.setIf(eax&(1<<3) != 0, XSAVES) - } - } - if maxExtendedFunction() >= 0x80000001 { - _, _, c, d := cpuid(0x80000001) - if (c & (1 << 5)) != 0 { - fs.set(LZCNT) - fs.set(POPCNT) - } - // ECX - fs.setIf((c&(1<<0)) != 0, LAHF) - fs.setIf((c&(1<<2)) != 0, SVM) - fs.setIf((c&(1<<6)) != 0, SSE4A) - fs.setIf((c&(1<<10)) != 0, IBS) - fs.setIf((c&(1<<22)) != 0, TOPEXT) - - // EDX - fs.setIf(d&(1<<11) != 0, SYSCALL) - fs.setIf(d&(1<<20) != 0, NX) - fs.setIf(d&(1<<22) != 0, MMXEXT) - fs.setIf(d&(1<<23) != 0, MMX) - fs.setIf(d&(1<<24) != 0, FXSR) - fs.setIf(d&(1<<25) != 0, FXSROPT) - fs.setIf(d&(1<<27) != 0, RDTSCP) - fs.setIf(d&(1<<30) != 0, AMD3DNOWEXT) - fs.setIf(d&(1<<31) != 0, AMD3DNOW) - - /* XOP and FMA4 use the AVX instruction coding scheme, so they can't be - * used unless the OS has AVX support. */ - if fs.inSet(AVX) { - fs.setIf((c&(1<<11)) != 0, XOP) - fs.setIf((c&(1<<16)) != 0, FMA4) - } - - } - if maxExtendedFunction() >= 0x80000007 { - _, b, _, d := cpuid(0x80000007) - fs.setIf((b&(1<<0)) != 0, MCAOVERFLOW) - fs.setIf((b&(1<<1)) != 0, SUCCOR) - fs.setIf((b&(1<<2)) != 0, HWA) - fs.setIf((d&(1<<9)) != 0, CPBOOST) - } - - if maxExtendedFunction() >= 0x80000008 { - _, b, _, _ := cpuid(0x80000008) - fs.setIf(b&(1<<28) != 0, PSFD) - fs.setIf(b&(1<<27) != 0, CPPC) - fs.setIf(b&(1<<24) != 0, SPEC_CTRL_SSBD) - fs.setIf(b&(1<<23) != 0, PPIN) - fs.setIf(b&(1<<21) != 0, TLB_FLUSH_NESTED) - fs.setIf(b&(1<<20) != 0, EFER_LMSLE_UNS) - fs.setIf(b&(1<<19) != 0, IBRS_PROVIDES_SMP) - fs.setIf(b&(1<<18) != 0, IBRS_PREFERRED) - fs.setIf(b&(1<<17) != 0, STIBP_ALWAYSON) - fs.setIf(b&(1<<15) != 0, STIBP) - fs.setIf(b&(1<<14) != 0, IBRS) - fs.setIf((b&(1<<13)) != 0, INT_WBINVD) - fs.setIf(b&(1<<12) != 0, IBPB) - fs.setIf((b&(1<<9)) != 0, WBNOINVD) - fs.setIf((b&(1<<8)) != 0, MCOMMIT) - fs.setIf((b&(1<<4)) != 0, RDPRU) - fs.setIf((b&(1<<3)) != 0, INVLPGB) - fs.setIf((b&(1<<1)) != 0, MSRIRC) - fs.setIf((b&(1<<0)) != 0, CLZERO) - } - - if fs.inSet(SVM) && maxExtendedFunction() >= 0x8000000A { - _, _, _, edx := cpuid(0x8000000A) - fs.setIf((edx>>0)&1 == 1, SVMNP) - fs.setIf((edx>>1)&1 == 1, LBRVIRT) - fs.setIf((edx>>2)&1 == 1, SVML) - fs.setIf((edx>>3)&1 == 1, NRIPS) - fs.setIf((edx>>4)&1 == 1, TSCRATEMSR) - fs.setIf((edx>>5)&1 == 1, VMCBCLEAN) - fs.setIf((edx>>6)&1 == 1, SVMFBASID) - fs.setIf((edx>>7)&1 == 1, SVMDA) - fs.setIf((edx>>10)&1 == 1, SVMPF) - fs.setIf((edx>>12)&1 == 1, SVMPFT) - } - - if maxExtendedFunction() >= 0x8000001a { - eax, _, _, _ := cpuid(0x8000001a) - fs.setIf((eax>>0)&1 == 1, FP128) - fs.setIf((eax>>1)&1 == 1, MOVU) - fs.setIf((eax>>2)&1 == 1, FP256) - } - - if maxExtendedFunction() >= 0x8000001b && fs.inSet(IBS) { - eax, _, _, _ := cpuid(0x8000001b) - fs.setIf((eax>>0)&1 == 1, IBSFFV) - fs.setIf((eax>>1)&1 == 1, IBSFETCHSAM) - fs.setIf((eax>>2)&1 == 1, IBSOPSAM) - fs.setIf((eax>>3)&1 == 1, IBSRDWROPCNT) - fs.setIf((eax>>4)&1 == 1, IBSOPCNT) - fs.setIf((eax>>5)&1 == 1, IBSBRNTRGT) - fs.setIf((eax>>6)&1 == 1, IBSOPCNTEXT) - fs.setIf((eax>>7)&1 == 1, IBSRIPINVALIDCHK) - fs.setIf((eax>>8)&1 == 1, IBS_OPFUSE) - fs.setIf((eax>>9)&1 == 1, IBS_FETCH_CTLX) - fs.setIf((eax>>10)&1 == 1, IBS_OPDATA4) // Doc says "Fixed,0. IBS op data 4 MSR supported", but assuming they mean 1. - fs.setIf((eax>>11)&1 == 1, IBS_ZEN4) - } - - if maxExtendedFunction() >= 0x8000001f && vend == AMD { - a, _, _, _ := cpuid(0x8000001f) - fs.setIf((a>>0)&1 == 1, SME) - fs.setIf((a>>1)&1 == 1, SEV) - fs.setIf((a>>2)&1 == 1, MSR_PAGEFLUSH) - fs.setIf((a>>3)&1 == 1, SEV_ES) - fs.setIf((a>>4)&1 == 1, SEV_SNP) - fs.setIf((a>>5)&1 == 1, VMPL) - fs.setIf((a>>10)&1 == 1, SME_COHERENT) - fs.setIf((a>>11)&1 == 1, SEV_64BIT) - fs.setIf((a>>12)&1 == 1, SEV_RESTRICTED) - fs.setIf((a>>13)&1 == 1, SEV_ALTERNATIVE) - fs.setIf((a>>14)&1 == 1, SEV_DEBUGSWAP) - fs.setIf((a>>15)&1 == 1, IBS_PREVENTHOST) - fs.setIf((a>>16)&1 == 1, VTE) - fs.setIf((a>>24)&1 == 1, VMSA_REGPROT) - } - - return fs -} - -func valAsString(values ...uint32) []byte { - r := make([]byte, 4*len(values)) - for i, v := range values { - dst := r[i*4:] - dst[0] = byte(v & 0xff) - dst[1] = byte((v >> 8) & 0xff) - dst[2] = byte((v >> 16) & 0xff) - dst[3] = byte((v >> 24) & 0xff) - switch { - case dst[0] == 0: - return r[:i*4] - case dst[1] == 0: - return r[:i*4+1] - case dst[2] == 0: - return r[:i*4+2] - case dst[3] == 0: - return r[:i*4+3] - } - } - return r -} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/klauspost/cpuid/v2/cpuid_386.s b/vendor/github.com/klauspost/cpuid/v2/cpuid_386.s deleted file mode 100644 index 8587c3a1..00000000 --- a/vendor/github.com/klauspost/cpuid/v2/cpuid_386.s +++ /dev/null @@ -1,47 +0,0 @@ -// Copyright (c) 2015 Klaus Post, released under MIT License. See LICENSE file. - -//+build 386,!gccgo,!noasm,!appengine - -// func asmCpuid(op uint32) (eax, ebx, ecx, edx uint32) -TEXT ·asmCpuid(SB), 7, $0 - XORL CX, CX - MOVL op+0(FP), AX - CPUID - MOVL AX, eax+4(FP) - MOVL BX, ebx+8(FP) - MOVL CX, ecx+12(FP) - MOVL DX, edx+16(FP) - RET - -// func asmCpuidex(op, op2 uint32) (eax, ebx, ecx, edx uint32) -TEXT ·asmCpuidex(SB), 7, $0 - MOVL op+0(FP), AX - MOVL op2+4(FP), CX - CPUID - MOVL AX, eax+8(FP) - MOVL BX, ebx+12(FP) - MOVL CX, ecx+16(FP) - MOVL DX, edx+20(FP) - RET - -// func xgetbv(index uint32) (eax, edx uint32) -TEXT ·asmXgetbv(SB), 7, $0 - MOVL index+0(FP), CX - BYTE $0x0f; BYTE $0x01; BYTE $0xd0 // XGETBV - MOVL AX, eax+4(FP) - MOVL DX, edx+8(FP) - RET - -// func asmRdtscpAsm() (eax, ebx, ecx, edx uint32) -TEXT ·asmRdtscpAsm(SB), 7, $0 - BYTE $0x0F; BYTE $0x01; BYTE $0xF9 // RDTSCP - MOVL AX, eax+0(FP) - MOVL BX, ebx+4(FP) - MOVL CX, ecx+8(FP) - MOVL DX, edx+12(FP) - RET - -// func asmDarwinHasAVX512() bool -TEXT ·asmDarwinHasAVX512(SB), 7, $0 - MOVL $0, eax+0(FP) - RET diff --git a/vendor/github.com/klauspost/cpuid/v2/cpuid_amd64.s b/vendor/github.com/klauspost/cpuid/v2/cpuid_amd64.s deleted file mode 100644 index bc11f894..00000000 --- a/vendor/github.com/klauspost/cpuid/v2/cpuid_amd64.s +++ /dev/null @@ -1,72 +0,0 @@ -// Copyright (c) 2015 Klaus Post, released under MIT License. See LICENSE file. - -//+build amd64,!gccgo,!noasm,!appengine - -// func asmCpuid(op uint32) (eax, ebx, ecx, edx uint32) -TEXT ·asmCpuid(SB), 7, $0 - XORQ CX, CX - MOVL op+0(FP), AX - CPUID - MOVL AX, eax+8(FP) - MOVL BX, ebx+12(FP) - MOVL CX, ecx+16(FP) - MOVL DX, edx+20(FP) - RET - -// func asmCpuidex(op, op2 uint32) (eax, ebx, ecx, edx uint32) -TEXT ·asmCpuidex(SB), 7, $0 - MOVL op+0(FP), AX - MOVL op2+4(FP), CX - CPUID - MOVL AX, eax+8(FP) - MOVL BX, ebx+12(FP) - MOVL CX, ecx+16(FP) - MOVL DX, edx+20(FP) - RET - -// func asmXgetbv(index uint32) (eax, edx uint32) -TEXT ·asmXgetbv(SB), 7, $0 - MOVL index+0(FP), CX - BYTE $0x0f; BYTE $0x01; BYTE $0xd0 // XGETBV - MOVL AX, eax+8(FP) - MOVL DX, edx+12(FP) - RET - -// func asmRdtscpAsm() (eax, ebx, ecx, edx uint32) -TEXT ·asmRdtscpAsm(SB), 7, $0 - BYTE $0x0F; BYTE $0x01; BYTE $0xF9 // RDTSCP - MOVL AX, eax+0(FP) - MOVL BX, ebx+4(FP) - MOVL CX, ecx+8(FP) - MOVL DX, edx+12(FP) - RET - -// From https://go-review.googlesource.com/c/sys/+/285572/ -// func asmDarwinHasAVX512() bool -TEXT ·asmDarwinHasAVX512(SB), 7, $0-1 - MOVB $0, ret+0(FP) // default to false - -#ifdef GOOS_darwin // return if not darwin -#ifdef GOARCH_amd64 // return if not amd64 -// These values from: -// https://github.com/apple/darwin-xnu/blob/xnu-4570.1.46/osfmk/i386/cpu_capabilities.h -#define commpage64_base_address 0x00007fffffe00000 -#define commpage64_cpu_capabilities64 (commpage64_base_address+0x010) -#define commpage64_version (commpage64_base_address+0x01E) -#define hasAVX512F 0x0000004000000000 - MOVQ $commpage64_version, BX - MOVW (BX), AX - CMPW AX, $13 // versions < 13 do not support AVX512 - JL no_avx512 - MOVQ $commpage64_cpu_capabilities64, BX - MOVQ (BX), AX - MOVQ $hasAVX512F, CX - ANDQ CX, AX - JZ no_avx512 - MOVB $1, ret+0(FP) - -no_avx512: -#endif -#endif - RET - diff --git a/vendor/github.com/klauspost/cpuid/v2/cpuid_arm64.s b/vendor/github.com/klauspost/cpuid/v2/cpuid_arm64.s deleted file mode 100644 index b31d6aec..00000000 --- a/vendor/github.com/klauspost/cpuid/v2/cpuid_arm64.s +++ /dev/null @@ -1,26 +0,0 @@ -// Copyright (c) 2015 Klaus Post, released under MIT License. See LICENSE file. - -//+build arm64,!gccgo,!noasm,!appengine - -// See https://www.kernel.org/doc/Documentation/arm64/cpu-feature-registers.txt - -// func getMidr -TEXT ·getMidr(SB), 7, $0 - WORD $0xd5380000 // mrs x0, midr_el1 /* Main ID Register */ - MOVD R0, midr+0(FP) - RET - -// func getProcFeatures -TEXT ·getProcFeatures(SB), 7, $0 - WORD $0xd5380400 // mrs x0, id_aa64pfr0_el1 /* Processor Feature Register 0 */ - MOVD R0, procFeatures+0(FP) - RET - -// func getInstAttributes -TEXT ·getInstAttributes(SB), 7, $0 - WORD $0xd5380600 // mrs x0, id_aa64isar0_el1 /* Instruction Set Attribute Register 0 */ - WORD $0xd5380621 // mrs x1, id_aa64isar1_el1 /* Instruction Set Attribute Register 1 */ - MOVD R0, instAttrReg0+0(FP) - MOVD R1, instAttrReg1+8(FP) - RET - diff --git a/vendor/github.com/klauspost/cpuid/v2/detect_arm64.go b/vendor/github.com/klauspost/cpuid/v2/detect_arm64.go deleted file mode 100644 index 9a53504a..00000000 --- a/vendor/github.com/klauspost/cpuid/v2/detect_arm64.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,247 +0,0 @@ -// Copyright (c) 2015 Klaus Post, released under MIT License. See LICENSE file. - -//go:build arm64 && !gccgo && !noasm && !appengine -// +build arm64,!gccgo,!noasm,!appengine - -package cpuid - -import "runtime" - -func getMidr() (midr uint64) -func getProcFeatures() (procFeatures uint64) -func getInstAttributes() (instAttrReg0, instAttrReg1 uint64) - -func initCPU() { - cpuid = func(uint32) (a, b, c, d uint32) { return 0, 0, 0, 0 } - cpuidex = func(x, y uint32) (a, b, c, d uint32) { return 0, 0, 0, 0 } - xgetbv = func(uint32) (a, b uint32) { return 0, 0 } - rdtscpAsm = func() (a, b, c, d uint32) { return 0, 0, 0, 0 } -} - -func addInfo(c *CPUInfo, safe bool) { - // Seems to be safe to assume on ARM64 - c.CacheLine = 64 - detectOS(c) - - // ARM64 disabled since it may crash if interrupt is not intercepted by OS. - if safe && !c.Supports(ARMCPUID) && runtime.GOOS != "freebsd" { - return - } - midr := getMidr() - - // MIDR_EL1 - Main ID Register - // https://developer.arm.com/docs/ddi0595/h/aarch64-system-registers/midr_el1 - // x--------------------------------------------------x - // | Name | bits | visible | - // |--------------------------------------------------| - // | Implementer | [31-24] | y | - // |--------------------------------------------------| - // | Variant | [23-20] | y | - // |--------------------------------------------------| - // | Architecture | [19-16] | y | - // |--------------------------------------------------| - // | PartNum | [15-4] | y | - // |--------------------------------------------------| - // | Revision | [3-0] | y | - // x--------------------------------------------------x - - switch (midr >> 24) & 0xff { - case 0xC0: - c.VendorString = "Ampere Computing" - c.VendorID = Ampere - case 0x41: - c.VendorString = "Arm Limited" - c.VendorID = ARM - case 0x42: - c.VendorString = "Broadcom Corporation" - c.VendorID = Broadcom - case 0x43: - c.VendorString = "Cavium Inc" - c.VendorID = Cavium - case 0x44: - c.VendorString = "Digital Equipment Corporation" - c.VendorID = DEC - case 0x46: - c.VendorString = "Fujitsu Ltd" - c.VendorID = Fujitsu - case 0x49: - c.VendorString = "Infineon Technologies AG" - c.VendorID = Infineon - case 0x4D: - c.VendorString = "Motorola or Freescale Semiconductor Inc" - c.VendorID = Motorola - case 0x4E: - c.VendorString = "NVIDIA Corporation" - c.VendorID = NVIDIA - case 0x50: - c.VendorString = "Applied Micro Circuits Corporation" - c.VendorID = AMCC - case 0x51: - c.VendorString = "Qualcomm Inc" - c.VendorID = Qualcomm - case 0x56: - c.VendorString = "Marvell International Ltd" - c.VendorID = Marvell - case 0x69: - c.VendorString = "Intel Corporation" - c.VendorID = Intel - } - - // Lower 4 bits: Architecture - // Architecture Meaning - // 0b0001 Armv4. - // 0b0010 Armv4T. - // 0b0011 Armv5 (obsolete). - // 0b0100 Armv5T. - // 0b0101 Armv5TE. - // 0b0110 Armv5TEJ. - // 0b0111 Armv6. - // 0b1111 Architectural features are individually identified in the ID_* registers, see 'ID registers'. - // Upper 4 bit: Variant - // An IMPLEMENTATION DEFINED variant number. - // Typically, this field is used to distinguish between different product variants, or major revisions of a product. - c.Family = int(midr>>16) & 0xff - - // PartNum, bits [15:4] - // An IMPLEMENTATION DEFINED primary part number for the device. - // On processors implemented by Arm, if the top four bits of the primary - // part number are 0x0 or 0x7, the variant and architecture are encoded differently. - // Revision, bits [3:0] - // An IMPLEMENTATION DEFINED revision number for the device. - c.Model = int(midr) & 0xffff - - procFeatures := getProcFeatures() - - // ID_AA64PFR0_EL1 - Processor Feature Register 0 - // x--------------------------------------------------x - // | Name | bits | visible | - // |--------------------------------------------------| - // | DIT | [51-48] | y | - // |--------------------------------------------------| - // | SVE | [35-32] | y | - // |--------------------------------------------------| - // | GIC | [27-24] | n | - // |--------------------------------------------------| - // | AdvSIMD | [23-20] | y | - // |--------------------------------------------------| - // | FP | [19-16] | y | - // |--------------------------------------------------| - // | EL3 | [15-12] | n | - // |--------------------------------------------------| - // | EL2 | [11-8] | n | - // |--------------------------------------------------| - // | EL1 | [7-4] | n | - // |--------------------------------------------------| - // | EL0 | [3-0] | n | - // x--------------------------------------------------x - - var f flagSet - // if procFeatures&(0xf<<48) != 0 { - // fmt.Println("DIT") - // } - f.setIf(procFeatures&(0xf<<32) != 0, SVE) - if procFeatures&(0xf<<20) != 15<<20 { - f.set(ASIMD) - // https://developer.arm.com/docs/ddi0595/b/aarch64-system-registers/id_aa64pfr0_el1 - // 0b0001 --> As for 0b0000, and also includes support for half-precision floating-point arithmetic. - f.setIf(procFeatures&(0xf<<20) == 1<<20, FPHP, ASIMDHP) - } - f.setIf(procFeatures&(0xf<<16) != 0, FP) - - instAttrReg0, instAttrReg1 := getInstAttributes() - - // https://developer.arm.com/docs/ddi0595/b/aarch64-system-registers/id_aa64isar0_el1 - // - // ID_AA64ISAR0_EL1 - Instruction Set Attribute Register 0 - // x--------------------------------------------------x - // | Name | bits | visible | - // |--------------------------------------------------| - // | TS | [55-52] | y | - // |--------------------------------------------------| - // | FHM | [51-48] | y | - // |--------------------------------------------------| - // | DP | [47-44] | y | - // |--------------------------------------------------| - // | SM4 | [43-40] | y | - // |--------------------------------------------------| - // | SM3 | [39-36] | y | - // |--------------------------------------------------| - // | SHA3 | [35-32] | y | - // |--------------------------------------------------| - // | RDM | [31-28] | y | - // |--------------------------------------------------| - // | ATOMICS | [23-20] | y | - // |--------------------------------------------------| - // | CRC32 | [19-16] | y | - // |--------------------------------------------------| - // | SHA2 | [15-12] | y | - // |--------------------------------------------------| - // | SHA1 | [11-8] | y | - // |--------------------------------------------------| - // | AES | [7-4] | y | - // x--------------------------------------------------x - - // if instAttrReg0&(0xf<<52) != 0 { - // fmt.Println("TS") - // } - // if instAttrReg0&(0xf<<48) != 0 { - // fmt.Println("FHM") - // } - f.setIf(instAttrReg0&(0xf<<44) != 0, ASIMDDP) - f.setIf(instAttrReg0&(0xf<<40) != 0, SM4) - f.setIf(instAttrReg0&(0xf<<36) != 0, SM3) - f.setIf(instAttrReg0&(0xf<<32) != 0, SHA3) - f.setIf(instAttrReg0&(0xf<<28) != 0, ASIMDRDM) - f.setIf(instAttrReg0&(0xf<<20) != 0, ATOMICS) - f.setIf(instAttrReg0&(0xf<<16) != 0, CRC32) - f.setIf(instAttrReg0&(0xf<<12) != 0, SHA2) - // https://developer.arm.com/docs/ddi0595/b/aarch64-system-registers/id_aa64isar0_el1 - // 0b0010 --> As 0b0001, plus SHA512H, SHA512H2, SHA512SU0, and SHA512SU1 instructions implemented. - f.setIf(instAttrReg0&(0xf<<12) == 2<<12, SHA512) - f.setIf(instAttrReg0&(0xf<<8) != 0, SHA1) - f.setIf(instAttrReg0&(0xf<<4) != 0, AESARM) - // https://developer.arm.com/docs/ddi0595/b/aarch64-system-registers/id_aa64isar0_el1 - // 0b0010 --> As for 0b0001, plus PMULL/PMULL2 instructions operating on 64-bit data quantities. - f.setIf(instAttrReg0&(0xf<<4) == 2<<4, PMULL) - - // https://developer.arm.com/docs/ddi0595/b/aarch64-system-registers/id_aa64isar1_el1 - // - // ID_AA64ISAR1_EL1 - Instruction set attribute register 1 - // x--------------------------------------------------x - // | Name | bits | visible | - // |--------------------------------------------------| - // | GPI | [31-28] | y | - // |--------------------------------------------------| - // | GPA | [27-24] | y | - // |--------------------------------------------------| - // | LRCPC | [23-20] | y | - // |--------------------------------------------------| - // | FCMA | [19-16] | y | - // |--------------------------------------------------| - // | JSCVT | [15-12] | y | - // |--------------------------------------------------| - // | API | [11-8] | y | - // |--------------------------------------------------| - // | APA | [7-4] | y | - // |--------------------------------------------------| - // | DPB | [3-0] | y | - // x--------------------------------------------------x - - // if instAttrReg1&(0xf<<28) != 0 { - // fmt.Println("GPI") - // } - f.setIf(instAttrReg1&(0xf<<28) != 24, GPA) - f.setIf(instAttrReg1&(0xf<<20) != 0, LRCPC) - f.setIf(instAttrReg1&(0xf<<16) != 0, FCMA) - f.setIf(instAttrReg1&(0xf<<12) != 0, JSCVT) - // if instAttrReg1&(0xf<<8) != 0 { - // fmt.Println("API") - // } - // if instAttrReg1&(0xf<<4) != 0 { - // fmt.Println("APA") - // } - f.setIf(instAttrReg1&(0xf<<0) != 0, DCPOP) - - // Store - c.featureSet.or(f) -} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/klauspost/cpuid/v2/detect_ref.go b/vendor/github.com/klauspost/cpuid/v2/detect_ref.go deleted file mode 100644 index 9636c2bc..00000000 --- a/vendor/github.com/klauspost/cpuid/v2/detect_ref.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,15 +0,0 @@ -// Copyright (c) 2015 Klaus Post, released under MIT License. See LICENSE file. - -//go:build (!amd64 && !386 && !arm64) || gccgo || noasm || appengine -// +build !amd64,!386,!arm64 gccgo noasm appengine - -package cpuid - -func initCPU() { - cpuid = func(uint32) (a, b, c, d uint32) { return 0, 0, 0, 0 } - cpuidex = func(x, y uint32) (a, b, c, d uint32) { return 0, 0, 0, 0 } - xgetbv = func(uint32) (a, b uint32) { return 0, 0 } - rdtscpAsm = func() (a, b, c, d uint32) { return 0, 0, 0, 0 } -} - -func addInfo(info *CPUInfo, safe bool) {} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/klauspost/cpuid/v2/detect_x86.go b/vendor/github.com/klauspost/cpuid/v2/detect_x86.go deleted file mode 100644 index c946824e..00000000 --- a/vendor/github.com/klauspost/cpuid/v2/detect_x86.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,36 +0,0 @@ -// Copyright (c) 2015 Klaus Post, released under MIT License. See LICENSE file. - -//go:build (386 && !gccgo && !noasm && !appengine) || (amd64 && !gccgo && !noasm && !appengine) -// +build 386,!gccgo,!noasm,!appengine amd64,!gccgo,!noasm,!appengine - -package cpuid - -func asmCpuid(op uint32) (eax, ebx, ecx, edx uint32) -func asmCpuidex(op, op2 uint32) (eax, ebx, ecx, edx uint32) -func asmXgetbv(index uint32) (eax, edx uint32) -func asmRdtscpAsm() (eax, ebx, ecx, edx uint32) -func asmDarwinHasAVX512() bool - -func initCPU() { - cpuid = asmCpuid - cpuidex = asmCpuidex - xgetbv = asmXgetbv - rdtscpAsm = asmRdtscpAsm - darwinHasAVX512 = asmDarwinHasAVX512 -} - -func addInfo(c *CPUInfo, safe bool) { - c.maxFunc = maxFunctionID() - c.maxExFunc = maxExtendedFunction() - c.BrandName = brandName() - c.CacheLine = cacheLine() - c.Family, c.Model, c.Stepping = familyModel() - c.featureSet = support() - c.SGX = hasSGX(c.featureSet.inSet(SGX), c.featureSet.inSet(SGXLC)) - c.ThreadsPerCore = threadsPerCore() - c.LogicalCores = logicalCores() - c.PhysicalCores = physicalCores() - c.VendorID, c.VendorString = vendorID() - c.cacheSize() - c.frequencies() -} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/klauspost/cpuid/v2/featureid_string.go b/vendor/github.com/klauspost/cpuid/v2/featureid_string.go deleted file mode 100644 index 8b6cd2b7..00000000 --- a/vendor/github.com/klauspost/cpuid/v2/featureid_string.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,266 +0,0 @@ -// Code generated by "stringer -type=FeatureID,Vendor"; DO NOT EDIT. - -package cpuid - -import "strconv" - -func _() { - // An "invalid array index" compiler error signifies that the constant values have changed. - // Re-run the stringer command to generate them again. - var x [1]struct{} - _ = x[ADX-1] - _ = x[AESNI-2] - _ = x[AMD3DNOW-3] - _ = x[AMD3DNOWEXT-4] - _ = x[AMXBF16-5] - _ = x[AMXFP16-6] - _ = x[AMXINT8-7] - _ = x[AMXTILE-8] - _ = x[AVX-9] - _ = x[AVX2-10] - _ = x[AVX512BF16-11] - _ = x[AVX512BITALG-12] - _ = x[AVX512BW-13] - _ = x[AVX512CD-14] - _ = x[AVX512DQ-15] - _ = x[AVX512ER-16] - _ = x[AVX512F-17] - _ = x[AVX512FP16-18] - _ = x[AVX512IFMA-19] - _ = x[AVX512PF-20] - _ = x[AVX512VBMI-21] - _ = x[AVX512VBMI2-22] - _ = x[AVX512VL-23] - _ = x[AVX512VNNI-24] - _ = x[AVX512VP2INTERSECT-25] - _ = x[AVX512VPOPCNTDQ-26] - _ = x[AVXIFMA-27] - _ = x[AVXNECONVERT-28] - _ = x[AVXSLOW-29] - _ = x[AVXVNNI-30] - _ = x[AVXVNNIINT8-31] - _ = x[BMI1-32] - _ = x[BMI2-33] - _ = x[CETIBT-34] - _ = x[CETSS-35] - _ = x[CLDEMOTE-36] - _ = x[CLMUL-37] - _ = x[CLZERO-38] - _ = x[CMOV-39] - _ = x[CMPCCXADD-40] - _ = x[CMPSB_SCADBS_SHORT-41] - _ = x[CMPXCHG8-42] - _ = x[CPBOOST-43] - _ = x[CPPC-44] - _ = x[CX16-45] - _ = x[EFER_LMSLE_UNS-46] - _ = x[ENQCMD-47] - _ = x[ERMS-48] - _ = x[F16C-49] - _ = x[FLUSH_L1D-50] - _ = x[FMA3-51] - _ = x[FMA4-52] - _ = x[FP128-53] - _ = x[FP256-54] - _ = x[FSRM-55] - _ = x[FXSR-56] - _ = x[FXSROPT-57] - _ = x[GFNI-58] - _ = x[HLE-59] - _ = x[HRESET-60] - _ = x[HTT-61] - _ = x[HWA-62] - _ = x[HYBRID_CPU-63] - _ = x[HYPERVISOR-64] - _ = x[IA32_ARCH_CAP-65] - _ = x[IA32_CORE_CAP-66] - _ = x[IBPB-67] - _ = x[IBRS-68] - _ = x[IBRS_PREFERRED-69] - _ = x[IBRS_PROVIDES_SMP-70] - _ = x[IBS-71] - _ = x[IBSBRNTRGT-72] - _ = x[IBSFETCHSAM-73] - _ = x[IBSFFV-74] - _ = x[IBSOPCNT-75] - _ = x[IBSOPCNTEXT-76] - _ = x[IBSOPSAM-77] - _ = x[IBSRDWROPCNT-78] - _ = x[IBSRIPINVALIDCHK-79] - _ = x[IBS_FETCH_CTLX-80] - _ = x[IBS_OPDATA4-81] - _ = x[IBS_OPFUSE-82] - _ = x[IBS_PREVENTHOST-83] - _ = x[IBS_ZEN4-84] - _ = x[INT_WBINVD-85] - _ = x[INVLPGB-86] - _ = x[LAHF-87] - _ = x[LAM-88] - _ = x[LBRVIRT-89] - _ = x[LZCNT-90] - _ = x[MCAOVERFLOW-91] - _ = x[MCDT_NO-92] - _ = x[MCOMMIT-93] - _ = x[MD_CLEAR-94] - _ = x[MMX-95] - _ = x[MMXEXT-96] - _ = x[MOVBE-97] - _ = x[MOVDIR64B-98] - _ = x[MOVDIRI-99] - _ = x[MOVSB_ZL-100] - _ = x[MOVU-101] - _ = x[MPX-102] - _ = x[MSRIRC-103] - _ = x[MSR_PAGEFLUSH-104] - _ = x[NRIPS-105] - _ = x[NX-106] - _ = x[OSXSAVE-107] - _ = x[PCONFIG-108] - _ = x[POPCNT-109] - _ = x[PPIN-110] - _ = x[PREFETCHI-111] - _ = x[PSFD-112] - _ = x[RDPRU-113] - _ = x[RDRAND-114] - _ = x[RDSEED-115] - _ = x[RDTSCP-116] - _ = x[RTM-117] - _ = x[RTM_ALWAYS_ABORT-118] - _ = x[SERIALIZE-119] - _ = x[SEV-120] - _ = x[SEV_64BIT-121] - _ = x[SEV_ALTERNATIVE-122] - _ = x[SEV_DEBUGSWAP-123] - _ = x[SEV_ES-124] - _ = x[SEV_RESTRICTED-125] - _ = x[SEV_SNP-126] - _ = x[SGX-127] - _ = x[SGXLC-128] - _ = x[SHA-129] - _ = x[SME-130] - _ = x[SME_COHERENT-131] - _ = x[SPEC_CTRL_SSBD-132] - _ = x[SRBDS_CTRL-133] - _ = x[SSE-134] - _ = x[SSE2-135] - _ = x[SSE3-136] - _ = x[SSE4-137] - _ = x[SSE42-138] - _ = x[SSE4A-139] - _ = x[SSSE3-140] - _ = x[STIBP-141] - _ = x[STIBP_ALWAYSON-142] - _ = x[STOSB_SHORT-143] - _ = x[SUCCOR-144] - _ = x[SVM-145] - _ = x[SVMDA-146] - _ = x[SVMFBASID-147] - _ = x[SVML-148] - _ = x[SVMNP-149] - _ = x[SVMPF-150] - _ = x[SVMPFT-151] - _ = x[SYSCALL-152] - _ = x[SYSEE-153] - _ = x[TBM-154] - _ = x[TLB_FLUSH_NESTED-155] - _ = x[TME-156] - _ = x[TOPEXT-157] - _ = x[TSCRATEMSR-158] - _ = x[TSXLDTRK-159] - _ = x[VAES-160] - _ = x[VMCBCLEAN-161] - _ = x[VMPL-162] - _ = x[VMSA_REGPROT-163] - _ = x[VMX-164] - _ = x[VPCLMULQDQ-165] - _ = x[VTE-166] - _ = x[WAITPKG-167] - _ = x[WBNOINVD-168] - _ = x[X87-169] - _ = x[XGETBV1-170] - _ = x[XOP-171] - _ = x[XSAVE-172] - _ = x[XSAVEC-173] - _ = x[XSAVEOPT-174] - _ = x[XSAVES-175] - _ = x[AESARM-176] - _ = x[ARMCPUID-177] - _ = x[ASIMD-178] - _ = x[ASIMDDP-179] - _ = x[ASIMDHP-180] - _ = x[ASIMDRDM-181] - _ = x[ATOMICS-182] - _ = x[CRC32-183] - _ = x[DCPOP-184] - _ = x[EVTSTRM-185] - _ = x[FCMA-186] - _ = x[FP-187] - _ = x[FPHP-188] - _ = x[GPA-189] - _ = x[JSCVT-190] - _ = x[LRCPC-191] - _ = x[PMULL-192] - _ = x[SHA1-193] - _ = x[SHA2-194] - _ = x[SHA3-195] - _ = x[SHA512-196] - _ = x[SM3-197] - _ = x[SM4-198] - _ = x[SVE-199] - _ = x[lastID-200] - _ = x[firstID-0] -} - -const _FeatureID_name = "firstIDADXAESNIAMD3DNOWAMD3DNOWEXTAMXBF16AMXFP16AMXINT8AMXTILEAVXAVX2AVX512BF16AVX512BITALGAVX512BWAVX512CDAVX512DQAVX512ERAVX512FAVX512FP16AVX512IFMAAVX512PFAVX512VBMIAVX512VBMI2AVX512VLAVX512VNNIAVX512VP2INTERSECTAVX512VPOPCNTDQAVXIFMAAVXNECONVERTAVXSLOWAVXVNNIAVXVNNIINT8BMI1BMI2CETIBTCETSSCLDEMOTECLMULCLZEROCMOVCMPCCXADDCMPSB_SCADBS_SHORTCMPXCHG8CPBOOSTCPPCCX16EFER_LMSLE_UNSENQCMDERMSF16CFLUSH_L1DFMA3FMA4FP128FP256FSRMFXSRFXSROPTGFNIHLEHRESETHTTHWAHYBRID_CPUHYPERVISORIA32_ARCH_CAPIA32_CORE_CAPIBPBIBRSIBRS_PREFERREDIBRS_PROVIDES_SMPIBSIBSBRNTRGTIBSFETCHSAMIBSFFVIBSOPCNTIBSOPCNTEXTIBSOPSAMIBSRDWROPCNTIBSRIPINVALIDCHKIBS_FETCH_CTLXIBS_OPDATA4IBS_OPFUSEIBS_PREVENTHOSTIBS_ZEN4INT_WBINVDINVLPGBLAHFLAMLBRVIRTLZCNTMCAOVERFLOWMCDT_NOMCOMMITMD_CLEARMMXMMXEXTMOVBEMOVDIR64BMOVDIRIMOVSB_ZLMOVUMPXMSRIRCMSR_PAGEFLUSHNRIPSNXOSXSAVEPCONFIGPOPCNTPPINPREFETCHIPSFDRDPRURDRANDRDSEEDRDTSCPRTMRTM_ALWAYS_ABORTSERIALIZESEVSEV_64BITSEV_ALTERNATIVESEV_DEBUGSWAPSEV_ESSEV_RESTRICTEDSEV_SNPSGXSGXLCSHASMESME_COHERENTSPEC_CTRL_SSBDSRBDS_CTRLSSESSE2SSE3SSE4SSE42SSE4ASSSE3STIBPSTIBP_ALWAYSONSTOSB_SHORTSUCCORSVMSVMDASVMFBASIDSVMLSVMNPSVMPFSVMPFTSYSCALLSYSEETBMTLB_FLUSH_NESTEDTMETOPEXTTSCRATEMSRTSXLDTRKVAESVMCBCLEANVMPLVMSA_REGPROTVMXVPCLMULQDQVTEWAITPKGWBNOINVDX87XGETBV1XOPXSAVEXSAVECXSAVEOPTXSAVESAESARMARMCPUIDASIMDASIMDDPASIMDHPASIMDRDMATOMICSCRC32DCPOPEVTSTRMFCMAFPFPHPGPAJSCVTLRCPCPMULLSHA1SHA2SHA3SHA512SM3SM4SVElastID" - -var _FeatureID_index = [...]uint16{0, 7, 10, 15, 23, 34, 41, 48, 55, 62, 65, 69, 79, 91, 99, 107, 115, 123, 130, 140, 150, 158, 168, 179, 187, 197, 215, 230, 237, 249, 256, 263, 274, 278, 282, 288, 293, 301, 306, 312, 316, 325, 343, 351, 358, 362, 366, 380, 386, 390, 394, 403, 407, 411, 416, 421, 425, 429, 436, 440, 443, 449, 452, 455, 465, 475, 488, 501, 505, 509, 523, 540, 543, 553, 564, 570, 578, 589, 597, 609, 625, 639, 650, 660, 675, 683, 693, 700, 704, 707, 714, 719, 730, 737, 744, 752, 755, 761, 766, 775, 782, 790, 794, 797, 803, 816, 821, 823, 830, 837, 843, 847, 856, 860, 865, 871, 877, 883, 886, 902, 911, 914, 923, 938, 951, 957, 971, 978, 981, 986, 989, 992, 1004, 1018, 1028, 1031, 1035, 1039, 1043, 1048, 1053, 1058, 1063, 1077, 1088, 1094, 1097, 1102, 1111, 1115, 1120, 1125, 1131, 1138, 1143, 1146, 1162, 1165, 1171, 1181, 1189, 1193, 1202, 1206, 1218, 1221, 1231, 1234, 1241, 1249, 1252, 1259, 1262, 1267, 1273, 1281, 1287, 1293, 1301, 1306, 1313, 1320, 1328, 1335, 1340, 1345, 1352, 1356, 1358, 1362, 1365, 1370, 1375, 1380, 1384, 1388, 1392, 1398, 1401, 1404, 1407, 1413} - -func (i FeatureID) String() string { - if i < 0 || i >= FeatureID(len(_FeatureID_index)-1) { - return "FeatureID(" + strconv.FormatInt(int64(i), 10) + ")" - } - return _FeatureID_name[_FeatureID_index[i]:_FeatureID_index[i+1]] -} -func _() { - // An "invalid array index" compiler error signifies that the constant values have changed. - // Re-run the stringer command to generate them again. - var x [1]struct{} - _ = x[VendorUnknown-0] - _ = x[Intel-1] - _ = x[AMD-2] - _ = x[VIA-3] - _ = x[Transmeta-4] - _ = x[NSC-5] - _ = x[KVM-6] - _ = x[MSVM-7] - _ = x[VMware-8] - _ = x[XenHVM-9] - _ = x[Bhyve-10] - _ = x[Hygon-11] - _ = x[SiS-12] - _ = x[RDC-13] - _ = x[Ampere-14] - _ = x[ARM-15] - _ = x[Broadcom-16] - _ = x[Cavium-17] - _ = x[DEC-18] - _ = x[Fujitsu-19] - _ = x[Infineon-20] - _ = x[Motorola-21] - _ = x[NVIDIA-22] - _ = x[AMCC-23] - _ = x[Qualcomm-24] - _ = x[Marvell-25] - _ = x[lastVendor-26] -} - -const _Vendor_name = "VendorUnknownIntelAMDVIATransmetaNSCKVMMSVMVMwareXenHVMBhyveHygonSiSRDCAmpereARMBroadcomCaviumDECFujitsuInfineonMotorolaNVIDIAAMCCQualcommMarvelllastVendor" - -var _Vendor_index = [...]uint8{0, 13, 18, 21, 24, 33, 36, 39, 43, 49, 55, 60, 65, 68, 71, 77, 80, 88, 94, 97, 104, 112, 120, 126, 130, 138, 145, 155} - -func (i Vendor) String() string { - if i < 0 || i >= Vendor(len(_Vendor_index)-1) { - return "Vendor(" + strconv.FormatInt(int64(i), 10) + ")" - } - return _Vendor_name[_Vendor_index[i]:_Vendor_index[i+1]] -} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/klauspost/cpuid/v2/os_darwin_arm64.go b/vendor/github.com/klauspost/cpuid/v2/os_darwin_arm64.go deleted file mode 100644 index 84b1acd2..00000000 --- a/vendor/github.com/klauspost/cpuid/v2/os_darwin_arm64.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,121 +0,0 @@ -// Copyright (c) 2020 Klaus Post, released under MIT License. See LICENSE file. - -package cpuid - -import ( - "runtime" - "strings" - - "golang.org/x/sys/unix" -) - -func detectOS(c *CPUInfo) bool { - if runtime.GOOS != "ios" { - tryToFillCPUInfoFomSysctl(c) - } - // There are no hw.optional sysctl values for the below features on Mac OS 11.0 - // to detect their supported state dynamically. Assume the CPU features that - // Apple Silicon M1 supports to be available as a minimal set of features - // to all Go programs running on darwin/arm64. - // TODO: Add more if we know them. - c.featureSet.setIf(runtime.GOOS != "ios", AESARM, PMULL, SHA1, SHA2) - - return true -} - -func sysctlGetBool(name string) bool { - value, err := unix.SysctlUint32(name) - if err != nil { - return false - } - return value != 0 -} - -func sysctlGetString(name string) string { - value, err := unix.Sysctl(name) - if err != nil { - return "" - } - return value -} - -func sysctlGetInt(unknown int, names ...string) int { - for _, name := range names { - value, err := unix.SysctlUint32(name) - if err != nil { - continue - } - if value != 0 { - return int(value) - } - } - return unknown -} - -func sysctlGetInt64(unknown int, names ...string) int { - for _, name := range names { - value64, err := unix.SysctlUint64(name) - if err != nil { - continue - } - if int(value64) != unknown { - return int(value64) - } - } - return unknown -} - -func setFeature(c *CPUInfo, name string, feature FeatureID) { - c.featureSet.setIf(sysctlGetBool(name), feature) -} -func tryToFillCPUInfoFomSysctl(c *CPUInfo) { - c.BrandName = sysctlGetString("machdep.cpu.brand_string") - - if len(c.BrandName) != 0 { - c.VendorString = strings.Fields(c.BrandName)[0] - } - - c.PhysicalCores = sysctlGetInt(runtime.NumCPU(), "hw.physicalcpu") - c.ThreadsPerCore = sysctlGetInt(1, "machdep.cpu.thread_count", "kern.num_threads") / - sysctlGetInt(1, "hw.physicalcpu") - c.LogicalCores = sysctlGetInt(runtime.NumCPU(), "machdep.cpu.core_count") - c.Family = sysctlGetInt(0, "machdep.cpu.family", "hw.cpufamily") - c.Model = sysctlGetInt(0, "machdep.cpu.model") - c.CacheLine = sysctlGetInt64(0, "hw.cachelinesize") - c.Cache.L1I = sysctlGetInt64(-1, "hw.l1icachesize") - c.Cache.L1D = sysctlGetInt64(-1, "hw.l1dcachesize") - c.Cache.L2 = sysctlGetInt64(-1, "hw.l2cachesize") - c.Cache.L3 = sysctlGetInt64(-1, "hw.l3cachesize") - - // from https://developer.arm.com/downloads/-/exploration-tools/feature-names-for-a-profile - setFeature(c, "hw.optional.arm.FEAT_AES", AESARM) - setFeature(c, "hw.optional.AdvSIMD", ASIMD) - setFeature(c, "hw.optional.arm.FEAT_DotProd", ASIMDDP) - setFeature(c, "hw.optional.arm.FEAT_RDM", ASIMDRDM) - setFeature(c, "hw.optional.FEAT_CRC32", CRC32) - setFeature(c, "hw.optional.arm.FEAT_DPB", DCPOP) - // setFeature(c, "", EVTSTRM) - setFeature(c, "hw.optional.arm.FEAT_FCMA", FCMA) - setFeature(c, "hw.optional.arm.FEAT_FP", FP) - setFeature(c, "hw.optional.arm.FEAT_FP16", FPHP) - setFeature(c, "hw.optional.arm.FEAT_PAuth", GPA) - setFeature(c, "hw.optional.arm.FEAT_JSCVT", JSCVT) - setFeature(c, "hw.optional.arm.FEAT_LRCPC", LRCPC) - setFeature(c, "hw.optional.arm.FEAT_PMULL", PMULL) - setFeature(c, "hw.optional.arm.FEAT_SHA1", SHA1) - setFeature(c, "hw.optional.arm.FEAT_SHA256", SHA2) - setFeature(c, "hw.optional.arm.FEAT_SHA3", SHA3) - setFeature(c, "hw.optional.arm.FEAT_SHA512", SHA512) - // setFeature(c, "", SM3) - // setFeature(c, "", SM4) - setFeature(c, "hw.optional.arm.FEAT_SVE", SVE) - - // from empirical observation - setFeature(c, "hw.optional.AdvSIMD_HPFPCvt", ASIMDHP) - setFeature(c, "hw.optional.armv8_1_atomics", ATOMICS) - setFeature(c, "hw.optional.floatingpoint", FP) - setFeature(c, "hw.optional.armv8_2_sha3", SHA3) - setFeature(c, "hw.optional.armv8_2_sha512", SHA512) - setFeature(c, "hw.optional.armv8_3_compnum", FCMA) - setFeature(c, "hw.optional.armv8_crc32", CRC32) -} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/klauspost/cpuid/v2/os_linux_arm64.go b/vendor/github.com/klauspost/cpuid/v2/os_linux_arm64.go deleted file mode 100644 index ee278b9e..00000000 --- a/vendor/github.com/klauspost/cpuid/v2/os_linux_arm64.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,130 +0,0 @@ -// Copyright (c) 2020 Klaus Post, released under MIT License. See LICENSE file. - -// Copyright 2018 The Go Authors. All rights reserved. -// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style -// license that can be found in the LICENSE file located -// here https://github.com/golang/sys/blob/master/LICENSE - -package cpuid - -import ( - "encoding/binary" - "io/ioutil" - "runtime" -) - -// HWCAP bits. -const ( - hwcap_FP = 1 << 0 - hwcap_ASIMD = 1 << 1 - hwcap_EVTSTRM = 1 << 2 - hwcap_AES = 1 << 3 - hwcap_PMULL = 1 << 4 - hwcap_SHA1 = 1 << 5 - hwcap_SHA2 = 1 << 6 - hwcap_CRC32 = 1 << 7 - hwcap_ATOMICS = 1 << 8 - hwcap_FPHP = 1 << 9 - hwcap_ASIMDHP = 1 << 10 - hwcap_CPUID = 1 << 11 - hwcap_ASIMDRDM = 1 << 12 - hwcap_JSCVT = 1 << 13 - hwcap_FCMA = 1 << 14 - hwcap_LRCPC = 1 << 15 - hwcap_DCPOP = 1 << 16 - hwcap_SHA3 = 1 << 17 - hwcap_SM3 = 1 << 18 - hwcap_SM4 = 1 << 19 - hwcap_ASIMDDP = 1 << 20 - hwcap_SHA512 = 1 << 21 - hwcap_SVE = 1 << 22 - hwcap_ASIMDFHM = 1 << 23 -) - -func detectOS(c *CPUInfo) bool { - // For now assuming no hyperthreading is reasonable. - c.LogicalCores = runtime.NumCPU() - c.PhysicalCores = c.LogicalCores - c.ThreadsPerCore = 1 - if hwcap == 0 { - // We did not get values from the runtime. - // Try reading /proc/self/auxv - - // From https://github.com/golang/sys - const ( - _AT_HWCAP = 16 - _AT_HWCAP2 = 26 - - uintSize = int(32 << (^uint(0) >> 63)) - ) - - buf, err := ioutil.ReadFile("/proc/self/auxv") - if err != nil { - // e.g. on android /proc/self/auxv is not accessible, so silently - // ignore the error and leave Initialized = false. On some - // architectures (e.g. arm64) doinit() implements a fallback - // readout and will set Initialized = true again. - return false - } - bo := binary.LittleEndian - for len(buf) >= 2*(uintSize/8) { - var tag, val uint - switch uintSize { - case 32: - tag = uint(bo.Uint32(buf[0:])) - val = uint(bo.Uint32(buf[4:])) - buf = buf[8:] - case 64: - tag = uint(bo.Uint64(buf[0:])) - val = uint(bo.Uint64(buf[8:])) - buf = buf[16:] - } - switch tag { - case _AT_HWCAP: - hwcap = val - case _AT_HWCAP2: - // Not used - } - } - if hwcap == 0 { - return false - } - } - - // HWCap was populated by the runtime from the auxiliary vector. - // Use HWCap information since reading aarch64 system registers - // is not supported in user space on older linux kernels. - c.featureSet.setIf(isSet(hwcap, hwcap_AES), AESARM) - c.featureSet.setIf(isSet(hwcap, hwcap_ASIMD), ASIMD) - c.featureSet.setIf(isSet(hwcap, hwcap_ASIMDDP), ASIMDDP) - c.featureSet.setIf(isSet(hwcap, hwcap_ASIMDHP), ASIMDHP) - c.featureSet.setIf(isSet(hwcap, hwcap_ASIMDRDM), ASIMDRDM) - c.featureSet.setIf(isSet(hwcap, hwcap_CPUID), ARMCPUID) - c.featureSet.setIf(isSet(hwcap, hwcap_CRC32), CRC32) - c.featureSet.setIf(isSet(hwcap, hwcap_DCPOP), DCPOP) - c.featureSet.setIf(isSet(hwcap, hwcap_EVTSTRM), EVTSTRM) - c.featureSet.setIf(isSet(hwcap, hwcap_FCMA), FCMA) - c.featureSet.setIf(isSet(hwcap, hwcap_FP), FP) - c.featureSet.setIf(isSet(hwcap, hwcap_FPHP), FPHP) - c.featureSet.setIf(isSet(hwcap, hwcap_JSCVT), JSCVT) - c.featureSet.setIf(isSet(hwcap, hwcap_LRCPC), LRCPC) - c.featureSet.setIf(isSet(hwcap, hwcap_PMULL), PMULL) - c.featureSet.setIf(isSet(hwcap, hwcap_SHA1), SHA1) - c.featureSet.setIf(isSet(hwcap, hwcap_SHA2), SHA2) - c.featureSet.setIf(isSet(hwcap, hwcap_SHA3), SHA3) - c.featureSet.setIf(isSet(hwcap, hwcap_SHA512), SHA512) - c.featureSet.setIf(isSet(hwcap, hwcap_SM3), SM3) - c.featureSet.setIf(isSet(hwcap, hwcap_SM4), SM4) - c.featureSet.setIf(isSet(hwcap, hwcap_SVE), SVE) - - // The Samsung S9+ kernel reports support for atomics, but not all cores - // actually support them, resulting in SIGILL. See issue #28431. - // TODO(elias.naur): Only disable the optimization on bad chipsets on android. - c.featureSet.setIf(isSet(hwcap, hwcap_ATOMICS) && runtime.GOOS != "android", ATOMICS) - - return true -} - -func isSet(hwc uint, value uint) bool { - return hwc&value != 0 -} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/klauspost/cpuid/v2/os_other_arm64.go b/vendor/github.com/klauspost/cpuid/v2/os_other_arm64.go deleted file mode 100644 index 8733ba34..00000000 --- a/vendor/github.com/klauspost/cpuid/v2/os_other_arm64.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,16 +0,0 @@ -// Copyright (c) 2020 Klaus Post, released under MIT License. See LICENSE file. - -//go:build arm64 && !linux && !darwin -// +build arm64,!linux,!darwin - -package cpuid - -import "runtime" - -func detectOS(c *CPUInfo) bool { - c.PhysicalCores = runtime.NumCPU() - // For now assuming 1 thread per core... - c.ThreadsPerCore = 1 - c.LogicalCores = c.PhysicalCores - return false -} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/klauspost/cpuid/v2/os_safe_linux_arm64.go b/vendor/github.com/klauspost/cpuid/v2/os_safe_linux_arm64.go deleted file mode 100644 index f8f201b5..00000000 --- a/vendor/github.com/klauspost/cpuid/v2/os_safe_linux_arm64.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,8 +0,0 @@ -// Copyright (c) 2021 Klaus Post, released under MIT License. See LICENSE file. - -//go:build nounsafe -// +build nounsafe - -package cpuid - -var hwcap uint diff --git a/vendor/github.com/klauspost/cpuid/v2/os_unsafe_linux_arm64.go b/vendor/github.com/klauspost/cpuid/v2/os_unsafe_linux_arm64.go deleted file mode 100644 index 92af622e..00000000 --- a/vendor/github.com/klauspost/cpuid/v2/os_unsafe_linux_arm64.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,11 +0,0 @@ -// Copyright (c) 2021 Klaus Post, released under MIT License. See LICENSE file. - -//go:build !nounsafe -// +build !nounsafe - -package cpuid - -import _ "unsafe" // needed for go:linkname - -//go:linkname hwcap internal/cpu.HWCap -var hwcap uint diff --git a/vendor/github.com/klauspost/cpuid/v2/test-architectures.sh b/vendor/github.com/klauspost/cpuid/v2/test-architectures.sh deleted file mode 100644 index 471d986d..00000000 --- a/vendor/github.com/klauspost/cpuid/v2/test-architectures.sh +++ /dev/null @@ -1,15 +0,0 @@ -#!/bin/sh - -set -e - -go tool dist list | while IFS=/ read os arch; do - echo "Checking $os/$arch..." - echo " normal" - GOARCH=$arch GOOS=$os go build -o /dev/null . - echo " noasm" - GOARCH=$arch GOOS=$os go build -tags noasm -o /dev/null . - echo " appengine" - GOARCH=$arch GOOS=$os go build -tags appengine -o /dev/null . - echo " noasm,appengine" - GOARCH=$arch GOOS=$os go build -tags 'appengine noasm' -o /dev/null . -done diff --git a/vendor/github.com/minio/sha256-simd/.gitignore b/vendor/github.com/minio/sha256-simd/.gitignore deleted file mode 100644 index c56069fe..00000000 --- a/vendor/github.com/minio/sha256-simd/.gitignore +++ /dev/null @@ -1 +0,0 @@ -*.test \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/vendor/github.com/minio/sha256-simd/LICENSE b/vendor/github.com/minio/sha256-simd/LICENSE deleted file mode 100644 index d6456956..00000000 --- a/vendor/github.com/minio/sha256-simd/LICENSE +++ /dev/null @@ -1,202 +0,0 @@ - - Apache License - Version 2.0, January 2004 - http://www.apache.org/licenses/ - - TERMS AND CONDITIONS FOR USE, REPRODUCTION, AND DISTRIBUTION - - 1. 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Guilford et al. - -## Support for Intel SHA Extensions - -Support for the Intel SHA Extensions has been added by Kristofer Peterson (@svenski123), originally developed for spacemeshos [here](https://github.com/spacemeshos/POET/issues/23). On CPUs that support it (known thus far Intel Celeron J3455 and AMD Ryzen) it gives a significant boost in performance (with thanks to @AudriusButkevicius for reporting the results; full results [here](https://github.com/minio/sha256-simd/pull/37#issuecomment-451607827)). - -``` -$ benchcmp avx2.txt sha-ext.txt -benchmark AVX2 MB/s SHA Ext MB/s speedup -BenchmarkHash5M 514.40 1975.17 3.84x -``` - -Thanks to Kristofer Peterson, we also added additional performance changes such as optimized padding, -endian conversions which sped up all implementations i.e. Intel SHA alone while doubled performance for small sizes, -the other changes increased everything roughly 50%. - -## Support for AVX512 - -We have added support for AVX512 which results in an up to 8x performance improvement over AVX2 (3.0 GHz Xeon Platinum 8124M CPU): - -``` -$ benchcmp avx2.txt avx512.txt -benchmark AVX2 MB/s AVX512 MB/s speedup -BenchmarkHash5M 448.62 3498.20 7.80x -``` - -The original code was developed by Intel as part of the [multi-buffer crypto library](https://github.com/intel/intel-ipsec-mb) for IPSec or more specifically this [AVX512](https://github.com/intel/intel-ipsec-mb/blob/master/avx512/sha256_x16_avx512.asm) implementation. The key idea behind it is to process a total of 16 checksums in parallel by “transposing” 16 (independent) messages of 64 bytes between a total of 16 ZMM registers (each 64 bytes wide). - -Transposing the input messages means that in order to take full advantage of the speedup you need to have a (server) workload where multiple threads are doing SHA256 calculations in parallel. Unfortunately for this algorithm it is not possible for two message blocks processed in parallel to be dependent on one another — because then the (interim) result of the first part of the message has to be an input into the processing of the second part of the message. - -Whereas the original Intel C implementation requires some sort of explicit scheduling of messages to be processed in parallel, for Golang it makes sense to take advantage of channels in order to group messages together and use channels as well for sending back the results (thereby effectively decoupling the calculations). We have implemented a fairly simple scheduling mechanism that seems to work well in practice. - -Due to this different way of scheduling, we decided to use an explicit method to instantiate the AVX512 version. Essentially one or more AVX512 processing servers ([`Avx512Server`](https://github.com/minio/sha256-simd/blob/master/sha256blockAvx512_amd64.go#L294)) have to be created whereby each server can hash over 3 GB/s on a single core. An `hash.Hash` object ([`Avx512Digest`](https://github.com/minio/sha256-simd/blob/master/sha256blockAvx512_amd64.go#L45)) is then instantiated using one of these servers and used in the regular fashion: - -```go -import "github.com/minio/sha256-simd" - -func main() { - server := sha256.NewAvx512Server() - h512 := sha256.NewAvx512(server) - h512.Write(fileBlock) - digest := h512.Sum([]byte{}) -} -``` - -Note that, because of the scheduling overhead, for small messages (< 1 MB) you will be better off using the regular SHA256 hashing (but those are typically not performance critical anyway). Some other tips to get the best performance: -* Have many go routines doing SHA256 calculations in parallel. -* Try to Write() messages in multiples of 64 bytes. -* Try to keep the overall length of messages to a roughly similar size ie. 5 MB (this way all 16 ‘lanes’ in the AVX512 computations are contributing as much as possible). - -More detailed information can be found in this [blog](https://blog.minio.io/accelerate-sha256-up-to-8x-over-3-gb-s-per-core-with-avx512-a0b1d64f78f) post including scaling across cores. - -## Drop-In Replacement - -The following code snippet shows how you can use `github.com/minio/sha256-simd`. -This will automatically select the fastest method for the architecture on which it will be executed. - -```go -import "github.com/minio/sha256-simd" - -func main() { - ... - shaWriter := sha256.New() - io.Copy(shaWriter, file) - ... -} -``` - -## Performance - -Below is the speed in MB/s for a single core (ranked fast to slow) for blocks larger than 1 MB. - -| Processor | SIMD | Speed (MB/s) | -| --------------------------------- | ------- | ------------:| -| 3.0 GHz Intel Xeon Platinum 8124M | AVX512 | 3498 | -| 3.7 GHz AMD Ryzen 7 2700X | SHA Ext | 1979 | -| 1.2 GHz ARM Cortex-A53 | ARM64 | 638 | - -## asm2plan9s - -In order to be able to work more easily with AVX512/AVX2 instructions, a separate tool was developed to convert SIMD instructions into the corresponding BYTE sequence as accepted by Go assembly. See [asm2plan9s](https://github.com/minio/asm2plan9s) for more information. - -## Why and benefits - -One of the most performance sensitive parts of the [Minio](https://github.com/minio/minio) object storage server is related to SHA256 hash sums calculations. For instance during multi part uploads each part that is uploaded needs to be verified for data integrity by the server. - -Other applications that can benefit from enhanced SHA256 performance are deduplication in storage systems, intrusion detection, version control systems, integrity checking, etc. - -## ARM SHA Extensions - -The 64-bit ARMv8 core has introduced new instructions for SHA1 and SHA2 acceleration as part of the [Cryptography Extensions](http://infocenter.arm.com/help/index.jsp?topic=/com.arm.doc.ddi0501f/CHDFJBCJ.html). Below you can see a small excerpt highlighting one of the rounds as is done for the SHA256 calculation process (for full code see [sha256block_arm64.s](https://github.com/minio/sha256-simd/blob/master/sha256block_arm64.s)). - - ``` - sha256h q2, q3, v9.4s - sha256h2 q3, q4, v9.4s - sha256su0 v5.4s, v6.4s - rev32 v8.16b, v8.16b - add v9.4s, v7.4s, v18.4s - mov v4.16b, v2.16b - sha256h q2, q3, v10.4s - sha256h2 q3, q4, v10.4s - sha256su0 v6.4s, v7.4s - sha256su1 v5.4s, v7.4s, v8.4s - ``` - -### Detailed benchmarks - -Benchmarks generated on a 1.2 Ghz Quad-Core ARM Cortex A53 equipped [Pine64](https://www.pine64.com/). - -``` -minio@minio-arm:$ benchcmp golang.txt arm64.txt -benchmark golang arm64 speedup -BenchmarkHash8Bytes-4 0.68 MB/s 5.70 MB/s 8.38x -BenchmarkHash1K-4 5.65 MB/s 326.30 MB/s 57.75x -BenchmarkHash8K-4 6.00 MB/s 570.63 MB/s 95.11x -BenchmarkHash1M-4 6.05 MB/s 638.23 MB/s 105.49x -``` - -## License - -Released under the Apache License v2.0. You can find the complete text in the file LICENSE. - -## Contributing - -Contributions are welcome, please send PRs for any enhancements. diff --git a/vendor/github.com/minio/sha256-simd/cpuid_other.go b/vendor/github.com/minio/sha256-simd/cpuid_other.go deleted file mode 100644 index 97af6a19..00000000 --- a/vendor/github.com/minio/sha256-simd/cpuid_other.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,50 +0,0 @@ -// Minio Cloud Storage, (C) 2021 Minio, Inc. -// -// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); -// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. -// You may obtain a copy of the License at -// -// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 -// -// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software -// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, -// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. -// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and -// limitations under the License. -// - -package sha256 - -import ( - "bytes" - "io/ioutil" - "runtime" - - "github.com/klauspost/cpuid/v2" -) - -var ( - hasIntelSha = runtime.GOARCH == "amd64" && cpuid.CPU.Supports(cpuid.SHA, cpuid.SSSE3, cpuid.SSE4) - hasAvx512 = cpuid.CPU.Supports(cpuid.AVX512F, cpuid.AVX512DQ, cpuid.AVX512BW, cpuid.AVX512VL) -) - -func hasArmSha2() bool { - if cpuid.CPU.Has(cpuid.SHA2) { - return true - } - if runtime.GOARCH != "arm64" || runtime.GOOS != "linux" { - return false - } - - // Fall back to hacky cpuinfo parsing... - const procCPUInfo = "/proc/cpuinfo" - - // Feature to check for. - const sha256Feature = "sha2" - - cpuInfo, err := ioutil.ReadFile(procCPUInfo) - if err != nil { - return false - } - return bytes.Contains(cpuInfo, []byte(sha256Feature)) -} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/minio/sha256-simd/sha256.go b/vendor/github.com/minio/sha256-simd/sha256.go deleted file mode 100644 index f146bbdb..00000000 --- a/vendor/github.com/minio/sha256-simd/sha256.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,468 +0,0 @@ -/* - * Minio Cloud Storage, (C) 2016 Minio, Inc. - * - * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); - * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. - * You may obtain a copy of the License at - * - * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 - * - * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software - * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, - * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. - * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and - * limitations under the License. - */ - -package sha256 - -import ( - "crypto/sha256" - "encoding/binary" - "errors" - "hash" -) - -// Size - The size of a SHA256 checksum in bytes. -const Size = 32 - -// BlockSize - The blocksize of SHA256 in bytes. -const BlockSize = 64 - -const ( - chunk = BlockSize - init0 = 0x6A09E667 - init1 = 0xBB67AE85 - init2 = 0x3C6EF372 - init3 = 0xA54FF53A - init4 = 0x510E527F - init5 = 0x9B05688C - init6 = 0x1F83D9AB - init7 = 0x5BE0CD19 -) - -// digest represents the partial evaluation of a checksum. -type digest struct { - h [8]uint32 - x [chunk]byte - nx int - len uint64 -} - -// Reset digest back to default -func (d *digest) Reset() { - d.h[0] = init0 - d.h[1] = init1 - d.h[2] = init2 - d.h[3] = init3 - d.h[4] = init4 - d.h[5] = init5 - d.h[6] = init6 - d.h[7] = init7 - d.nx = 0 - d.len = 0 -} - -type blockfuncType int - -const ( - blockfuncStdlib blockfuncType = iota - blockfuncIntelSha - blockfuncArmSha2 - blockfuncForceGeneric = -1 -) - -var blockfunc blockfuncType - -func init() { - switch { - case hasIntelSha: - blockfunc = blockfuncIntelSha - case hasArmSha2(): - blockfunc = blockfuncArmSha2 - } -} - -// New returns a new hash.Hash computing the SHA256 checksum. -func New() hash.Hash { - if blockfunc == blockfuncStdlib { - // Fallback to the standard golang implementation - // if no features were found. - return sha256.New() - } - - d := new(digest) - d.Reset() - return d -} - -// Sum256 - single caller sha256 helper -func Sum256(data []byte) (result [Size]byte) { - var d digest - d.Reset() - d.Write(data) - result = d.checkSum() - return -} - -// Return size of checksum -func (d *digest) Size() int { return Size } - -// Return blocksize of checksum -func (d *digest) BlockSize() int { return BlockSize } - -// Write to digest -func (d *digest) Write(p []byte) (nn int, err error) { - nn = len(p) - d.len += uint64(nn) - if d.nx > 0 { - n := copy(d.x[d.nx:], p) - d.nx += n - if d.nx == chunk { - block(d, d.x[:]) - d.nx = 0 - } - p = p[n:] - } - if len(p) >= chunk { - n := len(p) &^ (chunk - 1) - block(d, p[:n]) - p = p[n:] - } - if len(p) > 0 { - d.nx = copy(d.x[:], p) - } - return -} - -// Return sha256 sum in bytes -func (d *digest) Sum(in []byte) []byte { - // Make a copy of d0 so that caller can keep writing and summing. - d0 := *d - hash := d0.checkSum() - return append(in, hash[:]...) -} - -// Intermediate checksum function -func (d *digest) checkSum() (digest [Size]byte) { - n := d.nx - - var k [64]byte - copy(k[:], d.x[:n]) - - k[n] = 0x80 - - if n >= 56 { - block(d, k[:]) - - // clear block buffer - go compiles this to optimal 1x xorps + 4x movups - // unfortunately expressing this more succinctly results in much worse code - k[0] = 0 - k[1] = 0 - k[2] = 0 - k[3] = 0 - k[4] = 0 - k[5] = 0 - k[6] = 0 - k[7] = 0 - k[8] = 0 - k[9] = 0 - k[10] = 0 - k[11] = 0 - k[12] = 0 - k[13] = 0 - k[14] = 0 - k[15] = 0 - k[16] = 0 - k[17] = 0 - k[18] = 0 - k[19] = 0 - k[20] = 0 - k[21] = 0 - k[22] = 0 - k[23] = 0 - k[24] = 0 - k[25] = 0 - k[26] = 0 - k[27] = 0 - k[28] = 0 - k[29] = 0 - k[30] = 0 - k[31] = 0 - k[32] = 0 - k[33] = 0 - k[34] = 0 - k[35] = 0 - k[36] = 0 - k[37] = 0 - k[38] = 0 - k[39] = 0 - k[40] = 0 - k[41] = 0 - k[42] = 0 - k[43] = 0 - k[44] = 0 - k[45] = 0 - k[46] = 0 - k[47] = 0 - k[48] = 0 - k[49] = 0 - k[50] = 0 - k[51] = 0 - k[52] = 0 - k[53] = 0 - k[54] = 0 - k[55] = 0 - k[56] = 0 - k[57] = 0 - k[58] = 0 - k[59] = 0 - k[60] = 0 - k[61] = 0 - k[62] = 0 - k[63] = 0 - } - binary.BigEndian.PutUint64(k[56:64], uint64(d.len)<<3) - block(d, k[:]) - - { - const i = 0 - binary.BigEndian.PutUint32(digest[i*4:i*4+4], d.h[i]) - } - { - const i = 1 - binary.BigEndian.PutUint32(digest[i*4:i*4+4], d.h[i]) - } - { - const i = 2 - binary.BigEndian.PutUint32(digest[i*4:i*4+4], d.h[i]) - } - { - const i = 3 - binary.BigEndian.PutUint32(digest[i*4:i*4+4], d.h[i]) - } - { - const i = 4 - binary.BigEndian.PutUint32(digest[i*4:i*4+4], d.h[i]) - } - { - const i = 5 - binary.BigEndian.PutUint32(digest[i*4:i*4+4], d.h[i]) - } - { - const i = 6 - binary.BigEndian.PutUint32(digest[i*4:i*4+4], d.h[i]) - } - { - const i = 7 - binary.BigEndian.PutUint32(digest[i*4:i*4+4], d.h[i]) - } - - return -} - -func block(dig *digest, p []byte) { - if blockfunc == blockfuncIntelSha { - blockIntelShaGo(dig, p) - } else if blockfunc == blockfuncArmSha2 { - blockArmSha2Go(dig, p) - } else { - blockGeneric(dig, p) - } -} - -func blockGeneric(dig *digest, p []byte) { - var w [64]uint32 - h0, h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6, h7 := dig.h[0], dig.h[1], dig.h[2], dig.h[3], dig.h[4], dig.h[5], dig.h[6], dig.h[7] - for len(p) >= chunk { - // Can interlace the computation of w with the - // rounds below if needed for speed. - for i := 0; i < 16; i++ { - j := i * 4 - w[i] = uint32(p[j])<<24 | uint32(p[j+1])<<16 | uint32(p[j+2])<<8 | uint32(p[j+3]) - } - for i := 16; i < 64; i++ { - v1 := w[i-2] - t1 := (v1>>17 | v1<<(32-17)) ^ (v1>>19 | v1<<(32-19)) ^ (v1 >> 10) - v2 := w[i-15] - t2 := (v2>>7 | v2<<(32-7)) ^ (v2>>18 | v2<<(32-18)) ^ (v2 >> 3) - w[i] = t1 + w[i-7] + t2 + w[i-16] - } - - a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h := h0, h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6, h7 - - for i := 0; i < 64; i++ { - t1 := h + ((e>>6 | e<<(32-6)) ^ (e>>11 | e<<(32-11)) ^ (e>>25 | e<<(32-25))) + ((e & f) ^ (^e & g)) + _K[i] + w[i] - - t2 := ((a>>2 | a<<(32-2)) ^ (a>>13 | a<<(32-13)) ^ (a>>22 | a<<(32-22))) + ((a & b) ^ (a & c) ^ (b & c)) - - h = g - g = f - f = e - e = d + t1 - d = c - c = b - b = a - a = t1 + t2 - } - - h0 += a - h1 += b - h2 += c - h3 += d - h4 += e - h5 += f - h6 += g - h7 += h - - p = p[chunk:] - } - - dig.h[0], dig.h[1], dig.h[2], dig.h[3], dig.h[4], dig.h[5], dig.h[6], dig.h[7] = h0, h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6, h7 -} - -var _K = []uint32{ - 0x428a2f98, - 0x71374491, - 0xb5c0fbcf, - 0xe9b5dba5, - 0x3956c25b, - 0x59f111f1, - 0x923f82a4, - 0xab1c5ed5, - 0xd807aa98, - 0x12835b01, - 0x243185be, - 0x550c7dc3, - 0x72be5d74, - 0x80deb1fe, - 0x9bdc06a7, - 0xc19bf174, - 0xe49b69c1, - 0xefbe4786, - 0x0fc19dc6, - 0x240ca1cc, - 0x2de92c6f, - 0x4a7484aa, - 0x5cb0a9dc, - 0x76f988da, - 0x983e5152, - 0xa831c66d, - 0xb00327c8, - 0xbf597fc7, - 0xc6e00bf3, - 0xd5a79147, - 0x06ca6351, - 0x14292967, - 0x27b70a85, - 0x2e1b2138, - 0x4d2c6dfc, - 0x53380d13, - 0x650a7354, - 0x766a0abb, - 0x81c2c92e, - 0x92722c85, - 0xa2bfe8a1, - 0xa81a664b, - 0xc24b8b70, - 0xc76c51a3, - 0xd192e819, - 0xd6990624, - 0xf40e3585, - 0x106aa070, - 0x19a4c116, - 0x1e376c08, - 0x2748774c, - 0x34b0bcb5, - 0x391c0cb3, - 0x4ed8aa4a, - 0x5b9cca4f, - 0x682e6ff3, - 0x748f82ee, - 0x78a5636f, - 0x84c87814, - 0x8cc70208, - 0x90befffa, - 0xa4506ceb, - 0xbef9a3f7, - 0xc67178f2, -} - -const ( - magic256 = "sha\x03" - marshaledSize = len(magic256) + 8*4 + chunk + 8 -) - -func (d *digest) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error) { - b := make([]byte, 0, marshaledSize) - b = append(b, magic256...) - b = appendUint32(b, d.h[0]) - b = appendUint32(b, d.h[1]) - b = appendUint32(b, d.h[2]) - b = appendUint32(b, d.h[3]) - b = appendUint32(b, d.h[4]) - b = appendUint32(b, d.h[5]) - b = appendUint32(b, d.h[6]) - b = appendUint32(b, d.h[7]) - b = append(b, d.x[:d.nx]...) - b = b[:len(b)+len(d.x)-d.nx] // already zero - b = appendUint64(b, d.len) - return b, nil -} - -func (d *digest) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error { - if len(b) < len(magic256) || string(b[:len(magic256)]) != magic256 { - return errors.New("crypto/sha256: invalid hash state identifier") - } - if len(b) != marshaledSize { - return errors.New("crypto/sha256: invalid hash state size") - } - b = b[len(magic256):] - b, d.h[0] = consumeUint32(b) - b, d.h[1] = consumeUint32(b) - b, d.h[2] = consumeUint32(b) - b, d.h[3] = consumeUint32(b) - b, d.h[4] = consumeUint32(b) - b, d.h[5] = consumeUint32(b) - b, d.h[6] = consumeUint32(b) - b, d.h[7] = consumeUint32(b) - b = b[copy(d.x[:], b):] - b, d.len = consumeUint64(b) - d.nx = int(d.len % chunk) - return nil -} - -func appendUint32(b []byte, v uint32) []byte { - return append(b, - byte(v>>24), - byte(v>>16), - byte(v>>8), - byte(v), - ) -} - -func appendUint64(b []byte, v uint64) []byte { - return append(b, - byte(v>>56), - byte(v>>48), - byte(v>>40), - byte(v>>32), - byte(v>>24), - byte(v>>16), - byte(v>>8), - byte(v), - ) -} - -func consumeUint64(b []byte) ([]byte, uint64) { - _ = b[7] - x := uint64(b[7]) | uint64(b[6])<<8 | uint64(b[5])<<16 | uint64(b[4])<<24 | - uint64(b[3])<<32 | uint64(b[2])<<40 | uint64(b[1])<<48 | uint64(b[0])<<56 - return b[8:], x -} - -func consumeUint32(b []byte) ([]byte, uint32) { - _ = b[3] - x := uint32(b[3]) | uint32(b[2])<<8 | uint32(b[1])<<16 | uint32(b[0])<<24 - return b[4:], x -} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/minio/sha256-simd/sha256blockAvx512_amd64.asm b/vendor/github.com/minio/sha256-simd/sha256blockAvx512_amd64.asm deleted file mode 100644 index c959b1aa..00000000 --- a/vendor/github.com/minio/sha256-simd/sha256blockAvx512_amd64.asm +++ /dev/null @@ -1,686 +0,0 @@ - -// 16x Parallel implementation of SHA256 for AVX512 - -// -// Minio Cloud Storage, (C) 2017 Minio, Inc. -// -// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); -// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. -// You may obtain a copy of the License at -// -// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 -// -// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software -// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, -// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. -// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and -// limitations under the License. - -// -// This code is based on the Intel Multi-Buffer Crypto for IPSec library -// and more specifically the following implementation: -// https://github.com/intel/intel-ipsec-mb/blob/master/avx512/sha256_x16_avx512.asm -// -// For Golang it has been converted into Plan 9 assembly with the help of -// github.com/minio/asm2plan9s to assemble the AVX512 instructions -// - -// Copyright (c) 2017, Intel Corporation -// -// Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without -// modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: -// -// * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, -// this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. -// * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright -// notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the -// documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. -// * Neither the name of Intel Corporation nor the names of its contributors -// may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software -// without specific prior written permission. -// -// THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" -// AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE -// IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE -// DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE -// FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL -// DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR -// SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER -// CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, -// OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE -// OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. - -#define SHA256_DIGEST_ROW_SIZE 64 - -// arg1 -#define STATE rdi -#define STATE_P9 DI -// arg2 -#define INP_SIZE rsi -#define INP_SIZE_P9 SI - -#define IDX rcx -#define TBL rdx -#define TBL_P9 DX - -#define INPUT rax -#define INPUT_P9 AX - -#define inp0 r9 -#define SCRATCH_P9 R12 -#define SCRATCH r12 -#define maskp r13 -#define MASKP_P9 R13 -#define mask r14 -#define MASK_P9 R14 - -#define A zmm0 -#define B zmm1 -#define C zmm2 -#define D zmm3 -#define E zmm4 -#define F zmm5 -#define G zmm6 -#define H zmm7 -#define T1 zmm8 -#define TMP0 zmm9 -#define TMP1 zmm10 -#define TMP2 zmm11 -#define TMP3 zmm12 -#define TMP4 zmm13 -#define TMP5 zmm14 -#define TMP6 zmm15 - -#define W0 zmm16 -#define W1 zmm17 -#define W2 zmm18 -#define W3 zmm19 -#define W4 zmm20 -#define W5 zmm21 -#define W6 zmm22 -#define W7 zmm23 -#define W8 zmm24 -#define W9 zmm25 -#define W10 zmm26 -#define W11 zmm27 -#define W12 zmm28 -#define W13 zmm29 -#define W14 zmm30 -#define W15 zmm31 - - -#define TRANSPOSE16(_r0, _r1, _r2, _r3, _r4, _r5, _r6, _r7, _r8, _r9, _r10, _r11, _r12, _r13, _r14, _r15, _t0, _t1) \ - \ - \ // input r0 = {a15 a14 a13 a12 a11 a10 a9 a8 a7 a6 a5 a4 a3 a2 a1 a0} - \ // r1 = {b15 b14 b13 b12 b11 b10 b9 b8 b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0} - \ // r2 = {c15 c14 c13 c12 c11 c10 c9 c8 c7 c6 c5 c4 c3 c2 c1 c0} - \ // r3 = {d15 d14 d13 d12 d11 d10 d9 d8 d7 d6 d5 d4 d3 d2 d1 d0} - \ // r4 = {e15 e14 e13 e12 e11 e10 e9 e8 e7 e6 e5 e4 e3 e2 e1 e0} - \ // r5 = {f15 f14 f13 f12 f11 f10 f9 f8 f7 f6 f5 f4 f3 f2 f1 f0} - \ // r6 = {g15 g14 g13 g12 g11 g10 g9 g8 g7 g6 g5 g4 g3 g2 g1 g0} - \ // r7 = {h15 h14 h13 h12 h11 h10 h9 h8 h7 h6 h5 h4 h3 h2 h1 h0} - \ // r8 = {i15 i14 i13 i12 i11 i10 i9 i8 i7 i6 i5 i4 i3 i2 i1 i0} - \ // r9 = {j15 j14 j13 j12 j11 j10 j9 j8 j7 j6 j5 j4 j3 j2 j1 j0} - \ // r10 = {k15 k14 k13 k12 k11 k10 k9 k8 k7 k6 k5 k4 k3 k2 k1 k0} - \ // r11 = {l15 l14 l13 l12 l11 l10 l9 l8 l7 l6 l5 l4 l3 l2 l1 l0} - \ // r12 = {m15 m14 m13 m12 m11 m10 m9 m8 m7 m6 m5 m4 m3 m2 m1 m0} - \ // r13 = {n15 n14 n13 n12 n11 n10 n9 n8 n7 n6 n5 n4 n3 n2 n1 n0} - \ // r14 = {o15 o14 o13 o12 o11 o10 o9 o8 o7 o6 o5 o4 o3 o2 o1 o0} - \ // r15 = {p15 p14 p13 p12 p11 p10 p9 p8 p7 p6 p5 p4 p3 p2 p1 p0} - \ - \ // output r0 = { p0 o0 n0 m0 l0 k0 j0 i0 h0 g0 f0 e0 d0 c0 b0 a0} - \ // r1 = { p1 o1 n1 m1 l1 k1 j1 i1 h1 g1 f1 e1 d1 c1 b1 a1} - \ // r2 = { p2 o2 n2 m2 l2 k2 j2 i2 h2 g2 f2 e2 d2 c2 b2 a2} - \ // r3 = { p3 o3 n3 m3 l3 k3 j3 i3 h3 g3 f3 e3 d3 c3 b3 a3} - \ // r4 = { p4 o4 n4 m4 l4 k4 j4 i4 h4 g4 f4 e4 d4 c4 b4 a4} - \ // r5 = { p5 o5 n5 m5 l5 k5 j5 i5 h5 g5 f5 e5 d5 c5 b5 a5} - \ // r6 = { p6 o6 n6 m6 l6 k6 j6 i6 h6 g6 f6 e6 d6 c6 b6 a6} - \ // r7 = { p7 o7 n7 m7 l7 k7 j7 i7 h7 g7 f7 e7 d7 c7 b7 a7} - \ // r8 = { p8 o8 n8 m8 l8 k8 j8 i8 h8 g8 f8 e8 d8 c8 b8 a8} - \ // r9 = { p9 o9 n9 m9 l9 k9 j9 i9 h9 g9 f9 e9 d9 c9 b9 a9} - \ // r10 = {p10 o10 n10 m10 l10 k10 j10 i10 h10 g10 f10 e10 d10 c10 b10 a10} - \ // r11 = {p11 o11 n11 m11 l11 k11 j11 i11 h11 g11 f11 e11 d11 c11 b11 a11} - \ // r12 = {p12 o12 n12 m12 l12 k12 j12 i12 h12 g12 f12 e12 d12 c12 b12 a12} - \ // r13 = {p13 o13 n13 m13 l13 k13 j13 i13 h13 g13 f13 e13 d13 c13 b13 a13} - \ // r14 = {p14 o14 n14 m14 l14 k14 j14 i14 h14 g14 f14 e14 d14 c14 b14 a14} - \ // r15 = {p15 o15 n15 m15 l15 k15 j15 i15 h15 g15 f15 e15 d15 c15 b15 a15} - \ - \ // process top half - vshufps _t0, _r0, _r1, 0x44 \ // t0 = {b13 b12 a13 a12 b9 b8 a9 a8 b5 b4 a5 a4 b1 b0 a1 a0} - vshufps _r0, _r0, _r1, 0xEE \ // r0 = {b15 b14 a15 a14 b11 b10 a11 a10 b7 b6 a7 a6 b3 b2 a3 a2} - vshufps _t1, _r2, _r3, 0x44 \ // t1 = {d13 d12 c13 c12 d9 d8 c9 c8 d5 d4 c5 c4 d1 d0 c1 c0} - vshufps _r2, _r2, _r3, 0xEE \ // r2 = {d15 d14 c15 c14 d11 d10 c11 c10 d7 d6 c7 c6 d3 d2 c3 c2} - \ - vshufps _r3, _t0, _t1, 0xDD \ // r3 = {d13 c13 b13 a13 d9 c9 b9 a9 d5 c5 b5 a5 d1 c1 b1 a1} - vshufps _r1, _r0, _r2, 0x88 \ // r1 = {d14 c14 b14 a14 d10 c10 b10 a10 d6 c6 b6 a6 d2 c2 b2 a2} - vshufps _r0, _r0, _r2, 0xDD \ // r0 = {d15 c15 b15 a15 d11 c11 b11 a11 d7 c7 b7 a7 d3 c3 b3 a3} - vshufps _t0, _t0, _t1, 0x88 \ // t0 = {d12 c12 b12 a12 d8 c8 b8 a8 d4 c4 b4 a4 d0 c0 b0 a0} - \ - \ // use r2 in place of t0 - vshufps _r2, _r4, _r5, 0x44 \ // r2 = {f13 f12 e13 e12 f9 f8 e9 e8 f5 f4 e5 e4 f1 f0 e1 e0} - vshufps _r4, _r4, _r5, 0xEE \ // r4 = {f15 f14 e15 e14 f11 f10 e11 e10 f7 f6 e7 e6 f3 f2 e3 e2} - vshufps _t1, _r6, _r7, 0x44 \ // t1 = {h13 h12 g13 g12 h9 h8 g9 g8 h5 h4 g5 g4 h1 h0 g1 g0} - vshufps _r6, _r6, _r7, 0xEE \ // r6 = {h15 h14 g15 g14 h11 h10 g11 g10 h7 h6 g7 g6 h3 h2 g3 g2} - \ - vshufps _r7, _r2, _t1, 0xDD \ // r7 = {h13 g13 f13 e13 h9 g9 f9 e9 h5 g5 f5 e5 h1 g1 f1 e1} - vshufps _r5, _r4, _r6, 0x88 \ // r5 = {h14 g14 f14 e14 h10 g10 f10 e10 h6 g6 f6 e6 h2 g2 f2 e2} - vshufps _r4, _r4, _r6, 0xDD \ // r4 = {h15 g15 f15 e15 h11 g11 f11 e11 h7 g7 f7 e7 h3 g3 f3 e3} - vshufps _r2, _r2, _t1, 0x88 \ // r2 = {h12 g12 f12 e12 h8 g8 f8 e8 h4 g4 f4 e4 h0 g0 f0 e0} - \ - \ // use r6 in place of t0 - vshufps _r6, _r8, _r9, 0x44 \ // r6 = {j13 j12 i13 i12 j9 j8 i9 i8 j5 j4 i5 i4 j1 j0 i1 i0} - vshufps _r8, _r8, _r9, 0xEE \ // r8 = {j15 j14 i15 i14 j11 j10 i11 i10 j7 j6 i7 i6 j3 j2 i3 i2} - vshufps _t1, _r10, _r11, 0x44 \ // t1 = {l13 l12 k13 k12 l9 l8 k9 k8 l5 l4 k5 k4 l1 l0 k1 k0} - vshufps _r10, _r10, _r11, 0xEE \ // r10 = {l15 l14 k15 k14 l11 l10 k11 k10 l7 l6 k7 k6 l3 l2 k3 k2} - \ - vshufps _r11, _r6, _t1, 0xDD \ // r11 = {l13 k13 j13 113 l9 k9 j9 i9 l5 k5 j5 i5 l1 k1 j1 i1} - vshufps _r9, _r8, _r10, 0x88 \ // r9 = {l14 k14 j14 114 l10 k10 j10 i10 l6 k6 j6 i6 l2 k2 j2 i2} - vshufps _r8, _r8, _r10, 0xDD \ // r8 = {l15 k15 j15 115 l11 k11 j11 i11 l7 k7 j7 i7 l3 k3 j3 i3} - vshufps _r6, _r6, _t1, 0x88 \ // r6 = {l12 k12 j12 112 l8 k8 j8 i8 l4 k4 j4 i4 l0 k0 j0 i0} - \ - \ // use r10 in place of t0 - vshufps _r10, _r12, _r13, 0x44 \ // r10 = {n13 n12 m13 m12 n9 n8 m9 m8 n5 n4 m5 m4 n1 n0 a1 m0} - vshufps _r12, _r12, _r13, 0xEE \ // r12 = {n15 n14 m15 m14 n11 n10 m11 m10 n7 n6 m7 m6 n3 n2 a3 m2} - vshufps _t1, _r14, _r15, 0x44 \ // t1 = {p13 p12 013 012 p9 p8 09 08 p5 p4 05 04 p1 p0 01 00} - vshufps _r14, _r14, _r15, 0xEE \ // r14 = {p15 p14 015 014 p11 p10 011 010 p7 p6 07 06 p3 p2 03 02} - \ - vshufps _r15, _r10, _t1, 0xDD \ // r15 = {p13 013 n13 m13 p9 09 n9 m9 p5 05 n5 m5 p1 01 n1 m1} - vshufps _r13, _r12, _r14, 0x88 \ // r13 = {p14 014 n14 m14 p10 010 n10 m10 p6 06 n6 m6 p2 02 n2 m2} - vshufps _r12, _r12, _r14, 0xDD \ // r12 = {p15 015 n15 m15 p11 011 n11 m11 p7 07 n7 m7 p3 03 n3 m3} - vshufps _r10, _r10, _t1, 0x88 \ // r10 = {p12 012 n12 m12 p8 08 n8 m8 p4 04 n4 m4 p0 00 n0 m0} - \ - \ // At this point, the registers that contain interesting data are: - \ // t0, r3, r1, r0, r2, r7, r5, r4, r6, r11, r9, r8, r10, r15, r13, r12 - \ // Can use t1 and r14 as scratch registers - LEAQ PSHUFFLE_TRANSPOSE16_MASK1<>(SB), BX \ - LEAQ PSHUFFLE_TRANSPOSE16_MASK2<>(SB), R8 \ - \ - vmovdqu32 _r14, [rbx] \ - vpermi2q _r14, _t0, _r2 \ // r14 = {h8 g8 f8 e8 d8 c8 b8 a8 h0 g0 f0 e0 d0 c0 b0 a0} - vmovdqu32 _t1, [r8] \ - vpermi2q _t1, _t0, _r2 \ // t1 = {h12 g12 f12 e12 d12 c12 b12 a12 h4 g4 f4 e4 d4 c4 b4 a4} - \ - vmovdqu32 _r2, [rbx] \ - vpermi2q _r2, _r3, _r7 \ // r2 = {h9 g9 f9 e9 d9 c9 b9 a9 h1 g1 f1 e1 d1 c1 b1 a1} - vmovdqu32 _t0, [r8] \ - vpermi2q _t0, _r3, _r7 \ // t0 = {h13 g13 f13 e13 d13 c13 b13 a13 h5 g5 f5 e5 d5 c5 b5 a5} - \ - vmovdqu32 _r3, [rbx] \ - vpermi2q _r3, _r1, _r5 \ // r3 = {h10 g10 f10 e10 d10 c10 b10 a10 h2 g2 f2 e2 d2 c2 b2 a2} - vmovdqu32 _r7, [r8] \ - vpermi2q _r7, _r1, _r5 \ // r7 = {h14 g14 f14 e14 d14 c14 b14 a14 h6 g6 f6 e6 d6 c6 b6 a6} - \ - vmovdqu32 _r1, [rbx] \ - vpermi2q _r1, _r0, _r4 \ // r1 = {h11 g11 f11 e11 d11 c11 b11 a11 h3 g3 f3 e3 d3 c3 b3 a3} - vmovdqu32 _r5, [r8] \ - vpermi2q _r5, _r0, _r4 \ // r5 = {h15 g15 f15 e15 d15 c15 b15 a15 h7 g7 f7 e7 d7 c7 b7 a7} - \ - vmovdqu32 _r0, [rbx] \ - vpermi2q _r0, _r6, _r10 \ // r0 = {p8 o8 n8 m8 l8 k8 j8 i8 p0 o0 n0 m0 l0 k0 j0 i0} - vmovdqu32 _r4, [r8] \ - vpermi2q _r4, _r6, _r10 \ // r4 = {p12 o12 n12 m12 l12 k12 j12 i12 p4 o4 n4 m4 l4 k4 j4 i4} - \ - vmovdqu32 _r6, [rbx] \ - vpermi2q _r6, _r11, _r15 \ // r6 = {p9 o9 n9 m9 l9 k9 j9 i9 p1 o1 n1 m1 l1 k1 j1 i1} - vmovdqu32 _r10, [r8] \ - vpermi2q _r10, _r11, _r15 \ // r10 = {p13 o13 n13 m13 l13 k13 j13 i13 p5 o5 n5 m5 l5 k5 j5 i5} - \ - vmovdqu32 _r11, [rbx] \ - vpermi2q _r11, _r9, _r13 \ // r11 = {p10 o10 n10 m10 l10 k10 j10 i10 p2 o2 n2 m2 l2 k2 j2 i2} - vmovdqu32 _r15, [r8] \ - vpermi2q _r15, _r9, _r13 \ // r15 = {p14 o14 n14 m14 l14 k14 j14 i14 p6 o6 n6 m6 l6 k6 j6 i6} - \ - vmovdqu32 _r9, [rbx] \ - vpermi2q _r9, _r8, _r12 \ // r9 = {p11 o11 n11 m11 l11 k11 j11 i11 p3 o3 n3 m3 l3 k3 j3 i3} - vmovdqu32 _r13, [r8] \ - vpermi2q _r13, _r8, _r12 \ // r13 = {p15 o15 n15 m15 l15 k15 j15 i15 p7 o7 n7 m7 l7 k7 j7 i7} - \ - \ // At this point r8 and r12 can be used as scratch registers - vshuff64x2 _r8, _r14, _r0, 0xEE \ // r8 = {p8 o8 n8 m8 l8 k8 j8 i8 h8 g8 f8 e8 d8 c8 b8 a8} - vshuff64x2 _r0, _r14, _r0, 0x44 \ // r0 = {p0 o0 n0 m0 l0 k0 j0 i0 h0 g0 f0 e0 d0 c0 b0 a0} - \ - vshuff64x2 _r12, _t1, _r4, 0xEE \ // r12 = {p12 o12 n12 m12 l12 k12 j12 i12 h12 g12 f12 e12 d12 c12 b12 a12} - vshuff64x2 _r4, _t1, _r4, 0x44 \ // r4 = {p4 o4 n4 m4 l4 k4 j4 i4 h4 g4 f4 e4 d4 c4 b4 a4} - \ - vshuff64x2 _r14, _r7, _r15, 0xEE \ // r14 = {p14 o14 n14 m14 l14 k14 j14 i14 h14 g14 f14 e14 d14 c14 b14 a14} - vshuff64x2 _t1, _r7, _r15, 0x44 \ // t1 = {p6 o6 n6 m6 l6 k6 j6 i6 h6 g6 f6 e6 d6 c6 b6 a6} - \ - vshuff64x2 _r15, _r5, _r13, 0xEE \ // r15 = {p15 o15 n15 m15 l15 k15 j15 i15 h15 g15 f15 e15 d15 c15 b15 a15} - vshuff64x2 _r7, _r5, _r13, 0x44 \ // r7 = {p7 o7 n7 m7 l7 k7 j7 i7 h7 g7 f7 e7 d7 c7 b7 a7} - \ - vshuff64x2 _r13, _t0, _r10, 0xEE \ // r13 = {p13 o13 n13 m13 l13 k13 j13 i13 h13 g13 f13 e13 d13 c13 b13 a13} - vshuff64x2 _r5, _t0, _r10, 0x44 \ // r5 = {p5 o5 n5 m5 l5 k5 j5 i5 h5 g5 f5 e5 d5 c5 b5 a5} - \ - vshuff64x2 _r10, _r3, _r11, 0xEE \ // r10 = {p10 o10 n10 m10 l10 k10 j10 i10 h10 g10 f10 e10 d10 c10 b10 a10} - vshuff64x2 _t0, _r3, _r11, 0x44 \ // t0 = {p2 o2 n2 m2 l2 k2 j2 i2 h2 g2 f2 e2 d2 c2 b2 a2} - \ - vshuff64x2 _r11, _r1, _r9, 0xEE \ // r11 = {p11 o11 n11 m11 l11 k11 j11 i11 h11 g11 f11 e11 d11 c11 b11 a11} - vshuff64x2 _r3, _r1, _r9, 0x44 \ // r3 = {p3 o3 n3 m3 l3 k3 j3 i3 h3 g3 f3 e3 d3 c3 b3 a3} - \ - vshuff64x2 _r9, _r2, _r6, 0xEE \ // r9 = {p9 o9 n9 m9 l9 k9 j9 i9 h9 g9 f9 e9 d9 c9 b9 a9} - vshuff64x2 _r1, _r2, _r6, 0x44 \ // r1 = {p1 o1 n1 m1 l1 k1 j1 i1 h1 g1 f1 e1 d1 c1 b1 a1} - \ - vmovdqu32 _r2, _t0 \ // r2 = {p2 o2 n2 m2 l2 k2 j2 i2 h2 g2 f2 e2 d2 c2 b2 a2} - vmovdqu32 _r6, _t1 \ // r6 = {p6 o6 n6 m6 l6 k6 j6 i6 h6 g6 f6 e6 d6 c6 b6 a6} - - -// CH(A, B, C) = (A&B) ^ (~A&C) -// MAJ(E, F, G) = (E&F) ^ (E&G) ^ (F&G) -// SIGMA0 = ROR_2 ^ ROR_13 ^ ROR_22 -// SIGMA1 = ROR_6 ^ ROR_11 ^ ROR_25 -// sigma0 = ROR_7 ^ ROR_18 ^ SHR_3 -// sigma1 = ROR_17 ^ ROR_19 ^ SHR_10 - -// Main processing loop per round -#define PROCESS_LOOP(_WT, _ROUND, _A, _B, _C, _D, _E, _F, _G, _H) \ - \ // T1 = H + SIGMA1(E) + CH(E, F, G) + Kt + Wt - \ // T2 = SIGMA0(A) + MAJ(A, B, C) - \ // H=G, G=F, F=E, E=D+T1, D=C, C=B, B=A, A=T1+T2 - \ - \ // H becomes T2, then add T1 for A - \ // D becomes D + T1 for E - \ - vpaddd T1, _H, TMP3 \ // T1 = H + Kt - vmovdqu32 TMP0, _E \ - vprord TMP1, _E, 6 \ // ROR_6(E) - vprord TMP2, _E, 11 \ // ROR_11(E) - vprord TMP3, _E, 25 \ // ROR_25(E) - vpternlogd TMP0, _F, _G, 0xCA \ // TMP0 = CH(E,F,G) - vpaddd T1, T1, _WT \ // T1 = T1 + Wt - vpternlogd TMP1, TMP2, TMP3, 0x96 \ // TMP1 = SIGMA1(E) - vpaddd T1, T1, TMP0 \ // T1 = T1 + CH(E,F,G) - vpaddd T1, T1, TMP1 \ // T1 = T1 + SIGMA1(E) - vpaddd _D, _D, T1 \ // D = D + T1 - \ - vprord _H, _A, 2 \ // ROR_2(A) - vprord TMP2, _A, 13 \ // ROR_13(A) - vprord TMP3, _A, 22 \ // ROR_22(A) - vmovdqu32 TMP0, _A \ - vpternlogd TMP0, _B, _C, 0xE8 \ // TMP0 = MAJ(A,B,C) - vpternlogd _H, TMP2, TMP3, 0x96 \ // H(T2) = SIGMA0(A) - vpaddd _H, _H, TMP0 \ // H(T2) = SIGMA0(A) + MAJ(A,B,C) - vpaddd _H, _H, T1 \ // H(A) = H(T2) + T1 - \ - vmovdqu32 TMP3, [TBL + ((_ROUND+1)*64)] \ // Next Kt - - -#define MSG_SCHED_ROUND_16_63(_WT, _WTp1, _WTp9, _WTp14) \ - vprord TMP4, _WTp14, 17 \ // ROR_17(Wt-2) - vprord TMP5, _WTp14, 19 \ // ROR_19(Wt-2) - vpsrld TMP6, _WTp14, 10 \ // SHR_10(Wt-2) - vpternlogd TMP4, TMP5, TMP6, 0x96 \ // TMP4 = sigma1(Wt-2) - \ - vpaddd _WT, _WT, TMP4 \ // Wt = Wt-16 + sigma1(Wt-2) - vpaddd _WT, _WT, _WTp9 \ // Wt = Wt-16 + sigma1(Wt-2) + Wt-7 - \ - vprord TMP4, _WTp1, 7 \ // ROR_7(Wt-15) - vprord TMP5, _WTp1, 18 \ // ROR_18(Wt-15) - vpsrld TMP6, _WTp1, 3 \ // SHR_3(Wt-15) - vpternlogd TMP4, TMP5, TMP6, 0x96 \ // TMP4 = sigma0(Wt-15) - \ - vpaddd _WT, _WT, TMP4 \ // Wt = Wt-16 + sigma1(Wt-2) + - \ // Wt-7 + sigma0(Wt-15) + - - -// Note this is reading in a block of data for one lane -// When all 16 are read, the data must be transposed to build msg schedule -#define MSG_SCHED_ROUND_00_15(_WT, OFFSET, LABEL) \ - TESTQ $(1<(SB), TBL_P9 - vmovdqu32 TMP2, [TBL] - - // Get first K from table - MOVQ table+16(FP), TBL_P9 - vmovdqu32 TMP3, [TBL] - - // Save digests for later addition - vmovdqu32 [SCRATCH + 64*0], A - vmovdqu32 [SCRATCH + 64*1], B - vmovdqu32 [SCRATCH + 64*2], C - vmovdqu32 [SCRATCH + 64*3], D - vmovdqu32 [SCRATCH + 64*4], E - vmovdqu32 [SCRATCH + 64*5], F - vmovdqu32 [SCRATCH + 64*6], G - vmovdqu32 [SCRATCH + 64*7], H - - add IDX, 64 - - // Transpose input data - TRANSPOSE16(W0, W1, W2, W3, W4, W5, W6, W7, W8, W9, W10, W11, W12, W13, W14, W15, TMP0, TMP1) - - vpshufb W0, W0, TMP2 - vpshufb W1, W1, TMP2 - vpshufb W2, W2, TMP2 - vpshufb W3, W3, TMP2 - vpshufb W4, W4, TMP2 - vpshufb W5, W5, TMP2 - vpshufb W6, W6, TMP2 - vpshufb W7, W7, TMP2 - vpshufb W8, W8, TMP2 - vpshufb W9, W9, TMP2 - vpshufb W10, W10, TMP2 - vpshufb W11, W11, TMP2 - vpshufb W12, W12, TMP2 - vpshufb W13, W13, TMP2 - vpshufb W14, W14, TMP2 - vpshufb W15, W15, TMP2 - - // MSG Schedule for W0-W15 is now complete in registers - // Process first 48 rounds - // Calculate next Wt+16 after processing is complete and Wt is unneeded - - PROCESS_LOOP( W0, 0, A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H) - MSG_SCHED_ROUND_16_63( W0, W1, W9, W14) - PROCESS_LOOP( W1, 1, H, A, B, C, D, E, F, G) - MSG_SCHED_ROUND_16_63( W1, W2, W10, W15) - PROCESS_LOOP( W2, 2, G, H, A, B, C, D, E, F) - MSG_SCHED_ROUND_16_63( W2, W3, W11, W0) - PROCESS_LOOP( W3, 3, F, G, H, A, B, C, D, E) - MSG_SCHED_ROUND_16_63( W3, W4, W12, W1) - PROCESS_LOOP( W4, 4, E, F, G, H, A, B, C, D) - MSG_SCHED_ROUND_16_63( W4, W5, W13, W2) - PROCESS_LOOP( W5, 5, D, E, F, G, H, A, B, C) - MSG_SCHED_ROUND_16_63( W5, W6, W14, W3) - PROCESS_LOOP( W6, 6, C, D, E, F, G, H, A, B) - MSG_SCHED_ROUND_16_63( W6, W7, W15, W4) - PROCESS_LOOP( W7, 7, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, A) - MSG_SCHED_ROUND_16_63( W7, W8, W0, W5) - PROCESS_LOOP( W8, 8, A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H) - MSG_SCHED_ROUND_16_63( W8, W9, W1, W6) - PROCESS_LOOP( W9, 9, H, A, B, C, D, E, F, G) - MSG_SCHED_ROUND_16_63( W9, W10, W2, W7) - PROCESS_LOOP(W10, 10, G, H, A, B, C, D, E, F) - MSG_SCHED_ROUND_16_63(W10, W11, W3, W8) - PROCESS_LOOP(W11, 11, F, G, H, A, B, C, D, E) - MSG_SCHED_ROUND_16_63(W11, W12, W4, W9) - PROCESS_LOOP(W12, 12, E, F, G, H, A, B, C, D) - MSG_SCHED_ROUND_16_63(W12, W13, W5, W10) - PROCESS_LOOP(W13, 13, D, E, F, G, H, A, B, C) - MSG_SCHED_ROUND_16_63(W13, W14, W6, W11) - PROCESS_LOOP(W14, 14, C, D, E, F, G, H, A, B) - MSG_SCHED_ROUND_16_63(W14, W15, W7, W12) - PROCESS_LOOP(W15, 15, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, A) - MSG_SCHED_ROUND_16_63(W15, W0, W8, W13) - PROCESS_LOOP( W0, 16, A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H) - MSG_SCHED_ROUND_16_63( W0, W1, W9, W14) - PROCESS_LOOP( W1, 17, H, A, B, C, D, E, F, G) - MSG_SCHED_ROUND_16_63( W1, W2, W10, W15) - PROCESS_LOOP( W2, 18, G, H, A, B, C, D, E, F) - MSG_SCHED_ROUND_16_63( W2, W3, W11, W0) - PROCESS_LOOP( W3, 19, F, G, H, A, B, C, D, E) - MSG_SCHED_ROUND_16_63( W3, W4, W12, W1) - PROCESS_LOOP( W4, 20, E, F, G, H, A, B, C, D) - MSG_SCHED_ROUND_16_63( W4, W5, W13, W2) - PROCESS_LOOP( W5, 21, D, E, F, G, H, A, B, C) - MSG_SCHED_ROUND_16_63( W5, W6, W14, W3) - PROCESS_LOOP( W6, 22, C, D, E, F, G, H, A, B) - MSG_SCHED_ROUND_16_63( W6, W7, W15, W4) - PROCESS_LOOP( W7, 23, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, A) - MSG_SCHED_ROUND_16_63( W7, W8, W0, W5) - PROCESS_LOOP( W8, 24, A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H) - MSG_SCHED_ROUND_16_63( W8, W9, W1, W6) - PROCESS_LOOP( W9, 25, H, A, B, C, D, E, F, G) - MSG_SCHED_ROUND_16_63( W9, W10, W2, W7) - PROCESS_LOOP(W10, 26, G, H, A, B, C, D, E, F) - MSG_SCHED_ROUND_16_63(W10, W11, W3, W8) - PROCESS_LOOP(W11, 27, F, G, H, A, B, C, D, E) - MSG_SCHED_ROUND_16_63(W11, W12, W4, W9) - PROCESS_LOOP(W12, 28, E, F, G, H, A, B, C, D) - MSG_SCHED_ROUND_16_63(W12, W13, W5, W10) - PROCESS_LOOP(W13, 29, D, E, F, G, H, A, B, C) - MSG_SCHED_ROUND_16_63(W13, W14, W6, W11) - PROCESS_LOOP(W14, 30, C, D, E, F, G, H, A, B) - MSG_SCHED_ROUND_16_63(W14, W15, W7, W12) - PROCESS_LOOP(W15, 31, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, A) - MSG_SCHED_ROUND_16_63(W15, W0, W8, W13) - PROCESS_LOOP( W0, 32, A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H) - MSG_SCHED_ROUND_16_63( W0, W1, W9, W14) - PROCESS_LOOP( W1, 33, H, A, B, C, D, E, F, G) - MSG_SCHED_ROUND_16_63( W1, W2, W10, W15) - PROCESS_LOOP( W2, 34, G, H, A, B, C, D, E, F) - MSG_SCHED_ROUND_16_63( W2, W3, W11, W0) - PROCESS_LOOP( W3, 35, F, G, H, A, B, C, D, E) - MSG_SCHED_ROUND_16_63( W3, W4, W12, W1) - PROCESS_LOOP( W4, 36, E, F, G, H, A, B, C, D) - MSG_SCHED_ROUND_16_63( W4, W5, W13, W2) - PROCESS_LOOP( W5, 37, D, E, F, G, H, A, B, C) - MSG_SCHED_ROUND_16_63( W5, W6, W14, W3) - PROCESS_LOOP( W6, 38, C, D, E, F, G, H, A, B) - MSG_SCHED_ROUND_16_63( W6, W7, W15, W4) - PROCESS_LOOP( W7, 39, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, A) - MSG_SCHED_ROUND_16_63( W7, W8, W0, W5) - PROCESS_LOOP( W8, 40, A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H) - MSG_SCHED_ROUND_16_63( W8, W9, W1, W6) - PROCESS_LOOP( W9, 41, H, A, B, C, D, E, F, G) - MSG_SCHED_ROUND_16_63( W9, W10, W2, W7) - PROCESS_LOOP(W10, 42, G, H, A, B, C, D, E, F) - MSG_SCHED_ROUND_16_63(W10, W11, W3, W8) - PROCESS_LOOP(W11, 43, F, G, H, A, B, C, D, E) - MSG_SCHED_ROUND_16_63(W11, W12, W4, W9) - PROCESS_LOOP(W12, 44, E, F, G, H, A, B, C, D) - MSG_SCHED_ROUND_16_63(W12, W13, W5, W10) - PROCESS_LOOP(W13, 45, D, E, F, G, H, A, B, C) - MSG_SCHED_ROUND_16_63(W13, W14, W6, W11) - PROCESS_LOOP(W14, 46, C, D, E, F, G, H, A, B) - MSG_SCHED_ROUND_16_63(W14, W15, W7, W12) - PROCESS_LOOP(W15, 47, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, A) - MSG_SCHED_ROUND_16_63(W15, W0, W8, W13) - - // Check if this is the last block - sub INP_SIZE, 1 - JE lastLoop - - // Load next mask for inputs - ADDQ $8, MASKP_P9 - MOVQ (MASKP_P9), MASK_P9 - - // Process last 16 rounds - // Read in next block msg data for use in first 16 words of msg sched - - PROCESS_LOOP( W0, 48, A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H) - MSG_SCHED_ROUND_00_15( W0, 0, skipNext0) - PROCESS_LOOP( W1, 49, H, A, B, C, D, E, F, G) - MSG_SCHED_ROUND_00_15( W1, 1, skipNext1) - PROCESS_LOOP( W2, 50, G, H, A, B, C, D, E, F) - MSG_SCHED_ROUND_00_15( W2, 2, skipNext2) - PROCESS_LOOP( W3, 51, F, G, H, A, B, C, D, E) - MSG_SCHED_ROUND_00_15( W3, 3, skipNext3) - PROCESS_LOOP( W4, 52, E, F, G, H, A, B, C, D) - MSG_SCHED_ROUND_00_15( W4, 4, skipNext4) - PROCESS_LOOP( W5, 53, D, E, F, G, H, A, B, C) - MSG_SCHED_ROUND_00_15( W5, 5, skipNext5) - PROCESS_LOOP( W6, 54, C, D, E, F, G, H, A, B) - MSG_SCHED_ROUND_00_15( W6, 6, skipNext6) - PROCESS_LOOP( W7, 55, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, A) - MSG_SCHED_ROUND_00_15( W7, 7, skipNext7) - PROCESS_LOOP( W8, 56, A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H) - MSG_SCHED_ROUND_00_15( W8, 8, skipNext8) - PROCESS_LOOP( W9, 57, H, A, B, C, D, E, F, G) - MSG_SCHED_ROUND_00_15( W9, 9, skipNext9) - PROCESS_LOOP(W10, 58, G, H, A, B, C, D, E, F) - MSG_SCHED_ROUND_00_15(W10, 10, skipNext10) - PROCESS_LOOP(W11, 59, F, G, H, A, B, C, D, E) - MSG_SCHED_ROUND_00_15(W11, 11, skipNext11) - PROCESS_LOOP(W12, 60, E, F, G, H, A, B, C, D) - MSG_SCHED_ROUND_00_15(W12, 12, skipNext12) - PROCESS_LOOP(W13, 61, D, E, F, G, H, A, B, C) - MSG_SCHED_ROUND_00_15(W13, 13, skipNext13) - PROCESS_LOOP(W14, 62, C, D, E, F, G, H, A, B) - MSG_SCHED_ROUND_00_15(W14, 14, skipNext14) - PROCESS_LOOP(W15, 63, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, A) - MSG_SCHED_ROUND_00_15(W15, 15, skipNext15) - - // Add old digest - vmovdqu32 TMP2, A - vmovdqu32 A, [SCRATCH + 64*0] - vpaddd A{k1}, A, TMP2 - vmovdqu32 TMP2, B - vmovdqu32 B, [SCRATCH + 64*1] - vpaddd B{k1}, B, TMP2 - vmovdqu32 TMP2, C - vmovdqu32 C, [SCRATCH + 64*2] - vpaddd C{k1}, C, TMP2 - vmovdqu32 TMP2, D - vmovdqu32 D, [SCRATCH + 64*3] - vpaddd D{k1}, D, TMP2 - vmovdqu32 TMP2, E - vmovdqu32 E, [SCRATCH + 64*4] - vpaddd E{k1}, E, TMP2 - vmovdqu32 TMP2, F - vmovdqu32 F, [SCRATCH + 64*5] - vpaddd F{k1}, F, TMP2 - vmovdqu32 TMP2, G - vmovdqu32 G, [SCRATCH + 64*6] - vpaddd G{k1}, G, TMP2 - vmovdqu32 TMP2, H - vmovdqu32 H, [SCRATCH + 64*7] - vpaddd H{k1}, H, TMP2 - - kmovq k1, mask - JMP lloop - -lastLoop: - // Process last 16 rounds - PROCESS_LOOP( W0, 48, A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H) - PROCESS_LOOP( W1, 49, H, A, B, C, D, E, F, G) - PROCESS_LOOP( W2, 50, G, H, A, B, C, D, E, F) - PROCESS_LOOP( W3, 51, F, G, H, A, B, C, D, E) - PROCESS_LOOP( W4, 52, E, F, G, H, A, B, C, D) - PROCESS_LOOP( W5, 53, D, E, F, G, H, A, B, C) - PROCESS_LOOP( W6, 54, C, D, E, F, G, H, A, B) - PROCESS_LOOP( W7, 55, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, A) - PROCESS_LOOP( W8, 56, A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H) - PROCESS_LOOP( W9, 57, H, A, B, C, D, E, F, G) - PROCESS_LOOP(W10, 58, G, H, A, B, C, D, E, F) - PROCESS_LOOP(W11, 59, F, G, H, A, B, C, D, E) - PROCESS_LOOP(W12, 60, E, F, G, H, A, B, C, D) - PROCESS_LOOP(W13, 61, D, E, F, G, H, A, B, C) - PROCESS_LOOP(W14, 62, C, D, E, F, G, H, A, B) - PROCESS_LOOP(W15, 63, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, A) - - // Add old digest - vmovdqu32 TMP2, A - vmovdqu32 A, [SCRATCH + 64*0] - vpaddd A{k1}, A, TMP2 - vmovdqu32 TMP2, B - vmovdqu32 B, [SCRATCH + 64*1] - vpaddd B{k1}, B, TMP2 - vmovdqu32 TMP2, C - vmovdqu32 C, [SCRATCH + 64*2] - vpaddd C{k1}, C, TMP2 - vmovdqu32 TMP2, D - vmovdqu32 D, [SCRATCH + 64*3] - vpaddd D{k1}, D, TMP2 - vmovdqu32 TMP2, E - vmovdqu32 E, [SCRATCH + 64*4] - vpaddd E{k1}, E, TMP2 - vmovdqu32 TMP2, F - vmovdqu32 F, [SCRATCH + 64*5] - vpaddd F{k1}, F, TMP2 - vmovdqu32 TMP2, G - vmovdqu32 G, [SCRATCH + 64*6] - vpaddd G{k1}, G, TMP2 - vmovdqu32 TMP2, H - vmovdqu32 H, [SCRATCH + 64*7] - vpaddd H{k1}, H, TMP2 - - // Write out digest - vmovdqu32 [STATE + 0*SHA256_DIGEST_ROW_SIZE], A - vmovdqu32 [STATE + 1*SHA256_DIGEST_ROW_SIZE], B - vmovdqu32 [STATE + 2*SHA256_DIGEST_ROW_SIZE], C - vmovdqu32 [STATE + 3*SHA256_DIGEST_ROW_SIZE], D - vmovdqu32 [STATE + 4*SHA256_DIGEST_ROW_SIZE], E - vmovdqu32 [STATE + 5*SHA256_DIGEST_ROW_SIZE], F - vmovdqu32 [STATE + 6*SHA256_DIGEST_ROW_SIZE], G - vmovdqu32 [STATE + 7*SHA256_DIGEST_ROW_SIZE], H - - VZEROUPPER - RET - -// -// Tables -// - -DATA PSHUFFLE_BYTE_FLIP_MASK<>+0x000(SB)/8, $0x0405060700010203 -DATA PSHUFFLE_BYTE_FLIP_MASK<>+0x008(SB)/8, $0x0c0d0e0f08090a0b -DATA PSHUFFLE_BYTE_FLIP_MASK<>+0x010(SB)/8, $0x0405060700010203 -DATA PSHUFFLE_BYTE_FLIP_MASK<>+0x018(SB)/8, $0x0c0d0e0f08090a0b -DATA PSHUFFLE_BYTE_FLIP_MASK<>+0x020(SB)/8, $0x0405060700010203 -DATA PSHUFFLE_BYTE_FLIP_MASK<>+0x028(SB)/8, $0x0c0d0e0f08090a0b -DATA PSHUFFLE_BYTE_FLIP_MASK<>+0x030(SB)/8, $0x0405060700010203 -DATA PSHUFFLE_BYTE_FLIP_MASK<>+0x038(SB)/8, $0x0c0d0e0f08090a0b -GLOBL PSHUFFLE_BYTE_FLIP_MASK<>(SB), 8, $64 - -DATA PSHUFFLE_TRANSPOSE16_MASK1<>+0x000(SB)/8, $0x0000000000000000 -DATA PSHUFFLE_TRANSPOSE16_MASK1<>+0x008(SB)/8, $0x0000000000000001 -DATA PSHUFFLE_TRANSPOSE16_MASK1<>+0x010(SB)/8, $0x0000000000000008 -DATA PSHUFFLE_TRANSPOSE16_MASK1<>+0x018(SB)/8, $0x0000000000000009 -DATA PSHUFFLE_TRANSPOSE16_MASK1<>+0x020(SB)/8, $0x0000000000000004 -DATA PSHUFFLE_TRANSPOSE16_MASK1<>+0x028(SB)/8, $0x0000000000000005 -DATA PSHUFFLE_TRANSPOSE16_MASK1<>+0x030(SB)/8, $0x000000000000000C -DATA PSHUFFLE_TRANSPOSE16_MASK1<>+0x038(SB)/8, $0x000000000000000D -GLOBL PSHUFFLE_TRANSPOSE16_MASK1<>(SB), 8, $64 - -DATA PSHUFFLE_TRANSPOSE16_MASK2<>+0x000(SB)/8, $0x0000000000000002 -DATA PSHUFFLE_TRANSPOSE16_MASK2<>+0x008(SB)/8, $0x0000000000000003 -DATA PSHUFFLE_TRANSPOSE16_MASK2<>+0x010(SB)/8, $0x000000000000000A -DATA PSHUFFLE_TRANSPOSE16_MASK2<>+0x018(SB)/8, $0x000000000000000B -DATA PSHUFFLE_TRANSPOSE16_MASK2<>+0x020(SB)/8, $0x0000000000000006 -DATA PSHUFFLE_TRANSPOSE16_MASK2<>+0x028(SB)/8, $0x0000000000000007 -DATA PSHUFFLE_TRANSPOSE16_MASK2<>+0x030(SB)/8, $0x000000000000000E -DATA PSHUFFLE_TRANSPOSE16_MASK2<>+0x038(SB)/8, $0x000000000000000F -GLOBL PSHUFFLE_TRANSPOSE16_MASK2<>(SB), 8, $64 diff --git a/vendor/github.com/minio/sha256-simd/sha256blockAvx512_amd64.go b/vendor/github.com/minio/sha256-simd/sha256blockAvx512_amd64.go deleted file mode 100644 index 4b9473a4..00000000 --- a/vendor/github.com/minio/sha256-simd/sha256blockAvx512_amd64.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,501 +0,0 @@ -//go:build !noasm && !appengine && gc -// +build !noasm,!appengine,gc - -/* - * Minio Cloud Storage, (C) 2017 Minio, Inc. - * - * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); - * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. - * You may obtain a copy of the License at - * - * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 - * - * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software - * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, - * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. - * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and - * limitations under the License. - */ - -package sha256 - -import ( - "encoding/binary" - "errors" - "hash" - "sort" - "sync/atomic" - "time" -) - -//go:noescape -func sha256X16Avx512(digests *[512]byte, scratch *[512]byte, table *[512]uint64, mask []uint64, inputs [16][]byte) - -// Avx512ServerUID - Do not start at 0 but next multiple of 16 so as to be able to -// differentiate with default initialiation value of 0 -const Avx512ServerUID = 16 - -var uidCounter uint64 - -// NewAvx512 - initialize sha256 Avx512 implementation. -func NewAvx512(a512srv *Avx512Server) hash.Hash { - uid := atomic.AddUint64(&uidCounter, 1) - return &Avx512Digest{uid: uid, a512srv: a512srv} -} - -// Avx512Digest - Type for computing SHA256 using Avx512 -type Avx512Digest struct { - uid uint64 - a512srv *Avx512Server - x [chunk]byte - nx int - len uint64 - final bool - result [Size]byte -} - -// Size - Return size of checksum -func (d *Avx512Digest) Size() int { return Size } - -// BlockSize - Return blocksize of checksum -func (d Avx512Digest) BlockSize() int { return BlockSize } - -// Reset - reset sha digest to its initial values -func (d *Avx512Digest) Reset() { - d.a512srv.blocksCh <- blockInput{uid: d.uid, reset: true} - d.nx = 0 - d.len = 0 - d.final = false -} - -// Write to digest -func (d *Avx512Digest) Write(p []byte) (nn int, err error) { - - if d.final { - return 0, errors.New("Avx512Digest already finalized. Reset first before writing again") - } - - nn = len(p) - d.len += uint64(nn) - if d.nx > 0 { - n := copy(d.x[d.nx:], p) - d.nx += n - if d.nx == chunk { - d.a512srv.blocksCh <- blockInput{uid: d.uid, msg: d.x[:]} - d.nx = 0 - } - p = p[n:] - } - if len(p) >= chunk { - n := len(p) &^ (chunk - 1) - d.a512srv.blocksCh <- blockInput{uid: d.uid, msg: p[:n]} - p = p[n:] - } - if len(p) > 0 { - d.nx = copy(d.x[:], p) - } - return -} - -// Sum - Return sha256 sum in bytes -func (d *Avx512Digest) Sum(in []byte) (result []byte) { - - if d.final { - return append(in, d.result[:]...) - } - - trail := make([]byte, 0, 128) - trail = append(trail, d.x[:d.nx]...) - - len := d.len - // Padding. Add a 1 bit and 0 bits until 56 bytes mod 64. - var tmp [64]byte - tmp[0] = 0x80 - if len%64 < 56 { - trail = append(trail, tmp[0:56-len%64]...) - } else { - trail = append(trail, tmp[0:64+56-len%64]...) - } - d.nx = 0 - - // Length in bits. - len <<= 3 - for i := uint(0); i < 8; i++ { - tmp[i] = byte(len >> (56 - 8*i)) - } - trail = append(trail, tmp[0:8]...) - - sumCh := make(chan [Size]byte) - d.a512srv.blocksCh <- blockInput{uid: d.uid, msg: trail, final: true, sumCh: sumCh} - d.result = <-sumCh - d.final = true - return append(in, d.result[:]...) -} - -var table = [512]uint64{ - 0x428a2f98428a2f98, 0x428a2f98428a2f98, 0x428a2f98428a2f98, 0x428a2f98428a2f98, - 0x428a2f98428a2f98, 0x428a2f98428a2f98, 0x428a2f98428a2f98, 0x428a2f98428a2f98, - 0x7137449171374491, 0x7137449171374491, 0x7137449171374491, 0x7137449171374491, - 0x7137449171374491, 0x7137449171374491, 0x7137449171374491, 0x7137449171374491, - 0xb5c0fbcfb5c0fbcf, 0xb5c0fbcfb5c0fbcf, 0xb5c0fbcfb5c0fbcf, 0xb5c0fbcfb5c0fbcf, - 0xb5c0fbcfb5c0fbcf, 0xb5c0fbcfb5c0fbcf, 0xb5c0fbcfb5c0fbcf, 0xb5c0fbcfb5c0fbcf, - 0xe9b5dba5e9b5dba5, 0xe9b5dba5e9b5dba5, 0xe9b5dba5e9b5dba5, 0xe9b5dba5e9b5dba5, - 0xe9b5dba5e9b5dba5, 0xe9b5dba5e9b5dba5, 0xe9b5dba5e9b5dba5, 0xe9b5dba5e9b5dba5, - 0x3956c25b3956c25b, 0x3956c25b3956c25b, 0x3956c25b3956c25b, 0x3956c25b3956c25b, - 0x3956c25b3956c25b, 0x3956c25b3956c25b, 0x3956c25b3956c25b, 0x3956c25b3956c25b, - 0x59f111f159f111f1, 0x59f111f159f111f1, 0x59f111f159f111f1, 0x59f111f159f111f1, - 0x59f111f159f111f1, 0x59f111f159f111f1, 0x59f111f159f111f1, 0x59f111f159f111f1, - 0x923f82a4923f82a4, 0x923f82a4923f82a4, 0x923f82a4923f82a4, 0x923f82a4923f82a4, - 0x923f82a4923f82a4, 0x923f82a4923f82a4, 0x923f82a4923f82a4, 0x923f82a4923f82a4, - 0xab1c5ed5ab1c5ed5, 0xab1c5ed5ab1c5ed5, 0xab1c5ed5ab1c5ed5, 0xab1c5ed5ab1c5ed5, - 0xab1c5ed5ab1c5ed5, 0xab1c5ed5ab1c5ed5, 0xab1c5ed5ab1c5ed5, 0xab1c5ed5ab1c5ed5, - 0xd807aa98d807aa98, 0xd807aa98d807aa98, 0xd807aa98d807aa98, 0xd807aa98d807aa98, - 0xd807aa98d807aa98, 0xd807aa98d807aa98, 0xd807aa98d807aa98, 0xd807aa98d807aa98, - 0x12835b0112835b01, 0x12835b0112835b01, 0x12835b0112835b01, 0x12835b0112835b01, - 0x12835b0112835b01, 0x12835b0112835b01, 0x12835b0112835b01, 0x12835b0112835b01, - 0x243185be243185be, 0x243185be243185be, 0x243185be243185be, 0x243185be243185be, - 0x243185be243185be, 0x243185be243185be, 0x243185be243185be, 0x243185be243185be, - 0x550c7dc3550c7dc3, 0x550c7dc3550c7dc3, 0x550c7dc3550c7dc3, 0x550c7dc3550c7dc3, - 0x550c7dc3550c7dc3, 0x550c7dc3550c7dc3, 0x550c7dc3550c7dc3, 0x550c7dc3550c7dc3, - 0x72be5d7472be5d74, 0x72be5d7472be5d74, 0x72be5d7472be5d74, 0x72be5d7472be5d74, - 0x72be5d7472be5d74, 0x72be5d7472be5d74, 0x72be5d7472be5d74, 0x72be5d7472be5d74, - 0x80deb1fe80deb1fe, 0x80deb1fe80deb1fe, 0x80deb1fe80deb1fe, 0x80deb1fe80deb1fe, - 0x80deb1fe80deb1fe, 0x80deb1fe80deb1fe, 0x80deb1fe80deb1fe, 0x80deb1fe80deb1fe, - 0x9bdc06a79bdc06a7, 0x9bdc06a79bdc06a7, 0x9bdc06a79bdc06a7, 0x9bdc06a79bdc06a7, - 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0xbef9a3f7bef9a3f7, 0xbef9a3f7bef9a3f7, 0xbef9a3f7bef9a3f7, 0xbef9a3f7bef9a3f7, - 0xc67178f2c67178f2, 0xc67178f2c67178f2, 0xc67178f2c67178f2, 0xc67178f2c67178f2, - 0xc67178f2c67178f2, 0xc67178f2c67178f2, 0xc67178f2c67178f2, 0xc67178f2c67178f2} - -// Interface function to assembly ode -func blockAvx512(digests *[512]byte, input [16][]byte, mask []uint64) [16][Size]byte { - - scratch := [512]byte{} - sha256X16Avx512(digests, &scratch, &table, mask, input) - - output := [16][Size]byte{} - for i := 0; i < 16; i++ { - output[i] = getDigest(i, digests[:]) - } - - return output -} - -func getDigest(index int, state []byte) (sum [Size]byte) { - for j := 0; j < 16; j += 2 { - for i := index*4 + j*Size; i < index*4+(j+1)*Size; i += Size { - binary.BigEndian.PutUint32(sum[j*2:], binary.LittleEndian.Uint32(state[i:i+4])) - } - } - return -} - -// Message to send across input channel -type blockInput struct { - uid uint64 - msg []byte - reset bool - final bool - sumCh chan [Size]byte -} - -// Avx512Server - Type to implement 16x parallel handling of SHA256 invocations -type Avx512Server struct { - blocksCh chan blockInput // Input channel - totalIn int // Total number of inputs waiting to be processed - lanes [16]Avx512LaneInfo // Array with info per lane (out of 16) - digests map[uint64][Size]byte // Map of uids to (interim) digest results -} - -// Avx512LaneInfo - Info for each lane -type Avx512LaneInfo struct { - uid uint64 // unique identification for this SHA processing - block []byte // input block to be processed - outputCh chan [Size]byte // channel for output result -} - -// NewAvx512Server - Create new object for parallel processing handling -func NewAvx512Server() *Avx512Server { - a512srv := &Avx512Server{} - a512srv.digests = make(map[uint64][Size]byte) - a512srv.blocksCh = make(chan blockInput) - - // Start a single thread for reading from the input channel - go a512srv.Process() - return a512srv -} - -// Process - Sole handler for reading from the input channel -func (a512srv *Avx512Server) Process() { - for { - select { - case block := <-a512srv.blocksCh: - if block.reset { - a512srv.reset(block.uid) - continue - } - index := block.uid & 0xf - // fmt.Println("Adding message:", block.uid, index) - - if a512srv.lanes[index].block != nil { // If slot is already filled, process all inputs - //fmt.Println("Invoking Blocks()") - a512srv.blocks() - } - a512srv.totalIn++ - a512srv.lanes[index] = Avx512LaneInfo{uid: block.uid, block: block.msg} - if block.final { - a512srv.lanes[index].outputCh = block.sumCh - } - if a512srv.totalIn == len(a512srv.lanes) { - // fmt.Println("Invoking Blocks() while FULL: ") - a512srv.blocks() - } - - // TODO: test with larger timeout - case <-time.After(1 * time.Microsecond): - for _, lane := range a512srv.lanes { - if lane.block != nil { // check if there is any input to process - // fmt.Println("Invoking Blocks() on TIMEOUT: ") - a512srv.blocks() - break // we are done - } - } - } - } -} - -// Do a reset for this calculation -func (a512srv *Avx512Server) reset(uid uint64) { - - // Check if there is a message still waiting to be processed (and remove if so) - for i, lane := range a512srv.lanes { - if lane.uid == uid { - if lane.block != nil { - a512srv.lanes[i] = Avx512LaneInfo{} // clear message - a512srv.totalIn-- - } - } - } - - // Delete entry from hash map - delete(a512srv.digests, uid) -} - -// Invoke assembly and send results back -func (a512srv *Avx512Server) blocks() { - - inputs := [16][]byte{} - for i := range inputs { - inputs[i] = a512srv.lanes[i].block - } - - mask := expandMask(genMask(inputs)) - outputs := blockAvx512(a512srv.getDigests(), inputs, mask) - - a512srv.totalIn = 0 - for i := 0; i < len(outputs); i++ { - uid, outputCh := a512srv.lanes[i].uid, a512srv.lanes[i].outputCh - a512srv.digests[uid] = outputs[i] - a512srv.lanes[i] = Avx512LaneInfo{} - - if outputCh != nil { - // Send back result - outputCh <- outputs[i] - delete(a512srv.digests, uid) // Delete entry from hashmap - } - } -} - -func (a512srv *Avx512Server) Write(uid uint64, p []byte) (nn int, err error) { - a512srv.blocksCh <- blockInput{uid: uid, msg: p} - return len(p), nil -} - -// Sum - return sha256 sum in bytes for a given sum id. -func (a512srv *Avx512Server) Sum(uid uint64, p []byte) [32]byte { - sumCh := make(chan [32]byte) - a512srv.blocksCh <- blockInput{uid: uid, msg: p, final: true, sumCh: sumCh} - return <-sumCh -} - -func (a512srv *Avx512Server) getDigests() *[512]byte { - digests := [512]byte{} - for i, lane := range a512srv.lanes { - a, ok := a512srv.digests[lane.uid] - if ok { - binary.BigEndian.PutUint32(digests[(i+0*16)*4:], binary.LittleEndian.Uint32(a[0:4])) - binary.BigEndian.PutUint32(digests[(i+1*16)*4:], binary.LittleEndian.Uint32(a[4:8])) - binary.BigEndian.PutUint32(digests[(i+2*16)*4:], binary.LittleEndian.Uint32(a[8:12])) - binary.BigEndian.PutUint32(digests[(i+3*16)*4:], binary.LittleEndian.Uint32(a[12:16])) - binary.BigEndian.PutUint32(digests[(i+4*16)*4:], binary.LittleEndian.Uint32(a[16:20])) - binary.BigEndian.PutUint32(digests[(i+5*16)*4:], binary.LittleEndian.Uint32(a[20:24])) - binary.BigEndian.PutUint32(digests[(i+6*16)*4:], binary.LittleEndian.Uint32(a[24:28])) - binary.BigEndian.PutUint32(digests[(i+7*16)*4:], binary.LittleEndian.Uint32(a[28:32])) - } else { - binary.LittleEndian.PutUint32(digests[(i+0*16)*4:], init0) - binary.LittleEndian.PutUint32(digests[(i+1*16)*4:], init1) - binary.LittleEndian.PutUint32(digests[(i+2*16)*4:], init2) - binary.LittleEndian.PutUint32(digests[(i+3*16)*4:], init3) - binary.LittleEndian.PutUint32(digests[(i+4*16)*4:], init4) - binary.LittleEndian.PutUint32(digests[(i+5*16)*4:], init5) - binary.LittleEndian.PutUint32(digests[(i+6*16)*4:], init6) - binary.LittleEndian.PutUint32(digests[(i+7*16)*4:], init7) - } - } - return &digests -} - -// Helper struct for sorting blocks based on length -type lane struct { - len uint - pos uint -} - -type lanes []lane - -func (lns lanes) Len() int { return len(lns) } -func (lns lanes) Swap(i, j int) { lns[i], lns[j] = lns[j], lns[i] } -func (lns lanes) Less(i, j int) bool { return lns[i].len < lns[j].len } - -// Helper struct for -type maskRounds struct { - mask uint64 - rounds uint64 -} - -func genMask(input [16][]byte) [16]maskRounds { - - // Sort on blocks length small to large - var sorted [16]lane - for c, inpt := range input { - sorted[c] = lane{uint(len(inpt)), uint(c)} - } - sort.Sort(lanes(sorted[:])) - - // Create mask array including 'rounds' between masks - m, round, index := uint64(0xffff), uint64(0), 0 - var mr [16]maskRounds - for _, s := range sorted { - if s.len > 0 { - if uint64(s.len)>>6 > round { - mr[index] = maskRounds{m, (uint64(s.len) >> 6) - round} - index++ - } - round = uint64(s.len) >> 6 - } - m = m & ^(1 << uint(s.pos)) - } - - return mr -} - -// TODO: remove function -func expandMask(mr [16]maskRounds) []uint64 { - size := uint64(0) - for _, r := range mr { - size += r.rounds - } - result, index := make([]uint64, size), 0 - for _, r := range mr { - for j := uint64(0); j < r.rounds; j++ { - result[index] = r.mask - index++ - } - } - return result -} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/minio/sha256-simd/sha256blockAvx512_amd64.s b/vendor/github.com/minio/sha256-simd/sha256blockAvx512_amd64.s deleted file mode 100644 index cca534e4..00000000 --- a/vendor/github.com/minio/sha256-simd/sha256blockAvx512_amd64.s +++ /dev/null @@ -1,267 +0,0 @@ -//+build !noasm,!appengine,gc - -TEXT ·sha256X16Avx512(SB), 7, $0 - MOVQ digests+0(FP), DI - MOVQ scratch+8(FP), R12 - MOVQ mask_len+32(FP), SI - MOVQ mask_base+24(FP), R13 - MOVQ (R13), R14 - LONG $0x92fbc1c4; BYTE $0xce - LEAQ inputs+48(FP), AX - QUAD $0xf162076f487ef162; QUAD $0x7ef162014f6f487e; QUAD $0x487ef16202576f48; QUAD $0x6f487ef162035f6f; QUAD $0x6f6f487ef1620467; QUAD $0x06776f487ef16205; LONG $0x487ef162; WORD $0x7f6f; BYTE $0x07 - MOVQ table+16(FP), DX - WORD $0x3148; BYTE $0xc9 - TESTQ $(1<<0), R14 - JE skipInput0 - MOVQ 0*24(AX), R9 - LONG $0x487cc162; WORD $0x0410; BYTE $0x09 - -skipInput0: - TESTQ $(1<<1), R14 - JE skipInput1 - MOVQ 1*24(AX), R9 - LONG $0x487cc162; WORD $0x0c10; BYTE $0x09 - -skipInput1: - TESTQ $(1<<2), R14 - JE skipInput2 - MOVQ 2*24(AX), R9 - LONG $0x487cc162; WORD $0x1410; BYTE $0x09 - -skipInput2: - TESTQ $(1<<3), R14 - JE skipInput3 - MOVQ 3*24(AX), R9 - LONG $0x487cc162; WORD $0x1c10; BYTE $0x09 - -skipInput3: - TESTQ $(1<<4), R14 - JE skipInput4 - MOVQ 4*24(AX), R9 - LONG $0x487cc162; WORD $0x2410; BYTE $0x09 - -skipInput4: - TESTQ $(1<<5), R14 - JE skipInput5 - MOVQ 5*24(AX), R9 - LONG $0x487cc162; WORD $0x2c10; BYTE $0x09 - -skipInput5: - TESTQ $(1<<6), R14 - JE skipInput6 - MOVQ 6*24(AX), R9 - LONG $0x487cc162; WORD $0x3410; BYTE $0x09 - -skipInput6: - TESTQ $(1<<7), R14 - JE skipInput7 - MOVQ 7*24(AX), R9 - LONG $0x487cc162; WORD $0x3c10; BYTE $0x09 - -skipInput7: - TESTQ $(1<<8), R14 - JE skipInput8 - MOVQ 8*24(AX), R9 - LONG $0x487c4162; WORD $0x0410; BYTE $0x09 - -skipInput8: - TESTQ $(1<<9), R14 - JE skipInput9 - MOVQ 9*24(AX), R9 - LONG $0x487c4162; WORD $0x0c10; BYTE $0x09 - -skipInput9: - TESTQ $(1<<10), R14 - JE skipInput10 - MOVQ 10*24(AX), R9 - LONG $0x487c4162; WORD $0x1410; BYTE $0x09 - -skipInput10: - TESTQ $(1<<11), R14 - JE skipInput11 - MOVQ 11*24(AX), R9 - LONG $0x487c4162; WORD $0x1c10; BYTE $0x09 - -skipInput11: - TESTQ $(1<<12), R14 - JE skipInput12 - MOVQ 12*24(AX), R9 - LONG $0x487c4162; WORD $0x2410; BYTE $0x09 - -skipInput12: - TESTQ $(1<<13), R14 - JE skipInput13 - MOVQ 13*24(AX), R9 - LONG $0x487c4162; WORD $0x2c10; BYTE $0x09 - -skipInput13: - TESTQ $(1<<14), R14 - JE skipInput14 - MOVQ 14*24(AX), R9 - LONG $0x487c4162; WORD $0x3410; BYTE $0x09 - -skipInput14: - TESTQ $(1<<15), R14 - JE skipInput15 - MOVQ 15*24(AX), R9 - LONG $0x487c4162; WORD $0x3c10; BYTE $0x09 - -skipInput15: -lloop: - LEAQ PSHUFFLE_BYTE_FLIP_MASK<>(SB), DX - LONG $0x487e7162; WORD $0x1a6f - MOVQ table+16(FP), DX - QUAD $0xd162226f487e7162; QUAD $0x7ed16224047f487e; QUAD $0x7ed16201244c7f48; QUAD $0x7ed1620224547f48; QUAD $0x7ed16203245c7f48; QUAD $0x7ed1620424647f48; QUAD $0x7ed16205246c7f48; QUAD $0x7ed1620624747f48; QUAD $0xc1834807247c7f48; QUAD $0x44c9c6407c316240; QUAD $0x62eec1c6407ca162; QUAD $0xa16244d3c6406c31; QUAD $0x34c162eed3c6406c; QUAD $0x407ca162dddac648; QUAD $0xc6407ca16288cac6; QUAD $0xcac648345162ddc2; QUAD $0x44d5c6405ca16288; QUAD $0x62eee5c6405ca162; QUAD $0xa16244d7c6404c31; QUAD $0x6cc162eef7c6404c; QUAD $0x405ca162ddfac640; QUAD $0xc6405ca16288eec6; QUAD $0xd2c6406cc162dde6; QUAD $0x44f1c6403c816288; QUAD $0x62eec1c6403c0162; QUAD $0x016244d3c6402c11; QUAD $0x4c4162eed3c6402c; QUAD $0x403c0162dddac640; QUAD $0xc6403c016288cac6; QUAD $0xf2c6404cc162ddc2; QUAD $0x44d5c6401c016288; QUAD $0x62eee5c6401c0162; QUAD $0x016244d7c6400c11; QUAD $0x2c4162eef7c6400c; QUAD $0x401c0162ddfac640; QUAD $0xc6401c016288eec6; QUAD $0xd2c6402c4162dde6; BYTE $0x88 - LEAQ PSHUFFLE_TRANSPOSE16_MASK1<>(SB), BX - LEAQ PSHUFFLE_TRANSPOSE16_MASK2<>(SB), R8 - QUAD $0x2262336f487e6162; QUAD $0x487e5162f27648b5; QUAD $0xd27648b53262106f; QUAD $0xa262136f487ee162; QUAD $0x487e5162d77640e5; QUAD $0xcf7640e53262086f; QUAD $0xa2621b6f487ee162; QUAD $0x487ec162dd7640f5; QUAD $0xfd7640f5a262386f; QUAD $0xa2620b6f487ee162; QUAD $0x487ec162cc7640fd; QUAD $0xec7640fda262286f; QUAD $0x8262036f487ee162; QUAD $0x487ec162c27640cd; QUAD $0xe27640cd8262206f; QUAD $0x8262336f487ee162; QUAD $0x487e4162f77640a5; QUAD $0xd77640a50262106f; QUAD $0x02621b6f487e6162; QUAD $0x487e4162dd7640b5; QUAD $0xfd7640b50262386f; QUAD $0x02620b6f487e6162; QUAD $0x487e4162cc7640bd; QUAD $0xec7640bd0262286f; QUAD $0x62eec023408d2362; QUAD $0x236244c023408da3; QUAD $0xada362eee42348ad; QUAD $0x40c5036244e42348; QUAD $0x2340c51362eef723; QUAD $0xfd2340d5036244d7; QUAD $0x44fd2340d58362ee; QUAD $0x62eeea2348b50362; QUAD $0x036244ea2348b583; QUAD $0xe51362eed32340e5; QUAD $0x40f5036244cb2340; QUAD $0x2340f58362eed923; QUAD $0xce2340ed236244d9; QUAD $0x44ce2340eda362ee; QUAD $0xc162d16f487ec162; QUAD $0x407dc262f26f487e; QUAD $0xcb004075c262c300; QUAD $0xc262d300406dc262; QUAD $0x405dc262db004065; QUAD $0xeb004055c262e300; QUAD $0xc262f300404dc262; QUAD $0x403d4262fb004045; QUAD $0xcb0040354262c300; QUAD $0x4262d300402d4262; QUAD $0x401d4262db004025; QUAD $0xeb0040154262e300; QUAD $0x4262f300400d4262; QUAD $0x48455162fb004005; QUAD $0xcc6f487e7162c4fe; QUAD $0x6206c472482df162; QUAD $0xf1620bc4724825f1; QUAD $0x55736219c472481d; QUAD $0x483d3162cace2548; QUAD $0xd42548255362c0fe; QUAD $0x62c1fe483d516296; QUAD $0x65d162c2fe483d51; QUAD $0x724845f162d8fe48; QUAD $0xc0724825f16202c0; QUAD $0x16c072481df1620d; QUAD $0x7362c86f487e7162; QUAD $0x25d362e8ca254875; QUAD $0x4845d16296fc2548; QUAD $0xf8fe4845d162f9fe; QUAD $0x6201626f487e7162; QUAD $0x916211c672481591; QUAD $0x05916213c672480d; QUAD $0x480d53620ad67248; QUAD $0xfe407dc16296ef25; QUAD $0x62c1fe407d8162c5; QUAD $0xb16207c1724815b1; QUAD $0x05b16212c172480d; QUAD $0x480d536203d17248; QUAD $0xfe407dc16296ef25; QUAD $0x62c4fe484d5162c5; QUAD $0x2df162cb6f487e71; QUAD $0x4825f16206c37248; QUAD $0x72481df1620bc372; QUAD $0xcd25485d736219c3; QUAD $0x62c1fe483d3162ca; QUAD $0x516296d425482553; QUAD $0x483d5162c1fe483d; QUAD $0xd0fe486dd162c2fe; QUAD $0x6202c772484df162; QUAD $0xf1620dc7724825f1; QUAD $0x7e716216c772481d; QUAD $0x25487d7362cf6f48; QUAD $0xf4254825d362e8c9; QUAD $0x62f1fe484dd16296; QUAD $0x7e7162f0fe484dd1; QUAD $0x4815916202626f48; QUAD $0x72480d916211c772; QUAD $0xd7724805916213c7; QUAD $0x96ef25480d53620a; QUAD $0x8162cdfe4075c162; QUAD $0x4815b162cafe4075; QUAD $0x72480db16207c272; QUAD $0xd2724805b16212c2; QUAD $0x96ef25480d536203; QUAD $0x5162cdfe4075c162; QUAD $0x487e7162c4fe4855; QUAD $0xc272482df162ca6f; QUAD $0x0bc2724825f16206; QUAD $0x6219c272481df162; QUAD $0x3162cacc25486573; QUAD $0x48255362c2fe483d; QUAD $0xfe483d516296d425; QUAD $0x62c2fe483d5162c1; QUAD $0x55f162c8fe4875d1; QUAD $0x4825f16202c67248; QUAD $0x72481df1620dc672; QUAD $0xce6f487e716216c6; QUAD $0x62e8c82548457362; QUAD $0xd16296ec254825d3; QUAD $0x4855d162e9fe4855; QUAD $0x626f487e7162e8fe; QUAD $0x11c0724815b16203; QUAD $0x6213c072480db162; QUAD $0x53620ad0724805b1; QUAD $0x6dc16296ef25480d; QUAD $0xfe406d8162d5fe40; QUAD $0x07c3724815b162d3; QUAD $0x6212c372480db162; QUAD $0x536203d3724805b1; QUAD $0x6dc16296ef25480d; QUAD $0xfe485d5162d5fe40; QUAD $0x62c96f487e7162c4; QUAD $0xf16206c172482df1; QUAD $0x1df1620bc1724825; QUAD $0x486d736219c17248; QUAD $0xfe483d3162cacb25; QUAD $0x96d42548255362c3; QUAD $0x5162c1fe483d5162; QUAD $0x487dd162c2fe483d; QUAD $0xc572485df162c0fe; QUAD $0x0dc5724825f16202; QUAD $0x6216c572481df162; QUAD $0x4d7362cd6f487e71; QUAD $0x4825d362e8cf2548; QUAD $0xfe485dd16296e425; QUAD $0x62e0fe485dd162e1; QUAD $0xb16204626f487e71; QUAD $0x0db16211c1724815; QUAD $0x4805b16213c17248; QUAD $0x25480d53620ad172; QUAD $0xddfe4065c16296ef; QUAD $0xb162dcfe40658162; QUAD $0x0db16207c4724815; QUAD $0x4805b16212c47248; QUAD $0x25480d536203d472; QUAD $0xddfe4065c16296ef; QUAD $0x7162c4fe48655162; QUAD $0x482df162c86f487e; QUAD $0x724825f16206c072; QUAD $0xc072481df1620bc0; QUAD $0xcaca254875736219; QUAD $0x5362c4fe483d3162; QUAD $0x3d516296d4254825; QUAD $0xfe483d5162c1fe48; QUAD $0x62f8fe4845d162c2; QUAD $0xf16202c4724865f1; QUAD $0x1df1620dc4724825; QUAD $0x487e716216c47248; QUAD $0xce2548557362cc6f; QUAD $0x96dc254825d362e8; QUAD $0xd162d9fe4865d162; QUAD $0x487e7162d8fe4865; QUAD $0x724815b16205626f; QUAD $0xc272480db16211c2; QUAD $0x0ad2724805b16213; QUAD $0x6296ef25480d5362; QUAD $0x5d8162e5fe405dc1; QUAD $0x724815b162e5fe40; QUAD $0xc572480db16207c5; QUAD $0x03d5724805b16212; QUAD $0x6296ef25480d5362; QUAD $0x6d5162e5fe405dc1; QUAD $0x6f487e7162c4fe48; QUAD $0x06c772482df162cf; QUAD $0x620bc7724825f162; QUAD $0x736219c772481df1; QUAD $0x3d3162cac925487d; QUAD $0x2548255362c5fe48; QUAD $0xc1fe483d516296d4; QUAD $0xd162c2fe483d5162; QUAD $0x486df162f0fe484d; QUAD $0x724825f16202c372; QUAD $0xc372481df1620dc3; QUAD $0x62cb6f487e716216; QUAD $0xd362e8cd25485d73; QUAD $0x6dd16296d4254825; QUAD $0xfe486dd162d1fe48; QUAD $0x06626f487e7162d0; QUAD $0x6211c3724815b162; QUAD $0xb16213c372480db1; QUAD $0x0d53620ad3724805; QUAD $0x4055c16296ef2548; QUAD $0xeefe40558162edfe; QUAD $0x6207c6724815b162; QUAD $0xb16212c672480db1; QUAD $0x0d536203d6724805; QUAD $0x4055c16296ef2548; QUAD $0xc4fe48755162edfe; QUAD $0xf162ce6f487e7162; QUAD $0x25f16206c672482d; QUAD $0x481df1620bc67248; QUAD $0x254845736219c672; QUAD $0xc6fe483d3162cac8; QUAD $0x6296d42548255362; QUAD $0x3d5162c1fe483d51; QUAD $0xfe4855d162c2fe48; QUAD $0x02c2724875f162e8; QUAD $0x620dc2724825f162; QUAD $0x716216c272481df1; QUAD $0x48657362ca6f487e; QUAD $0x254825d362e8cc25; QUAD $0xc9fe4875d16296cc; QUAD $0x7162c8fe4875d162; QUAD $0x15b16207626f487e; QUAD $0x480db16211c47248; QUAD $0x724805b16213c472; QUAD $0xef25480d53620ad4; QUAD $0x62f5fe404dc16296; QUAD $0x15b162f7fe404d81; QUAD $0x480db16207c77248; QUAD $0x724805b16212c772; QUAD $0xef25480d536203d7; QUAD $0x62f5fe404dc16296; QUAD $0x7e7162c4fe487d51; QUAD $0x72482df162cd6f48; QUAD $0xc5724825f16206c5; QUAD $0x19c572481df1620b; QUAD $0x62cacf25484d7362; QUAD $0x255362c7fe483d31; QUAD $0x483d516296d42548; QUAD $0xc2fe483d5162c1fe; QUAD $0xf162e0fe485dd162; QUAD $0x25f16202c172487d; QUAD $0x481df1620dc17248; QUAD $0x6f487e716216c172; QUAD $0xe8cb25486d7362c9; QUAD $0x6296c4254825d362; QUAD $0x7dd162c1fe487dd1; QUAD $0x6f487e7162c0fe48; QUAD $0xc5724815b1620862; QUAD $0x13c572480db16211; QUAD $0x620ad5724805b162; QUAD $0xc16296ef25480d53; QUAD $0x4045a162fdfe4045; QUAD $0xc07248159162f8fe; QUAD $0x12c072480d916207; QUAD $0x6203d07248059162; QUAD $0xc16296ef25480d53; QUAD $0x48455162fdfe4045; QUAD $0xcc6f487e7162c4fe; QUAD $0x6206c472482df162; QUAD $0xf1620bc4724825f1; QUAD $0x55736219c472481d; QUAD $0x483d1162cace2548; QUAD $0xd42548255362c0fe; QUAD $0x62c1fe483d516296; QUAD $0x65d162c2fe483d51; QUAD $0x724845f162d8fe48; QUAD $0xc0724825f16202c0; QUAD $0x16c072481df1620d; QUAD $0x7362c86f487e7162; QUAD $0x25d362e8ca254875; QUAD $0x4845d16296fc2548; QUAD $0xf8fe4845d162f9fe; QUAD $0x6209626f487e7162; QUAD $0xb16211c6724815b1; QUAD $0x05b16213c672480d; QUAD $0x480d53620ad67248; QUAD $0xfe403d416296ef25; QUAD $0x62c1fe403d2162c5; QUAD $0x916207c172481591; QUAD $0x05916212c172480d; QUAD $0x480d536203d17248; QUAD $0xfe403d416296ef25; QUAD $0x62c4fe484d5162c5; QUAD $0x2df162cb6f487e71; QUAD $0x4825f16206c37248; QUAD $0x72481df1620bc372; QUAD $0xcd25485d736219c3; QUAD $0x62c1fe483d1162ca; QUAD $0x516296d425482553; QUAD $0x483d5162c1fe483d; QUAD $0xd0fe486dd162c2fe; QUAD $0x6202c772484df162; QUAD $0xf1620dc7724825f1; QUAD $0x7e716216c772481d; QUAD $0x25487d7362cf6f48; QUAD $0xf4254825d362e8c9; QUAD $0x62f1fe484dd16296; QUAD $0x7e7162f0fe484dd1; QUAD $0x4815b1620a626f48; QUAD $0x72480db16211c772; QUAD $0xd7724805b16213c7; QUAD $0x96ef25480d53620a; QUAD $0x2162cdfe40354162; QUAD $0x48159162cafe4035; QUAD $0x72480d916207c272; QUAD $0xd2724805916212c2; QUAD $0x96ef25480d536203; QUAD $0x5162cdfe40354162; QUAD $0x487e7162c4fe4855; QUAD $0xc272482df162ca6f; QUAD $0x0bc2724825f16206; QUAD $0x6219c272481df162; QUAD $0x1162cacc25486573; QUAD $0x48255362c2fe483d; QUAD $0xfe483d516296d425; QUAD $0x62c2fe483d5162c1; QUAD $0x55f162c8fe4875d1; QUAD $0x4825f16202c67248; QUAD $0x72481df1620dc672; QUAD $0xce6f487e716216c6; QUAD $0x62e8c82548457362; QUAD $0xd16296ec254825d3; QUAD $0x4855d162e9fe4855; QUAD $0x626f487e7162e8fe; QUAD $0x11c072481591620b; QUAD $0x6213c072480d9162; QUAD $0x53620ad072480591; QUAD $0x2d416296ef25480d; QUAD $0xfe402d2162d5fe40; QUAD $0x07c37248159162d3; QUAD $0x6212c372480d9162; QUAD $0x536203d372480591; QUAD $0x2d416296ef25480d; QUAD $0xfe485d5162d5fe40; QUAD $0x62c96f487e7162c4; QUAD $0xf16206c172482df1; QUAD $0x1df1620bc1724825; QUAD $0x486d736219c17248; QUAD $0xfe483d1162cacb25; QUAD $0x96d42548255362c3; QUAD $0x5162c1fe483d5162; QUAD $0x487dd162c2fe483d; QUAD $0xc572485df162c0fe; QUAD $0x0dc5724825f16202; QUAD $0x6216c572481df162; QUAD $0x4d7362cd6f487e71; QUAD $0x4825d362e8cf2548; QUAD $0xfe485dd16296e425; QUAD $0x62e0fe485dd162e1; QUAD $0x91620c626f487e71; QUAD $0x0d916211c1724815; QUAD $0x4805916213c17248; QUAD $0x25480d53620ad172; QUAD $0xddfe4025416296ef; QUAD $0x9162dcfe40252162; QUAD $0x0d916207c4724815; QUAD $0x4805916212c47248; QUAD $0x25480d536203d472; QUAD $0xddfe4025416296ef; QUAD $0x7162c4fe48655162; QUAD $0x482df162c86f487e; QUAD $0x724825f16206c072; QUAD $0xc072481df1620bc0; QUAD $0xcaca254875736219; QUAD $0x5362c4fe483d1162; QUAD $0x3d516296d4254825; QUAD $0xfe483d5162c1fe48; QUAD $0x62f8fe4845d162c2; QUAD $0xf16202c4724865f1; QUAD $0x1df1620dc4724825; QUAD $0x487e716216c47248; QUAD $0xce2548557362cc6f; QUAD $0x96dc254825d362e8; QUAD $0xd162d9fe4865d162; QUAD $0x487e7162d8fe4865; QUAD $0x72481591620d626f; QUAD $0xc272480d916211c2; QUAD $0x0ad2724805916213; QUAD $0x6296ef25480d5362; QUAD $0x1d2162e5fe401d41; QUAD $0x7248159162e5fe40; QUAD $0xc572480d916207c5; QUAD $0x03d5724805916212; QUAD $0x6296ef25480d5362; QUAD $0x6d5162e5fe401d41; QUAD $0x6f487e7162c4fe48; QUAD $0x06c772482df162cf; QUAD $0x620bc7724825f162; QUAD $0x736219c772481df1; QUAD $0x3d1162cac925487d; QUAD $0x2548255362c5fe48; QUAD $0xc1fe483d516296d4; QUAD $0xd162c2fe483d5162; QUAD $0x486df162f0fe484d; QUAD $0x724825f16202c372; QUAD $0xc372481df1620dc3; QUAD $0x62cb6f487e716216; QUAD $0xd362e8cd25485d73; QUAD $0x6dd16296d4254825; QUAD $0xfe486dd162d1fe48; QUAD $0x0e626f487e7162d0; QUAD $0x6211c37248159162; QUAD $0x916213c372480d91; QUAD $0x0d53620ad3724805; QUAD $0x4015416296ef2548; QUAD $0xeefe40152162edfe; QUAD $0x6207c67248159162; QUAD $0x916212c672480d91; QUAD $0x0d536203d6724805; QUAD $0x4015416296ef2548; QUAD $0xc4fe48755162edfe; QUAD $0xf162ce6f487e7162; QUAD $0x25f16206c672482d; QUAD $0x481df1620bc67248; QUAD $0x254845736219c672; QUAD $0xc6fe483d1162cac8; QUAD $0x6296d42548255362; QUAD $0x3d5162c1fe483d51; QUAD $0xfe4855d162c2fe48; QUAD $0x02c2724875f162e8; QUAD $0x620dc2724825f162; QUAD $0x716216c272481df1; QUAD $0x48657362ca6f487e; QUAD $0x254825d362e8cc25; QUAD $0xc9fe4875d16296cc; QUAD $0x7162c8fe4875d162; QUAD $0x1591620f626f487e; QUAD $0x480d916211c47248; QUAD $0x724805916213c472; QUAD $0xef25480d53620ad4; QUAD $0x62f5fe400d416296; QUAD $0x159162f7fe400d21; QUAD $0x480d916207c77248; QUAD $0x724805916212c772; QUAD $0xef25480d536203d7; QUAD $0x62f5fe400d416296; QUAD $0x7e7162c4fe487d51; QUAD $0x72482df162cd6f48; QUAD $0xc5724825f16206c5; QUAD $0x19c572481df1620b; QUAD $0x62cacf25484d7362; QUAD $0x255362c7fe483d11; QUAD $0x483d516296d42548; QUAD $0xc2fe483d5162c1fe; QUAD $0xf162e0fe485dd162; QUAD $0x25f16202c172487d; QUAD $0x481df1620dc17248; QUAD $0x6f487e716216c172; QUAD $0xe8cb25486d7362c9; QUAD $0x6296c4254825d362; QUAD $0x7dd162c1fe487dd1; QUAD $0x6f487e7162c0fe48; QUAD $0xc572481591621062; QUAD $0x13c572480d916211; QUAD $0x620ad57248059162; QUAD $0x416296ef25480d53; QUAD $0x40050162fdfe4005; QUAD $0xc0724815b162f8fe; QUAD $0x12c072480db16207; QUAD $0x6203d0724805b162; QUAD $0x416296ef25480d53; QUAD $0x48455162fdfe4005; QUAD $0xcc6f487e7162c4fe; QUAD $0x6206c472482df162; QUAD $0xf1620bc4724825f1; QUAD $0x55736219c472481d; QUAD $0x483d3162cace2548; QUAD $0xd42548255362c0fe; QUAD $0x62c1fe483d516296; QUAD $0x65d162c2fe483d51; QUAD $0x724845f162d8fe48; QUAD $0xc0724825f16202c0; QUAD $0x16c072481df1620d; QUAD $0x7362c86f487e7162; QUAD $0x25d362e8ca254875; QUAD $0x4845d16296fc2548; QUAD $0xf8fe4845d162f9fe; QUAD $0x6211626f487e7162; QUAD $0x916211c672481591; QUAD $0x05916213c672480d; QUAD $0x480d53620ad67248; QUAD $0xfe407dc16296ef25; QUAD $0x62c1fe407d8162c5; QUAD $0xb16207c1724815b1; QUAD $0x05b16212c172480d; QUAD $0x480d536203d17248; QUAD $0xfe407dc16296ef25; QUAD $0x62c4fe484d5162c5; QUAD $0x2df162cb6f487e71; QUAD $0x4825f16206c37248; QUAD $0x72481df1620bc372; QUAD $0xcd25485d736219c3; QUAD $0x62c1fe483d3162ca; QUAD $0x516296d425482553; QUAD $0x483d5162c1fe483d; QUAD $0xd0fe486dd162c2fe; QUAD $0x6202c772484df162; QUAD $0xf1620dc7724825f1; QUAD $0x7e716216c772481d; QUAD $0x25487d7362cf6f48; QUAD $0xf4254825d362e8c9; QUAD $0x62f1fe484dd16296; QUAD $0x7e7162f0fe484dd1; QUAD $0x4815916212626f48; QUAD $0x72480d916211c772; QUAD $0xd7724805916213c7; QUAD $0x96ef25480d53620a; QUAD $0x8162cdfe4075c162; QUAD $0x4815b162cafe4075; QUAD $0x72480db16207c272; QUAD $0xd2724805b16212c2; QUAD $0x96ef25480d536203; QUAD $0x5162cdfe4075c162; QUAD $0x487e7162c4fe4855; QUAD $0xc272482df162ca6f; QUAD $0x0bc2724825f16206; QUAD $0x6219c272481df162; QUAD $0x3162cacc25486573; QUAD $0x48255362c2fe483d; QUAD $0xfe483d516296d425; QUAD $0x62c2fe483d5162c1; QUAD $0x55f162c8fe4875d1; QUAD $0x4825f16202c67248; QUAD $0x72481df1620dc672; QUAD $0xce6f487e716216c6; QUAD $0x62e8c82548457362; QUAD $0xd16296ec254825d3; QUAD $0x4855d162e9fe4855; QUAD $0x626f487e7162e8fe; QUAD $0x11c0724815b16213; QUAD $0x6213c072480db162; QUAD $0x53620ad0724805b1; QUAD $0x6dc16296ef25480d; QUAD $0xfe406d8162d5fe40; QUAD $0x07c3724815b162d3; QUAD $0x6212c372480db162; QUAD $0x536203d3724805b1; QUAD $0x6dc16296ef25480d; QUAD $0xfe485d5162d5fe40; QUAD $0x62c96f487e7162c4; QUAD $0xf16206c172482df1; QUAD $0x1df1620bc1724825; QUAD $0x486d736219c17248; QUAD $0xfe483d3162cacb25; QUAD $0x96d42548255362c3; QUAD $0x5162c1fe483d5162; QUAD $0x487dd162c2fe483d; QUAD $0xc572485df162c0fe; QUAD $0x0dc5724825f16202; QUAD $0x6216c572481df162; QUAD $0x4d7362cd6f487e71; QUAD $0x4825d362e8cf2548; QUAD $0xfe485dd16296e425; QUAD $0x62e0fe485dd162e1; QUAD $0xb16214626f487e71; QUAD $0x0db16211c1724815; QUAD $0x4805b16213c17248; QUAD $0x25480d53620ad172; QUAD $0xddfe4065c16296ef; QUAD $0xb162dcfe40658162; QUAD $0x0db16207c4724815; QUAD $0x4805b16212c47248; QUAD $0x25480d536203d472; QUAD $0xddfe4065c16296ef; QUAD $0x7162c4fe48655162; QUAD $0x482df162c86f487e; QUAD $0x724825f16206c072; QUAD $0xc072481df1620bc0; QUAD $0xcaca254875736219; QUAD $0x5362c4fe483d3162; QUAD $0x3d516296d4254825; QUAD $0xfe483d5162c1fe48; QUAD $0x62f8fe4845d162c2; QUAD $0xf16202c4724865f1; QUAD $0x1df1620dc4724825; QUAD $0x487e716216c47248; QUAD $0xce2548557362cc6f; QUAD $0x96dc254825d362e8; QUAD $0xd162d9fe4865d162; QUAD $0x487e7162d8fe4865; QUAD $0x724815b16215626f; QUAD $0xc272480db16211c2; QUAD $0x0ad2724805b16213; QUAD $0x6296ef25480d5362; QUAD $0x5d8162e5fe405dc1; QUAD $0x724815b162e5fe40; QUAD $0xc572480db16207c5; QUAD $0x03d5724805b16212; QUAD $0x6296ef25480d5362; QUAD $0x6d5162e5fe405dc1; QUAD $0x6f487e7162c4fe48; QUAD $0x06c772482df162cf; QUAD $0x620bc7724825f162; QUAD $0x736219c772481df1; QUAD $0x3d3162cac925487d; QUAD $0x2548255362c5fe48; QUAD $0xc1fe483d516296d4; QUAD $0xd162c2fe483d5162; QUAD $0x486df162f0fe484d; QUAD $0x724825f16202c372; QUAD $0xc372481df1620dc3; QUAD $0x62cb6f487e716216; QUAD $0xd362e8cd25485d73; QUAD $0x6dd16296d4254825; QUAD $0xfe486dd162d1fe48; QUAD $0x16626f487e7162d0; QUAD $0x6211c3724815b162; QUAD $0xb16213c372480db1; QUAD $0x0d53620ad3724805; QUAD $0x4055c16296ef2548; QUAD $0xeefe40558162edfe; QUAD $0x6207c6724815b162; QUAD $0xb16212c672480db1; QUAD $0x0d536203d6724805; QUAD $0x4055c16296ef2548; QUAD $0xc4fe48755162edfe; QUAD $0xf162ce6f487e7162; QUAD $0x25f16206c672482d; QUAD $0x481df1620bc67248; QUAD $0x254845736219c672; QUAD $0xc6fe483d3162cac8; QUAD $0x6296d42548255362; QUAD $0x3d5162c1fe483d51; QUAD $0xfe4855d162c2fe48; QUAD $0x02c2724875f162e8; QUAD $0x620dc2724825f162; QUAD $0x716216c272481df1; QUAD $0x48657362ca6f487e; QUAD $0x254825d362e8cc25; QUAD $0xc9fe4875d16296cc; QUAD $0x7162c8fe4875d162; QUAD $0x15b16217626f487e; QUAD $0x480db16211c47248; QUAD $0x724805b16213c472; QUAD $0xef25480d53620ad4; QUAD $0x62f5fe404dc16296; QUAD $0x15b162f7fe404d81; QUAD $0x480db16207c77248; QUAD $0x724805b16212c772; QUAD $0xef25480d536203d7; QUAD $0x62f5fe404dc16296; QUAD $0x7e7162c4fe487d51; QUAD $0x72482df162cd6f48; QUAD $0xc5724825f16206c5; QUAD $0x19c572481df1620b; QUAD $0x62cacf25484d7362; QUAD $0x255362c7fe483d31; QUAD $0x483d516296d42548; QUAD $0xc2fe483d5162c1fe; QUAD $0xf162e0fe485dd162; QUAD $0x25f16202c172487d; QUAD $0x481df1620dc17248; QUAD $0x6f487e716216c172; QUAD $0xe8cb25486d7362c9; QUAD $0x6296c4254825d362; QUAD $0x7dd162c1fe487dd1; QUAD $0x6f487e7162c0fe48; QUAD $0xc5724815b1621862; QUAD $0x13c572480db16211; QUAD $0x620ad5724805b162; QUAD $0xc16296ef25480d53; QUAD $0x4045a162fdfe4045; QUAD $0xc07248159162f8fe; QUAD $0x12c072480d916207; QUAD $0x6203d07248059162; QUAD $0xc16296ef25480d53; QUAD $0x48455162fdfe4045; QUAD $0xcc6f487e7162c4fe; QUAD $0x6206c472482df162; QUAD $0xf1620bc4724825f1; QUAD $0x55736219c472481d; QUAD $0x483d1162cace2548; QUAD $0xd42548255362c0fe; QUAD $0x62c1fe483d516296; QUAD $0x65d162c2fe483d51; QUAD $0x724845f162d8fe48; QUAD $0xc0724825f16202c0; QUAD $0x16c072481df1620d; QUAD $0x7362c86f487e7162; QUAD $0x25d362e8ca254875; QUAD $0x4845d16296fc2548; QUAD $0xf8fe4845d162f9fe; QUAD $0x6219626f487e7162; QUAD $0xb16211c6724815b1; QUAD $0x05b16213c672480d; QUAD $0x480d53620ad67248; QUAD $0xfe403d416296ef25; QUAD $0x62c1fe403d2162c5; QUAD $0x916207c172481591; QUAD $0x05916212c172480d; QUAD $0x480d536203d17248; QUAD $0xfe403d416296ef25; QUAD $0x62c4fe484d5162c5; QUAD $0x2df162cb6f487e71; QUAD $0x4825f16206c37248; QUAD $0x72481df1620bc372; QUAD $0xcd25485d736219c3; QUAD $0x62c1fe483d1162ca; QUAD $0x516296d425482553; QUAD $0x483d5162c1fe483d; QUAD $0xd0fe486dd162c2fe; QUAD $0x6202c772484df162; QUAD $0xf1620dc7724825f1; QUAD $0x7e716216c772481d; QUAD $0x25487d7362cf6f48; QUAD $0xf4254825d362e8c9; QUAD $0x62f1fe484dd16296; QUAD $0x7e7162f0fe484dd1; QUAD $0x4815b1621a626f48; QUAD $0x72480db16211c772; QUAD $0xd7724805b16213c7; QUAD $0x96ef25480d53620a; QUAD $0x2162cdfe40354162; QUAD $0x48159162cafe4035; QUAD $0x72480d916207c272; QUAD $0xd2724805916212c2; QUAD $0x96ef25480d536203; QUAD $0x5162cdfe40354162; QUAD $0x487e7162c4fe4855; QUAD $0xc272482df162ca6f; QUAD $0x0bc2724825f16206; QUAD $0x6219c272481df162; QUAD $0x1162cacc25486573; QUAD $0x48255362c2fe483d; QUAD $0xfe483d516296d425; QUAD $0x62c2fe483d5162c1; QUAD $0x55f162c8fe4875d1; QUAD $0x4825f16202c67248; QUAD $0x72481df1620dc672; QUAD $0xce6f487e716216c6; QUAD $0x62e8c82548457362; QUAD $0xd16296ec254825d3; QUAD $0x4855d162e9fe4855; QUAD $0x626f487e7162e8fe; QUAD $0x11c072481591621b; QUAD $0x6213c072480d9162; QUAD $0x53620ad072480591; QUAD $0x2d416296ef25480d; QUAD $0xfe402d2162d5fe40; QUAD $0x07c37248159162d3; QUAD $0x6212c372480d9162; QUAD $0x536203d372480591; QUAD $0x2d416296ef25480d; QUAD $0xfe485d5162d5fe40; QUAD $0x62c96f487e7162c4; QUAD $0xf16206c172482df1; QUAD $0x1df1620bc1724825; QUAD $0x486d736219c17248; QUAD $0xfe483d1162cacb25; QUAD $0x96d42548255362c3; QUAD $0x5162c1fe483d5162; QUAD $0x487dd162c2fe483d; QUAD $0xc572485df162c0fe; QUAD $0x0dc5724825f16202; QUAD $0x6216c572481df162; QUAD $0x4d7362cd6f487e71; QUAD $0x4825d362e8cf2548; QUAD $0xfe485dd16296e425; QUAD $0x62e0fe485dd162e1; QUAD $0x91621c626f487e71; QUAD $0x0d916211c1724815; QUAD $0x4805916213c17248; QUAD $0x25480d53620ad172; QUAD $0xddfe4025416296ef; QUAD $0x9162dcfe40252162; QUAD $0x0d916207c4724815; QUAD $0x4805916212c47248; QUAD $0x25480d536203d472; QUAD $0xddfe4025416296ef; QUAD $0x7162c4fe48655162; QUAD $0x482df162c86f487e; QUAD $0x724825f16206c072; QUAD $0xc072481df1620bc0; QUAD $0xcaca254875736219; QUAD $0x5362c4fe483d1162; QUAD $0x3d516296d4254825; QUAD $0xfe483d5162c1fe48; QUAD $0x62f8fe4845d162c2; QUAD $0xf16202c4724865f1; QUAD $0x1df1620dc4724825; QUAD $0x487e716216c47248; QUAD $0xce2548557362cc6f; QUAD $0x96dc254825d362e8; QUAD $0xd162d9fe4865d162; QUAD $0x487e7162d8fe4865; QUAD $0x72481591621d626f; QUAD $0xc272480d916211c2; QUAD $0x0ad2724805916213; QUAD $0x6296ef25480d5362; QUAD $0x1d2162e5fe401d41; QUAD $0x7248159162e5fe40; QUAD $0xc572480d916207c5; QUAD $0x03d5724805916212; QUAD $0x6296ef25480d5362; QUAD $0x6d5162e5fe401d41; QUAD $0x6f487e7162c4fe48; QUAD $0x06c772482df162cf; QUAD $0x620bc7724825f162; QUAD $0x736219c772481df1; QUAD $0x3d1162cac925487d; QUAD $0x2548255362c5fe48; QUAD $0xc1fe483d516296d4; QUAD $0xd162c2fe483d5162; QUAD $0x486df162f0fe484d; QUAD $0x724825f16202c372; QUAD $0xc372481df1620dc3; QUAD $0x62cb6f487e716216; QUAD $0xd362e8cd25485d73; QUAD $0x6dd16296d4254825; QUAD $0xfe486dd162d1fe48; QUAD $0x1e626f487e7162d0; QUAD $0x6211c37248159162; QUAD $0x916213c372480d91; QUAD $0x0d53620ad3724805; QUAD $0x4015416296ef2548; QUAD $0xeefe40152162edfe; QUAD $0x6207c67248159162; QUAD $0x916212c672480d91; QUAD $0x0d536203d6724805; QUAD $0x4015416296ef2548; QUAD $0xc4fe48755162edfe; QUAD $0xf162ce6f487e7162; QUAD $0x25f16206c672482d; QUAD $0x481df1620bc67248; QUAD $0x254845736219c672; QUAD $0xc6fe483d1162cac8; QUAD $0x6296d42548255362; QUAD $0x3d5162c1fe483d51; QUAD $0xfe4855d162c2fe48; QUAD $0x02c2724875f162e8; QUAD $0x620dc2724825f162; QUAD $0x716216c272481df1; QUAD $0x48657362ca6f487e; QUAD $0x254825d362e8cc25; QUAD $0xc9fe4875d16296cc; QUAD $0x7162c8fe4875d162; QUAD $0x1591621f626f487e; QUAD $0x480d916211c47248; QUAD $0x724805916213c472; QUAD $0xef25480d53620ad4; QUAD $0x62f5fe400d416296; QUAD $0x159162f7fe400d21; QUAD $0x480d916207c77248; QUAD $0x724805916212c772; QUAD $0xef25480d536203d7; QUAD $0x62f5fe400d416296; QUAD $0x7e7162c4fe487d51; QUAD $0x72482df162cd6f48; QUAD $0xc5724825f16206c5; QUAD $0x19c572481df1620b; QUAD $0x62cacf25484d7362; QUAD $0x255362c7fe483d11; QUAD $0x483d516296d42548; QUAD $0xc2fe483d5162c1fe; QUAD $0xf162e0fe485dd162; QUAD $0x25f16202c172487d; QUAD $0x481df1620dc17248; QUAD $0x6f487e716216c172; QUAD $0xe8cb25486d7362c9; QUAD $0x6296c4254825d362; QUAD $0x7dd162c1fe487dd1; QUAD $0x6f487e7162c0fe48; QUAD $0xc572481591622062; QUAD $0x13c572480d916211; QUAD $0x620ad57248059162; QUAD $0x416296ef25480d53; QUAD $0x40050162fdfe4005; QUAD $0xc0724815b162f8fe; QUAD $0x12c072480db16207; QUAD $0x6203d0724805b162; QUAD $0x416296ef25480d53; QUAD $0x48455162fdfe4005; QUAD $0xcc6f487e7162c4fe; QUAD $0x6206c472482df162; QUAD $0xf1620bc4724825f1; QUAD $0x55736219c472481d; QUAD $0x483d3162cace2548; QUAD $0xd42548255362c0fe; QUAD $0x62c1fe483d516296; QUAD $0x65d162c2fe483d51; QUAD $0x724845f162d8fe48; QUAD $0xc0724825f16202c0; QUAD $0x16c072481df1620d; QUAD $0x7362c86f487e7162; QUAD $0x25d362e8ca254875; QUAD $0x4845d16296fc2548; QUAD $0xf8fe4845d162f9fe; QUAD $0x6221626f487e7162; QUAD $0x916211c672481591; QUAD $0x05916213c672480d; QUAD $0x480d53620ad67248; QUAD $0xfe407dc16296ef25; QUAD $0x62c1fe407d8162c5; QUAD $0xb16207c1724815b1; QUAD $0x05b16212c172480d; QUAD $0x480d536203d17248; QUAD $0xfe407dc16296ef25; QUAD $0x62c4fe484d5162c5; QUAD $0x2df162cb6f487e71; QUAD $0x4825f16206c37248; QUAD $0x72481df1620bc372; QUAD $0xcd25485d736219c3; QUAD $0x62c1fe483d3162ca; QUAD $0x516296d425482553; QUAD $0x483d5162c1fe483d; QUAD $0xd0fe486dd162c2fe; QUAD $0x6202c772484df162; QUAD $0xf1620dc7724825f1; QUAD $0x7e716216c772481d; QUAD $0x25487d7362cf6f48; QUAD $0xf4254825d362e8c9; QUAD $0x62f1fe484dd16296; QUAD $0x7e7162f0fe484dd1; QUAD $0x4815916222626f48; QUAD $0x72480d916211c772; QUAD $0xd7724805916213c7; QUAD $0x96ef25480d53620a; QUAD $0x8162cdfe4075c162; QUAD $0x4815b162cafe4075; QUAD $0x72480db16207c272; QUAD $0xd2724805b16212c2; QUAD $0x96ef25480d536203; QUAD $0x5162cdfe4075c162; QUAD $0x487e7162c4fe4855; QUAD $0xc272482df162ca6f; QUAD $0x0bc2724825f16206; QUAD $0x6219c272481df162; QUAD $0x3162cacc25486573; QUAD $0x48255362c2fe483d; QUAD $0xfe483d516296d425; QUAD $0x62c2fe483d5162c1; QUAD $0x55f162c8fe4875d1; QUAD $0x4825f16202c67248; QUAD $0x72481df1620dc672; QUAD $0xce6f487e716216c6; QUAD $0x62e8c82548457362; QUAD $0xd16296ec254825d3; QUAD $0x4855d162e9fe4855; QUAD $0x626f487e7162e8fe; QUAD $0x11c0724815b16223; QUAD $0x6213c072480db162; QUAD $0x53620ad0724805b1; QUAD $0x6dc16296ef25480d; QUAD $0xfe406d8162d5fe40; QUAD $0x07c3724815b162d3; QUAD $0x6212c372480db162; QUAD $0x536203d3724805b1; QUAD $0x6dc16296ef25480d; QUAD $0xfe485d5162d5fe40; QUAD $0x62c96f487e7162c4; QUAD $0xf16206c172482df1; QUAD $0x1df1620bc1724825; QUAD $0x486d736219c17248; QUAD $0xfe483d3162cacb25; QUAD $0x96d42548255362c3; QUAD $0x5162c1fe483d5162; QUAD $0x487dd162c2fe483d; QUAD $0xc572485df162c0fe; QUAD $0x0dc5724825f16202; QUAD $0x6216c572481df162; QUAD $0x4d7362cd6f487e71; QUAD $0x4825d362e8cf2548; QUAD $0xfe485dd16296e425; QUAD $0x62e0fe485dd162e1; QUAD $0xb16224626f487e71; QUAD $0x0db16211c1724815; QUAD $0x4805b16213c17248; QUAD $0x25480d53620ad172; QUAD $0xddfe4065c16296ef; QUAD $0xb162dcfe40658162; QUAD $0x0db16207c4724815; QUAD $0x4805b16212c47248; QUAD $0x25480d536203d472; QUAD $0xddfe4065c16296ef; QUAD $0x7162c4fe48655162; QUAD $0x482df162c86f487e; QUAD $0x724825f16206c072; QUAD $0xc072481df1620bc0; QUAD $0xcaca254875736219; QUAD $0x5362c4fe483d3162; QUAD $0x3d516296d4254825; QUAD $0xfe483d5162c1fe48; QUAD $0x62f8fe4845d162c2; QUAD $0xf16202c4724865f1; QUAD $0x1df1620dc4724825; QUAD $0x487e716216c47248; QUAD $0xce2548557362cc6f; QUAD $0x96dc254825d362e8; QUAD $0xd162d9fe4865d162; QUAD $0x487e7162d8fe4865; QUAD $0x724815b16225626f; QUAD $0xc272480db16211c2; QUAD $0x0ad2724805b16213; QUAD $0x6296ef25480d5362; QUAD $0x5d8162e5fe405dc1; QUAD $0x724815b162e5fe40; QUAD $0xc572480db16207c5; QUAD $0x03d5724805b16212; QUAD $0x6296ef25480d5362; QUAD $0x6d5162e5fe405dc1; QUAD $0x6f487e7162c4fe48; QUAD $0x06c772482df162cf; QUAD $0x620bc7724825f162; QUAD $0x736219c772481df1; QUAD $0x3d3162cac925487d; QUAD $0x2548255362c5fe48; QUAD $0xc1fe483d516296d4; QUAD $0xd162c2fe483d5162; QUAD $0x486df162f0fe484d; QUAD $0x724825f16202c372; QUAD $0xc372481df1620dc3; QUAD $0x62cb6f487e716216; QUAD $0xd362e8cd25485d73; QUAD $0x6dd16296d4254825; QUAD $0xfe486dd162d1fe48; QUAD $0x26626f487e7162d0; QUAD $0x6211c3724815b162; QUAD $0xb16213c372480db1; QUAD $0x0d53620ad3724805; QUAD $0x4055c16296ef2548; QUAD $0xeefe40558162edfe; QUAD $0x6207c6724815b162; QUAD $0xb16212c672480db1; QUAD $0x0d536203d6724805; QUAD $0x4055c16296ef2548; QUAD $0xc4fe48755162edfe; QUAD $0xf162ce6f487e7162; QUAD $0x25f16206c672482d; QUAD $0x481df1620bc67248; QUAD $0x254845736219c672; QUAD $0xc6fe483d3162cac8; QUAD $0x6296d42548255362; QUAD $0x3d5162c1fe483d51; QUAD $0xfe4855d162c2fe48; QUAD $0x02c2724875f162e8; QUAD $0x620dc2724825f162; QUAD $0x716216c272481df1; QUAD $0x48657362ca6f487e; QUAD $0x254825d362e8cc25; QUAD $0xc9fe4875d16296cc; QUAD $0x7162c8fe4875d162; QUAD $0x15b16227626f487e; QUAD $0x480db16211c47248; QUAD $0x724805b16213c472; QUAD $0xef25480d53620ad4; QUAD $0x62f5fe404dc16296; QUAD $0x15b162f7fe404d81; QUAD $0x480db16207c77248; QUAD $0x724805b16212c772; QUAD $0xef25480d536203d7; QUAD $0x62f5fe404dc16296; QUAD $0x7e7162c4fe487d51; QUAD $0x72482df162cd6f48; QUAD $0xc5724825f16206c5; QUAD $0x19c572481df1620b; QUAD $0x62cacf25484d7362; QUAD $0x255362c7fe483d31; QUAD $0x483d516296d42548; QUAD $0xc2fe483d5162c1fe; QUAD $0xf162e0fe485dd162; QUAD $0x25f16202c172487d; QUAD $0x481df1620dc17248; QUAD $0x6f487e716216c172; QUAD $0xe8cb25486d7362c9; QUAD $0x6296c4254825d362; QUAD $0x7dd162c1fe487dd1; QUAD $0x6f487e7162c0fe48; QUAD $0xc5724815b1622862; QUAD $0x13c572480db16211; QUAD $0x620ad5724805b162; QUAD $0xc16296ef25480d53; QUAD $0x4045a162fdfe4045; QUAD $0xc07248159162f8fe; QUAD $0x12c072480d916207; QUAD $0x6203d07248059162; QUAD $0xc16296ef25480d53; QUAD $0x48455162fdfe4045; QUAD $0xcc6f487e7162c4fe; QUAD $0x6206c472482df162; QUAD $0xf1620bc4724825f1; QUAD $0x55736219c472481d; QUAD $0x483d1162cace2548; QUAD $0xd42548255362c0fe; QUAD $0x62c1fe483d516296; QUAD $0x65d162c2fe483d51; QUAD $0x724845f162d8fe48; QUAD $0xc0724825f16202c0; QUAD $0x16c072481df1620d; QUAD $0x7362c86f487e7162; QUAD $0x25d362e8ca254875; QUAD $0x4845d16296fc2548; QUAD $0xf8fe4845d162f9fe; QUAD $0x6229626f487e7162; QUAD $0xb16211c6724815b1; QUAD $0x05b16213c672480d; QUAD $0x480d53620ad67248; QUAD $0xfe403d416296ef25; QUAD $0x62c1fe403d2162c5; QUAD $0x916207c172481591; QUAD $0x05916212c172480d; QUAD $0x480d536203d17248; QUAD $0xfe403d416296ef25; QUAD $0x62c4fe484d5162c5; QUAD $0x2df162cb6f487e71; QUAD $0x4825f16206c37248; QUAD $0x72481df1620bc372; QUAD $0xcd25485d736219c3; QUAD $0x62c1fe483d1162ca; QUAD $0x516296d425482553; QUAD $0x483d5162c1fe483d; QUAD $0xd0fe486dd162c2fe; QUAD $0x6202c772484df162; QUAD $0xf1620dc7724825f1; QUAD $0x7e716216c772481d; QUAD $0x25487d7362cf6f48; QUAD $0xf4254825d362e8c9; QUAD $0x62f1fe484dd16296; QUAD $0x7e7162f0fe484dd1; QUAD $0x4815b1622a626f48; QUAD $0x72480db16211c772; QUAD $0xd7724805b16213c7; QUAD $0x96ef25480d53620a; QUAD $0x2162cdfe40354162; QUAD $0x48159162cafe4035; QUAD $0x72480d916207c272; QUAD $0xd2724805916212c2; QUAD $0x96ef25480d536203; QUAD $0x5162cdfe40354162; QUAD $0x487e7162c4fe4855; QUAD $0xc272482df162ca6f; QUAD $0x0bc2724825f16206; QUAD $0x6219c272481df162; QUAD $0x1162cacc25486573; QUAD $0x48255362c2fe483d; QUAD $0xfe483d516296d425; QUAD $0x62c2fe483d5162c1; QUAD $0x55f162c8fe4875d1; QUAD $0x4825f16202c67248; QUAD $0x72481df1620dc672; QUAD $0xce6f487e716216c6; QUAD $0x62e8c82548457362; QUAD $0xd16296ec254825d3; QUAD $0x4855d162e9fe4855; QUAD $0x626f487e7162e8fe; QUAD $0x11c072481591622b; QUAD $0x6213c072480d9162; QUAD $0x53620ad072480591; QUAD $0x2d416296ef25480d; QUAD $0xfe402d2162d5fe40; QUAD $0x07c37248159162d3; QUAD $0x6212c372480d9162; QUAD $0x536203d372480591; QUAD $0x2d416296ef25480d; QUAD $0xfe485d5162d5fe40; QUAD $0x62c96f487e7162c4; QUAD $0xf16206c172482df1; QUAD $0x1df1620bc1724825; QUAD $0x486d736219c17248; QUAD $0xfe483d1162cacb25; QUAD $0x96d42548255362c3; QUAD $0x5162c1fe483d5162; QUAD $0x487dd162c2fe483d; QUAD $0xc572485df162c0fe; QUAD $0x0dc5724825f16202; QUAD $0x6216c572481df162; QUAD $0x4d7362cd6f487e71; QUAD $0x4825d362e8cf2548; QUAD $0xfe485dd16296e425; QUAD $0x62e0fe485dd162e1; QUAD $0x91622c626f487e71; QUAD $0x0d916211c1724815; QUAD $0x4805916213c17248; QUAD $0x25480d53620ad172; QUAD $0xddfe4025416296ef; QUAD $0x9162dcfe40252162; QUAD $0x0d916207c4724815; QUAD $0x4805916212c47248; QUAD $0x25480d536203d472; QUAD $0xddfe4025416296ef; QUAD $0x7162c4fe48655162; QUAD $0x482df162c86f487e; QUAD $0x724825f16206c072; QUAD $0xc072481df1620bc0; QUAD $0xcaca254875736219; QUAD $0x5362c4fe483d1162; QUAD $0x3d516296d4254825; QUAD $0xfe483d5162c1fe48; QUAD $0x62f8fe4845d162c2; QUAD $0xf16202c4724865f1; QUAD $0x1df1620dc4724825; QUAD $0x487e716216c47248; QUAD $0xce2548557362cc6f; QUAD $0x96dc254825d362e8; QUAD $0xd162d9fe4865d162; QUAD $0x487e7162d8fe4865; QUAD $0x72481591622d626f; QUAD $0xc272480d916211c2; QUAD $0x0ad2724805916213; QUAD $0x6296ef25480d5362; QUAD $0x1d2162e5fe401d41; QUAD $0x7248159162e5fe40; QUAD $0xc572480d916207c5; QUAD $0x03d5724805916212; QUAD $0x6296ef25480d5362; QUAD $0x6d5162e5fe401d41; QUAD $0x6f487e7162c4fe48; QUAD $0x06c772482df162cf; QUAD $0x620bc7724825f162; QUAD $0x736219c772481df1; QUAD $0x3d1162cac925487d; QUAD $0x2548255362c5fe48; QUAD $0xc1fe483d516296d4; QUAD $0xd162c2fe483d5162; QUAD $0x486df162f0fe484d; QUAD $0x724825f16202c372; QUAD $0xc372481df1620dc3; QUAD $0x62cb6f487e716216; QUAD $0xd362e8cd25485d73; QUAD $0x6dd16296d4254825; QUAD $0xfe486dd162d1fe48; QUAD $0x2e626f487e7162d0; QUAD $0x6211c37248159162; QUAD $0x916213c372480d91; QUAD $0x0d53620ad3724805; QUAD $0x4015416296ef2548; QUAD $0xeefe40152162edfe; QUAD $0x6207c67248159162; QUAD $0x916212c672480d91; QUAD $0x0d536203d6724805; QUAD $0x4015416296ef2548; QUAD $0xc4fe48755162edfe; QUAD $0xf162ce6f487e7162; QUAD $0x25f16206c672482d; QUAD $0x481df1620bc67248; QUAD $0x254845736219c672; QUAD $0xc6fe483d1162cac8; QUAD $0x6296d42548255362; QUAD $0x3d5162c1fe483d51; QUAD $0xfe4855d162c2fe48; QUAD $0x02c2724875f162e8; QUAD $0x620dc2724825f162; QUAD $0x716216c272481df1; QUAD $0x48657362ca6f487e; QUAD $0x254825d362e8cc25; QUAD $0xc9fe4875d16296cc; QUAD $0x7162c8fe4875d162; QUAD $0x1591622f626f487e; QUAD $0x480d916211c47248; QUAD $0x724805916213c472; QUAD $0xef25480d53620ad4; QUAD $0x62f5fe400d416296; QUAD $0x159162f7fe400d21; QUAD $0x480d916207c77248; QUAD $0x724805916212c772; QUAD $0xef25480d536203d7; QUAD $0x62f5fe400d416296; QUAD $0x7e7162c4fe487d51; QUAD $0x72482df162cd6f48; QUAD $0xc5724825f16206c5; QUAD $0x19c572481df1620b; QUAD $0x62cacf25484d7362; QUAD $0x255362c7fe483d11; QUAD $0x483d516296d42548; QUAD $0xc2fe483d5162c1fe; QUAD $0xf162e0fe485dd162; QUAD $0x25f16202c172487d; QUAD $0x481df1620dc17248; QUAD $0x6f487e716216c172; QUAD $0xe8cb25486d7362c9; QUAD $0x6296c4254825d362; QUAD $0x7dd162c1fe487dd1; QUAD $0x6f487e7162c0fe48; QUAD $0xc572481591623062; QUAD $0x13c572480d916211; QUAD $0x620ad57248059162; QUAD $0x416296ef25480d53; QUAD $0x40050162fdfe4005; QUAD $0xc0724815b162f8fe; QUAD $0x12c072480db16207; QUAD $0x6203d0724805b162; QUAD $0x416296ef25480d53; QUAD $0x01ee8348fdfe4005 - JE lastLoop - ADDQ $8, R13 - MOVQ (R13), R14 - QUAD $0x7162c4fe48455162; QUAD $0x482df162cc6f487e; QUAD $0x724825f16206c472; QUAD $0xc472481df1620bc4; QUAD $0xcace254855736219; QUAD $0x5362c0fe483d3162; QUAD $0x3d516296d4254825; QUAD $0xfe483d5162c1fe48; QUAD $0x62d8fe4865d162c2; QUAD $0xf16202c0724845f1; QUAD $0x1df1620dc0724825; QUAD $0x487e716216c07248; QUAD $0xca2548757362c86f; QUAD $0x96fc254825d362e8; QUAD $0xd162f9fe4845d162; QUAD $0x487e7162f8fe4845; WORD $0x626f; BYTE $0x31 - TESTQ $(1<<0), R14 - JE skipNext0 - MOVQ 0*24(AX), R9 - LONG $0x487cc162; WORD $0x0410; BYTE $0x09 - -skipNext0: - QUAD $0x7162c4fe484d5162; QUAD $0x482df162cb6f487e; QUAD $0x724825f16206c372; QUAD $0xc372481df1620bc3; QUAD $0xcacd25485d736219; QUAD $0x5362c1fe483d3162; QUAD $0x3d516296d4254825; QUAD $0xfe483d5162c1fe48; QUAD $0x62d0fe486dd162c2; QUAD $0xf16202c772484df1; QUAD $0x1df1620dc7724825; QUAD $0x487e716216c77248; QUAD $0xc925487d7362cf6f; QUAD $0x96f4254825d362e8; QUAD $0xd162f1fe484dd162; QUAD $0x487e7162f0fe484d; WORD $0x626f; BYTE $0x32 - TESTQ $(1<<1), R14 - JE skipNext1 - MOVQ 1*24(AX), R9 - LONG $0x487cc162; WORD $0x0c10; BYTE $0x09 - -skipNext1: - QUAD $0x7162c4fe48555162; QUAD $0x482df162ca6f487e; QUAD $0x724825f16206c272; QUAD $0xc272481df1620bc2; QUAD $0xcacc254865736219; QUAD $0x5362c2fe483d3162; QUAD $0x3d516296d4254825; QUAD $0xfe483d5162c1fe48; QUAD $0x62c8fe4875d162c2; QUAD $0xf16202c6724855f1; QUAD $0x1df1620dc6724825; QUAD $0x487e716216c67248; QUAD $0xc82548457362ce6f; QUAD $0x96ec254825d362e8; QUAD $0xd162e9fe4855d162; QUAD $0x487e7162e8fe4855; WORD $0x626f; BYTE $0x33 - TESTQ $(1<<2), R14 - JE skipNext2 - MOVQ 2*24(AX), R9 - LONG $0x487cc162; WORD $0x1410; BYTE $0x09 - -skipNext2: - QUAD $0x7162c4fe485d5162; QUAD $0x482df162c96f487e; QUAD $0x724825f16206c172; QUAD $0xc172481df1620bc1; QUAD $0xcacb25486d736219; QUAD $0x5362c3fe483d3162; QUAD $0x3d516296d4254825; QUAD $0xfe483d5162c1fe48; QUAD $0x62c0fe487dd162c2; QUAD $0xf16202c572485df1; QUAD $0x1df1620dc5724825; QUAD $0x487e716216c57248; QUAD $0xcf25484d7362cd6f; QUAD $0x96e4254825d362e8; QUAD $0xd162e1fe485dd162; QUAD $0x487e7162e0fe485d; WORD $0x626f; BYTE $0x34 - TESTQ $(1<<3), R14 - JE skipNext3 - MOVQ 3*24(AX), R9 - LONG $0x487cc162; WORD $0x1c10; BYTE $0x09 - -skipNext3: - QUAD $0x7162c4fe48655162; QUAD $0x482df162c86f487e; QUAD $0x724825f16206c072; QUAD $0xc072481df1620bc0; QUAD $0xcaca254875736219; QUAD $0x5362c4fe483d3162; QUAD $0x3d516296d4254825; QUAD $0xfe483d5162c1fe48; QUAD $0x62f8fe4845d162c2; QUAD $0xf16202c4724865f1; QUAD $0x1df1620dc4724825; QUAD $0x487e716216c47248; QUAD $0xce2548557362cc6f; QUAD $0x96dc254825d362e8; QUAD $0xd162d9fe4865d162; QUAD $0x487e7162d8fe4865; WORD $0x626f; BYTE $0x35 - TESTQ $(1<<4), R14 - JE skipNext4 - MOVQ 4*24(AX), R9 - LONG $0x487cc162; WORD $0x2410; BYTE $0x09 - -skipNext4: - QUAD $0x7162c4fe486d5162; QUAD $0x482df162cf6f487e; QUAD $0x724825f16206c772; QUAD $0xc772481df1620bc7; QUAD $0xcac925487d736219; QUAD $0x5362c5fe483d3162; QUAD $0x3d516296d4254825; QUAD $0xfe483d5162c1fe48; QUAD $0x62f0fe484dd162c2; QUAD $0xf16202c372486df1; QUAD $0x1df1620dc3724825; QUAD $0x487e716216c37248; QUAD $0xcd25485d7362cb6f; QUAD $0x96d4254825d362e8; QUAD $0xd162d1fe486dd162; QUAD $0x487e7162d0fe486d; WORD $0x626f; BYTE $0x36 - TESTQ $(1<<5), R14 - JE skipNext5 - MOVQ 5*24(AX), R9 - LONG $0x487cc162; WORD $0x2c10; BYTE $0x09 - -skipNext5: - QUAD $0x7162c4fe48755162; QUAD $0x482df162ce6f487e; QUAD $0x724825f16206c672; QUAD $0xc672481df1620bc6; QUAD $0xcac8254845736219; QUAD $0x5362c6fe483d3162; QUAD $0x3d516296d4254825; QUAD $0xfe483d5162c1fe48; QUAD $0x62e8fe4855d162c2; QUAD $0xf16202c2724875f1; QUAD $0x1df1620dc2724825; QUAD $0x487e716216c27248; QUAD $0xcc2548657362ca6f; QUAD $0x96cc254825d362e8; QUAD $0xd162c9fe4875d162; QUAD $0x487e7162c8fe4875; WORD $0x626f; BYTE $0x37 - TESTQ $(1<<6), R14 - JE skipNext6 - MOVQ 6*24(AX), R9 - LONG $0x487cc162; WORD $0x3410; BYTE $0x09 - -skipNext6: - QUAD $0x7162c4fe487d5162; QUAD $0x482df162cd6f487e; QUAD $0x724825f16206c572; QUAD $0xc572481df1620bc5; QUAD $0xcacf25484d736219; QUAD $0x5362c7fe483d3162; QUAD $0x3d516296d4254825; QUAD $0xfe483d5162c1fe48; QUAD $0x62e0fe485dd162c2; QUAD $0xf16202c172487df1; QUAD $0x1df1620dc1724825; QUAD $0x487e716216c17248; QUAD $0xcb25486d7362c96f; QUAD $0x96c4254825d362e8; QUAD $0xd162c1fe487dd162; QUAD $0x487e7162c0fe487d; WORD $0x626f; BYTE $0x38 - TESTQ $(1<<7), R14 - JE skipNext7 - MOVQ 7*24(AX), R9 - LONG $0x487cc162; WORD $0x3c10; BYTE $0x09 - -skipNext7: - QUAD $0x7162c4fe48455162; QUAD $0x482df162cc6f487e; QUAD $0x724825f16206c472; QUAD $0xc472481df1620bc4; QUAD $0xcace254855736219; QUAD $0x5362c0fe483d1162; QUAD $0x3d516296d4254825; QUAD $0xfe483d5162c1fe48; QUAD $0x62d8fe4865d162c2; QUAD $0xf16202c0724845f1; QUAD $0x1df1620dc0724825; QUAD $0x487e716216c07248; QUAD $0xca2548757362c86f; QUAD $0x96fc254825d362e8; QUAD $0xd162f9fe4845d162; QUAD $0x487e7162f8fe4845; WORD $0x626f; BYTE $0x39 - TESTQ $(1<<8), R14 - JE skipNext8 - MOVQ 8*24(AX), R9 - LONG $0x487c4162; WORD $0x0410; BYTE $0x09 - -skipNext8: - QUAD $0x7162c4fe484d5162; QUAD $0x482df162cb6f487e; QUAD $0x724825f16206c372; QUAD $0xc372481df1620bc3; QUAD $0xcacd25485d736219; QUAD $0x5362c1fe483d1162; QUAD $0x3d516296d4254825; QUAD $0xfe483d5162c1fe48; QUAD $0x62d0fe486dd162c2; QUAD $0xf16202c772484df1; QUAD $0x1df1620dc7724825; QUAD $0x487e716216c77248; QUAD $0xc925487d7362cf6f; QUAD $0x96f4254825d362e8; QUAD $0xd162f1fe484dd162; QUAD $0x487e7162f0fe484d; WORD $0x626f; BYTE $0x3a - TESTQ $(1<<9), R14 - JE skipNext9 - MOVQ 9*24(AX), R9 - LONG $0x487c4162; WORD $0x0c10; BYTE $0x09 - -skipNext9: - QUAD $0x7162c4fe48555162; QUAD $0x482df162ca6f487e; QUAD $0x724825f16206c272; QUAD $0xc272481df1620bc2; QUAD $0xcacc254865736219; QUAD $0x5362c2fe483d1162; QUAD $0x3d516296d4254825; QUAD $0xfe483d5162c1fe48; QUAD $0x62c8fe4875d162c2; QUAD $0xf16202c6724855f1; QUAD $0x1df1620dc6724825; QUAD $0x487e716216c67248; QUAD $0xc82548457362ce6f; QUAD $0x96ec254825d362e8; QUAD $0xd162e9fe4855d162; QUAD $0x487e7162e8fe4855; WORD $0x626f; BYTE $0x3b - TESTQ $(1<<10), R14 - JE skipNext10 - MOVQ 10*24(AX), R9 - LONG $0x487c4162; WORD $0x1410; BYTE $0x09 - -skipNext10: - QUAD $0x7162c4fe485d5162; QUAD $0x482df162c96f487e; QUAD $0x724825f16206c172; QUAD $0xc172481df1620bc1; QUAD $0xcacb25486d736219; QUAD $0x5362c3fe483d1162; QUAD $0x3d516296d4254825; QUAD $0xfe483d5162c1fe48; QUAD $0x62c0fe487dd162c2; QUAD $0xf16202c572485df1; QUAD $0x1df1620dc5724825; QUAD $0x487e716216c57248; QUAD $0xcf25484d7362cd6f; QUAD $0x96e4254825d362e8; QUAD $0xd162e1fe485dd162; QUAD $0x487e7162e0fe485d; WORD $0x626f; BYTE $0x3c - TESTQ $(1<<11), R14 - JE skipNext11 - MOVQ 11*24(AX), R9 - LONG $0x487c4162; WORD $0x1c10; BYTE $0x09 - -skipNext11: - QUAD $0x7162c4fe48655162; QUAD $0x482df162c86f487e; QUAD $0x724825f16206c072; QUAD $0xc072481df1620bc0; QUAD $0xcaca254875736219; QUAD $0x5362c4fe483d1162; QUAD $0x3d516296d4254825; QUAD $0xfe483d5162c1fe48; QUAD $0x62f8fe4845d162c2; QUAD $0xf16202c4724865f1; QUAD $0x1df1620dc4724825; QUAD $0x487e716216c47248; QUAD $0xce2548557362cc6f; QUAD $0x96dc254825d362e8; QUAD $0xd162d9fe4865d162; QUAD $0x487e7162d8fe4865; WORD $0x626f; BYTE $0x3d - TESTQ $(1<<12), R14 - JE skipNext12 - MOVQ 12*24(AX), R9 - LONG $0x487c4162; WORD $0x2410; BYTE $0x09 - -skipNext12: - QUAD $0x7162c4fe486d5162; QUAD $0x482df162cf6f487e; QUAD $0x724825f16206c772; QUAD $0xc772481df1620bc7; QUAD $0xcac925487d736219; QUAD $0x5362c5fe483d1162; QUAD $0x3d516296d4254825; QUAD $0xfe483d5162c1fe48; QUAD $0x62f0fe484dd162c2; QUAD $0xf16202c372486df1; QUAD $0x1df1620dc3724825; QUAD $0x487e716216c37248; QUAD $0xcd25485d7362cb6f; QUAD $0x96d4254825d362e8; QUAD $0xd162d1fe486dd162; QUAD $0x487e7162d0fe486d; WORD $0x626f; BYTE $0x3e - TESTQ $(1<<13), R14 - JE skipNext13 - MOVQ 13*24(AX), R9 - LONG $0x487c4162; WORD $0x2c10; BYTE $0x09 - -skipNext13: - QUAD $0x7162c4fe48755162; QUAD $0x482df162ce6f487e; QUAD $0x724825f16206c672; QUAD $0xc672481df1620bc6; QUAD $0xcac8254845736219; QUAD $0x5362c6fe483d1162; QUAD $0x3d516296d4254825; QUAD $0xfe483d5162c1fe48; QUAD $0x62e8fe4855d162c2; QUAD $0xf16202c2724875f1; QUAD $0x1df1620dc2724825; QUAD $0x487e716216c27248; QUAD $0xcc2548657362ca6f; QUAD $0x96cc254825d362e8; QUAD $0xd162c9fe4875d162; QUAD $0x487e7162c8fe4875; WORD $0x626f; BYTE $0x3f - TESTQ $(1<<14), R14 - JE skipNext14 - MOVQ 14*24(AX), R9 - LONG $0x487c4162; WORD $0x3410; BYTE $0x09 - -skipNext14: - QUAD $0x7162c4fe487d5162; QUAD $0x482df162cd6f487e; QUAD $0x724825f16206c572; QUAD $0xc572481df1620bc5; QUAD $0xcacf25484d736219; QUAD $0x5362c7fe483d1162; QUAD $0x3d516296d4254825; QUAD $0xfe483d5162c1fe48; QUAD $0x62e0fe485dd162c2; QUAD $0xf16202c172487df1; QUAD $0x1df1620dc1724825; QUAD $0x487e716216c17248; QUAD $0xcb25486d7362c96f; QUAD $0x96c4254825d362e8; QUAD $0xd162c1fe487dd162; QUAD $0x487e7162c0fe487d; WORD $0x626f; BYTE $0x40 - TESTQ $(1<<15), R14 - JE skipNext15 - MOVQ 15*24(AX), R9 - LONG $0x487c4162; WORD $0x3c10; BYTE $0x09 - -skipNext15: - QUAD $0xd162d86f487e7162; QUAD $0x7dd16224046f487e; QUAD $0x6f487e7162c3fe49; QUAD $0x244c6f487ed162d9; QUAD $0x62cbfe4975d16201; QUAD $0x7ed162da6f487e71; QUAD $0x6dd1620224546f48; QUAD $0x6f487e7162d3fe49; QUAD $0x245c6f487ed162db; QUAD $0x62dbfe4965d16203; QUAD $0x7ed162dc6f487e71; QUAD $0x5dd1620424646f48; QUAD $0x6f487e7162e3fe49; QUAD $0x246c6f487ed162dd; QUAD $0x62ebfe4955d16205; QUAD $0x7ed162de6f487e71; QUAD $0x4dd1620624746f48; QUAD $0x6f487e7162f3fe49; QUAD $0x247c6f487ed162df; QUAD $0xc4fbfe4945d16207; LONG $0xce92fbc1 - JMP lloop - -lastLoop: - QUAD $0x7162c4fe48455162; QUAD $0x482df162cc6f487e; QUAD $0x724825f16206c472; QUAD $0xc472481df1620bc4; QUAD $0xcace254855736219; QUAD $0x5362c0fe483d3162; QUAD $0x3d516296d4254825; QUAD $0xfe483d5162c1fe48; QUAD $0x62d8fe4865d162c2; QUAD $0xf16202c0724845f1; QUAD $0x1df1620dc0724825; QUAD $0x487e716216c07248; QUAD $0xca2548757362c86f; QUAD $0x96fc254825d362e8; QUAD $0xd162f9fe4845d162; QUAD $0x487e7162f8fe4845; QUAD $0xfe484d516231626f; QUAD $0x62cb6f487e7162c4; QUAD $0xf16206c372482df1; QUAD $0x1df1620bc3724825; QUAD $0x485d736219c37248; QUAD $0xfe483d3162cacd25; QUAD $0x96d42548255362c1; QUAD $0x5162c1fe483d5162; QUAD $0x486dd162c2fe483d; QUAD $0xc772484df162d0fe; QUAD $0x0dc7724825f16202; QUAD $0x6216c772481df162; QUAD $0x7d7362cf6f487e71; QUAD $0x4825d362e8c92548; QUAD $0xfe484dd16296f425; QUAD $0x62f0fe484dd162f1; QUAD $0x516232626f487e71; QUAD $0x487e7162c4fe4855; QUAD $0xc272482df162ca6f; QUAD $0x0bc2724825f16206; QUAD $0x6219c272481df162; QUAD $0x3162cacc25486573; QUAD $0x48255362c2fe483d; QUAD $0xfe483d516296d425; QUAD $0x62c2fe483d5162c1; QUAD $0x55f162c8fe4875d1; QUAD $0x4825f16202c67248; QUAD $0x72481df1620dc672; QUAD $0xce6f487e716216c6; QUAD $0x62e8c82548457362; QUAD $0xd16296ec254825d3; QUAD $0x4855d162e9fe4855; QUAD $0x626f487e7162e8fe; QUAD $0x62c4fe485d516233; QUAD $0x2df162c96f487e71; QUAD $0x4825f16206c17248; QUAD $0x72481df1620bc172; QUAD $0xcb25486d736219c1; QUAD $0x62c3fe483d3162ca; QUAD $0x516296d425482553; QUAD $0x483d5162c1fe483d; QUAD $0xc0fe487dd162c2fe; QUAD $0x6202c572485df162; QUAD $0xf1620dc5724825f1; QUAD $0x7e716216c572481d; QUAD $0x25484d7362cd6f48; QUAD $0xe4254825d362e8cf; QUAD $0x62e1fe485dd16296; QUAD $0x7e7162e0fe485dd1; QUAD $0x4865516234626f48; QUAD $0xc86f487e7162c4fe; QUAD $0x6206c072482df162; QUAD $0xf1620bc0724825f1; QUAD $0x75736219c072481d; QUAD $0x483d3162caca2548; QUAD $0xd42548255362c4fe; QUAD $0x62c1fe483d516296; QUAD $0x45d162c2fe483d51; QUAD $0x724865f162f8fe48; QUAD $0xc4724825f16202c4; QUAD $0x16c472481df1620d; QUAD $0x7362cc6f487e7162; QUAD $0x25d362e8ce254855; QUAD $0x4865d16296dc2548; QUAD $0xd8fe4865d162d9fe; QUAD $0x6235626f487e7162; QUAD $0x7e7162c4fe486d51; QUAD $0x72482df162cf6f48; QUAD $0xc7724825f16206c7; QUAD $0x19c772481df1620b; QUAD $0x62cac925487d7362; QUAD $0x255362c5fe483d31; QUAD $0x483d516296d42548; QUAD $0xc2fe483d5162c1fe; QUAD $0xf162f0fe484dd162; QUAD $0x25f16202c372486d; QUAD $0x481df1620dc37248; QUAD $0x6f487e716216c372; QUAD $0xe8cd25485d7362cb; QUAD $0x6296d4254825d362; QUAD $0x6dd162d1fe486dd1; QUAD $0x6f487e7162d0fe48; QUAD $0xc4fe487551623662; QUAD $0xf162ce6f487e7162; QUAD $0x25f16206c672482d; QUAD $0x481df1620bc67248; QUAD $0x254845736219c672; QUAD $0xc6fe483d3162cac8; QUAD $0x6296d42548255362; QUAD $0x3d5162c1fe483d51; QUAD $0xfe4855d162c2fe48; QUAD $0x02c2724875f162e8; QUAD $0x620dc2724825f162; QUAD $0x716216c272481df1; QUAD $0x48657362ca6f487e; QUAD $0x254825d362e8cc25; QUAD $0xc9fe4875d16296cc; QUAD $0x7162c8fe4875d162; QUAD $0x7d516237626f487e; QUAD $0x6f487e7162c4fe48; QUAD $0x06c572482df162cd; QUAD $0x620bc5724825f162; QUAD $0x736219c572481df1; QUAD $0x3d3162cacf25484d; QUAD $0x2548255362c7fe48; QUAD $0xc1fe483d516296d4; QUAD $0xd162c2fe483d5162; QUAD $0x487df162e0fe485d; QUAD $0x724825f16202c172; QUAD $0xc172481df1620dc1; QUAD $0x62c96f487e716216; QUAD $0xd362e8cb25486d73; QUAD $0x7dd16296c4254825; QUAD $0xfe487dd162c1fe48; QUAD $0x38626f487e7162c0; QUAD $0x7162c4fe48455162; QUAD $0x482df162cc6f487e; QUAD $0x724825f16206c472; QUAD $0xc472481df1620bc4; QUAD $0xcace254855736219; QUAD $0x5362c0fe483d1162; QUAD $0x3d516296d4254825; QUAD $0xfe483d5162c1fe48; QUAD $0x62d8fe4865d162c2; QUAD $0xf16202c0724845f1; QUAD $0x1df1620dc0724825; QUAD $0x487e716216c07248; QUAD $0xca2548757362c86f; QUAD $0x96fc254825d362e8; QUAD $0xd162f9fe4845d162; QUAD $0x487e7162f8fe4845; QUAD $0xfe484d516239626f; QUAD $0x62cb6f487e7162c4; QUAD $0xf16206c372482df1; QUAD $0x1df1620bc3724825; QUAD $0x485d736219c37248; QUAD $0xfe483d1162cacd25; QUAD $0x96d42548255362c1; QUAD $0x5162c1fe483d5162; QUAD $0x486dd162c2fe483d; QUAD $0xc772484df162d0fe; QUAD $0x0dc7724825f16202; QUAD $0x6216c772481df162; QUAD $0x7d7362cf6f487e71; QUAD $0x4825d362e8c92548; QUAD $0xfe484dd16296f425; QUAD $0x62f0fe484dd162f1; QUAD $0x51623a626f487e71; QUAD $0x487e7162c4fe4855; QUAD $0xc272482df162ca6f; QUAD $0x0bc2724825f16206; QUAD $0x6219c272481df162; QUAD $0x1162cacc25486573; QUAD $0x48255362c2fe483d; QUAD $0xfe483d516296d425; QUAD $0x62c2fe483d5162c1; QUAD $0x55f162c8fe4875d1; QUAD $0x4825f16202c67248; QUAD $0x72481df1620dc672; QUAD $0xce6f487e716216c6; QUAD $0x62e8c82548457362; QUAD $0xd16296ec254825d3; QUAD $0x4855d162e9fe4855; QUAD $0x626f487e7162e8fe; QUAD $0x62c4fe485d51623b; QUAD $0x2df162c96f487e71; QUAD $0x4825f16206c17248; QUAD $0x72481df1620bc172; QUAD $0xcb25486d736219c1; QUAD $0x62c3fe483d1162ca; QUAD $0x516296d425482553; QUAD $0x483d5162c1fe483d; QUAD $0xc0fe487dd162c2fe; QUAD $0x6202c572485df162; QUAD $0xf1620dc5724825f1; QUAD $0x7e716216c572481d; QUAD $0x25484d7362cd6f48; QUAD $0xe4254825d362e8cf; QUAD $0x62e1fe485dd16296; QUAD $0x7e7162e0fe485dd1; QUAD $0x486551623c626f48; QUAD $0xc86f487e7162c4fe; QUAD $0x6206c072482df162; QUAD $0xf1620bc0724825f1; QUAD $0x75736219c072481d; QUAD $0x483d1162caca2548; QUAD $0xd42548255362c4fe; QUAD $0x62c1fe483d516296; QUAD $0x45d162c2fe483d51; QUAD $0x724865f162f8fe48; QUAD $0xc4724825f16202c4; QUAD $0x16c472481df1620d; QUAD $0x7362cc6f487e7162; QUAD $0x25d362e8ce254855; QUAD $0x4865d16296dc2548; QUAD $0xd8fe4865d162d9fe; QUAD $0x623d626f487e7162; QUAD $0x7e7162c4fe486d51; QUAD $0x72482df162cf6f48; QUAD $0xc7724825f16206c7; QUAD $0x19c772481df1620b; QUAD $0x62cac925487d7362; QUAD $0x255362c5fe483d11; QUAD $0x483d516296d42548; QUAD $0xc2fe483d5162c1fe; QUAD $0xf162f0fe484dd162; QUAD $0x25f16202c372486d; QUAD $0x481df1620dc37248; QUAD $0x6f487e716216c372; QUAD $0xe8cd25485d7362cb; QUAD $0x6296d4254825d362; QUAD $0x6dd162d1fe486dd1; QUAD $0x6f487e7162d0fe48; QUAD $0xc4fe487551623e62; QUAD $0xf162ce6f487e7162; QUAD $0x25f16206c672482d; QUAD $0x481df1620bc67248; QUAD $0x254845736219c672; QUAD $0xc6fe483d1162cac8; QUAD $0x6296d42548255362; QUAD $0x3d5162c1fe483d51; QUAD $0xfe4855d162c2fe48; QUAD $0x02c2724875f162e8; QUAD $0x620dc2724825f162; QUAD $0x716216c272481df1; QUAD $0x48657362ca6f487e; QUAD $0x254825d362e8cc25; QUAD $0xc9fe4875d16296cc; QUAD $0x7162c8fe4875d162; QUAD $0x7d51623f626f487e; QUAD $0x6f487e7162c4fe48; QUAD $0x06c572482df162cd; QUAD $0x620bc5724825f162; QUAD $0x736219c572481df1; QUAD $0x3d1162cacf25484d; QUAD $0x2548255362c7fe48; QUAD $0xc1fe483d516296d4; QUAD $0xd162c2fe483d5162; QUAD $0x487df162e0fe485d; QUAD $0x724825f16202c172; QUAD $0xc172481df1620dc1; QUAD $0x62c96f487e716216; QUAD $0xd362e8cb25486d73; QUAD $0x7dd16296c4254825; QUAD $0xfe487dd162c1fe48; QUAD $0x40626f487e7162c0; QUAD $0xd162d86f487e7162; QUAD $0x7dd16224046f487e; QUAD $0x6f487e7162c3fe49; QUAD $0x244c6f487ed162d9; QUAD $0x62cbfe4975d16201; QUAD $0x7ed162da6f487e71; QUAD $0x6dd1620224546f48; QUAD $0x6f487e7162d3fe49; QUAD $0x245c6f487ed162db; QUAD $0x62dbfe4965d16203; QUAD $0x7ed162dc6f487e71; QUAD $0x5dd1620424646f48; QUAD $0x6f487e7162e3fe49; QUAD $0x246c6f487ed162dd; QUAD $0x62ebfe4955d16205; QUAD $0x7ed162de6f487e71; QUAD $0x4dd1620624746f48; QUAD $0x6f487e7162f3fe49; QUAD $0x247c6f487ed162df; QUAD $0x62fbfe4945d16207; QUAD $0x7ef162077f487ef1; QUAD $0x487ef162014f7f48; QUAD $0x7f487ef16202577f; QUAD $0x677f487ef162035f; QUAD $0x056f7f487ef16204; QUAD $0x6206777f487ef162; LONG $0x7f487ef1; WORD $0x077f - VZEROUPPER - RET - -DATA PSHUFFLE_BYTE_FLIP_MASK<>+0x000(SB)/8, $0x0405060700010203 -DATA PSHUFFLE_BYTE_FLIP_MASK<>+0x008(SB)/8, $0x0c0d0e0f08090a0b -DATA PSHUFFLE_BYTE_FLIP_MASK<>+0x010(SB)/8, $0x0405060700010203 -DATA PSHUFFLE_BYTE_FLIP_MASK<>+0x018(SB)/8, $0x0c0d0e0f08090a0b -DATA PSHUFFLE_BYTE_FLIP_MASK<>+0x020(SB)/8, $0x0405060700010203 -DATA PSHUFFLE_BYTE_FLIP_MASK<>+0x028(SB)/8, $0x0c0d0e0f08090a0b -DATA PSHUFFLE_BYTE_FLIP_MASK<>+0x030(SB)/8, $0x0405060700010203 -DATA PSHUFFLE_BYTE_FLIP_MASK<>+0x038(SB)/8, $0x0c0d0e0f08090a0b -GLOBL PSHUFFLE_BYTE_FLIP_MASK<>(SB), 8, $64 -DATA PSHUFFLE_TRANSPOSE16_MASK1<>+0x000(SB)/8, $0x0000000000000000 -DATA PSHUFFLE_TRANSPOSE16_MASK1<>+0x008(SB)/8, $0x0000000000000001 -DATA PSHUFFLE_TRANSPOSE16_MASK1<>+0x010(SB)/8, $0x0000000000000008 -DATA PSHUFFLE_TRANSPOSE16_MASK1<>+0x018(SB)/8, $0x0000000000000009 -DATA PSHUFFLE_TRANSPOSE16_MASK1<>+0x020(SB)/8, $0x0000000000000004 -DATA PSHUFFLE_TRANSPOSE16_MASK1<>+0x028(SB)/8, $0x0000000000000005 -DATA PSHUFFLE_TRANSPOSE16_MASK1<>+0x030(SB)/8, $0x000000000000000C -DATA PSHUFFLE_TRANSPOSE16_MASK1<>+0x038(SB)/8, $0x000000000000000D -GLOBL PSHUFFLE_TRANSPOSE16_MASK1<>(SB), 8, $64 -DATA PSHUFFLE_TRANSPOSE16_MASK2<>+0x000(SB)/8, $0x0000000000000002 -DATA PSHUFFLE_TRANSPOSE16_MASK2<>+0x008(SB)/8, $0x0000000000000003 -DATA PSHUFFLE_TRANSPOSE16_MASK2<>+0x010(SB)/8, $0x000000000000000A -DATA PSHUFFLE_TRANSPOSE16_MASK2<>+0x018(SB)/8, $0x000000000000000B -DATA PSHUFFLE_TRANSPOSE16_MASK2<>+0x020(SB)/8, $0x0000000000000006 -DATA PSHUFFLE_TRANSPOSE16_MASK2<>+0x028(SB)/8, $0x0000000000000007 -DATA PSHUFFLE_TRANSPOSE16_MASK2<>+0x030(SB)/8, $0x000000000000000E -DATA PSHUFFLE_TRANSPOSE16_MASK2<>+0x038(SB)/8, $0x000000000000000F -GLOBL PSHUFFLE_TRANSPOSE16_MASK2<>(SB), 8, $64 diff --git a/vendor/github.com/minio/sha256-simd/sha256block_amd64.go b/vendor/github.com/minio/sha256-simd/sha256block_amd64.go deleted file mode 100644 index e536f54e..00000000 --- a/vendor/github.com/minio/sha256-simd/sha256block_amd64.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,31 +0,0 @@ -//go:build !noasm && !appengine && gc -// +build !noasm,!appengine,gc - -/* - * Minio Cloud Storage, (C) 2016 Minio, Inc. - * - * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); - * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. - * You may obtain a copy of the License at - * - * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 - * - * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software - * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, - * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. - * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and - * limitations under the License. - */ - -package sha256 - -func blockArmSha2Go(dig *digest, p []byte) { - panic("blockArmSha2Go called unexpectedly") -} - -//go:noescape -func blockIntelSha(h *[8]uint32, message []uint8) - -func blockIntelShaGo(dig *digest, p []byte) { - blockIntelSha(&dig.h, p) -} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/minio/sha256-simd/sha256block_amd64.s b/vendor/github.com/minio/sha256-simd/sha256block_amd64.s deleted file mode 100644 index c98a1d8f..00000000 --- a/vendor/github.com/minio/sha256-simd/sha256block_amd64.s +++ /dev/null @@ -1,266 +0,0 @@ -//+build !noasm,!appengine,gc - -// SHA intrinsic version of SHA256 - -// Kristofer Peterson, (C) 2018. -// -// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); -// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. -// You may obtain a copy of the License at -// -// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 -// -// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software -// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, -// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. -// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and -// limitations under the License. -// - -#include "textflag.h" - -DATA K<>+0x00(SB)/4, $0x428a2f98 -DATA K<>+0x04(SB)/4, $0x71374491 -DATA K<>+0x08(SB)/4, $0xb5c0fbcf -DATA K<>+0x0c(SB)/4, $0xe9b5dba5 -DATA K<>+0x10(SB)/4, $0x3956c25b -DATA K<>+0x14(SB)/4, $0x59f111f1 -DATA K<>+0x18(SB)/4, $0x923f82a4 -DATA K<>+0x1c(SB)/4, $0xab1c5ed5 -DATA K<>+0x20(SB)/4, $0xd807aa98 -DATA K<>+0x24(SB)/4, $0x12835b01 -DATA K<>+0x28(SB)/4, $0x243185be -DATA K<>+0x2c(SB)/4, $0x550c7dc3 -DATA K<>+0x30(SB)/4, $0x72be5d74 -DATA K<>+0x34(SB)/4, $0x80deb1fe -DATA K<>+0x38(SB)/4, $0x9bdc06a7 -DATA K<>+0x3c(SB)/4, $0xc19bf174 -DATA K<>+0x40(SB)/4, $0xe49b69c1 -DATA K<>+0x44(SB)/4, $0xefbe4786 -DATA K<>+0x48(SB)/4, $0x0fc19dc6 -DATA K<>+0x4c(SB)/4, $0x240ca1cc -DATA K<>+0x50(SB)/4, $0x2de92c6f -DATA K<>+0x54(SB)/4, $0x4a7484aa -DATA K<>+0x58(SB)/4, $0x5cb0a9dc -DATA K<>+0x5c(SB)/4, $0x76f988da -DATA K<>+0x60(SB)/4, $0x983e5152 -DATA K<>+0x64(SB)/4, $0xa831c66d -DATA K<>+0x68(SB)/4, $0xb00327c8 -DATA K<>+0x6c(SB)/4, $0xbf597fc7 -DATA K<>+0x70(SB)/4, $0xc6e00bf3 -DATA K<>+0x74(SB)/4, $0xd5a79147 -DATA K<>+0x78(SB)/4, $0x06ca6351 -DATA K<>+0x7c(SB)/4, $0x14292967 -DATA K<>+0x80(SB)/4, $0x27b70a85 -DATA K<>+0x84(SB)/4, $0x2e1b2138 -DATA K<>+0x88(SB)/4, $0x4d2c6dfc -DATA K<>+0x8c(SB)/4, $0x53380d13 -DATA K<>+0x90(SB)/4, $0x650a7354 -DATA K<>+0x94(SB)/4, $0x766a0abb -DATA K<>+0x98(SB)/4, $0x81c2c92e -DATA K<>+0x9c(SB)/4, $0x92722c85 -DATA K<>+0xa0(SB)/4, $0xa2bfe8a1 -DATA K<>+0xa4(SB)/4, $0xa81a664b -DATA K<>+0xa8(SB)/4, $0xc24b8b70 -DATA K<>+0xac(SB)/4, $0xc76c51a3 -DATA K<>+0xb0(SB)/4, $0xd192e819 -DATA K<>+0xb4(SB)/4, $0xd6990624 -DATA K<>+0xb8(SB)/4, $0xf40e3585 -DATA K<>+0xbc(SB)/4, $0x106aa070 -DATA K<>+0xc0(SB)/4, $0x19a4c116 -DATA K<>+0xc4(SB)/4, $0x1e376c08 -DATA K<>+0xc8(SB)/4, $0x2748774c -DATA K<>+0xcc(SB)/4, $0x34b0bcb5 -DATA K<>+0xd0(SB)/4, $0x391c0cb3 -DATA K<>+0xd4(SB)/4, $0x4ed8aa4a -DATA K<>+0xd8(SB)/4, $0x5b9cca4f -DATA K<>+0xdc(SB)/4, $0x682e6ff3 -DATA K<>+0xe0(SB)/4, $0x748f82ee -DATA K<>+0xe4(SB)/4, $0x78a5636f -DATA K<>+0xe8(SB)/4, $0x84c87814 -DATA K<>+0xec(SB)/4, $0x8cc70208 -DATA K<>+0xf0(SB)/4, $0x90befffa -DATA K<>+0xf4(SB)/4, $0xa4506ceb -DATA K<>+0xf8(SB)/4, $0xbef9a3f7 -DATA K<>+0xfc(SB)/4, $0xc67178f2 -GLOBL K<>(SB), RODATA|NOPTR, $256 - -DATA SHUF_MASK<>+0x00(SB)/8, $0x0405060700010203 -DATA SHUF_MASK<>+0x08(SB)/8, $0x0c0d0e0f08090a0b -GLOBL SHUF_MASK<>(SB), RODATA|NOPTR, $16 - -// Register Usage -// BX base address of constant table (constant) -// DX hash_state (constant) -// SI hash_data.data -// DI hash_data.data + hash_data.length - 64 (constant) -// X0 scratch -// X1 scratch -// X2 working hash state // ABEF -// X3 working hash state // CDGH -// X4 first 16 bytes of block -// X5 second 16 bytes of block -// X6 third 16 bytes of block -// X7 fourth 16 bytes of block -// X12 saved hash state // ABEF -// X13 saved hash state // CDGH -// X15 data shuffle mask (constant) - -TEXT ·blockIntelSha(SB), NOSPLIT, $0-32 - MOVQ h+0(FP), DX - MOVQ message_base+8(FP), SI - MOVQ message_len+16(FP), DI - LEAQ -64(SI)(DI*1), DI - MOVOU (DX), X2 - MOVOU 16(DX), X1 - MOVO X2, X3 - PUNPCKLLQ X1, X2 - PUNPCKHLQ X1, X3 - PSHUFD $0x27, X2, X2 - PSHUFD $0x27, X3, X3 - MOVO SHUF_MASK<>(SB), X15 - LEAQ K<>(SB), BX - - JMP TEST - -LOOP: - MOVO X2, X12 - MOVO X3, X13 - - // load block and shuffle - MOVOU (SI), X4 - MOVOU 16(SI), X5 - MOVOU 32(SI), X6 - MOVOU 48(SI), X7 - PSHUFB X15, X4 - PSHUFB X15, X5 - PSHUFB X15, X6 - PSHUFB X15, X7 - -#define ROUND456 \ - PADDL X5, X0 \ - LONG $0xdacb380f \ // SHA256RNDS2 XMM3, XMM2 - MOVO X5, X1 \ - LONG $0x0f3a0f66; WORD $0x04cc \ // PALIGNR XMM1, XMM4, 4 - PADDL X1, X6 \ - LONG $0xf5cd380f \ // SHA256MSG2 XMM6, XMM5 - PSHUFD $0x4e, X0, X0 \ - LONG $0xd3cb380f \ // SHA256RNDS2 XMM2, XMM3 - LONG $0xe5cc380f // SHA256MSG1 XMM4, XMM5 - -#define ROUND567 \ - PADDL X6, X0 \ - LONG $0xdacb380f \ // SHA256RNDS2 XMM3, XMM2 - MOVO X6, X1 \ - LONG $0x0f3a0f66; WORD $0x04cd \ // PALIGNR XMM1, XMM5, 4 - PADDL X1, X7 \ - LONG $0xfecd380f \ // SHA256MSG2 XMM7, XMM6 - PSHUFD $0x4e, X0, X0 \ - LONG $0xd3cb380f \ // SHA256RNDS2 XMM2, XMM3 - LONG $0xeecc380f // SHA256MSG1 XMM5, XMM6 - -#define ROUND674 \ - PADDL X7, X0 \ - LONG $0xdacb380f \ // SHA256RNDS2 XMM3, XMM2 - MOVO X7, X1 \ - LONG $0x0f3a0f66; WORD $0x04ce \ // PALIGNR XMM1, XMM6, 4 - PADDL X1, X4 \ - LONG $0xe7cd380f \ // SHA256MSG2 XMM4, XMM7 - PSHUFD $0x4e, X0, X0 \ - LONG $0xd3cb380f \ // SHA256RNDS2 XMM2, XMM3 - LONG $0xf7cc380f // SHA256MSG1 XMM6, XMM7 - -#define ROUND745 \ - PADDL X4, X0 \ - LONG $0xdacb380f \ // SHA256RNDS2 XMM3, XMM2 - MOVO X4, X1 \ - LONG $0x0f3a0f66; WORD $0x04cf \ // PALIGNR XMM1, XMM7, 4 - PADDL X1, X5 \ - LONG $0xeccd380f \ // SHA256MSG2 XMM5, XMM4 - PSHUFD $0x4e, X0, X0 \ - LONG $0xd3cb380f \ // SHA256RNDS2 XMM2, XMM3 - LONG $0xfccc380f // SHA256MSG1 XMM7, XMM4 - - // rounds 0-3 - MOVO (BX), X0 - PADDL X4, X0 - LONG $0xdacb380f // SHA256RNDS2 XMM3, XMM2 - PSHUFD $0x4e, X0, X0 - LONG $0xd3cb380f // SHA256RNDS2 XMM2, XMM3 - - // rounds 4-7 - MOVO 1*16(BX), X0 - PADDL X5, X0 - LONG $0xdacb380f // SHA256RNDS2 XMM3, XMM2 - PSHUFD $0x4e, X0, X0 - LONG $0xd3cb380f // SHA256RNDS2 XMM2, XMM3 - LONG $0xe5cc380f // SHA256MSG1 XMM4, XMM5 - - // rounds 8-11 - MOVO 2*16(BX), X0 - PADDL X6, X0 - LONG $0xdacb380f // SHA256RNDS2 XMM3, XMM2 - PSHUFD $0x4e, X0, X0 - LONG $0xd3cb380f // SHA256RNDS2 XMM2, XMM3 - LONG $0xeecc380f // SHA256MSG1 XMM5, XMM6 - - MOVO 3*16(BX), X0; ROUND674 // rounds 12-15 - MOVO 4*16(BX), X0; ROUND745 // rounds 16-19 - MOVO 5*16(BX), X0; ROUND456 // rounds 20-23 - MOVO 6*16(BX), X0; ROUND567 // rounds 24-27 - MOVO 7*16(BX), X0; ROUND674 // rounds 28-31 - MOVO 8*16(BX), X0; ROUND745 // rounds 32-35 - MOVO 9*16(BX), X0; ROUND456 // rounds 36-39 - MOVO 10*16(BX), X0; ROUND567 // rounds 40-43 - MOVO 11*16(BX), X0; ROUND674 // rounds 44-47 - MOVO 12*16(BX), X0; ROUND745 // rounds 48-51 - - // rounds 52-55 - MOVO 13*16(BX), X0 - PADDL X5, X0 - LONG $0xdacb380f // SHA256RNDS2 XMM3, XMM2 - MOVO X5, X1 - LONG $0x0f3a0f66; WORD $0x04cc // PALIGNR XMM1, XMM4, 4 - PADDL X1, X6 - LONG $0xf5cd380f // SHA256MSG2 XMM6, XMM5 - PSHUFD $0x4e, X0, X0 - LONG $0xd3cb380f // SHA256RNDS2 XMM2, XMM3 - - // rounds 56-59 - MOVO 14*16(BX), X0 - PADDL X6, X0 - LONG $0xdacb380f // SHA256RNDS2 XMM3, XMM2 - MOVO X6, X1 - LONG $0x0f3a0f66; WORD $0x04cd // PALIGNR XMM1, XMM5, 4 - PADDL X1, X7 - LONG $0xfecd380f // SHA256MSG2 XMM7, XMM6 - PSHUFD $0x4e, X0, X0 - LONG $0xd3cb380f // SHA256RNDS2 XMM2, XMM3 - - // rounds 60-63 - MOVO 15*16(BX), X0 - PADDL X7, X0 - LONG $0xdacb380f // SHA256RNDS2 XMM3, XMM2 - PSHUFD $0x4e, X0, X0 - LONG $0xd3cb380f // SHA256RNDS2 XMM2, XMM3 - - PADDL X12, X2 - PADDL X13, X3 - - ADDQ $64, SI - -TEST: - CMPQ SI, DI - JBE LOOP - - PSHUFD $0x4e, X3, X0 - LONG $0x0e3a0f66; WORD $0xf0c2 // PBLENDW XMM0, XMM2, 0xf0 - PSHUFD $0x4e, X2, X1 - LONG $0x0e3a0f66; WORD $0x0fcb // PBLENDW XMM1, XMM3, 0x0f - PSHUFD $0x1b, X0, X0 - PSHUFD $0x1b, X1, X1 - - MOVOU X0, (DX) - MOVOU X1, 16(DX) - - RET diff --git a/vendor/github.com/minio/sha256-simd/sha256block_arm64.go b/vendor/github.com/minio/sha256-simd/sha256block_arm64.go deleted file mode 100644 index d4369e24..00000000 --- a/vendor/github.com/minio/sha256-simd/sha256block_arm64.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,37 +0,0 @@ -//go:build !noasm && !appengine && gc -// +build !noasm,!appengine,gc - -/* - * Minio Cloud Storage, (C) 2016 Minio, Inc. - * - * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); - * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. - * You may obtain a copy of the License at - * - * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 - * - * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software - * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, - * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. - * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and - * limitations under the License. - */ - -package sha256 - -func blockIntelShaGo(dig *digest, p []byte) { - panic("blockIntelShaGo called unexpectedly") -} - -//go:noescape -func blockArmSha2(h []uint32, message []uint8) - -func blockArmSha2Go(dig *digest, p []byte) { - - h := []uint32{dig.h[0], dig.h[1], dig.h[2], dig.h[3], dig.h[4], dig.h[5], dig.h[6], dig.h[7]} - - blockArmSha2(h[:], p[:]) - - dig.h[0], dig.h[1], dig.h[2], dig.h[3], dig.h[4], dig.h[5], dig.h[6], dig.h[7] = h[0], h[1], h[2], h[3], h[4], - h[5], h[6], h[7] -} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/minio/sha256-simd/sha256block_arm64.s b/vendor/github.com/minio/sha256-simd/sha256block_arm64.s deleted file mode 100644 index 7ab88b16..00000000 --- a/vendor/github.com/minio/sha256-simd/sha256block_arm64.s +++ /dev/null @@ -1,192 +0,0 @@ -//+build !noasm,!appengine,gc - -// ARM64 version of SHA256 - -// -// Minio Cloud Storage, (C) 2016 Minio, Inc. -// -// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); -// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. -// You may obtain a copy of the License at -// -// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 -// -// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software -// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, -// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. -// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and -// limitations under the License. -// - -// -// Based on implementation as found in https://github.com/jocover/sha256-armv8 -// -// Use github.com/minio/asm2plan9s on this file to assemble ARM instructions to -// their Plan9 equivalents -// - -TEXT ·blockArmSha2(SB), 7, $0 - MOVD h+0(FP), R0 - MOVD message+24(FP), R1 - MOVD message_len+32(FP), R2 // length of message - SUBS $64, R2 - BMI complete - - // Load constants table pointer - MOVD $·constants(SB), R3 - - // Cache constants table in registers v16 - v31 - WORD $0x4cdf2870 // ld1 {v16.4s-v19.4s}, [x3], #64 - WORD $0x4cdf7800 // ld1 {v0.4s}, [x0], #16 - WORD $0x4cdf2874 // ld1 {v20.4s-v23.4s}, [x3], #64 - - WORD $0x4c407801 // ld1 {v1.4s}, [x0] - WORD $0x4cdf2878 // ld1 {v24.4s-v27.4s}, [x3], #64 - WORD $0xd1004000 // sub x0, x0, #0x10 - WORD $0x4cdf287c // ld1 {v28.4s-v31.4s}, [x3], #64 - -loop: - // Main loop - WORD $0x4cdf2025 // ld1 {v5.16b-v8.16b}, [x1], #64 - WORD $0x4ea01c02 // mov v2.16b, v0.16b - WORD $0x4ea11c23 // mov v3.16b, v1.16b - WORD $0x6e2008a5 // rev32 v5.16b, v5.16b - WORD $0x6e2008c6 // rev32 v6.16b, v6.16b - WORD $0x4eb084a9 // add v9.4s, v5.4s, v16.4s - WORD $0x6e2008e7 // rev32 v7.16b, v7.16b - WORD $0x4eb184ca // add v10.4s, v6.4s, v17.4s - WORD $0x4ea21c44 // mov v4.16b, v2.16b - WORD $0x5e094062 // sha256h q2, q3, v9.4s - WORD $0x5e095083 // sha256h2 q3, q4, v9.4s - WORD $0x5e2828c5 // sha256su0 v5.4s, v6.4s - WORD $0x6e200908 // rev32 v8.16b, v8.16b - WORD $0x4eb284e9 // add v9.4s, v7.4s, v18.4s - WORD $0x4ea21c44 // mov v4.16b, v2.16b - WORD $0x5e0a4062 // sha256h q2, q3, v10.4s - WORD $0x5e0a5083 // sha256h2 q3, q4, v10.4s - WORD $0x5e2828e6 // sha256su0 v6.4s, v7.4s - WORD $0x5e0860e5 // sha256su1 v5.4s, v7.4s, v8.4s - WORD $0x4eb3850a // add v10.4s, v8.4s, v19.4s - WORD $0x4ea21c44 // mov v4.16b, v2.16b - WORD $0x5e094062 // sha256h q2, q3, v9.4s - WORD $0x5e095083 // sha256h2 q3, q4, v9.4s - WORD $0x5e282907 // sha256su0 v7.4s, v8.4s - WORD $0x5e056106 // sha256su1 v6.4s, v8.4s, v5.4s - WORD $0x4eb484a9 // add v9.4s, v5.4s, v20.4s - WORD $0x4ea21c44 // mov v4.16b, v2.16b - WORD $0x5e0a4062 // sha256h q2, q3, v10.4s - WORD $0x5e0a5083 // sha256h2 q3, q4, v10.4s - WORD $0x5e2828a8 // sha256su0 v8.4s, v5.4s - WORD $0x5e0660a7 // sha256su1 v7.4s, v5.4s, v6.4s - WORD $0x4eb584ca // add v10.4s, v6.4s, v21.4s - WORD $0x4ea21c44 // mov v4.16b, v2.16b - WORD $0x5e094062 // sha256h q2, q3, v9.4s - WORD $0x5e095083 // sha256h2 q3, q4, v9.4s - WORD $0x5e2828c5 // sha256su0 v5.4s, v6.4s - WORD $0x5e0760c8 // sha256su1 v8.4s, v6.4s, v7.4s - WORD $0x4eb684e9 // add v9.4s, v7.4s, v22.4s - WORD $0x4ea21c44 // mov v4.16b, v2.16b - WORD $0x5e0a4062 // sha256h q2, q3, v10.4s - WORD $0x5e0a5083 // sha256h2 q3, q4, v10.4s - WORD $0x5e2828e6 // sha256su0 v6.4s, v7.4s - WORD $0x5e0860e5 // sha256su1 v5.4s, v7.4s, v8.4s - WORD $0x4eb7850a // add v10.4s, v8.4s, v23.4s - WORD $0x4ea21c44 // mov v4.16b, v2.16b - WORD $0x5e094062 // sha256h q2, q3, v9.4s - WORD $0x5e095083 // sha256h2 q3, q4, v9.4s - WORD $0x5e282907 // sha256su0 v7.4s, v8.4s - WORD $0x5e056106 // sha256su1 v6.4s, v8.4s, v5.4s - WORD $0x4eb884a9 // add v9.4s, v5.4s, v24.4s - WORD $0x4ea21c44 // mov v4.16b, v2.16b - WORD $0x5e0a4062 // sha256h q2, q3, v10.4s - WORD $0x5e0a5083 // sha256h2 q3, q4, v10.4s - WORD $0x5e2828a8 // sha256su0 v8.4s, v5.4s - WORD $0x5e0660a7 // sha256su1 v7.4s, v5.4s, v6.4s - WORD $0x4eb984ca // add v10.4s, v6.4s, v25.4s - WORD $0x4ea21c44 // mov v4.16b, v2.16b - WORD $0x5e094062 // sha256h q2, q3, v9.4s - WORD $0x5e095083 // sha256h2 q3, q4, v9.4s - WORD $0x5e2828c5 // sha256su0 v5.4s, v6.4s - WORD $0x5e0760c8 // sha256su1 v8.4s, v6.4s, v7.4s - WORD $0x4eba84e9 // add v9.4s, v7.4s, v26.4s - WORD $0x4ea21c44 // mov v4.16b, v2.16b - WORD $0x5e0a4062 // sha256h q2, q3, v10.4s - WORD $0x5e0a5083 // sha256h2 q3, q4, v10.4s - WORD $0x5e2828e6 // sha256su0 v6.4s, v7.4s - WORD $0x5e0860e5 // sha256su1 v5.4s, v7.4s, v8.4s - WORD $0x4ebb850a // add v10.4s, v8.4s, v27.4s - WORD $0x4ea21c44 // mov v4.16b, v2.16b - WORD $0x5e094062 // sha256h q2, q3, v9.4s - WORD $0x5e095083 // sha256h2 q3, q4, v9.4s - WORD $0x5e282907 // sha256su0 v7.4s, v8.4s - WORD $0x5e056106 // sha256su1 v6.4s, v8.4s, v5.4s - WORD $0x4ebc84a9 // add v9.4s, v5.4s, v28.4s - WORD $0x4ea21c44 // mov v4.16b, v2.16b - WORD $0x5e0a4062 // sha256h q2, q3, v10.4s - WORD $0x5e0a5083 // sha256h2 q3, q4, v10.4s - WORD $0x5e2828a8 // sha256su0 v8.4s, v5.4s - WORD $0x5e0660a7 // sha256su1 v7.4s, v5.4s, v6.4s - WORD $0x4ebd84ca // add v10.4s, v6.4s, v29.4s - WORD $0x4ea21c44 // mov v4.16b, v2.16b - WORD $0x5e094062 // sha256h q2, q3, v9.4s - WORD $0x5e095083 // sha256h2 q3, q4, v9.4s - WORD $0x5e0760c8 // sha256su1 v8.4s, v6.4s, v7.4s - WORD $0x4ebe84e9 // add v9.4s, v7.4s, v30.4s - WORD $0x4ea21c44 // mov v4.16b, v2.16b - WORD $0x5e0a4062 // sha256h q2, q3, v10.4s - WORD $0x5e0a5083 // sha256h2 q3, q4, v10.4s - WORD $0x4ebf850a // add v10.4s, v8.4s, v31.4s - WORD $0x4ea21c44 // mov v4.16b, v2.16b - WORD $0x5e094062 // sha256h q2, q3, v9.4s - WORD $0x5e095083 // sha256h2 q3, q4, v9.4s - WORD $0x4ea21c44 // mov v4.16b, v2.16b - WORD $0x5e0a4062 // sha256h q2, q3, v10.4s - WORD $0x5e0a5083 // sha256h2 q3, q4, v10.4s - WORD $0x4ea38421 // add v1.4s, v1.4s, v3.4s - WORD $0x4ea28400 // add v0.4s, v0.4s, v2.4s - - SUBS $64, R2 - BPL loop - - // Store result - WORD $0x4c00a800 // st1 {v0.4s, v1.4s}, [x0] - -complete: - RET - -// Constants table -DATA ·constants+0x0(SB)/8, $0x71374491428a2f98 -DATA ·constants+0x8(SB)/8, $0xe9b5dba5b5c0fbcf -DATA ·constants+0x10(SB)/8, $0x59f111f13956c25b -DATA ·constants+0x18(SB)/8, $0xab1c5ed5923f82a4 -DATA ·constants+0x20(SB)/8, $0x12835b01d807aa98 -DATA ·constants+0x28(SB)/8, $0x550c7dc3243185be -DATA ·constants+0x30(SB)/8, $0x80deb1fe72be5d74 -DATA ·constants+0x38(SB)/8, $0xc19bf1749bdc06a7 -DATA ·constants+0x40(SB)/8, $0xefbe4786e49b69c1 -DATA ·constants+0x48(SB)/8, $0x240ca1cc0fc19dc6 -DATA ·constants+0x50(SB)/8, $0x4a7484aa2de92c6f -DATA ·constants+0x58(SB)/8, $0x76f988da5cb0a9dc -DATA ·constants+0x60(SB)/8, $0xa831c66d983e5152 -DATA ·constants+0x68(SB)/8, $0xbf597fc7b00327c8 -DATA ·constants+0x70(SB)/8, $0xd5a79147c6e00bf3 -DATA ·constants+0x78(SB)/8, $0x1429296706ca6351 -DATA ·constants+0x80(SB)/8, $0x2e1b213827b70a85 -DATA ·constants+0x88(SB)/8, $0x53380d134d2c6dfc -DATA ·constants+0x90(SB)/8, $0x766a0abb650a7354 -DATA ·constants+0x98(SB)/8, $0x92722c8581c2c92e -DATA ·constants+0xa0(SB)/8, $0xa81a664ba2bfe8a1 -DATA ·constants+0xa8(SB)/8, $0xc76c51a3c24b8b70 -DATA ·constants+0xb0(SB)/8, $0xd6990624d192e819 -DATA ·constants+0xb8(SB)/8, $0x106aa070f40e3585 -DATA ·constants+0xc0(SB)/8, $0x1e376c0819a4c116 -DATA ·constants+0xc8(SB)/8, $0x34b0bcb52748774c -DATA ·constants+0xd0(SB)/8, $0x4ed8aa4a391c0cb3 -DATA ·constants+0xd8(SB)/8, $0x682e6ff35b9cca4f -DATA ·constants+0xe0(SB)/8, $0x78a5636f748f82ee -DATA ·constants+0xe8(SB)/8, $0x8cc7020884c87814 -DATA ·constants+0xf0(SB)/8, $0xa4506ceb90befffa -DATA ·constants+0xf8(SB)/8, $0xc67178f2bef9a3f7 - -GLOBL ·constants(SB), 8, $256 - diff --git a/vendor/github.com/minio/sha256-simd/sha256block_other.go b/vendor/github.com/minio/sha256-simd/sha256block_other.go deleted file mode 100644 index 94d7eb0b..00000000 --- a/vendor/github.com/minio/sha256-simd/sha256block_other.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,29 +0,0 @@ -//go:build appengine || noasm || (!amd64 && !arm64) || !gc -// +build appengine noasm !amd64,!arm64 !gc - -/* - * Minio Cloud Storage, (C) 2019 Minio, Inc. - * - * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); - * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. - * You may obtain a copy of the License at - * - * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 - * - * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software - * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, - * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. - * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and - * limitations under the License. - */ - -package sha256 - -func blockIntelShaGo(dig *digest, p []byte) { - panic("blockIntelShaGo called unexpectedly") - -} - -func blockArmSha2Go(dig *digest, p []byte) { - panic("blockArmSha2Go called unexpectedly") -} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/minio/sha256-simd/test-architectures.sh b/vendor/github.com/minio/sha256-simd/test-architectures.sh deleted file mode 100644 index 50150eaa..00000000 --- a/vendor/github.com/minio/sha256-simd/test-architectures.sh +++ /dev/null @@ -1,15 +0,0 @@ -#!/bin/sh - -set -e - -go tool dist list | while IFS=/ read os arch; do - echo "Checking $os/$arch..." - echo " normal" - GOARCH=$arch GOOS=$os go build -o /dev/null ./... - echo " noasm" - GOARCH=$arch GOOS=$os go build -tags noasm -o /dev/null ./... - echo " appengine" - GOARCH=$arch GOOS=$os go build -tags appengine -o /dev/null ./... - echo " noasm,appengine" - GOARCH=$arch GOOS=$os go build -tags 'appengine noasm' -o /dev/null ./... -done diff --git a/vendor/github.com/sapcc/go-bits/gopherpolicy/cache.go b/vendor/github.com/sapcc/go-bits/gopherpolicy/cache.go index 288019ce..4459639c 100644 --- a/vendor/github.com/sapcc/go-bits/gopherpolicy/cache.go +++ b/vendor/github.com/sapcc/go-bits/gopherpolicy/cache.go @@ -19,10 +19,10 @@ package gopherpolicy import ( + "crypto/sha256" "encoding/hex" lru "github.com/hashicorp/golang-lru/v2" - "github.com/minio/sha256-simd" ) type inMemoryCacher struct { diff --git a/vendor/modules.txt b/vendor/modules.txt index 186864e4..0c7f3204 100644 --- a/vendor/modules.txt +++ b/vendor/modules.txt @@ -54,16 +54,14 @@ github.com/hashicorp/go-multierror # github.com/hashicorp/go-uuid v1.0.3 ## explicit github.com/hashicorp/go-uuid -# github.com/hashicorp/golang-lru/v2 v2.0.4 +# github.com/hashicorp/golang-lru/v2 v2.0.5 ## explicit; go 1.18 github.com/hashicorp/golang-lru/v2 +github.com/hashicorp/golang-lru/v2/internal github.com/hashicorp/golang-lru/v2/simplelru # github.com/jpillora/longestcommon v0.0.0-20161227235612-adb9d91ee629 ## explicit github.com/jpillora/longestcommon -# github.com/klauspost/cpuid/v2 v2.2.3 -## explicit; go 1.15 -github.com/klauspost/cpuid/v2 # github.com/lib/pq v1.10.9 ## explicit; go 1.13 github.com/lib/pq @@ -77,9 +75,6 @@ github.com/majewsky/schwift/gopherschwift # github.com/matttproud/golang_protobuf_extensions v1.0.4 ## explicit; go 1.9 github.com/matttproud/golang_protobuf_extensions/pbutil -# github.com/minio/sha256-simd v1.0.1 -## explicit; go 1.17 -github.com/minio/sha256-simd # github.com/mitchellh/go-homedir v1.1.0 ## explicit github.com/mitchellh/go-homedir @@ -108,8 +103,8 @@ github.com/rs/cors ## explicit; go 1.20 github.com/sapcc/go-api-declarations/bininfo github.com/sapcc/go-api-declarations/deployevent -# github.com/sapcc/go-bits v0.0.0-20230803125152-91a869119633 -## explicit; go 1.20 +# github.com/sapcc/go-bits v0.0.0-20230809145704-87e8e6f6b6ff +## explicit; go 1.21 github.com/sapcc/go-bits/assert github.com/sapcc/go-bits/easypg github.com/sapcc/go-bits/gopherpolicy