- Swift
- Сlosures and functions
- How Do I Declare a Closure in Swift?
- Что такое capture list?
- Optional
- Memory management
- Что такое протокол-ориентированное программирование? (POP)
- Difference between Array VS NSArray VS [AnyObject]
- Objective-C id is Swift Any or AnyObject
- Metod Dispatching
- Какие бывают анимации?
- Что такое Sendable?
- Разница между map, compactMap и flatMap?
- RxSwift
- SwiftUI
- Combine
- Multi-paradigm: protocol-oriented, object-oriented, functional, imperative, block structured
- Designed by Chris Lattner and Apple Inc.
- First appeared: June 2, 2014
- Stable release: 6.0 / 16 Sep 24
- Typing discipline: Static, strong, inferred
- OS: Darwin, Linux, FreeBSD
- Influenced by C#, CLU, D, Haskell, Objective-C, Python, Ruby, Rust
Swift is a multi-paradigm, compiled programming language created by Apple Inc. for iOS, OS X, watchOS and tvOS development. Swift is designed to work with Apple's Cocoa and Cocoa Touch frameworks and the large body of existing Objective-C code written for Apple products. Swift is in-tended to be more resilient to erroneous code ("safer") than Objective-C and also more concise. It is built with the LLVM compiler and later and uses the Objective-C runtime, allowing C, Objective-C, C++ and Swift code to run within a single program.
Swift supports the core concepts that made Objective-C flexible, notably dynamic dispatch, wide-spread late binding, extensible programming, and similar features. These features also have well known performance and safety trade-offs, which Swift was designed to address. For safety, Swift introduced a system that helps address common programming errors like null pointers, as well as introducing syntactic sugar to avoid the pyramid of doom that can result. For performance issues, Apple has invested considerable effort in aggressive optimization that can flatten out method calls and accessors to eliminate this overhead. More fundamentally, Swift has added the concept of protocol extensibility, an extensibility system that can be applied to types, structs and classes, Apple promotes this as a real change in programming paradigms they refer to as "protocol-oriented programming".
- It has less overhead and syntax requirements, and you can often achieve the same line of code using less characters.
- Swift is a functional programming language, which means you can do neat tricks like passing functions as variables. This means you can write highly generic code that can do a lot of different things, reducing repetition.
- Swift is 'safer' - there's less memory management to worry about (basically none, compared to C).
- API Swift легко читать и поддерживать. Предполагаемые типы делают ваш код более чистым и менее подверженным ошибкам. Модули удаляют заголовки и предоставляют пространства имен.
- Swift поддерживает все платформы Apple, Linux, Windows и Ubuntu.
- Динамические библиотеки существуют вне вашего кода и загружаются при необходимости. Библиотеки интегрированы в каждую версию устройства.
- Swift имеет одно из самых активных и богатых сообществ с открытым исходным кодом. Кроме того, есть много ресурсов, которые помогут вам выучить язык.
- Относительно новый язык: Swift все еще молодой язык. Это означает, что некоторые из его возможностей и ресурсов не так надежны, как другие языки программирования.
- Слабая кроссплатформенная поддержка: хотя Swift поддерживает все платформы Apple, Linux и Windows, он лучше всего подходит для разработки под iOS.
- Частые обновления: Swift — более новый язык, и у него частые обновления. Это может затруднить поиск подходящих инструментов для решения определенных задач.
- Поддержка IDE: Xcode, официальная среда разработки Apple, не соответствует требованиям в некоторых областях поддержки, включая выделение синтаксиса, автозаполнение, рефакторинг и компиляцию.
Closures in Swift are similar to blocks in C and Objective-C. Closures are first-class objects, so that they can be nested and passed around (as do blocks in Objective-C). In Swift, functions are just a special case of closures.
Defining a function:
You define a function with the func
keyword. Functions can take and return none, one or multiple parameters (tuples).
Return values follow the ->
func jediGreet(name: String, ability: String) -> (farewell: String, mayTheForceBeWithYou: String) {
return ("Good bye, \(name).", " May the \(ability) be with you.")
Calling a function:
let retValue = jediGreet("old friend", "Force")
Function types
Every function has its own function type, made up of the parameter types and the return type of the function itself. For example the following function:
func sum(x: Int, y: Int) -> (result: Int) { return x + y }
has a function type of:
(Int, Int) -> (Int)
Function types can thus be used as parameters types or as return types for nesting functions.
Passing and returning functions
The following function is returning another function as its result which can be later assigned to a variable and called.
func jediTrainer() -> ((String, Int) -> String) {
func train(name: String, times: Int) -> (String) {
return "\(name) has been trained in the Force \(times) times"
return train
let train = jediTrainer()
train("Obi Wan", 3)
Variadic functions
Variadic functions are functions that have a variable number of arguments (indicated by ...
after the argument's type) that can be accessed into their body as an array.
func jediBladeColor(colors: String...) -> () {
for color in colors {
{()->() in}
Defining a closure:
Closures are typically enclosed in curly braces { }
and are defined by a function type () -> ()
, where ->
separates the arguments and the return type, followed by the in
keyword which separates the closure header from its body.
{ (params) -> returnType in
An example could be the map function applied to an Array:
let padawans = ["Knox", "Avitla", "Mennaus"]
padawans.map({(padawan: String) -> String in
"\(padawan) has been trained!"
Closures with known types: When the type of the closure's arguments are known, you can do as follows:
func applyMutliplication(value: Int, multFunction: Int -> Int) -> Int {
return multFunction(value)
applyMutliplication(2, {value in
value * 3
Closures shorthand argument names:
Closure arguments can be references by position ($0, $1, ...)
rather than by name
applyMutliplication(2, {$0 * 3})
Furthermore, when a closure is the last argument of a function, parenthesis can be omitted as such:
applyMutliplication(2) {$0 * 3}
As a variable:
var closureName: (parameterTypes) -> (returnType)
As an optional variable:
var closureName: ((parameterTypes) -> (returnType))?
As a type alias:
typealias closureType = (parameterTypes) -> (returnType)
As a constant:
let closureName: closureType = { ... }
As an argument to a function call:
func({(parameterTypes) -> (returnType) in statements})
As a function parameter:
array.sort({ (item1: Int, item2: Int) -> Bool in return item1 < item2 })
As a function parameter with implied types:
array.sort({ (item1, item2) -> Bool in return item1 < item2 })
As a function parameter with implied return type:
array.sort({ (item1, item2) in return item1 < item2 })
As the last function parameter:
array.sort { (item1, item2) in return item1 < item2 }
As the last parameter, using shorthand argument names:
array.sort { return $0 < $1 }
As the last parameter, with an implied return value:
array.sort { $0 < $1 }
As the last parameter, as a reference to an existing function:
As a function parameter with explicit capture semantics:
array.sort({ [unowned self] (item1: Int, item2: Int) -> Bool in
return item1 < item2
As a function parameter with explicit capture semantics and inferred parameters / return type:
array.sort({ [unowned self] in return item1 < item2 })
By default, a closure expression captures constants and variables from its surrounding scope with strong references to those values. You can use a capture list to explicitly control how values are captured in a closure.
A capture list is written as a comma-separated list of expressions surrounded by square brackets, before the list of parameters. If you use a capture list, you must also use the in keyword, even if you omit the parameter names, parameter types, and return type. The entries in the capture list are initialized when the closure is created. For each entry in the capture list, a constant is initialized to the value of the constant or variable that has the same name in the surrounding scope. For example in the code below, a
is included in the capture list but b
is not, which gives them different behavior.
var a = 0
var b = 0
let closure = { [a] in
print(a, b)
a = 10
b = 10
// Prints "0 10"
There are two different things named a
, the variable in the surrounding scope and the constant in the closure’s scope, but only one variable named b
. The a in the inner scope is initialized with the value of the a
in the outer scope when the closure is created, but their values aren’t connected in any special way. This means that a
change to the value of a in the outer scope doesn’t affect the value of a
in the inner scope, nor does a
change to a
inside the closure affect the value of a
outside the closure. In contrast, there’s only one variable named b
— the b
in the outer scope — so changes from inside or outside the closure are visible in both places.
This distinction isn’t visible when the captured variable’s type has reference semantics. For example, there are two things named x
in the code below, a variable in the outer scope and a constant in the inner scope, but they both refer to the same object because of reference semantics.
class SimpleClass {
var value: Int = 0
var x = SimpleClass()
var y = SimpleClass()
let closure = { [x] in
print(x.value, y.value)
x.value = 10
y.value = 10
// Prints "10 10"
If the type of the expression’s value is a class, you can mark the expression in a capture list with weak
or unowned
to capture a weak
or unowned
reference to the expression’s value.
myFunction { print(self.title) } // implicit strong capture
myFunction { [self] in print(self.title) } // explicit strong capture
myFunction { [weak self] in print(self!.title) } // weak capture
myFunction { [unowned self] in print(self.title) } // unowned capture
You can also bind an arbitrary expression to a named value in a capture list. The expression is evaluated when the closure is created, and the value is captured with the specified strength. For example:
// Weak capture of "self.parent" as "parent"
myFunction { [weak parent = self.parent] in print(parent!.title) }
в Swift — это специальный тип, который позволяет переменной или константе либо содержать значение, либо быть пустой (равной nil
). Он помогает безопасно работать с переменными, которые могут быть “ничем” (отсутствовать). Optional
делает код более безопасным и помогает избежать аварийного завершения программы из-за неожиданных значений nil
Упрощенная реализация:
enum Optional<Wrapped> where Wrapped: Equatable {
case some(Wrapped)
case none
extension Optional: Equatable {
static func ==(lhs: Optional, rhs: Optional) -> Bool {
switch (lhs, rhs) {
case (.some(let value1), .some(let value2)):
return value1 == value2
case (.some, .none), (.none, .some):
return false
case (.none, .none):
return true
At hardware level, memory is just a long list of bytes. We treat it as if it were organized into three virtual parts:
- Stack, where all local variables go.
- Global data, where static variables, constants and type metadata go.
- Heap, where all dynamically allocated objects go. Basically, everything that has a lifetime is stored here.
Memory management is the process of controlling program’s memory. Memory management is tightly connected with the concept of Ownership. Ownership is the responsibility of some piece of code to eventually cause an object to be destroyed. Automatic reference counting (ARC)
is Swift ownership system, which implicitly imposes a set of conventions for managing and transferring ownership. The name by which an object can be pointed is called a reference
. Swift references have two levels of strength: strong
and weak
. Additionally, weak
references have a flavor, called unowned
The essence of Swift memory management is: Swift preserves an object if it is strongly referenced and deallocates it otherwise. The rest is just an implementation detail.
Understanding Strong, Weak and Unowned
The purpose of a strong reference is to keep an object alive. Strong referencing might result in several non-trivial problems:
- Retain cycles. Considering that Swift language is not cycle-collecting, a reference R to an object which holds a strong reference to the object R (possibly indirectly), results in a reference cycle. We must write lots of boilerplate code to explicitly break the cycle.
- It is not always possible to make strong references valid immediately on object construction, e.g. with delegates.
Weak references address the problem of back references. An object can be destroyed if there are weak references pointing to it. A weak reference returns nil, when an object it points to is no longer alive. This is called zeroing
Unowned references are different flavor of weak, designed for tight validity invariants. Unowned references are non-zeroing
. When trying to read a non-existent object by an unowned reference, a program will crash with assertion error. They are useful to track down and fix consistency bugs.
Defining Swift Runtime
The mechanism of ARC is implemented in a library called Swift Runtime. It implements such core features as the runtime type system, including dynamic casting, generics, and protocol conformance registration. Swift Runtime represents every dynamically allocated object with HeapObject
struct. It contains all the pieces of data which make up an object in Swift: reference counts and type metadata. Internally every Swift object has three reference counts: one for each kind of reference. At the SIL generation phase, swift compiler inserts calls to the methods swift_retain()
and swift_release()
, wherever it’s appropriate. This is done by intercepting initialization and destruction of HeapObjects. Compilation is one of the steps of Xcode Build System. If you are an old school Objective-C programmer and wonder where is autorelease, then I have some news for you: there is no such thing for pure Swift objects. Now let’s move on to the weak references. The way they are implemented is closely connected with the concept of side tables.
Introducing Side Tables
Side tables are mechanism for implementing Swift weak references. Typically objects don’t have any weak references, hence it is wasteful to reserve space for weak reference count in every object. This information is stored externally in side tables, so that it can be allocated only when it’s really needed. Instead of directly pointing to an object, weak reference points to the side table, which in its turn points to the object. This solves two problems: saves memory for weak reference count, until an object really needs it; allows to safely zero out weak reference, since it does not directly point to an object, and no longer a subject to race conditions. Side table is just a reference count + a pointer to an object. They are declared in Swift Runtime as follows (C++ code):
class HeapObjectSideTableEntry {
std::atomic<HeapObject*> object;
SideTableRefCounts refCounts;
// Operations to increment and decrement reference counts
Swift Object Life Cycle
Swift objects have their own life cycle, represented by a finite state machine on the figure below. Square brackets indicate a condition that triggers transition from state to state.
In live
state an object is alive. Its reference counts are initialized to 1 strong
, 1 unowned
and 1 weak
(side table starts at +1). Strong
and unowned
reference access work normally. Once there is a weak
reference to the object, the side table is created. The weak
reference points to the side table instead of the object.
From the live
state, the object moves into the deiniting
state once strong
reference count reaches zero. The deiniting
state means that deinit()
is in progress. At this point strong
ref operations have no effect. Weak
reference reads return nil
, if there is an associated side table (otherwise there are no weak
refs). Unowned
reads trigger assertion failure. New unowned
references can still be stored. From this state, the object can take two routes:
- A shortcut in case there no
references and the side table. The object transitions to the dead state and is removed from memory immediately. - Otherwise, the object moves to
In the deinited
state deinit()
has been completed and the object has outstanding unowned
references (at least the initial +1). Strong
and weak
stores and reads cannot happen at this point. Unowned
stores also cannot happen. Unowned
reads trigger assertion error. The object can take two routes from here:
- In case there are no
references, the object can be deallocated immediately. It transitions into thedead
state. - Otherwise, there is still a side table to be removed and the object moves into the freed state.
In the freed
state the object is fully deallocated, but its side table is still alive. During this phase the weak
reference count reaches zero and the side table is destroyed. The object transitions into its final state. In the dead state there is nothing left from the object, except for the pointer to it. The pointer to the HeapObject
is freed from the Heap, leaving no traces of the object in memory.
Reference Count Invariants
During their life cycle, the objects maintain following invariants:
- When the
reference count becomes zero, the object isdeinited
. Unowned reference reads raise assertion errors,weak
reference reads becomenil
. - The
reference count adds +1 to thestrong
one, which is decremented after object’sdeinit
completes. - The
reference count adds +1 to theunowned
reference count. It is decremented after the object is freed from memory.
Reference type (class, closure, function): a type that once initialized, when assigned to a variable or constant, or when passed to a function, returns a reference to the same existing instance. Is stored in the heap part of memory which makes a class comparatively slower than a
in terms of performance.
A typical example of a reference type is an object. Once instantiated, when we either assign it or pass it as a value, we are actually assigning or passing around the reference to the original instance (i.e. its location in memory). Reference types assignment is said to have shallow copy semantics.
When to use:
- Subclasses of
must be class types - Comparing instance identity with
makes sense - You want to create shared, mutable state
Value type (struct, enum, tuple): a type that creates a new instance (copy) when assigned to a variable or constant, or when passed to a function. Is created on the stack. So, it is faster to instantiate (and destroy) a
than aclass
A typical example of a value type is a primitive type. Common primitive types, that are also values types, are: Int
, Double
, String
, Array
, Dictionary
, Set
. Once instantiated, when we either assign it or pass it as a value, we are actually getting a copy of the original instance. The most common value types in Swift are structs, enums and tuples can be value types. Value types assignment is said to have deep copy semantics.
When to use:
- Comparing instance data with
makes sense (Equatable
protocol) - You want copies to have independent state
- The data will be used in code across multiple threads (avoid explicit synchronization)
and let
function differently for reference types and value types.
For reference types, let
means the reference must remain constant. In other words, you can’t change the instance the constant references, but you can mutate the instance itself.
For value types, let
means the instance must remain constant. No properties of the instance will ever change, regardless of whether the property is declared with let
or var
It’s much easier to control mutability with value types. To achieve the same immutability and mutability behaviors with reference types, you’d need to implement immutable and mutable class variants such as NSString
and NSMutableString
Mixing Value and Reference Types
Reference Types Containing Value Type Properties
struct Address {
var streetAddress: String
var city: String
var state: String
var postalCode: String
class Person { // Reference type
var name: String // Value type
var address: Address // Value type
init(name: String, address: Address) {
self.name = name
self.address = address
This mixing of types makes perfect sense in this scenario. Each class instance has its own value type property instances that aren’t shared. There’s no risk of two different people sharing and unexpectedly changing the address of the other person.
Value Types Containing Reference Type Properties
struct Bill {
let amount: Float
let billedTo: Person
Each copy of Bill
is a unique copy of the data, but numerous Bill
instances will share the the billedTo
object. This adds quite a bit of complexity in maintaining the value semantics of your objects. For instance, how do you compare two Bill
objects since value types should be Equatable
Heap Allocated Value Types
If the size of your value type cannot be determined during compile time (because of a protocol/generic requirement), or if your value type recursively contains / is contained by a reference type (remember that closures are also reference types), then it will require heap allocation. This can range from being not being an issue at all to making your struct perform exponentially worse than it would if it was a class instead.
Stack allocated value types are great because their life are directly related to their scope's life, but if your value type is the child of a class, a reference is all it takes for it to outlive its scope. This situation is common in @escaping
closures, and this value type will lose its stack allocation properties in order to be fully heap allocated alongside the reference type. In a way, you could even say that this kind of value type is a reference type itself, as living in the heap means that several objects can point to it - even though it still possesses value semantics.
If your value type is instead the parent of a heap allocated class, then it will not be heap allocated itself, but it will inherit reference counting overhead in order to be able to keep it's inner references alive. This can cause a considerable drop in performance depending on the complexity of the value type.
In the Standard Library, examples of value types with child references are String
, Array
, Dictionary
and Set
. These value types contain internal reference types that manage the storage of elements in the heap, allowing them to increase/decrease in size as needed.
Since heap operations are more expensive than stack ones, copying heap allocated value types is not a constant operation like in stack allocated ones. To prevent this from hurting performance, the Standard Library's extensible data structures are copy-on-write.
Problematic Reference Counting in Value Types With Inner References
Since all reference types require reference counting, increasing the amount of properties of a class of classes will not change the runtime of this algorithm, as merely increasing the reference count of the parent reference will be enough to keep it's inner references alive.
However, value types do not naturally have a reference count. If your value type contains inner references, copying it will require increasing the reference count of it's children instead - not the first, not the second, but literally every single one of them.
A fully stack allocated value type will not need reference counting, but a value type with inner references will unfortunately inherit this ability.
final class ExampleClass {
let exampleString = "Ex value"
struct ExampleStruct {
let ref1 = ExampleClass()
let ref2 = ExampleClass()
let ref3 = ExampleClass()
let ref4 = ExampleClass()
This way of having inner reference types is an expensive operation that requires many calls to malloc/free
and a significant reference counting overhead each time you copy. COW
enables value types to be referenced when they are copied just like reference types. The real copy only happens when you have an already existing strong reference and you are trying to modify that copy. The Swift Standard library implements this set of mechanisms for some value types such as Array
, where the value will be copied only upon mutation, and even then, only if it has more than one reference to it, because if this value is uniquely referenced, it doesn’t need to copy, it can be just mutated on the reference. So, just assign to a variable or pass an Array
to a function doesn’t necessarily means it’ll be copied and that really improve the performance.
let array = [1,2,3] //address A
var notACopy = array //still address A
notACopy += [4,5,6] //now address B
Manually implementing Copy On Write
Swift standard library has already implemented COW
for Dictionary, Array etc. The easiest way to implement copy-on-write is to compose existing copy-on-write data structures, such as Array. Swift arrays are values, but the content of the array is not copied around every time the array is passed as an argument because it features copy-on-write traits.There are two obvious disadvantages of using Array for COW
semantics. The first problem is that Array exposes methods like append
and count
that don’t make any sense in the context of a value wrapper. These methods can make the use of the reference wrapper awkward. It is possible to work around this problem by creating a wrapper struct that will hide the unused APIs and the optimizer will remove this overhead, but this wrapper will not solve the second problem. The Second problem is that Array has code for ensuring program safety and interaction with Objective-C. Swift checks if indexed accesses fall within the array bounds and when storing a value if the array storage needs to be extended. These runtime checks can slow things down. An alternative to using Array is to implement a dedicated copy-on-write data structure to replace Array as the value wrapper.
Let’s consider a struct Car in which we want to use Copy on Write:
struct Car {
let model = "M3"
We can create a Ref
class which will wrap our Car
value type.
final class Ref<T> {
var val : T
init(_ v : T) {val = v}
struct Box<T> {
var ref : Ref<T>
init(_ x : T) { ref = Ref(x) }
var value: T {
get { return ref.val }
set {
if (!isKnownUniquelyReferenced(&ref)) {
ref = Ref(newValue)
ref.val = newValue
The Box
struct has a reference to Ref
class and will return the value of our Car
struct . When you try to set the value, it checks if there are any existing strong references and creates a new Ref
if needed thereby limiting the copies to be made only while writing to it. isKnownUniquelyReferenced
returns a boolean indicating whether the given object is known to have a single strong reference.
Protocol-Oriented Programming is a new programming paradigm ushered in by Swift 2.0. In the Protocol-Oriented approach, we start designing our system by defining protocols.
We rely on new concepts:
- protocol extensions
- protocol inheritance
- protocol compositions
The paradigm also changes how we view semantics. In Swift, value types are preferred over classes. However, object-oriented concepts don’t work well with structs and enums: a struct cannot inherit from another struct, neither can an enum inherit from another enum. So inheritance - one of the fundamental object-oriented concepts - cannot be applied to value types. On the other hand, value types can inherit from protocols, even multiple protocols. Thus, with POP, value types have become first class citizens in Swift.
Protocol-Oriented Programming опирается на Generic Programming и концепцию Traits. Использование POP повышает переиспользование кода, лучше структурирует код, уменьшает дублирование кода, избегает сложности с иерархией наследования классов, делает код более связным.
Protocol Extensions
You can extend a protocol and provide default implementation for methods, computed properties, subscripts and convenience initializers.
Protocol Inheritance
A protocol can inherit from other protocols and then add further requirements on top of the requirements it inherits.
Protocol Composition
Swift types can adopt multiple protocols.
Использование протокола можно разделить на несколько сценариев:
- Протокол как тип
- Протокол как шаблон типа
- Протокол как Trait
- Протокол как маркер
- Retroactive modeling (extensions)
- Протокол как констрейнт
Проблемы ООП и зачем нам нужно ПОП
Известно, что в ООП существует ряд слабых мест, которые способны "перегрузить" выполнение программы. Рассмотрим наиболее явные и часто встречаемые:
- Allocation: Stack или Heap?
- Reference counting: больше или меньше?
- Method dispatch: статическая или динамическая?
Отличия POP от OOP
В ООП роль абстрактного типа данных играет класс.
В POP — протокол. Преимущества протокола как абстракции:
- Поддержка value-типов (и классов)
- Поддержка статических отношений типов (и dynamic dispatch)
- Немонолитный
- Поддержка retroactive modeling
- Не навязывает данные объекта (поля базового класса)
- Не обременяет инициализацией (базового класса)
- Даёт понять, что реализовывать
Свойство системы, позволяющее объединить данные и методы, работающие с ними, в классе. Протокол не может содержать сами данные, он может содержать только требования на свойства, которые эти данные бы предоставляли. Как и в ООП, необходимые данные должны быть включены в класс/структуру, но функции могут быть определены как в классе, так и в extensions.
POP поддерживает 2 вида полиморфизма:
- полиморфизм подтипов. Он же используется в ООП:
func process(service: ServiceType) { ... }
- параметрический полиморфизм. Используется в обобщенном программировании.
func process<Service: ServiceType>(service: Service) { ... }
В случае с полиморфизмом подтипов, нам неизвестен конкретный тип, который передаётся в функцию — нахождение реализации методов этого типа будет осуществляться во время выполнения (Dynamic dispatch). При использовании параметрического полиморфизма — тип параметра известен во время компиляции, соответственно и его методы (Static dispatch). За счёт того, что на этапе сборки известны используемые типы, компилятор имеет возможность лучше оптимизировать код — в первую очередь, за счёт использования подстановки (inline) функций.
Наследование в ООП служит для заимствования функциональности от родительского класса.
В POP получение нужной функциональности происходит за счёт добавления соответствий протоколам, которые предоставляют функции через extensions. При этом мы не ограничены классами, имеем возможность расширять за счёт протоколов структуры и enum-ы. Протоколы могут наследоваться от других протоколов — это означает добавление к собственным требованиям требований от родительских протоколов.
Swift – это типобезопасный язык. Всякий раз, когда мы работаем с типами, нам нужно явно их указывать. Например, нам нужна функция, которая будет работать более чем с одним типом. Swift имеет типы Any
и AnyObject
, но их стоит использовать осторожно и далеко не всегда. Использование Any
и AnyObject
сделает ваш код ненадежным, поскольку будет невозможно отследить несоответствие типов при компиляции. Именно тут на помощь приходят дженерики.
Generic код позволяет создавать многократно используемые функции и типы данных, которые могут работать с любым типом, отвечающем определенным ограничениям, обеспечивая при этом типобезопасность во время компиляции. Этот подход позволяет писать код, который помогает избежать дублирования и выражает свой функционал в понятной абстрактной манере. Например, такие типы как Array
, Set
и Dictionary
используют дженерики для хранения элементов.
func swapTwoValues<T>(inout a: T, inout _ b: T) {
let temporaryA = a
a = b
b = temporaryA
When defining a protocol, it’s sometimes useful to declare one or more associated types as part of the protocol’s definition. An associated type gives a placeholder name to a type that’s used as part of the protocol. The actual type to use for that associated type isn’t specified until the protocol is adopted. Associated types are specified with the associatedtype
protocol Container {
associatedtype Item
mutating func append(_ item: Item)
var count: Int { get }
subscript(i: Int) -> Item { get }
The Container protocol defines three required capabilities that any container must provide:
- It must be possible to add a new item to the container with an append(_:) method.
- It must be possible to access a count of the items in the container through a count property that returns an Int value.
- It must be possible to retrieve each item in the container with a subscript that takes an Int index value.
There are two types of protocols:
- Protocols which leverage generics under-the-hood (with
) - Protocols which do not (the protocols we know and love from Objective-C)
/// A protocol with an associated type.
protocol AssociatedTypeProtocol {
associatedtype AssociatedType
func stringRepresentation(from type: AssociatedType) -> String
/// A protocol with "self requirements".
protocol SelfReferentialProtocol {
/// Used to differentiate instances of the protocol later.
var value: String { get }
/// An example of a method with Self requirements.
func compare(with: Self) -> Bool
When we define protocols in our code, the compiler creates a protocol witness which allows the compiler to perform type-checking. In the case of protocols with associated types, the protocol witness requires the use of generics. It’s this use of generics which prevents us from creating an array of a protocol with associated types or using it as a parameter to a method.
Type erasure is a pattern applied to protocols with associated types or self requirements. It allows us to work around the strong type safety of the Swift compiler in order to use these protocols in a way that is similar to using protocols without associated types.
Type-erasure simply means "erasing" a specific type to a more abstract type in order to do something with the abstract type (like having an array of that abstract type). And this happens in Swift all the time, pretty much whenever you see the word Any
. The most straightforward way to think of type erasure is to consider it a way to hide an object's "real" type. В стандартной библиотеке Swift много примеров такого подхода: AnyHashable
, AnyIterator
, AnySequence
, AnyCollection
и т.д.
Examples of type erasure before language features (some
Swift 5.1 or any
Swift 5.6 keywords):
What is a protocol witness?
A protocol witness is a way for the compiler to make our protocol into a concrete type. This type is only known to the compiler and cannot be used in our code — unless of course we decide to write the code ourselves! For the protocols above, the compiler generates concrete types that look like this:
struct AssociatedTypeProtocolWitness<Type> {
let stringRepresentation: (Type) -> String
struct SelfReferentialProtocolWitness<Type> {
let value: String
let compare: (Type, Type) -> Bool
A protocol witness is simply an instance of one of these types. There’s no problem when creating an array of our protocol witnesses, but notice how we have to specify a type for the generic parameter.
let witnesses: [AssociatedTypeProtocolWitness<String>] = []
When using protocols, we’re not able to provide this necessary type information to the compiler. This is why the compiler complains that our protocol can only be used as a generic constraint when it has associated type or self requirements.
Opaque return types is a new language feature that is introduced in Swift 5.1 by Apple. It can be used to return some value for function/method, and property without revealing the concrete type of the value to client that calls the API. The return type will be some type that implement a protocol. Using this solution, the module API doesn’t have to publicly leak the underlying internal return type of the method, it just need to return the opaque type of the protocol using the some
keyword. The Swift compiler also will be able to preserve the underlying identity of the return type unlike using protocol as the return type. SwiftUI uses opaque return types inside its View
protocol that returns some View
in the body property.
Here are some of the essential things that opaque return types provides to keep in our toolbox and leverage whenever we want to create API using Swift:
- Provide a specific type of a protocol without exposing the concrete type to the API caller for better encapsulation.
- Because the API doesn’t expose the private concrete return type to it’s caller, the client doesn’t have to worry if in the future the underlying types gets changed as long as it implements the base protocol.
- Provides strong guarantees of underlying identity by returning a specific type in runtime. The trade off is losing flexibility of returning multiple type of value offered by using protocol as return type.
- Because of the strong guarantee of returning a specific protocol type. The function can return opaque protocol type that has
orassociated type
requirement. - While the protocol leaves the decision to return the type to its caller of the function. In reverse for opaque return types, the function itself have the decision for the specific type of the return value as long as it implements the protocol.
protocol MobileOS {
associatedtype Version
var version: Version { get }
init(version: Version)
struct iOS: MobileOS {
var version: Float
struct Android: MobileOS {
var version: String
func buildPreferredOS() -> MobileOS {
return iOS(version: 13.1)
} // Compiler ERROR 😭
Protocol 'MobileOS' can only be used as a generic constraint because it has Self or associated type requirements
func buildPreferredOS() -> some MobileOS {
return iOS(version: 13.1)
Using the opaque return type, we finally can return MobileOS
as the return type of the function. The compiler maintains the identity of the underlying specific return type here and the caller doesn’t have to know the internal type of the return type as long as it implements the MobileOS protocol
- Opaque result types can be used with PATs (protocols with associated types)
- Opaque result types have identity
// foo() -> <Output : Equatable> Output {
func foo() -> some Equatable {
return 5 // The opaque result type is inferred to be Int.
let x = foo()
let y = foo()
print(x == y) // Legal both x and y have the return type of foo.
This is legal because the compiler knows that both x and y have the same concrete type. This is an important requirement for ==
, where both parameters of type Self
- Opaque result types compose with generic placeholders
By using the any
keyword in front of a protocol, we’re defining an existential type of a specific protocol.
protocol Content: Identifiable where ID == UUID {
var url: URL { get }
struct ImageContent: Content {
let id = UUID()
let url: URL
let content: any Content = ImageContent(...)
When to use Existentials
- Consider starting with concrete types first, don’t overcomplicate from the start
- Move to opaque types using the
keyword once you need more type flexibility - Change
when you know you need to store arbitrary (random) values
is an incomplete Type
. Generic code enables you to write flexible, reusable functions and types that can work with any type, subject to requirements that you define. You can write code that avoids duplication and expresses its intent in a clear, abstracted manner.
The problem is that the same can be applied almost exactly to a Protocol
:-( Where’s the misunderstanding? Let’s expand the official Stack example by adding a simple check to see if the last element added is “cuatro”.
struct Stack<Element> {
var items = [Element]()
mutating func push(_ item: Element) {
mutating func pop() -> Element {
return items.removeLast()
var stackOfStrings = Stack<String> ()
let lastElement = stackOfStrings.pop()
if lastElement == "cuatro" {
print("That's a bingo!")
This code will compile and actually print “That’s a bingo!”.
Let’s try the same thing with our Protocol example.
struct Stack {
var items = [StackElement]()
mutating func push(_ item: StackElement) {
mutating func pop() -> StackElement {
return items.removeLast()
protocol StackElement {}
extension String : StackElement { }
var stackOfStrings = Stack()
let lastElement = stackOfStrings.pop()
if lastElement == "cuatro" {
print("That's a bingo!")
❌ Value of protocol type 'StackElement' cannot conform to 'StringProtocol'; only struct/enum/class types can conform to protocols
This code doesn’t even compile!
In the Protocol stack, what type is our pop function returning?
mutating func pop() -> StackElement {
return items.removeLast()
If you answered StackElement
, you’re wrong. The correct answer is, again, “I don’t know“.
Protocols hide away the underlying type. If a Generic
is an incomplete Type
, then a Protocol
is a masked Type
. When we have a function that returns a Protocol
, the compiler cannot tell you what concrete type is actually implementing the Protocol
! Of course you could check what type it is by doing something like if lastElement is String
but then you’re trying to fit a round peg in a square hole.
Once a Generic becomes complete (e.g. Array<String>
) it is a fully concrete type. It can be compared to other types. Constants or variables declared as Protocols
can never be compared to concrete types. That’s the difference between a Generic
and a Protocol
. Protocols
are meant to mask types at the cost of losing concreteness and Generics
are meant to become complete types by finding their other half.
is a struct, therefore it is a value type in Swift.
is an immutable Objective C class, therefore it is a reference type in Swift and it is bridged to Array<AnyObject>
. NSMutableArray
is the mutable subclass of NSArray
is the same as Array<AnyObject>
can represent an instance of any type at all, including function types and optional types.
can represent an instance of any class type.
As part of its interoperability with Objective-C, Swift offers convenient and efficient ways of working with Cocoa frameworks. Swift automatically converts some Objective-C types to Swift types, and some Swift types to Objective-C types. Types that can be converted between Objective-C and Swift are referred to as bridged types. Anywhere you can use a bridged Objective-C reference type, you can use the Swift value type instead. This lets you take advantage of the functionality available on the reference type’s implementation in a way that is natural in Swift code. For this reason, you should almost never need to use a bridged reference type directly in your own code. In fact, when Swift code imports Objective-C APIs, the importer replaces Objective-C reference types with their corresponding value types. Likewise, when Objective-C code imports Swift APIs, the importer also replaces Swift value types with their corresponding Objective-C reference types.
Method Dispatch is how a program selects which instructions to execute when invoking a method. It’s something that happens every time a method is called, and not something that you tend to think a lot about.
- Static or direct dispatch
- Table or dynamic dispatch
- Message dispatch
Static or Direct Dispatch
Direct dispatch
is the fastest style of method dispatch. Not only does it result in the fewest number of assembly instructions, but the compiler can perform all sorts of smart tricks, like inlining code, and many more things. However, direct dispatch is also the most restrictive from a programming point of view, and it is not dynamic enough to support subclassing.
- Structs (Value type Data type)
(Reference type with this keyword
Table or Dynamic Dispatch
Table dispatch
is the most common implementation of dynamic behaviour in compiled languages. The compiler does not know which executable code should be used for a particular method call. This decision is taken at runtime.
Virtual table
Classes have tables, called Virtual Tables
. Each table has an array of function pointers to methods of the corresponding class. Every subclass has its own copy of Virtual Table
with different function pointers to those methods, which are overridden. As a subclass adds a new method to its definition, the method is appended to the end of the corresponding table. The compiler builds the tables, and at runtime, the tables are used to determine which method should be called
class ParentClass {
func method1() { }
func method2() { }
class ChildClass: ParentClass {
override func method2() { }
func method3() { }
let obj = ChildClass()
Each class instance has a property type (or isa
in Objective-C, each NSObject has this property). The tables are stored in some static memory region and can be taken by this property. When method2
is called, the process will:
- take
Virtual Table
for the object of 0xB00 (ChildClass) by its property type - take the function pointer of
from the table (the pointer is taken by index 1). Thus, the function pointer is0x222
- jump to the address
, that contains the executable code
Each method in such tables isn’t aware of self (obj). At runtime self (obj) is passed as a parameter when calling the method
// ... kind of runtime
Table Dispatch
is still good but less efficient than the previous one because it takes three additional steps (take the table, take the function address, jump to that address to get executable code). And also, it is less efficient because the compiler applies no optimizations
Protocol Witness Tables
Virtual Tables
are used when using classes and inheritance, and Protocol Witness Tables
— when conforming to protocols. The problem is that structures don’t support inheritance because they don’t have Virtual Tables
. But conforming to protocols allows them to use Table Dispatch
and polymorphism. However, instead of Virtual Tables
, they get Protocol Witness Tables
// Polymorphism without classes and inheritance
protocol Noisable {
func makeNoise()
struct Cat: Noisable {
func makeNoise() { print("meow") }
struct Fox: Noisable {
func makeNoise() { print(".. what does the fox say?") }
let noisers: [Noisable] = [Cat(), Cat(), Fox(), Fox(), Cat()]
for noiser in noisers { noiser.makeNoise() } // polymorphism
Each type (value and reference) that conforms to a protocol has its own Protocol Witness Table
. The table has pointers to those methods of the type that are required by the protocol. Structures and classes that conform to a protocol can have different sizes. To store them in the same array (like noisers) or in the same type property, or to pass them as an argument to the same function, and also to find corresponding Protocol Witness Table
for each of them, Swift uses existential containers
- is a structure, that always has a fixed size (in x64, it is 5 * 64 = 320 bit or five machine words), and consists of three parts:
- reference to
Value Witness Table
(VWT), - a reference to
Protocol Witness Table
(PWT) - a value buffer to store an instance itself
The buffer stores an initial instance. It takes three machine words. If the instance doesn’t fit the buffer size (takes more than three machine words or more than 3 * 64 bit), it gets placed on the heap via VWT (see below), and the buffer contains a reference to that instance. But if it does, the buffer stores the value directly (the value is placed on the stack). However, it is only about value types. For reference types, the buffer stores a reference anyway. Value Witness Table
is an abstract representation of instance life cycle manipulations. Since different types (value and reference) have different mechanisms of copying, moving, and destroying their values, VWT is used to abstract from the implementation of the current instance and do those manipulations through a single interface. It has the following properties and methods: size
(initial instance size), copy
, move
, destroy
Message Dispatch
Message Dispatch is the most dynamic style of the method dispatch. It’s a cornerstone of Cocoa development. It’s used by KVO, CoreData, UIAppearance…
The compiler, in this case, also does not know which executable code should be used for a particular method call
A key point of Message Dispatch is modifying the dispatch behavior at runtime, applying method swizzling (exchanging method invocations at runtime) or isa-swizzling (exchanging an object type at runtime)
Method Swizzling allows exchanging the implementation of two class methods at runtime. This will affect every instance of a modified class, which was or will be created. If you have methodA and methodB, method swizzling allows you to call the implementation of methodB when calling methodA, and vice versa. It could be helpful for setting some default behavior to a class, avoiding inheritance. But Swift can use protocols for these purposes (Objective-C cannot)
Isa-Swizzling allows exchanging the type of a given single object with another type at runtime. If you have two classes: ClassA and ClassB, you can create an instance of ClassA, then at runtime change its type to ClassB (change property isa), then call some method of ClassB, and then switch the type back to ClassA
class ParentClass {
dynamic func method1() { }
dynamic func method2() { }
class ChildClass: ParentClass {
override func method2() { }
dynamic func method3() { }
Swift builds this hierarchy as a tree structure and puts it into some static memory region. When a message is dispatched (method2 is called), the process will:
- take the hierarchy tree
- try to find the function pointer of method2 in ChildClass table
- if the function pointer is found, jump to the address to get executable code
- else go to ParentClass (super of ChildClass) and repeat 2–4
- do this until the function pointer is found or the root class of the hierarchy is reached
For the first method call, it’s slower than Table Dispatch because it goes through the tree to find the corresponding function pointer. But after that, Swift caches the found table, and the second method call will take Table Dispatch time
Swift uses the Swift runtime whenever it’s possible. It allows making optimizations when preparing code for runtime. Thus, at runtime, the code is more efficient. Swift only opts for a dynamic dispatch and Objective-C runtime if it has no other choice
Objective-C uses Message Dispatch in most cases, but developers sometimes can use Direct Dispatch there
Where a method is declared determines what the method dispatch is used
Inheritance from NSObject makes a class “dynamic message dispatchable”, but methods in initial declarations are called via Table Dispatch
Object type determines which type of dispatch will be used on a method call. If the type is a protocol, then look at the protocol row in the table. If it casts the object to its class type or structure type, then look at the class or value type rows in the table
class A {
func doAction() { } // table dispatch
class B: A {
final override func doAction() { } // static dispatch
let a: A = A()
a.doAction() // will be called via table dispatch
let b1: A = B()
b1.doAction() // will be called via table dispatch
let b2: B = B()
b2.doAction() // will be called via static dispatch
The final keyword enables Static Dispatch on a method defined in a class. This keyword removes the possibility of any dynamic behavior and also hides the method from Objective-C runtime. It doesn’t generate a selector. Applying final to a class denies inheritance from the class and also makes class methods to be called via Static Dispatch
. Using this keyword allows the compiler to make some optimizations for increasing performance. It can be applied to classes only
// denies any inheritance from the class
final class Animal {
// makes the method called via static dispatch
final func move() { }
The dynamic keyword enables Message Dispatch on a method defined in a class. This keyword implicitly marks the method as @objc
, which means the method is visible for Objective-C runtime. Swift doesn’t say that dynamic is available for classes only, but structures and enumerations don’t support inheritance. The runtime doesn’t have to figure out which implementation it needs to use. Thus, at runtime for structures and enums dynamic doesn’t work. Using this keyword can make your code less performant
class Animal {
// message dispatch at Objective-C runtime
dynamic func move() { }
The @objc
keyword does not alter the method dispatch. It just makes the method visible for Objective-C runtime. The most common use of @objc is making selectors. And also, using @objc
allows overriding methods declared in class extensions (by default, it is impossible because of Static Dispatch)
class Animal {
@objc func move() { } // is visible at Objective-C runtime
class Animal { }
extension Animal {
@objc func move() { }
class Lion: Animal {
override func move() { }
The @nonobjc keyword does alter the method dispatch. It can be used to disable Message Dispatc
h and to make the method invisible for Objective-C runtime. It seems there is no difference between @nonobjc
and final
, so using final makes code more clear
@objc final
Keyword @objc final
enables Direct Dispatch on a method and registers the method selector at Objective-C runtime. The keyword allows the method to respond when performing a selector or other Objective-C features, along with giving the performance of Direct Dispatch
class Animal {
// direct dispatch, visible for Objective-C runtime
@objc final func move() { }
If a property is observed with KVO and that property is upgraded to Direct Dispatch, the code will still compile, but the dynamically generated KVO method won’t be triggered
- UIKit
- Core Animation
- UIViewPropertyAnimator
When to use and what to use?
At the end of the day, all UIKit-style animations are converted to Core Animation-style animations. That is, everything is actually animated using Core Animation. While UIKit and Core Animation both provide animation support, they give access to different parts of the view hierarchy.
UIKit: animations are performed using UIView objects. View supports a basic set of animations that cover many common tasks such as view transitions. It can accept events from the user like touch, click and tap and it works in the main thread.
Core Animation: Use Core animations when animating of the underlying layer’s properties. It renders, composes, and animate visual elements which provides high frame rates and smooth animations without burdening the CPU and slowing down the app.
UIViewPropertyAnimator: allows complex and dynamic animation of UIView properties.
With UIKit, animations are performed using UIView objects. The properties available for animation using UIKit are:
- frame
- bounds
- center
- transform
- alpha
- backgroundColor
- contentStretch
While Core Animation gives access to the view's underlying layer, exposing a different set of properties as outlined below (it's worth noting that because views and layers are intricately linked together, changes to a view's layer affect the view itself):
- The size and position of the layer
- The center point used when performing transformations
- Transformations to the layer or its sublayers in 3D space
- The addition or removal of a layer from the layer hierarchy
- The layer’s Z-order relative to other sibling layers
- The layer’s shadow
- The layer’s border (including whether the layer’s corners are rounded)
- The portion of the layer that stretches during resizing operations
- The layer’s opacity
- The clipping behavior for sublayers that lie outside the layer’s bounds
- The current contents of the layer
- The rasterization behavior of the layer
UIView's animation methods
These are still the easiest to use in my opinion. Very straight forward API without making too big of a code footprint. I use this either for simple fire-and-forget animations (such as making a button pop when selected), or when I want to make a complex keyframe animation since its keyframe support is great.
UIView.animate(withDuration: 0.5, delay: 0.0, options: .curveEaseOut, animations: {
button.transform = .init(scaleX: 1.1, y: 1.1)
Core Animation
Perhaps a bit less straight-forward to use, but you need it whenever you want to animate layer properties instead of view properties, as mentioned above. Examples of these are corner radius, shadow, and border.
CATransaction.timingFunction = .init(name: .easeOut)
let cornerAnimation = CABasicAnimation(keyPath: #keyPath(CALayer.cornerRadius))
cornerAnimation.fromValue = 0.0
cornerAnimation.toValue = 10.0
button.layer.add(cornerAnimation, forKey: #keyPath(CALayer.cornerRadius))
Added in iOS 10, as the name suggests this is another view-based animation API. There are a few things that make it different from UIView's animation methods, the main ones being that it supports interactive animations and allows modifying animations dynamically. You can pause, rewind, or scrub an animation, as well as adding more animation blocks on the go or reversing the animation while it's playing, which makes it quite powerful. I use this when I want an animation to be controlled by the user. The scrubbing works by setting a fractionComplete property on the animator object, which can easily be hooked up to a pan gesture recognizer or a force touch recognizer (or even a key using KVO).
As mentioned, you can also store a reference to a UIViewPropertyAnimator and change its animations or completion blocks during the animation.
// Create an animation object with an initual color change animation
let animator = UIViewPropertyAnimator(duration: duration, curve: .linear) {
button.backgroundColor = .blue
// At any point during the runtime, we can amend the list of animations like so
animator.addAnimations {
button.transform = .init(scaleX: 1.1, y: 1.1)
Worth noting is that you can actually use UIView.animate and UIView.animateKeyframes from within your UIViewPropertyAnimator animations blocks, should you feel the need to use both.
Протокол Sendable
и оболочка @Sendable
добавляет поддержку «отправляемых» данных, то есть данных, которые можно безопасно передавать в другой поток. Это достигается с помощью нового протокола Sendable
и атрибута @Sendable
для функций.
К таким данным относятся:
- Все базовые типы данных, такие как
и т.д. - Опциональные типы данных, если они являются типами значений.
- Любые типы коллекций, в качестве элементов которых выступают типы значений (
,Dictionary<Int, String>
). - Кортежи, в которых все элементы являются типами значений.
- Метатипы, такие как
Все перечисленные выше типы данных теперь подписаны под протокол Sendable
и их можно безопасно передавать между разными потоками. Что же касается пользовательских типов данных, то тут все ависит от того, чем конкретно они являются:
- Протоколу
, автоматически соответствуют все акторы. - Пользовательские структуры и перечисления, также автоматически соответствуют
протоколу, если только они не содержат внутри себя ссылочные типы данных. - В том случае если пользовательские классы не наследуются от других классов или наследуютсяя только от
и при этом помечены ключевым словомfinal
, а также имеют в качестве свойств только типы значений, то в этом случае они тоже могут соответствоватьSendable
Атрибут @Sendable
в функциях или замыканиях, позволяет выполнять код параллельно но с определенными ограничениями, для того, что бы разработчики не стреляли сами себе в ноги:
func printScore() async {
let score = 1
Task { print(score) }
Task { print(score) }
В данном примере действие, которое мы передаем в инициализатор Task
, по умолчанию помечено как @Sendable
. Данный атрибут позволяет выполнять задачи параллельно в разных потоках. А это возможно благодаря тому, что, что свойство score, в теле блока замыкания Task
, является константой. Если бы свойство score было переменной, то доступ к ней могла бы получить одна из задач, в то время как другая может менять значение этой переменной.
Атрибутом @Sandable
можно помечать и свои собственный функции и замыкания:
func runLater(_ completionHandler: @escaping @Sendable () -> Void) -> Void {
DispatchQueue.global().asyncAfter(deadline: .now() + 3, execute: completionHandler)
The word all three methods share is “map”, which in this context means “transform from one thing to another.”
: transform then unwrap
: transform then flatten
The first thing you need to understand is that everything in RxSwift is an observable sequence or something that operates on or subscribes to events emitted by an observable sequence. Arrays, Strings or Dictionaries will be converted to observable sequences in RxSwift. You can create an observable sequence of any Object that conforms to the Sequence
Protocol from the Swift Standard Library. Observable sequences can emit zero or more events over their lifetimes.
In RxSwift an Event
is just an Enumeration Type with 3 possible states:
.next(value: T)
— When a value or collection of values is added to an observable sequence it will send the next event to its subscribers as seen above. The associated value will contain the actual value from the sequence..error(error: Error)
— If an Error is encountered, a sequence will emit an error event. This will also terminate the sequence..completed
— If a sequence ends normally it sends a completed event to its subscribers If you want to cancel a subscription you can do that by calling dispose on it. You can also add the subscription to aDisposeBag
which will cancel the subscription for you automatically ondeinit
of theDisposeBag
A Subject
is a special form of an Observable Sequence, you can subscribe and dynamically add elements to it. There are currently 4 different kinds of Subjects in RxSwift
: If you subscribe to it you will get all the events that will happen after you subscribed.BehaviourSubject
: A behavior subject will give any subscriber the most recent element and everything that is emitted by that sequence after the subscription happened.ReplaySubject
: If you want to replay more than the most recent element to new subscribers on the initial subscription you need to use aReplaySubject
. With aReplaySubject
, you can define how many recent items you want to emit to new subscribers.Variable
: AVariable
is just aBehaviourSubject
wrapper that feels more natural to a none reactive programmers. It can be used like a normalVariable
Operators will work on the same thread as where the subscription is created. In RxSwift you use schedulers to force operators do their work on a specific queue. You can also force that the subscription should happen on a specifc Queue. You use subscribeOn
and observeOn
for those tasks. If you are familiar with the concept of operation-queues or dispatch-queues this should be nothing special for you. A scheduler can be serial or concurrent similar to GCD
or OperationQueue
. There are 5 Types of Schedulers in RxSwift:
— “Abstracts work that needs to be performed on MainThread. In case schedule methods are called from the main thread, it will perform the action immediately without scheduling.This scheduler is usually used to perform UI work.”CurrentThreadScheduler
— “Schedules units of work on the current thread. This is the default scheduler for operators that generate elements.”SerialDispatchQueueScheduler
— “Abstracts the work that needs to be performed on a specific dispatch_queue_t. It will make sure that even if a concurrent dispatch queue is passed, it's transformed into a serial one.Serial schedulers enable certain optimizations for observeOn.The main scheduler is an instance of SerialDispatchQueueScheduler"ConcurrentDispatchQueueScheduler
— “Abstracts the work that needs to be performed on a specific dispatch_queue_t. You can also pass a serial dispatch queue, it shouldn't cause any problems. This scheduler is suitable when some work needs to be performed in the background.”OperationQueueScheduler
— “Abstracts the work that needs to be performed on a specific NSOperationQueue. This scheduler is suitable for cases when there is some bigger chunk of work that needs to be performed in the background and you want to fine tune concurrent processing using maxConcurrentOperationCount.”
Difference between .drive()
and .bind(to:)
Driver ensures that observe occurs only on main thread. Thumb rule is are you trying to drive a UI component use drive
else use bindTo
. Generally if you want your subscribe to occur only on main thread and don't want your subscription to error out (like driving UI components) use driver
else stick with bindTo
or subscribe
What's the difference between bind
and subscribe
By using bind(onNext)
you can express that stream should never emit error
and you interested only in item events. So you should use subscribe(onNext:...)
when you interested in error
/ complete
/ disposed
events and bind(onNext...)
SwiftUI предполагает, что описание структуры вашего View целиком находится в коде. Причем, Apple предлагает нам декларативный стиль написания этого кода. То есть, примерно так:
Это View. Она состоит из двух текстовых полей и одного рисунка. Текстовые поля расположены друг за другом горизонтально. Картинка находится под ними и ее края обрезаны в форме круга.
struct ContentView: View {
var text1 = "some text"
var text2 = "some more text"
var body: some View {
.frame(width: 100, height: 50)
Обратите внимание, View
— это структура с некоторыми параметрами. Что бы структура стала View
— нам нужно задать вычисляемый параметр body
, который возвращает some View
. Содержание замыканияbody: some View { … }
— это и есть описание того, что будет отражено на экране.
Три типа элементов, из которых строится тело View:
- Другие View, т.е. Каждая
содержит в себе одну или несколько другихView
. Те, в свою очередь могут так же содержать как предопределенные системныеView
, так и кастомные, сложные, написанные самим разработчиком. - Модификаторы - благодаря им, мы коротко и внятно сообщаем SwiftUI, какой мы хотим видеть данную
- Контейнеры -
и прочие. Фактически, контейнеры — это те жеView
, но у них есть особенность. Вы передаете в них некий контент, который нужно отобразить. Вся фишка контейнера в том, что он должны как-то сгруппировать и отобразить элементы этого контента. В этом смысле, контейнеры похожи на модификаторы, с той лишь разницей, что модификаторы предназначены изменять одну уже готовуюView
, а контейнеры выстраивают эти View (элементы контента, или блоки декларативного синтаксиса) в определенном порядке, например вертикально или горизонтально.
state параметры
Прежде всего, это переменные состояния — хранимые параметры нашей структуры, изменение которых должно быть отражено на экране. Их оборачивают в специальные обертки:
— для примитивных типов
struct ContentView: View {
@State var tapCount = 0
var body: some View {
VStack {
Button(action: { tapCount += 1 },
label: { Text("Tap count \(tapCount)") })
— для классов. Класс должен удовлетворять протоколу ObservableObject
— это значит, что данный класс должен уметь оповещать подписчиков (View
, которые используют данное значение с оберткой @ObservedObject
) об изменении своих свойств. Для этого достаточно обернуть требуемые свойства в @Published
is one of the most useful property wrappers in SwiftUI, allowing us to create observable objects that automatically announce when changes occur. SwiftUI will automatically monitor for such changes, and re-invoke the body property of any views that rely on the data.
final class CounterViewModel: ObservableObject {
@Published var count = 0
func incrementCounter() {
count += 1
struct CounterView: View {
@ObservedObject var viewModel = CounterViewModel()
var body: some View {
VStack {
Text("Count is: \(viewModel.count)")
Button("Increment Counter") {
— The same as @ObservedObject
BUT property wrapper don’t get destroyed and re-instantiated at times their containing view struct redraws.
- это еще один Property Wrapper, с помощью которой мы объявляем параметры структуры, которые будут не просто меняться, а и возвращаться в родительскую View
. When it changes in one place it also changes in the other.
— это как Binding
, только сразу для всех View
в иерархии, без необходимости их передавать в явном виде.
— это набор subView, сгенерированных для каждого элемента коллекции исходя из переданного контента.
Роль navigation controller берет на себя специальный NavigationView
. Достаточно обернуть ваш код в NavigationView{...}
. А само действие перехода можно добавить в специальную кнопку NavigationLink
, которая пушит условный экран DetailView
var body: some View {
NavigationView {
Text("World Time").font(.system(size: 30))
NavigationLink(destination: DetailView() {
Text("Go Detail")
На WWDC 2019 был представлен фреймворк Combine от Apple. Он позволяет моделировать все виды асинхронных событий и операций типа “значения, изменяющиеся во времени”. Не смотря на то, что данное понятие, часто используется в мире реактивного программирования как концепция и способ организации логики, поначалу бывает сложно сразу во всем разобраться.
Every publisher can emit multiple events of these three types:
- An output value of the publisher’s generic
type. - A successful completion.
- A completion with an error of the publisher’s
Publishers do not emit any values if there are no subscribers to potentially receive the output
— A publisher that exposes a method for outside callers to publish elements.
protocol Subject<Output, Failure> : AnyObject, Publisher
— A subject that broadcasts elements to downstream subscribers. They will happily pass along those values and a completion event. As with any publisher, you must declare the type of values and errors it can emit in advance; subscribers must match those types to its input and failure types in order to subscribe to that passthrough subject. Unlike CurrentValueSubject
, a PassthroughSubject
doesn’t have an initial value or a buffer of the most recently-published element. A PassthroughSubject
drops values if there are no subscribers, or its current demand is zero.
— A subject that wraps a single value and publishes a new element whenever the value changes.. Unlike PassthroughSubject
, CurrentValueSubject
maintains a buffer of the most recently published element. Calling send(_:)
on a CurrentValueSubject
also updates the current value, making it equivalent to updating the value directly.
= A doorbell push button. When someone rings the door, you are notified only if you are at home (you are the subscriber)PassthroughSubject
doesn't have a state, it emits whatever it receives to its subscribers.
= A light switch Someone turns on the lights in your home when you are outside. You get back home and you know someone has turned them on.CurrentValueSubject
has an initial state, it retains the data you put in as its state.
is a value, a publisher and a subscriber all in one. Sadly it doesn’t fire objectWillChange.send()
when used inside an ObservableObject
. You can specify an error type.
is a property wrapper, thus:
- It is not yet supported in top-level code.
- It is not supported in a protocol declaration.
- It can only be used within a class.
automatically fires objectWillChange.send()
when used inside an ObservableObject
. Xcode will emit a warning if your try to publish to @Published
wrapped property from a background queue. Probably because objectWillChange.send()
must be called from the main thread.
The error type of its publisher is Never
. My biggest beef against @Published
is that it can’t behave as a subscriber and setting up Combine pipelines requires additional plumbing compared to a CurrentValueSubject
— type which doesn’t produce any elements until we call its connect()
method. We can convert any publisher or subscriber into a ConnectablePublisher by calling the method makeConnectable()
Convenience Publishers
— can be used to asynchronously produce a single result and then complete. A Future is a publisher that will eventually produce a single value and finish, or it will fail. It does this by invoking a closure when a value or error is available, and that closure is, in fact, the promise. Promise
is a type alias to a closure that receives a Result
containing either a single value published by the Future
, or an error. A future is greedy, meaning executes as soon as it’s created. It does not require a subscriber like regular publishers that are lazy.
— creates a publisher that emits a single value to a subscriber and then complete
— A publisher that awaits subscription before running the supplied closure to create a publisher for the new subscriber.
— A publisher that never publishes any values, and optionally finishes immediately.
— A publisher that immediately terminates with the specified error.
— A publisher that allows for recording a series of inputs and a completion, for later playback to each subscriber.
A Subscriber
instance receives a stream of elements from a Publisher
, along with life cycle events describing changes to their relationship. A given subscriber’s Input
and Failure
associated types must match the Output
and Failure
of its corresponding publisher.
— The sink subscriber allows you to provide closures with your code that will receive output values and completions. From there, you can do anything your heart desires with the received events.
— The assign subscriber allows you to, without the need of custom code, bind the resulting output to some property on your data model or on a UI control to display the data directly on-screen via a key path.
Operators are methods declared on the Publisher
protocol that return either the same or a new publisher. That’s very useful because you can call a bunch of operators one after the other, effectively chaining them together. As an added bonus, operators always have input and output, commonly referred to as upstream
and downstream
— this allows them to avoid shared state.
— A protocol that defines when and how to execute a closure.
Subscription lifecycle
By meeting these protocols, now we are secure to understand how the relation between publisher and subscriber is established:
- A new subscriber requires a subscription from the publisher by calling
method on the publisher by passing the subscriber as a parameter - The publisher creates a custom subscription, an object that is responsible for keeping the subscriber up to date with the publisher and sends it to the subscriber through the
method. - Within the
method, the subscriber calls the request method on theSubscription
object that was just received establishing the true demand it requires from the publisher. - When receiving the request method, the
object has theDemand
the subscriber requires and knows how many values it must receive from the publisher - As the Subscription has some mechanism for keeping track of publisher's emitted values, it just needs to send them to the subscriber via the
method. - When some event requires the subscription to complete, the
calls thereceive(Completion)
method on the Subscriber and the process finishes.
могут быть бесконечно активны либо завершены по итогу какого-либо события, а также Publishers
могут быть опционально не выполнены, если произошла какая-то ошибка. Чтобы внедрить Combine
, Apple доработали некоторые из своих основных библиотек, чтобы они так же могли поддерживаться Combine
. Например, вот так может использоваться тип URLSession
для создания Publisher
, выполняющего сетевой запрос по заданному URL-адресу:
let url = URL(string: "https://api.github.com/repos/johnsundell/publish")!
let publisher = URLSession.shared.dataTaskPublisher(for: url)
После того, как мы создали Publisher
, мы можем привязать к нему подписки, например, с помощью sink
API, который позволяет передавать замыкание, срабатывающее каждый раз, когда было получено новое значение, а так же другое замыкание, которое отрабатывает когда publisher
завершает свою работу:
let cancellable = publisher.sink(
receiveCompletion: { completion in
switch completion {
case .failure(let error):
case .finished:
receiveValue: { value in
Обратите внимание на то, как описанный выше метод sink
возвращает значение, которое мы храним как cancellable
. При присоединении нового подписчика, Publisher
всегда возвращает объект, соответствующий протоколу Cancellable
, действующему как токен для новой подписки. Затем, нам нужно сохранить этот токен до тех пор, пока мы хотим оставить нашу подписку активной, иначе как только она будет освобождена (deallocated), наша подписка будет автоматически отменена (кстати, подписку можно отменить вручную при помощи вызова метода cancel()
у токена). Операторы используются для построения реактивных цепочек или пайплайнов (конвейеров), по которым могут проходить наши данные, где каждый оператор применяет некоторую форму преобразования к данным, которые были ему отправлены.
используется для отслеживания подписки (subscription) на Publisher
и должен сохраняться до тех пор, пока мы хотим, чтобы эта подписка (subscription
) оставалась активной.
Пример с операторами:
let subscription = NotificationCenter.default
.publisher(for: NSControl.textDidChangeNotification, object: filterField)
.map({ ($0.object as! NSTextField).stringValue })
.filter({ $0.unicodeScalars.allSatisfy({ CharacterSet.alphanumerics.contains($0) }) })
.debounce(for: .milliseconds(500), scheduler: RunLoop.main)
.receive(on: RunLoop.main)
.assign(to:\MyViewModel.filterString, on: myViewModel)