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239 lines (201 loc) · 12.5 KB

Please add alt text to your posts

Please add alt text (alternative text) to all of your posted graphics for #TidyTuesday.

Twitter provides guidelines for how to add alt text to your images.

The DataViz Society/Nightingale by way of Amy Cesal has an article on writing good alt text for plots/graphs.

Here's a simple formula for writing alt text for data visualization:

Chart type

It's helpful for people with partial sight to know what chart type it is and gives context for understanding the rest of the visual. Example: Line graph

Type of data

What data is included in the chart? The x and y axis labels may help you figure this out. Example: number of bananas sold per day in the last year

Reason for including the chart

Think about why you're including this visual. What does it show that's meaningful. There should be a point to every visual and you should tell people what to look for. Example: the winter months have more banana sales

Link to data or source

Don't include this in your alt text, but it should be included somewhere in the surrounding text. People should be able to click on a link to view the source data or dig further into the visual. This provides transparency about your source and lets people explore the data. Example: Data from the USDA

Penn State has an article on writing alt text descriptions for charts and tables.

Charts, graphs and maps use visuals to convey complex images to users. But since they are images, these media provide serious accessibility issues to colorblind users and users of screen readers. See the examples on this page for details on how to make charts more accessible.

The {rtweet} package includes the ability to post tweets with alt text programatically.

Need a reminder? There are extensions that force you to remember to add Alt Text to Tweets with media.

Pet Cats UK

The data this week comes from the Movebank for Animal Tracking Data via Data is Plural. Thanks @jthomasmock for the suggestion!

Between 2013 and 2017, Roland Kays et al. convinced hundreds of volunteers in the U.S., U.K., Australia, and New Zealand to strap GPS sensors on their pet cats. The aforelinked datasets include each cat's characteristics (such as age, sex, neuter status, hunting habits) and time-stamped GPS pings.

When using this dataset, please cite the original article.

Kays R, Dunn RR, Parsons AW, Mcdonald B, Perkins T, Powers S, Shell L, McDonald JL, Cole H, Kikillus H, Woods L, Tindle H, Roetman P (2020) The small home ranges and large local ecological impacts of pet cats. Animal Conservation. doi:10.1111/acv.12563

Additionally, please cite the Movebank data package:

McDonald JL, Cole H (2020) Data from: The small home ranges and large local ecological impacts of pet cats [United Kingdom]. Movebank Data Repository. doi:10.5441/001/1.pf315732

Additional datasets for the US, Australia, and New Zealand are also available for download, but they were too large for us to include them directly.

Get the data here

# Get the Data

# Read in with tidytuesdayR package 
# Install from CRAN via: install.packages("tidytuesdayR")
# This loads the readme and all the datasets for the week of interest

# Either ISO-8601 date or year/week works!

tuesdata <- tidytuesdayR::tt_load('2023-01-31')
tuesdata <- tidytuesdayR::tt_load(2023, week = 5)

cats_uk <- tuesdata$cats_uk
cats_uk_reference <- tuesdata$cats_uk_reference

# Or read in the data manually

cats_uk <- readr::read_csv('')
cats_uk_reference <- readr::read_csv('')

Data Dictionary

Full dictionaries are available on Movebank


variable class description
tag_id character A unique identifier for the tag, provided by the data owner. If the data owner does not provide a tag ID, an internal Movebank tag identifier may sometimes be shown.
event_id double An identifier for the set of values associated with each event, i.e. sensor measurement. A unique event ID is assigned to every time-location or other time-measurement record in Movebank. If multiple measurements are included within a single row of a data file, they will share an event ID. If users import the same sensor measurement to Movebank multiple times, a separate event ID will be assigned to each.
visible logical Determines whether an event is visible on the Movebank map. Values are calculated automatically, with TRUE indicating the event has not been flagged as an outlier by algorithm_marked_outlier, import_marked_outlier or manually_marked_outlier, or that the user has overridden the results of these outlier attributes using manually_marked_valid = TRUE. Allowed values are TRUE or FALSE.
timestamp double The date and time corresponding to a sensor measurement or an estimate derived from sensor measurements.
location_long double The geographic longitude of the location as estimated by the sensor. Positive values are east of the Greenwich Meridian, negative values are west of it.
location_lat double The geographic longitude of the location as estimated by the sensor. Positive values are east of the Greenwich Meridian, negative values are west of it.
ground_speed double The estimated ground speed provided by the sensor or calculated between consecutive locations. Units are reportedly m/s, which indicates that there is likely a problem with this data (either the units were reported erroneously or their is an issue with the sensor data).
height_above_ellipsoid double The estimated height above the ellipsoid, typically estimated by the tag. Units: meters
algorithm_marked_outlier logical Identifies events marked as outliers using a user-selected filter algorithm in Movebank. Outliers have the value TRUE.
manually_marked_outlier logical Identifies events flagged manually as outliers, typically using the Event Editor in Movebank, and may also include outliers identified using other methods. Outliers have the value TRUE.
study_name character The name of the study in Movebank.


variable class description
tag_id character A unique identifier for the tag, provided by the data owner. If the data owner does not provide a tag ID, an internal Movebank tag identifier may sometimes be shown.
animal_id character An individual identifier for the animal, provided by the data owner. If the data owner does not provide an Animal ID, an internal Movebank animal identifier is sometimes shown.
animal_taxon character The scientific name of the species on which the tag was deployed, as defined by the Integrated Taxonomic Information System (ITIS, If the species name can not be provided, this should be the lowest level taxonomic rank that can be determined and that is used in the ITIS taxonomy.
deploy_on_date double The timestamp when the tag deployment started.
deploy_off_date double The timestamp when the tag deployment ended.
hunt logical Whether the animal was allowed to hunt.
prey_p_month double Approximate number of prey caught by the animal per month.
animal_reproductive_condition character The reproductive condition of the animal at the beginning of the deployment.
animal_sex character The sex of the animal, as "m" or "f".
hrs_indoors double The average number of hours which the animal was indoors per day.
n_cats double The number of cats in the house.
food_dry logical Whether the cat was fed dry food.
food_wet logical Whether the cat was fed wet food.
food_other logical Whether the cat was fed other food.
study_site character A location such as the deployment site or colony, or a location-related group such as the herd or pack name.
age_years double The age of the animal at the beginning of the deployment, in years. "0" indicates that the animal was < 1 year old.

Cleaning Script


cats_uk <- read_csv("") |> 
  clean_names() |> 
  # Standardize things and reorder columns.
    tag_id = tag_local_identifier,
  ) |> 
  # Explicitly encode FALSE in the outlier columns.
      algorithm_marked_outlier = FALSE,
      manually_marked_outlier = FALSE

cats_uk_reference <- read_csv("") |>
  clean_names() |> 
    # animal_life_stage is ALMOST just age in years.
    age_years = case_when(
      str_detect(animal_life_stage, fixed("<")) ~ 0L,
      str_detect(animal_life_stage, "year") ~ str_extract(
        animal_life_stage, "\\d+"
      ) |> 
      TRUE ~ NA_integer_
  ) |> 
  # There are only a handful of unique values for the comments, extract those.
    "; ",
    names = c("hunt", "prey_p_month")
  ) |> 
    hunt = case_when(
      str_detect(hunt, "Yes") ~ TRUE,
      str_detect(hunt, "No") ~ FALSE,
      TRUE ~ NA
    prey_p_month = as.numeric(
      str_remove(prey_p_month, "prey_p_month: ")
  ) |> 
  # manipulation_comments similarly has a pattern.
    "; ",
    names = c("hrs_indoors", "n_cats", "food")
  ) |> 
    hrs_indoors = as.numeric(
      str_remove(hrs_indoors, "hrs_indoors: ")
    n_cats = as.integer(
      str_remove(n_cats, "n_cats: ")
  ) |> 
    names = c("food_dry", "food_wet", "food_other")
  ) |> 
    food_dry = case_when(
      str_detect(food_dry, "Yes") ~ TRUE,
      str_detect(food_dry, "No") ~ FALSE,
      TRUE ~ NA
    food_wet = case_when(
      str_detect(food_wet, "Yes") ~ TRUE,
      str_detect(food_wet, "No") ~ FALSE,
      TRUE ~ NA
    food_other = case_when(
      str_detect(food_other, "Yes") ~ TRUE,
      str_detect(food_other, "No") ~ FALSE,
      TRUE ~ NA
  ) |>
  # Drop uninteresting fields.


cats_uk |> write_csv(

cats_uk_reference |> write_csv(