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Various discussions in the srfi-discuss mailing list revolved around the topic as how to set-up an infrastructure allowing access to the documentation of Scheme procedures and other symbols defined by Scheme SRFIs. A summary of these discussions can be found here.

While no such infrastructure is available, it can still be interesting to start to work on the Emacs side of things, figuring out how to best integrate documentation into the development workflow - where instead of a well thought out infrastructure just some helpers are used as placeholders. Below I list some crude helpers that I extracted from my init.el as a starting point - it can only get better that that ;)

Implementation options

Relevant links

Packages provided with Emacs

Emacs comes with some limited support for Scheme, namely the following packages:

  • scheme.el, which is a modification of the lisp-mode
  • cmuscheme.el, which supports working with an interactive Scheme REPL

External packages

Below is a non-exhaustive list of interesting packages around Emacs and Scheme. A more canonical overview is presented in the EmacsWiki. You’ll find sufficient info especially for the venerable Multi-Scheme packages Geiser and Quack elsewhere, so no further details here.

Similar features for Common Lisp and Slime

The gold-standard for language integration in Emacs is Common Lisp and Slime. This combo is nearly good enough to stick to Common Lisp just because of Slime. For what we’re after here just check slime-describe-function and slime-describe-symbol. Many of the Slime features are simplified by the extensive introspection capabilities of Common Lisp, which e.g. supports programmatic access to doc-strings of symbols.

Note that Guile Scheme also provides access to the documentation for a procedure with its procedure-documentation procedure, but such documentation doesn’t seem to available for (much of the) standard library.

Note that there is also Slime-contrib support for Kawa, but I couldn’t get that running.

Barebones Scheme support

The helpers below are taken from my init.el and more or less heavily adapted in order to limit further dependecies to whatever else is in that file (and hopefully still working). Much of the code is taken and adapted from here and there - and sources are mostly lost; sorry for that… All variables and functions are prefixed with mmy- which is ugly enough, so replace with whatever you prefer.

Note that the implementation is not exhaustive with regards to the Scheme implementations. I’m mostly using Bigloo, Gambit, Gauche, Guile, Kawa and Racket, so whatever is listed below has only been checked for support for these Schemes, others Schemes might have similar support for these features.

Access Emacs info

An easy target from within Emacs is trying to access Scheme-related documentation in info files. As anywhere else with Emacs and Scheme this mostly means dispatching per individual Scheme implementation and falling back or merging with common Scheme information.

The info files for Bigloo, Gambit, Gauche, Guile and Kawa come with their respective source tarball. also comes with the Guile source tarball.

To avoid any conflicts with other potential configuration of a prefered Scheme implementation, we provide an extra binding to define the Scheme implementation (as a symbol, not as string). Replace that with whatever mechanism you prefer.

(defvar mmy-scheme-implementation 'gambit)
(defun mmy-scheme-info-index-search ()
  "Look up topic for Scheme symbol at point in the index of info
file(s) for current scheme implementation. With prefix arg show a
virtual node with matches, where empty topic shows previous
search results."
  (when-let* ((file-or-node (cl-case mmy-scheme-implementation
                              (bigloo "bigloo")
                              (gambit "gambit")
                              (gauche "gauche-refe")
                              (guile "guile")
                              (kawa "kawa")
                              (t "r5rs")))
              (symbol (scheme-symbol-at-point)))
    (info file-or-node)
    (if current-prefix-arg
        (Info-virtual-index (symbol-name symbol))
      (Info-index (symbol-name symbol)))))
(defun my-helm-scheme-info-at-point ()
  "Helm for the Scheme info pages matching the current scheme implementation."
  (when-let* ((fboundp 'helm)
              (common-helm-info-scheme-sources '(helm-source-info-r5rs helm-source-info-sicp))
              (helm-info-sources (cl-case mmy-scheme-implementation
                                   (bigloo (cons 'helm-source-info-bigloo common-helm-info-scheme-sources))
                                   (gambit (cons 'helm-source-info-gambit common-helm-info-scheme-sources))
                                   (gauche (cons 'helm-source-info-gauche-refe common-helm-info-scheme-sources))
                                   (guile  (cons 'helm-source-info-guile common-helm-info-scheme-sources))
                                   (kawa   (cons 'helm-source-info-kawa common-helm-info-scheme-sources))
                                   (t      common-helm-info-scheme-sources)))
              (symbol (scheme-symbol-at-point)))
    (helm :sources helm-info-sources
          :input (symbol-name symbol))))

Access search engine query results

DuckDuckGo provides a bang to access the documentation of an SRFI given by number, this again is easy enough to access from within Emacs. The implementation below uses browse-url to render the SRFI documentation page, but eww also works fine.

(defun mmy-browse-duckduckgo-srfi ()
  "Searches with !bang `srfi' for number under point."
  (when-let* ((srfi-nr (thing-at-point 'number)))
    (browse-url (concat "!srfi+" (number-to-string srfi-nr)))))

Access a Scheme implementation’s documentation web page

Most Scheme implementations provide an index page that can be used to search for symbols. Below we just wrap opening the relevant info page for some Scheme implementations.

(defun mmy-browse-bigloo-index (&optional arg)
  (interactive "P")
  (browse-url ""))

(defun mmy-browse-chez-index (&optional arg)
  (interactive "P")
  (browse-url ""))

(defun mmy-browse-gambit-index (&optional arg)
  (interactive "P")
  (browse-url ""))

(defun mmy-browse-guile-index (&optional arg)
  (interactive "P")
  (browse-url ""))

(defun mmy-browse-gauche-index (&optional arg)
  (interactive "P")
  (browse-url ""))

(defun mmy-browse-kawa-index (&optional arg)
  (interactive "P")
  (browse-url ""))

(defun mmy-browse-racket-index (&optional arg)
  (interactive "P")
  (let* ((local-prefix (expand-file-name "~/local/racket/share/doc/racket/"))
         (racket-hp-prefix "")
         (url-suffix "reference/doc-index.html")
         (local-url (concat local-prefix url-suffix)))
    ;; Note: the local installation of the Racket docs does *not* support the search page at; /search/index.html?q=
    ;;       - file:///home/frank/.racket/7.1/doc/search/index.html?q=let-values
    ;;       the following command line command will open local docs in the browser:
    ;;       - $ raco docs let-values
    ;;       the following input into the Racket repl will also open the docs the browser:
    ;;       - > ,doc let-values
    (browse-url (if (file-exists-p local-url)
                    (concat "file://" local-url)
                  (concat racket-hp-prefix url-suffix)))))

Some Scheme implementations also provide the option to search through the documentation using a search symbol as query parameter. Again we can combine access to the symbol at point and the browser in simple Emacs helpers:

(defun mmy-browse-gauche-symbol ()
  "Searches Gauche documentation for symbol under point."
  (when-let* ((symbol (scheme-symbol-at-point)))
    (browse-url (concat "" (symbol-name symbol)))))

(defun mmy-browse-racket-symbol ()
  "Searches Racket documentation for symbol under point."
  ;; This requires the Racket docs realm to be set to TRUSTED for firefox and NoScript.
  ;; Note: there is no need to also support DuckDuckGo, since the !racket bang just opens the Racket index.
  (when-let* ((symbol (scheme-symbol-at-point)))
    (browse-url (concat "" (symbol-name symbol)))))

Access documentation provided by a Scheme implementation’s REPL

Whereas the helpers above just work by accessing documentation available in local files or external web pages, deeper integration is possible when using the introspection facilities provided by a Scheme implementation - and when accessed from Emacs by communicating with the REPL, assuming that the REPL for the given Scheme implementation can be started.

Below we’re simply using (scheme-proc) from the cmuscheme package. This returns the current Scheme process or starts one using run-scheme - again from the cmuscheme package - if necessary. Note that this simple mechanism will not support the case where we want to switch between different REPLs for different implementations in case we want to switch the implementation within one Emacs session.

(defun mmy-scheme-repl-docs-request ()
  "Display documentation for Scheme symbol at point in the REPL
of the current Scheme implementation, using the respective
feature of that REPL."
  (when-let* ((sp (scheme-proc))
              (req-builder (cl-case mmy-scheme-implementation
                             (gauche (lambda (curr-sym) (concat ",info " curr-sym "\n")))
                             (guile  (lambda (curr-sym) (concat ",describe " curr-sym "\n")))
                             (racket (lambda (curr-sym) (concat ",describe " curr-sym "\n")))
                             (t      (lambda (curr-sym) (concat curr-sym "\n")))))
              (symbol (scheme-symbol-at-point))
              (subject (symbol-name symbol)))
    (comint-send-string sp (funcall req-builder subject))
    (switch-to-scheme t)))

Eldoc support using a Scheme’s REPL documentation features

Function `mmy-scheme-repl-docs-request’ is not very elegant, because it always switches to the REPL buffer - and that even if no documentation has been found. Emacs `eldoc’ provides a non-intrusive UI which simply displays some documentation information for the symbol at point in the message buffer, if available - and we can use that to have a more elegant way to display symbol documentation.

In order to fetch the documentation, we again use the method already shown above reading - and now also parsing - the REPLs introspection results.

(defun mmy--scheme-shell-send-async (string)
  ;; Sadly this is quite unreliable, in that it doesn't always
  ;; return the complete result, even with long timeouts for `accept-process-output' and especially for Racket. Try
  ;; running it multiple times until it returns a value.
  "Send STRING to internal Scheme REPL process asynchronously."
  (let ((output-buffer " *Scheme redirect work buffer*")
        (sp (scheme-proc)))
    (with-current-buffer (get-buffer-create output-buffer)
      (comint-redirect-send-command-to-process string output-buffer sp nil t)
      (set-buffer (process-buffer sp))
      (while (and (null comint-redirect-completed)
                  (accept-process-output sp 0.5 nil t)))
      (set-buffer output-buffer)

(defvar mmy--scheme-symbol-info (make-hash-table :test #'eq))
(defvar mmy--scheme-cached-implementation nil)

(defun mmy-scheme-get-current-symbol-info ()
  "`eldoc-documentation-function' for various Schemes."
  (unless (eq mmy-scheme-implementation mmy--scheme-symbol-info-implementation)
    (setq mmy--scheme-symbol-info-implementation mmy-scheme-implementation)
    (clrhash mmy--scheme-symbol-info))
  (cl-labels ((try-get-info (curr-sym)
                            (if-let* ((known (gethash curr-sym mmy--scheme-symbol-info)))
                              (when-let* ((found (let ((curr-str (symbol-name curr-sym)))
                                                    ((eq mmy-scheme-implementation 'gauche)
                                                     (let ((info (mmy--scheme-shell-send-async
                                                                  (concat ",info " curr-str "\n"))))
                                                       (unless (string-prefix-p "No info document for " info)
                                                    ((eq mmy-scheme-implementation 'guile)
                                                     ;; Note: don't worry if nothing is found: guile seems to have
                                                     ;;  `,describe' results only for a limited amount of bindings:
                                                     (let ((info (mmy--scheme-shell-send-async
                                                                  (concat ",describe " curr-str "\n"))))
                                                       (unless (string-prefix-p "#f" info)
                                                    ((or (eq mmy-scheme-implementation 'racket)
                                                         (eq mmy-scheme-implementation 'typed-racket))
                                                     (mmy--scheme-shell-send-async (concat ",describe " curr-str "\n")))
                                (puthash curr-sym found mmy--scheme-symbol-info)))) ; `puthash' returns the passed value
              (strip-info (str)
                           ((eq mmy-scheme-implementation 'gauche)
                            ;; Note: this does not support the interactive case, e.g. for `format'.
                             (cl-remove-if-not #'identity
                                                (lambda (line)
                                                  (and (string-match " -- \\(.*\\): \\(.*\\)" line)
                                                       (match-string 2 line)))
                                                (split-string str "\n")))
                             "; "))
                           ((eq mmy-scheme-implementation 'guile)
                             (cl-remove-if-not #'identity
                                                (lambda (line)
                                                  (and (string-match "- \\(.*\\): \\(.*\\)" line) (match-string 2 line)))
                                                (split-string str "\n")))
                             "; "))
                           ((or (eq mmy-scheme-implementation 'racket) (eq mmy-scheme-implementation 'typed-racket))
                             (let ((lines (cl-remove-if
                                           (lambda (s) (not (stringp s)))          ; here we need the empty strings
                                            (lambda (s) (string-trim s "[ \t;]+")) ; now also trim the leading ';'
                                            (split-string str "[\n]")))))
                               (cl-loop with got-start = nil
                                        with do-collect = nil
                                        for line in lines
                                        ;; switch off collecting after the usage options for binding are listed
                                        ;; (check e.g. with `define')
                                        when (and do-collect (zerop (length line))) do (setq do-collect nil)
                                        ;; skip line (holding e.g. "procedure") after "documentation:"
                                        when do-collect collect line into doc-lines
                                        ;; output will become interesting soon:
                                        when got-start do (setq got-start nil do-collect t)
                                        when (eq line "documentation:") do (setq got-start t)
                                        finally return doc-lines))
                             "; "))
        (when-let* ((fboundp 'scheme-enclosing-2-sexp-prefixes) ; from scheme-complete.el
                    (curr-syms (scheme-enclosing-2-sexp-prefixes)))
          (when-let* ((full-info (or (try-get-info (car curr-syms))
                                     (try-get-info (caddr curr-syms)))))
            (strip-info full-info))))))

(defun mmy-scheme-show-current-symbol-info ()
  "Interactive test helper for `mmy-scheme-get-current-symbol-info'; just call with point at Scheme symbol."
  (when-let ((info (mmy-scheme-get-current-symbol-info)))
    (my-message "%s" info)))

(defun mmy-scheme-init-eldoc (&optional replace)
  "Set `eldoc-documentation-function' to `mmy-scheme-get-current-symbol-info'."
  (make-local-variable 'eldoc-documentation-function)
  (if replace
      (setq eldoc-documentation-function #'mmy-scheme-get-current-symbol-info)
    (add-function :before-until (local 'eldoc-documentation-function) #'mmy-scheme-get-current-symbol-info))

Company auto-completion support using a Scheme’s REPL documentation features

Another helpful integration scenario is fetching symbol information to allow auto-completion at point. The code block below provides a (non battle-tested) implementation of an auto-completion backend for the company package. Completion candidates are again fetched from the current REPL, using the REPLs apropos feature, where provided.

(defun mmy-scheme-company-backend (command &optional arg &rest ignored)
  "Company backend for some Schemes, based on each REPL's `,apropos' command."
  (interactive (list 'interactive))
  (cl-labels ((gauche-apropos->list (str)
                                     (lambda (s) (or (not (stringp s))
                                                (string-match "(.*)" s)))
                                     (split-string str)))
              (guile-apropos->list (str)
                                    (lambda (s) (not (stringp s)))
                                     (lambda (match-item)
                                       (cadr (mapcar #'string-trim (split-string match-item "[:\t]"))))
                                     (split-string str "\n"))))
              (racket-apropos->list (request-prefix str)
                                    (let ((response-prefix "; Matches: "))
                                      (if (string-prefix-p response-prefix str)
                                           (lambda (s) (or (not (stringp s))
                                                      (zerop (length s))
                                                      (not (string-prefix-p request-prefix s))))
                                            (split-string (substring str (length response-prefix)) "[\n;,\.]")))
    (cl-case command
       (company-begin-backend 'mmy-scheme-company-backend))
       (cond                       ; should work for: gauche, guile and racket; nothing found for bigloo, gsi, kawa.
        ((eq mmy-scheme-implementation 'gauche)
         (when-let* ((symbol (scheme-symbol-at-point)))
           (propertize (symbol-name symbol) 'fontified nil)))
        ((eq mmy-scheme-implementation "guile")
         (when-let* ((symbol (scheme-symbol-at-point)))
           (propertize (symbol-name symbol) 'fontified nil)))
        ((eq mmy-scheme-implementation "racket")
         (when-let* ((symbol (scheme-symbol-at-point)))
           (propertize (symbol-name symbol) 'fontified nil)))
        (t nil)))
         ((eq mmy-scheme-implementation 'gauche)
          ;; prepend the symbol with `^', so that we only find symbol*, but not *symbol*:
          (gauche-apropos->list (mmy--scheme-shell-send-async (format ",apropos ^%s" arg))))
         ((eq mmy-scheme-implementation 'guile)
          ;; Note: this will only send the first matching line with Guile
          (guile-apropos->list (mmy--scheme-shell-send-async (format ",apropos ^%s" arg))))
         ((eq mmy-scheme-implementation 'racket)
          ;; prepending the symbol with `^' won't work for Racket, so we pass the prefix to strip:
          (racket-apropos->list arg (mmy--scheme-shell-send-async (format ",apropos %s" arg))))
         (t nil))
        :test 'string=))
      (sorted t))))

Providing external infrastructure to simplify Scheme development with Emacs

That’s what we plan to do…

Also provide some context on LSP and whether and where that could be of use.