nb boot netbsd 9 foo
Fetch binary sets, shut down
cp var/disks/netbsd9-foo.qcow2 var/disks/netbsd10-foo.qcow2
git mv etc/nbvm-netbsd9-foo etc/nbvm-netbsd10-foo
vi etc/nbvm-netbsd10-foo
nb boot netbsd 10 foo
Install modules, kernel, maybe bootblocks
Reboot into 10 kernel
dhcpcd_flags="${dhcpcd_flags} --waitip=4"
rm -rf /stand/*/9.*
chsh toor
(to /rescue/sh
(for the _dhcpcd
user to take)
Reboot into full 10.0 and run sysinst
from in there, for good measure
rm var/disks/netbsd9-foo.qcow2
( cd ~/bin && rm make pkgbuild qemu-* )
( cd /etc/pkg \
&& sudo rm -f pkgbuild-shared.mk.conf \
&& sudo ln -s ~schmonz/trees/nbvm/etc/nbpkg-shared.mk.conf . \
&& sudo vi /etc/pkg/mk.conf )
( cd ~/trees/nbvm && make )
cat /etc/pkg/mk.conf
( cd security/openssl && make package )
for i in libfetch pkg_install; do ( cd */$i && make PKG_OPTIONS.libfetch=-openssl replace clean ); done
( cd security/openssl && make replace clean )
for i in libfetch fetch pkg_install; do ( cd */$i && make replace clean ); done
pkg_rolling-replace -suv
pkg_delete py310-\* python310
pkg_delete py39-\* python39
- Create
with values from:qemu-port-allocate
qemu-fqdn2mac netbsd9-mac68k.pet-power-plant.local
qemu-disk-create ~/trees/nbvm/var/disks/netbsd9-mac68k.qcow2
nb boot netbsd 9 mac68k -cdrom /path/to/iso
- Boot installer serially!
- Rocky Linux e.g.: up-arrow, Tab, remove
, manually typeinst.text console=ttyS0,115200
- Ubuntu just works
- Rocky Linux e.g.: up-arrow, Tab, remove
- Boot installer serially!
- Remove bootloader timeout:
- Rocky Linux e.g.:
, thengrub2-mkconfig -o /boot/grub2/grub.cfg
- Rocky Linux e.g.:
- Remove "activate the web console" message on Red Hats:
dnf remove cockpit-ws
- Permit
to be a symlink:- Red Hats:
sudo setsebool -P use_nfs_home_dirs 1
- Tribblix: append
StrictModes no
- Red Hats:
nb sh netbsd 9 mac68k
dnf update
or what have yousudo locale-gen en_US.UTF-8
on Ubuntu (and maybe Debian)- passwordless
to be able to do that- and
will need/opt/pkg/sbin:/opt/pkg/bin
- and
$ sudo apk add nfs-utils gcc g++ procps coreutils linux-headers # Alpine
$ sudo pacman -S nfs-utils gcc inetutils # Arch
$ sudo apt install nfs-common gcc g++ # Debian
$ sudo dnf install nfs-utils gcc gcc-c++ redhat-lsb-core # Red Hat
$ sudo pkg install gcc-11 # Solaris 11
$ sudo xbps-install curl # Void
Add NFS entry to /etc/*fstab
, for instance (from Rocky Linux): /home/schmonz/trees nfs rw,auto,noatime,nolock,bg,nfsvers=3,tcp,actimeo=1800 0 0
$ mkdir ~/trees
$ sudo mount ~schmonz/trees
$ sudo ~schmonz/trees/nbvm/bin/nbpkg bootstrap
$ mv -f .bashrc .bashrc.netbsd10.orig
$ mv -f .bash_profile .bash_profile.netbsd10.orig
$ mv -f .profile .profile.netbsd10.orig
$ cd ~/trees/dotfiles && /opt/pkg/bin/bmake dotfiles
$ mkdir -p ~/.vim && ln -s ~/trees/vimbundle ~/.vim/bundle
$ . ~/.profile
$ bmake; man bmake
$ cd ~/trees/nbvm && bmake
$ cd ~/trees/pkgsrc-cvs/pkgtools/shlock && msv NBPKG_PLATFORM
$ make install clean
$ cd ../../security/sudo && make install clean
$ sudo pkg_admin fetch-pkg-vulnerabilities
$ cd ../../shells/bash && make install clean
$ chsh # or passwd -e on Solaris
$ cd pkgtools/pkg_rolling-replace && mic
$ cd net/fetch && mic # mozilla-rootcerts install here, if needed
$ nbpkg mancompress
$ cd meta-pkgs/pkg_developer && mic
$ nbpkg moretools
$ cd sysutils/etckeeper && mic
$ sudo etckeeper init && sudo etckeeper commit -m 'Initial commit.'
$ ( cd /etc/pkg && sudo git remote add origin ~schmonz/trees/buildvm-etc.git && sudo git branch -M $PLATFORM && sudo git gc && sudo git push -u origin HEAD )
$ cd meta-pkgs/qmail-server && mic
$ cd www/ikiwiki && mic
$ sudo etckeeper commit -m 'My most important stuff works.'
$ cd pkgtools/pkg_comp && mic
$ sudo etckeeper commit -m 'My weekly server rebuilds might work.'
When nbpkg listcompilers
outputs two or more lines, some packages could not be built with the system compiler.
That's good: it means most packages have been exercised against the system compiler and pkgsrc automatically handled the other cases as well.
Now let's exercise all packages against the newest compiler currently in use.
For instance, if it's pkgsrc gcc-10.5.0
, add these lines to /etc/pkg/mk.conf
GCC_REQD= 10.5.0
Rebuild all installed packages that had not been built with gcc-10.5.0
$ for i in $(pkg_info | awk '{print $1}'); do j=$(pkg_info -Q CC_VERSION $i); [ "$j" = "gcc-10.5.0" ] || echo $i; done | grep -v ^gcc10- | sudo xargs pkg_admin set rebuild=YES
$ pkg_rolling-replace -sv
Validate: does nbpkg listcompilers
now output only one line?
- Control image sizes:
- Guests: TRIM, or else automate
nbvm zerofreespace
- Linux:
fstrim -av
- NetBSD: experimental
mount option, looks like a nope
- Linux:
- Hosts:
qemu-img convert -O qcow2 disk.qcow2 disk_notasbig.qcow2
qemu-img convert -O qcow2 -c disk.qcow2 disk_compressed.qcow2
- Guests: TRIM, or else automate
- Script this bootstrap process (must be easy to resume after failure)
- Start all VMs on host boot (maybe with
) - Automate a
session with windows for all of them - Automate "run this command on all VMs" (to build-test packages before commit)
- Extend
:- Alpine
- Void
- Convert
nbpkg moretools
to a (perhaps ephemeral) meta-package - Convert
? - Install everything else I'm MAINTAINER for, as a (perhaps ephemeral) meta-package
- Hey, how about full
builds? - Set up
with build hosts at:- Mac Pro x86 running Ubuntu
- Mac mini x86 running macOS
- (if those help, awesome, get a Mac Studio)
Host smartos-x86_64 smartos
HostName localhost
Port 4445
User root
Host osxserver-x86_64 osxserver
HostName localhost
Port 4545
HostKeyAlgorithms +ssh-rsa,ssh-dss
Host osxnew
HostName localhost
Port 4547
Host snowleopard-x86_64 snowleopard
HostName localhost
Port 4546