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178 lines (135 loc) · 6.37 KB

File metadata and controls

178 lines (135 loc) · 6.37 KB


2022.10.20 UTC+8 16:00

  • Fix the Tween error with queue actions.


2021.8.18 UTC+8 10:42

  • Fix case spelling error in ArrayList.c.
  • Update the Vibrator API of Android.
  • Add the Smooth function and Set the Smooth as the default ease.
  • Optimize the Tween implementation by remove the queueAction.
  • Refactor the ArrayQueue, rename Push to Enqueue and Pop to Dequeue. (Break Compatibility)


2021.2.19 UTC+8 00:27

  • Fix static missing of EGLTool function.
  • Add AFont_SetTextColor to Font.
  • Add docs to repo.
  • Improve comments and logs of [Application, Input, Vibrator].
  • Update the codestyle site for all source code.


2021.2.6 UTC+8 13:26

  • Refactor the PhysicsCollision implementation.

  • Remove RotateM function in Matrix.c.

  • Rename Ortho to Orthographic.

  • Rename Interpolates to Easing in ATweenEase.

  • Add some collision algorithms to the Math.

  • Add rotatioinX and rotationY in Drawable.

  • Add EasingTimeFns in ATweenEase.

  • Fix precision problem of TweenEase BackInElasticOut.

  • Fix Bounce function error when easing complete in TweenEase.

  • Fix bug off_t convert to off_t* in function OpenFileDescriptor of File.c.

  • Fix the bug of Json parseObject that modifying the json string.

  • Optimize matrix ratation.

  • Optimize easing functions that delete all redundant else keywords.

  • Optimize easing functions ElasticIn, Out, IntOut.

  • Optimize the implementation of Json SkipString.


2019.9.5 UTC+8 15:42

  • Features

    • Add Vibratorimplementation.
    • Add JniTool functions: CallNativeActivityMethod, CallActivityMethod, GetField, GetArrayLength, GetArrayAt, GetNativeActivityField, GetEnvPtr.
    • Add Audio Stop function.
    • Add Create and Init functions with filePath.
    • Add AUserData_AddSlotInt and AUserData_AddSlotFloat.
    • Add macro AArray_MakeWithData().
    • Add Mesh drawMode.
    • Add Vector and Color macro define for construct composite literal.
    • Add Mesh fucntions: Deform, DeformByIndex.
    • Add GetDrawCalls function of ADrawable.
    • Add Color RGB macros.
    • Add Deform function of Sprite.
    • Add TweenEase functions: TweenEaseType_BackInExponentialOut, TweenEaseType_BackInElasticOut.
    • Add Thread implementation.
    • Add SystemInfo implementation.
    • Add AMath inline functions: AMath_InvSqrtf, AMath_Sqrtf in Math.
    • Add MultiplyMZ function of AMatrix.
    • Add GetWorldScaleV2 function of ADrawable.
    • Add macro AMatrix_Make(...) for construct Matrix composite literal.
  • Refactor Code (Break Compatibility)

    • Refactor "JniTool" implementation.
    • Refactor Primitive implementation.
    • Refactor Quad implementation.
    • Refactor Mesh and SubMesh implementation.
    • Refactor Physics implementation.
    • Refactor File and FileTool implementation.
    • Refactor UserData implementation.
    • Refactor Drawable and ADrawable implementation.
    • Refactor ABitwise implementation.
    • Refactor PhysicsBody state and collisionGroup set/add functions.
    • Refactor NativeGlue.c context data object.
    • Refactor the GetKey function return value type from char* to const char*.
    • Refactor ACoroutine implementation from labels as values to switch case.
    • Refactor const constraints of Json implementation.
  • Refactor Name (Break Compatibility)

    • Rename random()to rand() and srandom() to srand().
    • Rename Id to ID.
    • Rename SetPlay to Play, SetPause to Pause.
    • Rename enum variable names of MeshDefine.
    • Rename JSON Release to Delete.
    • Rename Toolkit Head to HeaderUtils.
    • Rename DrawableState_UpdateInverse to DrawableState_UpdateInverseMatrix, DrawableState_IsUpdateMVP to DrawableState_IsUpdateMVPMatrix.
    • Rename elementArray to elementArr.
    • Rename Json and Tween functions name.
    • Rename File and FileTool functions name.
    • Rename SetWithQuad to SetUVWithQuad.
    • Rename ADrawable RenderQueue to Render.
    • Rename BufferReader functions name and macros.
    • Rename consts of Sprite, Mesh, Quad that make them legible.
  • Removed Code (Break Compatibility)

    • Remove AArray_GetData of Array.
    • Remove Particle System.
  • Optimizations

    • Optimize IOS swift calls Mojoc code.
    • Optimize i-- to --i as can do as possible.
    • Optimize i++ to ++i as can do as possible.
    • Optimize Mesh, SubMesh, Quad data calculation.
    • Optimize Skeleton Update function implementation.
    • Optimize Physics implementation
    • Optimize BufferReader implementation.
    • Optimize File and FileTool implementation.
    • Optimize InputTouch implementation.
    • Optimize Application make it more clear and stable.
    • Optimize composite literal have clear length.
    • Optimize binary search.
    • Optimize BufferReader TryFindString function.
    • Optimize Json ParseNumber function.
    • Optimize functions: MultiplyMX, MultiplyMY, MultiplyMV2.
    • Optimize audio play callback error check.
    • Optimize Json function SkipWhiteSpace call in ParseArray and ParseObject.
    • Optimize Mesh and SubMesh funcations: `SetUVWithQuad, CreateWithData, CreateWithQuad.
    • Optimize Sprite Deform that move update data implementation to render function by if use VBO.
  • Fix Bugs

    • Fix FontText alignment bug.
    • Fix rendering bug when app goes into the background and not changing the content size.
    • Fix Android destroy callback bug when app in background.
    • Fix Audio Release bug in Android.
    • Fix RenderLines bug.
    • Fix ANativeActivity, OnContentRectChanged callback bug.
    • Fix NativeGlue bug when window resized.
    • Fix EGL error setting when screen lock/unlock.
    • Fix E/libEGL: validate_display:99 error 3008 (EGL_BAD_DISPLAY).
    • Fix OpenSLES "E/libOpenSLES: Error after prepare: 1" in some devices.
    • Fix point and polygon collision algorithm error.


2018.1.16 UTC+8 17:12

  • Update copyright.
  • Optimize Json ParseNumber and code format.
  • Json optimize if else to switch case.
  • Refactor Json ParseObject, ParseArray and SkipString fucntions.
  • Rename TweenData to Tween.
  • Fix tween variable name error and float value missing 'f'.
  • Fix code warning and modify log msg.
  • Add LibPng 1.6.25 XCode and AndroidStudio project.
  • Modify java and swift code.


2017.7.2 UTC+8 09:58

  • Initial Release.