Mojoc combines Component-Based, State-Machine, Message-Driven in one structure, which is Mojoc Component.
There is no Entity to manage Components here, because the Entity functions are merged into the Component. The result is that all components build a recursive tree structure, and the Component is a minimal reusable structure, which can manage a set of subcomponents.
struct Component
int order;
Component* parent;
ArrayIntMap(order, Component*) childMap[1];
struct AComponent
void (*AddChild) (Component* parent, Component* child, int order);
void (*AppendChild) (Component* parent, Component* child);
void (*RemoveChild) (Component* parent, Component* child);
void (*RemoveAllChildren) (Component* parent);
void (*ReorderAllChildren)(Component* parent);
control subcomponents.- Parallel subcomponents are sorted by order.
A Component has one or more states, and must be in a certain state — everything has a state, this is an abstract mapping. And the Component as a minimal reusable structure, usually has data and behavior, the state is the presentation of different behaviors under the different data.
So this is means the Component can has own State-Machine to control and manage its states.
struct ComponentState
int id;
void (*Update) (Component* component, float deltaSeconds);
void (*UpdateAfter)(Component* component, float deltaSeconds);
bool (*OnMessage) (Component* component, void* sender, int subject, void* extraData);
struct Component
ComponentState* curState;
ComponentState* preState;
ComponentState* defaultState;
ArrayIntMap(stateId, ComponentState*) stateMap[1];
struct AComponent
void (*SetState)(Component* component, int stateId);
ComponentState* (*AddState)(Component* component, int stateId, ComponentStateOnMessage onMessage, ComponentStateUpdate update);
- Each state can receive and handle message.
- Components can build a hierarchical state machine system.
The Component can be either a message publisher or a message subscriber. It‘s like a minimal interactive structure, and the Component implements the control and feedback.
struct Component
ArrayIntSet(Component*) observerSet[1];
struct AComponent
void (*AddObserver) (Component* sender, Component* observer);
void (*RemoveObserver)(Component* sender, Component* observer);
bool (*SendMessage) (Component* component, void* sender, int subject, void* extraData);
void (*Notify) (Component* sender, int subject, void* extraData);
, both useOnMessage
receive message notification.SendMessage
for all subcomponents.Notify
for subscription components.
It's a minimal reusable, interactive, stateful, composable, extensible structure. And the code implementation is as follows: