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Releases: scratchaddons-community/scradd


13 Aug 23:26
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  • impr: Make reaction warns less severe
  • impr: Support months and tears in /ban
  • impr: Add banners to /user-info
  • impr: Update custom dad responses
  • impr: Log sever errors
  • fix: Correct referenced message link
  • fix: Don't escape links in /addon's Contributors field
  • fix: Add range for /ban's unban-in option
  • fix: Don't warn 3 extra times for embeds
  • fix: Just don't warn bots
  • fix: Make custom role colors case-insensitive
  • fix: Correct /ban unban-in's description
  • fix: Update bad words
  • fix: Update autoreactions
  • fix: Sanitize error causes
  • fix: Hide embeds on failed purge


07 Aug 19:47
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This update contains an assortment of bugfixes and smaller improvements. The most notable is a new /ban-user command that supports DM ban notifications and timed bans. The reminders system has also been redone so reminders are sent much closer to the actual set time. Finally, the ScratchTools invite link has been whitelisted (and added to ⁠Other Scratch Servers⁠) in an effort to promote collaboration between the two extensions.
See below for detailed changes.


  • feat: Add /ban-user command
  • impr: Add a custom message for automatic verbal warns
  • impr: Whitelist the ScratchTools invite link
  • fix: Make sticker warns less severe
  • fix: Prevent suppressing embeds on deleted messages


  • impr: Handle replies better
  • impr: Backup the databases
  • impr: Make the databases thread private in new servers
  • fix: Explicity set new logging threads to archive after a week
  • fix: Log some uncaught errors


  • impr: Automatically lock closed tickets
  • impr: Send ticket-blocked users the resources on DMs
  • fix: Correct the open ticket detection
  • fix: Update the Server Suggestions thread link


  • impr: Make reminders more accurate
  • impr: Automatically reset canceled reccuring events
  • fix: Ignore missing channels


  • impr: Avoid joking about serious topics
  • impr: Update custom dad responses
  • fix: Update autoreactions


  • impr: Better conditional buttons
  • impr: Ephemeral button responses


  • impr: Lower potatoboard count in most private channels
  • fix: Differenctiate between blocked and flagged AutoMod messages


  • impr: Automatically archive locked posts

Memory Match:

  • impr: Add instructions button to ping


  • fix: Bring back /xp graph
  • fix: Make the "Toggle Mentions" button work
  • fix: Disable the Toggle Pings button when pressed


  • fix: Don't ping roles in new private threads
  • fix: Stop randomly removing people from threads


  • fix: Tweak custom role banlist
  • fix: Remove weekly winners' custom roles (credit to @Platformer444)


  • impr: Indicate kicks vs leaves
  • impr: Escape expanded markdown
  • fix: Allow custom emojis again in polls
  • fix: Send 404 responses on the server
  • fix: Correct the Node version in /info credits


31 Jul 00:45
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  • impr: Make /explore-potatoes's button timeout 4 times longer
  • impr: Update custom dad responses
  • impr: Send new ticket messages to a presently opened ticket
  • impr: Update memory emojis
  • fix: Stop people from clicking 3 emojis in a /memory-match turn
  • fix: Reduce lag when opening tickets
  • fix: Allow new people to modify their settings again


23 Jul 20:42
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  • impr: Keep track of the Memory Match Tourney
  • fix: Give the active role to everyone who qualifies (again)
  • fix: Prevent adding or removing warns from timing out
  • fix: Make /poll vote-mode work properly
  • fix: Don't cancel memory match when pressing the instructions button
  • fix: Prevent duplicate invite create logs (even though it's Discord's bug)
  • fix: Stop moderating the Scradd server in certain cases
  • fix: More detailed reasons for updating the info category name


19 Jul 03:00
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  • impr: Add back role delete logs
  • impr: Move around some logs
  • fix: Better pre-restart detection
  • fix: Properly mention commands in error messages
  • fix: Handle logs with multiline reasons
  • fix: Cleanup database error handling
  • fix: Handle errors thrown while connecting

Memory Match

  • impr: Add instructions
  • impr: Add bonus-turns option
  • fix: Silently fail when it's not your turn
  • fix: Change mode to easy-mode
  • fix: Update emojis


  • impr: Bring back pingable name detection
  • impr: Improve conflicting nickname auto-changing
  • fix: Prevent occasional double-logs when nicknames conflict


  • impr: Properly assign Active Member
  • fix: Prevent the text in /xp graph from disappearing
  • fix: Correct the date in Weekly Winners thread titles
  • fix: Change "Inactive" to "Inactive this week" in /xp rank
  • fix: Prevent bots from getting XP
  • fix: Correct level 89's required XP


  • impr: Don't call two verbal warns non-verbal
  • fix: Fix viewing a strike by ID
  • fix: Update bad words


  • impr: Add #sa-chat-support to the resources DM
  • fix: Allow starting tickets again by changing the date in thread titles to the user's ID
  • fix: Improve ticket type names


  • impr: Add RAM usage to /info
  • fix: Move the Node.JS version from /info status to /info credits
  • fix: Properly format outputted functions in /run


  • impr: Update dad responses
  • fix: Update autoreactions
  • fix: Ignore forum post starting messages


  • impr: Add more persisted roles
  • fix: Automatically give the Weekly Winner custom role permissions


  • impr: Remove weekly ping option
  • fix: Stop /settings from showing incorrect colors


  • fix: Make buttons' text concise
  • fix: Consistant confirmation messages
  • fix: Consistant wording of modal titles
  • fix: Consistant capitalization of modal fields
  • fix: Remove incorrect periods from stringified Discord messages


20 Jun 03:42
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  • impr: Delete custom roles when users leave the server
  • impr: Say who updated custom roles in audit log and modlog
  • impr: Expand role creation and deletion logs
  • impr: Censor bad words in custom role names
  • impr: Deny some custom role names
  • impr: Add a reason when adding custom roles to users
  • impr: Add reason to autolocks/autocloses
  • impr: Add a reason when archiving memory match threads
  • fix: Don't remove everyone from threads
  • fix: Only let mods cancel /thread commands
  • fix: Delete custom roles when people no longer qualify
  • fix: Make certain warn messages slightly more concise
  • fix: Update /custom-role's "no permissions" error for consistency
  • fix: Stop command mentions from occasionally breaking


19 Jun 02:46
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  • feat: Add /custom-role command
  • feat: Add /thread command
  • impr: Make reminder times case insensitive
  • impr: Update autoreactions
  • fix: Log deleted messages again
  • fix: Correct active role 1-week threshold
  • fix: Account for unset display names in modlogs
  • fix: Reword /reminders add's time option's description
  • fix: Update bad words list
  • fix: Reword /guess-addon's description


18 Jun 02:40
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impr: Use threads for /memory-match
impr: Add more external emojis to /memory-match
impr: Allow automuting mods
impr: Rename /memory to /memory-match
fix: Fix all autoreactions being broken
fix: Don't warn for bad words in display names
fix: Distinguish between display names and usernames in modlog
fix: Don't let people get negative XP
fix: Lower max user count for /xp graph
fix: Disable buttons if accepting /memory-match fails
fix: Correct /xp graph's text disappearing (hopefully)
fix: Allow removing RoboTop warns
fix: Stop sometimes logging the /memory-match ping deletions
fix: Tweak bad words list
fix: Mention /memory-match's default difficulty


16 Jun 03:00
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  • feat: Add /memory
  • feat: Remove /guess-addon player
  • impr: Add an option to end the game when starting a new one
  • fix: Fix typo in /guess-addon when timing out


  • feat: Reminders when people forget to bump
  • feat: Dynamically update the reminders limit based on your XP


  • feat: Add /xp graph
  • impr: Properly post the full weekly XP list
  • impr: Add back percentages to /xp rank
  • impr: Tweak levels
  • fix: Correct /xp rank description


  • impr: Log display name changes
  • impr: Log when likely spammers join
  • impr: Change some .txt files to .md files
  • fix: Better error handling
  • fix: Ignore timeout errors
  • fix: Remove useless button to private threads
  • fix: Stop spamming empty databases on restart
  • fix: Only error once when finding databases crashes


  • impr: Update bad words
  • impr: Move "Too many verbal strikes"
  • fix: Stop exposing too much information in /strikes id for certain strikes
  • fix: Stop /warn from also erroring
  • fix: Be more explicit about where AutoMod warns came from


  • impr: Update dad responses
  • impr: Update autoreactions


  • impr: Make /say's reply option have more meaningful information
  • impr: Make /run more intuitive


  • impr: Add 20 character minimum to ticket bodies
  • fix: Stop people leaving from throwing errors


  • impr: Rearrange information


  • fix: Actually fix addon search ordering


  • fix: Correct command mentions


  • feat: Use display names everywhere
  • feat: Disallow #Server Suggestions from automatically closing
  • impr: Remove mod status logs
  • fix: Sort command option choices alphabetically
  • fix: Update wording of mod-only commands


28 May 03:12
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  • Don't remove all emojis in #suggestions
  • Fix /settings buttons