Sdcb.RotationDetector is part of PaddleClas, it's based on PULC Classification Model of Text Image Orientation
NuGet Package 💼 | Version 📌 | Description 📚 |
Sdcb.RotationDetector | RotationDetector library(based on Sdcb.PaddleInference) ⚙️ |
Install NuGet Packages:
Sdcb.PaddleInference.runtime.win64.mkl Sdcb.RotationDetector
Using following C# code to get result:
using PaddleRotationDetector detector = new PaddleRotationDetector(RotationDetectionModel.EmbeddedDefault); using Mat src = Cv2.ImRead(@"C:\your-local-file-here.jpg"); RotationResult r = detector.Run(src); Console.WriteLine(r.Rotation); // _0, _90, _180, _270 // Restore to non-rotated: // r.RestoreRotationInPlace(src);