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File metadata and controls

120 lines (88 loc) · 6.08 KB

PIP-3: Blobs

A blob is a fixed-size file that contains the data associated with a single Handshake name. They are conceptually similar to storage volumes in that they support random-access reads and writes within a size bound.

blob size
The maximum size of a blob. Currently, this is set to 16 mebibytes (16,777,216 bytes).
sector size
The maximum size of a sector. Currently, this is set to 65,536 bytes.
sector ID
The index of a sector within a blob. For example, given the blob and sector sizes above, the sector ID representing offsets 65,536-131,072 would be 1.

A blob is a file that is exactly blob size in length. Data may be written to or read from any offset within the blob. Offsets that have not been explicitly written to are assumed to contain null bytes. Implementations MAY store blobs however they see fit as long as these constraints are respected.

Blobs are further partitioned into blob size/sector size sectors. Sectors are used by the synchronization protocol described by PIP-4 to determine which pieces of the blob have changed, and authenticate those changes. Sectors have IDs, which correspond to their indices within each blob.

Diagrammatically, blobs look like this:

|             Sector 0              |
|         (Offsets 0-65535)         |
|             Sector 1              |
|      (Offsets 65536-131072)       |
|                                   |
|                                   |
|                ...                |
|                                   |
|                                   |
|                                   |
|            Sector 255             |
|    (Offsets 16711680-16777216)    |

Note that the contents of the blob itself are opaque to the protocol. Applications can treat the blob as a continuous, random-access sequence of blob size bytes and ignore the implementation details of how DDRP will partition and synchronize the blob.

Blob owners sign over the blob's Merkle root to authenticate the data contained therein. DDRP uses a binary Merkle tree to generate the Merkle root. 4096-byte chunks of blob data are used as input to the tree's leaves. This allows the sector size to be changed to any power of two larger than 4096 in the future without invalidation historical signatures.

To determine which sectors have changed, the synchronization process described in PIP-4 uses something called a "Merkle base" to compare the contents of two blobs. Consider the following Merkle small Merkle tree:

                 |                             |
                 |                             |                  (Level 0:) The root hashes 16384b of data
               |                                 |
       +-------v------+                  +-------v------+
       |              |                  |              |
       |              |                  |              |         (Level 1:) Each node hashes 8192b of data
       +--------------+                  +--------------+
               |                                 |
      +--------+-------+                +--------+-------+
      |                |                |                |
+-----v----+     +-----v----+     +-----v----+     +-----v----+
|   H(A)   |     |   H(B)   |     |   H(C)   |     |   H(D)   |
|          |     |          |     |          |     |          |   (Level 2:) Each node hashes 4096b of data
+-----^----+     +-----^----+     +-----^----+     +-----^----+
      |                |                |                |
+-----+----+     +-----+----+     +-----+----+     +-----+----+
|  Data A  |     |  Data B  |     |  Data C  |     |  Data D  |
| (4096b)  |     | (4096b)  |     | (4096b)  |     | (4096b)  |
+----------+     +----------+     +----------+     +----------+

As shown above, each node hashes a power of two more data as one moves up the tree. The Merkle base refers to the list of internal tree nodes at the level that encompasses sector size bytes of data. DDRP's Merkle tree has blob size/4096=4096 leaves, so nodes at the eigth level of the tree will contain the hashes that hash over sector size bytes of data.

"Ownership" of a blob is determined by a TXT record on the Handshake blockchain. The TXT record is structured as DDRPKEY:<pub>, where <pub> is a compressed secp256k1 encoded as hexadecimal. The individual who possesses the private key is considered the blob's "owner," and is able to authorize changes to the blob by signing over its name, Merkle root, timestamp.

When parsing the TXT record:

  1. Nodes MUST tolerate mal-formed DDRPKEY TXT records by ignoring them.
  2. If multiple DDRPKEY TXT records are present for a given TLD, nodes MUST ignore all other records except the first.

The owner of a blob signs over its contents by generating the secp256k1 signature of the hash BLAKE2B-256("DDRPBLOB", name, update timestamp, merkle root, reserved), encoded as follows:

  1. DDRPBLOB: Encoded as an ASCII [8]byte.
  2. name: A string.
  3. update timestamp: A uint64 of the timestamp, encoded as per PIP-1.
  4. merkle root: A [32]byte, encoded as per PIP-1.
  5. reserved: A [32]byte buffer from the reserved field in PIP-4, encoded as per PIP-1. These bytes may be used as part of future protocol upgrades.