Seanpm2001/GitHub Organization Info is NOT a collaborative project, but it IS released under the GNU General Public License v3. We would like to recognize the following names for their contribution to the product.
1. @seanpm2001 - Creator and primary maintainer of GitHub_Organization_Info
2. @all-contributors[bot]
3. No other contributors as of Tuesday, 2022, March 1st at 5:50 pm
1. @seanpm2001
2. @GitHub (For being the first host of this project)
3. @VideoLan (heavy thanks for enabling me to listen to music this way, along with all the great features. Also for the ability to export playlists)
4. @YouTube-DL (for being my modern video downloader)
5. @MediaFire (although not on GitHub, they helped build my collection as well)
6. @Y2Mate (although not on GitHub, they helped build my collection as well)
7. (although not on GitHub, they helped build my collection as well)
8. @DownloadYouTube (although not on GitHub, they helped build my collection as well)
9. @YouTube (although not on GitHub, they helped build my collection as well)
10. @JQuery (for helping to build some framework elements in the audio db)
11. @Mozilla (for serving as a backup to VLC at times, and more importantly for the Mozilla Firefox browser)
12. @Bandcamp (NOT ON GITHUB. For helping me buy certain songs)
13. @Steam (NOT ON GITHUB. For providing entertainment and music through their top games)
Many other contributors currently not listed
14. No other contributors as of Tuesday, 2022, March 1st at 5:50 pm
File type: MediaWiki document (*.wiki)
File version: 1 (2022, Tuesday, March 1st at 5:47 pm)
Line count (including blank lines and compiler line): 64