diff --git a/Music/1.1 Music (GitHub)/Part 1/Ukraine_National_Anthem/2022/Daily/OldVersions/English/USA/1/701-800/README_V776.md b/Music/1.1 Music (GitHub)/Part 1/Ukraine_National_Anthem/2022/Daily/OldVersions/English/USA/1/701-800/README_V776.md
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![🇺🇦 Слава Україні! - Glory to Ukraine! 🇺🇦 Ukraine daily image failed to load. Click/tap here to attempt to view it](SeansAudioDB_UkraineDaily_WithWordmark_1024pxIcon_V1_HighCompression.png)
Playing the anthem of Ukraine every day until the Russo-Ukrainian war ends
UA/UK: Виконання гімну України щодня, поки не закінчиться російсько-українська війна
RU: Играть гимн Украины каждый день, пока не закончится российско-украинская война
BE: Іграць гімн Украіны кожны дзень, пакуль не скончыцца расейска-ўкраінская вайна
KO: 러시아-우크라이나 전쟁이 끝날 때까지 매일 우크라이나 국가를 연주합니다.
+> **Warning** **This document was translated into Ukrainian and Russian with Bing Translate, and into Belarusian and Korean with Google Translate; there may be errors.**
+> **Warning** UA/UK: **Цей документ перекладено українською та російською мовами за допомогою Bing Translate, а також білоруською та корейською мовами за допомогою Google Translate; можуть бути помилки.**
+> **Warning** RU: **Данный документ был переведен на украинский и русский языки с помощью Bing Translate, а также на белорусский и корейский языки с помощью Google Translate; возможны ошибки.**
+> **Warning:** BE: Гэты дакумент быў перакладзены на ўкраінскую і рускую мовы з дапамогай Bing Translate, а на беларускую і карэйскую мовы з дапамогай Google Translate; могуць быць памылкі.
+> **Warning:** KO: 이 문서는 Bing Translate를 이용해 우크라이나어와 러시아어로 번역되었으며, Google Translate를 이용해 벨로루시어와 한국어로 번역되었습니다. 오류가 있을 수 있습니다.
+> **Note** Russian was added alongside Ukrainian on 2023 July 15th, as there are too many Russian speakers in Ukraine to not include this language. Ukrainian translations are preceded by UA, while Russian translations are preceded by RU (the ISO codes of the 2 languages)
+> **Note** UA/UK: Російська була додана поряд з українською 15 липня 2023 року, оскільки в Україні занадто багато російськомовних, щоб не включати цю мову. Українським перекладам передує UA, а російським перекладам – RU (коди ISO 2-х мов)
+> **Note** RU: Русский язык был добавлен вместе с украинским 15 июля 2023 года, так как в Украине слишком много русскоговорящих, чтобы не включать этот язык. Украинским переводам предшествует UA, а русским переводам предшествует RU (коды ISO 2 языков)
+> **Note** BE: Руская мова была дададзена разам з украінскай 15 ліпеня 2023 года, паколькі ва Украіне занадта шмат рускамоўных, каб не ўключаць гэту мову. Перад украінскімі перакладамі стаіць UA, а перад рускімі - RU (коды ISO дзвюх моў)
+> **Note:** KO: 러시아어는 2023년 7월 15일에 우크라이나어와 함께 추가되었습니다. 우크라이나에는 러시아어 사용자가 너무 많아서 이 언어를 포함하지 않을 수 없습니다. 우크라이나어 번역은 UA로 시작하고 러시아어 번역은 RU(두 언어의 ISO 코드)로 시작합니다.
+> **Note** Belaruian and Korean were added on 2024, November 9th
+> **Note** UA/UK: Білоруську та корейську мови додано 9 листопада 2024 року
+> **Note** RU: Белорусский и корейский языки были добавлены 9 ноября 2024 г.
+> **Note** BE: Беларуская і карэйская мовы былі дададзены 9 лістапада 2024 года
+> **Note** KO: 벨라루스어와 한국어는 2024년 11월 9일에 추가되었습니다.
+[![Stand With Ukraine banner failed to load](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/vshymanskyy/StandWithUkraine/main/banner2-direct.svg)](https://savelife.in.ua/en/)
+> [Local image link](/Graphics/Ukraine/StandWithUkraine/banner2-direct.svg)
+[Click/tap here to expand/collapse the lead section] [Натисніть / торкніться тут, щоб розгорнути / згорнути розділ потенційних клієнтів]
+I know I should have started this much earlier if I were to do it all, but I am doing it now.
+UA/UK: Я знаю, що мені слід було б почати це набагато раніше, якби я все це зробив, але я роблю це зараз.
+RU: Я знаю, что должен был начать это намного раньше, если бы я делал все это, но я делаю это сейчас.
+BE: Я ведаю, што мне трэба было пачаць гэта значна раней, але я раблю гэта зараз.
+KO: 모든 일을 다 하려거든 훨씬 일찍 시작해야 했지만, 지금 당장 시작하겠습니다.
+To clarify: I am requiring myself to listen to a variation of the Ukraine anthem at least once per day. It isn't the only thing I listen to each day. The variety remains the same. I also expect that the end of this war may be years away, so this is a long term goal.
+UA/UK: Щоб уточнити: я вимагаю від себе хоча б раз на день слухати варіацію гімну України. Це не єдине, що я слухаю щодня. Сорт залишається колишнім. Я також очікую, що до кінця цієї війни можуть піти роки, тому це довгострокова мета.
+RU: Чтобы уточнить: я требую от себя слушать вариацию гимна Украины хотя бы раз в день. Это не единственное, что я слушаю каждый день. Сорт остается прежним. Я также ожидаю, что конец этой войны может наступить через годы, так что это долгосрочная цель.
+BE: Удакладняю: я абавязваюся слухаць варыяцыю гімна Украіны хаця б раз на дзень. Гэта не адзінае, што я слухаю кожны дзень. Гатунак застаецца ранейшым. Я таксама чакаю, што канец гэтай вайны можа прайсці праз гады, таму гэта доўгатэрміновая мэта.
+KO: 명확히 하자면: 저는 우크라이나 국가의 변형곡을 하루에 한 번 이상 들어야 합니다. 제가 매일 듣는 곡이 그것뿐은 아닙니다. 다양성은 변함이 없습니다. 또한 이 전쟁이 끝나려면 몇 년이 걸릴 것으로 예상하므로 이것은 장기적인 목표입니다.
+The following 6 audio files are applicable:
+UA/UK: Застосовні наступні 6 аудіофайлів:
+RU: Применимы следующие 6 аудиофайлов:
+BE: Дастасавальныя наступныя 6 аўдыяфайлаў:
+KO: 다음 6개의 오디오 파일이 적용됩니다.
+[Click/tap here to expand/collapse the song table] [UA/UK: Клацніть/торкніться тут, щоб розгорнути/згорнути таблицю пісень] [RU: Нажмите/коснитесь здесь, чтобы развернуть/свернуть таблицу песен] [BE: Націсніце/дакраніцеся тут, каб разгарнуць/згарнуць табліцу песень] [KO: 여기를 클릭/탭하여 노래 테이블을 확장/축소하세요]
+| [`See the following issue about this table: #38`](https://github.com/seanpm2001/SeansAudioDB/issues/38/) | [UA/UK: `Перегляньте наведений нижче випуск цієї таблиці: #38`](https://github.com/seanpm2001/SeansAudioDB/issues/38/) | [RU: `Смотрите следующую проблему, связанную с этой таблицей: #38`](https://github.com/seanpm2001/SeansAudioDB/issues/38/) |
+| **🇺🇦️** | **📂️** |
+| `Marcus_Paus_'Slava Ukraini'_for_viola_solo.mp3` | **Location:** [`///1.1 Music (GitHub)/Part 1/Slava_Ukraini!/AudioOnly/Viola_Solo/OGG/Marcus_Paus_'Slava Ukraini'_for_viola_solo.ogg`](/Music//1.1%20Music%20(GitHub)/Part%201/Slava_Ukraini%33/AudioOnly/Viola_Solo/OGG/Marcus_Paus_'Slava Ukraini'_for_viola_solo.ogg) |
+| `Marcus_Paus_'Slava Ukraini'_for_viola_solo.mp3` | **Location:** [`///1.1 Music (GitHub)/Part 1/Slava_Ukraini!/AudioOnly/Viola_Solo/MP3/Marcus_Paus_'Slava Ukraini'_for_viola_solo.mp3`](/Music//1.1%20Music%20(GitHub)/Part%201/Slava_Ukraini%33/AudioOnly/Viola_Solo/MP3/Marcus_Paus_'Slava Ukraini'_for_viola_solo3.mp3) |
+| `Marcus_Paus_'Slava Ukraini'.mp3` | **Location:** [`///1.1 Music (GitHub)/Part 1/Slava_Ukraini!/AudioOnly/MP3/Slava_Ukraini!.mp3`](/Music/1.1%20Music%20(GitHub)/Part%201/Slava_Ukraini!/AudioOnly/MP3/Slava_Ukraini!.mp3) |
+| `Marcus_Paus_'Slava Ukraini'.ogg` | **Location:** [`///1.1 Music (GitHub)/Part 1/Slava_Ukraini!/AudioOnly/OGG/Slava_Ukraini!.ogg`](/Music/1.1%20Music%20(GitHub)/Part%201/Slava_Ukraini!/AudioOnly/OGG/Slava_Ukraini!.ogg) |
+| `National_anthem_of_Ukraine,_instrumental.oga.ogx` | **Location:** [`///1.1 Music (GitHub)/Part 1/Ukraine_National_Anthem/US_Navy_Band/OGX/National_anthem_of_Ukraine,_instrumental.oga.ogx`](/Music//1.1%20Music%20(GitHub)/Part%201/Ukraine_National_Anthem/US_Navy_Band/OGX/National_anthem_of_Ukraine,_instrumental.oga.ogx) |
+| `Ukrainian_national_anthem_1916_(complete).ogg` | **Location:** [`///1.1 Music (GitHub)/Part 1/Ukraine_National_Anthem/Original/1916/OGG/Ukrainian_national_anthem_1916_(complete).ogg`](/Music//1.1%20Music%20(GitHub)/Part%201/Ukraine_National_Anthem/Original/1916/OGG/Ukrainian_national_anthem_1916_(complete).ogg) |
+| `Marcus_Paus_'Slava Ukraini'_for_viola_solo.mp3` | **Location:** [`///1.1 Music (GitHub)/Part 1/!Ukrainian_Music/Slava_Ukraini!/AudioOnly/Viola_Solo/OGG/Marcus_Paus_'Slava Ukraini'_for_viola_solo.ogg`](/Music//1.1%20Music%20(GitHub)/Part%201/Slava_Ukraini%33/AudioOnly/Viola_Solo/OGG/Marcus_Paus_'Slava Ukraini'_for_viola_solo.ogg) |
+| `Marcus_Paus_'Slava Ukraini'_for_viola_solo.mp3` | **Location:** [`///1.1 Music (GitHub)/Part 1/!Ukrainian_Music/Slava_Ukraini!/AudioOnly/Viola_Solo/MP3/Marcus_Paus_'Slava Ukraini'_for_viola_solo.mp3`](/Music//1.1%20Music%20(GitHub)/Part%201/Slava_Ukraini%33/AudioOnly/Viola_Solo/MP3/Marcus_Paus_'Slava Ukraini'_for_viola_solo3.mp3) |
+| `Marcus_Paus_'Slava Ukraini'.mp3` | **Location:** [`///1.1 Music (GitHub)/Part 1/!Ukrainian_Music/Slava_Ukraini!/AudioOnly/MP3/Slava_Ukraini!.mp3`](/Music/1.1%20Music%20(GitHub)/Part%201/Slava_Ukraini!/AudioOnly/MP3/Slava_Ukraini!.mp3) |
+| `Marcus_Paus_'Slava Ukraini'.ogg` | **Location:** [`///1.1 Music (GitHub)/Part 1/!Ukrainian_Music/Slava_Ukraini!/AudioOnly/OGG/Slava_Ukraini!.ogg`](/Music/1.1%20Music%20(GitHub)/Part%201/Slava_Ukraini!/AudioOnly/OGG/Slava_Ukraini!.ogg) |
+| `National_anthem_of_Ukraine,_instrumental.oga.ogx` | **Location:** [`///1.1 Music (GitHub)/Part 1/!Ukrainian_Music/Ukraine_National_Anthem/US_Navy_Band/OGX/National_anthem_of_Ukraine,_instrumental.oga.ogx`](/Music//1.1%20Music%20(GitHub)/Part%201/Ukraine_National_Anthem/US_Navy_Band/OGX/National_anthem_of_Ukraine,_instrumental.oga.ogx) |
+| `Ukrainian_national_anthem_1916_(complete).ogg` | **Location:** [`///1.1 Music (GitHub)/Part 1/!Ukrainian_Music/Ukraine_National_Anthem/Original/1916/OGG/Ukrainian_national_anthem_1916_(complete).ogg`](/Music//1.1%20Music%20(GitHub)/Part%201/Ukraine_National_Anthem/Original/1916/OGG/Ukrainian_national_anthem_1916_(complete).ogg) |
+| **🇺🇦️** | **📂️** |
+> **Note** Even after the war ends, I will still listen to the anthem from time to time.
+> **Note** UA/UK: Навіть після закінчення війни я все одно буду час від часу слухати гімн.
+> **Note** RU: Даже после того, как закончится война, я все равно буду время от времени слушать гимн.
+> **Note** BE: Нават калі скончыцца вайна, я ўсё роўна час ад часу буду слухаць гімн.
+> **Note** KO: 전쟁이 끝난 후에도 나는 가끔씩 국가를 듣게 될 것이다.
+# 🇺🇦️ Counter / Лічильник / Прилавок / Лічыльнік / 계수기 🇺🇦️
+- The Ukrainian Flag Emoji appears in this document `5984` times (as of 2025.02.08)
+- UA/UK: У цьому документі з'являється емодзі прапора України `5984` разів (станом на 2025.02.08)
+- RU: Эмодзи Флаг Украины появляется в этом документе `5984` раз (по состоянию на 2025.02.08)
+- BE: Emoji ўкраінскага сцяга з'яўляецца ў гэтым дакуменце `5984` разоў (на 2025.02.08)
+- KO: 우크라이나 국기 이모지는 이 문서에 `5984` 번 등장합니다(2025.02.08 기준)
+[Click/tap here to expand/collapse this section list] [UA/UK: Клацніть або торкніться тут, щоб розгорнути/згорнути цей список розділів] [RU: Нажмите/коснитесь здесь, чтобы развернуть/свернуть этот список разделов] [BE: Націсніце/дакраніцеся тут, каб разгарнуць/згарнуць гэты спіс раздзелаў] [KO: 이 섹션 목록을 확장/축소하려면 여기를 클릭/탭하세요.]
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1: 2022, October 10th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2: 2022, October 11th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3: 2022, October 12th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 4: 2022, October 13th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 5: 2022, October 14th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 6: 2022, October 15th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 7: 2022, October 16th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 8: 2022, October 17th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 9: 2022, October 18th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 10: 2022, October 19th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 11: 2022, October 20th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 12: 2022, October 21st
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 13: 2022, October 22nd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 14: 2022, October 23rd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 15: 2022, October 24th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 16: 2022, October 25th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 17: 2022, October 26th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 18: 2022, October 27th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 19: 2022, October 28th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 20: 2022, October 29th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 21: 2022, October 30th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 22: 2022, October 31st
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 23: 2022, November 1st
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 24: 2022, November 2nd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 25: 2022, November 3rd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 26: 2022, November 4th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 27: 2022, November 5th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 28: 2022, November 6th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 29: 2022, November 7th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 30: 2022, November 8th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 31: 2022, November 9th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 32: 2022, November 10th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 33: 2022, November 11th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 34: 2022, November 12th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 35: 2022, November 13th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 36: 2022, November 14th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 37: 2022, November 15th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 38: 2022, November 16th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 39: 2022, November 17th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 40: 2022, November 18th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 41: 2022, November 19th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 42: 2022, November 20th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 43: 2022, November 21st
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 44: 2022, November 22nd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 45: 2022, November 23rd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 46: 2022, November 24th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 47: 2022, November 25th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 48: 2022, November 26th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 49: 2022, November 27th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 50: 2022, November 28th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 51: 2022, November 29th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 52: 2022, November 30th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 53: 2022, December 1st
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 54: 2022, December 2nd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 55: 2022, December 3rd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 56: 2022, December 4th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 57: 2022, December 5th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 58: 2022, December 6th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 59: 2022, December 7th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 60: 2022, December 8th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 61: 2022, December 9th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 62: 2022, December 10th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 63: 2022, December 11th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 64: 2022, December 12th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 65: 2022, December 13th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 66: 2022, December 14th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 67: 2022, December 15th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 68: 2022, December 16th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 69: 2022, December 17th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 70: 2022, December 18th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 71: 2022, December 19th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 72: 2022, December 20th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 73: 2022, December 21st
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 74: 2022, December 22nd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 75: 2022, December 23rd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 76: 2022, December 24th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 77: 2022, December 25th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 78: 2022, December 26th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 79: 2022, December 27th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 80: 2022, December 28th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 81: 2022, December 29th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 82: 2022, December 30th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 83: 2022, December 31st
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 84: 2023, January 1st
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 85: 2023, January 2nd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 86: 2023, January 3rd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 87: 2023, January 4th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 88: 2023, January 5th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 89: 2023, January 6th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 90: 2023, January 7th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 91: 2023, January 8th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 92: 2023, January 9th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 93: 2023, January 10th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 94: 2023, January 11th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 95: 2023, January 12th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 96: 2023, January 13th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 97: 2023, January 14th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 98: 2023, January 15th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 99: 2023, January 16th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 100: 2023, January 17th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 101: 2023, January 18th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 102: 2023, January 19th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 103: 2023, January 20th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 104: 2023, January 21st
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 105: 2023, January 22nd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 106: 2023, January 23rd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 107: 2023, January 24th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 108: 2023, January 25th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 109: 2023, January 26th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 110: 2023, January 27th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 111: 2023, January 28th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 112: 2023, January 29th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 113: 2023, January 30th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 114: 2023, January 31st
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 115: 2023, February 1st
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 116: 2023, February 2nd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 117: 2023, February 3rd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 118: 2023, February 4th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 119: 2023, February 5th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 120: 2023, February 6th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 121: 2023, February 7th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 122: 2023, February 8th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 123: 2023, February 9th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 124: 2023, February 10th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 125: 2023, February 11th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 126: 2023, February 12th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 127: 2023, February 13th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 128: 2023, February 14th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 129: 2023, February 15th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 130: 2023, February 16th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 131: 2023, February 17th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 132: 2023, February 18th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 133: 2023, February 19th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 134: 2023, February 20th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 135: 2023, February 21st
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 136: 2023, February 22nd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 137: 2023, February 23rd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 138: 2023, February 24th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 139: 2023, February 25th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 140: 2023, February 26th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 141: 2023, February 27th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 142: 2023, February 28th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 143: 2023, March 1st
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 144: 2023, March 2nd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 145: 2023, March 3rd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 146: 2023, March 4th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 147: 2023, March 5th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 148: 2023, March 6th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 149: 2023, March 7th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 150: 2023, March 8th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 151: 2023, March 9th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 152: 2023, March 10th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 153: 2023, March 11th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 154: 2023, March 12th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 155: 2023, March 13th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 156: 2023, March 14th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 157: 2023, March 15th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 158: 2023, March 16th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 159: 2023, March 17th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 160: 2023, March 18th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 161: 2023, March 19th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 162: 2023, March 20th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 163: 2023, March 21st
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 164: 2023, March 22nd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 165: 2023, March 23rd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 166: 2023, March 24th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 167: 2023, March 25th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 168: 2023, March 26th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 169: 2023, March 27th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 170: 2023, March 28th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 171: 2023, March 29th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 172: 2023, March 30th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 173: 2023, March 31st
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 174: 2023, April 1st
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 175: 2023, April 2nd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 176: 2023, April 3rd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 177: 2023, April 4th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 178: 2023, April 5th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 179: 2023, April 6th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 180: 2023, April 7th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 181: 2023, April 8th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 182: 2023, April 9th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 183: 2023, April 10th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 184: 2023, April 11th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 185: 2023, April 12th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 186: 2023, April 13th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 187: 2023, April 14th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 188: 2023, April 15th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 189: 2023, April 16th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 190: 2023, April 17th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 191: 2023, April 18th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 192: 2023, April 19th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 193: 2023, April 20th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 194: 2023, April 21st
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 195: 2023, April 22nd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 196: 2023, April 23rd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 197: 2023, April 24th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 198: 2023, April 25th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 199: 2023, April 26th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 200: 2023, April 27th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 201: 2023, April 28th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 202: 2023, April 29th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 203: 2023, April 30th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 204: 2023, May 1st
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 205: 2023, May 2nd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 206: 2023, May 3rd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 207: 2023, May 4th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 208: 2023, May 5th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 209: 2023, May 6th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 210: 2023, May 7th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 211: 2023, May 8th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 212: 2023, May 9th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 213: 2023, May 10th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 214: 2023, May 11th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 215: 2023, May 12th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 216: 2023, May 13th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 217: 2023, May 14th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 218: 2023, May 15th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 219: 2023, May 16th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 220: 2023, May 17th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 221: 2023, May 18th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 222: 2023, May 19th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 223: 2023, May 20th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 224: 2023, May 21st
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 225: 2023, May 22nd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 226: 2023, May 23rd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 227: 2023, May 24th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 228: 2023, May 25th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 229: 2023, May 26th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 230: 2023, May 27th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 231: 2023, May 28th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 232: 2023, May 29th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 233: 2023, May 30th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 234: 2023, May 31st
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 235: 2023, June 1st
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 236: 2023, June 2nd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 237: 2023, June 3rd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 238: 2023, June 4th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 239: 2023, June 5th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 240: 2023, June 6th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 241: 2023, June 7th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 242: 2023, June 8th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 243: 2023, June 9th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 244: 2023, June 10th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 245: 2023, June 11th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 246: 2023, June 12th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 247: 2023, June 13th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 248: 2023, June 14th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 249: 2023, June 15th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 250: 2023, June 16th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 251: 2023, June 17th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 252: 2023, June 18th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 253: 2023, June 19th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 254: 2023, June 20th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 255: 2023, June 21st
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 256: 2023, June 22nd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 257: 2023, June 23rd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 258: 2023, June 24th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 259: 2023, June 25th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 260: 2023, June 26th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 261: 2023, June 27th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 262: 2023, June 28th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 263: 2023, June 29th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 264: 2023, June 30th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 265: 2023, July 1st
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 266: 2023, July 2nd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 267: 2023, July 3rd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 268: 2023, July 4th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 269: 2023, July 5th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 270: 2023, July 6th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 271: 2023, July 7th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 272: 2023, July 8th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 273: 2023, July 9th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 274: 2023, July 10th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 275: 2023, July 11th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 276: 2023, July 12th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 277: 2023, July 13th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 278: 2023, July 14th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 279: 2023, July 15th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 280: 2023, July 16th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 281: 2023, July 17th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 282: 2023, July 18th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 283: 2023, July 19th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 284: 2023, July 20th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 285: 2023, July 21st
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 286: 2023, July 22nd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 287: 2023, July 23rd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 288: 2023, July 24th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 289: 2023, July 25th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 290: 2023, July 26th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 291: 2023, July 27th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 292: 2023, July 28th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 293: 2023, July 29th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 294: 2023, July 30th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 295: 2023, July 31st
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 296: 2023, August 1st
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 297: 2023, August 2nd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 298: 2023, August 3rd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 299: 2023, August 4th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 300: 2023, August 5th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 301: 2023, August 6th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 302: 2023, August 7th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 303: 2023, August 8th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 304: 2023, August 9th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 305: 2023, August 10th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 306: 2023, August 11th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 307: 2023, August 12th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 308: 2023, August 13th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 309: 2023, August 14th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 310: 2023, August 15th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 311: 2023, August 16th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 312: 2023, August 17th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 313: 2023, August 18th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 314: 2023, August 19th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 315: 2023, August 20th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 316: 2023, August 21st
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 317: 2023, August 22nd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 318: 2023, August 23rd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 319: 2023, August 24th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 320: 2023, August 25th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 321: 2023, August 26th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 322: 2023, August 27th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 323: 2023, August 28th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 324: 2023, August 29th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 325: 2023, August 30th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 326: 2023, August 31st
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 327: 2023, September 1st
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 328: 2023, September 2nd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 329: 2023, September 3rd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 330: 2023, September 4th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 331: 2023, September 5th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 332: 2023, September 6th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 333: 2023, September 7th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 334: 2023, September 8th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 335: 2023, September 9th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 336: 2023, September 10th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 337: 2023, September 11th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 338: 2023, September 12th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 339: 2023, September 13th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 340: 2023, September 14th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 341: 2023, September 15th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 342: 2023, September 16th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 343: 2023, September 17th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 344: 2023, September 18th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 345: 2023, September 19th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 346: 2023, September 20th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 347: 2023, September 21st
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 348: 2023, September 22nd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 349: 2023, September 23rd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 350: 2023, September 24th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 351: 2023, September 25th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 352: 2023, September 26th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 353: 2023, September 27th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 354: 2023, September 28th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 355: 2023, September 29th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 356: 2023, September 30th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 357: 2023, October 1st
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 358: 2023, October 2nd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 359: 2023, October 3rd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 360: 2023, October 4th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 361: 2023, October 5th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 362: 2023, October 6th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 363: 2023, October 7th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 364: 2023, October 8th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 365: 2023, October 9th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 366: 2023, October 10th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 367: 2023, October 11th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 368: 2023, October 12th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 369: 2023, October 13th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 370: 2023, October 14th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 371: 2023, October 15th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 372: 2023, October 16th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 373: 2023, October 17th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 374: 2023, October 18th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 375: 2023, October 19th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 376: 2023, October 20th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 377: 2023, October 21st
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 378: 2023, October 22nd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 379: 2023, October 23rd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 380: 2023, October 24th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 381: 2023, October 25th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 382: 2023, October 26th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 383: 2023, October 27th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 384: 2023, October 28th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 385: 2023, October 29th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 386: 2023, October 30th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 387: 2023, October 31st
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 388: 2023, November 1st
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 389: 2023, November 2nd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 390: 2023, November 3rd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 391: 2023, November 4th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 392: 2023, November 5th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 393: 2023, November 6th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 394: 2023, November 7th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 395: 2023, November 8th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 396: 2023, November 9th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 397: 2023, November 10th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 398: 2023, November 11th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 399: 2023, November 12th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 400: 2023, November 13th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 401: 2023, November 14th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 402: 2023, November 15th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 403: 2023, November 16th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 404: 2023, November 17th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 405: 2023, November 18th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 406: 2023, November 10th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 407: 2023, November 20th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 408: 2023, November 21st
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 409: 2023, November 22nd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 410: 2023, November 23rd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 411: 2023, November 24th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 412: 2023, November 25th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 413: 2023, November 26th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 414: 2023, November 27th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 415: 2023, November 28th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 416: 2023, November 29th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 417: 2023, November 30th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 418: 2023, December 1st
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 419: 2023, December 2nd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 420: 2023, December 3rd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 421: 2023, December 4th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 422: 2023, December 5th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 423: 2023, December 6th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 424: 2023, December 7th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 425: 2023, December 8th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 426: 2023, December 9th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 427: 2023, December 10th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 428: 2023, December 11th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 429: 2023, December 12th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 430: 2023, December 13th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 431: 2023, December 14th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 432: 2023, December 15th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 433: 2023, December 16th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 434: 2023, December 17th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 435: 2023, December 18th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 436: 2023, December 19th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 437: 2023, December 20th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 438: 2023, December 21st
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 439: 2023, December 22nd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 440: 2023, December 23rd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 441: 2023, December 24th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 442: 2023, December 25th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 443: 2023, December 26th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 444: 2023, December 27th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 445: 2023, December 28th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 446: 2023, December 29th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 447: 2023, December 30th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 448: 2023, December 31st
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 449: 2024, January 1st
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 450: 2024, January 2nd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 451: 2024, January 3rd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 452: 2024, January 4th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 453: 2024, January 5th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 454: 2024, January 6th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 455: 2024, January 7th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 456: 2024, January 8th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 457: 2024, January 9th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 458: 2024, January 10th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 459: 2024, January 11th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 460: 2024, January 12th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 461: 2024, January 13th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 462: 2024, January 14th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 463: 2024, January 15th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 464: 2024, January 16th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 465: 2024, January 17th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 466: 2024, January 18th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 467: 2024, January 19th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 468: 2024, January 20th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 469: 2024, January 21st
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 470: 2024, January 22nd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 471: 2024, January 23rd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 472: 2024, January 24th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 473: 2024, January 25th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 474: 2024, January 26th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 475: 2024, January 27th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 476: 2024, January 28th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 477: 2024, January 29th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 478: 2024, January 30th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 479: 2024, January 31st
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 480: 2024, February 1st
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 481: 2024, February 2nd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 482: 2024, February 3rd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 483: 2024, February 4th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 484: 2024, February 5th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 485: 2024, February 6th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 486: 2024, February 7th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 487: 2024, February 8th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 488: 2024, February 9th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 489: 2024, February 10th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 490: 2024, February 11th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 491: 2024, February 12th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 492: 2024, February 13th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 493: 2024, February 14th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 494: 2024, February 15th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 495: 2024, February 16th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 496: 2024, February 17th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 497: 2024, February 18th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 498: 2024, February 19th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 499: 2024, February 20th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 500: 2024, February 21st
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 501: 2024, February 22nd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 502: 2024, February 23rd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 503: 2024, February 24th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 504: 2024, February 25th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 505: 2024, February 26th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 506: 2024, February 27th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 507: 2024, February 28th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 508: 2024, February 29th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 509: 2024, March 1st
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 510: 2024, March 2nd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 511: 2024, March 3rd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 512: 2024, March 4th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 513: 2024, March 5th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 514: 2024, March 6th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 515: 2024, March 7th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 516: 2024, March 8th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 517: 2024, March 9th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 518: 2024, March 10th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 519: 2024, March 11th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 520: 2024, March 12th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 521: 2024, March 13th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 522: 2024, March 14th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 523: 2024, March 15th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 524: 2024, March 16th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 525: 2024, March 17th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 526: 2024, March 18th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 527: 2024, March 19th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 528: 2024, March 20th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 529: 2024, March 21st
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 530: 2024, March 22nd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 531: 2024, March 23rd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 532: 2024, March 24th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 533: 2024, March 25th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 534: 2024, March 26th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 535: 2024, March 27th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 536: 2024, March 28th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 537: 2024, March 29th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 538: 2024, March 30th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 539: 2024, March 31st
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 540: 2024, April 1st
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 541: 2024, April 2nd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 542: 2024, April 3rd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 543: 2024, April 4th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 544: 2024, April 5th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 545: 2024, April 6th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 546: 2024, April 7th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 547: 2024, April 8th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 548: 2024, April 9th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 549: 2024, April 10th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 550: 2024, April 11th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 551: 2024, April 12th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 552: 2024, April 13th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 553: 2024, April 14th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 554: 2024, April 15th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 555: 2024, April 16th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 556: 2024, April 17th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 557: 2024, April 18th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 558: 2024, April 19th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 559: 2024, April 20th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 560: 2024, April 21st
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 561: 2024, April 22nd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 562: 2024, April 23rd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 563: 2024, April 24th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 564: 2024, April 25th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 565: 2024, April 26th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 566: 2024, April 27th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 567: 2024, April 28th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 568: 2024, April 29th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 569: 2024, April 30th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 570: 2024, May 1st
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 571: 2024, May 2nd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 572: 2024, May 3rd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 573: 2024, May 4th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 574: 2024, May 5th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 575: 2024, May 6th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 576: 2024, May 7th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 577: 2024, May 8th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 578: 2024, May 9th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 579: 2024, May 10th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 580: 2024, May 11th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 581: 2024, May 12th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 582: 2024, May 13th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 583: 2024, May 14th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 584: 2024, May 15th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 585: 2024, May 16th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 586: 2024, May 17th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 587: 2024, May 18th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 588: 2024, May 19th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 589: 2024, May 20th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 590: 2024, May 21st
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 591: 2024, May 22nd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 592: 2024, May 23rd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 593: 2024, May 24th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 594: 2024, May 25th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 595: 2024, May 26th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 596: 2024, May 27th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 597: 2024, May 28th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 598: 2024, May 29th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 599: 2024, May 30th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 600: 2024, May 31st
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 601: 2024, June 1st
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 602: 2024, June 2nd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 603: 2024, June 3rd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 604: 2024, June 4th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 605: 2024, June 5th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 606: 2024, June 6th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 607: 2024, June 7th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 608: 2024, June 8th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 609: 2024, June 9th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 610: 2024, June 10th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 611: 2024, June 11th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 612: 2024, June 12th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 613: 2024, June 13th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 614: 2024, June 14th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 615: 2024, June 15th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 616: 2024, June 16th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 617: 2024, June 17th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 618: 2024, June 18th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 619: 2024, June 19th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 620: 2024, June 20th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 621: 2024, June 21st
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 622: 2024, June 22nd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 623: 2024, June 23rd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 624: 2024, June 24th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 625: 2024, June 25th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 626: 2024, June 26th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 627: 2024, June 27th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 628: 2024, June 28th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 629: 2024, June 29th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 630: 2024, June 30th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 631: 2024, July 1st
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 632: 2024, July 2nd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 633: 2024, July 3rd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 634: 2024, July 4th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 635: 2024, July 5th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 636: 2024, July 6th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 637: 2024, July 7th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 638: 2024, July 8th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 639: 2024, July 9th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 640: 2024, July 10th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 641: 2024, July 11th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 642: 2024, July 12th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 643: 2024, July 13th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 644: 2024, July 14th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 645: 2024, July 15th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 646: 2024, July 16th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 647: 2024, July 17th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 648: 2024, July 18th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 649: 2024, July 19th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 650: 2024, July 20th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 651: 2024, July 21st
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 652: 2024, July 22nd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 653: 2024, July 23rd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 654: 2024, July 24th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 655: 2024, July 25th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 656: 2024, July 26th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 657: 2024, July 27th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 658: 2024, July 28th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 659: 2024, July 29th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 660: 2024, July 30th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 661: 2024, July 31st
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 662: 2024, August 1st
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 663: 2024, August 2nd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 664: 2024, August 3rd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 665: 2024, August 4th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 666: 2024, August 5th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 667: 2024, August 6th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 668: 2024, August 7th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 669: 2024, August 8th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 670: 2024, August 9th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 671: 2024, August 10th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 672: 2024, August 11th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 673: 2024, August 12th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 674: 2024, August 13th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 675: 2024, August 14th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 676: 2024, August 15th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 677: 2024, August 16th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 678: 2024, August 17th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 679: 2024, August 18th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 680: 2024, August 19th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 681: 2024, August 20th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 682: 2024, August 21st
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 683: 2024, August 22nd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 684: 2024, August 23rd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 685: 2024, August 24th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 686: 2024, August 25th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 687: 2024, August 26th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 688: 2024, August 27th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 689: 2024, August 28th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 690: 2024, August 29th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 691: 2024, August 30th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 692: 2024, August 31st
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 693: 2024, September 1st
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 694: 2024, September 2nd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 695: 2024, September 3rd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 696: 2024, September 4th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 697: 2024, September 5th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 698: 2024, September 6th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 699: 2024, September 7th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 700: 2024, September 8th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 701: 2024, September 9th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 702: 2024, September 10th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 703: 2024, September 11th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 704: 2024, September 12th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 705: 2024, September 13th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 706: 2024, September 14th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 707: 2024, September 15th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 708: 2024, September 16th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 709: 2024, September 17th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 710: 2024, September 18th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 711: 2024, September 19th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 712: 2024, September 20th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 713: 2024, September 21st
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 714: 2024, September 22nd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 715: 2024, September 23rd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 716: 2024, September 24th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 717: 2024, September 25th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 718: 2024, September 26th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 719: 2024, September 27th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 720: 2024, September 28th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 721: 2024, September 29th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 722: 2024, September 30th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 723: 2024, October 1st
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 724: 2024, October 2nd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 725: 2024, October 3rd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 726: 2024, October 4th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 727: 2024, October 5th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 728: 2024, October 6th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 729: 2024, October 7th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 730: 2024, October 8th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 731: 2024, October 9th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 732: 2024, October 10th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 733: 2024, October 11th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 734: 2024, October 12th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 735: 2024, October 13th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 736: 2024, October 14th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 737: 2024, October 15th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 738: 2024, October 16th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 739: 2024, October 17th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 740: 2024, October 18th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 741: 2024, October 19th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 742: 2024, October 20th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 743: 2024, October 21st
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 744: 2024, October 22nd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 745: 2024, October 23rd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 746: 2024, October 24th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 747: 2024, October 25th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 748: 2024, October 26th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 749: 2024, October 27th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 750: 2024, October 28th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 751: 2024, October 29th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 752: 2024, October 30th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 753: 2024, October 31st
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 754: 2024, November 1st
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 755: 2024, November 2nd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 756: 2024, November 3rd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 757: 2024, November 4th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 758: 2024, November 5th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 759: 2024, November 6th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 760: 2024, November 7th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 761: 2024, November 8th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 762: 2024, November 9th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 763: 2024, November 10th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 764: 2024, November 11th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 765: 2024, November 12th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 766: 2024, November 13th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 767: 2024, November 14th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 768: 2024, November 15th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 769: 2024, November 16th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 770: 2024, November 17th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 771: 2024, November 18th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 772: 2024, November 19th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 773: 2024, November 20th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 774: 2024, November 21st
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 775: 2024, November 22nd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 776: 2024, November 23rd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 777: 2024, November 24th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 778: 2024, November 25th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 779: 2024, November 26th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 780: 2024, November 27th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 781: 2024, November 28th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 782: 2024, November 29th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 783: 2024, November 30th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 784: 2024, December 1st
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 785: 2024, December 2nd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 786: 2024, December 3rd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 787: 2024, December 4th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 788: 2024, December 5th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 789: 2024, December 6th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 790: 2024, December 7th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 791: 2024, December 8th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 792: 2024, December 9th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 792: 2024, December 10th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 793: 2024, December 11th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 794: 2024, December 12th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 795: 2024, December 13th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 796: 2024, December 14th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 797: 2024, December 15th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 798: 2024, December 16th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 799: 2024, December 17th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 800: 2024, December 18th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 801: 2024, December 19th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 802: 2024, December 20th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 803: 2024, December 21st
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 804: 2024, December 22nd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 805: 2024, December 23rd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 806: 2024, December 24th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 807: 2024, December 25th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 808: 2024, December 26th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 809: 2024, December 27th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 810: 2024, December 28th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 811: 2024, December 29th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 812: 2024, December 30th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 813: 2024, December 31st
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 814: 2025, January 1st
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 815: 2025, January 2nd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 816: 2025, January 3rd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 817: 2025, January 4th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 818: 2025, January 5th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 819: 2025, January 6th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 820: 2025, January 7th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 821: 2025, January 8th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 822: 2025, January 9th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 823: 2025, January 10th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 824: 2025, January 11th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 825: 2025, January 12th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 826: 2025, January 13th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 827: 2025, January 14th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 828: 2025, January 15th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 829: 2025, January 16th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 830: 2025, January 17th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 831: 2025, January 18th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 832: 2025, January 19th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 833: 2025, January 20th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 834: 2025, January 21st
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 835: 2025, January 22nd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 836: 2025, January 23rd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 837: 2025, January 24th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 838: 2025, January 25th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 839: 2025, January 26th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 840: 2025, January 27th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 841: 2025, January 28th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 842: 2025, January 29th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 843: 2025, January 30th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 844: 2025, January 31st
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 845: 2025, February 1st
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 846: 2025, February 2nd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 847: 2025, February 3rd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 848: 2025, February 4th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 849: 2025, February 5th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 850: 2025, February 6th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 851: 2025, February 7th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 852: 2025, February 8th
+[Click/tap here to expand/collapse a full timeline (2022 invasion)] [UA/UK: Клацніть/торкніться тут, щоб розгорнути/згорнути повну часову шкалу (вторгнення 2022 року)] [RU: Нажмите/коснитесь здесь, чтобы развернуть/свернуть полную временную шкалу (вторжение 2022 года)] [BE: Пстрыкніце/дакраніцеся тут, каб разгарнуць/згарнуць поўную шкалу (ўварванне 2022 г.)] [KO: 전체 타임라인(2022년 침공)을 확장/축소하려면 여기를 클릭/탭하세요.]
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1: 2022, Thursday, February 24th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2: 2022, Friday, February 25th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3: 2022, Saturday, February 26th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 4: 2022, Sunday, February 27th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 5: 2022, Monday, February 28th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 6: 2022, Tuesday, March 1st
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 7: 2022, Wednesday, March 2nd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 8: 2022, Thursday, March 3rd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 9: 2022, Friday, March 4th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 10: 2022, Saturday, March 5th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 11: 2022, Sunday, March 6th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 12: 2022, Monday, March 7th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 13: 2022, Tuesday, March 8th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 14: 2022, Wednesday, March 9th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 15: 2022, Thursday, March 10th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 16: 2022, Friday, March 11th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 17: 2022, Saturday, March 12th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 18: 2022, Sunday, March 13th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 19: 2022, Monday, March 14th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 20: 2022, Tuesday, March 15th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 21: 2022, Wednesday, March 16th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 22: 2022, Thursday, March 17th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 23: 2022, Friday, March 18th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 24: 2022, Saturday, March 19th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 25: 2022, Sunday, March 20th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 26: 2022, Monday, March 21st
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 27: 2022, Tuesday, March 22nd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 28: 2022, Wednesday, March 23rd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 29: 2022, Thursday, March 24th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 30: 2022, Friday, March 25th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 31: 2022, Saturday, March 26th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 32: 2022, Sunday, March 27th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 33: 2022, Monday, March 28th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 34: 2022, Tuesday, March 29th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 35: 2022, Wednesday, March 30th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 36: 2022, Thursday, March 31st
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 37: 2022, Friday, April 1st
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 38: 2022, Saturday, April 2nd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 39: 2022, Sunday, April 3rd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 40: 2022, Monday, April 4th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 41: 2022, Tuesday, April 5th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 42: 2022, Wednesday, April 6th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 43: 2022, Thursday, April 7th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 44: 2022, Friday, April 8th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 45: 2022, Saturday, April 9th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 46: 2022, Sunday, April 10th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 47: 2022, Monday, April 11th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 48: 2022, Tuesday, April 12th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 49: 2022, Wednesday, April 13th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 50: 2022, Thursday, April 14th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 51: 2022, Friday, April 15th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 52: 2022, Saturday, April 16th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 53: 2022, Sunday, April 17th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 54: 2022, Monday, April 18th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 55: 2022, Tuesday, April 19th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 56: 2022, Wednesday, April 20th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 57: 2022, Thursday, April 21st
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 58: 2022, Friday, April 22nd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 59: 2022, Saturday, April 23rd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 60: 2022, Sunday, April 24th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 61: 2022, Sunday, April 25th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 62: 2022, Sunday, April 26th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 63: 2022, Sunday, April 27th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 64: 2022, Sunday, April 28th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 65: 2022, Sunday, April 29th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 66: 2022, Sunday, April 30th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 67: 2022, Monday, May 1st
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 68: 2022, Tuesday, May 2nd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 69: 2022, Wednesday, May 3rd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 70: 2022, Thursday, May 4th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 71: 2022, Friday, May 5th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 72: 2022, Saturday, May 6th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 73: 2022, Sunday, May 7th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 74: 2022, Monday, May 8th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 75: 2022, Tuesday, May 9th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 76: 2022, Wednesday, May 10th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 77: 2022, Thursday, May 11th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 78: 2022, Friday, May 12th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 79: 2022, Saturday, May 13th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 80: 2022, Sunday, May 14th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 81: 2022, Monday, May 15th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 82: 2022, Tuesday, May 16th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 83: 2022, Wednesday, May 17th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 84: 2022, Thursday, May 18th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 85: 2022, Friday, May 19th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 86: 2022, Saturday, May 20th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 87: 2022, Sunday, May 21st
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 88: 2022, Monday, May 22nd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 89: 2022, Tuesday, May 23rd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 90: 2022, Wednesday, May 24th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 91: 2022, Thursday, May 25th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 92: 2022, Friday, May 26th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 93: 2022, Saturday, May 27th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 94: 2022, Sunday, May 28th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 95: 2022, Monday, May 29th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 96: 2022, Tuesday, May 30th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 97: 2022, Wednesday, May 31st
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 98: 2022, Thursday, June 1st
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 99: 2022, Friday, June 2nd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 100: 2022, Saturday, June 3rd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 101: 2022, Sunday, June 4th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 102: 2022, Monday, June 5th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 103: 2022, Tuesday, June 6th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 104: 2022, Wednesday, June 7th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 105: 2022, Thursday, June 8th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 106: 2022, Friday, June 9th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 107: 2022, Saturday, June 10th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 108: 2022, Sunday, June 11th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 109: 2022, Monday, June 12th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 110: 2022, Tuesday, June 13th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 111: 2022, Wednesday, June 14th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 112: 2022, Thursday, June 15th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 113: 2022, Friday, June 16th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 114: 2022, Saturday, June 17th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 115: 2022, Sunday, June 18th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 116: 2022, Monday, June 19th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 117: 2022, Tuesday, June 20th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 118: 2022, Wednesday, June 21st
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 119: 2022, Thursday, June 22nd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 120: 2022, Friday, June 23rd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 121: 2022, Saturday, June 24th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 122: 2022, Sunday, June 25th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 123: 2022, Monday, June 26th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 124: 2022, Tuesday, June 27th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 125: 2022, Wednesday, June 28th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 126: 2022, Thursday, June 29th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 127: 2022, Friday, June 30th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 128: 2022, Saturday, July 1st
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 129: 2022, Sunday, July 2nd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 130: 2022, Monday, July 3rd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 131: 2022, Tuesday, July 4th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 132: 2022, Wednesday, July 5th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 133: 2022, Thursday, July 6th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 134: 2022, Friday, July 7th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 135: 2022, Saturday, July 8th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 136: 2022, Sunday, July 9th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 137: 2022, Monday, July 10th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 138: 2022, Tuesday, July 11th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 139: 2022, Wednesday, July 12th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 140: 2022, Thursday, July 13th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 141: 2022, Friday, July 14th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 142: 2022, Saturday, July 15th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 143: 2022, Sunday, July 16th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 144: 2022, Monday, July 17th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 145: 2022, Tuesday, July 18th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 146: 2022, Wednesday, July 19th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 147: 2022, Thursday, July 20th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 148: 2022, Friday, July 21st
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 149: 2022, Saturday, July 22nd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 150: 2022, Sunday, July 23rd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 151: 2022, Monday, July 24th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 152: 2022, Tuesday, July 25th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 153: 2022, Wednesday, July 26th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 154: 2022, Thursday, July 27th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 155: 2022, Friday, July 28th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 156: 2022, Saturday, July 29th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 157: 2022, Sunday, July 30th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 158: 2022, Monday, July 31st
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 159: 2022, Tuesday, August 1st
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 160: 2022, Wednesday, August 2nd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 161: 2022, Thursday, August 3rd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 162: 2022, Friday, August 4th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 163: 2022, Saturday, August 5th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 164: 2022, Sunday, August 6th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 165: 2022, Monday, August 7th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 166: 2022, Tuesday, August 8th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 167: 2022, Wednesday, August 9th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 168: 2022, Thursday, August 10th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 169: 2022, Friday, August 11th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 170: 2022, Saturday, August 12th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 171: 2022, Sunday, August 13th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 172: 2022, Monday, August 14th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 173: 2022, Tuesday, August 15th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 174: 2022, Wednesday, August 16th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 175: 2022, Thursday, August 17th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 176: 2022, Friday, August 18th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 177: 2022, Saturday, August 19th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 178: 2022, Sunday, August 20th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 179: 2022, Sunday, August 21st
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 180: 2022, Monday, August 22nd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 181: 2022, Tuesday, August 23rd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 182: 2022, Wednesday, August 24th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 183: 2022, Thursday, August 25th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 184: 2022, Friday, August 26th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 185: 2022, Saturday, August 27th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 186: 2022, Sunday, August 28th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 187: 2022, Monday, August 29th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 188: 2022, Tuesday, August 30th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 189: 2022, Wednesday, August 31st
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 190: 2022, Thursday, September 1st
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 191: 2022, Friday, September 2nd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 192: 2022, Saturday, September 3rd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 193: 2022, Sunday, September 4th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 194: 2022, Monday, September 5th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 195: 2022, Tuesday, September 6th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 196: 2022, Wednesday, September 7th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 197: 2022, Thursday, September 8th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 198: 2022, Friday, September 9th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 199: 2022, Saturday, September 10th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 200: 2022, Sunday, September 11th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 201: 2022, Monday, September 12th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 202: 2022, Tuesday, September 13th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 203: 2022, Wednesday, September 14th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 204: 2022, Thursday, September 15th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 205: 2022, Friday, September 16th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 206: 2022, Saturday, September 17th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 207: 2022, Sunday, September 18th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 208: 2022, Monday, September 19th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 209: 2022, Tuesday, September 20th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 210: 2022, Wednesday, September 21st
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 211: 2022, Thursday, September 22nd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 212: 2022, Friday, September 23rd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 213: 2022, Saturday, September 24th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 214: 2022, Sunday, September 25th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 215: 2022, Monday, September 26th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 216: 2022, Tuesday, September 27th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 217: 2022, Wednesday, September 28th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 218: 2022, Thursday, September 29th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 219: 2022, Friday, September 30th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 220: 2022, Saturday, October 1st
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 221: 2022, Sunday, October 2nd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 222: 2022, Monday, October 3rd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 223: 2022, Tuesday, October 4th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 224: 2022, Wednesday, October 5th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 225: 2022, Thursday, October 6th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 226: 2022, Friday, October 7th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 227: 2022, Saturday, October 8th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 228: 2022, Sunday, October 9th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 229: 2022, Monday, October 10th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 230: 2022, Tuesday, October 11th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 231: 2022, Wedndesday, October 12th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 232: 2022, Thursday, October 13th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 233: 2022, Friday, October 14th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 234: 2022, Saturday, October 15th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 235: 2022, Sunday, October 16th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 236: 2022, Monday, October 17th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 237: 2022, Tuesday, October 18th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 238: 2022, Wednesday, October 19th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 239: 2022, Thursday, October 20th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 240: 2022, Friday, October 21st
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 241: 2022, Saturday, October 22nd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 242: 2022, Sunday, October 23rd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 243: 2022, Monday, October 24th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 244: 2022, Tuesday, October 25th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 245: 2022, Wednesday, October 26th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 246: 2022, Thursday, October 27th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 247: 2022, Friday, October 28th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 248: 2022, Saturday, October 29th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 249: 2022, Sunday, October 30th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 250: 2022, Monday, October 31st
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 251: 2022, Tuesday, November 1st
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 252: 2022, Wednesday, November 2nd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 253: 2022, Thursday, November 3rd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 254: 2022, Friday, November 4th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 255: 2022, Saturday, November 5th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 256: 2022, Sunday, November 6th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 257: 2022, Monday, November 7th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 258: 2022, Tuesday, November 8th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 259: 2022, Wednesday, November 9th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 260: 2022, Thursday, November 10th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 261: 2022, Friday, November 11th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 262: 2022, Saturday, November 12th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 263: 2022, Sunday, November 13th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 264: 2022, Monday, November 14th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 265: 2022, Tuesday, November 15th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 266: 2022, Wednesday, November 16th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 267: 2022, Thursday, November 17th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 268: 2022, Friday, November 18th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 269: 2022, Saturday, November 19th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 270: 2022, Sunday, November 20th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 271: 2022, Monday, November 21st
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 272: 2022, Tuesday, November 22nd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 273: 2022, Wednesday, November 23rd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 274: 2022, Thursday, November 24th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 275: 2022, Friday, November 25th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 276: 2022, Saturday, November 26th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 277: 2022, Sunday, November 27th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 278: 2022, Monday, November 28th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 279: 2022, Tuesday, November 29th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 280: 2022, Wednesday, November 30th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 281: 2022, Thursday, December 1st
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 282: 2022, Friday, December 2nd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 283: 2022, Saturday, December 3rd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 284: 2022, Sunday, December 4th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 285: 2022, Monday, December 5th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 286: 2022, Tuesday, December 6th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 287: 2022, Wednesday, December 7th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 288: 2022, Thursday, December 8th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 289: 2022, Friday, December 9th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 290: 2022, Saturday, December 10th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 291: 2022, Sunday, December 11th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 292: 2022, Monday, December 12th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 293: 2022, Tuesday, December 13th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 294: 2022, Wednesday, December 14th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 295: 2022, Thursday, December 15th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 296: 2022, Friday, December 16th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 297: 2022, Saturday, December 17th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 298: 2022, Sunday, December 18th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 299: 2022, Monday, December 19th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 300: 2022, Tuesday, December 20th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 301: 2022, Wednesday, December 21st
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 302: 2022, Thursday, December 22nd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 303: 2022, Friday, December 23rd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 304: 2022, Saturday, December 24th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 305: 2022, Sunday, December 25th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 306: 2022, Monday, December 26th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 307: 2022, Tuesday, December 27th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 308: 2022, Wednesday, December 28th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 309: 2022, Thursday, December 29th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 310: 2022, Friday, December 30th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 311: 2022, Saturday, December 31st
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 312: 2023, Sunday, January 1st
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 313: 2023, Monday, January 2nd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 314: 2023, Tuesday, January 3rd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 315: 2023, Wednesday, January 4th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 316: 2023, Thursday, January 5th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 317: 2023, Friday, January 6th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 318: 2023, Saturday, January 7th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 319: 2023, Sunday, January 8th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 320: 2023, Monday, January 9th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 321: 2023, Tuesday, January 10th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 322: 2023, Wednesday, January 11th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 323: 2023, Thursday, January 12th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 324: 2023, Friday, January 13th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 325: 2023, Saturday, January 14th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 326: 2023, Sunday, January 15th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 327: 2023, Monday, January 16th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 328: 2023, Tuesday, January 17th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 329: 2023, Wednesday, January 18th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 330: 2023, Thursday, January 19th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 331: 2023, Friday, January 20th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 332: 2023, Saturday, January 21st
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 333: 2023, Sunday, January 22nd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 334: 2023, Monday, January 23rd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 335: 2023, Tuesday, January 24th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 336: 2023, Wednesday, January 25th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 337: 2023, Thursday, January 26th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 338: 2023, Friday, January 27th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 339: 2023, Saturday, January 28th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 340: 2023, Sunday, January 29th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 341: 2023, Monday, January 30th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 342: 2023, Tuesday, January 31st
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 343: 2023, Wednesday, February 1st
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 344: 2023, Thursday, February 2nd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 345: 2023, Friday, February 3rd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 346: 2023, Saturday, February 4th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 347: 2023, Sunday, February 5th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 348: 2023, Monday, February 6th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 349: 2023, Tuesday, February 7th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 350: 2023, Wednesday, February 8th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 351: 2023, Thursday, February 9th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 352: 2023, Friday, February 10th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 353: 2023, Saturday, February 11th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 354: 2023, Sunday, February 12th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 355: 2023, Monday, February 13th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 356: 2023, Tuesday, February 14th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 357: 2023, Wednesday, February 15th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 358: 2023, Thursday, February 16th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 359: 2023, Friday, February 17th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 360: 2023, Saturday, February 18th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 361: 2023, Sunday, February 19th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 362: 2023, Monday, February 20th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 363: 2023, Tuesday, February 21st
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 364: 2023, Wednesday, February 22nd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 365: 2023, Thursday, February 23rd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 366: 2023, Friday, February 24th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 367: 2023, Saturday, February 25th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 368: 2023, Sunday, February 26th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 369: 2023, Monday, February 27th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 370: 2023, Tuesday, February 28th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 371: 2023, Wednesday, March 1st
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 372: 2023, Thursday, March 2nd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 373: 2023, Friday, March 3rd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 374: 2023, Saturday, March 4th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 375: 2023, Sunday, March 5th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 376: 2023, Monday, March 6th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 377: 2023, Tuesday, March 7th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 378: 2023, Wednesday, March 8th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 379: 2023, Thursday, March 9th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 380: 2023, Friday, March 10th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 381: 2023, Saturday, March 11th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 382: 2023, Sunday, March 12th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 383: 2023, Monday, March 13th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 384: 2023, Tuesday, March 14th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 385: 2023, Wednesday, March 15th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 386: 2023, Thursday, March 16th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 387: 2023, Friday, March 17th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 388: 2023, Saturday, March 18th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 389: 2023, Sunday, March 19th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 390: 2023, Monday, March 20th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 391: 2023, Tuesday, March 21st
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 392: 2023, Wednesday, March 22nd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 393: 2023, Thursday, March 23rd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 394: 2023, Friday, March 24th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 395: 2023, Saturday, March 25th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 396: 2023, Sunday, March 26th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 397: 2023, Monday, March 27th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 398: 2023, Tuesday, March 28th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 399: 2023, Wednesday, March 29th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 400: 2023, Thursday, March 30th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 401: 2023, Friday, March 31st
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 402: 2023, Saturday, April 1st
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 403: 2023, Sunday, April 2nd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 404: 2023, Monday, April 3rd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 405: 2023, Tuesday, April 4th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 406: 2023, Wednesday, April 5th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 407: 2023, Thursday, April 6th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 408: 2023, Friday, April 7th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 409: 2023, Saturday, April 8th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 410: 2023, Sunday, April 9th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 411: 2023, Monday, April 10th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 412: 2023, Tuesday, April 11th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 413: 2023, Wednesday, April 12th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 414: 2023, Thursday, April 13th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 415: 2023, Friday, April 14th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 416: 2023, Saturday, April 15th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 417: 2023, Sunday, April 16th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 418: 2023, Monday, April 17th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 419: 2023, Tuesday, April 18th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 420: 2023, Wednesday, April 19th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 421: 2023, Thursday, April 20th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 422: 2023, Friday, April 21st
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 423: 2023, Saturday, April 22nd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 424: 2023, Sunday, April 23rd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 425: 2023, Monday, April 24th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 426: 2023, Tuesday, April 25th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 427: 2023, Wednesday, April 26th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 428: 2023, Thursday, April 27th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 429: 2023, Friday, April 28th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 430: 2023, Saturday, April 29th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 431: 2023, Sunday, April 30th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 432: 2023, Monday, May 1st
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 433: 2023, Tuesday, May 2nd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 434: 2023, Wednesday, May 3rd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 435: 2023, Thursday, May 4th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 436: 2023, Friday, May 5th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 437: 2023, Saturday, May 6th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 438: 2023, Sunday, May 7th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 439: 2023, Monday, May 8th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 440: 2023, Tuesday, May 9th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 441: 2023, Wednesday, May 10th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 442: 2023, Thursday, May 11th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 443: 2023, Friday, May 12th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 444: 2023, Saturday, May 13th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 445: 2023, Sunday, May 14th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 446: 2023, Monday, May 15th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 447: 2023, Tuesday, May 16th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 448: 2023, Wednesday, May 17th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 449: 2023, Thursday, May 18th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 450: 2023, Friday, May 19th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 451: 2023, Saturday, May 20th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 452: 2023, Sunday, May 21st
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 453: 2023, Monday, May 22nd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 454: 2023, Tuesday, May 23rd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 455: 2023, Wednesday, May 24th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 456: 2023, Thursday, May 25th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 457: 2023, Friday, May 26th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 458: 2023, Saturday, May 27th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 459: 2023, Sunday, May 28th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 460: 2023, Monday, May 29th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 461: 2023, Tuesday, May 30th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 462: 2023, Wednesday, May 31st
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 463: 2023, Thursday, June 1st
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 464: 2023, Friday, June 2nd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 465, 2023, Saturday, June 3rd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 466, 2023, Sunday, June 4th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 467, 2023, Monday, June 5th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 468, 2023, Tuesday, June 6th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 469, 2023, Wednesday, June 7th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 470, 2023, Thursday, June 8th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 471, 2023, Friday, June 9th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 472, 2023, Saturday, June 10th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 473, 2023, Sunday, June 11th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 474, 2023, Monday, June 12th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 475, 2023, Tuesday, June 13th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 476, 2023, Wednesday, June 14th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 477, 2023, Thursday, June 15th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 478, 2023, Friday, June 16th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 479, 2023, Saturday, June 17th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 480, 2023, Sunday, June 18th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 481, 2023, Monday, June 19th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 482, 2023, Tuesday, June 20th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 483, 2023, Wednesday, June 21st
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 484, 2023, Thursday, June 22nd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 485, 2023, Friday, June 23rd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 486, 2023, Saturday, June 24th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 487, 2023, Sunday, June 25th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 488, 2023, Monday, June 26th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 489, 2023, Tuesday, June 27th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 490, 2023, Wednesday, June 28th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 491, 2023, Thursday, June 29th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 492, 2023, Friday, June 30th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 493, 2023, Saturday, July 1st
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 494, 2023, Sunday, July 2nd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 495, 2023, Monday, July 3rd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 496, 2023, Tuesday, July 4th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 497, 2023, Wednesday, July 5th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 498, 2023, Thursday, July 6th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 499, 2023, Friday, July 7th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 500, 2023, Saturday, July 8th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 501, 2023, Sunday, July 9th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 502, 2023, Monday, July 10th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 503, 2023, Tuesday, July 11th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 504, 2023, Wednesday, July 12th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 505, 2023, Thursday, July 13th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 506, 2023, Friday, July 14th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 507, 2023, Saturday, July 15th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 508, 2023, Sunday, July 16th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 509, 2023, Monday, July 17th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 510, 2023, Tuesday, July 18th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 511, 2023, Wednesday, July 19th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 512, 2023, Thursday, July 20th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 513, 2023, Friday, July 21st
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 514, 2023, Saturday, July 22nd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 515, 2023, Sunday, July 23rd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 516, 2023, Monday, July 24th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 517, 2023, Tuesday, July 25th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 518, 2023, Wednesday, July 26th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 519, 2023, Thursday, July 27th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 520, 2023, Friday, July 28th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 521, 2023, Saturday, July 29th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 522, 2023, Sunday, July 30th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 523, 2023, Monday, July 31st
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 524, 2023, Tuesday, August 1st
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 525, 2023, Wednesday, August 2nd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 526, 2023, Thursday, August 3rd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 527, 2023, Friday, August 4th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 528, 2023, Saturday, August 5th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 529, 2023, Sunday, August 6th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 530, 2023, Monday, August 7th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 531, 2023, Tuesday, August 8th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 532, 2023, Wednesday, August 9th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 533, 2023, Thursday, August 10th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 534, 2023, Friday, August 11th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 535, 2023, Saturday, August 12th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 536, 2023, Sunday, August 13th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 537, 2023, Monday, August 14th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 538, 2023, Tuesday, August 15th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 539, 2023, Wednesday, August 16th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 540, 2023, Thursday, August 17th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 541, 2023, Friday, August 18th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 542, 2023, Saturday, August 19th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 543, 2023, Sunday, August 20th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 544, 2023, Monday, August 21st
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 545, 2023, Tuesday, August 22nd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 546, 2023, Wednesday, August 23rd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 547, 2023, Thursday, August 24th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 548, 2023, Friday, August 25th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 549, 2023, Saturday, August 26th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 550, 2023, Sunday, August 27th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 551, 2023, Monday, August 28th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 552, 2023, Tuesday, August 29th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 553, 2023, Wednesday, August 30th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 554, 2023, Thursday, August 31st
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 555, 2023, Friday, September 1st
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 556, 2023, Saturday, September 2nd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 557, 2023, Sunday, September 3rd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 558, 2023, Monday, September 4th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 559, 2023, Tuesday, September 5th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 560, 2023, Wednesday, September 6th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 561, 2023, Thursday, September 7th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 562, 2023, Friday, September 8th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 563, 2023, Saturday, September 9th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 564, 2023, Sunday, September 10th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 565, 2023, Monday, September 11th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 566, 2023, Tuesday, September 12th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 567, 2023, Wednesday, September 13th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 568, 2023, Thursday, September 14th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 569, 2023, Friday, September 15th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 570, 2023, Saturday, September 16th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 571, 2023, Sunday, September 17th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 572, 2023, Monday, September 18th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 573, 2023, Tuesday, September 19th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 574, 2023, Wednesday, September 20th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 575, 2023, Thursday, September 21st
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 576, 2023, Friday, September 22nd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 577, 2023, Saturday, September 23rd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 578, 2023, Sunday, September 24th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 579, 2023, Monday, September 25th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 580, 2023, Tuesday, September 26th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 581, 2023, Wednesday, September 27th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 582, 2023, Thursday, September 28th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 583, 2023, Friday, September 29th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 584, 2023, Saturday, September 30th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 585, 2023, Sunday, October 1st
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 586, 2023, Monday, October 2nd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 587, 2023, Tuesday, October 3rd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 588, 2023, Wednesday, October 4th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 589, 2023, Thursday, October 5th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 590, 2023, Friday, October 6th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 591, 2023, Saturday, October 7th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 592, 2023, Sunday, October 8th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 593, 2023, Monday, October 9th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 594, 2023, Tuesday, October 10th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 595, 2023, Wednesday, October 11th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 596, 2023, Thursday, October 12th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 597, 2023, Friday, October 13th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 598, 2023, Saturday, October 14th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 599, 2023, Sunday, October 15th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 600, 2023, Monday, October 16th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 601, 2023, Tuesday, October 17th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 602, 2023, Wednesday, October 18th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 603, 2023, Thursday, October 19th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 604, 2023, Friday, October 20th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 605, 2023, Saturday, October 21st
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 606, 2023, Sunday, October 22nd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 607, 2023, Monday, October 23rd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 608, 2023, Tuesday, October 24th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 609, 2023, Wednesday, October 25th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 610, 2023, Thursday, October 26th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 611, 2023, Friday, October 27th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 612, 2023, Saturday, October 28th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 613, 2023, Sunday, October 29th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 614, 2023, Monday, October 30th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 615, 2023, Tuesday, October 31st
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 616, 2023, Wednesday, November 1st
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 617, 2023, Thursday, November 2nd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 618, 2023, Friday, November 3rd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 619, 2023, Saturday, November 4th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 620, 2023, Sunday, November 5th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 621, 2023, Monday, November 6th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 622, 2023, Tuesday, November 7th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 623, 2023, Wednesday, November 8th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 624, 2023, Thursday, November 9th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 625, 2023, Friday, November 10th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 626, 2023, Saturday, November 11th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 627, 2023, Sunday, November 12th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 628, 2023, Monday, November 13th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 629, 2023, Tuesday, November 14th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 630, 2023, Wednesday, November 15th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 631, 2023, Thursday, November 16th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 632, 2023, Friday, November 17th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 633, 2023, Saturday, November 18th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 634, 2023, Sunday, November 19th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 635, 2023, Monday, November 20th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 636, 2023, Tuesday, November 21st
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 637, 2023, Wednesday, November 22nd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 638, 2023, Thursday, November 23rd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 639, 2023, Friday, November 24th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 640, 2023, Saturday, November 25th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 641, 2023, Sunday, November 26th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 642, 2023, Monday, November 27th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 643, 2023, Tuesday, November 28th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 644, 2023, Wednesday, November 29th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 645, 2023, Thursday, November 30th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 646, 2023, Friday, December 1st
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 647, 2023, Saturday, December 2nd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 648, 2023, Sunday, December 3rd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 649, 2023, Monday, December 4th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 650, 2023, Tuesday, December 5th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 651, 2023, Wednesday, December 6th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 652, 2023, Thursday, December 7th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 653, 2023, Friday, December 8th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 654, 2023, Saturday, December 9th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 655, 2023, Sunday, December 10th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 656, 2023, Monday, December 11th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 657, 2023, Tuesday, December 12th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 658, 2023, Wednesday, December 13th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 659, 2023, Thursday, December 14th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 660, 2023, Friday, December 15th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 661, 2023, Saturday, December 16th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 662, 2023, Sunday, December 17th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 663, 2023, Monday, December 18th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 664, 2023, Tuesday, December 19th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 665, 2023, Wednesday, December 20th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 666, 2023, Thursday, December 21st
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 667, 2023, Friday, December 22nd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 668, 2023, Saturday, December 23rd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 669, 2023, Sunday, December 24th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 670, 2023, Monday, December 25th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 671, 2023, Tuesday, December 26th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 672, 2023, Wednesday, December 27th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 673, 2023, Thursday, December 28th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 674, 2023, Friday, December 29th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 675, 2023, Saturday, December 30th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 676, 2023, Sunday, December 31st
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 677, 2024, Monday, January 1st
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 678, 2024, Tuesday, January 2nd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 679, 2024, Wednesday, January 3rd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 680, 2024, Thursday, January 4th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 681, 2024, Friday, January 5th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 682, 2024, Saturday, January 6th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 683, 2024, Sunday, January 7th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 684, 2024, Monday, January 8th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 685, 2024, Tuesday, January 9th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 686, 2024, Wednesday, January 10th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 687, 2024, Thursday, January 11th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 688, 2024, Friday, January 12th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 689, 2024, Saturday, January 13th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 690, 2024, Sunday, January 14th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 691, 2024, Monday, January 15th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 692, 2024, Tuesday, January 16th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 693, 2024, Wednesday, January 17th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 694, 2024, Thursday, January 18th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 695, 2024, Friday, January 19th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 696, 2024, Saturday, January 20th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 697, 2024, Sunday, January 21st
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 698, 2024, Monday, January 22nd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 699, 2024, Tuesday, January 23rd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 700, 2024, Wednesday, January 24th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 701, 2024, Thursday, January 25th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 702, 2024, Friday, January 26th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 703, 2024, Saturday, January 27th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 704, 2024, Sunday, January 28th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 705, 2024, Monday, January 29th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 706, 2024, Tuesday, January 30th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 707, 2024, Wednesday, January 31st
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 708, 2024, Thursday, February 1st
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 709, 2024, Friday, February 2nd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 710, 2024, Saturday, February 3rd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 711, 2024, Sunday, February 4th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 712, 2024, Monday, February 5th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 713, 2024, Tuesday, February 6th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 714, 2024, Wednesday, February 7th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 715, 2024, Thursday, February 8th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 716, 2024, Friday, February 9th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 717, 2024, Saturday, February 10th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 718, 2024, Sunday, February 11th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 719, 2024, Monday, February 12th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 720, 2024, Tuesday, February 13th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 721, 2024, Wednesday, February 14th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 722, 2024, Thursday, February 15th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 723, 2024, Friday, February 16th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 724, 2024, Saturday, February 17th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 725, 2024, Sunday, February 18th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 726, 2024, Monday, February 19th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 727, 2024, Tuesday, February 20th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 728, 2024, Wednesday, February 21st
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 729, 2024, Thursday, February 22nd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 730, 2024, Friday, February 23rd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 731, 2024, Saturday, February 24th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 732, 2024, Sunday, February 25th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 733, 2024, Monday, February 26th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 734, 2024, Tuesday, February 27th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 735, 2024, Wednesday, February 28th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 736, 2024, Thursday, February 29th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 737, 2024, Friday, March 1st
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 738, 2024, Saturday, March 2nd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 739, 2024, Sunday, March 3rd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 740, 2024, Monday, March 4th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 741, 2024, Tuesday, March 5th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 742, 2024, Wednesday, March 6th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 743, 2024, Thursday, March 7th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 744, 2024, Friday, March 8th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 745, 2024, Saturday, March 9th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 746, 2024, Sunday, March 10th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 747, 2024, Monday, March 11th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 748, 2024, Tuesday, March 12th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 749, 2024, Wednesday, March 13th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 750, 2024, Thursday, March 14th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 751, 2024, Friday, March 15th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 752, 2024, Saturday, March 16th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 753, 2024, Sunday, March 17th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 754, 2024, Monday, March 18th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 755, 2024, Tuesday, March 19th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 756, 2024, Wednesday, March 20th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 757, 2024, Thursday, March 21st
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 758, 2024, Friday, March 22nd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 759, 2024, Saturday, March 23rd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 760, 2024, Sunday, March 24th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 761, 2024, Monday, March 25th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 762, 2024, Tuesday, March 26th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 763, 2024, Wednesday, March 27th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 764, 2024, Thursday, March 28th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 765, 2024, Friday, March 29th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 766, 2024, Saturday, March 30th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 767, 2024, Sunday, March 31st
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 768, 2024, Monday, April 1st
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 769, 2024, Tuesday, April 2nd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 770, 2024, Wednesday, April 3rd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 771, 2024, Thursday, April 4th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 772, 2024, Friday, April 5th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 773, 2024, Saturday, April 6th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 774, 2024, Sunday, April 7th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 775, 2024, Monday, April 8th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 776, 2024, Tuesday, April 9th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 777, 2024, Wednesday, April 10th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 778, 2024, Thursday, April 11th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 779, 2024, Friday, April 12th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 780, 2024, Saturday, April 13th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 781, 2024, Sunday, April 14th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 782, 2024, Monday, April 15th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 783, 2024, Tuesday, April 16th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 784, 2024, Wednesday, April 17th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 785, 2024, Thursday, April 18th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 786, 2024, Friday, April 19th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 787, 2024, Saturday, April 20th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 788, 2024, Sunday, April 21st
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 789, 2024, Monday, April 22nd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 790, 2024, Tuesday, April 23rd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 791, 2024, Wednesday, April 24th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 792, 2024, Thursday, April 25th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 793, 2024, Friday, April 26th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 794, 2024, Saturday, April 27th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 795, 2024, Sunday, April 28th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 796, 2024, Monday, April 29th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 797, 2024, Tuesday, April 30th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 798, 2024, Wednesday, May 1st
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 799, 2024, Thursday, May 2nd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 800, 2024, Friday, May 3rd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 801, 2024, Saturday, May 4th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 802, 2024, Sunday, May 5th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 803, 2024, Monday, May 6th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 804, 2024, Tuesday, May 7th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 805, 2024, Wednesday, May 8th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 806, 2024, Thursday, May 9th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 807, 2024, Friday, May 10th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 808, 2024, Saturday, May 11th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 809, 2024, Sunday, May 12th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 810, 2024, Monday, May 13th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 811, 2024, Tuesday, May 14th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 812, 2024, Wednesday, May 15th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 813, 2024, Thursday, May 16th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 814, 2024, Friday, May 17th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 815, 2024, Saturday, May 18th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 816, 2024, Sunday, May 19th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 817, 2024, Monday, May 20th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 818, 2024, Tuesday, May 21st
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 819, 2024, Wednesday, May 22nd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 820, 2024, Thursday, May 23rd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 821, 2024, Friday, May 24th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 822, 2024, Saturday, May 25th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 823, 2024, Sunday, May 26th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 824, 2024, Monday, May 27th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 825, 2024, Tuesday, May 28th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 826, 2024, Wednesday, May 29th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 827, 2024, Thursday, May 30th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 828, 2024, Friday, May 31st
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 829, 2024, Saturday, June 1st
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 830, 2024, Sunday, June 2nd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 831, 2024, Monday, June 3rd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 832, 2024, Tuesday, June 4th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 833, 2024, Wednesday, June 5th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 834, 2024, Thursday, June 6th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 835, 2024, Friday, June 7th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 836, 2024, Saturday, June 8th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 837, 2024, Sunday, June 9th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 838, 2024, Monday, June 10th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 839, 2024, Tuesday, June 11th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 840, 2024, Wednesday, June 12th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 841, 2024, Thursday, June 13th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 842, 2024, Friday, June 14th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 843, 2024, Saturday, June 15th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 844, 2024, Sunday, June 16th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 845, 2024, Monday, June 17th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 846, 2024, Tuesday, June 18th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 847, 2024, Wednesday, June 19th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 848, 2024, Thursday, June 20th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 849, 2024, Friday, June 21st
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 850, 2024, Saturday, June 22nd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 851, 2024, Sunday, June 23rd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 852, 2024, Monday, June 24th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 853, 2024, Tuesday, June 25th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 854, 2024, Wednesday, June 26th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 855, 2024, Thursday, June 27th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 856, 2024, Friday, June 28th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 857, 2024, Saturday, June 29th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 858, 2024, Sunday, June 30th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 859, 2024, Monday, July 1st
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 860, 2024, Tuesday, July 2nd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 861, 2024, Wednesday, July 3rd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 862, 2024, Thursday, July 4th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 863, 2024, Friday, July 5th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 864, 2024, Saturday, July 6th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 865, 2024, Sunday, July 7th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 866, 2024, Monday, July 8th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 867, 2024, Tuesday, July 9th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 868, 2024, Wednesday, July 10th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 869, 2024, Thursday, July 11th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 870, 2024, Friday, July 12th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 871, 2024, Saturday, July 13th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 872, 2024, Sunday, July 14th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 873, 2024, Monday, July 15th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 874, 2024, Tuesday, July 16th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 875, 2024, Wednesday, July 17th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 876, 2024, Thursday, July 18th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 877, 2024, Friday, July 19th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 878, 2024, Saturday, July 20th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 879, 2024, Sunday, July 21st
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 880, 2024, Monday, July 22nd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 881, 2024, Tuesday, July 23rd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 882, 2024, Wednesday, July 24th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 883, 2024, Thursday, July 25th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 884, 2024, Friday, July 26th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 885, 2024, Saturday, July 27th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 886, 2024, Sunday, July 28th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 887, 2024, Monday, July 29th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 888, 2024, Tuesday, July 30th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 889, 2024, Wednesday, July 31st
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 890, 2024, Thursday, August 1st
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 891, 2024, Friday, August 2nd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 892, 2024, Saturday, August 3rd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 893, 2024, Sunday, August 4th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 894, 2024, Monday, August 5th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 895, 2024, Tuesday, August 6th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 896, 2024, Wednesday, August 7th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 897, 2024, Thursday, August 8th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 898, 2024, Friday, August 9th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 899, 2024, Saturday, August 10th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 900, 2024, Sunday, August 11th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 901, 2024, Monday, August 12th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 902, 2024, Tuesday, August 13th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 903, 2024, Wednesday, August 14th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 904, 2024, Thursday, August 15th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 905, 2024, Friday, August 16th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 906, 2024, Saturday, August 17th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 907, 2024, Sunday, August 18th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 908, 2024, Monday, August 19th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 909, 2024, Tuesday, August 20th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 910, 2024, Wednesday, August 21st
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 911, 2024, Thursday, August 22nd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 912, 2024, Friday, August 23rd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 913, 2024, Saturday, August 24th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 914, 2024, Sunday, August 25th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 915, 2024, Monday, August 26th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 916, 2024, Tuesday, August 27th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 917, 2024, Wednesday, August 28th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 918, 2024, Thursday, August 29th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 919, 2024, Friday, August 30th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 920, 2024, Saturday, August 31st
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 921, 2024, Sunday, September 1st
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 922, 2024, Monday, September 2nd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 923, 2024, Tuesday, September 3rd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 924, 2024, Wednesday, September 4th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 925, 2024, Thursday, September 5th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 926, 2024, Friday, September 6th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 927, 2024, Saturday, September 7th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 928, 2024, Sunday, September 8th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 929, 2024, Monday, September 9th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 930, 2024, Tuesday, September 10th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 931, 2024, Wednesday, September 11th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 932, 2024, Thursday, September 12th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 933, 2024, Friday, September 13th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 934, 2024, Saturday, September 14th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 935, 2024, Sunday, September 15th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 936, 2024, Monday, September 16th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 937, 2024, Tuesday, September 17th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 938, 2024, Wednesday, September 18th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 939, 2024, Thursday, September 19th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 940, 2024, Friday, September 20th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 941, 2024, Saturday, September 21st
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 942, 2024, Sunday, September 22nd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 943, 2024, Monday, September 23rd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 944, 2024, Tuesday, September 24th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 945, 2024, Wednesday, September 25th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 946, 2024, Thursday, September 26th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 947, 2024, Friday, September 27th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 948, 2024, Saturday, September 28th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 949, 2024, Sunday, September 29th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 950, 2024, Monday, September 30th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 951, 2024, Tuesday, October 1st
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 952, 2024, Wednesday, October 2nd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 953, 2024, Thursday, October 3rd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 954, 2024, Friday, October 4th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 955, 2024, Saturday, October 5th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 956, 2024, Sunday, October 6th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 957, 2024, Monday, October 7th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 958, 2024, Tuesday, October 8th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 959, 2024, Wednesday, October 9th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 960, 2024, Thursday, October 10th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 961, 2024, Friday, October 11th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 962, 2024, Saturday, October 12th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 963, 2024, Sunday, October 13th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 964, 2024, Monday, October 14th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 965, 2024, Tuesday, October 15th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 966, 2024, Wednesday, October 16th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 967, 2024, Thursday, October 17th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 968, 2024, Friday, October 18th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 969, 2024, Saturday, October 19th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 970, 2024, Sunday, October 20th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 971, 2024, Monday, October 21st
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 972, 2024, Tuesday, October 22nd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 973, 2024, Wednesday, October 23rd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 974, 2024, Thursday, October 24th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 975, 2024, Friday, October 25th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 976, 2024, Saturday, October 26th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 977, 2024, Sunday, October 27th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 978, 2024, Monday, October 28th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 979, 2024, Tuesday, October 29th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 980, 2024, Wednesday, October 30th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 981, 2024, Thursday, October 31st
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 982, 2024, Friday, November 1st
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 983, 2024, Saturday, November 2nd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 984, 2024, Sunday, November 3rd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 985, 2024, Monday, November 4th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 986, 2024, Tuesday, November 5th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 987, 2024, Wednesday, November 6th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 988, 2024, Thursday, November 7th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 989, 2024, Friday, November 8th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 990, 2024, Saturday, November 9th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 991, 2024, Sunday, November 10th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 992, 2024, Monday, November 11th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 993, 2024, Tuesday, November 12th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 994, 2024, Wednesday, November 13th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 995, 2024, Thursday, November 14th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 996, 2024, Friday, November 15th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 997, 2024, Saturday, November 16th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 998, 2024, Sunday, November 17th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 999, 2024, Monday, November 18th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1000, 2024, Tuesday, November 19th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1001, 2024, Wednesday, November 20th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1002, 2024, Thursday, November 21st
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1003, 2024, Friday, November 22nd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1004, 2024, Saturday, November 23rd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1005, 2024, Sunday, November 24th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1006, 2024, Monday, November 25th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1007, 2024, Tuesday, November 26th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1008, 2024, Wednesday, November 27th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1009, 2024, Thursday, November 28th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1010, 2024, Friday, November 29th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1011, 2024, Saturday, November 30th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1012, 2024, Sunday, December 1st
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1013, 2024, Monday, December 2nd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1014, 2024, Tuesday, December 3rd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1015, 2024, Wednesday, December 4th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1016, 2024, Thursday, December 5th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1017, 2024, Friday, December 6th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1018, 2024, Saturday, December 7th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1019, 2024, Sunday, December 8th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1020, 2024, Monday, December 9th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1021, 2024, Tuesday, December 10th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1022, 2024, Wednesday, December 11th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1023, 2024, Thursday, December 12th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1024, 2024, Friday, December 13th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1025, 2024, Saturday, December 14th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1026, 2024, Sunday, December 15th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1027, 2024, Monday, December 16th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1028, 2024, Tuesday, December 17th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1029, 2024, Wednesday, December 18th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1030, 2024, Thursday, December 19th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1031, 2024, Friday, December 20th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1032, 2024, Saturday, December 21st
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1033, 2024, Sunday, December 22nd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1034, 2024, Monday, December 23rd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1035, 2024, Tuesday, December 24th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1036, 2024, Wednesday, December 25th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1037, 2024, Thursday, December 26th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1038, 2024, Friday, December 27th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1039, 2024, Saturday, December 28th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1040, 2024, Sunday, December 29th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1041, 2024, Monday, December 30th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1042, 2024, Tuesday, December 31st
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1043, 2025, Wednesday, January 1st
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1044, 2025, Thursday, January 2nd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1045, 2025, Friday, January 3rd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1046, 2025, Saturday, January 4th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1047, 2025, Sunday, January 5th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1048, 2025, Monday, January 6th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1049, 2025, Tuesday, January 7th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1050, 2025, Wednesday, January 8th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1051, 2025, Thursday, January 9th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1052, 2025, Friday, January 10th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1053, 2025, Saturday, January 11th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1054, 2025, Sunday, January 12th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1055, 2025, Monday, January 13th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1056, 2025, Tuesday, January 14th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1057, 2025, Wednesday, January 15th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1058, 2025, Thursday, January 16th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1059, 2025, Friday, January 17th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1060, 2025, Saturday, January 18th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1061, 2025, Sunday, January 19th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1062, 2025, Monday, January 20th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1063, 2025, Tuesday, January 21st
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1064, 2025, Wednesday, January 22nd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1065, 2025, Thursday, January 23rd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1066, 2025, Friday, January 24th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1067, 2025, Saturday, January 25th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1068, 2025, Sunday, January 26th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1069, 2025, Monday, January 27th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1070, 2025, Tuesday, January 28th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1071, 2025, Wednesday, January 29th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1072, 2025, Thursday, January 30th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1073, 2025, Friday, January 31st
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1074, 2025, Saturday, February 1st
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1075, 2025, Sunday, February 2nd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1076, 2025, Monday, February 3rd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1077, 2025, Tuesday, February 4th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1078, 2025, Wednesday, February 5th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1079, 2025, Thursday, February 6th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1080, 2025, Friday, February 7th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1081, 2025, Saturday, February 8th
+[Click/tap here to expand/collapse a full timeline (Russo-Ukrainian war)] [UA/UK: Натисніть / торкніться тут, щоб розширити / згорнути повну хронологію (російсько-українська війна)] [RU: Нажмите/коснитесь здесь, чтобы развернуть/свернуть полную временную шкалу (Российско-украинская война] [BE: Націсніце/дакраніцеся тут, каб разгарнуць/згарнуць поўную часовую шкалу (руска-ўкраінская вайна)] [KO: 전체 타임라인(러시아-우크라이나 전쟁)을 확장/축소하려면 여기를 클릭/탭하세요.]
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1: 2014, February 20th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2: 2014, February 21st
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3: 2014, February 22nd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 4: 2014, February 23rd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 5: 2014, February 24th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 6: 2014, February 25th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 7: 2014, February 26th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 8: 2014, February 27th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 9: 2014, February 28th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 10: 2014, March 1st
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 11: 2014, March 2nd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 12: 2014, March 3rd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 13: 2014, March 4th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 14: 2014, March 5th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 15: 2014, March 6th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 16: 2014, March 7th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 17: 2014, March 8th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 18: 2014, March 9th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 19: 2014, March 10th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 20: 2014, March 11th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 21: 2014, March 12th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 22: 2014, March 13th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 23: 2014, March 14th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 24: 2014, March 15th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 25: 2014, March 16th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 26: 2014, March 17th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 27: 2014, March 18th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 28: 2014, March 19th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 29: 2014, March 20th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 30: 2014, March 21st
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 31: 2014, March 22nd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 32: 2014, March 23rd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 33: 2014, March 24th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 34: 2014, March 25th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 35: 2014, March 26th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 36: 2014, March 27th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 37: 2014, March 28th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 38: 2014, March 29th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 39: 2014, March 30th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 40: 2014, March 31st
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 41: 2014, April 1st
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 42: 2014, April 2nd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 43: 2014, April 3rd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 44: 2014, April 4th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 45: 2014, April 5th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 46: 2014, April 6th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 47: 2014, April 7th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 48: 2014, April 8th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 49: 2014, April 9th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 50: 2014, April 10th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 51: 2014, April 11th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 52: 2014, April 12th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 53: 2014, April 13th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 54: 2014, April 14th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 55: 2014, April 15th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 56: 2014, April 16th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 57: 2014, April 17th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 58: 2014, April 18th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 59: 2014, April 19th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 60: 2014, April 20th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 61: 2014, April 21st
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 62: 2014, April 22nd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 63: 2014, April 23rd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 64: 2014, April 24th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 65: 2014, April 25th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 66: 2014, April 26th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 67: 2014, April 27th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 68: 2014, April 28th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 69: 2014, April 29th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 70: 2014, April 30th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 71: 2014, May 1st
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 72: 2014, May 2nd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 73: 2014, May 3rd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 74: 2014, May 4th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 75: 2014, May 5th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 76: 2014, May 6th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 77: 2014, May 7th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 78: 2014, May 8th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 79: 2014, May 9th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 80: 2014, May 10th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 81: 2014, May 11th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 82: 2014, May 12th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 83: 2014, May 13th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 84: 2014, May 14th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 85: 2014, May 15th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 86: 2014, May 16th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 87: 2014, May 17th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 88: 2014, May 18th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 89: 2014, May 19th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 90: 2014, May 20th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 91: 2014, May 21st
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 92: 2014, May 22nd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 93: 2014, May 23rd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 94: 2014, May 24th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 95: 2014, May 25th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 96: 2014, May 26th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 97: 2014, May 27th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 98: 2014, May 28th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 99: 2014, May 29th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 100: 2014, May 30th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 101: 2014, May 31st
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 102: 2014, June 1st
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 103: 2014, June 2nd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 104: 2014, June 3rd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 105: 2014, June 4th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 106: 2014, June 5th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 107: 2014, June 6th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 108: 2014, June 7th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 109: 2014, June 8th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 110: 2014, June 9th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 111: 2014, June 10th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 112: 2014, June 11th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 113: 2014, June 12th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 114: 2014, June 13th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 115: 2014, June 14th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 116: 2014, June 15th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 117: 2014, June 16th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 118: 2014, June 17th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 119: 2014, June 18th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 120: 2014, June 19th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 121: 2014, June 20th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 122: 2014, June 21st
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 123: 2014, June 22nd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 124: 2014, June 23rd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 125: 2014, June 24th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 126: 2014, June 25th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 127: 2014, June 26th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 128: 2014, June 27th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 129: 2014, June 28th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 130: 2014, June 29th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 131: 2014, June 30th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 132: 2014, July 1st
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 133: 2014, July 2nd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 134: 2014, July 3rd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 135: 2014, July 4th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 136: 2014, July 5th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 137: 2014, July 6th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 138: 2014, July 7th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 139: 2014, July 8th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 140: 2014, July 9th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 141: 2014, July 10th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 142: 2014, July 11th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 143: 2014, July 12th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 144: 2014, July 13th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 145: 2014, July 14th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 146: 2014, July 15th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 147: 2014, July 16th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 148: 2014, July 17th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 149: 2014, July 18th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 150: 2014, July 19th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 151: 2014, July 20th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 152: 2014, July 21st
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 153: 2014, July 22nd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 154: 2014, July 23rd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 155: 2014, July 24th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 156: 2014, July 25th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 157: 2014, July 26th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 158: 2014, July 27th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 159: 2014, July 28th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 160: 2014, July 29th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 161: 2014, July 30th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 162: 2014, July 31st
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 163: 2014, August 1st
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 164: 2014, August 2nd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 165: 2014, August 3rd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 166: 2014, August 4th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 167: 2014, August 5th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 168: 2014, August 6th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 169: 2014, August 7th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 170: 2014, August 8th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 171: 2014, August 9th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 172: 2014, August 10th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 173: 2014, August 11th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 174: 2014, August 12th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 175: 2014, August 13th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 176: 2014, August 14th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 177: 2014, August 15th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 178: 2014, August 16th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 179: 2014, August 17th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 180: 2014, August 18th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 181: 2014, August 19th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 182: 2014, August 20th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 183: 2014, August 21st
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 184: 2014, August 22nd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 185: 2014, August 23rd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 186: 2014, August 24th (happy independence day Ukraine!) **Слава Україні!**
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 187: 2014, August 25th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 188: 2014, August 26th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 189: 2014, August 27th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 190: 2014, August 28th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 191: 2014, August 29th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 192: 2014, August 30th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 193: 2014, August 31st
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 194: 2014, September 1st
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 195: 2014, September 2nd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 196: 2014, September 3rd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 197: 2014, September 4th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 198: 2014, September 5th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 199: 2014, September 6th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 200: 2014, September 7th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 201: 2014, September 8th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 202: 2014, September 9th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 203: 2014, September 10th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 204: 2014, September 11th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 205: 2014, September 12th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 206: 2014, September 13th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 207: 2014, September 14th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 208: 2014, September 15th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 209: 2014, September 16th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 210: 2014, September 17th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 211: 2014, September 18th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 212: 2014, September 19th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 213: 2014, September 20th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 214: 2014, September 21st
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 215: 2014, September 22nd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 216: 2014, September 23rd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 217: 2014, September 24th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 218: 2014, September 25th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 219: 2014, September 26th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 220: 2014, September 27th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 221: 2014, September 28th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 222: 2014, September 29th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 223: 2014, September 30th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 224: 2014, October 1st
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 225: 2014, October 2nd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 226: 2014, October 3rd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 227: 2014, October 4th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 228: 2014, October 5th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 229: 2014, October 6th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 230: 2014, October 7th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 231: 2014, October 8th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 232: 2014, October 9th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 233: 2014, October 10th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 234: 2014, October 11th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 235: 2014, October 12th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 236: 2014, October 13th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 237: 2014, October 14th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 238: 2014, October 15th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 239: 2014, October 16th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 240: 2014, October 17th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 241: 2014, October 18th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 242: 2014, October 19th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 243: 2014, October 20th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 244: 2014, October 21st
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 245: 2014, October 22nd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 246: 2014, October 23rd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 247: 2014, October 24th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 248: 2014, October 25th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 249: 2014, October 26th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 250: 2014, October 27th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 251: 2014, October 28th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 252: 2014, October 29th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 253: 2014, October 30th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 254: 2014, October 31st
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 255: 2014, November 1st
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 256: 2014, November 2nd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 257: 2014, November 3rd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 258: 2014, November 4th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 259: 2014, November 5th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 260: 2014, November 6th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 261: 2014, November 7th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 262: 2014, November 8th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 263: 2014, November 9th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 264: 2014, November 10th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 265: 2014, November 11th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 266: 2014, November 12th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 267: 2014, November 13th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 268: 2014, November 14th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 269: 2014, November 15th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 270: 2014, November 16th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 271: 2014, November 17th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 272: 2014, November 18th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 273: 2014, November 19th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 274: 2014, November 20th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 275: 2014, November 21st
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 276: 2014, November 22nd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 277: 2014, November 23rd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 278: 2014, November 24th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 279: 2014, November 25th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 280: 2014, November 26th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 281: 2014, November 27th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 282: 2014, November 28th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 283: 2014, November 29th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 284: 2014, November 30th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 285: 2014, December 1st
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 286: 2014, December 2nd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 287: 2014, December 3rd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 288: 2014, December 4th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 289: 2014, December 5th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 290: 2014, December 6th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 291: 2014, December 7th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 292: 2014, December 8th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 293: 2014, December 9th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 294: 2014, December 10th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 295: 2014, December 11th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 296: 2014, December 12th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 297: 2014, December 13th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 298: 2014, December 14th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 299: 2014, December 15th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 300: 2014, December 16th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 301: 2014, December 17th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 302: 2014, December 18th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 303: 2014, December 19th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 304: 2014, December 20th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 305: 2014, December 21st
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 306: 2014, December 22nd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 307: 2014, December 23rd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 308: 2014, December 24th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 309: 2014, December 25th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 310: 2014, December 26th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 311: 2014, December 27th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 312: 2014, December 28th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 313: 2014, December 29th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 314: 2014, December 30th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 315: 2014, December 31st
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 316: 2015, January 1st
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 317: 2015, January 2nd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 318: 2015, January 3rd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 319: 2015, January 4th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 320: 2015, January 5th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 321: 2015, January 6th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 322: 2015, January 7th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 323: 2015, January 8th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 324: 2015, January 9th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 325: 2015, January 10th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 326: 2015, January 11th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 327: 2015, January 12th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 328: 2015, January 13th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 329: 2015, January 14th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 330: 2015, January 15th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 331: 2015, January 16th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 332: 2015, January 17th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 333: 2015, January 18th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 334: 2015, January 19th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 335: 2015, January 20th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 336: 2015, January 21st
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 337: 2015, January 22nd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 338: 2015, January 23rd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 339: 2015, January 24th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 340: 2015, January 25th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 341: 2015, January 26th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 342: 2015, January 27th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 343: 2015, January 28th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 344: 2015, January 29th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 345: 2015, January 30th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 346: 2015, January 31st
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 347: 2015, February 1st
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 348: 2015, February 2nd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 349: 2015, February 3rd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 350: 2015, February 4th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 351: 2015, February 5th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 352: 2015, February 6th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 353: 2015, February 7th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 354: 2015, February 8th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 355: 2015, February 9th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 356: 2015, February 10th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 357: 2015, February 11th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 358: 2015, February 12th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 359: 2015, February 13th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 360: 2015, February 14th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 361: 2015, February 15th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 362: 2015, February 16th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 363: 2015, February 17th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 364: 2015, February 18th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 365: 2015, February 19th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 366: 2015, February 20th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 367: 2015, February 21st
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 368: 2015, February 22nd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 369: 2015, February 23rd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 370: 2015, February 24th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 371: 2015, February 25th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 372: 2015, February 26th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 373: 2015, February 27th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 374: 2015, February 28th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 375: 2015, March 1st
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 376: 2015, March 2nd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 377: 2015, March 3rd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 378: 2015, March 4th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 379: 2015, March 5th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 380: 2015, March 6th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 381: 2015, March 7th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 382: 2015, March 8th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 383: 2015, March 9th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 384: 2015, March 10th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 385: 2015, March 11th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 386: 2015, March 12th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 387: 2015, March 13th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 388: 2015, March 14th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 389: 2015, March 15th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 390: 2015, March 16th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 391: 2015, March 17th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 392: 2015, March 18th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 393: 2015, March 19th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 394: 2015, March 20th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 395: 2015, March 21st
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 396: 2015, March 22nd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 397: 2015, March 23rd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 398: 2015, March 24th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 399: 2015, March 25th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 400: 2015, March 26th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 401: 2015, March 27th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 402: 2015, March 28th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 403: 2015, March 29th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 404: 2015, March 30th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 405: 2015, March 31st
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 406: 2015, April 1st
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 407: 2015, April 2nd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 408: 2015, April 3rd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 409: 2015, April 4th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 410: 2015, April 5th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 411: 2015, April 6th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 412: 2015, April 7th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 413: 2015, April 8th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 414: 2015, April 9th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 415: 2015, April 10th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 416: 2015, April 11th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 417: 2015, April 12th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 418: 2015, April 13th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 419: 2015, April 14th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 420: 2015, April 15th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 421: 2015, April 16th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 422: 2015, April 17th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 423: 2015, April 18th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 424: 2015, April 19th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 425: 2015, April 20th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 426: 2015, April 21st
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 427: 2015, April 22nd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 428: 2015, April 23rd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 429: 2015, April 24th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 430: 2015, April 25th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 431: 2015, April 26th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 432: 2015, April 27th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 433: 2015, April 28th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 434: 2015, April 29th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 435: 2015, April 30th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 436: 2015, May 1st
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 437: 2015, May 2nd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 438: 2015, May 3rd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 439: 2015, May 4th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 440: 2015, May 5th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 441: 2015, May 6th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 442: 2015, May 7th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 443: 2015, May 8th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 444: 2015, May 9th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 445: 2015, May 10th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 446: 2015, May 11th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 447: 2015, May 12th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 448: 2015, May 13th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 449: 2015, May 14th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 450: 2015, May 15th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 451: 2015, May 16th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 452: 2015, May 17th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 453: 2015, May 18th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 454: 2015, May 19th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 455: 2015, May 20th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 456: 2015, May 21st
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 457: 2015, May 22nd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 458: 2015, May 23rd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 459: 2015, May 24th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 460: 2015, May 25th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 461: 2015, May 26th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 462: 2015, May 27th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 463: 2015, May 28th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 464: 2015, May 29th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 465: 2015, May 30th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 466: 2015, May 31st
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 467: 2015, June 1st
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 468: 2015, June 2nd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 469: 2015, June 3rd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 470: 2015, June 4th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 471: 2015, June 5th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 472: 2015, June 6th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 473: 2015, June 7th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 474: 2015, June 8th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 475: 2015, June 9th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 476: 2015, June 10th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 477: 2015, June 11th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 478: 2015, June 12th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 479: 2015, June 13th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 480: 2015, June 14th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 481: 2015, June 15th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 482: 2015, June 16th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 483: 2015, June 17th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 484: 2015, June 18th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 485: 2015, June 19th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 486: 2015, June 20th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 487: 2015, June 21st
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 488: 2015, June 22nd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 489: 2015, June 23rd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 490: 2015, June 24th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 491: 2015, June 25th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 492: 2015, June 26th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 493: 2015, June 27th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 494: 2015, June 28th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 495: 2015, June 29th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 496: 2015, June 30th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 497: 2015, July 1st
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 498: 2015, July 2nd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 499: 2015, July 3rd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 500: 2015, July 4th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 501: 2015, July 5th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 502: 2015, July 6th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 503: 2015, July 7th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 504: 2015, July 8th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 505: 2015, July 9th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 506: 2015, July 10th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 507: 2015, July 11th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 508: 2015, July 12th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 509: 2015, July 13th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 510: 2015, July 14th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 511: 2015, July 15th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 512: 2015, July 16th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 513: 2015, July 17th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 514: 2015, July 18th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 515: 2015, July 19th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 516: 2015, July 20th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 517: 2015, July 21st
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 518: 2015, July 22nd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 519: 2015, July 23rd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 520: 2015, July 24th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 521: 2015, July 25th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 522: 2015, July 26th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 523: 2015, July 27th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 524: 2015, July 28th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 525: 2015, July 29th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 526: 2015, July 30th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 527: 2015, July 31st
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 528: 2015, August 1st
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 529: 2015, August 2nd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 530: 2015, August 3rd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 531: 2015, August 4th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 532: 2015, August 5th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 533: 2015, August 6th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 534: 2015, August 7th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 535: 2015, August 8th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 536: 2015, August 9th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 537: 2015, August 10th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 538: 2015, August 11th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 539: 2015, August 12th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 540: 2015, August 13th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 541: 2015, August 14th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 542: 2015, August 15th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 543: 2015, August 16th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 544: 2015, August 17th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 545: 2015, August 18th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 546: 2015, August 19th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 547: 2015, August 20th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 548: 2015, August 21st
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 549: 2015, August 22nd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 550: 2015, August 23rd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 551: 2015, August 24th (happy independence day Ukraine!) **Слава Україні!**
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 552: 2015, August 25th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 553: 2015, August 26th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 554: 2015, August 27th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 555: 2015, August 28th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 556: 2015, August 29th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 557: 2015, August 30th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 558: 2015, August 31st
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 559: 2015, September 1st
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 560: 2015, September 2nd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 561: 2015, September 3rd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 562: 2015, September 4th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 563: 2015, September 5th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 564: 2015, September 6th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 565: 2015, September 7th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 566: 2015, September 8th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 567: 2015, September 9th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 568: 2015, September 10th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 569: 2015, September 11th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 570: 2015, September 12th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 571: 2015, September 13th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 572: 2015, September 14th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 573: 2015, September 15th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 574: 2015, September 16th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 575: 2015, September 17th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 576: 2015, September 18th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 577: 2015, September 19th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 578: 2015, September 20th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 579: 2015, September 21st
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 580: 2015, September 22nd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 581: 2015, September 23rd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 582: 2015, September 24th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 583: 2015, September 25th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 584: 2015, September 26th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 585: 2015, September 27th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 586: 2015, September 28th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 587: 2015, September 29th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 588: 2015, September 30th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 589: 2015, October 1st
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 590: 2015, October 2nd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 591: 2015, October 3rd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 592: 2015, October 4th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 593: 2015, October 5th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 594: 2015, October 6th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 595: 2015, October 7th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 596: 2015, October 8th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 597: 2015, October 9th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 598: 2015, October 10th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 599: 2015, October 11th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 600: 2015, October 12th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 601: 2015, October 13th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 602: 2015, October 14th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 603: 2015, October 15th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 604: 2015, October 16th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 605: 2015, October 17th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 606: 2015, October 18th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 607: 2015, October 19th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 608: 2015, October 20th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 609: 2015, October 21st
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 610: 2015, October 22nd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 611: 2015, October 23rd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 612: 2015, October 24th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 613: 2015, October 25th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 614: 2015, October 26th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 615: 2015, October 27th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 616: 2015, October 28th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 617: 2015, October 29th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 618: 2015, October 30th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 619: 2015, October 31st
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 620: 2015, November 1st
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 621: 2015, November 2nd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 622: 2015, November 3rd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 623: 2015, November 4th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 624: 2015, November 5th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 625: 2015, November 6th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 626: 2015, November 7th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 627: 2015, November 8th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 628: 2015, November 9th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 629: 2015, November 10th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 630: 2015, November 11th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 631: 2015, November 12th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 632: 2015, November 13th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 633: 2015, November 14th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 634: 2015, November 15th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 635: 2015, November 16th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 636: 2015, November 17th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 637: 2015, November 18th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 638: 2015, November 19th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 639: 2015, November 20th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 640: 2015, November 21st
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 641: 2015, November 22nd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 642: 2015, November 23rd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 643: 2015, November 24th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 644: 2015, November 25th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 645: 2015, November 26th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 646: 2015, November 27th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 647: 2015, November 28th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 648: 2015, November 29th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 649: 2015, November 30th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 650: 2015, December 1st
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 651: 2015, December 2nd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 652: 2015, December 3rd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 653: 2015, December 4th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 654: 2015, December 5th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 655: 2015, December 6th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 656: 2015, December 7th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 657: 2015, December 8th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 658: 2015, December 9th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 659: 2015, December 10th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 660: 2015, December 11th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 661: 2015, December 12th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 662: 2015, December 13th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 663: 2015, December 14th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 664: 2015, December 15th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 665: 2015, December 16th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 666: 2015, December 17th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 667: 2015, December 18th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 668: 2015, December 19th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 669: 2015, December 20th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 670: 2015, December 21st
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 671: 2015, December 22nd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 672: 2015, December 23rd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 673: 2015, December 24th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 674: 2015, December 25th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 675: 2015, December 26th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 676: 2015, December 27th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 677: 2015, December 28th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 678: 2015, December 29th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 679: 2015, December 30th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 680: 2015, December 31st
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 681: 2016, January 1st
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 682: 2016, January 2nd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 683: 2016, January 3rd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 684: 2016, January 4th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 685: 2016, January 5th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 686: 2016, January 6th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 687: 2016, January 7th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 688: 2016, January 8th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 689: 2016, January 9th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 690: 2016, January 10th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 691: 2016, January 11th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 692: 2016, January 12th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 693: 2016, January 13th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 694: 2016, January 14th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 695: 2016, January 15th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 696: 2016, January 16th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 697: 2016, January 17th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 698: 2016, January 18th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 699: 2016, January 19th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 700: 2016, January 20th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 701: 2016, January 21st
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 702: 2016, January 22nd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 703: 2016, January 23rd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 704: 2016, January 24th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 705: 2016, January 25th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 706: 2016, January 26th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 707: 2016, January 27th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 708: 2016, January 28th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 709: 2016, January 29th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 710: 2016, January 30th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 711: 2016, January 31st
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 712: 2016, February 1st
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 713: 2016, February 2nd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 714: 2016, February 3rd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 715: 2016, February 4th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 716: 2016, February 5th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 717: 2016, February 6th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 718: 2016, February 7th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 719: 2016, February 8th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 720: 2016, February 9th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 721: 2016, February 10th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 722: 2016, February 11th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 723: 2016, February 12th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 724: 2016, February 13th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 725: 2016, February 14th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 726: 2016, February 15th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 727: 2016, February 16th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 728: 2016, February 17th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 729: 2016, February 18th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 730: 2016, February 19th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 731: 2016, February 20th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 732: 2016, February 21st
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 733: 2016, February 22nd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 734: 2016, February 23rd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 735: 2016, February 24th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 736: 2016, February 25th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 737: 2016, February 26th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 738: 2016, February 27th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 739: 2016, February 28th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 740: 2016, February 29th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 741: 2016, March 1st
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 742: 2016, March 2nd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 743: 2016, March 3rd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 744: 2016, March 4th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 745: 2016, March 5th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 746: 2016, March 6th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 747: 2016, March 7th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 748: 2016, March 8th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 749: 2016, March 9th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 750: 2016, March 10th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 751: 2016, March 11th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 752: 2016, March 12th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 753: 2016, March 13th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 754: 2016, March 14th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 755: 2016, March 15th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 756: 2016, March 16th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 757: 2016, March 17th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 758: 2016, March 18th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 759: 2016, March 19th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 760: 2016, March 20th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 761: 2016, March 21st
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 762: 2016, March 22nd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 763: 2016, March 23rd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 764: 2016, March 24th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 765: 2016, March 25th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 766: 2016, March 26th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 767: 2016, March 27th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 768: 2016, March 28th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 769: 2016, March 29th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 770: 2016, March 30th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 771: 2016, March 31st
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 772: 2016, April 1st
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 773: 2016, April 2nd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 774: 2016, April 3rd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 775: 2016, April 4th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 776: 2016, April 5th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 777: 2016, April 6th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 778: 2016, April 7th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 779: 2016, April 8th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 780: 2016, April 9th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 781: 2016, April 10th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 782: 2016, April 11th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 783: 2016, April 12th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 784: 2016, April 13th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 785: 2016, April 14th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 786: 2016, April 15th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 787: 2016, April 16th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 788: 2016, April 17th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 789: 2016, April 18th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 790: 2016, April 19th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 791: 2016, April 20th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 792: 2016, April 21st
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 793: 2016, April 22nd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 794: 2016, April 23rd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 795: 2016, April 24th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 796: 2016, April 25th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 797: 2016, April 26th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 798: 2016, April 27th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 799: 2016, April 28th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 800: 2016, April 29th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 801: 2016, April 30th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 802: 2016, May 1st
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 803: 2016, May 2nd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 804: 2016, May 3rd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 805: 2016, May 4th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 806: 2016, May 5th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 807: 2016, May 6th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 808: 2016, May 7th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 809: 2016, May 8th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 810: 2016, May 9th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 811: 2016, May 10th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 812: 2016, May 11th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 813: 2016, May 12th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 814: 2016, May 13th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 815: 2016, May 14th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 816: 2016, May 15th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 817: 2016, May 16th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 818: 2016, May 17th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 819: 2016, May 18th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 820: 2016, May 19th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 821: 2016, May 20th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 822: 2016, May 21st
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 823: 2016, May 22nd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 824: 2016, May 23rd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 825: 2016, May 24th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 826: 2016, May 25th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 827: 2016, May 26th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 828: 2016, May 27th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 829: 2016, May 28th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 830: 2016, May 29th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 831: 2016, May 30th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 832: 2016, May 31st
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 833: 2016, June 1st
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 834: 2016, June 2nd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 835: 2016, June 3rd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 836: 2016, June 4th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 837: 2016, June 5th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 838: 2016, June 6th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 839: 2016, June 7th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 840: 2016, June 8th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 841: 2016, June 9th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 842: 2016, June 10th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 843: 2016, June 11th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 844: 2016, June 12th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 845: 2016, June 13th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 846: 2016, June 14th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 847: 2016, June 15th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 848: 2016, June 16th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 849: 2016, June 17th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 850: 2016, June 18th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 851: 2016, June 19th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 852: 2016, June 20th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 853: 2016, June 21st
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 854: 2016, June 22nd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 855: 2016, June 23rd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 856: 2016, June 24th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 857: 2016, June 25th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 858: 2016, June 26th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 859: 2016, June 27th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 860: 2016, June 28th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 861: 2016, June 29th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 862: 2016, June 30th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 863: 2016, July 1st
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 864: 2016, July 2nd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 865: 2016, July 3rd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 866: 2016, July 4th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 867: 2016, July 5th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 868: 2016, July 6th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 869: 2016, July 7th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 870: 2016, July 8th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 871: 2016, July 9th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 872: 2016, July 10th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 873: 2016, July 11th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 874: 2016, July 12th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 875: 2016, July 13th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 876: 2016, July 14th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 877: 2016, July 15th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 878: 2016, July 16th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 879: 2016, July 17th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 880: 2016, July 18th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 881: 2016, July 19th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 882: 2016, July 20th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 883: 2016, July 21st
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 884: 2016, July 22nd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 885: 2016, July 23rd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 886: 2016, July 24th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 887: 2016, July 25th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 888: 2016, July 26th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 889: 2016, July 27th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 890: 2016, July 28th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 891: 2016, July 29th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 892: 2016, July 30th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 893: 2016, July 31st
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 894: 2016, August 1st
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 895: 2016, August 2nd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 896: 2016, August 3rd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 897: 2016, August 4th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 898: 2016, August 5th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 899: 2016, August 6th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 900: 2016, August 7th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 901: 2016, August 8th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 902: 2016, August 9th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 903: 2016, August 10th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 904: 2016, August 11th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 905: 2016, August 12th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 906: 2016, August 13th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 907: 2016, August 14th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 908: 2016, August 15th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 909: 2016, August 16th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 910: 2016, August 17th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 911: 2016, August 18th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 912: 2016, August 19th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 913: 2016, August 20th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 914: 2016, August 21st
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 915: 2016, August 22nd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 916: 2016, August 23rd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 917: 2016, August 24th (happy independence day Ukraine!) **Слава Україні!**
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 918: 2016, August 25th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 919: 2016, August 26th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 920: 2016, August 27th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 921: 2016, August 28th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 922: 2016, August 29th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 923: 2016, August 30th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 924: 2016, August 31st
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 925: 2016, September 1st
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 926: 2016, September 2nd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 927: 2016, September 3rd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 928: 2016, September 4th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 929: 2016, September 5th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 930: 2016, September 6th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 931: 2016, September 7th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 932: 2016, September 8th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 933: 2016, September 9th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 934: 2016, September 10th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 935: 2016, September 11th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 936: 2016, September 12th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 937: 2016, September 13th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 938: 2016, September 14th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 939: 2016, September 15th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 940: 2016, September 16th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 941: 2016, September 17th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 942: 2016, September 18th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 943: 2016, September 19th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 944: 2016, September 20th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 945: 2016, September 21st
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 946: 2016, September 22nd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 947: 2016, September 23rd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 948: 2016, September 24th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 949: 2016, September 25th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 950: 2016, September 26th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 951: 2016, September 27th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 952: 2016, September 28th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 953: 2016, September 29th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 954: 2016, September 30th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 955: 2016, October 1st
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 956: 2016, October 2nd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 957: 2016, October 3rd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 958: 2016, October 4th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 959: 2016, October 5th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 960: 2016, October 6th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 961: 2016, October 7th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 962: 2016, October 8th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 963: 2016, October 9th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 964: 2016, October 10th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 965: 2016, October 11th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 966: 2016, October 12th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 967: 2016, October 13th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 968: 2016, October 14th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 969: 2016, October 15th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 970: 2016, October 16th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 971: 2016, October 17th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 972: 2016, October 18th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 973: 2016, October 19th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 974: 2016, October 20th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 975: 2016, October 21st
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 976: 2016, October 22nd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 977: 2016, October 23rd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 978: 2016, October 24th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 979: 2016, October 25th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 980: 2016, October 26th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 981: 2016, October 27th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 982: 2016, October 28th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 983: 2016, October 29th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 984: 2016, October 30th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 985: 2016, October 31st
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 986: 2016, November 1st
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 987: 2016, November 2nd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 988: 2016, November 3rd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 989: 2016, November 4th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 990: 2016, November 5th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 991: 2016, November 6th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 992: 2016, November 7th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 993: 2016, November 8th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 994: 2016, November 9th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 995: 2016, November 10th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 996: 2016, November 11th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 997: 2016, November 12th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 998: 2016, November 13th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 999: 2016, November 14th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1000: 2016, November 15th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1001: 2016, November 16th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1002: 2016, November 17th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1003: 2016, November 18th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1004: 2016, November 19th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1005: 2016, November 20th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1006: 2016, November 21st
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1007: 2016, November 22nd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1008: 2016, November 23rd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1009: 2016, November 24th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1010: 2016, November 25th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1011: 2016, November 26th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1012: 2016, November 27th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1013: 2016, November 28th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1014: 2016, November 29th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1015: 2016, November 30th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1016: 2016, December 1st
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1017: 2016, December 2nd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1018: 2016, December 3rd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1019: 2016, December 4th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1020: 2016, December 5th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1021: 2016, December 6th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1022: 2016, December 7th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1023: 2016, December 8th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1024: 2016, December 9th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1025: 2016, December 10th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1026: 2016, December 11th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1027: 2016, December 12th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1028: 2016, December 13th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1029: 2016, December 14th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1030: 2016, December 15th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1031: 2016, December 16th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1032: 2016, December 17th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1033: 2016, December 18th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1034: 2016, December 19th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1035: 2016, December 20th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1036: 2016, December 21st
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1037: 2016, December 22nd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1038: 2016, December 23rd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1039: 2016, December 24th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1040: 2016, December 25th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1041: 2016, December 26th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1042: 2016, December 27th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1043: 2016, December 28th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1044: 2016, December 29th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1045: 2016, December 30th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1046: 2016, December 31st
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1047: 2017, January 1st
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1048: 2017, January 2nd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1049: 2017, January 3rd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1050: 2017, January 4th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1051: 2017, January 5th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1052: 2017, January 6th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1053: 2017, January 7th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1054: 2017, January 8th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1055: 2017, January 9th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1056: 2017, January 10th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1057: 2017, January 11th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1058: 2017, January 12th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1059: 2017, January 13th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1060: 2017, January 14th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1061: 2017, January 15th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1062: 2017, January 16th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1063: 2017, January 17th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1064: 2017, January 18th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1065: 2017, January 19th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1066: 2017, January 20th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1067: 2017, January 21st
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1068: 2017, January 22nd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1069: 2017, January 23rd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1070: 2017, January 24th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1071: 2017, January 25th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1072: 2017, January 26th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1073: 2017, January 27th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1074: 2017, January 28th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1075: 2017, January 29th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1076: 2017, January 30th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1077: 2017, January 31st
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1078: 2017, February 1st
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1079: 2017, February 2nd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1080: 2017, February 3rd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1081: 2017, February 4th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1082: 2017, February 5th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1083: 2017, February 6th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1084: 2017, February 7th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1085: 2017, February 8th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1086: 2017, February 9th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1087: 2017, February 10th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1088: 2017, February 11th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1089: 2017, February 12th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1090: 2017, February 13th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1091: 2017, February 14th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1092: 2017, February 15th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1093: 2017, February 16th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1094: 2017, February 17th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1095: 2017, February 18th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1096: 2017, February 19th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1097: 2017, February 20th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1098: 2017, February 21st
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1099: 2017, February 22nd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1100: 2017, February 23rd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1101: 2017, February 24th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1102: 2017, February 25th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1103: 2017, February 26th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1104: 2017, February 27th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1105: 2017, February 28th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1106: 2017, March 1st
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1107: 2017, March 2nd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1108: 2017, March 3rd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1109: 2017, March 4th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1110: 2017, March 5th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1111: 2017, March 6th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1112: 2017, March 7th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1113: 2017, March 8th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1114: 2017, March 9th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1115: 2017, March 10th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1116: 2017, March 11th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1117: 2017, March 12th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1118: 2017, March 13th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1119: 2017, March 14th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1120: 2017, March 15th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1121: 2017, March 16th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1122: 2017, March 17th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1123: 2017, March 18th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1124: 2017, March 19th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1125: 2017, March 20th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1126: 2017, March 21st
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1127: 2017, March 22nd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1128: 2017, March 23rd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1129: 2017, March 24th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1130: 2017, March 25th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1131: 2017, March 26th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1132: 2017, March 27th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1133: 2017, March 28th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1134: 2017, March 29th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1135: 2017, March 30th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1136: 2017, March 31st
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1137: 2017, April 1st
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1138: 2017, April 2nd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1139: 2017, April 3rd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1140: 2017, April 4th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1141: 2017, April 5th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1142: 2017, April 6th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1143: 2017, April 7th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1144: 2017, April 8th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1145: 2017, April 9th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1146: 2017, April 10th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1147: 2017, April 11th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1148: 2017, April 12th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1149: 2017, April 13th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1150: 2017, April 14th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1151: 2017, April 15th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1152: 2017, April 16th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1153: 2017, April 17th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1154: 2017, April 18th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1155: 2017, April 19th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1156: 2017, April 20th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1157: 2017, April 21st
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1158: 2017, April 22nd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1159: 2017, April 23rd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1160: 2017, April 24th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1161: 2017, April 25th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1162: 2017, April 26th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1163: 2017, April 27th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1164: 2017, April 28th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1165: 2017, April 29th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1166: 2017, April 30th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1167: 2017, May 1st
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1168: 2017, May 2nd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1169: 2017, May 3rd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1170: 2017, May 4th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1171: 2017, May 5th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1172: 2017, May 6th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1173: 2017, May 7th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1174: 2017, May 8th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1175: 2017, May 9th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1176: 2017, May 10th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1177: 2017, May 11th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1178: 2017, May 12th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1179: 2017, May 13th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1180: 2017, May 14th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1181: 2017, May 15th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1182: 2017, May 16th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1183: 2017, May 17th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1184: 2017, May 18th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1185: 2017, May 19th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1186: 2017, May 20th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1187: 2017, May 21st
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1188: 2017, May 22nd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1189: 2017, May 23rd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1190: 2017, May 24th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1191: 2017, May 25th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1192: 2017, May 26th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1193: 2017, May 27th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1194: 2017, May 28th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1195: 2017, May 29th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1196: 2017, May 30th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1197: 2017, May 31st
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1198: 2017, June 1st
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1199: 2017, June 2nd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1200: 2017, June 3rd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1201: 2017, June 4th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1202: 2017, June 5th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1203: 2017, June 6th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1204: 2017, June 7th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1205: 2017, June 8th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1206: 2017, June 9th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1207: 2017, June 10th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1208: 2017, June 11th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1209: 2017, June 12th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1210: 2017, June 13th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1211: 2017, June 14th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1212: 2017, June 15th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1213: 2017, June 16th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1214: 2017, June 17th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1215: 2017, June 18th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1216: 2017, June 19th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1217: 2017, June 20th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1218: 2017, June 21st
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1219: 2017, June 22nd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1220: 2017, June 23rd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1221: 2017, June 24th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1222: 2017, June 25th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1223: 2017, June 26th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1224: 2017, June 27th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1225: 2017, June 28th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1226: 2017, June 29th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1227: 2017, June 30th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1228: 2017, July 1st
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1229: 2017, July 2nd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1230: 2017, July 3rd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1231: 2017, July 4th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1232: 2017, July 5th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1233: 2017, July 6th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1234: 2017, July 7th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1235: 2017, July 8th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1236: 2017, July 9th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1237: 2017, July 10th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1238: 2017, July 11th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1239: 2017, July 12th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1240: 2017, July 13th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1241: 2017, July 14th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1242: 2017, July 15th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1243: 2017, July 16th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1244: 2017, July 17th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1245: 2017, July 18th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1246: 2017, July 19th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1247: 2017, July 20th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1248: 2017, July 21st
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1249: 2017, July 22nd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1250: 2017, July 23rd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1251: 2017, July 24th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1252: 2017, July 25th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1253: 2017, July 26th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1254: 2017, July 27th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1255: 2017, July 28th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1256: 2017, July 29th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1257: 2017, July 30th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1258: 2017, July 31st
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1259: 2017, August 1st
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1260: 2017, August 2nd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1261: 2017, August 3rd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1262: 2017, August 4th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1263: 2017, August 5th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1264: 2017, August 6th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1265: 2017, August 7th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1266: 2017, August 8th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1267: 2017, August 9th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1268: 2017, August 10th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1269: 2017, August 11th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1270: 2017, August 12th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1271: 2017, August 13th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1272: 2017, August 14th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1273: 2017, August 15th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1274: 2017, August 16th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1275: 2017, August 17th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1276: 2017, August 18th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1277: 2017, August 19th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1278: 2017, August 20th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1279: 2017, August 21st
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1280: 2017, August 22nd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1281: 2017, August 23rd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1282: 2017, August 24th (happy independence day Ukraine!) **Слава Україні!**
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1283: 2017, August 25th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1284: 2017, August 26th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1285: 2017, August 27th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1286: 2017, August 28th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1287: 2017, August 29th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1288: 2017, August 30th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1289: 2017, August 31st
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1290: 2017, September 1st
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1291: 2017, September 2nd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1292: 2017, September 3rd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1293: 2017, September 4th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1294: 2017, September 5th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1295: 2017, September 6th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1296: 2017, September 7th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1297: 2017, September 8th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1298: 2017, September 9th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1299: 2017, September 10th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1300: 2017, September 11th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1301: 2017, September 12th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1302: 2017, September 13th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1303: 2017, September 14th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1304: 2017, September 15th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1305: 2017, September 16th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1306: 2017, September 17th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1307: 2017, September 18th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1308: 2017, September 19th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1309: 2017, September 20th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1310: 2017, September 21st
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1311: 2017, September 22nd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1312: 2017, September 23rd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1313: 2017, September 24th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1314: 2017, September 25th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1315: 2017, September 26th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1316: 2017, September 27th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1317: 2017, September 28th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1318: 2017, September 29th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1319: 2017, September 30th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1320: 2017, October 1st
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1321: 2017, October 2nd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1322: 2017, October 3rd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1323: 2017, October 4th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1324: 2017, October 5th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1325: 2017, October 6th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1326: 2017, October 7th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1327: 2017, October 8th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1328: 2017, October 9th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1329: 2017, October 10th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1330: 2017, October 11th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1331: 2017, October 12th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1332: 2017, October 13th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1333: 2017, October 14th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1334: 2017, October 15th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1335: 2017, October 16th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1336: 2017, October 17th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1337: 2017, October 18th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1338: 2017, October 19th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1339: 2017, October 20th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1340: 2017, October 21st
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1341: 2017, October 22nd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1342: 2017, October 23rd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1343: 2017, October 24th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1344: 2017, October 25th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1345: 2017, October 26th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1346: 2017, October 27th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1347: 2017, October 28th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1348: 2017, October 29th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1349: 2017, October 30th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1350: 2017, October 31st
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1351: 2017, November 1st
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1352: 2017, November 2nd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1353: 2017, November 3rd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1354: 2017, November 4th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1355: 2017, November 5th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1356: 2017, November 6th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1357: 2017, November 7th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1358: 2017, November 8th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1359: 2017, November 9th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1360: 2017, November 10th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1361: 2017, November 11th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1362: 2017, November 12th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1363: 2017, November 13th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1364: 2017, November 14th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1365: 2017, November 15th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1366: 2017, November 16th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1367: 2017, November 17th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1368: 2017, November 18th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1369: 2017, November 19th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1370: 2017, November 20th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1371: 2017, November 21st
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1372: 2017, November 22nd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1373: 2017, November 23rd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1374: 2017, November 24th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1375: 2017, November 25th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1376: 2017, November 26th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1377: 2017, November 27th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1378: 2017, November 28th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1379: 2017, November 29th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1380: 2017, November 30th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1381: 2017, December 1st
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1382: 2017, December 2nd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1383: 2017, December 3rd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1384: 2017, December 4th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1385: 2017, December 5th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1386: 2017, December 6th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1387: 2017, December 7th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1388: 2017, December 8th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1389: 2017, December 9th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1390: 2017, December 10th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1391: 2017, December 11th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1392: 2017, December 12th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1393: 2017, December 13th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1394: 2017, December 14th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1395: 2017, December 15th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1396: 2017, December 16th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1397: 2017, December 17th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1398: 2017, December 18th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1399: 2017, December 19th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1400: 2017, December 20th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1401: 2017, December 21st
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1402: 2017, December 22nd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1403: 2017, December 23rd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1404: 2017, December 24th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1405: 2017, December 25th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1406: 2017, December 26th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1407: 2017, December 27th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1408: 2017, December 28th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1409: 2017, December 29th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1410: 2017, December 30th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1411: 2017, December 31st
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1412: 2018, January 1st
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1413: 2018, January 2nd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1414: 2018, January 3rd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1415: 2018, January 4th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1416: 2018, January 5th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1417: 2018, January 6th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1418: 2018, January 7th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1419: 2018, January 8th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1420: 2018, January 9th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1421: 2018, January 10th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1422: 2018, January 11th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1423: 2018, January 12th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1424: 2018, January 13th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1425: 2018, January 14th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1426: 2018, January 15th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1427: 2018, January 16th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1428: 2018, January 17th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1429: 2018, January 18th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1430: 2018, January 19th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1431: 2018, January 20th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1432: 2018, January 21st
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1433: 2018, January 22nd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1434: 2018, January 23rd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1435: 2018, January 24th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1436: 2018, January 25th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1437: 2018, January 26th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1438: 2018, January 27th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1439: 2018, January 28th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1440: 2018, January 29th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1441: 2018, January 30th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1442: 2018, January 31st
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1443: 2018, February 1st
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1444: 2018, February 2nd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1445: 2018, February 3rd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1446: 2018, February 4th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1447: 2018, February 5th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1448: 2018, February 6th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1449: 2018, February 7th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1450: 2018, February 8th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1451: 2018, February 9th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1452: 2018, February 10th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1453: 2018, February 11th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1454: 2018, February 12th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1455: 2018, February 13th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1456: 2018, February 14th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1457: 2018, February 15th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1458: 2018, February 16th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1459: 2018, February 17th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1460: 2018, February 18th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1461: 2018, February 19th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1462: 2018, February 20th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1463: 2018, February 21st
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1464: 2018, February 22nd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1465: 2018, February 23rd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1466: 2018, February 24th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1467: 2018, February 25th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1468: 2018, February 26th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1469: 2018, February 27th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1470: 2018, February 28th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1471: 2018, March 1st
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1472: 2018, March 2nd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1473: 2018, March 3rd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1474: 2018, March 4th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1475: 2018, March 5th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1476: 2018, March 6th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1477: 2018, March 7th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1478: 2018, March 8th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1479: 2018, March 9th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1480: 2018, March 10th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1481: 2018, March 11th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1482: 2018, March 12th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1483: 2018, March 13th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1484: 2018, March 14th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1485: 2018, March 15th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1486: 2018, March 16th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1487: 2018, March 17th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1488: 2018, March 18th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1489: 2018, March 19th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1490: 2018, March 20th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1491: 2018, March 21st
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1492: 2018, March 22nd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1493: 2018, March 23rd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1494: 2018, March 24th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1495: 2018, March 25th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1496: 2018, March 26th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1497: 2018, March 27th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1498: 2018, March 28th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1499: 2018, March 29th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1500: 2018, March 30th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1501: 2018, March 31st
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1502: 2018, April 1st
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1503: 2018, April 2nd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1504: 2018, April 3rd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1505: 2018, April 4th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1506: 2018, April 5th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1507: 2018, April 6th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1508: 2018, April 7th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1509: 2018, April 8th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1510: 2018, April 9th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1511: 2018, April 10th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1512: 2018, April 11th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1513: 2018, April 12th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1514: 2018, April 13th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1515: 2018, April 14th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1516: 2018, April 15th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1517: 2018, April 16th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1518: 2018, April 17th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1519: 2018, April 18th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1520: 2018, April 19th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1521: 2018, April 20th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1522: 2018, April 21st
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1523: 2018, April 22nd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1524: 2018, April 23rd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1525: 2018, April 24th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1526: 2018, April 25th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1527: 2018, April 26th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1528: 2018, April 27th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1529: 2018, April 28th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1530: 2018, April 29th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1531: 2018, April 30th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1532: 2018, May 1st
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1533: 2018, May 2nd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1534: 2018, May 3rd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1535: 2018, May 4th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1536: 2018, May 5th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1537: 2018, May 6th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1538: 2018, May 7th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1539: 2018, May 8th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1540: 2018, May 9th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1541: 2018, May 10th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1542: 2018, May 11th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1543: 2018, May 12th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1544: 2018, May 13th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1545: 2018, May 14th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1546: 2018, May 15th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1547: 2018, May 16th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1548: 2018, May 17th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1549: 2018, May 18th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1550: 2018, May 19th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1551: 2018, May 20th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1552: 2018, May 21st
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1553: 2018, May 22nd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1554: 2018, May 23rd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1555: 2018, May 24th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1556: 2018, May 25th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1557: 2018, May 26th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1558: 2018, May 27th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1559: 2018, May 28th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1560: 2018, May 29th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1561: 2018, May 30th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1562: 2018, May 31st
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1563: 2018, June 1st
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1564: 2018, June 2nd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1565: 2018, June 3rd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1566: 2018, June 4th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1567: 2018, June 5th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1568: 2018, June 6th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1569: 2018, June 7th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1570: 2018, June 8th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1571: 2018, June 9th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1572: 2018, June 10th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1573: 2018, June 11th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1574: 2018, June 12th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1575: 2018, June 13th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1576: 2018, June 14th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1577: 2018, June 15th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1578: 2018, June 16th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1579: 2018, June 17th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1580: 2018, June 18th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1581: 2018, June 19th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1582: 2018, June 20th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1583: 2018, June 21st
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1584: 2018, June 22nd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1585: 2018, June 23rd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1586: 2018, June 24th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1587: 2018, June 25th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1588: 2018, June 26th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1589: 2018, June 27th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1590: 2018, June 28th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1591: 2018, June 29th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1592: 2018, June 30th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1593: 2018, July 1st
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1594: 2018, July 2nd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1595: 2018, July 3rd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1596: 2018, July 4th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1597: 2018, July 5th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1598: 2018, July 6th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1599: 2018, July 7th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1600: 2018, July 8th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1601: 2018, July 9th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1602: 2018, July 10th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1603: 2018, July 11th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1604: 2018, July 12th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1605: 2018, July 13th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1606: 2018, July 14th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1607: 2018, July 15th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1608: 2018, July 16th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1609: 2018, July 17th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1610: 2018, July 18th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1611: 2018, July 19th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1612: 2018, July 20th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1613: 2018, July 21st
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1614: 2018, July 22nd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1615: 2018, July 23rd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1616: 2018, July 24th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1617: 2018, July 25th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1618: 2018, July 26th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1619: 2018, July 27th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1620: 2018, July 28th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1621: 2018, July 29th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1622: 2018, July 30th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1623: 2018, July 31st
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1624: 2018, August 1st
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1625: 2018, August 2nd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1626: 2018, August 3rd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1627: 2018, August 4th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1628: 2018, August 5th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1629: 2018, August 6th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1630: 2018, August 7th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1631: 2018, August 8th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1632: 2018, August 9th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1633: 2018, August 10th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1634: 2018, August 11th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1635: 2018, August 12th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1636: 2018, August 13th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1637: 2018, August 14th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1638: 2018, August 15th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1639: 2018, August 16th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1640: 2018, August 17th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1641: 2018, August 18th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1642: 2018, August 19th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1643: 2018, August 20th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1644: 2018, August 21st
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1645: 2018, August 22nd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1646: 2018, August 23rd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1647: 2018, August 24th (happy independence day Ukraine!) **Слава Україні!**
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1648: 2018, August 25th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1649: 2018, August 26th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1650: 2018, August 27th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1651: 2018, August 28th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1652: 2018, August 29th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1653: 2018, August 30th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1654: 2018, August 31st
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1655: 2018, September 1st
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1656: 2018, September 2nd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1657: 2018, September 3rd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1658: 2018, September 4th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1659: 2018, September 5th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1660: 2018, September 6th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1661: 2018, September 7th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1662: 2018, September 8th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1663: 2018, September 9th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1664: 2018, September 10th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1665: 2018, September 11th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1666: 2018, September 12th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1667: 2018, September 13th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1668: 2018, September 14th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1669: 2018, September 15th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1670: 2018, September 16th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1671: 2018, September 17th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1672: 2018, September 18th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1673: 2018, September 19th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1674: 2018, September 20th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1675: 2018, September 21st
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1676: 2018, September 22nd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1677: 2018, September 23rd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1678: 2018, September 24th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1679: 2018, September 25th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1680: 2018, September 26th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1681: 2018, September 27th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1682: 2018, September 28th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1683: 2018, September 29th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1684: 2018, September 30th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1685: 2018, October 1st
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1686: 2018, October 2nd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1687: 2018, October 3rd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1688: 2018, October 4th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1689: 2018, October 5th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1690: 2018, October 6th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1691: 2018, October 7th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1692: 2018, October 8th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1693: 2018, October 9th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1694: 2018, October 10th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1695: 2018, October 11th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1696: 2018, October 12th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1697: 2018, October 13th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1698: 2018, October 14th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1699: 2018, October 15th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1700: 2018, October 16th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1701: 2018, October 17th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1702: 2018, October 18th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1703: 2018, October 19th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1704: 2018, October 20th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1705: 2018, October 21st
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1706: 2018, October 22nd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1707: 2018, October 23rd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1708: 2018, October 24th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1709: 2018, October 25th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1710: 2018, October 26th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1711: 2018, October 27th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1712: 2018, October 28th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1713: 2018, October 29th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1714: 2018, October 30th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1715: 2018, October 31st
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1716: 2018, November 1st
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1717: 2018, November 2nd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1718: 2018, November 3rd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1719: 2018, November 4th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1720: 2018, November 5th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1721: 2018, November 6th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1722: 2018, November 7th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1723: 2018, November 8th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1724: 2018, November 9th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1725: 2018, November 10th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1726: 2018, November 11th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1727: 2018, November 12th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1728: 2018, November 13th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1729: 2018, November 14th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1730: 2018, November 15th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1731: 2018, November 16th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1732: 2018, November 17th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1733: 2018, November 18th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1734: 2018, November 19th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1735: 2018, November 20th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1736: 2018, November 21st
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1737: 2018, November 22nd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1738: 2018, November 23rd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1739: 2018, November 24th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1740: 2018, November 25th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1741: 2018, November 26th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1742: 2018, November 27th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1743: 2018, November 28th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1744: 2018, November 29th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1745: 2018, November 30th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1746: 2018, December 1st
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1747: 2018, December 2nd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1748: 2018, December 3rd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1749: 2018, December 4th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1750: 2018, December 5th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1751: 2018, December 6th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1752: 2018, December 7th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1753: 2018, December 8th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1754: 2018, December 9th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1755: 2018, December 10th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1756: 2018, December 11th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1757: 2018, December 12th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1758: 2018, December 13th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1759: 2018, December 14th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1760: 2018, December 15th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1761: 2018, December 16th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1762: 2018, December 17th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1763: 2018, December 18th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1764: 2018, December 19th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1765: 2018, December 20th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1766: 2018, December 21st
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1767: 2018, December 22nd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1768: 2018, December 23rd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1769: 2018, December 24th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1770: 2018, December 25th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1771: 2018, December 26th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1772: 2018, December 27th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1773: 2018, December 28th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1774: 2018, December 29th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1775: 2018, December 30th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1776: 2018, December 31st
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1777: 2019, January 1st
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1778: 2019, January 2nd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1779: 2019, January 3rd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1780: 2019, January 4th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1781: 2019, January 5th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1782: 2019, January 6th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1783: 2019, January 7th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1784: 2019, January 8th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1785: 2019, January 9th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1786: 2019, January 10th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1787: 2019, January 11th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1788: 2019, January 12th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1789: 2019, January 13th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1790: 2019, January 14th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1791: 2019, January 15th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1792: 2019, January 16th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1793: 2019, January 17th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1794: 2019, January 18th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1795: 2019, January 19th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1796: 2019, January 20th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1797: 2019, January 21st
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1798: 2019, January 22nd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1799: 2019, January 23rd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1800: 2019, January 24th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1801: 2019, January 25th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1802: 2019, January 26th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1803: 2019, January 27th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1804: 2019, January 28th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1805: 2019, January 29th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1806: 2019, January 30th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1807: 2019, January 31st
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1808: 2019, February 1st
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1809: 2019, February 2nd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1810: 2019, February 3rd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1811: 2019, February 4th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1812: 2019, February 5th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1813: 2019, February 6th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1814: 2019, February 7th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1815: 2019, February 8th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1816: 2019, February 9th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1817: 2019, February 10th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1818: 2019, February 11th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1819: 2019, February 12th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1820: 2019, February 13th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1821: 2019, February 14th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1822: 2019, February 15th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1823: 2019, February 16th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1824: 2019, February 17th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1825: 2019, February 18th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1826: 2019, February 19th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1827: 2019, February 20th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1828: 2019, February 21st
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1829: 2019, February 22nd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1830: 2019, February 23rd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1831: 2019, February 24th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1832: 2019, February 25th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1833: 2019, February 26th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1834: 2019, February 27th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1835: 2019, February 28th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1836: 2019, March 1st
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1837: 2019, March 2nd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1838: 2019, March 3rd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1839: 2019, March 4th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1840: 2019, March 5th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1841: 2019, March 6th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1842: 2019, March 7th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1843: 2019, March 8th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1844: 2019, March 9th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1845: 2019, March 10th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1846: 2019, March 11th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1847: 2019, March 12th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1848: 2019, March 13th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1849: 2019, March 14th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1850: 2019, March 15th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1851: 2019, March 16th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1852: 2019, March 17th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1853: 2019, March 18th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1854: 2019, March 19th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1855: 2019, March 20th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1856: 2019, March 21st
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1857: 2019, March 22nd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1858: 2019, March 23rd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1859: 2019, March 24th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1860: 2019, March 25th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1861: 2019, March 26th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1862: 2019, March 27th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1863: 2019, March 28th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1864: 2019, March 29th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1865: 2019, March 30th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1866: 2019, March 31st
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1867: 2019, April 1st
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1868: 2019, April 2nd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1869: 2019, April 3rd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1870: 2019, April 4th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1871: 2019, April 5th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1872: 2019, April 6th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1873: 2019, April 7th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1874: 2019, April 8th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1875: 2019, April 9th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1876: 2019, April 10th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1877: 2019, April 11th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1878: 2019, April 12th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1879: 2019, April 13th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1880: 2019, April 14th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1881: 2019, April 15th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1882: 2019, April 16th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1883: 2019, April 17th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1884: 2019, April 18th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1885: 2019, April 19th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1886: 2019, April 20th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1887: 2019, April 21st
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1888: 2019, April 22nd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1889: 2019, April 23rd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1890: 2019, April 24th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1891: 2019, April 25th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1892: 2019, April 26th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1893: 2019, April 27th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1894: 2019, April 28th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1895: 2019, April 29th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1896: 2019, April 30th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1897: 2019, May 1st
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1898: 2019, May 2nd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1899: 2019, May 3rd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1900: 2019, May 4th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1901: 2019, May 5th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1902: 2019, May 6th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1903: 2019, May 7th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1904: 2019, May 8th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1905: 2019, May 9th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1906: 2019, May 10th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1907: 2019, May 11th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1908: 2019, May 12th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1909: 2019, May 13th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1910: 2019, May 14th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1911: 2019, May 15th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1912: 2019, May 16th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1913: 2019, May 17th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1914: 2019, May 18th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1915: 2019, May 19th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1916: 2019, May 20th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1917: 2019, May 21st
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1918: 2019, May 22nd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1919: 2019, May 23rd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1920: 2019, May 24th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1921: 2019, May 25th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1922: 2019, May 26th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1923: 2019, May 27th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1924: 2019, May 28th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1925: 2019, May 29th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1926: 2019, May 30th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1927: 2019, May 31st
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1928: 2019, June 1st
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1929: 2019, June 2nd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1930: 2019, June 3rd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1931: 2019, June 4th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1932: 2019, June 5th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1933: 2019, June 6th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1934: 2019, June 7th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1935: 2019, June 8th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1936: 2019, June 9th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1937: 2019, June 10th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1938: 2019, June 11th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1939: 2019, June 12th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1940: 2019, June 13th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1941: 2019, June 14th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1942: 2019, June 15th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1943: 2019, June 16th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1944: 2019, June 17th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1945: 2019, June 18th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1946: 2019, June 19th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1947: 2019, June 20th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1948: 2019, June 21st
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1949: 2019, June 22nd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1950: 2019, June 23rd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1951: 2019, June 24th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1952: 2019, June 25th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1953: 2019, June 26th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1954: 2019, June 27th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1955: 2019, June 28th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1956: 2019, June 29th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1957: 2019, June 30th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1958: 2019, July 1st
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1959: 2019, July 2nd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1960: 2019, July 3rd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1961: 2019, July 4th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1962: 2019, July 5th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1963: 2019, July 6th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1964: 2019, July 7th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1965: 2019, July 8th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1966: 2019, July 9th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1967: 2019, July 10th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1968: 2019, July 11th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1969: 2019, July 12th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1970: 2019, July 13th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1971: 2019, July 14th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1972: 2019, July 15th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1973: 2019, July 16th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1974: 2019, July 17th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1975: 2019, July 18th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1976: 2019, July 19th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1977: 2019, July 20th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1978: 2019, July 21st
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1979: 2019, July 22nd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1980: 2019, July 23rd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1981: 2019, July 24th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1982: 2019, July 25th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1983: 2019, July 26th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1984: 2019, July 27th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1985: 2019, July 28th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1986: 2019, July 29th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1987: 2019, July 30th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1988: 2019, July 31st
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1989: 2019, August 1st
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1990: 2019, August 2nd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1991: 2019, August 3rd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1992: 2019, August 4th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1993: 2019, August 5th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1994: 2019, August 6th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1995: 2019, August 7th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1996: 2019, August 8th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1997: 2019, August 9th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1998: 2019, August 10th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1999: 2019, August 11th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2000: 2019, August 12th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2001: 2019, August 13th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2002: 2019, August 14th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2003: 2019, August 15th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2004: 2019, August 16th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2005: 2019, August 17th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2006: 2019, August 18th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2007: 2019, August 19th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2008: 2019, August 20th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2009: 2019, August 21st
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2010: 2019, August 22nd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2011: 2019, August 23rd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2012: 2019, August 24th (happy independence day Ukraine!) **Слава Україні!**
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2013: 2019, August 25th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2014: 2019, August 26th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2015: 2019, August 27th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2016: 2019, August 28th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2017: 2019, August 29th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2019: 2019, August 30th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2019: 2019, August 31st
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2020: 2019, September 1st
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2021: 2019, September 2nd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2022: 2019, September 3rd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2023: 2019, September 4th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2024: 2019, September 5th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2025: 2019, September 6th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2026: 2019, September 7th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2027: 2019, September 8th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2028: 2019, September 9th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2029: 2019, September 10th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2030: 2019, September 11th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2031: 2019, September 12th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2032: 2019, September 13th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2033: 2019, September 14th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2034: 2019, September 15th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2035: 2019, September 16th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2036: 2019, September 17th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2037: 2019, September 18th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2038: 2019, September 19th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2039: 2019, September 20th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2040: 2019, September 21st
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2041: 2019, September 22nd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2042: 2019, September 23rd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2043: 2019, September 24th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2044: 2019, September 25th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2045: 2019, September 26th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2046: 2019, September 27th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2047: 2019, September 28th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2048: 2019, September 29th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2049: 2019, September 30th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2050: 2019, October 1st
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2051: 2019, October 2nd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2052: 2019, October 3rd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2053: 2019, October 4th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2054: 2019, October 5th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2055: 2019, October 6th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2056: 2019, October 7th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2057: 2019, October 8th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2058: 2019, October 9th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2059: 2019, October 10th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2060: 2019, October 11th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2061: 2019, October 12th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2062: 2019, October 13th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2063: 2019, October 14th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2064: 2019, October 15th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2065: 2019, October 16th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2066: 2019, October 17th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2067: 2019, October 18th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2068: 2019, October 19th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2069: 2019, October 20th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2070: 2019, October 21st
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2071: 2019, October 22nd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2072: 2019, October 23rd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2073: 2019, October 24th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2074: 2019, October 25th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2075: 2019, October 26th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2076: 2019, October 27th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2077: 2019, October 28th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2078: 2019, October 29th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2079: 2019, October 30th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2080: 2019, October 31st
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2081: 2019, November 1st
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2082: 2019, November 2nd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2083: 2019, November 3rd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2084: 2019, November 4th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2085: 2019, November 5th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2086: 2019, November 6th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2087: 2019, November 7th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2088: 2019, November 8th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2089: 2019, November 9th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2090: 2019, November 10th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2091: 2019, November 11th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2092: 2019, November 12th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2093: 2019, November 13th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2094: 2019, November 14th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2095: 2019, November 15th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2096: 2019, November 16th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2097: 2019, November 17th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2098: 2019, November 18th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2099: 2019, November 19th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2100: 2019, November 20th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2101: 2019, November 21st
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2102: 2019, November 22nd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2103: 2019, November 23rd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2104: 2019, November 24th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2105: 2019, November 25th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2106: 2019, November 26th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2107: 2019, November 27th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2108: 2019, November 28th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2109: 2019, November 29th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2110: 2019, November 30th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2111: 2019, December 1st
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2112: 2019, December 2nd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2113: 2019, December 3rd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2114: 2019, December 4th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2115: 2019, December 5th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2116: 2019, December 6th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2117: 2019, December 7th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2118: 2019, December 8th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2119: 2019, December 9th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2120: 2019, December 10th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2121: 2019, December 11th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2122: 2019, December 12th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2123: 2019, December 13th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2124: 2019, December 14th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2125: 2019, December 15th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2126: 2019, December 16th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2127: 2019, December 17th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2128: 2019, December 18th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2129: 2019, December 19th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2130: 2019, December 20th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2131: 2019, December 21st
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2132: 2019, December 22nd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2133: 2019, December 23rd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2134: 2019, December 24th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2135: 2019, December 25th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2136: 2019, December 26th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2137: 2019, December 27th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2138: 2019, December 28th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2139: 2019, December 29th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2140: 2019, December 30th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2141: 2019, December 31st
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2142: 2020, January 1st
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2143: 2020, January 2nd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2144: 2020, January 3rd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2145: 2020, January 4th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2146: 2020, January 5th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2147: 2020, January 6th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2148: 2020, January 7th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2149: 2020, January 8th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2150: 2020, January 9th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2151: 2020, January 10th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2152: 2020, January 11th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2153: 2020, January 12th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2154: 2020, January 13th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2155: 2020, January 14th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2156: 2020, January 15th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2157: 2020, January 16th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2158: 2020, January 17th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2159: 2020, January 18th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2160: 2020, January 19th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2161: 2020, January 20th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2162: 2020, January 21st
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2163: 2020, January 22nd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2164: 2020, January 23rd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2165: 2020, January 24th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2166: 2020, January 25th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2167: 2020, January 26th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2168: 2020, January 27th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2169: 2020, January 28th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2170: 2020, January 29th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2171: 2020, January 30th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2172: 2020, January 31st
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2173: 2020, February 1st
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2174: 2020, February 2nd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2175: 2020, February 3rd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2176: 2020, February 4th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2177: 2020, February 5th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2178: 2020, February 6th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2179: 2020, February 7th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2180: 2020, February 8th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2181: 2020, February 9th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2182: 2020, February 10th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2183: 2020, February 11th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2184: 2020, February 12th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2185: 2020, February 13th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2186: 2020, February 14th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2187: 2020, February 15th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2188: 2020, February 16th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2189: 2020, February 17th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2190: 2020, February 18th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2191: 2020, February 19th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2192: 2020, February 20th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2193: 2020, February 21st
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2194: 2020, February 22nd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2195: 2020, February 23rd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2196: 2020, February 24th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2197: 2020, February 25th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2198: 2020, February 26th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2199: 2020, February 27th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2200: 2020, February 28th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2201: 2020, February 29th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2202: 2020, March 1st
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2203: 2020, March 2nd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2204: 2020, March 3rd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2205: 2020, March 4th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2206: 2020, March 5th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2207: 2020, March 6th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2208: 2020, March 7th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2209: 2020, March 8th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2210: 2020, March 9th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2211: 2020, March 10th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2212: 2020, March 11th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2213: 2020, March 12th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2214: 2020, March 13th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2215: 2020, March 14th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2216: 2020, March 15th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2217: 2020, March 16th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2218: 2020, March 17th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2219: 2020, March 18th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2220: 2020, March 19th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2221: 2020, March 20th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2222: 2020, March 21st
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2223: 2020, March 22nd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2224: 2020, March 23rd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2225: 2020, March 24th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2226: 2020, March 25th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2227: 2020, March 26th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2228: 2020, March 27th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2229: 2020, March 28th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2230: 2020, March 29th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2231: 2020, March 30th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2232: 2020, March 31st
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2233: 2020, April 1st
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2234: 2020, April 2nd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2235: 2020, April 3rd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2236: 2020, April 4th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2237: 2020, April 5th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2238: 2020, April 6th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2239: 2020, April 7th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2240: 2020, April 8th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2241: 2020, April 9th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2242: 2020, April 10th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2243: 2020, April 11th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2244: 2020, April 12th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2245: 2020, April 13th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2246: 2020, April 14th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2247: 2020, April 15th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2248: 2020, April 16th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2249: 2020, April 17th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2250: 2020, April 18th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2251: 2020, April 19th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2252: 2020, April 20th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2253: 2020, April 21st
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2254: 2020, April 22nd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2255: 2020, April 23rd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2256: 2020, April 24th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2257: 2020, April 25th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2258: 2020, April 26th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2259: 2020, April 27th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2260: 2020, April 28th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2261: 2020, April 29th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2262: 2020, April 30th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2263: 2020, May 1st
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2264: 2020, May 2nd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2265: 2020, May 3rd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2266: 2020, May 4th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2267: 2020, May 5th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2268: 2020, May 6th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2269: 2020, May 7th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2270: 2020, May 8th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2271: 2020, May 9th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2272: 2020, May 10th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2273: 2020, May 11th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2274: 2020, May 12th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2275: 2020, May 13th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2276: 2020, May 14th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2277: 2020, May 15th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2278: 2020, May 16th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2279: 2020, May 17th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2280: 2020, May 18th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2281: 2020, May 19th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2282: 2020, May 20th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2283: 2020, May 21st
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2284: 2020, May 22nd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2285: 2020, May 23rd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2286: 2020, May 24th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2287: 2020, May 25th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2288: 2020, May 26th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2289: 2020, May 27th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2290: 2020, May 28th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2291: 2020, May 29th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2292: 2020, May 30th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2293: 2020, May 31st
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2294: 2020, June 1st
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2295: 2020, June 2nd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2296: 2020, June 3rd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2297: 2020, June 4th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2298: 2020, June 5th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2299: 2020, June 6th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2300: 2020, June 7th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2301: 2020, June 8th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2302: 2020, June 9th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2303: 2020, June 10th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2304: 2020, June 11th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2305: 2020, June 12th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2306: 2020, June 13th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2307: 2020, June 14th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2308: 2020, June 15th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2309: 2020, June 16th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2310: 2020, June 17th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2311: 2020, June 18th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2312: 2020, June 19th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2313: 2020, June 20th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2314: 2020, June 21st
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2315: 2020, June 22nd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2316: 2020, June 23rd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2317: 2020, June 24th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2318: 2020, June 25th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2319: 2020, June 26th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2320: 2020, June 27th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2321: 2020, June 28th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2322: 2020, June 29th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2323: 2020, June 30th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2324: 2020, July 1st
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2325: 2020, July 2nd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2326: 2020, July 3rd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2327: 2020, July 4th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2328: 2020, July 5th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2329: 2020, July 6th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2330: 2020, July 7th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2331: 2020, July 8th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2332: 2020, July 9th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2333: 2020, July 10th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2334: 2020, July 11th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2335: 2020, July 12th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2336: 2020, July 13th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2337: 2020, July 14th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2338: 2020, July 15th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2339: 2020, July 16th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2340: 2020, July 17th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2341: 2020, July 18th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2342: 2020, July 19th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2343: 2020, July 20th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2344: 2020, July 21st
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2345: 2020, July 22nd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2346: 2020, July 23rd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2347: 2020, July 24th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2348: 2020, July 25th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2349: 2020, July 26th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2350: 2020, July 27th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2351: 2020, July 28th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2352: 2020, July 29th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2353: 2020, July 30th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2354: 2020, July 31st
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2355: 2020, August 1st
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2356: 2020, August 2nd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2357: 2020, August 3rd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2358: 2020, August 4th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2359: 2020, August 5th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2360: 2020, August 6th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2361: 2020, August 7th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2362: 2020, August 8th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2363: 2020, August 9th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2364: 2020, August 10th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2365: 2020, August 11th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2366: 2020, August 12th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2367: 2020, August 13th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2368: 2020, August 14th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2369: 2020, August 15th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2370: 2020, August 16th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2371: 2020, August 17th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2372: 2020, August 18th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2373: 2020, August 19th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2374: 2020, August 20th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2375: 2020, August 21st
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2376: 2020, August 22nd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2377: 2020, August 23rd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2378: 2020, August 24th (happy independence day Ukraine!) **Слава Україні!**
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2379: 2020, August 25th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2380: 2020, August 26th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2381: 2020, August 27th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2382: 2020, August 28th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2383: 2020, August 29th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2384: 2020, August 30th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2385: 2020, August 31st
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2386: 2020, September 1st
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2387: 2020, September 2nd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2388: 2020, September 3rd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2389: 2020, September 4th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2390: 2020, September 5th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2391: 2020, September 6th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2392: 2020, September 7th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2393: 2020, September 8th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2394: 2020, September 9th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2395: 2020, September 10th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2396: 2020, September 11th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2397: 2020, September 12th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2398: 2020, September 13th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2399: 2020, September 14th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2400: 2020, September 15th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2401: 2020, September 16th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2402: 2020, September 17th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2403: 2020, September 18th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2404: 2020, September 19th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2405: 2020, September 20th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2406: 2020, September 21st
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2407: 2020, September 22nd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2408: 2020, September 23rd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2409: 2020, September 24th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2410: 2020, September 25th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2411: 2020, September 26th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2412: 2020, September 27th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2413: 2020, September 28th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2414: 2020, September 29th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2415: 2020, September 30th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2416: 2020, October 1st
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2417: 2020, October 2nd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2418: 2020, October 3rd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2419: 2020, October 4th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2420: 2020, October 5th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2421: 2020, October 6th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2422: 2020, October 7th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2423: 2020, October 8th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2424: 2020, October 9th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2425: 2020, October 10th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2426: 2020, October 11th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2427: 2020, October 12th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2428: 2020, October 13th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2429: 2020, October 14th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2430: 2020, October 15th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2431: 2020, October 16th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2432: 2020, October 17th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2433: 2020, October 18th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2434: 2020, October 19th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2435: 2020, October 20th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2436: 2020, October 21st
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2437: 2020, October 22nd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2438: 2020, October 23rd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2439: 2020, October 24th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2440: 2020, October 25th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2441: 2020, October 26th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2442: 2020, October 27th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2443: 2020, October 28th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2444: 2020, October 29th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2445: 2020, October 30th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2446: 2020, October 31st
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2447: 2020, November 1st
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2448: 2020, November 2nd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2449: 2020, November 3rd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2450: 2020, November 4th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2451: 2020, November 5th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2452: 2020, November 6th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2453: 2020, November 7th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2454: 2020, November 8th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2455: 2020, November 9th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2456: 2020, November 10th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2457: 2020, November 11th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2458: 2020, November 12th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2459: 2020, November 13th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2460: 2020, November 14th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2461: 2020, November 15th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2462: 2020, November 16th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2463: 2020, November 17th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2464: 2020, November 18th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2465: 2020, November 19th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2466: 2020, November 20th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2467: 2020, November 21st
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2468: 2020, November 22nd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2469: 2020, November 23rd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2470: 2020, November 24th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2471: 2020, November 25th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2472: 2020, November 26th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2473: 2020, November 27th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2474: 2020, November 28th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2475: 2020, November 29th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2476: 2020, November 30th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2477: 2020, December 1st
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2478: 2020, December 2nd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2479: 2020, December 3rd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2480: 2020, December 4th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2481: 2020, December 5th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2482: 2020, December 6th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2483: 2020, December 7th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2484: 2020, December 8th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2485: 2020, December 9th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2486: 2020, December 10th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2487: 2020, December 11th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2488: 2020, December 12th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2489: 2020, December 13th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2490: 2020, December 14th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2491: 2020, December 15th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2492: 2020, December 16th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2493: 2020, December 17th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2494: 2020, December 18th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2495: 2020, December 19th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2496: 2020, December 20th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2497: 2020, December 21st
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2498: 2020, December 22nd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2499: 2020, December 23rd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2500: 2020, December 24th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2501: 2020, December 25th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2502: 2020, December 26th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2503: 2020, December 27th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2504: 2020, December 28th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2505: 2020, December 29th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2506: 2020, December 30th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2507: 2020, December 31st
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2508: 2021, January 1st
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2509: 2021, January 2nd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2510: 2021, January 3rd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2511: 2021, January 4th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2512: 2021, January 5th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2513: 2021, January 6th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2514: 2021, January 7th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2515: 2021, January 8th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2516: 2021, January 9th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2517: 2021, January 10th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2518: 2021, January 11th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2519: 2021, January 12th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2520: 2021, January 13th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2521: 2021, January 14th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2522: 2021, January 15th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2523: 2021, January 16th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2524: 2021, January 17th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2525: 2021, January 18th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2526: 2021, January 19th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2527: 2021, January 20th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2528: 2021, January 21st
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2529: 2021, January 22nd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2530: 2021, January 23rd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2531: 2021, January 24th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2532: 2021, January 25th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2533: 2021, January 26th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2534: 2021, January 27th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2535: 2021, January 28th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2536: 2021, January 29th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2537: 2021, January 30th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2538: 2021, January 31st
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2539: 2021, February 1st
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2540: 2021, February 2nd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2541: 2021, February 3rd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2542: 2021, February 4th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2543: 2021, February 5th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2544: 2021, February 6th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2545: 2021, February 7th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2546: 2021, February 8th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2547: 2021, February 9th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2548: 2021, February 10th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2549: 2021, February 11th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2550: 2021, February 12th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2551: 2021, February 13th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2552: 2021, February 14th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2553: 2021, February 15th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2554: 2021, February 16th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2555: 2021, February 17th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2556: 2021, February 18th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2557: 2021, February 19th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2558: 2021, February 20th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2559: 2021, February 21st
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2560: 2021, February 22nd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2561: 2021, February 23rd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2562: 2021, February 24th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2563: 2021, February 25th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2564: 2021, February 26th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2565: 2021, February 27th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2566: 2021, February 28th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2567: 2021, March 1st
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2568: 2021, March 2nd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2569: 2021, March 3rd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2570: 2021, March 4th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2571: 2021, March 5th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2572: 2021, March 6th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2573: 2021, March 7th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2574: 2021, March 8th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2575: 2021, March 9th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2576: 2021, March 10th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2577: 2021, March 11th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2578: 2021, March 12th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2579: 2021, March 13th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2580: 2021, March 14th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2581: 2021, March 15th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2582: 2021, March 16th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2583: 2021, March 17th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2584: 2021, March 18th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2585: 2021, March 19th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2586: 2021, March 20th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2587: 2021, March 21st
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2588: 2021, March 22nd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2589: 2021, March 23rd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2590: 2021, March 24th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2591: 2021, March 25th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2592: 2021, March 26th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2593: 2021, March 27th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2594: 2021, March 28th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2595: 2021, March 29th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2596: 2021, March 30th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2597: 2021, March 31st
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2598: 2021, April 1st
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2599: 2021, April 2nd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2600: 2021, April 3rd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2601: 2021, April 4th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2602: 2021, April 5th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2603: 2021, April 6th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2604: 2021, April 7th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2605: 2021, April 8th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2606: 2021, April 9th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2607: 2021, April 10th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2608: 2021, April 11th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2609: 2021, April 12th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2610: 2021, April 13th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2611: 2021, April 14th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2612: 2021, April 15th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2613: 2021, April 16th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2614: 2021, April 17th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2615: 2021, April 18th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2616: 2021, April 19th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2617: 2021, April 20th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2618: 2021, April 21st
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2619: 2021, April 22nd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2620: 2021, April 23rd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2621: 2021, April 24th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2622: 2021, April 25th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2623: 2021, April 26th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2624: 2021, April 27th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2625: 2021, April 28th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2626: 2021, April 29th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2627: 2021, April 30th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2628: 2021, May 1st
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2629: 2021, May 2nd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2630: 2021, May 3rd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2631: 2021, May 4th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2632: 2021, May 5th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2633: 2021, May 6th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2634: 2021, May 7th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2635: 2021, May 8th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2636: 2021, May 9th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2637: 2021, May 10th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2638: 2021, May 11th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2639: 2021, May 12th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2640: 2021, May 13th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2641: 2021, May 14th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2642: 2021, May 15th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2643: 2021, May 16th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2644: 2021, May 17th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2645: 2021, May 18th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2646: 2021, May 19th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2647: 2021, May 20th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2648: 2021, May 21st
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2649: 2021, May 22nd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2650: 2021, May 23rd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2651: 2021, May 24th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2652: 2021, May 25th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2653: 2021, May 26th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2654: 2021, May 27th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2655: 2021, May 28th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2656: 2021, May 29th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2657: 2021, May 30th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2658: 2021, May 31st
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2659: 2021, June 1st
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2660: 2021, June 2nd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2661: 2021, June 3rd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2662: 2021, June 4th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2663: 2021, June 5th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2664: 2021, June 6th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2665: 2021, June 7th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2666: 2021, June 8th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2667: 2021, June 9th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2668: 2021, June 10th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2669: 2021, June 11th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2670: 2021, June 12th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2671: 2021, June 13th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2672: 2021, June 14th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2673: 2021, June 15th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2674: 2021, June 16th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2675: 2021, June 17th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2676: 2021, June 18th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2677: 2021, June 19th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2678: 2021, June 20th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2679: 2021, June 21st
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2680: 2021, June 22nd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2681: 2021, June 23rd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2682: 2021, June 24th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2683: 2021, June 25th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2684: 2021, June 26th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2685: 2021, June 27th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2686: 2021, June 28th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2687: 2021, June 29th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2688: 2021, June 30th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2689: 2021, July 1st
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2690: 2021, July 2nd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2691: 2021, July 3rd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2692: 2021, July 4th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2693: 2021, July 5th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2694: 2021, July 6th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2695: 2021, July 7th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2696: 2021, July 8th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2697: 2021, July 9th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2698: 2021, July 10th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2699: 2021, July 11th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2700: 2021, July 12th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2701: 2021, July 13th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2702: 2021, July 14th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2703: 2021, July 15th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2704: 2021, July 16th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2705: 2021, July 17th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2706: 2021, July 18th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2707: 2021, July 19th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2708: 2021, July 20th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2709: 2021, July 21st
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2710: 2021, July 22nd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2711: 2021, July 23rd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2712: 2021, July 24th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2713: 2021, July 25th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2714: 2021, July 26th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2715: 2021, July 27th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2716: 2021, July 28th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2717: 2021, July 29th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2718: 2021, July 30th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2719: 2021, July 31st
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2720: 2021, August 1st
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2721: 2021, August 2nd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2722: 2021, August 3rd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2723: 2021, August 4th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2724: 2021, August 5th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2725: 2021, August 6th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2726: 2021, August 7th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2727: 2021, August 8th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2728: 2021, August 9th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2729: 2021, August 10th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2730: 2021, August 11th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2731: 2021, August 12th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2732: 2021, August 13th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2733: 2021, August 14th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2734: 2021, August 15th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2735: 2021, August 16th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2736: 2021, August 17th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2737: 2021, August 18th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2738: 2021, August 19th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2739: 2021, August 20th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2740: 2021, August 21st
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2741: 2021, August 22nd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2742: 2021, August 23rd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2743: 2021, August 24th (happy independence day Ukraine!) **Слава Україні!**
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2744: 2021, August 25th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2745: 2021, August 26th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2746: 2021, August 27th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2747: 2021, August 28th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2748: 2021, August 29th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2749: 2021, August 30th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2750: 2021, August 31st
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2751: 2021, September 1st
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2752: 2021, September 2nd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2753: 2021, September 3rd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2754: 2021, September 4th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2755: 2021, September 5th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2756: 2021, September 6th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2757: 2021, September 7th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2758: 2021, September 8th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2759: 2021, September 9th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2760: 2021, September 10th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2761: 2021, September 11th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2762: 2021, September 12th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2763: 2021, September 13th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2764: 2021, September 14th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2765: 2021, September 15th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2766: 2021, September 16th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2767: 2021, September 17th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2768: 2021, September 18th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2769: 2021, September 19th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2770: 2021, September 20th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2771: 2021, September 21st
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2772: 2021, September 22nd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2773: 2021, September 23rd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2774: 2021, September 24th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2775: 2021, September 25th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2776: 2021, September 26th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2777: 2021, September 27th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2778: 2021, September 28th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2779: 2021, September 29th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2780: 2021, September 30th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2781: 2021, October 1st
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2782: 2021, October 2nd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2783: 2021, October 3rd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2784: 2021, October 4th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2785: 2021, October 5th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2786: 2021, October 6th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2787: 2021, October 7th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2788: 2021, October 8th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2789: 2021, October 9th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2790: 2021, October 10th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2791: 2021, October 11th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2792: 2021, October 12th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2793: 2021, October 13th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2794: 2021, October 14th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2795: 2021, October 15th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2796: 2021, October 16th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2797: 2021, October 17th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2798: 2021, October 18th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2799: 2021, October 19th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2800: 2021, October 20th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2801: 2021, October 21st
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2802: 2021, October 22nd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2803: 2021, October 23rd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2804: 2021, October 24th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2805: 2021, October 25th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2806: 2021, October 26th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2807: 2021, October 27th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2808: 2021, October 28th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2809: 2021, October 29th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2810: 2021, October 30th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2811: 2021, October 31st
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2812: 2021, November 1st
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2813: 2021, November 2nd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2814: 2021, November 3rd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2815: 2021, November 4th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2816: 2021, November 5th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2817: 2021, November 6th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2818: 2021, November 7th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2819: 2021, November 8th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2820: 2021, November 9th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2821: 2021, November 10th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2822: 2021, November 11th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2823: 2021, November 12th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2824: 2021, November 13th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2825: 2021, November 14th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2826: 2021, November 15th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2827: 2021, November 16th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2828: 2021, November 17th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2829: 2021, November 18th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2830: 2021, November 19th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2831: 2021, November 20th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2832: 2021, November 21st
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2833: 2021, November 22nd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2834: 2021, November 23rd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2835: 2021, November 24th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2836: 2021, November 25th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2837: 2021, November 26th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2838: 2021, November 27th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2839: 2021, November 28th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2840: 2021, November 29th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2841: 2021, November 30th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2842: 2021, December 1st
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2843: 2021, December 2nd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2844: 2021, December 3rd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2845: 2021, December 4th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2846: 2021, December 5th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2847: 2021, December 6th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2848: 2021, December 7th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2849: 2021, December 8th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2850: 2021, December 9th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2851: 2021, December 10th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2852: 2021, December 11th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2853: 2021, December 12th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2854: 2021, December 13th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2855: 2021, December 14th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2856: 2021, December 15th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2857: 2021, December 16th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2858: 2021, December 17th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2859: 2021, December 18th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2860: 2021, December 19th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2861: 2021, December 20th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2862: 2021, December 21st
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2863: 2021, December 22nd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2864: 2021, December 23rd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2865: 2021, December 24th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2866: 2021, December 25th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2867: 2021, December 26th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2868: 2021, December 27th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2869: 2021, December 28th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2870: 2021, December 29th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2871: 2021, December 30th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2872: 2021, December 31st
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2873: 2022, January 1st
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2874: 2022, January 2nd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2875: 2022, January 3rd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2876: 2022, January 4th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2877: 2022, January 5th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2878: 2022, January 6th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2879: 2022, January 7th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2880: 2022, January 8th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2881: 2022, January 9th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2882: 2022, January 10th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2883: 2022, January 11th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2884: 2022, January 12th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2885: 2022, January 13th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2886: 2022, January 14th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2887: 2022, January 15th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2888: 2022, January 16th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2889: 2022, January 17th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2890: 2022, January 18th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2891: 2022, January 19th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2892: 2022, January 20th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2893: 2022, January 21st
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2894: 2022, January 22nd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2895: 2022, January 23rd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2896: 2022, January 24th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2897: 2022, January 25th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2898: 2022, January 26th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2899: 2022, January 27th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2900: 2022, January 28th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2901: 2022, January 29th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2902: 2022, January 30th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2903: 2022, January 31st
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2904: 2022, February 1st
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2905: 2022, February 2nd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2906: 2022, February 3rd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2907: 2022, February 4th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2908: 2022, February 5th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2909: 2022, February 6th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2910: 2022, February 7th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2911: 2022, February 8th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2912: 2022, February 9th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2913: 2022, February 10th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2914: 2022, February 11th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2915: 2022, February 12th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2916: 2022, February 13th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2917: 2022, February 14th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2918: 2022, February 15th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2919: 2022, February 16th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2920: 2022, February 17th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2921: 2022, February 18th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2922: 2022, February 19th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2923: 2022, February 20th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2924: 2022, February 21st
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2925: 2022, February 22nd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2926: 2022, February 23rd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2927: 2022, February 24th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2928: 2022, February 25th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2929: 2022, February 26th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2930: 2022, February 27th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2931: 2022, February 28th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2932: 2022, March 1st
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2933: 2022, March 2nd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2934: 2022, March 3rd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2935: 2022, March 4th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2936: 2022, March 5th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2937: 2022, March 6th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2938: 2022, March 7th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2939: 2022, March 8th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2940: 2022, March 9th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2941: 2022, March 10th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2942: 2022, March 11th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2943: 2022, March 12th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2944: 2022, March 13th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2945: 2022, March 14th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2946: 2022, March 15th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2947: 2022, March 16th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2948: 2022, March 17th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2949: 2022, March 18th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2950: 2022, March 19th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2951: 2022, March 20th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2952: 2022, March 21st
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2953: 2022, March 22nd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2954: 2022, March 23rd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2955: 2022, March 24th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2956: 2022, March 25th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2957: 2022, March 26th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2958: 2022, March 27th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2959: 2022, March 28th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2960: 2022, March 29th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2961: 2022, March 30th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2962: 2022, March 31st
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2963: 2022, April 1st
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2964: 2022, April 2nd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2965: 2022, April 3rd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2966: 2022, April 4th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2967: 2022, April 5th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2968: 2022, April 6th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2969: 2022, April 7th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2970: 2022, April 8th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2971: 2022, April 9th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2972: 2022, April 10th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2973: 2022, April 11th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2974: 2022, April 12th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2975: 2022, April 13th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2976: 2022, April 14th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2977: 2022, April 15th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2978: 2022, April 16th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2979: 2022, April 17th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2980: 2022, April 18th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2981: 2022, April 19th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2982: 2022, April 20th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2983: 2022, April 21st
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2984: 2022, April 22nd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2985: 2022, April 23rd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2986: 2022, April 24th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2987: 2022, April 25th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2988: 2022, April 26th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2989: 2022, April 27th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2990: 2022, April 28th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2991: 2022, April 29th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2992: 2022, April 30th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2993: 2022, May 1st
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2994: 2022, May 2nd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2995: 2022, May 3rd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2996: 2022, May 4th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2997: 2022, May 5th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2998: 2022, May 6th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 2999: 2022, May 7th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3000: 2022, May 8th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3001: 2022, May 9th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3002: 2022, May 10th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3003: 2022, May 11th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3004: 2022, May 12th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3005: 2022, May 13th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3006: 2022, May 14th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3007: 2022, May 15th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3008: 2022, May 16th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3009: 2022, May 17th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3010: 2022, May 18th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3011: 2022, May 19th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3012: 2022, May 20th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3013: 2022, May 21st
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3014: 2022, May 22nd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3015: 2022, May 23rd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3016: 2022, May 24th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3017: 2022, May 25th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3018: 2022, May 26th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3019: 2022, May 27th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3020: 2022, May 28th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3021: 2022, May 29th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3022: 2022, May 30th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3023: 2022, May 31st
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3024: 2022, June 1st
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3025: 2022, June 2nd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3026: 2022, June 3rd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3027: 2022, June 4th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3028: 2022, June 5th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3029: 2022, June 6th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3030: 2022, June 7th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3031: 2022, June 8th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3032: 2022, June 9th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3033: 2022, June 10th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3034: 2022, June 11th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3035: 2022, June 12th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3036: 2022, June 13th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3037: 2022, June 14th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3038: 2022, June 15th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3039: 2022, June 16th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3040: 2022, June 17th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3041: 2022, June 18th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3042: 2022, June 19th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3043: 2022, June 20th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3044: 2022, June 21st
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3045: 2022, June 22nd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3046: 2022, June 23rd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3047: 2022, June 24th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3048: 2022, June 25th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3049: 2022, June 26th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3050: 2022, June 27th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3051: 2022, June 28th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3052: 2022, June 29th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3053: 2022, June 30th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3054: 2022, July 1st
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3055: 2022, July 2nd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3056: 2022, July 3rd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3057: 2022, July 4th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3058: 2022, July 5th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3059: 2022, July 6th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3060: 2022, July 7th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3061: 2022, July 8th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3062: 2022, July 9th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3063: 2022, July 10th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3064: 2022, July 11th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3065: 2022, July 12th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3066: 2022, July 13th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3067: 2022, July 14th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3068: 2022, July 15th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3069: 2022, July 16th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3070: 2022, July 17th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3071: 2022, July 18th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3072: 2022, July 19th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3073: 2022, July 20th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3074: 2022, July 21st
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3075: 2022, July 22nd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3076: 2022, July 23rd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3077: 2022, July 24th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3078: 2022, July 25th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3079: 2022, July 26th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3080: 2022, July 27th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3081: 2022, July 28th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3082: 2022, July 29th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3083: 2022, July 30th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3084: 2022, July 31st
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3085: 2022, August 1st
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3086: 2022, August 2nd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3087: 2022, August 3rd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3088: 2022, August 4th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3089: 2022, August 5th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3090: 2022, August 6th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3091: 2022, August 7th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3092: 2022, August 8th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3093: 2022, August 9th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3094: 2022, August 10th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3095: 2022, August 11th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3096: 2022, August 12th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3097: 2022, August 13th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3098: 2022, August 14th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3099: 2022, August 15th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3100: 2022, August 16th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3101: 2022, August 17th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3102: 2022, August 18th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3103: 2022, August 19th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3104: 2022, August 20th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3105: 2022, August 21st
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3106: 2022, August 22nd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3107: 2022, August 23rd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3108: 2022, August 24th (happy independence day Ukraine!) **Слава Україні!**
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3109: 2022, August 25th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3110: 2022, August 26th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3111: 2022, August 27th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3112: 2022, August 28th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3113: 2022, August 29th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3114: 2022, August 30th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3115: 2022, August 31st
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3116: 2022, September 1st
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3117: 2022, September 2nd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3118: 2022, September 3rd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3119: 2022, September 4th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3120: 2022, September 5th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3121: 2022, September 6th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3122: 2022, September 7th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3123: 2022, September 8th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3124: 2022, September 9th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3125: 2022, September 10th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3126: 2022, September 11th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3127: 2022, September 12th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3128: 2022, September 13th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3129: 2022, September 14th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3130: 2022, September 15th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3131: 2022, September 16th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3132: 2022, September 17th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3133: 2022, September 18th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3134: 2022, September 19th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3135: 2022, September 20th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3136: 2022, September 21st
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3137: 2022, September 22nd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3138: 2022, September 23rd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3139: 2022, September 24th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3140: 2022, September 25th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3141: 2022, September 26th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3142: 2022, September 27th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3143: 2022, September 28th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3144: 2022, September 29th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3145: 2022, September 30th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3146: 2022, October 1st
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3147: 2022, October 2nd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3148: 2022, October 3rd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3149: 2022, October 4th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3150: 2022, October 5th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3151: 2022, October 6th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3152: 2022, October 7th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3153: 2022, October 8th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3154: 2022, October 9th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3155: 2022, October 10th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3156: 2022, October 11th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3157: 2022, October 12th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3158: 2022, October 13th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3159: 2022, October 14th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3160: 2022, October 15th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3161: 2022, October 16th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3162: 2022, October 17th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3163: 2022, October 18th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3164: 2022, October 19th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3165: 2022, October 20th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3166: 2022, October 21st
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3167: 2022, October 22nd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3168: 2022, October 23rd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3169: 2022, October 24th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3170: 2022, October 25th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3171: 2022, October 26th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3172: 2022, October 27th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3173: 2022, October 28th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3174: 2022, October 29th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3175: 2022, October 30th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3176: 2022, October 31st
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3177: 2022, November 1st
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3178: 2022, November 2nd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3179: 2022, November 3rd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3180: 2022, November 4th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3181: 2022, November 5th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3182: 2022, November 6th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3183: 2022, November 7th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3184: 2022, November 8th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3185: 2022, November 9th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3186: 2022, November 10th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3187: 2022, November 11th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3188: 2022, November 12th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3189: 2022, November 13th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3190: 2022, November 14th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3191: 2022, November 15th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3192: 2022, November 16th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3193: 2022, November 17th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3194: 2022, November 18th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3195: 2022, November 19th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3196: 2022, November 20th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3197: 2022, November 21st
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3198: 2022, November 22nd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3199: 2022, November 23rd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3200: 2022, November 24th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3201: 2022, November 25th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3202: 2022, November 26th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3203: 2022, November 27th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3204: 2022, November 28th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3205: 2022, November 29th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3206: 2022, November 30th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3207: 2022, December 1st
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3208: 2022, December 2nd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3209: 2022, December 3rd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3210: 2022, December 4th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3211: 2022, December 5th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3212: 2022, December 6th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3213: 2022, December 7th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3214: 2022, December 8th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3215: 2022, December 9th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3216: 2022, December 10th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3217: 2022, December 11th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3217: 2022, December 12th **|** [`[1]`](#N1)
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3218: 2022, December 13th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3219: 2022, December 14th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3220: 2022, December 15th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3221: 2022, December 16th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3222: 2022, December 17th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3223: 2022, December 18th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3224: 2022, December 19th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3225: 2022, December 20th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3226: 2022, December 21st
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3227: 2022, December 22nd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3228: 2022, December 23rd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3229: 2022, December 24th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3230: 2022, December 25th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3231: 2022, December 26th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3232: 2022, December 27th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3233: 2022, December 28th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3234: 2022, December 29th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3235: 2022, December 30th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3236: 2022, December 31st
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3237: 2023, January 1st
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3238: 2023, January 2nd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3239: 2023, January 3rd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3240: 2023, January 4th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3241: 2023, January 5th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3242: 2023, January 6th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3243: 2023, January 7th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3244: 2023, January 8th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3245: 2023, January 9th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3246: 2023, January 10th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3247: 2023, January 11th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3248: 2023, January 12th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3249: 2023, January 13th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3250: 2023, January 14th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3251: 2023, January 15th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3252: 2023, January 16th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3253: 2023, January 17th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3254: 2023, January 18th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3255: 2023, January 19th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3256: 2023, January 20th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3257: 2023, January 21st
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3258: 2023, January 22nd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3259: 2023, January 23rd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3260: 2023, January 24th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3261: 2023, January 25th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3262: 2023, January 26th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3263: 2023, January 27th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3264: 2023, January 28th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3265: 2023, January 29th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3266: 2023, January 30th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3267: 2023, January 31st
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3268: 2023, February 1st
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3269: 2023, February 2nd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3270: 2023, February 3rd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3271: 2023, February 4th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3272: 2023, February 5th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3273: 2023, February 6th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3274: 2023, February 7th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3275: 2023, February 8th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3276: 2023, February 9th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3277: 2023, February 10th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3278: 2023, February 11th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3279: 2023, February 12th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3280: 2023, February 13th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3281: 2023, February 14th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3282: 2023, February 15th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3283: 2023, February 16th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3284: 2023, February 17th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3285: 2023, February 18th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3286: 2023, February 19th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3287: 2023, February 20th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3288: 2023, February 21st
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3289: 2023, February 22nd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3290: 2023, February 23rd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3291: 2023, February 24th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3292: 2023, February 25th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3293: 2023, February 26th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3294: 2023, February 27th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3295: 2023, February 28th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3296: 2023, March 1st
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3297: 2023, March 2nd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3298: 2023, March 3rd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3299: 2023, March 4th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3300: 2023, March 5th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3301: 2023, March 6th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3302: 2023, March 7th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3303: 2023, March 8th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3304: 2023, March 9th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3305: 2023, March 10th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3306: 2023, March 11th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3307: 2023, March 12th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3308: 2023, March 13th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3309: 2023, March 14th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3310: 2023, March 15th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3311: 2023, March 16th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3312: 2023, March 17th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3313: 2023, March 18th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3314: 2023, March 19th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3315: 2023, March 20th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3316: 2023, March 21st
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3317: 2023, March 22nd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3318: 2023, March 23rd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3319: 2023, March 24th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3320: 2023, March 25th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3321: 2023, March 26th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3322: 2023, March 27th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3323: 2023, March 28th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3324: 2023, March 29th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3325: 2023, March 30th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3326: 2023, March 31st
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3327: 2023, April 1st
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3328: 2023, April 2nd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3329: 2023, April 3rd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3330: 2023, April 4th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3331: 2023, April 5th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3332: 2023, April 6th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3333: 2023, April 7th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3334: 2023, April 8th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3335: 2023, April 9th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3336: 2023, April 10th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3337: 2023, April 11th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3338: 2023, April 12th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3339: 2023, April 13th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3340: 2023, April 14th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3341: 2023, April 15th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3342: 2023, April 16th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3343: 2023, April 17th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3344: 2023, April 18th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3345: 2023, April 19th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3346: 2023, April 20th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3347: 2023, April 21st
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3348: 2023, April 22nd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3349: 2023, April 23rd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3350: 2023, April 24th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3351: 2023, April 25th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3352: 2023, April 26th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3353: 2023, April 27th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3354: 2023, April 28th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3355: 2023, April 29th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3356: 2023, April 30th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3357: 2023, May 1st
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3358: 2023, May 2nd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3359: 2023, May 3rd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3360: 2023, May 4th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3361: 2023, May 5th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3362: 2023, May 6th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3363: 2023, May 7th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3364: 2023, May 8th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3365: 2023, May 9th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3366: 2023, May 10th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3367: 2023, May 11th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3368: 2023, May 12th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3369: 2023, May 13th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3370: 2023, May 14th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3371: 2023, May 15th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3372: 2023, May 16th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3373: 2023, May 17th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3374: 2023, May 18th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3375: 2023, May 19th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3376: 2023, May 20th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3377: 2023, May 21st
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3378: 2023, May 22nd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3379: 2023, May 23rd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3380: 2023, May 24th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3381: 2023, May 25th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3382: 2023, May 26th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3383: 2023, May 27th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3384: 2023, May 28th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3385: 2023, May 29th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3386: 2023, May 30th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3387: 2023, May 31st
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3388: 2023, June 1st
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3389: 2023, June 2nd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3390: 2023, June 3rd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3391: 2023, June 4th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3392: 2023, June 5th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3393: 2023, June 6th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3394: 2023, June 7th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3395: 2023, June 8th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3396: 2023, June 9th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3397: 2023, June 10th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3398: 2023, June 11th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3399: 2023, June 12th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3400: 2023, June 13th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3401: 2023, June 14th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3402: 2023, June 15th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3403: 2023, June 16th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3404: 2023, June 17th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3405: 2023, June 18th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3406: 2023, June 19th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3407: 2023, June 20th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3408: 2023, June 21st
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3409: 2023, June 22nd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3410: 2023, June 23rd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3411: 2023, June 24th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3412: 2023, June 25th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3413: 2023, June 26th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3414: 2023, June 27th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3415: 2023, June 28th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3416: 2023, June 29th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3417: 2023, June 30th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3418: 2023, July 1st
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3419: 2023, July 2nd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3420: 2023, July 3rd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3421: 2023, July 4th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3422: 2023, July 5th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3423: 2023, July 6th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3424: 2023, July 7th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3425: 2023, July 8th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3426: 2023, July 9th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3427: 2023, July 10th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3428: 2023, July 11th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3429: 2023, July 12th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3430: 2023, July 13th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3431: 2023, July 14th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3432: 2023, July 15th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3433: 2023, July 16th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3434: 2023, July 17th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3435: 2023, July 18th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3436: 2023, July 19th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3437: 2023, July 20th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3438: 2023, July 21st
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3439: 2023, July 22nd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3440: 2023, July 23rd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3441: 2023, July 24th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3442: 2023, July 25th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3443: 2023, July 26th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3444: 2023, July 27th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3445: 2023, July 28th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3446: 2023, July 29th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3447: 2023, July 30th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3448: 2023, July 31st
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3449: 2023, August 1st
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3450: 2023, August 2nd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3451: 2023, August 3rd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3452: 2023, August 4th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3453: 2023, August 5th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3454: 2023, August 6th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3455: 2023, August 7th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3456: 2023, August 8th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3457: 2023, August 9th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3458: 2023, August 10th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3459: 2023, August 11th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3460: 2023, August 12th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3461: 2023, August 13th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3462: 2023, August 14th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3463: 2023, August 15th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3464: 2023, August 16th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3465: 2023, August 17th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3466: 2023, August 18th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3467: 2023, August 19th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3468: 2023, August 20th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3469: 2023, August 21st
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3470: 2023, August 22nd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3471: 2023, August 23rd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3472: 2023, August 24th (happy independence day Ukraine!) **Слава Україні!**
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3473: 2023, August 25th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3474: 2023, August 26th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3475: 2023, August 27th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3476: 2023, August 28th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3477: 2023, August 29th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3478: 2023, August 30th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3479: 2023, August 31st
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3480: 2023, September 1st
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3481: 2023, September 2nd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3482: 2023, September 3rd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3483: 2023, September 4th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3484: 2023, September 5th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3485: 2023, September 6th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3486: 2023, September 7th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3487: 2023, September 8th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3488: 2023, September 9th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3489: 2023, September 10th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3490: 2023, September 11th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3491: 2023, September 12th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3492: 2023, September 13th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3493: 2023, September 14th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3494: 2023, September 15th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3495: 2023, September 16th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3496: 2023, September 17th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3497: 2023, September 18th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3498: 2023, September 19th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3499: 2023, September 20th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3500: 2023, September 21st
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3501: 2023, September 22nd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3502: 2023, September 23rd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3503: 2023, September 24th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3504: 2023, September 25th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3505: 2023, September 26th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3506: 2023, September 27th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3507: 2023, September 28th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3508: 2023, September 29th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3509: 2023, September 30th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3510: 2023, October 1st
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3511: 2023, October 2nd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3512: 2023, October 3rd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3513: 2023, October 4th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3514: 2023, October 5th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3515: 2023, October 6th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3516: 2023, October 7th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3517: 2023, October 8th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3518: 2023, October 9th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3519: 2023, October 10th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3520: 2023, October 11th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3521: 2023, October 12th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3522: 2023, October 13th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3523: 2023, October 14th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3524: 2023, October 15th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3525: 2023, October 16th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3526: 2023, October 17th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3527: 2023, October 18th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3528: 2023, October 19th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3529: 2023, October 20th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3530: 2023, October 21st
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3531: 2023, October 22nd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3532: 2023, October 23rd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3533: 2023, October 24th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3534: 2023, October 25th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3535: 2023, October 26th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3536: 2023, October 27th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3537: 2023, October 28th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3538: 2023, October 29th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3539: 2023, October 30th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3540: 2023, October 31st
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3541: 2023, November 1st
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3542: 2023, November 2nd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3543: 2023, November 3rd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3544: 2023, November 4th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3545: 2023, November 5th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3546: 2023, November 6th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3547: 2023, November 7th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3548: 2023, November 8th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3549: 2023, November 9th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3550: 2023, November 10th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3551: 2023, November 11th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3552: 2023, November 12th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3553: 2023, November 13th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3554: 2023, November 14th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3555: 2023, November 15th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3556: 2023, November 16th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3557: 2023, November 17th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3558: 2023, November 18th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3559: 2023, November 19th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3560: 2023, November 20th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3561: 2023, November 21st
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3562: 2023, November 22nd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3563: 2023, November 23rd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3564: 2023, November 24th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3565: 2023, November 25th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3566: 2023, November 26th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3567: 2023, November 27th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3568: 2023, November 28th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3569: 2023, November 29th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3570: 2023, November 30th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3571: 2023, December 1st
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3572: 2023, December 2nd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3573: 2023, December 3rd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3574: 2023, December 4th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3575: 2023, December 5th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3576: 2023, December 6th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3577: 2023, December 7th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3578: 2023, December 8th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3579: 2023, December 9th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3580: 2023, December 10th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3581: 2023, December 11th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3582: 2023, December 12th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3583: 2023, December 13th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3584: 2023, December 14th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3585: 2023, December 15th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3586: 2023, December 16th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3587: 2023, December 17th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3588: 2023, December 18th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3589: 2023, December 19th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3590: 2023, December 20th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3591: 2023, December 21st
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3592: 2023, December 22nd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3593: 2023, December 23rd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3594: 2023, December 24th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3595: 2023, December 25th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3596: 2023, December 26th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3597: 2023, December 27th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3598: 2023, December 28th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3599: 2023, December 29th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3600: 2023, December 30th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3601: 2023, December 31st
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3602: 2024, January 1st
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3603: 2024, January 2nd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3604: 2024, January 3rd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3605: 2024, January 4th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3606: 2024, January 5th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3607: 2024, January 6th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3608: 2024, January 7th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3609: 2024, January 8th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3610: 2024, January 9th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3611: 2024, January 10th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3612: 2024, January 11th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3613: 2024, January 12th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3614: 2024, January 13th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3615: 2024, January 14th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3616: 2024, January 15th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3617: 2024, January 16th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3618: 2024, January 17th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3619: 2024, January 18th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3620: 2024, January 19th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3621: 2024, January 20th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3622: 2024, January 21st
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3623: 2024, January 22nd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3624: 2024, January 23rd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3625: 2024, January 24th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3626: 2024, January 25th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3627: 2024, January 26th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3628: 2024, January 27th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3629: 2024, January 28th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3630: 2024, January 29th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3631: 2024, January 30th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3632: 2024, January 31st
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3633: 2024, February 1st
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3634: 2024, February 2nd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3635: 2024, February 3rd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3636: 2024, February 4th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3637: 2024, February 5th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3638: 2024, February 6th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3639: 2024, February 7th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3640: 2024, February 8th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3641: 2024, February 9th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3642: 2024, February 10th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3643: 2024, February 11th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3644: 2024, February 12th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3645: 2024, February 13th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3646: 2024, February 14th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3647: 2024, February 15th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3648: 2024, February 16th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3649: 2024, February 17th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3650: 2024, February 18th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3651: 2024, February 19th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3652: 2024, February 20th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3653: 2024, February 21st
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3654: 2024, February 22nd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3655: 2024, February 23rd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3656: 2024, February 24th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3657: 2024, February 25th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3658: 2024, February 26th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3659: 2024, February 27th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3660: 2024, February 28th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3661: 2024, February 29th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3662: 2024, March 1st
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3663: 2024, March 2nd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3664: 2024, March 3rd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3665: 2024, March 4th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3666: 2024, March 5th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3667: 2024, March 6th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3668: 2024, March 7th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3669: 2024, March 8th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3670: 2024, March 9th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3671: 2024, March 10th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3672: 2024, March 11th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3673: 2024, March 12th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3674: 2024, March 13th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3675: 2024, March 14th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3676: 2024, March 15th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3677: 2024, March 16th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3678: 2024, March 17th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3679: 2024, March 18th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3680: 2024, March 19th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3681: 2024, March 20th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3682: 2024, March 21st
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3683: 2024, March 22nd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3684: 2024, March 23rd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3685: 2024, March 24th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3686: 2024, March 25th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3687: 2024, March 26th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3688: 2024, March 27th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3689: 2024, March 28th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3690: 2024, March 29th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3691: 2024, March 30th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3692: 2024, March 31st
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3693: 2024, April 1st
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3694: 2024, April 2nd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3695: 2024, April 3rd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3696: 2024, April 4th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3697: 2024, April 5th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3698: 2024, April 6th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3699: 2024, April 7th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3700: 2024, April 8th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3701: 2024, April 9th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3702: 2024, April 10th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3703: 2024, April 11th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3704: 2024, April 12th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3705: 2024, April 13th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3706: 2024, April 14th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3707: 2024, April 15th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3708: 2024, April 16th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3709: 2024, April 17th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3710: 2024, April 18th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3711: 2024, April 19th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3712: 2024, April 20th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3713: 2024, April 21st
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3714: 2024, April 22nd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3715: 2024, April 23rd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3716: 2024, April 24th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3717: 2024, April 25th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3718: 2024, April 26th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3719: 2024, April 27th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3720: 2024, April 28th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3721: 2024, April 29th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3722: 2024, April 30th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3723: 2024, May 1st
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3724: 2024, May 2nd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3725: 2024, May 3rd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3726: 2024, May 4th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3727: 2024, May 5th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3728: 2024, May 6th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3729: 2024, May 7th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3730: 2024, May 8th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3731: 2024, May 9th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3732: 2024, May 10th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3733: 2024, May 11th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3734: 2024, May 12th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3735: 2024, May 13th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3736: 2024, May 14th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3737: 2024, May 15th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3738: 2024, May 16th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3739: 2024, May 17th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3740: 2024, May 18th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3741: 2024, May 19th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3742: 2024, May 20th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3743: 2024, May 21st
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3744: 2024, May 22nd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3745: 2024, May 23rd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3746: 2024, May 24th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3747: 2024, May 25th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3748: 2024, May 26th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3749: 2024, May 27th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3750: 2024, May 28th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3751: 2024, May 29th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3752: 2024, May 30th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3753: 2024, May 31st
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3754: 2024, June 1st
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3755: 2024, June 2nd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3756: 2024, June 3rd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3757: 2024, June 4th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3758: 2024, June 5th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3759: 2024, June 6th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3760: 2024, June 7th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3761: 2024, June 8th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3762: 2024, June 9th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3763: 2024, June 10th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3764: 2024, June 11th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3765: 2024, June 12th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3766: 2024, June 13th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3767: 2024, June 14th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3768: 2024, June 15th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3769: 2024, June 16th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3770: 2024, June 17th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3771: 2024, June 18th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3772: 2024, June 19th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3773: 2024, June 20th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3774: 2024, June 21st
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3775: 2024, June 22nd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3776: 2024, June 23rd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3777: 2024, June 24th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3778: 2024, June 25th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3779: 2024, June 26th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3780: 2024, June 27th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3781: 2024, June 28th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3782: 2024, June 29th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3783: 2024, June 30th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3784: 2024, July 1st
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3785: 2024, July 2nd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3786: 2024, July 3rd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3787: 2024, July 4th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3788: 2024, July 5th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3789: 2024, July 6th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3790: 2024, July 7th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3791: 2024, July 8th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3792: 2024, July 9th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3793: 2024, July 10th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3794: 2024, July 11th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3795: 2024, July 12th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3796: 2024, July 13th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3797: 2024, July 14th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3798: 2024, July 15th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3799: 2024, July 16th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3800: 2024, July 17th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3801: 2024, July 18th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3802: 2024, July 19th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3803: 2024, July 20th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3804: 2024, July 21st
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3805: 2024, July 22nd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3806: 2024, July 23rd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3807: 2024, July 24th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3808: 2024, July 25th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3809: 2024, July 26th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3810: 2024, July 27th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3811: 2024, July 28th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3812: 2024, July 29th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3813: 2024, July 30th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3814: 2024, July 31st
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3815: 2024, August 1st
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3816: 2024, August 2nd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3817: 2024, August 3rd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3818: 2024, August 4th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3819: 2024, August 5th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3820: 2024, August 6th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3821: 2024, August 7th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3822: 2024, August 8th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3823: 2024, August 9th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3824: 2024, August 10th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3825: 2024, August 11th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3826: 2024, August 12th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3827: 2024, August 13th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3828: 2024, August 14th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3829: 2024, August 15th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3830: 2024, August 16th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3831: 2024, August 17th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3832: 2024, August 18th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3833: 2024, August 19th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3834: 2024, August 20th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3835: 2024, August 21st
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3836: 2024, August 22nd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3837: 2024, August 23rd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3838: 2024, August 24th (happy independence day Ukraine!) **Слава Україні!**
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3839: 2024, August 25th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3840: 2024, August 26th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3841: 2024, August 27th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3842: 2024, August 28th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3843: 2024, August 29th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3844: 2024, August 30th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3845: 2024, August 31st
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3846: 2024, September 1st
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3847: 2024, September 2nd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3848: 2024, September 3rd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3849: 2024, September 4th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3850: 2024, September 5th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3851: 2024, September 6th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3852: 2024, September 7th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3853: 2024, September 8th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3854: 2024, September 9th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3855: 2024, September 10th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3856: 2024, September 11th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3857: 2024, September 12th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3858: 2024, September 13th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3859: 2024, September 14th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3860: 2024, September 15th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3861: 2024, September 16th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3862: 2024, September 17th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3863: 2024, September 18th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3864: 2024, September 19th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3865: 2024, September 20th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3866: 2024, September 21st
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3867: 2024, September 22nd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3868: 2024, September 23rd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3869: 2024, September 24th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3870: 2024, September 25th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3871: 2024, September 26th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3872: 2024, September 27th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3873: 2024, September 28th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3874: 2024, September 29th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3875: 2024, September 30th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3876: 2024, October 1st
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3877: 2024, October 2nd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3878: 2024, October 3rd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3879: 2024, October 4th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3880: 2024, October 5th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3881: 2024, October 6th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3882: 2024, October 7th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3883: 2024, October 8th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3884: 2024, October 9th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3885: 2024, October 10th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3886: 2024, October 11th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3887: 2024, October 12th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3888: 2024, October 13th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3889: 2024, October 14th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3890: 2024, October 15th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3891: 2024, October 16th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3892: 2024, October 17th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3893: 2024, October 18th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3894: 2024, October 19th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3895: 2024, October 20th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3896: 2024, October 21st
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3897: 2024, October 22nd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3898: 2024, October 23rd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3899: 2024, October 24th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3900: 2024, October 25th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3901: 2024, October 26th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3902: 2024, October 27th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3903: 2024, October 28th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3904: 2024, October 29th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3905: 2024, October 30th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3906: 2024, October 31st
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3907: 2024, November 1st
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3908: 2024, November 2nd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3909: 2024, November 3rd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3910: 2024, November 4th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3911: 2024, November 5th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3912: 2024, November 6th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3913: 2024, November 7th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3914: 2024, November 8th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3915: 2024, November 9th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3916: 2024, November 10th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3917: 2024, November 11th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3918: 2024, November 12th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3919: 2024, November 13th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3920: 2024, November 14th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3921: 2024, November 15th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3922: 2024, November 16th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3923: 2024, November 17th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3924: 2024, November 18th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3925: 2024, November 19th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3926: 2024, November 20th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3927: 2024, November 21st
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3928: 2024, November 22nd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3929: 2024, November 23rd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3930: 2024, November 24th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3931: 2024, November 25th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3932: 2024, November 26th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3933: 2024, November 27th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3934: 2024, November 28th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3935: 2024, November 29th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3936: 2024, November 30th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3937: 2024, December 1st
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3938: 2024, December 2nd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3939: 2024, December 3rd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3940: 2024, December 4th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3941: 2024, December 5th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3942: 2024, December 6th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3943: 2024, December 7th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3944: 2024, December 8th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3945: 2024, December 9th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3946: 2024, December 10th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3947: 2024, December 11th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3948: 2024, December 12th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3949: 2024, December 13th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3950: 2024, December 14th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3951: 2024, December 15th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3952: 2024, December 16th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3953: 2024, December 17th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3954: 2024, December 18th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3955: 2024, December 19th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3956: 2024, December 20th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3957: 2024, December 21st
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3958: 2024, December 22nd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3959: 2024, December 23rd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3960: 2024, December 24th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3961: 2024, December 25th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3962: 2024, December 26th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3963: 2024, December 27th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3964: 2024, December 28th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3965: 2024, December 29th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3966: 2024, December 30th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3967: 2024, December 31st
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3968: 2025, January 1st
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3969: 2025, January 2nd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3970: 2025, January 3rd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3971: 2025, January 4th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3972: 2025, January 5th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3973: 2025, January 6th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3974: 2025, January 7th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3975: 2025, January 8th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3976: 2025, January 9th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3977: 2025, January 10th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3978: 2025, January 11th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3979: 2025, January 12th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3980: 2025, January 13th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3981: 2025, January 14th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3982: 2025, January 15th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3983: 2025, January 16th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3984: 2025, January 17th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3985: 2025, January 18th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3986: 2025, January 19th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3987: 2025, January 20th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3988: 2025, January 21st
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3989: 2025, January 22nd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3990: 2025, January 23rd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3991: 2025, January 24th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3992: 2025, January 25th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3993: 2025, January 26th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3994: 2025, January 27th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3995: 2025, January 28th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3996: 2025, January 29th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3997: 2025, January 30th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3998: 2025, January 31st
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 3999: 2025, February 1st
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 4000: 2025, February 2nd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 4001: 2025, February 3rd
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 4002: 2025, February 4th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 4003: 2025, February 5th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 4004: 2025, February 6th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 4005: 2025, February 7th
+- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 4006: 2025, February 8th
+- After 4,006 days, it is still Ukraine. Slava Ukraini! [Calculation source](https://duckduckgo.com/?t=ffab&q=days+since+February+20th+2014&ia=answer)
+- UA/UK: після 4,006 днів, це все ще Україна. Слава Україні!
+- RU: Спустя 4,006 дня это все еще Украина. Слава Украине!
+- BE: Праз 4,006 дзён гэта ўсё яшчэ Украіна. Слава Украіне!
+- KO: 4,006 일 후에도 여전히 우크라이나입니다. 슬라바 우크라이나!
+#### N1
+> **Note** The numbers are incorrect from an unknown point up to 2022, December 11th. I know I got the dates right, the numbers can be rewritten with automation. It is just 1 number off.
+> **Note** UA/UK: Цифри неправильні з невідомої точки до 2022 року, 11 грудня. Я знаю, що правильно зрозумів дати, цифри можна переписати за допомогою автоматизації. Це лише 1 номер вимкнено.
+> **Note** RU: Цифры неверны с неизвестной точки до 2022 года, 11 декабря. Я знаю, что правильно понял даты, числа можно переписать с помощью автоматизации. Это всего лишь 1 номер.
+> **Note** BE: Лічбы няправільныя з невядомага моманту да 11 снежня 2022 года. Я ведаю, што правільна ўказаў даты, лічбы можна перапісаць аўтаматычна. Зніжка ўсяго на 1 нумар.
+> **Note** KO: 숫자는 알 수 없는 시점부터 2022년 12월 11일까지 틀렸습니다. 제가 날짜를 맞췄다는 건 알지만, 숫자는 자동화로 다시 쓸 수 있습니다. 숫자가 하나 틀렸을 뿐입니다.
+### File info
+### UA/UK: Інформація про файл
+### RU: Информация о файле
+### BE: Інфармацыя аб файле
+### KO: 파일 정보
+[Click/tap here to expand/collapse this section] [UA/UK: Натисніть / торкніться тут, щоб розгорнути / згорнути цей розділ] [RU: Нажмите/коснитесь здесь, чтобы развернуть/свернуть этот раздел]
+- **File type:** `Markdown (*.md *.mkd *.mdown *.markdown)`
+- **UA/UK: Тип файлу:** `Уцінка (*.md *.mkd *.mdown *.markdown)`
+- **RU: Тип файла:** `Markdown (*.md *.mkd *.mdown *.markdown)`
+- **BE: Тып файла:** `Markdown (*.md *.mkd *.mdown *.markdown)`
+- **KO: 파일 유형:** `Markdown (*.md *.mkd *.mdown *.markdown)`
+- **File version:** `776 (2025, Saturday, February 8th at 05:50 pm PST)`
+> **Translation not available (Ukrainian) Переклад відсутній (українська)**
+> **Translation not available (Russian) Перевод недоступен (Русский)**
+> **Translation not available (Belarusian) Пераклад недаступны (беларуская)**
+> **Translation not available (Korean) 번역이 불가능합니다. (한국어)**
+- **Line count (including blank lines and compiler line):** `7,851`
+- **UA/UK: Кількість рядків (включно з порожніми рядками та рядком компілятора):** `7,851`
+- **RU: Количество строк (включая пустые строки и строку компилятора):** `7,851`
+- **BE: Колькасць радкоў (уключаючы пустыя радкі і радок кампілятара):** `7,851`
+- **KO: 줄 수(빈 줄과 컴파일러 줄 포함):** `7,851`
+- **Current article language:** `English (EN_USA)` / `Ukrainian (UA_UKRAINE)` / `Russian (RU_RUSSIA)` / `Markdown (CommonMark)` / `HTML5 (HyperText Markup Language 5.3)`
+- **Encoding:** `UTF-8 (Emoji 12.0 or higher recommended)`
+- **UA/UK: AКодування:** `UTF-8 (рекомендовано смайлики 12.0 або вище)`
+- **RU: Кодировка:** `UTF-8 (рекомендуется Emoji 12.0 или выше)`
+- **BE: Кадзіроўка:** `UTF-8 (Рэкамендуецца Emoji 12.0 або вышэй)`
+- **KO: 부호화:** `UTF-8 (이모지 12.0 이상 권장)`
+- **All times are UTC-7 (PDT/Pacific Time)** `(Please also account for DST (Daylight Savings Time) for older/newer entries up until it is abolished/no longer followed)`
+- **UA/UK: Весь час UTC-7 (PDT/Тихоокеанський час)** `(Будь ласка, також враховуйте перехід на літній час (літній час) для старіших / новіших записів до тих пір, поки він не буде скасований / більше не дотримується)`
+- **RU: Все время UTC-7 (PDT / тихоокеанское время)** `(Пожалуйста, также учитывайте летнее время) для старых / новых записей до тех пор, пока оно не будет отменено / больше не соблюдается)`
+- **BE: Увесь час UTC-7 (PDT/ціхаакіянскі час)** `(Калі ласка, таксама ўлічвайце летні час (пераход на летні час) для старых/новых запісаў, пакуль ён не будзе адменены/перастане прытрымлівацца)`
+- **KO: 모든 시간은 UTC-7(PDT/태평양 표준시)** `입니다. (또한 이전/최신 항목의 경우 DST(일광 절약 시간제)가 폐지되거나 더 이상 따르지 않을 때까지 이를 고려해 주십시오.)`
+> **Note** _On 2022, Sunday, March 13th at 2:00 am PST, the time jumped ahead 1 hour to 3:00 am._
+> **Note** _UA/UK: У 2022 році, в неділю, 13 березня, о 2:00 ранку за тихоокеанським стандартним часом час вискочив вперед на 1 годину до 3:00 ранку._
+> **Note** _RU: В 2022 году, в воскресенье, 13 марта, в 2:00 по тихоокеанскому стандартному времени время перескочило на 1 час вперед до 3:00 утра._
+> **Note** **You may need special rendering support for the `` HTML tag being used in this document**
+> **Note** **UA/UK: Вам може знадобитися спеціальна підтримка рендеринга для тегу HTML, який використовується в цьому документі**
+> **Note** **RU: Вам может потребоваться специальная поддержка рендеринга для HTML-тега ``, используемого в этом документе**
+> **Note** **BE: Вам можа спатрэбіцца спецыяльная падтрымка рэндэрынгу для HTML-тэга ``, які выкарыстоўваецца ў гэтым дакуменце**
+> **Note** **KO: **이 문서에서 사용되는 `` HTML 태그에 대해 특별한 렌더링 지원이 필요할 수 있습니다.**
+## File history
+## UA/UK: Банк файлів
+## RU: История файлов
+## BE: Гісторыя файлаў
+## KO: 파일 기록
+[Click/tap here to expand/collapse the changelog for this project] [UA/UK: Натисніть / торкніться тут, щоб розгорнути / згорнути журнал змін для цього проекту] [RU: Нажмите/коснитесь здесь, чтобы развернуть/свернуть журнал изменений для этого проекта] [BE: Націсніце/дакраніцеся тут, каб разгарнуць/згарнуць журнал змяненняў для гэтага праекта] [KO: 이 프로젝트의 변경 로그를 확장/축소하려면 여기를 클릭/탭하세요.]
+> **Note** _You have to build the project before these links will work._
+- [Versions 1-100](/1%20Music/Ukraine_National_Anthem/2022/Daily/OldVersions/English/USA/1/1-100/)
+- [Versions 101-200](/1%20Music/Ukraine_National_Anthem/2022/Daily/OldVersions/English/USA/1/101-200/)
+- [Versions 201-300](/1%20Music/Ukraine_National_Anthem/2022/Daily/OldVersions/English/USA/1/201-300/)
+- [Versions 301-400](/1%20Music/Ukraine_National_Anthem/2022/Daily/OldVersions/English/USA/1/301-400/)
+- [Versions 401-500](/1%20Music/Ukraine_National_Anthem/2022/Daily/OldVersions/English/USA/1/401-500/)
+- [Versions 501-600](/1%20Music/Ukraine_National_Anthem/2022/Daily/OldVersions/English/USA/1/501-600/)
+- [Versions 601-700](/1%20Music/Ukraine_National_Anthem/2022/Daily/OldVersions/English/USA/1/601-700/)
+- [Versions 701-800](/1%20Music/Ukraine_National_Anthem/2022/Daily/OldVersions/English/USA/1/701-800/)
+Version 701 (2024, Monday, November 25th at 08:26 pm PST)
+- **This version was made by:** [`@seanpm2001`](https://github.com/seanpm2001/)
+> Changes:
+- [x] Updated the Ukrainian flag counter section, with a new value of `5759`
+- [x] Updated the main list to include an entry for 2024, November 25th (day 778)
+- [x] Updated the list of all days of the war since the 2022 Invasion (1,006 days)
+- [x] Updated the list of all days of the war (3,931 days)
+- [x] Updated the file info section
+- [x] Updated the changelog
+- - [x] Added an entry for version 701
+- - [x] Removed entries for versions 601 to 700, they can now be viewed in older versions only
+- - [x] Updated the link list to include a link to the old versions of versions 701 to 800.
+- [x] Updated the `Additional notes` section
+- [ ] No other changes in version 701
+Version 702 (2024, Tuesday, November 26th at 08:38 pm PST)
+- **This version was made by:** [`@seanpm2001`](https://github.com/seanpm2001/)
+> Changes:
+- [x] Updated the Ukrainian flag counter section, with a new value of `5762`
+- [x] Updated the main list to include an entry for 2024, November 26th (day 779)
+- [x] Updated the list of all days of the war since the 2022 Invasion (1,007 days)
+- [x] Updated the list of all days of the war (3,932 days)
+- [x] Updated the file info section
+- [x] Updated the changelog
+- - [x] Added an entry for version 702
+- [x] Updated the `Additional notes` section
+- [ ] No other changes in version 702
+Version 703 (2024, Wednesday, November 27th at 07:43 pm PST)
+- **This version was made by:** [`@seanpm2001`](https://github.com/seanpm2001/)
+> Changes:
+- [x] Updated the Ukrainian flag counter section, with a new value of `5765`
+- [x] Updated the main list to include an entry for 2024, November 27th (day 780)
+- [x] Updated the list of all days of the war since the 2022 Invasion (1,008 days)
+- [x] Updated the list of all days of the war (3,933 days)
+- [x] Updated the file info section
+- [x] Updated the changelog
+- - [x] Added an entry for version 703
+- [x] Updated the `Additional notes` section
+- [ ] No other changes in version 703
+Version 704 (2024, Thursday, November 28th at 07:55 pm PST)
+- **This version was made by:** [`@seanpm2001`](https://github.com/seanpm2001/)
+> Changes:
+- [x] Updated the Ukrainian flag counter section, with a new value of `5768`
+- [x] Updated the main list to include an entry for 2024, November 28th (day 781)
+- [x] Updated the list of all days of the war since the 2022 Invasion (1,009 days)
+- [x] Updated the list of all days of the war (3,934 days)
+- [x] Updated the file info section
+- [x] Updated the changelog
+- - [x] Added an entry for version 704
+- [x] Updated the `Additional notes` section
+- [ ] No other changes in version 704
+Version 705 (2024, Friday, November 29th at 08:14 pm PST)
+- **This version was made by:** [`@seanpm2001`](https://github.com/seanpm2001/)
+> Changes:
+- [x] Updated the Ukrainian flag counter section, with a new value of `5771`
+- [x] Updated the main list to include an entry for 2024, November 29th (day 782)
+- [x] Updated the list of all days of the war since the 2022 Invasion (1,010 days)
+- [x] Updated the list of all days of the war (3,935 days)
+- [x] Updated the file info section
+- [x] Updated the changelog
+- - [x] Added an entry for version 705
+- [x] Updated the `Additional notes` section
+- [ ] No other changes in version 705
+Version 706 (2024, Saturday, November 30th at 08:47 pm PST)
+- **This version was made by:** [`@seanpm2001`](https://github.com/seanpm2001/)
+> Changes:
+- [x] Updated the Ukrainian flag counter section, with a new value of `5774`
+- [x] Updated the main list to include an entry for 2024, November 30th (day 783)
+- [x] Updated the list of all days of the war since the 2022 Invasion (1,011 days)
+- [x] Updated the list of all days of the war (3,936 days)
+- [x] Updated the file info section
+- [x] Updated the changelog
+- - [x] Added an entry for version 706
+- [x] Updated the `Additional notes` section
+- [ ] No other changes in version 706
+Version 707 (2024, Sunday, December 1st at 07:58 pm PST)
+- **This version was made by:** [`@seanpm2001`](https://github.com/seanpm2001/)
+> Changes:
+- [x] Updated the Ukrainian flag counter section, with a new value of `5777`
+- [x] Updated the main list to include an entry for 2024, December 1st (day 784)
+- [x] Updated the list of all days of the war since the 2022 Invasion (1,012 days)
+- [x] Updated the list of all days of the war (3,937 days)
+- [x] Updated the file info section
+- [x] Updated the changelog
+- - [x] Added an entry for version 707
+- [x] Updated the `Additional notes` section
+- [ ] No other changes in version 707
+Version 708 (2024, Monday, December 2nd at 09:24 pm PST)
+- **This version was made by:** [`@seanpm2001`](https://github.com/seanpm2001/)
+> Changes:
+- [x] Updated the Ukrainian flag counter section, with a new value of `5780`
+- [x] Updated the main list to include an entry for 2024, December 2nd (day 785)
+- [x] Updated the list of all days of the war since the 2022 Invasion (1,013 days)
+- [x] Updated the list of all days of the war (3,938 days)
+- [x] Updated the file info section
+- [x] Updated the changelog
+- - [x] Added an entry for version 708
+- [x] Updated the `Additional notes` section
+- [ ] No other changes in version 708
+Version 709 (2024, Tuesday, December 3rd at 09:20 pm PST)
+- **This version was made by:** [`@seanpm2001`](https://github.com/seanpm2001/)
+> Changes:
+- [x] Updated the Ukrainian flag counter section, with a new value of `5783`
+- [x] Updated the main list to include an entry for 2024, December 3rd (day 786)
+- [x] Updated the list of all days of the war since the 2022 Invasion (1,014 days)
+- [x] Updated the list of all days of the war (3,939 days)
+- [x] Updated the file info section
+- [x] Updated the changelog
+- - [x] Added an entry for version 709
+- [x] Updated the `Additional notes` section
+- [ ] No other changes in version 709
+Version 710 (2024, Wednesday, December 4th at 06:09 pm PST)
+- **This version was made by:** [`@seanpm2001`](https://github.com/seanpm2001/)
+> Changes:
+- [x] Updated the Ukrainian flag counter section, with a new value of `5786`
+- [x] Updated the main list to include an entry for 2024, December 4th (day 787)
+- [x] Updated the list of all days of the war since the 2022 Invasion (1,015 days)
+- [x] Updated the list of all days of the war (3,940 days)
+- [x] Updated the file info section
+- [x] Updated the changelog
+- - [x] Added an entry for version 710
+- [x] Updated the `Additional notes` section
+- [ ] No other changes in version 710
+Version 711 (2024, Thursday, December 5th at 09:53 pm PST)
+- **This version was made by:** [`@seanpm2001`](https://github.com/seanpm2001/)
+> Changes:
+- [x] Updated the Ukrainian flag counter section, with a new value of `5789`
+- [x] Updated the main list to include an entry for 2024, December 5th (day 788)
+- [x] Updated the list of all days of the war since the 2022 Invasion (1,016 days)
+- [x] Updated the list of all days of the war (3,942 days)
+- [x] Updated the file info section
+- [x] Updated the changelog
+- - [x] Added an entry for version 711
+- [x] Updated the `Additional notes` section
+- [ ] No other changes in version 711
+Version 712 (2024, Friday, December 6th at 08:37 pm PST)
+- **This version was made by:** [`@seanpm2001`](https://github.com/seanpm2001/)
+> Changes:
+- [x] Updated the Ukrainian flag counter section, with a new value of `5792`
+- [x] Updated the main list to include an entry for 2024, December 6th (day 789)
+- [x] Updated the list of all days of the war since the 2022 Invasion (1,017 days)
+- [x] Updated the list of all days of the war (3,943 days)
+- [x] Updated the file info section
+- [x] Updated the changelog
+- - [x] Added an entry for version 712
+- [x] Updated the `Additional notes` section
+- [ ] No other changes in version 712
+Version 713 (2024, Saturday, December 7th at 08:49 pm PST)
+- **This version was made by:** [`@seanpm2001`](https://github.com/seanpm2001/)
+> Changes:
+- [x] Updated the Ukrainian flag counter section, with a new value of `5795`
+- [x] Updated the main list to include an entry for 2024, December 7th (day 790)
+- [x] Updated the list of all days of the war since the 2022 Invasion (1,018 days)
+- [x] Updated the list of all days of the war (3,944 days)
+- [x] Updated the file info section
+- [x] Updated the changelog
+- - [x] Added an entry for version 713
+- [x] Updated the `Additional notes` section
+- [ ] No other changes in version 713
+Version 714 (2024, Sunday, December 8th at 07:43 pm PST)
+- **This version was made by:** [`@seanpm2001`](https://github.com/seanpm2001/)
+> Changes:
+- [x] Updated the Ukrainian flag counter section, with a new value of `5798`
+- [x] Updated the main list to include an entry for 2024, December 8th (day 791)
+- [x] Updated the list of all days of the war since the 2022 Invasion (1,019 days)
+- [x] Updated the list of all days of the war (3,945 days)
+- [x] Updated the file info section
+- [x] Updated the changelog
+- - [x] Added an entry for version 714
+- [x] Updated the `Additional notes` section
+- [ ] No other changes in version 714
+Version 715 (2024, Monday, December 9th at 08:42 pm PST)
+- **This version was made by:** [`@seanpm2001`](https://github.com/seanpm2001/)
+> Changes:
+- [x] Updated the Ukrainian flag counter section, with a new value of `5801`
+- [x] Updated the main list to include an entry for 2024, December 9th (day 792)
+- [x] Updated the list of all days of the war since the 2022 Invasion (1,020 days)
+- [x] Updated the list of all days of the war (3,946 days)
+- [x] Updated the file info section
+- [x] Updated the changelog
+- - [x] Added an entry for version 715
+- [x] Updated the `Additional notes` section
+- [ ] No other changes in version 715
+Version 716 (2024, Tuesday, December 10th at 08:06 pm PST)
+- **This version was made by:** [`@seanpm2001`](https://github.com/seanpm2001/)
+> Changes:
+- [x] Updated the Ukrainian flag counter section, with a new value of `5804`
+- [x] Updated the main list to include an entry for 2024, December 10th (day 793)
+- [x] Updated the list of all days of the war since the 2022 Invasion (1,021 days)
+- [x] Updated the list of all days of the war (3,947 days)
+- [x] Updated the file info section
+- [x] Updated the changelog
+- - [x] Added an entry for version 716
+- [x] Updated the `Additional notes` section
+- [ ] No other changes in version 716
+Version 717 (2024, Wednesday, December 11th at 08:30 pm PST)
+- **This version was made by:** [`@seanpm2001`](https://github.com/seanpm2001/)
+> Changes:
+- [x] Updated the Ukrainian flag counter section, with a new value of `5807`
+- [x] Updated the main list to include an entry for 2024, December 11th (day 794)
+- [x] Updated the list of all days of the war since the 2022 Invasion (1,022 days)
+- [x] Updated the list of all days of the war (3,948 days)
+- [x] Updated the file info section
+- [x] Updated the changelog
+- - [x] Added an entry for version 717
+- [x] Updated the `Additional notes` section
+- [ ] No other changes in version 717
+Version 718 (2024, Thursday, December 12th at 07:38 pm PST)
+- **This version was made by:** [`@seanpm2001`](https://github.com/seanpm2001/)
+> Changes:
+- [x] Updated the Ukrainian flag counter section, with a new value of `5810`
+- [x] Updated the main list to include an entry for 2024, December 12th (day 795)
+- [x] Updated the list of all days of the war since the 2022 Invasion (1,023 days)
+- [x] Updated the list of all days of the war (3,949 days)
+- [x] Updated the file info section
+- [x] Updated the changelog
+- - [x] Added an entry for version 718
+- [x] Updated the `Additional notes` section
+- [ ] No other changes in version 718
+Version 719 (2024, Friday, December 13th at 06:43 pm PST)
+- **This version was made by:** [`@seanpm2001`](https://github.com/seanpm2001/)
+> Changes:
+- [x] Updated the Ukrainian flag counter section, with a new value of `5813`
+- [x] Updated the main list to include an entry for 2024, December 13th (day 796)
+- [x] Updated the list of all days of the war since the 2022 Invasion (1,024 days)
+- [x] Updated the list of all days of the war (3,950 days)
+- [x] Updated the file info section
+- [x] Updated the changelog
+- - [x] Added an entry for version 719
+- [x] Updated the `Additional notes` section
+- [ ] No other changes in version 719
+Version 720 (2024, Saturday, December 14th at 06:32 pm PST)
+- **This version was made by:** [`@seanpm2001`](https://github.com/seanpm2001/)
+> Changes:
+- [x] Updated the Ukrainian flag counter section, with a new value of `5816`
+- [x] Updated the main list to include an entry for 2024, December 14th (day 797)
+- [x] Updated the list of all days of the war since the 2022 Invasion (1,025 days)
+- [x] Updated the list of all days of the war (3,951 days)
+- [x] Updated the file info section
+- [x] Updated the changelog
+- - [x] Added an entry for version 720
+- [x] Updated the `Additional notes` section
+- [ ] No other changes in version 720
+Version 721 (2024, Sunday, December 15th at 07:26 pm PST)
+- **This version was made by:** [`@seanpm2001`](https://github.com/seanpm2001/)
+> Changes:
+- [x] Updated the Ukrainian flag counter section, with a new value of `5819`
+- [x] Updated the main list to include an entry for 2024, December 15th (day 798)
+- [x] Updated the list of all days of the war since the 2022 Invasion (1,026 days)
+- [x] Updated the list of all days of the war (3,952 days)
+- [x] Updated the file info section
+- [x] Updated the changelog
+- - [x] Added an entry for version 721
+- [x] Updated the `Additional notes` section
+- [ ] No other changes in version 721
+Version 722 (2024, Monday, December 16th at 07:36 pm PST)
+- **This version was made by:** [`@seanpm2001`](https://github.com/seanpm2001/)
+> Changes:
+- [x] Updated the Ukrainian flag counter section, with a new value of `5822`
+- [x] Updated the main list to include an entry for 2024, December 16th (day 799)
+- [x] Updated the list of all days of the war since the 2022 Invasion (1,027 days)
+- [x] Updated the list of all days of the war (3,953 days)
+- [x] Updated the file info section
+- [x] Updated the changelog
+- - [x] Added an entry for version 722
+- [x] Updated the `Additional notes` section
+- [ ] No other changes in version 722
+Version 723 (2024, Tuesday, December 17th at 07:18 pm PST)
+- **This version was made by:** [`@seanpm2001`](https://github.com/seanpm2001/)
+> Changes:
+- [x] Updated the Ukrainian flag counter section, with a new value of `5825`
+- [x] Updated the main list to include an entry for 2024, December 17th (day 799)
+- [x] Updated the list of all days of the war since the 2022 Invasion (1,028 days)
+- [x] Updated the list of all days of the war (3,954 days)
+- [x] Updated the file info section
+- [x] Updated the changelog
+- - [x] Added an entry for version 723
+- [x] Updated the `Additional notes` section
+- [ ] No other changes in version 723
+Version 724 (2024, Wednesday, December 18th at 07:05 pm PST)
+- **This version was made by:** [`@seanpm2001`](https://github.com/seanpm2001/)
+> Changes:
+- [x] Updated the Ukrainian flag counter section, with a new value of `5828`
+- [x] Updated the main list to include an entry for 2024, December 18th (day 800)
+- [x] Updated the list of all days of the war since the 2022 Invasion (1,029 days)
+- [x] Updated the list of all days of the war (3,955 days)
+- [x] Updated the file info section
+- [x] Updated the changelog
+- - [x] Added an entry for version 724
+- [x] Updated the `Additional notes` section
+- [ ] No other changes in version 724
+Version 725 (2024, Thursday, December 19th at 05:37 pm PST)
+- **This version was made by:** [`@seanpm2001`](https://github.com/seanpm2001/)
+> Changes:
+- [x] Updated the Ukrainian flag counter section, with a new value of `5831`
+- [x] Updated the main list to include an entry for 2024, December 19th (day 801)
+- [x] Updated the list of all days of the war since the 2022 Invasion (1,030 days)
+- [x] Updated the list of all days of the war (3,956 days)
+- [x] Updated the file info section
+- [x] Updated the changelog
+- - [x] Added an entry for version 725
+- [x] Updated the `Additional notes` section
+- [ ] No other changes in version 725
+Version 726 (2024, Friday, December 20th at 05:22 pm PST)
+- **This version was made by:** [`@seanpm2001`](https://github.com/seanpm2001/)
+> Changes:
+- [x] Updated the Ukrainian flag counter section, with a new value of `5834`
+- [x] Updated the main list to include an entry for 2024, December 20th (day 802)
+- [x] Updated the list of all days of the war since the 2022 Invasion (1,031 days)
+- [x] Updated the list of all days of the war (3,957 days)
+- [x] Updated the file info section
+- [x] Updated the changelog
+- - [x] Added an entry for version 726
+- [x] Updated the `Additional notes` section
+- [ ] No other changes in version 726
+Version 727 (2024, Saturday, December 21st at 08:03 pm PST)
+- **This version was made by:** [`@seanpm2001`](https://github.com/seanpm2001/)
+> Changes:
+- [x] Updated the Ukrainian flag counter section, with a new value of `5837`
+- [x] Updated the main list to include an entry for 2024, December 21st (day 803)
+- [x] Updated the list of all days of the war since the 2022 Invasion (1,032 days)
+- [x] Updated the list of all days of the war (3,958 days)
+- [x] Updated the file info section
+- [x] Updated the changelog
+- - [x] Added an entry for version 727
+- [x] Updated the `Additional notes` section
+- [ ] No other changes in version 727
+Version 728 (2024, Sunday, December 22nd at 08:51 pm PST)
+- **This version was made by:** [`@seanpm2001`](https://github.com/seanpm2001/)
+> Changes:
+- [x] Updated the Ukrainian flag counter section, with a new value of `5840`
+- [x] Updated the main list to include an entry for 2024, December 22nd (day 804)
+- [x] Updated the list of all days of the war since the 2022 Invasion (1,033 days)
+- [x] Updated the list of all days of the war (3,959 days)
+- [x] Updated the file info section
+- [x] Updated the changelog
+- - [x] Added an entry for version 728
+- [x] Updated the `Additional notes` section
+- [ ] No other changes in version 728
+Version 729 (2024, Monday, December 23rd at 08:30 pm PST)
+- **This version was made by:** [`@seanpm2001`](https://github.com/seanpm2001/)
+> Changes:
+- [x] Updated the Ukrainian flag counter section, with a new value of `5843`
+- [x] Updated the main list to include an entry for 2024, December 23rd (day 805)
+- [x] Updated the list of all days of the war since the 2022 Invasion (1,034 days)
+- [x] Updated the list of all days of the war (3,960 days)
+- [x] Updated the file info section
+- [x] Updated the changelog
+- - [x] Added an entry for version 729
+- [x] Updated the `Additional notes` section
+- [ ] No other changes in version 729
+Version 730 (2024, Tuesday, December 24th at 04:45 pm PST)
+- **This version was made by:** [`@seanpm2001`](https://github.com/seanpm2001/)
+> Changes:
+- [x] Updated the Ukrainian flag counter section, with a new value of `5846`
+- [x] Updated the main list to include an entry for 2024, December 24th (day 806)
+- [x] Updated the list of all days of the war since the 2022 Invasion (1,035 days)
+- [x] Updated the list of all days of the war (3,961 days)
+- [x] Updated the file info section
+- [x] Updated the changelog
+- - [x] Added an entry for version 730
+- [x] Updated the `Additional notes` section
+- [ ] No other changes in version 730
+Version 731 (2024, Wednesday, December 25th at 07:15 pm PST)
+- **This version was made by:** [`@seanpm2001`](https://github.com/seanpm2001/)
+> Changes:
+- [x] Updated the Ukrainian flag counter section, with a new value of `5849`
+- [x] Updated the main list to include an entry for 2024, December 25th (day 807)
+- [x] Updated the list of all days of the war since the 2022 Invasion (1,036 days)
+- [x] Updated the list of all days of the war (3,962 days)
+- [x] Updated the file info section
+- [x] Updated the changelog
+- - [x] Added an entry for version 731
+- [x] Updated the `Additional notes` section
+- [ ] No other changes in version 731
+Version 732 (2024, Thursday, December 26th at 07:52 pm PST)
+- **This version was made by:** [`@seanpm2001`](https://github.com/seanpm2001/)
+> Changes:
+- [x] Updated the Ukrainian flag counter section, with a new value of `5852`
+- [x] Updated the main list to include an entry for 2024, December 26th (day 808)
+- [x] Updated the list of all days of the war since the 2022 Invasion (1,037 days)
+- [x] Updated the list of all days of the war (3,963 days)
+- [x] Updated the file info section
+- [x] Updated the changelog
+- - [x] Added an entry for version 732
+- [x] Updated the `Additional notes` section
+- [ ] No other changes in version 732
+Version 733 (2024, Friday, December 27th at 09:36 pm PST)
+- **This version was made by:** [`@seanpm2001`](https://github.com/seanpm2001/)
+> Changes:
+- [x] Updated the Ukrainian flag counter section, with a new value of `5855`
+- [x] Updated the main list to include an entry for 2024, December 27th (day 809)
+- [x] Updated the list of all days of the war since the 2022 Invasion (1,038 days)
+- [x] Updated the list of all days of the war (3,964 days)
+- [x] Updated the file info section
+- [x] Updated the changelog
+- - [x] Added an entry for version 733
+- [x] Updated the `Additional notes` section
+- [ ] No other changes in version 733
+Version 734 (2024, Saturday, December 28th at 08:55 pm PST)
+- **This version was made by:** [`@seanpm2001`](https://github.com/seanpm2001/)
+> Changes:
+- [x] Updated the Ukrainian flag counter section, with a new value of `5858`
+- [x] Updated the main list to include an entry for 2024, December 28th (day 810)
+- [x] Updated the list of all days of the war since the 2022 Invasion (1,039 days)
+- [x] Updated the list of all days of the war (3,965 days)
+- [x] Updated the file info section
+- [x] Updated the changelog
+- - [x] Added an entry for version 734
+- [x] Updated the `Additional notes` section
+- [ ] No other changes in version 734
+Version 735 (2024, Sunday, December 29th at 09:09 pm PST)
+- **This version was made by:** [`@seanpm2001`](https://github.com/seanpm2001/)
+> Changes:
+- [x] Updated the Ukrainian flag counter section, with a new value of `5861`
+- [x] Updated the main list to include an entry for 2024, December 29th (day 811)
+- [x] Updated the list of all days of the war since the 2022 Invasion (1,040 days)
+- [x] Updated the list of all days of the war (3,966 days)
+- [x] Updated the file info section
+- [x] Updated the changelog
+- - [x] Added an entry for version 735
+- [x] Updated the `Additional notes` section
+- [ ] No other changes in version 735
+Version 736 (2024, Monday, December 30th at 08:17 pm PST)
+- **This version was made by:** [`@seanpm2001`](https://github.com/seanpm2001/)
+> Changes:
+- [x] Updated the Ukrainian flag counter section, with a new value of `5864`
+- [x] Updated the main list to include an entry for 2024, December 30th (day 812)
+- [x] Updated the list of all days of the war since the 2022 Invasion (1,041 days)
+- [x] Updated the list of all days of the war (3,967 days)
+- [x] Updated the file info section
+- [x] Updated the changelog
+- - [x] Added an entry for version 736
+- [x] Updated the `Additional notes` section
+- [ ] No other changes in version 736
+Version 737 (2024, Tuesday, December 31st at 08:13 pm PST)
+- **This version was made by:** [`@seanpm2001`](https://github.com/seanpm2001/)
+> Changes:
+- [x] Updated the Ukrainian flag counter section, with a new value of `5867`
+- [x] Updated the main list to include an entry for 2024, December 31st (day 813)
+- [x] Updated the list of all days of the war since the 2022 Invasion (1,042 days)
+- [x] Updated the list of all days of the war (3,968 days)
+- [x] Updated the file info section
+- [x] Updated the changelog
+- - [x] Added an entry for version 737
+- [x] Updated the `Additional notes` section
+- [ ] No other changes in version 737
+Version 738 (2025, Wednesday, January 1st at 05:26 pm PST)
+- **This version was made by:** [`@seanpm2001`](https://github.com/seanpm2001/)
+> Changes:
+- [x] Updated the Ukrainian flag counter section, with a new value of `5870`
+- [x] Updated the main list to include an entry for 2025, January 1st (day 814)
+- [x] Updated the list of all days of the war since the 2022 Invasion (1,043 days)
+- [x] Updated the list of all days of the war (3,969 days)
+- [x] Updated the file info section
+- [x] Updated the changelog
+- - [x] Added an entry for version 738
+- [x] Updated the `Additional notes` section
+- [ ] No other changes in version 738
+Version 739 (2025, Thursday, January 2nd at 03:40 pm PST)
+- **This version was made by:** [`@seanpm2001`](https://github.com/seanpm2001/)
+> Changes:
+- [x] Updated the Ukrainian flag counter section, with a new value of `5873`
+- [x] Updated the main list to include an entry for 2025, January 2nd (day 815)
+- [x] Updated the list of all days of the war since the 2022 Invasion (1,044 days)
+- [x] Updated the list of all days of the war (3,970 days)
+- [x] Updated the file info section
+- [x] Updated the changelog
+- - [x] Added an entry for version 739
+- [x] Updated the `Additional notes` section
+- [ ] No other changes in version 739
+Version 740 (2025, Friday, January 3rd at 04:07 pm PST)
+- **This version was made by:** [`@seanpm2001`](https://github.com/seanpm2001/)
+> Changes:
+- [x] Updated the Ukrainian flag counter section, with a new value of `5876`
+- [x] Updated the main list to include an entry for 2025, January 3rd (day 865)
+- [x] Updated the list of all days of the war since the 2022 Invasion (1,045 days)
+- [x] Updated the list of all days of the war (3,971 days)
+- [x] Updated the file info section
+- [x] Updated the changelog
+- - [x] Added an entry for version 740
+- [x] Updated the `Additional notes` section
+- [ ] No other changes in version 740
+Version 741 (2025, Saturday, January 4th at 07:09 pm PST)
+- **This version was made by:** [`@seanpm2001`](https://github.com/seanpm2001/)
+> Changes:
+- [x] Updated the Ukrainian flag counter section, with a new value of `5879`
+- [x] Updated the main list to include an entry for 2025, January 4th (day 866)
+- [x] Updated the list of all days of the war since the 2022 Invasion (1,046 days)
+- [x] Updated the list of all days of the war (3,972 days)
+- [x] Updated the file info section
+- [x] Updated the changelog
+- - [x] Added an entry for version 741
+- [x] Updated the `Additional notes` section
+- [ ] No other changes in version 741
+Version 742 (2025, Sunday, January 5th at 06:03 pm PST)
+- **This version was made by:** [`@seanpm2001`](https://github.com/seanpm2001/)
+> Changes:
+- [x] Updated the Ukrainian flag counter section, with a new value of `5882`
+- [x] Updated the main list to include an entry for 2025, January 5th (day 867)
+- [x] Updated the list of all days of the war since the 2022 Invasion (1,047 days)
+- [x] Updated the list of all days of the war (3,973 days)
+- [x] Updated the file info section
+- [x] Updated the changelog
+- - [x] Added an entry for version 742
+- [x] Updated the `Additional notes` section
+- [ ] No other changes in version 742
+Version 743 (2025, Monday, January 6th at 04:11 pm PST)
+- **This version was made by:** [`@seanpm2001`](https://github.com/seanpm2001/)
+> Changes:
+- [x] Updated the Ukrainian flag counter section, with a new value of `5885`
+- [x] Updated the main list to include an entry for 2025, January 6th (day 868)
+- [x] Updated the list of all days of the war since the 2022 Invasion (1,048 days)
+- [x] Updated the list of all days of the war (3,974 days)
+- [x] Updated the file info section
+- [x] Updated the changelog
+- - [x] Added an entry for version 743
+- [x] Updated the `Additional notes` section
+- [ ] No other changes in version 743
+Version 744 (2025, Tuesday, January 7th at 05:54 pm PST)
+- **This version was made by:** [`@seanpm2001`](https://github.com/seanpm2001/)
+> Changes:
+- [x] Updated the Ukrainian flag counter section, with a new value of `5888`
+- [x] Updated the main list to include an entry for 2025, January 7th (day 869)
+- [x] Updated the list of all days of the war since the 2022 Invasion (1,049 days)
+- [x] Updated the list of all days of the war (3,975 days)
+- [x] Updated the file info section
+- [x] Updated the changelog
+- - [x] Added an entry for version 744
+- [x] Updated the `Additional notes` section
+- [ ] No other changes in version 744
+Version 745 (2025, Wednesday, January 8th at 04:14 pm PST)
+- **This version was made by:** [`@seanpm2001`](https://github.com/seanpm2001/)
+> Changes:
+- [x] Updated the Ukrainian flag counter section, with a new value of `5891`
+- [x] Updated the main list to include an entry for 2025, January 8th (day 870)
+- [x] Updated the list of all days of the war since the 2022 Invasion (1,050 days)
+- [x] Updated the list of all days of the war (3,976 days)
+- [x] Updated the file info section
+- [x] Updated the changelog
+- - [x] Added an entry for version 745
+- [x] Updated the `Additional notes` section
+- [ ] No other changes in version 745
+Version 746 (2025, Thursday, January 9th at 04:35 pm PST)
+- **This version was made by:** [`@seanpm2001`](https://github.com/seanpm2001/)
+> Changes:
+- [x] Updated the Ukrainian flag counter section, with a new value of `5894`
+- [x] Updated the main list to include an entry for 2025, January 9th (day 871)
+- [x] Updated the list of all days of the war since the 2022 Invasion (1,051 days)
+- [x] Updated the list of all days of the war (3,977 days)
+- [x] Updated the file info section
+- [x] Updated the changelog
+- - [x] Added an entry for version 746
+- [x] Updated the `Additional notes` section
+- [ ] No other changes in version 746
+Version 747 (2025, Friday, January 10th at 04:23 pm PST)
+- **This version was made by:** [`@seanpm2001`](https://github.com/seanpm2001/)
+> Changes:
+- [x] Updated the Ukrainian flag counter section, with a new value of `5897`
+- [x] Updated the main list to include an entry for 2025, January 10th (day 872)
+- [x] Updated the list of all days of the war since the 2022 Invasion (1,052 days)
+- [x] Updated the list of all days of the war (3,978 days)
+- [x] Updated the file info section
+- [x] Updated the changelog
+- - [x] Added an entry for version 747
+- [x] Updated the `Additional notes` section
+- [ ] No other changes in version 747
+Version 748 (2025, Saturday, January 11th at 06:55 pm PST)
+- **This version was made by:** [`@seanpm2001`](https://github.com/seanpm2001/)
+> Changes:
+- [x] Updated the Ukrainian flag counter section, with a new value of `5900`
+- [x] Updated the main list to include an entry for 2025, January 11th (day 873)
+- [x] Updated the list of all days of the war since the 2022 Invasion (1,053 days)
+- [x] Updated the list of all days of the war (3,979 days)
+- [x] Updated the file info section
+- [x] Updated the changelog
+- - [x] Added an entry for version 748
+- [x] Updated the `Additional notes` section
+- [ ] No other changes in version 748
+Version 749 (2025, Sunday, January 12th at 05:43 pm PST)
+- **This version was made by:** [`@seanpm2001`](https://github.com/seanpm2001/)
+> Changes:
+- [x] Updated the Ukrainian flag counter section, with a new value of `5903`
+- [x] Updated the main list to include an entry for 2025, January 12th (day 874)
+- [x] Updated the list of all days of the war since the 2022 Invasion (1,054 days)
+- [x] Updated the list of all days of the war (3,980 days)
+- [x] Updated the file info section
+- [x] Updated the changelog
+- - [x] Added an entry for version 749
+- [x] Updated the `Additional notes` section
+- [ ] No other changes in version 749
+Version 750 (2025, Monday, January 13th at 06:48 pm PST)
+- **This version was made by:** [`@seanpm2001`](https://github.com/seanpm2001/)
+> Changes:
+- [x] Updated the Ukrainian flag counter section, with a new value of `5906`
+- [x] Updated the main list to include an entry for 2025, January 13th (day 875)
+- [x] Updated the list of all days of the war since the 2022 Invasion (1,055 days)
+- [x] Updated the list of all days of the war (3,981 days)
+- [x] Updated the file info section
+- [x] Updated the changelog
+- - [x] Added an entry for version 750
+- [x] Updated the `Additional notes` section
+- [ ] No other changes in version 750
+Version 751 (2025, Tuesday, January 14th at 07:14 pm PST)
+- **This version was made by:** [`@seanpm2001`](https://github.com/seanpm2001/)
+> Changes:
+- [x] Updated the Ukrainian flag counter section, with a new value of `5909`
+- [x] Updated the main list to include an entry for 2025, January 14th (day 876)
+- [x] Updated the list of all days of the war since the 2022 Invasion (1,056 days)
+- [x] Updated the list of all days of the war (3,982 days)
+- [x] Updated the file info section
+- [x] Updated the changelog
+- - [x] Added an entry for version 751
+- [x] Updated the `Additional notes` section
+- [ ] No other changes in version 751
+Version 752 (2025, Wednesday, January 15th at 05:50 pm PST)
+- **This version was made by:** [`@seanpm2001`](https://github.com/seanpm2001/)
+> Changes:
+- [x] Updated the Ukrainian flag counter section, with a new value of `5912`
+- [x] Updated the main list to include an entry for 2025, January 15th (day 877)
+- [x] Updated the list of all days of the war since the 2022 Invasion (1,057 days)
+- [x] Updated the list of all days of the war (3,983 days)
+- [x] Updated the file info section
+- [x] Updated the changelog
+- - [x] Added an entry for version 752
+- [x] Updated the `Additional notes` section
+- [ ] No other changes in version 752
+Version 753 (2025, Thursday, January 16th at 07:45 pm PST)
+- **This version was made by:** [`@seanpm2001`](https://github.com/seanpm2001/)
+> Changes:
+- [x] Updated the Ukrainian flag counter section, with a new value of `5915`
+- [x] Updated the main list to include an entry for 2025, January 16th (day 878)
+- [x] Updated the list of all days of the war since the 2022 Invasion (1,058 days)
+- [x] Updated the list of all days of the war (3,984 days)
+- [x] Updated the file info section
+- [x] Updated the changelog
+- - [x] Added an entry for version 753
+- [x] Updated the `Additional notes` section
+- [ ] No other changes in version 753
+Version 754 (2025, Friday, January 17th at 07:46 pm PST)
+- **This version was made by:** [`@seanpm2001`](https://github.com/seanpm2001/)
+> Changes:
+- [x] Updated the Ukrainian flag counter section, with a new value of `5918`
+- [x] Updated the main list to include an entry for 2025, January 17th (day 879)
+- [x] Updated the list of all days of the war since the 2022 Invasion (1,059 days)
+- [x] Updated the list of all days of the war (3,985 days)
+- [x] Updated the file info section
+- [x] Updated the changelog
+- - [x] Added an entry for version 754
+- [x] Updated the `Additional notes` section
+- [ ] No other changes in version 754
+Version 755 (2025, Saturday, January 18th at 06:58 pm PST)
+- **This version was made by:** [`@seanpm2001`](https://github.com/seanpm2001/)
+> Changes:
+- [x] Updated the Ukrainian flag counter section, with a new value of `5921`
+- [x] Updated the main list to include an entry for 2025, January 18th (day 880)
+- [x] Updated the list of all days of the war since the 2022 Invasion (1,060 days)
+- [x] Updated the list of all days of the war (3,986 days)
+- [x] Updated the file info section
+- [x] Updated the changelog
+- - [x] Added an entry for version 755
+- [x] Updated the `Additional notes` section
+- [ ] No other changes in version 755
+Version 756 (2025, Sunday, January 19th at 05:26 pm PST)
+- **This version was made by:** [`@seanpm2001`](https://github.com/seanpm2001/)
+> Changes:
+- [x] Updated the Ukrainian flag counter section, with a new value of `5924`
+- [x] Updated the main list to include an entry for 2025, January 19th (day 881)
+- [x] Updated the list of all days of the war since the 2022 Invasion (1,061 days)
+- [x] Updated the list of all days of the war (3,987 days)
+- [x] Updated the file info section
+- [x] Updated the changelog
+- - [x] Added an entry for version 756
+- [x] Updated the `Additional notes` section
+- [ ] No other changes in version 756
+Version 757 (2025, Monday, January 20th at 07:32 pm PST)
+- **This version was made by:** [`@seanpm2001`](https://github.com/seanpm2001/)
+> Changes:
+- [x] Updated the Ukrainian flag counter section, with a new value of `5927`
+- [x] Updated the main list to include an entry for 2025, January 20th (day 882)
+- [x] Updated the list of all days of the war since the 2022 Invasion (1,062 days)
+- [x] Updated the list of all days of the war (3,988 days)
+- [x] Updated the file info section
+- [x] Updated the changelog
+- - [x] Added an entry for version 757
+- [x] Updated the `Additional notes` section
+- [ ] No other changes in version 757
+Version 758 (2025, Tuesday, January 21st at 08:40 pm PST)
+- **This version was made by:** [`@seanpm2001`](https://github.com/seanpm2001/)
+> Changes:
+- [x] Updated the Ukrainian flag counter section, with a new value of `5930`
+- [x] Updated the main list to include an entry for 2025, January 21st (day 883)
+- [x] Updated the list of all days of the war since the 2022 Invasion (1,063 days)
+- [x] Updated the list of all days of the war (3,989 days)
+- [x] Updated the file info section
+- [x] Updated the changelog
+- - [x] Added an entry for version 758
+- [x] Updated the `Additional notes` section
+- [ ] No other changes in version 758
+Version 759 (2025, Wednesday, January 22nd at 07:01 pm PST)
+- **This version was made by:** [`@seanpm2001`](https://github.com/seanpm2001/)
+> Changes:
+- [x] Updated the Ukrainian flag counter section, with a new value of `5933`
+- [x] Updated the main list to include an entry for 2025, January 22nd (day 884)
+- [x] Updated the list of all days of the war since the 2022 Invasion (1,064 days)
+- [x] Updated the list of all days of the war (3,990 days)
+- [x] Updated the file info section
+- [x] Updated the changelog
+- - [x] Added an entry for version 759
+- [x] Updated the `Additional notes` section
+- [ ] No other changes in version 759
+Version 760 (2025, Thursday, January 23rd at 06:21 pm PST)
+- **This version was made by:** [`@seanpm2001`](https://github.com/seanpm2001/)
+> Changes:
+- [x] Updated the Ukrainian flag counter section, with a new value of `5936`
+- [x] Updated the main list to include an entry for 2025, January 23rd (day 885)
+- [x] Updated the list of all days of the war since the 2022 Invasion (1,065 days)
+- [x] Updated the list of all days of the war (3,991 days)
+- [x] Updated the file info section
+- [x] Updated the changelog
+- - [x] Added an entry for version 760
+- [x] Updated the `Additional notes` section
+- [ ] No other changes in version 760
+Version 761 (2025, Friday, January 24th at 07:11 pm PST)
+- **This version was made by:** [`@seanpm2001`](https://github.com/seanpm2001/)
+> Changes:
+- [x] Updated the Ukrainian flag counter section, with a new value of `5939`
+- [x] Updated the main list to include an entry for 2025, January 24th (day 8856)
+- [x] Updated the list of all days of the war since the 2022 Invasion (1,066 days)
+- [x] Updated the list of all days of the war (3,992 days)
+- [x] Updated the file info section
+- [x] Updated the changelog
+- - [x] Added an entry for version 761
+- [x] Updated the `Additional notes` section
+- [ ] No other changes in version 761
+Version 762 (2025, Saturday, January 25th at 08:20 pm PST)
+- **This version was made by:** [`@seanpm2001`](https://github.com/seanpm2001/)
+> Changes:
+- [x] Updated the Ukrainian flag counter section, with a new value of `5942`
+- [x] Updated the main list to include an entry for 2025, January 25th (day 887)
+- [x] Updated the list of all days of the war since the 2022 Invasion (1,067 days)
+- [x] Updated the list of all days of the war (3,993 days)
+- [x] Updated the file info section
+- [x] Updated the changelog
+- - [x] Added an entry for version 762
+- [x] Updated the `Additional notes` section
+- [ ] No other changes in version 762
+Version 763 (2025, Sunday, January 26th at 08:44 pm PST)
+- **This version was made by:** [`@seanpm2001`](https://github.com/seanpm2001/)
+> Changes:
+- [x] Updated the Ukrainian flag counter section, with a new value of `5945`
+- [x] Updated the main list to include an entry for 2025, January 26th (day 888)
+- [x] Updated the list of all days of the war since the 2022 Invasion (1,068 days)
+- [x] Updated the list of all days of the war (3,994 days)
+- [x] Updated the file info section
+- [x] Updated the changelog
+- - [x] Added an entry for version 763
+- [x] Updated the `Additional notes` section
+- [ ] No other changes in version 763
+Version 764 (2025, Monday, January 27th at 09:28 pm PST)
+- **This version was made by:** [`@seanpm2001`](https://github.com/seanpm2001/)
+> Changes:
+- [x] Updated the Ukrainian flag counter section, with a new value of `5948`
+- [x] Updated the main list to include an entry for 2025, January 27th (day 889)
+- [x] Updated the list of all days of the war since the 2022 Invasion (1,069 days)
+- [x] Updated the list of all days of the war (3,994 days)
+- [x] Updated the file info section
+- [x] Updated the changelog
+- - [x] Added an entry for version 764
+- [x] Updated the `Additional notes` section
+- [ ] No other changes in version 764
+Version 765 (2025, Tuesday, January 28th at 08:20 pm PST)
+- **This version was made by:** [`@seanpm2001`](https://github.com/seanpm2001/)
+> Changes:
+- [x] Updated the Ukrainian flag counter section, with a new value of `5951`
+- [x] Updated the main list to include an entry for 2025, January 28th (day 890)
+- [x] Updated the list of all days of the war since the 2022 Invasion (1,070 days)
+- [x] Updated the list of all days of the war (3,995 days)
+- [x] Updated the file info section
+- [x] Updated the changelog
+- - [x] Added an entry for version 765
+- [x] Updated the `Additional notes` section
+- [ ] No other changes in version 765
+Version 766 (2025, Wednesday, January 29th at 04:03 pm PST)
+- **This version was made by:** [`@seanpm2001`](https://github.com/seanpm2001/)
+> Changes:
+- [x] Updated the Ukrainian flag counter section, with a new value of `5954`
+- [x] Updated the main list to include an entry for 2025, January 29th (day 891)
+- [x] Updated the list of all days of the war since the 2022 Invasion (1,071 days)
+- [x] Updated the list of all days of the war (3,996 days)
+- [x] Updated the file info section
+- [x] Updated the changelog
+- - [x] Added an entry for version 766
+- [x] Updated the `Additional notes` section
+- [ ] No other changes in version 766
+Version 767 (2025, Thursday, January 30th at 07:35 pm PST)
+- **This version was made by:** [`@seanpm2001`](https://github.com/seanpm2001/)
+> Changes:
+- [x] Updated the Ukrainian flag counter section, with a new value of `5957`
+- [x] Updated the main list to include an entry for 2025, January 30th (day 892)
+- [x] Updated the list of all days of the war since the 2022 Invasion (1,072 days)
+- [x] Updated the list of all days of the war (3,997 days)
+- [x] Updated the file info section
+- [x] Updated the changelog
+- - [x] Added an entry for version 767
+- [x] Updated the `Additional notes` section
+- [ ] No other changes in version 767
+Version 768 (2025, Friday, January 31st at 07:51 pm PST)
+- **This version was made by:** [`@seanpm2001`](https://github.com/seanpm2001/)
+> Changes:
+- [x] Updated the Ukrainian flag counter section, with a new value of `5960`
+- [x] Updated the main list to include an entry for 2025, January 31st (day 893)
+- [x] Updated the list of all days of the war since the 2022 Invasion (1,073 days)
+- [x] Updated the list of all days of the war (3,998 days)
+- [x] Updated the file info section
+- [x] Updated the changelog
+- - [x] Added an entry for version 768
+- [x] Updated the `Additional notes` section
+- [ ] No other changes in version 768
+Version 769 (2025, Saturday, February 1st at 05:41 pm PST)
+- **This version was made by:** [`@seanpm2001`](https://github.com/seanpm2001/)
+> Changes:
+- [x] Updated the Ukrainian flag counter section, with a new value of `5963`
+- [x] Updated the main list to include an entry for 2025, February 1st (day 894)
+- [x] Updated the list of all days of the war since the 2022 Invasion (1,074 days)
+- [x] Updated the list of all days of the war (3,999 days)
+- [x] Updated the file info section
+- [x] Updated the changelog
+- - [x] Added an entry for version 769
+- [x] Updated the `Additional notes` section
+- [ ] No other changes in version 769
+Version 770 (2025, Sunday, February 2nd at 07:45 pm PST)
+- **This version was made by:** [`@seanpm2001`](https://github.com/seanpm2001/)
+> Changes:
+- [x] Updated the Ukrainian flag counter section, with a new value of `5966`
+- [x] Updated the main list to include an entry for 2025, February 2nd (day 895)
+- [x] Updated the list of all days of the war since the 2022 Invasion (1,075 days)
+- [x] Updated the list of all days of the war (4,000 days)
+- [x] Updated the file info section
+- [x] Updated the changelog
+- - [x] Added an entry for version 770
+- [x] Updated the `Additional notes` section
+- [ ] No other changes in version 770
+Version 771 (2025, Monday, February 3rd at 07:56 pm PST)
+- **This version was made by:** [`@seanpm2001`](https://github.com/seanpm2001/)
+> Changes:
+- [x] Updated the Ukrainian flag counter section, with a new value of `5969`
+- [x] Updated the main list to include an entry for 2025, February 3rd (day 896)
+- [x] Updated the list of all days of the war since the 2022 Invasion (1,076 days)
+- [x] Updated the list of all days of the war (4,001 days)
+- [x] Updated the file info section
+- [x] Updated the changelog
+- - [x] Added an entry for version 771
+- [x] Updated the `Additional notes` section
+- [ ] No other changes in version 771
+Version 772 (2025, Tuesday, February 4th at 09:07 pm PST)
+- **This version was made by:** [`@seanpm2001`](https://github.com/seanpm2001/)
+> Changes:
+- [x] Updated the Ukrainian flag counter section, with a new value of `5972`
+- [x] Updated the main list to include an entry for 2025, February 3rd (day 897)
+- [x] Updated the list of all days of the war since the 2022 Invasion (1,077 days)
+- [x] Updated the list of all days of the war (4,002 days)
+- [x] Updated the file info section
+- [x] Updated the changelog
+- - [x] Added an entry for version 772
+- [x] Updated the `Additional notes` section
+- [ ] No other changes in version 772
+Version 773 (2025, Wednesday, February 5th at 05:14 pm PST)
+- **This version was made by:** [`@seanpm2001`](https://github.com/seanpm2001/)
+> Changes:
+- [x] Updated the Ukrainian flag counter section, with a new value of `5975`
+- [x] Updated the main list to include an entry for 2025, February 4th (day 898)
+- [x] Updated the list of all days of the war since the 2022 Invasion (1,078 days)
+- [x] Updated the list of all days of the war (4,003 days)
+- [x] Updated the file info section
+- [x] Updated the changelog
+- - [x] Added an entry for version 773
+- [x] Updated the `Additional notes` section
+- [ ] No other changes in version 773
+Version 774 (2025, Thursday, February 6th at 08:02 pm PST)
+- **This version was made by:** [`@seanpm2001`](https://github.com/seanpm2001/)
+> Changes:
+- [x] Updated the Ukrainian flag counter section, with a new value of `5978`
+- [x] Updated the main list to include an entry for 2025, February 6th (day 899)
+- [x] Updated the list of all days of the war since the 2022 Invasion (1,079 days)
+- [x] Updated the list of all days of the war (4,004 days)
+- [x] Updated the file info section
+- [x] Updated the changelog
+- - [x] Added an entry for version 774
+- [x] Updated the `Additional notes` section
+- [ ] No other changes in version 774
+Version 775 (2025, Friday, February 7th at 07:40 pm PST)
+- **This version was made by:** [`@seanpm2001`](https://github.com/seanpm2001/)
+> Changes:
+- [x] Updated the Ukrainian flag counter section, with a new value of `5981`
+- [x] Updated the main list to include an entry for 2025, February 7th (day 900)
+- [x] Updated the list of all days of the war since the 2022 Invasion (1,080 days)
+- [x] Updated the list of all days of the war (4,005 days)
+- [x] Updated the file info section
+- [x] Updated the changelog
+- - [x] Added an entry for version 775
+- [x] Updated the `Additional notes` section
+- [ ] No other changes in version 775
+Version 776 (2025, Saturday, February 8th at 05:50 pm PST)
+- **This version was made by:** [`@seanpm2001`](https://github.com/seanpm2001/)
+> Changes:
+- [x] Updated the Ukrainian flag counter section, with a new value of `5984`
+- [x] Updated the main list to include an entry for 2025, February 8th (day 901)
+- [x] Updated the list of all days of the war since the 2022 Invasion (1,081 days)
+- [x] Updated the list of all days of the war (4,006 days)
+- [x] Updated the file info section
+- [x] Updated the changelog
+- - [x] Added an entry for version 776
+- [x] Updated the `Additional notes` section
+- [ ] No other changes in version 776
+_End of file history._
+# Additional notes
+ TODO: Translate this section
+- Total consecutive days: 852 (as of 2025, Saturday, February 8th)
+- Days with an update: 776 (as of 2025, Saturday, February 8th)
+- Days without an update: 77 (as of 2025, Saturday, February 8th)
+- - The goal of listening to the specific music was met on this day, but the README.md file was not updated
+- Ratio: 776/852 = 91.079% (as of 2025, Saturday, February 8th)
+| 🇺🇦️ Seanpm2001 and Ukraine 🇺🇦️ |
+| 🇺🇦️ Seanpm2001 and Ukraine 🇺🇦️ |
+| Rows | 1️⃣️ | 2️⃣️ | 3️⃣️ | 4️⃣️ | 5️⃣️ |
+| Row 1 🟨️ | [**Ukraine Daily**](README.md) | [:octocat: `Ukraine`](https://github.com/seanpm2001/Ukraine/) | [:octocat: `Awesome Ukrainian Software`](https://github.com/seanpm2001/Awesome-Ukrainian-Software/) | [:octocat: `UKraine History Simulator`](https://github.com/seanpm2001/Ukraine-History-Simulator/) | [:octocat: `UHS Datasets Russo-Ukrainian war/UkraineTerritoryMap`](https://github.com/seanpm2001/UHS_DataSets_RussoUkrainianWar_UkraineTerritoryMap/) |
+| Row 2 🔹️ | [:octocat: `UHS Datasets/Soundtracks/Ukraine`](https://github.com/seanpm2001/UHS_DataSets_Soundtracks_Ukraine/) | [:octocat: `UHS Datasets/Oblasts/Ukraine`](https://github.com/seanpm2001/UHS_DataSets_Oblasts_Ukraine/) | [:octocat: `UHS Datasets/Oblasts/Russia`](https://github.com/seanpm2001/UHS_DataSets_Oblasts_Russia/) | [:octocat: `UHS Datasets/Raions/Ukraine`](https://github.com/seanpm2001/UHS_DataSets_Raions_Ukraine/) | [:octocat: `UHS Datasets/Hromadas/Ukraine`](https://github.com/seanpm2001/UHS_DataSets_Hromadas_Ukraine/) | [:octocat: `UHS Datasets/Vexillology/Ukraine`](https://github.com/seanpm2001/UHS_DataSets_Vexillology_Ukraine/) |
+| Row 3 🟡️ | [:octocat: `UHS Datasets/Heraldry/Ukraine`](https://github.com/seanpm2001/UHS_DataSets_Heraldry_Ukraine/) | [:octocat: `UHS Datasets/Heraldry/Russia`](https://github.com/seanpm2001/UHS_DataSets_Heraldry_Russia/) | [:octocat: `UHS Datasets/Russo-Ukrainian war/Armies/Ukraine`](https://github.com/seanpm2001/UHS_DataSets_RussoUkrainianWar_Armies_Ukraine/) | [:octocat: `UHS Datasets/Russo-Ukrainian war/Armies/Russia`](https://github.com/seanpm2001/UHS_DataSets_RussoUkrainianWar_Armies_Russia/) | [:octocat: `UHS Datasets/Leaders/Ukraine`](https://github.com/seanpm2001/UHS_DataSets_Leaders_Ukraine/) |
+| Row 4 🔵️ | [:octocat: `UHS Datasets/Vexillology/Russia`](https://github.com/seanpm2001/UHS_DataSets_Vexillology_Russia/) | [:octocat: `UHS Datasets/Leaders/Russia`](https://github.com/seanpm2001/UHS_DataSets_Leaders_Russia/) | [:octocat: `UHS Datasets/Generals/Ukraine`](https://github.com/seanpm2001/UHS_DataSets_Generals_Ukraine/) | [:octocat: `UHS Datasets/Generals/Russia`](https://github.com/seanpm2001/UHS_DataSets_Generals_Russia/) | [:octocat: `UHS Datasets/Russo-Ukrainian war/UkraineFrontlinesMap`](https://github.com/seanpm2001/UHS_DataSets_RussoUkrainianWar_UkraineFrontlinesMap/) |
+| Row 5 🟦️ | [:octocat: `UHS Datasets/Russo-Ukrainian war/RussiaFrontlinesMap`](https://github.com/seanpm2001/UHS_DataSets_RussoUkrainianWar_RussiaFrontlinesMap/) | [:octocat: `UHS Datasets/Russo-Ukrainian war/UkrainianSpeeches`](https://github.com/seanpm2001/UHS_DataSets_RussoUkrainianWar_UkrainianSpeeches/) | [:octocat: `UHS Datasets/Russo-Ukrainian war/Russian-peeches`](https://github.com/seanpm2001/UHS_DataSets_RussoUkrainianWar_RussianSpeeches/) | [:octocat: `Ukraine History Simulator Firefox profile`](https://github.com/seanpm2001/Ukraine-History-Simulator_Workspace_Firefox/) | [:octocat: `Ukraine History Simulator Docs`](https://github.com/seanpm2001/Ukraine-History-Simulator_Docs/) |
+| Row 6 🔷️ | [:octocat: `AI2001 Cat: Linguistics SC: Ukrainian`](https://github.com/seanpm2001/AI2001_Category-Linguistics-SC-Ukrainian/) | [:octocat: `UHS Datasets/Oblasts/Kyiv/Ukraine`](https://github.com/seanpm2001/UHS_Datasets_Oblasts_Kyiv_Ukraine/) | [:octocat: `UHS Datasets/Oblasts/Sumy/Ukraine`](https://github.com/seanpm2001/UHS_Datasets_Oblasts_Sumy_Ukraine/) | [:octocat: `UHS Datasets/Oblasts/Mykolaiv/Ukraine`](https://github.com/seanpm2001/UHS_Datasets_Oblasts_Mykolaiv_Ukraine/) | [:octocat: `UHS Datasets/Oblasts/Chernihiv/Ukraine`](https://github.com/seanpm2001/UHS_Datasets_Oblasts_Chernihiv_Ukraine/) |
+| Row 7 💛️ | [:octocat: `UHS Datasets/Oblasts/Lviv/Ukraine`](https://github.com/seanpm2001/UHS_Datasets_Oblasts_Lviv_Ukraine/) | [:octocat: `UHS Datasets/Oblasts/Kharkiv/Ukraine`](https://github.com/seanpm2001/UHS_Datasets_Oblasts_Kharkiv_Ukraine/) | [:octocat: `UHS Datasets/Raions/Russia`](https://github.com/seanpm2001/UHS_Datasets_Raions_Russia/) | [:octocat: `UHS Datasets/Oblasts/Ivano-Frankivsk/Ukraine`](https://github.com/seanpm2001/UHS_Datasets_Oblasts_Ivano-Frankivsk_Ukraine/) | [:octocat: `UHS Datasets/Oblasts/Dnipro/Ukraine`](https://github.com/seanpm2001/UHS_Datasets_Oblasts_Dnipro_Ukraine/) |
+| Row 8 💙️ | [:octocat: `UHS Datasets/Oblasts/Odesa/Ukraine`](https://github.com/seanpm2001/UHS_Datasets_Oblasts_Odesa_Ukraine/) | [:octocat: `UHS Datasets/Oblasts/Cherkasy/Ukraine`](https://github.com/seanpm2001/UHS_Datasets_Oblasts_Cherkasy_Ukraine/) | [:octocat: `UHS Datasets/Oblasts/Chernivtsi/Ukraine`](https://github.com/seanpm2001/UHS_Datasets_Oblasts_Chernivtsi_Ukraine/) | [:octocat: `UHS Datasets/Oblasts/Khmelnytskyi/Ukraine`](https://github.com/seanpm2001/UHS_Datasets_Oblasts_Khmelnytskyi_Ukraine/) | [:octocat: `UHS Datasets/Oblasts/Kirovohrad/Ukraine`](https://github.com/seanpm2001/UHS_Datasets_Oblasts_Kirovohrad_Ukraine/) |
+| Row 9 🇺🇦️ | [:octocat: `UHS Datasets/Oblasts/Poltava/Ukraine`](https://github.com/seanpm2001/UHS_Datasets_Oblasts_Poltava_Ukraine/) | [:octocat: `UHS Datasets/Oblasts/Rivne/Ukraine`](https://github.com/seanpm2001/UHS_Datasets_Oblasts_Rivne_Ukraine/) | [:octocat: `UHS Datasets/Oblasts/Ternopil/Ukraine`](https://github.com/seanpm2001/UHS_Datasets_Oblasts_Ternopil_Ukraine/) | [:octocat: `UHS Datasets/Oblasts/Vinnytsia/Ukraine`](https://github.com/seanpm2001/UHS_Datasets_Oblasts_Vinnytsia_Ukraine/) | [:octocat: `UHS Datasets/Oblasts/Volyn/Ukraine`](https://github.com/seanpm2001/UHS_Datasets_Oblasts_Volyn_Ukraine/) |
+| Row 10 🌻️ | [:octocat: `UHS Datasets/Oblasts/Zarkarpattia/Ukraine`](https://github.com/seanpm2001/UHS_Datasets_Oblasts_Zarkarpattia_Ukraine/) | [:octocat: `UHS Datasets/Oblasts/Zhytomyr/Ukraine`](https://github.com/seanpm2001/UHS_Datasets_Oblasts_Zhytomyr_Ukraine/) | [:octocat: `Seanpm2001/WorldDB/DB/Earth/Ukraine`](https://github.com/seanpm2001/Seanpm2001_WorldDB_DB_Earth_Ukraine/) | [:octocat: `seanpm2001/WorldDB/DB/Earth/Ukraine/Docs`](https://github.com/seanpm2001/Seanpm2001_WorldDB_DB_Earth_Ukraine_Docs/) | 🇺🇦️ |
+| Row 11 ☮️ | 💛️ | 💙️ | 💛️ | 💙️ | 🇺🇦️ |
+| Row 12 🌍️ | 💛️ | 💙️ | 💛️ | 💙️ | 🇺🇦️ |
+| Row 13 🎗️ | 💛️ | 💙️ | 💛️ | 💙️ | 🇺🇦️ |
+| Row 14 ☀️ | 💛️ | 💙️ | 💛️ | 💙️ | 🇺🇦️ |
+| Row 15 🔱️ | 💛️ | 💙️ | 💛️ | 💙️ | 🇺🇦️ |
+| Row 16 🪝️ | 💛️ | 💙️ | 💛️ | 💙️ | 🇺🇦️ |
+| Row 17 🎖️ | 💛️ | 💙️ | 💛️ | 💙️ | 🇺🇦️ |
+| Row 18 🇪🇺️ | 💛️ | 💙️ | 💛️ | 💙️ | 🇺🇦️ |
+| Row 19 🇺🇳️ | 💛️ | 💙️ | 💛️ | 💙️ | 🇺🇦️ |
+| Row 20 ✝️ | 💛️ | 💙️ | 💛️ | 💙️ | 🇺🇦️ |
+| Row 21 🏰️ | 💛️ | 💙️ | 💛️ | 💙️ | 🇺🇦️ |
+| Row 22 🎭️ | 💛️ | 💙️ | 💛️ | 💙️ | 🇺🇦️ |
+| Row 23 🌼️ | 💛️ | 💙️ | 💛️ | 💙️ | 🇺🇦️ |
+| Row 24 ⚽️ | 💛️ | 💙️ | 💛️ | 💙️ | 🇺🇦️ |
+| Row 25 🏟️ | 💛️ | 💙️ | 💛️ | 💙️ | 🇺🇦️ |
+| Row 26 🇵🇱️ | 💛️ | 💙️ | 💛️ | 💙️ | 🇺🇦️ |
+| Row 27 🇲🇩️ | 💛️ | 💙️ | 💛️ | 💙️ | 🇺🇦️ |
+| Row 28 🇷🇴️ | 💛️ | 💙️ | 💛️ | 💙️ | 🇺🇦️ |
+| Row 29 🔯️ | 💛️ | 💙️ | 💛️ | 💙️ | 🇺🇦️ |
+| Row 30 ☪️ | 💛️ | 💙️ | 💛️ | 💙️ | 🇺🇦️ |
+| Row 31 🥣️ | 💛️ | 💙️ | 💛️ | 💙️ | 🇺🇦️ |
+| Row 32 🥃️ | 💛️ | 💙️ | 💛️ | 💙️ | 🇺🇦️ |
+| Row 33 👯♀️️ | 💛️ | 💙️ | 💛️ | 💙️ | 🇺🇦️ |
+| Row 34 🖼️ | 💛️ | 💙️ | 💛️ | 💙️ | 🇺🇦️ |
+| Row 35 🌄️ | 💛️ | 💙️ | 💛️ | 💙️ | 🇺🇦️ |
+| Row 36 ❌️🇭🇺️🚫️ | 💛️ | 💙️ | 💛️ | 💙️ | 🇺🇦️ |
+| Row 37 ❌️🇸🇰️🚫️ | 💛️ | 💙️ | 💛️ | 💙️ | 🇺🇦️ |
+| Row 38 ❌️🇧🇾️🚫️ | 💛️ | 💙️ | 💛️ | 💙️ | 🇺🇦️ |
+| Row 39 ❌️🇷🇺️🚫️ | 💛️ | 💙️ | 💛️ | 💙️ | 🇺🇦️ |
+| Row 40 🛤️ | 💛️ | 💙️ | 💛️ | 💙️ | 🇺🇦️ |
+| Row 41 🇳.🇦.🇹.🇴 | 💛️ | 💙️ | 💛️ | 💙️ | 🇺🇦️ |
+| Rows | 1️⃣️ | 2️⃣️ | 3️⃣️ | 4️⃣️ | 5️⃣️ |
+###### EOF