diff --git a/webv2/primarykey/hotspot.go b/webv2/primarykey/hotspot.go
index 2ce04d93d5..af75ee862e 100644
--- a/webv2/primarykey/hotspot.go
+++ b/webv2/primarykey/hotspot.go
@@ -71,7 +71,7 @@ func hotspotAutoincrement(insert []ddl.IndexKey, spannerTable ddl.CreateTable) {
 	for i := 0; i < len(insert); i++ {
 		for _, c := range spannerTable.ColDefs {
-			if insert[i].ColId == c.Name {
+			if insert[i].ColId == c.Id {
 				spannerColumnId := c.Id
 				detecthotspotAutoincrement(spannerTable, spannerColumnId)
diff --git a/webv2/primarykey/hotspot_test.go b/webv2/primarykey/hotspot_test.go
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..924a4c70b5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/webv2/primarykey/hotspot_test.go
@@ -0,0 +1,116 @@
+package primarykey
+import (
+	"reflect"
+	"testing"
+	"github.com/cloudspannerecosystem/harbourbridge/internal"
+	"github.com/cloudspannerecosystem/harbourbridge/schema"
+	"github.com/cloudspannerecosystem/harbourbridge/spanner/ddl"
+	"github.com/cloudspannerecosystem/harbourbridge/webv2/session"
+func TestDetectHotspot(t *testing.T) {
+	input1 := []ddl.CreateTable{{
+		Name:   "TimeStamp_t1",
+		Id:     "t1",
+		ColIds: []string{"c1", "c2", "c3"},
+		ColDefs: map[string]ddl.ColumnDef{
+			"c1": {Name: "film_id", T: ddl.Type{Name: ddl.String, Len: ddl.MaxLength}, Id: "c1"},
+			"c2": {Name: "actor_id", T: ddl.Type{Name: ddl.String, Len: ddl.MaxLength}, Id: "c2"},
+			"c3": {Name: "last_update", T: ddl.Type{Name: ddl.Timestamp, Len: ddl.MaxLength}, Id: "c3"},
+		},
+		PrimaryKeys: []ddl.IndexKey{{ColId: "c3", Order: 1, Desc: false}, {ColId: "c2", Order: 2, Desc: false}},
+	},
+		{
+			Name:   "AutoIncrement_t2",
+			Id:     "t1",
+			ColIds: []string{"c1"},
+			ColDefs: map[string]ddl.ColumnDef{
+				"c1": {Name: "film_id", T: ddl.Type{Name: ddl.String, Len: ddl.MaxLength}, Id: "c1"},
+			},
+			PrimaryKeys: []ddl.IndexKey{{ColId: "c1", Order: 1, Desc: false}},
+		},
+	}
+	sessionState := session.GetSessionState()
+	sourcetable := schema.Table{
+		Name:   "t1",
+		Schema: "s",
+		ColIds: []string{"c1"},
+		ColDefs: map[string]schema.Column{
+			"c1": {Name: "film_id", Type: schema.Type{Name: ddl.String}, Id: "c1", Ignored: schema.Ignored{AutoIncrement: true}},
+		},
+		PrimaryKeys: []schema.Key{{ColId: "c1", Order: 1, Desc: false}},
+	}
+	//sourcetable := sessionState.Conv.SrcSchema[]
+	sessionState.Conv = &internal.Conv{
+		SpSchema: ddl.Schema{
+			"t1": input1[1],
+			//"t2": input1[1],
+		},
+		SrcSchema: map[string]schema.Table{
+			"t1": sourcetable,
+		},
+		SchemaIssues: map[string]map[string][]internal.SchemaIssue{
+			"t1": {},
+			//"t2": {},
+		},
+	}
+	for i, input := range input1 {
+		if i != 1 {
+			continue
+		}
+		isHotSpot(input.PrimaryKeys, input)
+		expected := []internal.SchemaIssue{internal.HotspotAutoIncrement}
+		if !reflect.DeepEqual(sessionState.Conv.SchemaIssues[input.Id]["c1"], expected) {
+			t.Errorf("hotspotTimestamp failed, expected: %v, got: %v", expected, sessionState.Conv.SchemaIssues[input.Id][input.Id])
+		}
+	}
+func TestDetecthotspotAutoincrement(t *testing.T) {
+	// Define test input
+	spannerTable := ddl.CreateTable{
+		Name:   "film_actor",
+		ColIds: []string{"c1", "c2", "c3"},
+		ColDefs: map[string]ddl.ColumnDef{
+			"c1": {Name: "film_id", T: ddl.Type{Name: ddl.String, Len: ddl.MaxLength}, Id: "c1"},
+			"c2": {Name: "actor_id", T: ddl.Type{Name: ddl.String, Len: ddl.MaxLength}, Id: "c2"},
+			"c3": {Name: "last_update", T: ddl.Type{Name: ddl.String, Len: ddl.MaxLength}, Id: "c3"},
+		},
+		PrimaryKeys: []ddl.IndexKey{{ColId: "c1", Order: 1, Desc: true}, {ColId: "c2", Order: 2, Desc: true}},
+		Id:          "t1",
+	}
+	spannerColumnId := "c1"
+	sessionState := session.GetSessionState()
+	sessionState.Conv.SrcSchema = map[string]ddl.CreateTable{
+		"t1":{
+			Name: "film_actor",
+			ColDefs: map[string]ddl.ColumnDef{
+				"c1": {Name: "film_id", T: ddl.Type{Name: ddl.String, Len: ddl.MaxLength}, Id: "c1", Ignored: ddl.Ignored{AutoIncrement: true}},
+				"c2": {Name: "actor_id", T: ddl.Type{Name: ddl.String, Len: ddl.MaxLength}, Id: "c2"},
+				"c3": {Name: "last_update", T: ddl.Type{Name: ddl.String, Len: ddl.MaxLength}, Id: "c3"},
+			},
+			Id: "t1",
+		},
+	},
+	// Call the function being tested
+	detecthotspotAutoincrement(spannerTable, spannerColumnId)
+	// Check the output for correctness
+	schemaIssue := sessionState.Conv.SchemaIssues[spannerTable.Id][spannerColumnId]
+	expectedSchemaIssue := []internal.SchemaIssue{internal.HotspotAutoIncrement}
+	if !reflect.DeepEqual(schemaIssue, expectedSchemaIssue) {
+		t.Errorf("detecthotspotAutoincrement(%v, %v) = %v, expected %v", spannerTable, spannerColumnId, schemaIssue, expectedSchemaIssue)
+	}
diff --git a/webv2/primarykey/primarykey_service.go b/webv2/primarykey/primarykey_service.go
index fe9b908eae..4bbab7c834 100644
--- a/webv2/primarykey/primarykey_service.go
+++ b/webv2/primarykey/primarykey_service.go
@@ -84,17 +84,17 @@ func RemoveInterleave(conv *internal.Conv, spannertable ddl.CreateTable) {
 		var parentPkFirstColumn string
 		for i := 0; i < len(spannertable.PrimaryKeys); i++ {
 			if spannertable.PrimaryKeys[i].Order == 1 {
-				childPkFirstColumn = spannertable.PrimaryKeys[i].ColId
+				childPkFirstColumn = spannertable.ColDefs[spannertable.PrimaryKeys[i].ColId].Name
 		for i := 0; i < len(conv.SpSchema[spannertable.ParentId].PrimaryKeys); i++ {
 			if conv.SpSchema[spannertable.ParentId].PrimaryKeys[i].Order == 1 {
-				parentPkFirstColumn = conv.SpSchema[spannertable.ParentId].PrimaryKeys[i].ColId
+				parentPkFirstColumn = conv.SpSchema[spannertable.ParentId].ColDefs[conv.SpSchema[spannertable.ParentId].PrimaryKeys[i].ColId].Name
 		if childPkFirstColumn != parentPkFirstColumn {
 			spannertable.ParentId = ""
-			conv.SpSchema[spannertable.Name] = spannertable
+			conv.SpSchema[spannertable.Id] = spannertable
diff --git a/webv2/primarykey/primarykey_test.go b/webv2/primarykey/primarykey_test.go
index 52d145b5a3..8f357cc364 100644
--- a/webv2/primarykey/primarykey_test.go
+++ b/webv2/primarykey/primarykey_test.go
@@ -254,7 +254,6 @@ func TestPrimarykey(t *testing.T) {
 	sessionState := session.GetSessionState()
 	c := &internal.Conv{
 		SpSchema: map[string]ddl.CreateTable{
 			"t1": {
 				Name:   "film_actor",
@@ -275,11 +274,11 @@ func TestPrimarykey(t *testing.T) {
 	sessionState.Conv = c
 	tc := []struct {
-		name        string
-		input       PrimaryKeyRequest
-		statusCode  int
-		res         PrimaryKeyResponse
-		expectedRes PrimaryKeyResponse
+		name         string
+		input        PrimaryKeyRequest
+		statusCode   int
+		conv         internal.Conv
+		expectedConv internal.Conv
 			name: "Table Id Not found",
@@ -296,6 +295,210 @@ func TestPrimarykey(t *testing.T) {
 				Columns: []Column{}},
 			statusCode: http.StatusBadRequest,
+		{
+			name: "unmarshalling error",
+			input: PrimaryKeyRequest{
+				TableId: "t1",
+				Columns: []Column{{Order: 1, Desc: true, ColumnId: "-12"}},
+			},
+			statusCode: http.StatusBadRequest,
+		},
+		{
+			name: "Not valid column order",
+			input: PrimaryKeyRequest{
+				TableId: "t1",
+				Columns: []Column{{ColumnId: "c1", Order: 2, Desc: true}, {ColumnId: "c2", Desc: false, Order: 2}},
+			},
+			statusCode: http.StatusBadRequest,
+		},
+		{
+			name: "invalid columnid error",
+			input: PrimaryKeyRequest{
+				TableId: "t1",
+				Columns: []Column{{ColumnId: "c4", Desc: false, Order: 1}},
+			},
+			statusCode: http.StatusBadRequest,
+		},
+	}
+	for _, tt := range tc {
+		inputBytes, err := json.Marshal(tt.input)
+		if err != nil {
+			t.Fatal(err)
+		}
+		buffer := bytes.NewBuffer(inputBytes)
+		req, err := http.NewRequest("POST", "/primarykey", buffer)
+		if err != nil {
+			t.Fatal(err)
+		}
+		req.Header.Set("Content-Type", "application/json")
+		rr := httptest.NewRecorder()
+		handler := http.HandlerFunc(PrimaryKey)
+		handler.ServeHTTP(rr, req)
+		var conv internal.Conv
+		json.Unmarshal(rr.Body.Bytes(), &conv)
+		assert.Equal(t, tt.statusCode, rr.Code)
+		if tt.statusCode == http.StatusOK {
+			assert.Equal(t, tt.expectedConv, conv)
+		}
+	}
+func TestPrimarykeyUpdate(t *testing.T) {
+	tc := []struct {
+		name         string
+		input        PrimaryKeyRequest
+		statusCode   int
+		conv         internal.Conv
+		expectedConv internal.Conv
+	}{
+		{
+			name: "Test removed synthpk",
+			input: PrimaryKeyRequest{
+				TableId: "t1",
+				Columns: []Column{{ColumnId: "c1", Desc: true, Order: 1}},
+			},
+			statusCode: http.StatusOK,
+			conv: internal.Conv{
+				SpSchema: map[string]ddl.CreateTable{
+					"t1": {
+						Name:   "film_actor",
+						ColIds: []string{"c1", "c2", "c3"},
+						ColDefs: map[string]ddl.ColumnDef{
+							"c1": {Name: "film_id", T: ddl.Type{Name: ddl.String, Len: ddl.MaxLength}, Id: "c1"},
+							"c2": {Name: "actor_id", T: ddl.Type{Name: ddl.String, Len: ddl.MaxLength}, Id: "c2"},
+							"c3": {Name: "synth_id", T: ddl.Type{Name: ddl.String, Len: ddl.MaxLength}, Id: "c3"},
+						},
+						PrimaryKeys: []ddl.IndexKey{{ColId: "c3", Order: 1, Desc: true}, {ColId: "c1", Order: 2, Desc: true}},
+						Id:          "t1",
+					}},
+				SyntheticPKeys: map[string]internal.SyntheticPKey{
+					"t1": {ColId: "c3", Sequence: 0},
+				},
+				Audit: internal.Audit{
+					MigrationType: migration.MigrationData_MIGRATION_TYPE_UNSPECIFIED.Enum(),
+				},
+			},
+			expectedConv: internal.Conv{
+				SpSchema: map[string]ddl.CreateTable{
+					"t1": {
+						Name:   "film_actor",
+						ColIds: []string{"c1", "c2"},
+						ColDefs: map[string]ddl.ColumnDef{
+							"c1": {Name: "film_id", T: ddl.Type{Name: ddl.String, Len: ddl.MaxLength}, Id: "c1"},
+							"c2": {Name: "actor_id", T: ddl.Type{Name: ddl.String, Len: ddl.MaxLength}, Id: "c2"},
+						},
+						PrimaryKeys: []ddl.IndexKey{{ColId: "c1", Order: 1, Desc: true}},
+						Id:          "t1",
+					}},
+				SyntheticPKeys: map[string]internal.SyntheticPKey{},
+			},
+		},
+	}
+	for _, tt := range tc {
+		inputBytes, err := json.Marshal(tt.input)
+		if err != nil {
+			t.Fatal(err)
+		}
+		buffer := bytes.NewBuffer(inputBytes)
+		sessionState := session.GetSessionState()
+		sessionState.Conv = &tt.conv
+		req, err := http.NewRequest("POST", "/primarykey", buffer)
+		if err != nil {
+			t.Fatal(err)
+		}
+		req.Header.Set("Content-Type", "application/json")
+		rr := httptest.NewRecorder()
+		handler := http.HandlerFunc(PrimaryKey)
+		handler.ServeHTTP(rr, req)
+		assert.Equal(t, tt.statusCode, rr.Code)
+		if tt.statusCode == http.StatusOK {
+			var res internal.Conv
+			json.Unmarshal(rr.Body.Bytes(), &res)
+			assert.Equal(t, tt.expectedConv, res)
+		}
+	}
+func TestPrimaryKeyUpdatetwo(t *testing.T) {
+	tc := []struct {
+		name         string
+		input        PrimaryKeyRequest
+		statusCode   int
+		conv         internal.Conv
+		expectedConv internal.Conv
+	}{
+		{
+			name: "remove interleave function success",
+			input: PrimaryKeyRequest{
+				TableId: "t1",
+				Columns: []Column{{ColumnId: "c2", Desc: true, Order: 1}},
+			},
+			statusCode: http.StatusOK,
+			conv: internal.Conv{
+				SpSchema: map[string]ddl.CreateTable{
+					"t1": {
+						Name:   "parent_table",
+						ColIds: []string{"c1", "c2", "c3"},
+						ColDefs: map[string]ddl.ColumnDef{
+							"c1": {Name: "film_id", T: ddl.Type{Name: ddl.String, Len: ddl.MaxLength}, Id: "c1"},
+							"c2": {Name: "actor_id", T: ddl.Type{Name: ddl.String, Len: ddl.MaxLength}, Id: "c2"},
+							"c3": {Name: "last_update", T: ddl.Type{Name: ddl.String, Len: ddl.MaxLength}, Id: "c3"},
+						},
+						PrimaryKeys: []ddl.IndexKey{{ColId: "c1", Order: 1, Desc: true}, {ColId: "c2", Order: 2, Desc: true}},
+						Id:          "t1",
+						ParentId:    "t2",
+					},
+					"t2": {
+						Name:   "child_table",
+						ColIds: []string{"c1", "c2"},
+						ColDefs: map[string]ddl.ColumnDef{
+							"c1": {Name: "film_id", T: ddl.Type{Name: ddl.String, Len: ddl.MaxLength}, Id: "c1"},
+							"c2": {Name: "film_details", T: ddl.Type{Name: ddl.String, Len: ddl.MaxLength}, Id: "c2"},
+						},
+						PrimaryKeys: []ddl.IndexKey{{ColId: "c1", Order: 1, Desc: true}},
+						Id:          "t2",
+					},
+				},
+				Audit: internal.Audit{
+					MigrationType: migration.MigrationData_MIGRATION_TYPE_UNSPECIFIED.Enum(),
+				},
+			},
+			expectedConv: internal.Conv{
+				SpSchema: map[string]ddl.CreateTable{
+					"t1": {
+						Name:   "parent_table",
+						ColIds: []string{"c1", "c2", "c3"},
+						ColDefs: map[string]ddl.ColumnDef{
+							"c1": {Name: "film_id", T: ddl.Type{Name: ddl.String, Len: ddl.MaxLength}, Id: "c1"},
+							"c2": {Name: "actor_id", T: ddl.Type{Name: ddl.String, Len: ddl.MaxLength}, Id: "c2"},
+							"c3": {Name: "last_update", T: ddl.Type{Name: ddl.String, Len: ddl.MaxLength}, Id: "c3"},
+						},
+						PrimaryKeys: []ddl.IndexKey{{ColId: "c2", Order: 1, Desc: true}},
+						Id:          "t1",
+					},
+					"t2": {
+						Name:   "child_table",
+						ColIds: []string{"c1", "c2"},
+						ColDefs: map[string]ddl.ColumnDef{
+							"c1": {Name: "film_id", T: ddl.Type{Name: ddl.String, Len: ddl.MaxLength}, Id: "c1"},
+							"c2": {Name: "film_details", T: ddl.Type{Name: ddl.String, Len: ddl.MaxLength}, Id: "c2"},
+						},
+						PrimaryKeys: []ddl.IndexKey{{ColId: "c1", Order: 1, Desc: true}},
+						Id:          "t2",
+					},
+				},
+			},
+		},
 	for _, tt := range tc {
@@ -306,6 +509,10 @@ func TestPrimarykey(t *testing.T) {
 		buffer := bytes.NewBuffer(inputBytes)
+		sessionState := session.GetSessionState()
+		sessionState.Conv = &tt.conv
 		req, err := http.NewRequest("POST", "/primarykey", buffer)
 		if err != nil {
@@ -317,7 +524,11 @@ func TestPrimarykey(t *testing.T) {
 		handler := http.HandlerFunc(PrimaryKey)
 		handler.ServeHTTP(rr, req)
-		json.Unmarshal(rr.Body.Bytes(), &tt.res)
 		assert.Equal(t, tt.statusCode, rr.Code)
+		if tt.statusCode == http.StatusOK {
+			var res internal.Conv
+			json.Unmarshal(rr.Body.Bytes(), &res)
+			assert.Equal(t, tt.expectedConv, res)
+		}