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File metadata and controls

197 lines (155 loc) · 6.68 KB

Contributing to alertmanager-k8s

Alertmanager, as the name suggests, filters incoming alerts and routes them to pre-defined receivers. Alertmanager reads its configuration from an alertmanager.yml, some aspects of which are exposed to the user via juju config calls (see config.yaml). In the future, integrator charms may be used for configuring Alertmanager.

The intended use case of this operator is to be deployed together with the prometheus-k8s operator, although that is not necessary, as Alertmanager's HTTP API could be used instead.

Known issues

  1. Adding multiple receivers of the same type (e.g. PagerDuty) is not very scalable, due to the nature of the juju config command. This is likely to improve in the future by using integrator charms.

Bugs and pull requests

  • Generally, before developing enhancements to this charm, you should consider explaining your use case.
  • If you would like to chat with us about your use-cases or proposed implementation, you can reach us at Canonical Mattermost public channel or Discourse.
  • All enhancements require review before being merged. Apart from code quality and test coverage, the review will also take into account the resulting user experience for Juju administrators using this charm.


A typical setup using snaps can be found in the Juju docs.


Use your existing Python 3 development environment or create and activate a Python 3 virtualenv

virtualenv -p python3 venv
source venv/bin/activate

Install the development requirements

pip install -r requirements.txt

Later on, upgrade packages as needed

pip install --upgrade -r requirements.txt


tox -e fmt              # update your code according to linting rules
tox -e lint             # code style
tox -e static           # static analysis
tox -e unit             # unit tests
tox -e integration      # integration tests
tox -e integration-lma  # integration tests for the lma-light bundle

tox creates virtual environment for every tox environment defined in tox.ini. To activate a tox environment for manual testing,

source .tox/unit/bin/activate

Manual testing

Alerts can be created using amtool,

amtool alert add alertname=oops service="my-service" severity=warning \
    instance="" --annotation=summary="High latency is high!" \

or using alertmanager's HTTP API, for example:

alertmanager_ip=$(juju status alertmanager/0 --format=json | \
  jq -r ".applications.alertmanager.units.\"alertmanager/0\".address")

curl -XPOST http://$alertmanager_ip:9093/api/v1/alerts -d "[{
	\"status\": \"firing\",
	\"labels\": {
		\"alertname\": \"$name\",
		\"service\": \"my-service\",
		\"instance\": \"$\"
	\"annotations\": {
		\"summary\": \"High latency is high!\"
	\"generatorURL\": \"\"

The alert should then be listed,

curl http://$alertmanager_ip:9093/api/v1/alerts

and visible on a karma dashboard, if configured.

Relations between alertmanager and prometheus can be verified by querying prometheus for active alertmanagers:

curl -X GET "http://$prom_ip:9090/api/v1/alertmanagers"

Build charm

Build the charm in this git repository using

charmcraft pack


First deploy Prometheus.

Now deploy the Alertmanger charm you just built. Alertmanager may support multiple alert receivers (see below). In order to use any of these receivers relevant configuration information is required at deployment or subsequently. Without any configured receiver Alertmanager will use a dummy receiver.

Tested images

For local deployment, this charms was tested with the following images:

Deploy Alertmanager with custom configuration

juju deploy ./alertmanager-k8s.charm \
  --resource alertmanager-image=ubuntu/prometheus-alertmanager \
  --config config_file='@path/to/alertmanager.yml' \
  --config templates_file='@path/to/templates.tmpl'

Alternatively you may deploy Alertmanger without a config file, in which case a default configuration with a dummy receiver would be loaded. A configuration file can be provided later:

juju deploy ./alertmanager-k8s.charm \
  --resource alertmanager-image=ubuntu/prometheus-alertmanager

# Later on, update configuration with:
juju config alertmanager-k8s config_file='@path/to/alertmanager.yml'  # etc.

Finally, add a relation between Prometheus and Alertmanager:

juju add-relation prometheus-k8s:alertmanager alertmanager-k8s:alerting

Code overview

  • The main charm class is AlertmanagerCharm, which responds to config changes (via ConfigChangedEvent) and cluster changes (via RelationJoinedEvent, RelationChangedEvent and RelationDepartedEvent).
  • All lifecycle events call a common hook, _common_exit_hook after executing their own business logic. This pattern simplifies state tracking and improves consistency.
  • On startup, the charm waits for PebbleReadyEvent and for an IP address to become available before starting the karma service and declaring ActiveStatus. The charm must be related to an alertmanager instance, otherwise the charm will go into blocked state.

Design choices

  • The alertmanager.yml config file is created in its entirety by the charm code on startup (the default alertmanager.yml is overwritten). This is done to maintain consistency across OCI images.
  • Hot reload via the alertmanager HTTP API is used whenever possible instead of service restart, to minimize downtime.


  • Test using pytest-operator
  • Use integrator charms