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Nite edited this page May 19, 2023 · 9 revisions

Welcome to the SEEKR - The multi-purpose OSINT tool!

This documentation is the main source of documentation for developers and analysts working with (or contributing to) SEEKR.

Please note that older versions of this tool are no longer maintained and might not work as expected.
Your data will in most cases be lost to newer versions, so its recommended to back up your database (easy exporting will be available in future versions)!

Questions or need help?

  1. Look through the Troubleshooting guide
  2. Create an issue or discussion

Legal Disclaimer

This tool is intended for legitimate and lawful use only. It is provided for educational and research purposes, and should not be used for any illegal or malicious activities, including doxxing. Doxxing is the practice of researching and broadcasting private or identifying information about an individual, without their consent and can be illegal. The creators and contributors of this tool will not be held responsible for any misuse or damage caused by this tool. By using this tool, you agree to use it only for lawful purposes and to comply with all applicable laws and regulations. It is the responsibility of the user to ensure compliance with all relevant laws and regulations in the jurisdiction in which they operate. Misuse of this tool may result in criminal and/or civil prosecution.

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