Slim Fourati 12 November, 2021
Load required packages
suppressPackageStartupMessages(library(package = "knitr"))
suppressPackageStartupMessages(library(package = "parallel"))
suppressPackageStartupMessages(library(package = "readxl"))
suppressPackageStartupMessages(library(package = "survival"))
suppressPackageStartupMessages(library(package = "EDASeq"))
suppressPackageStartupMessages(library(package = "edgeR"))
suppressPackageStartupMessages(library(package = "sva"))
suppressPackageStartupMessages(library(package = "ComplexHeatmap"))
suppressPackageStartupMessages(library(package = "tidyverse"))
Set session options
options(stringsAsFactors = FALSE,
mc.cores = detectCores() - 1,
readr.show_col_types = FALSE,
dplyr.summarise.inform = FALSE)
workDir <- dirname(getwd())
opts_chunk$set(tidy = FALSE, fig.path = "../figure/")
ht_opt$message <- FALSE
Read raw counts
countDF <- read_csv(file = file.path(workDir, "input/vb013.genecounts.csv")) %>%
column_to_rownames(var = "geneid") %>%
Read sample annotation
sampleSheetFile <- file.path(workDir, "input/sampleSheet.vSF.xlsx")
sampleSheetDF <- read_excel(path = sampleSheetFile) %>%
mutate(sampleID = gsub(pattern = "_", replacement = "-", sampleID),
study = gsub(pattern = "VB103", replacement = "VB013", study)) %>%
Read TOA
challengeFile <- file.path(workDir, "input/Table for sample randomization miRNA .xlsx")
challengeDF <- read_excel(path = challengeFile,
skip = 2) %>%
mutate(ADJUVANT = gsub(pattern = "IGF1", replacement = "IGF-1", ADJUVANT)) %>%
select(`ANIMAL ID`, VACCINE, ADJUVANT, `Time of acquisition (TOA)`, AGE,
Append TOA to sample annotation
samplesAnnot <- merge(x = challengeDF,
y = sampleSheetDF,
by.x = "ANIMAL ID",
by.y = "patientID",
all.y = TRUE) %>%
mutate(rowname = sampleID) %>%
column_to_rownames(var = "rowname") %>%
samplesAnnot <- samplesAnnot[colnames(countDF), ]
# add total reads counted
samplesAnnot$TotalReads <- colSums(countDF)
Read feature annotation
colNames <- c("seqname",
colTypes <- paste(c(rep("c", times = 3),
rep("i", times = 2),
rep("c", times = 4)),
collapse = "")
documentsDir <- file.path(workDir, "input")
featuresAnnotationFile <- "Mmul_8.genes.gtf"
skipNb <- read_lines(file = file.path(documentsDir, featuresAnnotationFile))
skipNb <- sum(grepl(pattern = "^#", skipNb))
featuresAnnot <- read_tsv(file = file.path(documentsDir,
skip = skipNb,
col_names = colNames,
col_types = colTypes)
# extract gene_id and transcript_id from attributes
featAnnot <- featuresAnnot %>%
mutate(gene_id = gsub(pattern = ".*gene_id \"([^;]+)\";.+",
replacement = "\\1",
gene_name = ifelse(test = grepl(pattern = "gene_name",
yes = gsub(pattern = ".+gene_name \"([^;]+)\";.+",
replacement = "\\1",
no = NA),
gene_biotype = ifelse(test = grepl(pattern = "gene_biotype",
yes = gsub(pattern = ".+gene_biotype \"([^;]+)\";.*",
replacement = "\\1",
no = NA)) %>%
select(seqname, strand, gene_id, gene_name, gene_biotype) %>%
distinct() %>%
rownames(featAnnot) <- featAnnot$gene_id
featAnnot <- featAnnot[rownames(countDF), ]
Create raw SeqExpressionSet
# build raw ExpressionSet
esetRaw <- newSeqExpressionSet(counts = as.matrix(countDF),
featureData = AnnotatedDataFrame(featAnnot),
phenoData = AnnotatedDataFrame(samplesAnnot))
save(esetRaw, file = file.path(workDir, "output/vb013.esetRaw.RData"))
Plot alignment metrics
statDF <- read_tsv(file = file.path(workDir, "input/vb013.ReadStats.txt"),
col_names = FALSE) %>%
distinct() %>%
spread(X3, X2)
plotDF <- counts(esetRaw) %>%
colSums() %>%
data.frame(Counted = .) %>%
rownames_to_column() %>%
merge(x = statDF, by.x = "X1", by.y = "rowname")
plotDF <- plotDF %>%
mutate(Trimmed = TotalReads - Surviving,
NotMapped = Surviving - UniqMapped - Multimapped,
NotCounted = UniqMapped + Multimapped - Counted) %>%
select(Trimmed, NotMapped, NotCounted, Counted, X1) %>%
gather(key, value, -X1)
ggplot(data = plotDF,
mapping = aes(x = X1, y = value, fill = key)) +
geom_bar(stat = "identity") +
scale_y_continuous(expand = c(0, 0)) +
labs(x = "Samples", y = "Number of reads") +
theme_bw() +
theme(axis.text.x = element_blank(),
axis.ticks.x = element_blank(),
panel.grid.major = element_blank(),
panel.grid.minor = element_blank())
Plot type of coding genes measured
plotDF <- countDF %>%
rownames_to_column() %>%
merge(y = select(featAnnot, gene_id, gene_biotype),
by.x = "rowname",
by.y = "gene_id") %>%
gather(sample, value, -rowname, -gene_biotype) %>%
group_by(sample, gene_biotype) %>%
summarize(eta = sum(value),
mu = mean(value),
q2 = median(value))
ggplot(data = plotDF,
mapping = aes(x = sample, y = eta, fill = gene_biotype)) +
geom_bar(stat = "identity") +
scale_y_continuous(expand = c(0, 0)) +
labs(x = "Samples", y = "Number of reads") +
theme_bw() +
theme(axis.text.x = element_blank(),
axis.ticks.x = element_blank(),
panel.grid.major = element_blank(),
panel.grid.minor = element_blank())
rawMat <- counts(esetRaw)
mat <- rawMat[rowSums(rawMat) > 0, ]
mat <- log2(mat + 0.25)
distMat <- dist(t(mat))
fit <- cmdscale(distMat, k = 2, eig = TRUE)
plotDF <-$points)
plotDF <- plotDF %>%
rownames_to_column() %>%
merge(x = pData(esetRaw),
by.y = "rowname",
by.x = "sampleID")
ggplot(data = plotDF,
mapping = aes(x = V1,
y = V2,
label = sampleID,
color = TotalReads,
shape = timePoint)) +
geom_point(size = 4) +
labs(x = paste0("1st dimension (",
round((fit$eig/sum(fit$eig))[1] * 100),
y = paste0("2nd dimension (",
round((fit$eig/sum(fit$eig))[2] * 100),
"%)")) +
scale_color_continuous(low = "lightblue", high = "darkblue") +
TMM normalization of count data
dge <- DGEList(counts = counts(esetRaw),
remove.zeros = TRUE)
dge <- calcNormFactors(object = dge, method = "TMM")
normalizedCounts <- cpm(dge, normalized.lib.sizes = TRUE, log = TRUE)
normalizedCounts <- round(normalizedCounts, 0)
eset <- newSeqExpressionSet(
counts = dge$counts,
normalizedCounts = as.matrix(normalizedCounts),
featureData = fData(esetRaw)[rownames(normalizedCounts), ],
phenoData = pData(esetRaw))
save(eset, file = file.path(workDir, "output/vb013.eset.RData"))
MDS plot on TMM normalized counts
mat <- normCounts(eset)
distMat <- dist(t(mat))
fit <- cmdscale(distMat, k = 2, eig = TRUE)
plotDF <-$points) %>%
rownames_to_column() %>%
merge(x = pData(eset),
by.x = "sampleID",
by.y = "rowname")
plotLabel <- round((fit$eig/sum(fit$eig)) * 100)
plotLabel <- plotLabel[1:2]
plotLabel <- paste0(c("1st dimension (", "2nd dimension ("),
ggplot(data = plotDF,
mapping = aes(x = V1,
y = V2,
color = study,
shape = timePoint)) +
geom_point(size = 4) +
labs(x = plotLabel[[1]],
y = plotLabel[[2]]) +
theme_bw() +
theme(legend.key = element_blank())
MDS plot only on pre-vax samples
esetTemp <- eset[, eset$timePoint %in% "hm5"]
mat <- normCounts(esetTemp)
distMat <- dist(t(mat))
fit <- cmdscale(distMat, k = 2, eig = TRUE)
plotDF <-$points) %>%
rownames_to_column() %>%
merge(x = pData(eset),
by.x = "sampleID",
by.y = "rowname")
plotLabel <- round((fit$eig/sum(fit$eig)) * 100)
plotLabel <- plotLabel[1:2]
plotLabel <- paste0(c("1st dimension (", "2nd dimension ("),
ggplot(data = plotDF,
mapping = aes(x = V1,
y = V2,
color = study,
shape = timePoint)) +
geom_point(size = 4) +
labs(x = plotLabel[[1]],
y = plotLabel[[2]]) +
theme_bw() +
theme(legend.key = element_blank())
Create post/pre SeqExpressionSet
flagDF <- pData(eset) %>%
select(`ANIMAL ID`, timePoint, sampleID) %>%
spread(timePoint, sampleID)
esetBaselined <- eset[, flagDF$h24]
normCounts(esetBaselined) <- normCounts(esetBaselined) -
normCounts(eset)[, flagDF$hm5]
save(esetBaselined, file = file.path(workDir, "output/vb013.esetBaselined.RData"))
Differential expression using edgeR and LIMMA
fits <- fits2 <- list()
# vaccine effect
group <- pData(eset) %>%
mutate(study = gsub(pattern = "^([^ ]+).+",
replacement = "\\1",
time = c(h24 = "post", hm5 = "pre")[timePoint],
group = interaction(study, time)) %>%
designMat <- model.matrix(~0 + group)
rownames(designMat) <- sampleNames(eset)
colnames(designMat) <- gsub(pattern = "group",
replacement = "",
attr(designMat, "assign") <- attr(designMat, "contrasts") <- NULL
suppressMessages(dgeTemp <- DGEList(counts = counts(eset),
remove.zeros = TRUE))
dgeTemp <- calcNormFactors(object = dgeTemp, method = "TMM")
dgeTemp <- estimateGLMCommonDisp(y = dgeTemp, design = designMat)
dgeTemp <- estimateGLMTrendedDisp(y = dgeTemp, design = designMat)
dgeTemp <- estimateGLMTagwiseDisp(y = dgeTemp, design = designMat)
fit <- glmFit(y = dgeTemp, design = designMat)
fit$genes <- fData(eset)[rownames(fit$coef), ]
contrastLS <- c("", "")
contrast <- makeContrasts(contrasts = contrastLS, levels = fit$design)
fit$contrast <- contrast
fits[["vax"]] <- list(fit = fit)
# vaccine effect (paired)
time <- c(hm5 = "pre",
h24 = "post")[eset$timePoint]
donor <- factor(make.names(eset$"ANIMAL ID"))
designMat <- model.matrix(~0 + time + donor)
rownames(designMat) <- sampleNames(eset)
colnames(designMat) <- gsub(pattern = "time",
replacement = "",
attr(designMat, "assign") <- attr(designMat, "contrasts") <- NULL
suppressMessages(dgeTemp <- DGEList(counts = counts(eset),
remove.zeros = TRUE))
dgeTemp <- calcNormFactors(object = dgeTemp, method = "TMM")
dgeTemp <- estimateGLMCommonDisp(y = dgeTemp, design = designMat)
dgeTemp <- estimateGLMTrendedDisp(y = dgeTemp, design = designMat)
dgeTemp <- estimateGLMTagwiseDisp(y = dgeTemp, design = designMat)
fit <- glmFit(y = dgeTemp, design = designMat)
fit$genes <- fData(eset)[rownames(fit$coef), ]
contrast <- makeContrasts(contrasts = "post-pre", levels = fit$design)
fit$contrast <- contrast
fits[["vax_paired"]] <- list(fit = fit)
# age effect
fit <- fits[["vax"]][["fit"]]
contrastLS <- c("P181.pre-VB013.pre", "")
contrast <- makeContrasts(contrasts = contrastLS, levels = fit$design)
fit$contrast <- contrast
fits[["age"]] <- list(fit = fit)
# age on baselined expression
study <- gsub(pattern = "^([^ ]+).+",
replacement = "\\1",
designMat <- model.matrix(~0 + study)
rownames(designMat) <- sampleNames(esetBaselined)
colnames(designMat) <- gsub(pattern = "study",
replacement = "",
attr(designMat, "assign") <- attr(designMat, "contrasts") <- NULL
fit <- lmFit(normCounts(esetBaselined), design = designMat)
contrastMat <- makeContrasts(contrasts = "P181-VB013", levels = fit$design)
fit2 <-, contrastMat)
fit2 <- eBayes(fit2)
fit2$genes <- fData(esetBaselined)[rownames(fit$coef), ]
fits2[["age_baselined"]] <- list(fit = fit, fit2 = fit2)
# challenge by vax and timepoint
for (STUDY in unique(eset$study)) {
for (TIME in unique(eset$timePoint)) {
esetTemp <- eset[, eset$study %in% STUDY &
eset$timePoint %in% TIME]
challenge <- esetTemp$"Time of acquisition (TOA)"
designMat <- model.matrix(~challenge)
rownames(designMat) <- sampleNames(esetTemp)
suppressMessages(dgeTemp <- DGEList(counts = counts(esetTemp),
remove.zeros = TRUE))
dgeTemp <- calcNormFactors(object = dgeTemp, method = "TMM")
dgeTemp <- estimateGLMCommonDisp(y = dgeTemp, design = designMat)
dgeTemp <- estimateGLMTrendedDisp(y = dgeTemp, design = designMat)
dgeTemp <- estimateGLMTagwiseDisp(y = dgeTemp, design = designMat)
fit <- glmFit(y = dgeTemp, design = designMat)
fit$genes <- fData(esetTemp)[rownames(fit$coef), ]
vax <- gsub(pattern = "^([^ ]+).+", replacement = "\\1", STUDY)
time <- c(hm5 = "pre",
h24 = "post")[TIME]
modelName <- paste0(vax, ".", time, "_challenge")
fits[[modelName]] <- list(fit = fit)
# challenge on baselined expression
for (STUDY in unique(esetBaselined$study)) {
esetTemp <- esetBaselined[, esetBaselined$study %in% STUDY]
challenge <- esetTemp$"Time of acquisition (TOA)"
designMat <- model.matrix(~challenge)
rownames(designMat) <- sampleNames(esetTemp)
attr(designMat, "assign") <- attr(designMat, "contrasts") <- NULL
fit <- lmFit(normCounts(esetTemp), design = designMat)
fit2 <- eBayes(fit)
fit2$genes <- fData(esetTemp)[rownames(fit$coef), ]
modelName <- gsub(pattern = "^([^ ]+).+",
replacement = "\\1_baselined_challenge",
fits2[[modelName]] <- list(fit = fit, fit2 = fit2)
# save fits
save(fits, file = file.path(workDir, "output/vb013.fits.RData"))
save(fits2, file = file.path(workDir, "output/vb013.fits2.RData"))
# print number of genes differently expressed
degNbDF <- NULL
for (modelName in grep("challenge", names(fits), invert = TRUE, value = TRUE)) {
fit <- fits[[modelName]][["fit"]]
for (coefName in colnames(fit$contrast)) {
fit2 <- glmLRT(glmfit = fit, contrast = fit$contrast[, coefName])
topTags(fit2, n = Inf) %>% %>%
filter(logCPM > 0 & gene_biotype %in% "protein_coding") %>%
group_by(sign(logFC)) %>%
summarize(p = sum(PValue <= 0.05),
adj.p = sum(FDR <= 0.05)) %>%
mutate(modelName = modelName,
coefficient = coefName) %>%
rbind(degNbDF) -> degNbDF
for (modelName in grep("challenge", names(fits), value = TRUE)) {
fit <- fits[[modelName]][["fit"]]
coefName <- colnames(fit$design)[2]
fit2 <- glmLRT(glmfit = fit, coef = "challenge")
topTags(fit2, n = Inf) %>% %>%
filter(logCPM > 0 & gene_biotype %in% "protein_coding") %>%
group_by(sign(logFC)) %>%
summarize(p = sum(PValue <= 0.05),
adj.p = sum(FDR <= 0.05)) %>%
mutate(modelName = modelName,
coefficient = coefName) %>%
rbind(degNbDF) -> degNbDF
for (modelName in grep("challenge", names(fits2), invert = TRUE, value = TRUE)) {
fit2 <- fits2[[modelName]][["fit2"]]
for (coefName in colnames(fit2$contrast)) {
topTable(fit = fit2, coef = coefName, number = Inf) %>% %>%
filter(AveExpr > 0 & gene_biotype %in% "protein_coding") %>%
group_by(sign(logFC)) %>%
summarize(p = sum(P.Value <= 0.05),
adj.p = sum(adj.P.Val <= 0.05)) %>%
mutate(modelName = modelName,
coefficient = coefName) %>%
rbind(degNbDF) -> degNbDF
for (modelName in grep("challenge", names(fits2), value = TRUE)) {
fit2 <- fits2[[modelName]][["fit2"]]
coefName <- "challenge"
topTable(fit = fit2, coef = coefName, number = Inf) %>% %>%
filter(AveExpr > 0 & gene_biotype %in% "protein_coding") %>%
group_by(sign(logFC)) %>%
summarize(p = sum(P.Value <= 0.05),
adj.p = sum(adj.P.Val <= 0.05)) %>%
mutate(modelName = modelName,
coefficient = coefName) %>%
rbind(degNbDF) -> degNbDF
degNbDF %>%
gather(cname, n, -modelName, -coefficient, -`sign(logFC)`) %>%
mutate(`sign(logFC)` = c("-1" = "DN", "1" = "UP")[as.character(`sign(logFC)`)],
cname = paste0(cname, `sign(logFC)`)) %>%
select(-`sign(logFC)`) %>%
spread(cname, n) %>%
mutate(p = paste0(pUP, "/", pDN),
adj.p = paste0(adj.pUP, "/", adj.pDN)) %>%
select(modelName, coefficient, p, adj.p) %>%
modelName | coefficient | p | adj.p |
age | | 1752/1987 | 960/779 |
age | P181.pre-VB013.pre | 702/1150 | 91/110 |
age_baselined | P181-VB013 | 1280/125 | 379/8 |
P181_baselined_challenge | challenge | 125/153 | 0/0 |
P181.post_challenge | challenge | 252/230 | 5/2 |
P181.pre_challenge | challenge | 215/224 | 2/2 |
vax | | 3916/5549 | 3762/5287 |
vax | | 3304/4665 | 2982/3931 |
vax_paired | post-pre | 4050/6102 | 3943/5923 |
VB013_baselined_challenge | challenge | 60/289 | 0/1 |
VB013.post_challenge | challenge | 225/184 | 1/5 |
VB013.pre_challenge | challenge | 186/121 | 1/1 |
for (modelName in grep(pattern = "challenge",
value = TRUE,
invert = TRUE)) {
fit <- fits[[modelName]][["fit"]]
for (coefName in colnames(fit$contrast)) {
fit2 <- glmLRT(glmfit = fit, contrast = fit$contrast[, coefName])
top <- topTags(fit2, n = Inf) %>% %>%
filter(logCPM > 0 & gene_biotype %in% "protein_coding") %>%
top_n(50, wt = LR) %>%
arrange(desc(logFC)) %>%
mutate(gene_name = ifelse(test =,
yes = gene_id,
no = gene_name))
sampleLS <- which(fit$contrast[, coefName] != 0) %>%
fit$design[, .] %>% %>%
rownames_to_column() %>%
gather(group, value, -rowname) %>%
group_by(rowname) %>%
summarize(value = sum(value)) %>%
filter(value > 0) %>%
mat <- normCounts(eset)[top$gene_id, sampleLS] %>%
t() %>%
scale() %>%
colorLS <- colorRampPalette(colors = c("blue", "white", "red"))(n = 100)
breakLS <- c(-1 * max(abs(mat)),
seq(from = -1 * min(abs(range(mat))),
to = min(abs(range(mat))),
length.out = 99),
matAnnot <- pData(eset)[sampleLS, ] %>%
select(VACCINE, study, `Time of acquisition (TOA)`)
pheatmap(mat = mat,
color = colorLS,
breaks = breakLS,
cellwidth = 6,
cellheight = 6,
cluster_rows = FALSE,
annotation_col = matAnnot,
main = paste0(modelName, ": ", coefName),
fontsize = 6,
labels_row = top$gene_name)
for (modelName in grep(pattern = "challenge", names(fits), value = TRUE)) {
fit <- fits[[modelName]][["fit"]]
fit2 <- glmLRT(glmfit = fit, coef = "challenge")
top <- topTags(fit2, n = Inf) %>% %>%
filter(logCPM > 0 & gene_biotype %in% "protein_coding") %>%
top_n(50, wt = LR) %>%
arrange(desc(logFC)) %>%
mutate(gene_name = ifelse(test =,
yes = gene_id,
no = gene_name))
sampleLS <- rownames(fit$design)
mat <- normCounts(eset)[top$gene_id, sampleLS] %>%
t() %>%
scale() %>%
meanRank <- apply(mat * sign(top$logFC), MARGIN = 1, FUN = rank) %>%
colorLS <- colorRampPalette(colors = c("blue", "white", "red"))(n = 100)
breakLS <- c(-1 * max(abs(mat)),
seq(from = -1 * min(abs(range(mat))),
to = min(abs(range(mat))),
length.out = 99),
matAnnot <- pData(eset)[sampleLS, ] %>%
select(VACCINE, study, `Time of acquisition (TOA)`)
pheatmap(mat = mat[, order(meanRank)],
color = colorLS,
breaks = breakLS,
cellwidth = 6,
cellheight = 6,
cluster_rows = FALSE,
cluster_cols = FALSE,
annotation_col = matAnnot,
main = modelName,
fontsize = 6,
labels_row = top$gene_name)
for (modelName in grep(pattern = "challenge",
value = TRUE,
invert = TRUE)) {
fit <- fits[[modelName]][["fit"]]
for (coefName in colnames(fit$contrast)) {
fit2 <- glmLRT(glmfit = fit, contrast = fit$contrast[, coefName])
top <- topTags(fit2, n = Inf, p.value = 0.05) %>% %>%
filter(logCPM > 0 & gene_biotype %in% "protein_coding")
if (nrow(top) > 0) {
top <- top %>%
arrange(desc(logFC)) %>%
mutate(gene_name = ifelse(test =,
yes = gene_id,
no = gene_name))
sampleLS <- which(fit$contrast[, coefName] != 0) %>%
fit$design[, .] %>% %>%
rownames_to_column() %>%
gather(group, value, -rowname) %>%
group_by(rowname) %>%
summarize(value = sum(value)) %>%
filter(value > 0) %>%
mat <- normCounts(eset)[top$gene_id, sampleLS, drop = FALSE] %>%
t() %>%
scale() %>%
colorLS <- colorRampPalette(colors = c("blue", "white", "red"))(n = 100)
breakLS <- c(-1 * max(abs(mat), na.rm = TRUE),
seq(from = -1 * min(abs(range(mat, na.rm = TRUE))),
to = min(abs(range(mat, na.rm = TRUE))),
length.out = 99),
max(abs(mat), na.rm = TRUE))
matAnnot <- pData(eset)[sampleLS, ] %>%
select(VACCINE, study, `Time of acquisition (TOA)`)
cellHeight <- 6
labelsRow <- top$gene_name
if (nrow(top) > 50) {
cellHeight <- 500/nrow(top)
rownames(mat) <- NULL
labelsRow <- NULL
pheatmap(mat = mat,
color = colorLS,
breaks = breakLS,
cellwidth = 6,
cellheight = cellHeight,
cluster_rows = FALSE,
annotation_col = matAnnot,
main = paste0(modelName, ": ", coefName),
fontsize = 6,
labels_row = labelsRow)
for (modelName in grep(pattern = "challenge", names(fits), value = TRUE)) {
fit <- fits[[modelName]][["fit"]]
fit2 <- glmLRT(glmfit = fit, coef = "challenge")
top <- topTags(fit2, n = Inf, p.value = 0.05) %>% %>%
filter(logCPM > 0 & gene_biotype %in% "protein_coding")
if (nrow(top) > 0) {
top <- top %>%
arrange(desc(logFC)) %>%
mutate(gene_name = ifelse(test =,
yes = gene_id,
no = gene_name))
sampleLS <- rownames(fit$design)
mat <- normCounts(eset)[top$gene_id, sampleLS, drop = FALSE] %>%
t() %>%
scale() %>%
meanRank <- apply(mat * sign(top$logFC), MARGIN = 1, FUN = rank) %>%
colorLS <- colorRampPalette(colors = c("blue", "white", "red"))(n = 100)
breakLS <- c(-1 * max(abs(mat)),
seq(from = -1 * min(abs(range(mat))),
to = min(abs(range(mat))),
length.out = 99),
matAnnot <- pData(eset)[sampleLS, ] %>%
select(VACCINE, study, `Time of acquisition (TOA)`)
pheatmap(mat = mat[, order(meanRank), drop = FALSE],
color = colorLS,
breaks = breakLS,
cellwidth = 6,
cellheight = 6,
cluster_rows = FALSE,
cluster_cols = FALSE,
annotation_col = matAnnot,
main = modelName,
fontsize = 6,
labels_row = top$gene_name)
modelName <- "vax"
fit <- fits[[modelName]][["fit"]]
contrastLS <- grep(pattern = "Control.+Control",
invert = TRUE,
value = TRUE)
fit2 <- glmLRT(glmfit = fit, contrast = fit$contrast[, contrastLS])
top <- topTags(fit2, n = Inf, p.value = 0.05) %>% %>%
filter(logCPM > 0 & gene_biotype %in% "protein_coding")
top <- top %>%
arrange(desc(LR)) %>%
mutate(gene_name = ifelse(test =,
yes = gene_id,
no = gene_name))
sampleLS <- which(rowSums(fit$contrast[, contrastLS] != 0) > 0) %>%
fit$design[, .] %>% %>%
rownames_to_column() %>%
gather(group, value, -rowname) %>%
group_by(rowname) %>%
summarize(value = sum(value)) %>%
filter(value > 0) %>%
mat <- normCounts(eset)[top$gene_id, sampleLS, drop = FALSE] %>%
t() %>%
scale() %>%
mat <- mat[rowMeans( < 0.8, ]
colorLS <- colorRampPalette(colors = c("blue", "white", "red"))(n = 100)
breakLS <- c(-1 * max(abs(mat), na.rm = TRUE),
seq(from = -1 * min(abs(range(mat, na.rm = TRUE))),
to = min(abs(range(mat, na.rm = TRUE))),
length.out = 99),
max(abs(mat), na.rm = TRUE))
matAnnot <- pData(eset)[sampleLS, ] %>%
select(VACCINE, study, `Time of acquisition (TOA)`)
cellHeight <- 250/nrow(top)
rownames(mat) <- NULL
labelsRow <- NULL
pheatmap(mat = mat,
color = colorLS,
breaks = breakLS,
cellwidth = 2,
cellheight = cellHeight,
annotation_col = matAnnot,
main = paste0(modelName, ": F"),
fontsize = 6,
show_rownames = FALSE,
show_colnames = FALSE)