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Clean up

Steps to perform a clean up of our deployments, services and volumes used in our environment.

Wazuh managers

The deployment of the Wazuh cluster of managers involves the use of various statefulSet elements as well as configuration maps and services.

1. The first step is to remove the pods corresponding to the managers.

List the pods created.

ubuntu@k8s-control-server:~$ kubectl get pods --namespace wazuh
NAME                              READY     STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
wazuh-elasticsearch-0             1/1       Running   0          6d
wazuh-kibana-78cb4bbb7-xf4s8      1/1       Running   0          6d
wazuh-manager-master-0            1/1       Running   0          6d
wazuh-manager-worker-0-0          1/1       Running   0          6d
wazuh-manager-worker-1-0          1/1       Running   0          6d
wazuh-nginx-57c8c65486-7crh2      1/1       Running   0          6d

Proceed to remove the pods from Wazuh managers.

ubuntu@k8s-control-server:~$ kubectl delete pod wazuh-manager-master-0 --namespace wazuh
ubuntu@k8s-control-server:~$ kubectl delete pod wazuh-manager-worker-0-0 --namespace wazuh
ubuntu@k8s-control-server:~$ kubectl delete pod wazuh-manager-worker-1-0 --namespace wazuh

2. Next remove the services related to the Wazuh cluster.

List the services created.

ubuntu@k8s-control-server:~$ kubectl get services --namespace wazuh
NAME                  TYPE           CLUSTER-IP       EXTERNAL-IP        PORT(S)                          AGE
elasticsearch         ClusterIP    <none>             9200/TCP                         6d
kibana                ClusterIP    <none>             5601/TCP                         6d
wazuh                 LoadBalancer   internal-ae32...   1515:30732/TCP,55000:30839/TCP   6d
wazuh-cluster         ClusterIP      None             <none>             1516/TCP                         6d
wazuh-elasticsearch   ClusterIP      None             <none>             9300/TCP                         6d
wazuh-nginx           LoadBalancer   internal-ac0c...   80:30409/TCP,443:32575/TCP       6d
wazuh-workers         LoadBalancer    internal-aec3...   1514:32047/TCP                   6d

Delete the corresponding services.

ubuntu@k8s-control-server:~$ kubectl delete service wazuh-cluster --namespace wazuh
ubuntu@k8s-control-server:~$ kubectl delete service wazuh-workers --namespace wazuh
ubuntu@k8s-control-server:~$ kubectl delete service wazuh --namespace wazuh

3. In this step delete the StatefulSet.

ubuntu@k8s-control-server:~$ kubectl get StatefulSet --namespace wazuh
NAME                     DESIRED   CURRENT   AGE
wazuh-elasticsearch      1         1         6d
wazuh-manager-master     1         1         6d
wazuh-manager-worker-0   1         1         6d
wazuh-manager-worker-1   1         1         6d

Remove the three StatefulSets from the Wazuh cluster managers.

ubuntu@k8s-control-server:~$ kubectl delete StatefulSet wazuh-manager-master --namespace wazuh
ubuntu@k8s-control-server:~$ kubectl delete StatefulSet wazuh-manager-worker-0 --namespace wazuh
ubuntu@k8s-control-server:~$ kubectl delete StatefulSet wazuh-manager-worker-1 --namespace wazuh

4. Take care of deleting the configuration maps.

ubuntu@k8s-control-server:~$ kubectl get ConfigMap --namespace wazuh
NAME                          DATA      AGE
wazuh-manager-master-conf     1         6d
wazuh-manager-worker-0-conf   1         6d
wazuh-manager-worker-1-conf   1         6d
ubuntu@k8s-control-server:~$ kubectl delete ConfigMap wazuh-manager-master-conf --namespace wazuh
ubuntu@k8s-control-server:~$ kubectl delete ConfigMap wazuh-manager-worker-0-conf --namespace wazuh
ubuntu@k8s-control-server:~$ kubectl delete ConfigMap wazuh-manager-worker-1-conf --namespace wazuh

5. Now eliminate the persistent volume claims.

ubuntu@k8s-control-server:~$ kubectl get persistentvolumeclaim --namespace wazuh
NAME                                            STATUS    VOLUME                                     CAPACITY   ACCESS MODES   STORAGECLASS             AGE
wazuh-elasticsearch-wazuh-elasticsearch-0       Bound     pvc-b3226ad3-f7c4-11e8-b9b8-022ada63b4ac   30Gi       RWO            gp2-encrypted-retained   6d
wazuh-manager-master-wazuh-manager-master-0     Bound     pvc-fb821971-f7c4-11e8-b9b8-022ada63b4ac   10Gi       RWO            gp2-encrypted-retained   6d
wazuh-manager-worker-wazuh-manager-worker-0-0   Bound     pvc-ffe7bf66-f7c4-11e8-b9b8-022ada63b4ac   10Gi       RWO            gp2-encrypted-retained   6d
wazuh-manager-worker-wazuh-manager-worker-1-0   Bound     pvc-024466da-f7c5-11e8-b9b8-022ada63b4ac   10Gi       RWO            gp2-encrypted-retained   6d
ubuntu@k8s-control-server:~$ kubectl delete persistentvolumeclaim wazuh-manager-master-wazuh-manager-master-0 --namespace wazuh
ubuntu@k8s-control-server:~$ kubectl delete persistentvolumeclaim wazuh-manager-master-wazuh-manager-worker-0-0 --namespace wazuh
ubuntu@k8s-control-server:~$ kubectl delete persistentvolumeclaim wazuh-manager-master-wazuh-manager-worker-1-0 --namespace wazuh

6. Finally eliminate the persistent volumes.

ubuntu@k8s-control-server:~$ kubectl get persistentvolume
NAME                                       CAPACITY   ACCESS MODES   RECLAIM POLICY   STATUS        CLAIM                                                         STORAGECLASS             REASON    AGE
pvc-024466da-f7c5-11e8-b9b8-022ada63b4ac   10Gi       RWO            Retain           Bound         wazuh/wazuh-manager-worker-wazuh-manager-worker-1-0           gp2-encrypted-retained             6d
pvc-b3226ad3-f7c4-11e8-b9b8-022ada63b4ac   30Gi       RWO            Retain           Bound         wazuh/wazuh-elasticsearch-wazuh-elasticsearch-0               gp2-encrypted-retained             6d
pvc-fb821971-f7c4-11e8-b9b8-022ada63b4ac   10Gi       RWO            Retain           Bound         wazuh/wazuh-manager-master-wazuh-manager-master-0             gp2-encrypted-retained             6d
pvc-ffe7bf66-f7c4-11e8-b9b8-022ada63b4ac   10Gi       RWO            Retain           Bound         wazuh/wazuh-manager-worker-wazuh-manager-worker-0-0           gp2-encrypted-retained             6d


ubuntu@k8s-control-server:~$ kubectl delete persistentvolume pvc-fb821971-f7c4-11e8-b9b8-022ada63b4ac

Worker 0.

ubuntu@k8s-control-server:~$ kubectl delete persistentvolume pvc-ffe7bf66-f7c4-11e8-b9b8-022ada63b4ac

Worker 1.

ubuntu@k8s-control-server:~$ kubectl delete persistentvolume pvc-024466da-f7c5-11e8-b9b8-022ada63b4ac

Do not forget to delete the volumes manually in AWS.


The process for cleaning the Elasticsearch installation environment is similar to that of the Wazuh cluster. In order to do this remove the Elasticsearch deployment as well as its associated services and volumes.

1. The first step is to remove the pods corresponding to Elasticsearch.

ubuntu@k8s-control-server:~$ kubectl get pods --namespace wazuh
NAME                              READY     STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
wazuh-elasticsearch-0             1/1       Running   0          6d
wazuh-kibana-78cb4bbb7-xf4s8      1/1       Running   0          6d
wazuh-nginx-57c8c65486-7crh2      1/1       Running   0          6d
ubuntu@k8s-control-server:~$ kubectl delete pod wazuh-elasticsearch-0 --namespace wazuh

2. Next remove the services related to Elasticsearch.

ubuntu@k8s-control-server:~$ kubectl get services --namespace wazuh
NAME                  TYPE           CLUSTER-IP       EXTERNAL-IP        PORT(S)                          AGE
elasticsearch         ClusterIP    <none>             9200/TCP                         6d
kibana                ClusterIP    <none>             5601/TCP                         6d
wazuh-elasticsearch   ClusterIP      None             <none>             9300/TCP                         6d
wazuh-nginx           LoadBalancer   internal-ac0c...   80:30409/TCP,443:32575/TCP       6d
ubuntu@k8s-control-server:~$ kubectl delete service elasticsearch --namespace wazuh
ubuntu@k8s-control-server:~$ kubectl delete service wazuh-elasticsearch --namespace wazuh

3. In this step delete the StatefulSet.

ubuntu@k8s-control-server:~$ kubectl get StatefulSet --namespace wazuh
NAME                     DESIRED   CURRENT   AGE
wazuh-elasticsearch      1         1         6d
ubuntu@k8s-control-server:~$ kubectl delete StatefulSet wazuh-elasticsearch --namespace wazuh

4. Now eliminate the persistent volume claims.

ubuntu@k8s-control-server:~$ kubectl get persistentvolumeclaim --namespace wazuh
NAME                                            STATUS    VOLUME                                     CAPACITY   ACCESS MODES   STORAGECLASS             AGE
wazuh-elasticsearch-wazuh-elasticsearch-0       Bound     pvc-b3226ad3-f7c4-11e8-b9b8-022ada63b4ac   30Gi       RWO            gp2-encrypted-retained   6d
ubuntu@k8s-control-server:~$ kubectl delete persistentvolumeclaim wazuh-elasticsearch-wazuh-elasticsearch-0 --namespace wazuh

5. Finally delete the persistent volumes.

ubuntu@k8s-control-server:~$ kubectl get persistentvolume
NAME                                       CAPACITY   ACCESS MODES   RECLAIM POLICY   STATUS        CLAIM                                                         STORAGECLASS             REASON    AGE
pvc-024466da-f7c5-11e8-b9b8-022ada63b4ac   10Gi       RWO            Retain           Released      wazuh/wazuh-manager-worker-wazuh-manager-worker-1-0           gp2-encrypted-retained             6d
pvc-b3226ad3-f7c4-11e8-b9b8-022ada63b4ac   30Gi       RWO            Retain           Bound         wazuh/wazuh-elasticsearch-wazuh-elasticsearch-0               gp2-encrypted-retained             6d
pvc-fb821971-f7c4-11e8-b9b8-022ada63b4ac   10Gi       RWO            Retain           Released      wazuh/wazuh-manager-master-wazuh-manager-master-0             gp2-encrypted-retained             6d
pvc-ffe7bf66-f7c4-11e8-b9b8-022ada63b4ac   10Gi       RWO            Retain           Released      wazuh/wazuh-manager-worker-wazuh-manager-worker-0-0           gp2-encrypted-retained             6d


ubuntu@k8s-control-server:~$ kubectl delete persistentvolume pvc-b3226ad3-f7c4-11e8-b9b8-022ada63b4ac

Do not forget to delete the volumes manually in AWS.

Kibana and Nginx

To clean the Kibana and Nginx installation remove their deployments and services.

1. The first step is to remove the pods corresponding to Kibana and Nginx.

ubuntu@k8s-control-server:~$ kubectl get pods --namespace wazuh
NAME                              READY     STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
wazuh-kibana-78cb4bbb7-xf4s8      1/1       Running   0          6d
wazuh-nginx-57c8c65486-7crh2      1/1       Running   0          6d
ubuntu@k8s-control-server:~$ kubectl delete pod wazuh-kibana-78cb4bbb7-xf4s8 --namespace wazuh
ubuntu@k8s-control-server:~$ kubectl delete pod wazuh-nginx-57c8c65486-7crh2 --namespace wazuh

2. Next remove the services related to Kibana and Nginx.

ubuntu@k8s-control-server:~$ kubectl get services --namespace wazuh
NAME                  TYPE           CLUSTER-IP       EXTERNAL-IP        PORT(S)                          AGE
kibana                ClusterIP    <none>             5601/TCP                         6d
wazuh-nginx           LoadBalancer   internal-ac0c...   80:30409/TCP,443:32575/TCP       6d
ubuntu@k8s-control-server:~$ kubectl delete service kibana --namespace wazuh
ubuntu@k8s-control-server:~$ kubectl delete service wazuh-nginx --namespace wazuh

3. Finally delete the deployments.

ubuntu@k8s-control-server:~$ kubectl get deploy --namespace wazuh
wazuh-kibana     1         1         1            1           6d
wazuh-nginx      1         1         1            1           6d
ubuntu@k8s-control-server:~$ kubectl delete deploy wazuh-kibana --namespace wazuh
ubuntu@k8s-control-server:~$ kubectl delete deploy wazuh-nginx --namespace wazuh

Once these steps are completed, our Kubernetes environment will be clean of deployments relating to the Wazuh cluster and related Elastic Stack components.