#24 - mbuhot - EctoJob will work in a polling fashion when Postgrex.Notifications
is not working reliably.
See elixir-ecto/postgrex#375 for some background.
#23 - enzoqtvf - Add a configuration option notifications_listen_timeout
for timeout for call to Postgrex.Notifications.listen!/3
#22 - niku - Fix code samples in README
#17 - mmartinson - Make base expiry configurable
Adds configuration options for execution_timeout
and reservation_timeout
#14 - mbuhot - Improve configuration flexibility
Configuration can be supplied through the supervisor opts, application config, or fallback to defaults.
#15 - mbuhot - Fix dialyzer warnings and improve docs.
#9 - darksheik - Configurable job polling interval
#11 - darksheik - Configurable logging level
#5 - darksheik - Ensure triggers dropped on job table down migration.
Initial Release to Hex.pm