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Disclaimer — this is an early prototype; in particular:

  • This project comes with no guarantees whatsoever.
  • The currently supported subset of Motoko is insufficient for most real-world applications.
  • DFINITY currently has no plans to continue the development of Motoko-san.

Motoko-san is a prototype code-level verifier for Motoko. The project started at the DFINITY Foundation as a way to demonstrate that Motoko (and the Internet Computer in general) are well-suited for developing formally verified Web3 software.

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Introduction Overview | Formal specification | Static vs. dynamic assertions | Testing vs. formal verification | Precondition of public functions | Examples

Contributing Building | Running | Testing | File structure

Currently supported features Types and operations | Declarations | Expressions | Static code specification

Further information



The verifier is implemented as a moc compiler feature. When moc --viper $FILE is invoked, the Motoko source code from $FILE is first translated into the Viper intermediate verification language (currently emitted into stdout) and then compiled. The generated Viper program can be submitted to the Viper tool. If the generated Viper program verifies, this implies that the Motoko source code respects the formal code specification, e.g., canister invariants, and that Viper established the corresponding formal proof of correctness.

Formal code specification

Formal code specifications are written as part of the Motoko source code. These specifications are static, i.e., they do not affect the canister's runtime behavior. If a Motoko canister is compiled with moc --viper, it may contain static code specifications defined via the following keywords (exp : Type below denotes an expression of type Type):

  • assert:invariant (exp : Bool); — actor-level invariant; must be ensured right after canister initialization and after every atomic block execution. May appear only at the level of actor members.
  • assert:1:async (exp : Bool); — an await async { ... } block may include this as the first statement; the intention is two-fold:
    • at most one instance of this code block can be pending execution.
    • specify that the property exp is intended to hold when this block execution begins.
    • require that the tool actually checks whether this assumption holds (given this actor's entire source code)
  • assert:system (exp : Bool); — a static assertion that asks the verifier to prove that the property exp holds. Useful while designing code-level canister specifications.
  • assert:loop:invariant (exp : Bool); — a loop invariant specifies that the property exp is intended to hold at the start and at the end of each iteration of a loop

Note: the above syntax is provisional. It has been used so far to avoid introducing breaking changes to the Motoko grammar. In the future, Motoko-san may switch to bespoke syntax for code specifications.

Static vs. dynamic assertions

The expression assert <exp> (which is already available in Motoko proper) means a dynamic assertion, i.e., a runtime check of the Boolean condition <exp>. Note, however, that adding an assert <exp> expression (for some Boolean expression <exp>) affects the static verification of the canister. Concretely, the verifier will take for granted that <exp> holds after this statement (since any execution violating this assumption would trap).

Testing vs. formal verification

Dynamic assertions can also be used for testing. Of course, the downside of testing is that if is typically not feasible to test against all possible scenarios; the untested scenarios can be exploited by an attacker. In contrast, formal verification relies on statically known information to prove the absence of attacks.

Precondition of public functions

In particular, dynamic assertions are very useful for specifying preconditions of an actor's public functions (i.e., functions exposed in the Candid API configuration). Since such functions can be invoked by anyone; the identity of the caller is statically unknown. It is thus necessary to check all of the assumptions at runtime, by writing assert <exp>(here, <exp> denotes some Bool expression representing a function's precondition). Conversely, writing assert:system <exp> at the top of a public function will never verify because Motoko-san has zero knowledge about the caller.


To get a better idea about how code-level specifications help formalize what a Motoko canister is intended to do, please refer to the examples in moc/test/viper.

Contributing to Motoko-san

Building the Motoko compiler

  1. Clone
    cd motoko
  2. Install Nix:
    curl -L | sh
  3. Obtain Nix cache (this speeds up the following steps):
    nix-env -iA cachix -f
    cachix use ic-hs-test
  4. Enter Nix shell (the first run of this command may take a while):
  5. Finally, build the Motoko compiler runtime and the compiler itself:
    [nix-shell:motoko]$ make -C rts
    [nix-shell:motoko]$ make -C src

Running Motoko-san

[nix-shell:motoko] moc --viper > output.vpr

You may then verify the output.vpr file using Viper. Soon, there will be an interactive IDE integration for VS Code, s.t. the outputs do not need to be verified by manually invoking Viper.

Testing Motoko-san

After modifying the code and recompiling moc, don't forget to test the changes by running

[nix-shell:motoko]$ make -C test/viper

Each test case consists of a (formally specified) Motoko source file, say, $TEST (e.g., and the expected test results, represented via a set of files:

  • test/viper/ok/$TEST.vpr.ok — what the Motoko compiler is expected to generate; this should be a Viper program.
  • test/viper/ok/$TEST.vpr.stderr.ok — diagnostic messages (warnings) emitted by the Motoko compiler. No file if stderr is empty.
  • test/viper/ok/$TEST.silicon.ok — verification errors reported by the Viper tool. For example:
    [0] Postcondition of __init__ might not hold. Assertion $Self.count > 0 might not hold. ([email protected])
    Note: Silicon is the name of one of the backends supported by Viper.
  • test/viper/ok/$TEST.silicon.ret.ok — the return code from running Viper on this input. For example:
    Return code 1

File structure

The implementation of Motoko-san consists of the following source files:

  • src/viper/ — the Viper AST implementation.
  • src/viper/ — the Viper pretty printer. Used for serializing Viper AST into text.
  • src/viper/ — the Motoko-to-Viper translation. Implements the logic of Motoko-san.
  • src/viper/ —  the Motoko-to-Motoko pass that prepares the unit for translation.
  • src/viper/ - the Viper prelude generation. Creates common types and functions.

Currently supported language features

Motoko-san is an early prototype. While the tool supports only a modest subset of Motoko proper, we hope that Motoko-san will enable the community to build more sophisticated Motoko code-level verifiers, simply by extending this prototype. In particular, the tool enables verifying reentrancy safety in simple (asynchronous) smart contracts (e.g., test/viper/

Below, we summarize the language features that Motoko-san currently supports. For each feature, we try to estimate the complexity of its natural generalization. For that purpose, we use the terms trivial (e.g., extending code by analogy), simple (we already know how to do it), hard (more discussions would be needed to figure out the exact approach or feasible level of generality).

  • Literal actor declarations — The only supported top-level entity is an actor literal:

    actor ClaimReward { ... } and actor { ... }

    Extending to actor classes and modules is simple.

  • Types and operations

    • Type Bool

      • Literals: true, false
      • Operations: not, or, and, implies (short circuiting semantics)
    • Type Int

      • Literals: 0, 23, -5, etc
      • Operations: +, /, *, -, %
    • Type Nat

      • Supported via translation to Int (sound because Nat is a subtype of Int and typechecking precedes verification) Exploiting positiveness during verification is simple.
    • Type Text

      • Literals: "", "Hello"
      • Operations: +

      Note: in current translation the verifier does not evaluate text expressions. So only simple symbolic reductions could be performed. For example:

      let x = "Hello";
      let y = ", world!";
      let z = x + y;
      assert:system x + y == z; // pass
      assert:system x + y == "Hello, world!" // fail
    • Relations on Bool, Int, Nat

      • ==, !=, <, >, >=, <=
    • Array types [T] and [var T]

      • Construction: [], [x], [x, y, z], [var x, y, z], etc

      • Indexing: a[i], can be used on the LHS of an assignment

      • Operations: a.size()

      • Functions from mo:base/Array:

        • Array.init
        • Array.freeze is trivial
        • Array.tabulate is easy in limited forms.
      • Limitations:

        • Arrays should not coincide. For example if you want to pass an array field into a private function it cause an error:
          actor A {
            var x: [Int];
            private func foo(y: [Int]): () {
              // reason of the error is that two arrays refering same memory:
              // 1. y -- argument
              // 2. x -- actor field
            public func bar(): async () {
               foo(x); // error
          There are workarounds that are easy but the general problem is hard.
        • T cannot be heap-depended value e.g. another array. It requires more complex permissions and has to work around the receiver injectiveness. Overcoming is hard and may require change permission encoding (to set-based model).
        • Due to similar reasons array cannot be an inner type e.g. tuple of array. Difficulty of overcoming of this depends on the outer type e.g. for tuples it is easy while for variants probably it is not so.
    • Tuple types (T₁, T₂), (T₁, T₂, T₃), etc

      • Construction: (a, b), (a, b, c), etc

      • Projections: x.1, x.2, etc

      • Deconstruction by pattern matching:

        • let (a, b) = x
        • switch x { case (a, b) ... }

        Nested matching is simple, but it is not supported, i.e. subpatterns for tuple elements a, b, c in (a, b, c) must all be variable patterns.

    • Option types Option<T>

      • Construction: null, ?a

      • Deconstruction by pattern matching:

        switch x {
            case null ...;
            case (?a) ...;

        Nested matching is not supported, i.e. the subpattern a in ?a must be a variable pattern.

    • Variant types { #A; #B : T₁; #C : (T₂, T₃) } (with limitations)

      • Construction: #A, #B(x), #C(x, y)

      • Deconstruction by pattern matching:

        switch x {
            case #A ...;
            case #B(x) ...;
            case #C(x, y) ...;

        Nested matching is not supported, i.e. the subpatterns x, y in #B(x) and #C(x, y) must all be variable patterns.

      • Generic and recursive variants are supported, e.g.

        type List<T> = { #Nil; #Cons : (T, List<T>) }
      • Limitation 1: Nominal equality. In the Viper translation, equality of variant types is not structural (as in normal Motoko programs) but nominal.

        • One consequence of this is that a variant type may not be used directly but must be bound to a name:

          type N = { #A; #B }

          Instead of using { #A; #B } in type signatures, one must always refer to this variant by its name N.

        • Furthermore, given two identical variant declarations, they are treated as distinct in the translation:

          type N = { #A; #B }
          type M = { #A; #B }   // M ≠ N
        • Motoko's type checker has not been modified to account for nominal equality of variants, so type inference is not reliable: if a variant is bound to a variable in let, var, or case, the bound variable must be explicitly annotated with the named type of the variant.

      • Limitation 2: Tuple components. If the type associated with a constructor is a tuple, its components must be specified individually. That is:

        type N = { #Con: (Int, Bool) }
        let x = #Con(10, true)   // supported
        let p = (10, true)
        let x = #Con(p)          // not supported
    • Record types (immutable) { a: T₁; b: T₂}

      • Construction: let t = {a = x; b = y}

      • Field access: t.a, t.b

      • Pattern matching:

        switch r {
            case { a = x; b}
      • Limitations

        • Nominal equality (see variant's limitations)

    Supporting Int32 is simple.

    Supporting async types is hard.

    Supporting Float, function types, co-inductive, mutually recursive, and sub-typing is hard.

    Supporting container types and generic types, e.g. HashMap<K, V>, is hard.

  • Declarations

    • Actor fields

      • Mutable: var x = ...
      • Immutable: let y = ...
      • Fields may not be initialized via block expressions: let z = { ... };
    • Functions — Functions of multiple arguments are supported:

      // public func, the result is async
      public func f(a: Int, b: Bool) : async [Bool] { ... };
      // private func, no async
      func g(a: Int, b: Bool) : [Bool] { ... };

      If a function result type is non-(), it must be returned using the return statement.

      Polymorphism is supported in private functions only:

      func firstValue<T, U>(a : T, _b : U) : T { ... };

      In the Viper translation, a polymorphic function is treated as a template: each instantiation of its type parameters creates a new copy of the function definition, where the parameters have been instantiated to concrete types. The call sites are modified to use the monomorphised version. The instantiations are found by traversing the static call graph within the actor.

    • Local declarations — Local variables are declared with var or let:

      var x = ...;
      let y = ...;

      Furthermore, let-declarations may pattern match on a tuple:

      let (a, b) = ...;
  • Statements

    • ()-typed block statements and sequential composition:

          var x = 0 : Int;
          x := x + 1;

      Supporting let y = do { let y = 1 : Int; y + y }; is simple.

    • Runtime assertions: assert i <= MAX;

    • Assignments (to local variables, actor fields, and array elements):

      x := x + 1;         // x   is a local variable
      fld := fld + 1;     // fld is an actor field
      a[i] := a[i] + 1;   // a   is an array
    • if-[else] statements

    • Pattern-matching: switch(e)

      switch (x) {
          case null { .. };
          case (?a) {
            switch(a) {
              case 1: { .. };
              case 2: { .. };
              case _: { .. };

      Nested matching is not supported yet (simplifying Motoko-Motoko pass is missed).

    • Return statements return e;

      Early exit from a function is also supported:

      if (length == 0) {
        return a;   // conditional early exit
      return a;     // normal exit
    • while loops and loop invariants

      while (cond) {
          assert:loop:invariant (e1);
          assert:loop:invariant (e2);

      The loop invariant assertions must precede all other statements in the loop body. Note that loops are not transparent in the Viper so right after loop execution only loop invariants considered held. That's why even actor invariant should be repeated for now.

      break and continue is supported. For example:

      label l while (cond) {
         while (true) {
            if (..) break l;
            if (..) continue l;

      Supporting for loops is simple.

    • Labeled expressions:

      let x = label exit: Int {
          if (..) exit(-1);
    • Method calls f(a,b,c);

      f1(e);           // standalone method call
      let c1 = f2(e);  // method call in let-declaration
      var c2 = f3(e);  // method call in var-declaration
      c2 := f4(e);     // method call in assignment
      return f5(e);    // method call in return statement

      Limitiation: at the moment, only one method call per statement is allowed. Nested calls f(g(x), h(y))) must be rewritten using temporary variables:

      let a = g(x);
      let b = h(y);
      f(a, b);
    • await async { ... } — Asynchronous code blocks that are immediately awaited on.

      Supporting general awaits and asyncs is hard.

      Supporting async function calls is simple.

  • Expressions

    • x — local variables, function arguments, actor fields.
    • e2 <op> e2 — binary operations (see types for details).
    • access to elements of an array a[i], tuple t.0 or record a.f.
    • method call is simple since could be boiled down to statement via simple Motoko-Motoko pass.
    • if-expression is simple.
    • switch-expression is simple since boiled down to series of if.
  • Static code specifications — Note that the syntax is provisional:

    • assert:invariant — Canister-level invariants

    • assert:1:async — Async constraints (at block entry)

      Extending to support, e.g., assert:N:async constraints (for N > 1) is simple.

      Extending to support async constraints at block exit is trivial.

    • assert:func — Function preconditions

    • assert:return — Function postconditions.

    • assert:system — Compile-time assertions

    • assert:loop:invariant — Loop invariants

    Expressions in assertions — Note that using the syntax bellow outside of assertions causes undefined behavior.

    • e1 implies e2 refers to logical implication.

    • old(e) — refers to value of the expression e in the initial state of the function call. Could be used in postconditions or loop invariants to verify changes that are made. For example:

      var x : Int;
      private func dec() : () {
          x -= 1;
      assert:return x < old(x);

      is equivalent to

      var x : Int;
      private func dec() : () {
          let old_x = x;
          x -= 1;
          assert:return x < old_x;
    • Prim.Forall<T>(func x ..) and Prim.Exists<T>(func x ..) — refers ∀ and ∃ quantifiers. For example:

      private func fill_array(x: [var Bool], val: Bool): () {
         assert:return Prim.Forall<Nat>(func i = (0 <= i and i < x.size() implies a[i] == val));
    • Prim.Ret<T>() — refers to the result value of a function. It's temporal syntax and requires to manually annotate type of the value. Example:

      private func create_array(n: Nat): [var Nat] {
         assert:return (Prim.Ret<[var Nat]>).size() == n;
    • Pure functions — The tool could be easily extended with a keyword, e.g., @pure, to specify functions that are verifier to be side-effect free; such functions could be used inside other code specifications, e.g., assert:invariant is_okay() for some @pure func is_okay() : Bool.

Further information

If you have questions, please contact the Motoko compiler developers. You may do that, e.g., by filing a ticket via (please add viper into the labels).