SvnMerkleizer is very I/O heavy to a coupled Subversion server/repository. In a mode of operation
for suite of service tests that use RestAssured to hit SvnMerkleizer which in turn hits Subversion many
times DirectServiceTests
has no use of Servirtium and takes 1m 40s.
A second mode of operation in this test-suite
uses Servirtium to
record Subversion HTTP requests/responses in RecordingSubversionServiceTests
takes 2m 13s. A mode of operation that
plays back the same recording in PlayingBackSvnMerkleizerServiceTests
takes 24s.
These tests (whether direct, recording or playing back) are non standard in that they perform (or emulate) 13,500 HTTP
operations to Subversion, and each of these three modes of operation give 69% code
coverage to the SvnMerkleizer codebase for RecordingSubversionServiceTests or
PlayingBackSvnMerkleizerServiceTests test classes.
This suite is ridiculous overkill really, as 13,500 HTTP operations recorded into Markdown is too big to be human comprehensible. For correct usage of Servirtium, you'd have a test that did a handful of HTTP operations at most, and finished (playback mode) in less than half a second.
- 69% code coverage - 2m 21sPlayingBackSvnMerkleizerServiceTests
- 69% code coverage - 51s
Markdown recordings here.
(ASCII box art)
For recording of Subversion in a test class For playback of Subversion in a test class
The playback box art shows two fewer boxes in that mode of operation.
This is nonsensical as testing mocks is not really legitmate - tests should be of "prod code" with mocks removing dependencies on collaborators). However, here is the breakdown:
- 69% code coverage - 1m 36sPlayingBackSvnMerkleizerServiceTests
- 0% code coverage - 31s
The playback shows the lack of coverage of SvnMerkleizer itself. The mocking using Servirtium of SvnMerkleizer is only appropriate for another library/app that does HTTP calls to a SvnMerkleizer extended Subversion server. For that eventuality, these two tests would be copyable to another project. Well, maybe the setup/teardown is. Either way, you'd be getting your coverage up to 70% or more again, and not observe it at 10% or below.
Markdown recordings here.
(ASCII box art)
For recording of SvnMerkleizer in a test class For playback of SvnMerkleizer in a test class
The playback box art shows two fewer boxes in that mode of operation. Coverage is 0% for the playback which highlights the folly of this test being in SvnMerkleizer's own codebase - it proves nothing at all.