Note: These parameter names are very likely to change over time, so please check back here when trying out a new version! Please report any bugs or unexpected behavior you find.
- SDK Autoconfiguration
- Peer service name
- DB statement sanitization
- Customizing the OpenTelemetry SDK
- Suppressing specific auto-instrumentation
The SDK's autoconfiguration module is used for basic configuration of the agent. Read the docs to find settings such as configuring export or sampling.
The peer service name is the name of a remote service being connected to. It corresponds to
in the Resource for the local service.
System property | Environment variable | Description |
otel.instrumentation.common.peer-service-mapping |
Used to specify a mapping from hostnames or IP addresses to peer services, as a comma-separated list of host=name pairs. The peer service is added as an attribute to a span whose host or IP match the mapping. For example, if set to,, requests to will have a peer.service attribute of cats-service and requests to will have an attribute of dogs-api . |
The agent sanitizes all database queries/statements before setting the db.statement
semantic attribute:
all values (strings, numbers) in the query string are replaced with a question mark ?
- SQL query
SELECT a from b where password="secret"
will appear asSELECT a from b where password=?
in the exported span; - Redis command
HSET map password "secret"
will appear asHSET map password ?
in the exported span.
This behavior is turned on by default for all database instrumentations. The following property may be used to disable it:
System property | Environment variable | Description |
otel.instrumentation.common.db-statement-sanitizer.enabled |
Enables the DB statement sanitization. The default value is true . |
Customizing the SDK is highly advanced behavior and is still in the prototyping phase. It may change drastically or be removed completely. Use with caution
The OpenTelemetry SDK exposes SPI hooks
for customizing its behavior, such as the Resource
attached to spans or the Sampler
Because the automatic instrumentation runs in a different classpath than the instrumented application, it is not possible for customization in the application to take advantage of this customization. In order to provide such customization, you can provide the path to a JAR file, including an SPI implementation using the system property otel.initializer.jar
. Note that this JAR needs to shade the OpenTelemetry API in the same way as the agent does. The simplest way to do this is to use the same shading configuration as the agent from here. In addition, you must specify the
to the name of the class that implements the SPI.