reverse the file data
- command
generate qr code
- create a virtual hardware
need hardware so virtual box create virtual hardware foros
- same as virtual box create a virtual hardware
- its use the
base machine kernal
- create a
for particular application - here
called container - every
has its own ip, mac address and everything that a os has. - Docker is a
platform provider/technology provider
- shellinabox (download it) for cent os7
- go to binary pacage url
- copy link
- switch on aws instance root
sudo -i
- command ---> rpm -ivh [link]
- command `` systemct1 start shellinabox
- command
systemct1 enable shellinabox
auto start the shellinabox - command --> setenforce 0
- remove enforcing and write disable
- vim /etc/selinux /
- apt get install
docker *
- command --> `` systemctl status docker(check the status of docker)
- command
docker version
check version - Docker language --
- Docker need
Docker image
as a iso image - check docker image on
Docker Hub
website - search using command
docker search name-of-technology
- pull image
docker pull hello-world
docker images
images that you made
- fedora is a backend product of redhat
- command
docker run -it fedora date
i-->interactive t--> terminal - check shut down container command -->
docker ps -a
show all container
docker os shutdown automticaly when we stop our work
its a
single process oriented system
if we dont want to stop our container
docker run -it fedora bash
ew can also give the name
docker run -it --name p1 fedora bash
go inside a running containerdocker exec -it c1 bash
and left container in running state -
start stop docker container
docker start container-name
docker ps
command show only running container *if we wants to jump on running container from our bash machine commanddocker attach container-name
container is isolated (they cant conflict)
- pull
- images
- ps
- search
- run
- exec
- start
- stop
- command
docker rm name
remove docker image - command
docker ps -aq
show container id - command
docker rm $(docker pa -qa)
remove all containers - command ```docker rm -f $(docker pa -qa)`` also remove running container