- Document Oriented Database --> MongoDB
- Column Oriented Database ---> Google Big Table,Dynamo DB,Hbase,Cassendra
- Key:Value type Nosql -----.> Redis
- Graph DB ------> Neo4j
- lambda---> code
- tensor ---> dimensons
- performance Search
- Voice processing
- Self Driving Car
- Computer Games
- input in Neuron --->
- process and store---->
cell body
- output of Neuron---->
- Neuron ------> in NN
- Input layer--->Hidden Layer---> Output layer (complex problems)
- input layer----> Output layer (simple problems)
- in input layer
attribute = Neuron
- each neuron in input layer connect with hidden layer every neuron(depends on us)
- jitni hidden layer utne CPU,GPU,TPU required
if we us More than two hidden layer its called DEEP NEURAL NETWORK
- check the error in actual output using cost function
- its Process input equation in hidden layer
- Threshold
- Sigmoid function
- Rectifier function
- Hyperbolic Tangent
- Q--> Comparision b/w outputs
- wait adjust responsibility -->
gradient descent
- Batch Gradient Descent
- Stochastic Gradient Descent