- today session is about connecting google drive with aws and use python to store and access data.
~protocol that combine different-2 storage virtually
many HD connected to a single device ---that combine all HD called DEVICE MAPPING.
device mapping===>(1)LVM
(2) Stratis
- combine two hard disk and create a virtual HDD
- make partition from virtual hard disk
- add two hard disk on amazon instance
- command --->
pvcreate /dev/xvdh /dev xvdg
- system show pvcreate ot found
- command ---> yum which provides */pvcreate
- command --->
vgcreate anyname /dev/xvdh /dev/xvdg
- check size of volume--->
- command --->
vgdisplay name
lvcreate --name part1 --size 400M myhddrive
diaplay the content of logiacl volume
mkfs.xfs /dev/mapper/myvirhdd-part1
mount /dev/mapper/myvirhdd-part1
vim /etc/fstab
mount -a
- go to instance
- useradd adhoc
- passwd adhoc
Software + OS
both are launching together are called micro services- linux container(lxc)
- process level security(this is use for remove the conflicting of multiple softwares )
- micro os 1.84 KB
- Rhel-8=====> 1.
- Rhel/U 18.04 ->
- today topics in python
- (module,file handling,input,print,)
- (IP,Port,TCP,UDP)
- UDP example.....DNS,video streaming,DHCP
- TCP example ...... http,https
ip----> everyone
show the connectivity -
port Byte- 2 Byte
Broadcast -- single sender ---multiple reciver
unicast--- single seder --- single reciver
multicast--- multiple sender ---fixed reciver llllll