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Learn how to manage Ingresses on Kubernetes, so that your app can be accessible to other people on the public Internet.

Managing Ingresses on Kubernetes


Almost everyone who is deploying an application would like the app to be accessible to other people on the public internet.

  • If you are an independent developer working with a cloud provider, then you’ll ask, what’s my public IP address, and what ports are exposed?

  • If you are a developer in a corporation with private data center resources, you’ll ask, how do I get the load-balancer rules configured for my set of internal hosts (and whom do I need to talk to)?

  • If you are working an application deployed inside a Kubernetes cluster, you’ll ask, what’s going on here at all? How do I let people get n?

If you need to expose your Kubernetes services to the world, Ingresses are the way to go. At the time of this writing Ingress is only available in beta, so let’s see the alternatives first.

Exposing services to the world

Your application in a Kubernetes cluster probably contains these items:


You have already put your carefully-designed set of applications into a set of containers-sharing-resources as a Kubernetes pod. Now how do those processes communicate with others?

The pod exposes endpoints usually at the overlay network. That network is not reachable from outside the cluster. You can also use hostPort to expose the endpoint at the host IP, or set hostNetwork: true to use the host’s network interface from your pod. However, in both scenarios, you should take extra care to avoid port conflicts at the host, and possibly some issues with packet routing and name resolutions. So let’s assume that we want a risk-free and scalable kubernetes cluster, and we are correctly using pods exposing their functions to the container ports.


Kubernetes services primarily work to interconnect different pod-based applications. They’re designed to help make a microservices system scale well internally. They are not primarily intended for external access, but there are some accepted ways to expose services to external clients.

Let’s simplify services as a routing, balancing and discovery mechanism for the pod’s endpoints. Services target pods using selectors, and can map container ports to service ports. A service exposes one or more ports, although you usually find that only one is defined.

A service can be exposed using 3 ServiceType choices:

  • ClusterIP: The default, only exposed within the cluster.

  • NodePort: Uses a port from a cluster defined range (usually 30000-32767) at every cluster node to expose the service.

  • LoadBalancer: Setting your cluster kubelet with the parameter --cloud-provider=the-cloud-provider brings some goodies, including the ability to use the provider’s load balancer.

If we choose NodePort to expose our services, we still need an external proxy that uses DNAT to expose more friendly ports. That element also needs to balance on the cluster nodes, which in turn balance again through the service to the internal pods. There is no easy way of adding TLS or simple host header routing rules to the external service.

Choosing LoadBalancer is probably the easiest of all methods to get your service exposed to the internet. The problem is that there is no standard way of telling a Kubernetes service about the elements that a balancer requires, again TLS and host headers are left out.


Endpoints are usually automatically created by services unless you are using headless services and adding the endpoints manually. An endpoint is a host:port tuple registered at Kubernetes, and in the service context it is used to route traffic. The service tracks the endpoints as pods that match the selector are created, deleted and modified. Individually, endpoints are not useful to expose services, since they are to some extent ephemeral objects.

  • If you can rely on your cloud provider to correctly implement the LoadBalancer for their API, to keep up-to-date with Kubernetes releases, and you are happy with their management interfaces for DNS and certificates, then setting up your services as type LoadBalancer is quite acceptable. On the other hand, if you want to manage load balancing systems manually and set up port mappings yourself, NodePort is a low-complexity solution. If you are directly using Endpoints to expose external traffic, perhaps you already know what you are doing (but consider that you might have made a mistake, there could be another option).

Given that none of these elements has been designed to expose services to the internet, their functionality may seem limited for this purpose.

Introducing Ingress

The Ingress resource is a set of rules that map to Kubernetes services. Sure, there is a more complex definition, and I’ll be missing some points, but I still think that "rules to services mapping" is the best way to understand what an Ingress does.

Ingress resources are defined purely within Kubernetes as an object that other entities can watch and respond to.

What rules?

Supported rules at this beta stage are:

  • host header: So we can forward traffic based on domain names.

  • paths: Looks for a match at the beginning of the path.

  • TLS: If the ingress adds TLS, it uses HTTPS and a certificate configured through a secret.

    When an ingress does not include host header rules, requests without a match use that Ingress and are mapped to the backend service. A typical example is using a 404 page to respond to requests for unmatched sites/paths.

What services?

Ingress tries to match requests to rules and forwards them to backends, which are composed of a service and a port (remember that a service can contain multiple ports.

To summarize: An Ingress defines how to take a request and (based on host/path/tls) send it to a backend.

Introducing Ingress Controllers

To grant (or remove) access, an entity must be watching and responding to changes in the services, pods, and Ingresses. That entity is the Ingress controller. While the Ingress controller does work directly with the Kubernetes API, watching for state changes, it is not coupled as tightly to the Kubernetes source code as the cloud-provider LoadBalancer implementations.

Ingress controllers are applications that watch Ingresses in the cluster and configure a balancer to apply those rules. Typically you use an existing Ingress controller that controls a third party balancer like HAProxy, NGINX, Vulcand or Traefik, updating configuration as the Ingress and their underlying elements change.

Ingress controllers usually track and communicate with endpoints behind services instead of using services directly. This way some network plumbing is avoided, and we can also manage the balancing strategy from the balancer.

Ingress Controller extensions

As of this writing, Ingress doesn’t support TCP balancing, balancing policies, rewriting, SNI, and many other common balancer configuration parameters. Ingress controller developers have extended the Ingress definition using annotations, but be aware that those annotations are bound to the controller implementation. The Ingress resource is continually evolving, which might make some of these annotations obsolete in the future.

Using Ingresses

This example demonstrates Ingress usage. In the cluster, create:

  • A backend to receive requests for

  • A pair of backends to receive requests for

  • One whose path begins with /path1.

  • One whose path begins with /path2.

  • A default backend that shows a 404 page.


You can use any website or service in a container as a backend. Create three backends.

echoheaders: pod/service which contains a webpage that shows information about the received request.

apiVersion: v1
kind: ReplicationController
  name: echoheaders
  replicas: 1
        app: echoheaders
      - name: echoheaders
        - containerPort: 8080
            path: /healthz
            port: 8080
          periodSeconds: 1
          timeoutSeconds: 1
          successThreshold: 1
          failureThreshold: 10
apiVersion: v1
kind: Service
  name: echoheaders
    app: echoheaders
  - port: 80
    targetPort: 8080
    protocol: TCP
    name: http
    app: echoheaders

default-http-backend: pod/service which is a simple 404 static page.

apiVersion: v1
kind: ReplicationController
  name: default-http-backend
  replicas: 2
    app: default-http-backend
        app: default-http-backend
      terminationGracePeriodSeconds: 60
      - name: default-http-backend
        # Any image is permissable as long as:
        # 1. It serves a 404 page at /
        # 2. It serves 200 on a /healthz endpoint
            path: /healthz
            port: 8080
            scheme: HTTP
          initialDelaySeconds: 30
          timeoutSeconds: 5
        - containerPort: 8080
            cpu: 10m
            memory: 20Mi
            cpu: 10m
            memory: 20Mi
apiVersion: v1
kind: Service
  name: default-http-backend
    app: default-http-backend
  - port: 80
    targetPort: 8080
    protocol: TCP
    name: http
    app: default-http-backend

game2048: A pod/service which contains a static web page game

apiVersion: v1
kind: ReplicationController
  name: game2048
    name: game2048
  replicas: 2
    name: game2048
        name: game2048
        version: stable
      - name: game2048
        image: alexwhen/docker-2048
        - containerPort: 80
apiVersion: v1
kind: Service
  name: game2048
    name: game2048
  - port: 80
    targetPort: 80
    name: game2048

Create the backends of your choice with kubectl create -f …​

Ingress Controller

We only use standard functionality for this example, so you should be able to use any Ingress controller. I’m using the HAProxy Ingress controller, which is included by default with every NKS cluster build at

The HAProxy Ingress controller at NKS is already configured and listening to changes in your Kubernetes cluster. If you prefer to get NGINX, you can also deploy it in any cluster following [these instructions](


Let’s start by creating the game2048 service at the balancer.

apiVersion: extensions/v1beta1
kind: Ingress
  name: game-ingress
  - host:
      - path:
          serviceName: game2048
          servicePort: 80

That’s it. We need now to reach HAPRoxy node using the host header

  1. Use a domain name. Point the A record to the HAProxy node’s IP address.

  2. Use curl -H "Host:" real.server.address

  3. Install a browser plugin to add host header, like [Virtual-Hosts]( for Chrome.

If you use a browser, it shows the 2048 game. However, if you try the IP address without that host header, you get a 503 error.

We’ll be fixing that with our next Ingress, the default backend:

apiVersion: extensions/v1beta1
kind: Ingress
  name: default-http-backend
    serviceName: default-http-backend
    servicePort: 80

The default-http-backend serves every request that doesn’t match an existing rule. Now if you try the IP address without the game host header, you should get a simple 404 page.

Finally, let’s use the flexible echoheaders service to add some path matching:

apiVersion: extensions/v1beta1
kind: Ingress
  name: echoheaders
  - host:
      - path: /path1
          serviceName: echoheaders
          servicePort: 80
      - path: /path2
          serviceName: echoheaders
          servicePort: 80

In a real-world scenario, you use different services for each path, but for us to test it’s ok to use the echoheaders service.

To test all Ingresses try these requests:

  • balancer node IP -→ will be sent to default-http-backend (404 default)

  • -→ will be sent to game2048

  • -→ will be sent to game2048 (and it will fail with 404, since game2048 has no resource at that path)

  • -→ will be sent to echoheaders

  • -→ will be sent to echoheaders

  • -→ will be sent to default-http-backend (404 default)

  • -→ will be sent to default-http-backend (404 default)

Ingresses are simple and very easy to deploy, and really fun to play with. However, when you plan your Ingresses for production some other factors arise: - High Availability - SSL - Custom configuration - Troubleshooting

However, we leave those questions for a future article.