TimeCat is going rapid iteration, The API may change frequently, Please pay attention to documentation updates, If you have any questions, please contact the author
// from module
import { Recorder, Player } from 'timecatjs';
// or
import { Recorder } from '@timecat/recorder'
import { Player } from '@timecat/player'
// from cdn
const { Recorder, Player } = window.TimeCat
const recorder = new Recorder()
const player = new Player()
// record page
interface RecordOptions {
mode: 'default' | 'live' // mode
write: boolean // write data to indexedDB, default is true
audio: boolean // if your want record audio
plugins: RecorderPlugin[] // extend plugins here
// default use IndexedDB to save records
const recorder = new Recorder(Partial<RecordOptions>)
// receive data here
recorder.onData((data: RecordData) => void)
// if you want stop record
// write a plugin
class ExamplePlugin {
constructor(options) {
// init plugin options
apply(recorder) {
const { plugin, db } = recorder
type HooksType = 'beforeRun' | 'run' | 'emit' | 'end'
plugin(HooksType, () => void)
plugin('emit', record => {
// get record
// you can modify record here
record['some property'] = doSomething
// read or write to indexedDB
const records = await db.readRecords()
db.deleteRecords(range: { lowerBound: <recordID>, upperBound: <recordID> })
new Recorder({ plugins: [new ExamplePlugin(options...)] })
// replay record
interface ReplayOptions {
target: string | HTMLElement // which element has contained the Player, default is Body
mode: 'live' | 'default' // mode
records: RecordData[] // play with records data
packs: ReplayPack[] // play with packs data
// receive data in live mode, see examples/mirror
receiver: ((data: RecordData) => void) => void
autoplay: boolean // autoplay when data loaded
const player = new Player(Partial<ReplayOptions>)
type EventTypes = 'play' | 'stop' | 'pause' | 'speed' | 'resize'
player.on(eventType: EventTypes, (...args) => {
// ... receive event here
player.destroy() // destroy player
import { exportReplay } from 'timecatjs'
// export html file
interface ExportOptions {
scripts: ScriptItem[] // inject script in html
autoplay: boolean // autoplay when data loaded
audioExternal: boolean // export audio as a file, default is inline
dataExternal: boolean // export data json as a file, default is inline
- TimeCat 入门:我们的第一个应用
- TimeCat 进阶:把数据上传到服务器
- TimeCat 高级 // TODO