v0.7.0 - 31 Oct 2013
- New modular architecture. Listener and Replay functionality merged.
- Added option to equally split traffic between multiple outputs: --split-output true
- Saving requests to file and replaying from it
- Injecting custom headers to http requests
- Advanced stats using ElasticSearch
v0.3.5 - 15 Sep 2013
- Significantly improved test coverage
- Fixed bug with redirect replay buger/goreplay#15
- Added limit on listener side
- Improved stability (catch and log panic, instead of exiting)
- Added License file
v0.3.3 - 22 Jun 2013
- Using TCP instead of UDP for communication between Listener and Replay
- Significantly improved performance
- Fixed bugs causing locking and message dropping (concurrency issues)
- Rewrote concurrency model to use more channels
v0.3 - 10 Jun 2013
- Use RAW_SOCKETS instead of tcpdump
- Own TCP stack
- All HTTP request types support
- Simplified request parsing