Basic Lilac Marmot
function deposit(uint256 _assets, address _receiver) external override returns (uint256 _shares) {
_processRewardsToPodLp(0, block.timestamp);
_shares = _convertToShares(_assets, Math.Rounding.Floor);
_deposit(_assets, _shares, _receiver);
Anyone can deposit tokens through the deposit function, which will invoke the _processRewardsToPodLp function in the process.
address _rewardsToken = pod.lpRewardsToken();
if (_token != _rewardsToken) {
**_amountOut = _swap(_token, _swapOutputTkn, _amountIn, 0);**
_amountOut = _depositIntoLendingPair(_pairedLpToken, _swapOutputTkn, _amountOut);
return _amountOut;
try DEX_ADAPTER.swapV3Single(
**0, // _amountOutMin can be 0 because this is nested inside of function with LP slippage provided**
) returns (uint256 __amountOut) {
_tokenToPairedSwapAmountInOverride[_rewardsToken][_swapOutputTkn] = 0;
_amountOut = __amountOut;
// if this is a self-lending pod, convert the received borrow token
// into fTKN shares and use as the output since it's the pod paired LP token
_amountOut = _depositIntoLendingPair(_pairedLpToken, _swapOutputTkn, _amountOut);
} catch {
_tokenToPairedSwapAmountInOverride[_rewardsToken][_swapOutputTkn] =
_amountIn / 2 < _minSwap ? _minSwap : _amountIn / 2;
IERC20(_rewardsToken).safeDecreaseAllowance(address(DEX_ADAPTER), _amountIn);
emit TokenToPairedLpSwapError(_rewardsToken, _swapOutputTkn, _amountIn);
In the process of executing these functions, the _tokenToPairedLpToken function is called, and during that process, the token is swapped. Since the amountOutMin is set to 0, it is possible for front-running or forced function calls to steal tokens during the swap process. In the process of executing these functions, the _tokenToPairedLpToken function is called, and during that process, the token is swapped. Since the amountOutMin is set to 0, it is possible for front-running or forced function calls to steal tokens during the swap process.
No response
No response
Since the _processRewardsToPodLp function can be called through the deposit function, the attack process is as follows:
- Adjust the liquidity of the swap pool to make it disadvantageous for the swap amount.
- Perform the swap through the deposit function.
- Profit
can steal all swapping tokens
No response
No response