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We have improved the TSN model and obtained a more accurate 2D practical video classification model PP-TSN. Without increasing the amount of parameters and calculations, the accuracy on the UCF-101, Kinetics-400 and other data sets significantly exceeds the original version. The accuracy on the Kinetics-400 data set is shown in the following table.
Version | Top1 |
Ours (distill) | 75.06 |
Ours | 73.68 |
mmaction2 | 71.80 |
K400 data download and preparation please refer to Kinetics-400 data preparation
UCF101 data download and preparation please refer to UCF-101 data preparation
Download the image distillation pre-training model ResNet50_vd_ssld_v2.pdparams as the Backbone initialization parameter, or download it through wget
wget https://videotag.bj.bcebos.com/PaddleVideo/PretrainModel/ResNet50_vd_ssld_v2_pretrained.pdparams
, and fill in the downloaded weight storage path belowpretrained:
MODEL: framework: "Recognizer2D" backbone: name: "ResNetTweaksTSN" pretrained: fill in the path here
The Kinetics400 data set uses 8 cards for training, and the start command of the training method is as follows:
# frames data format python3.7 -B -m paddle.distributed.launch --gpus="0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7" --log_dir=log_pptsn main.py --validate -c configs/recognition/ pptsn/pptsn_k400_frames.yaml # videos data format python3.7 -B -m paddle.distributed.launch --gpus="0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7" --log_dir=log_pptsn main.py --validate -c configs/recognition/ pptsn/pptsn_k400_videos.yaml
Turn on amp mixed-precision training to speed up the training process. The training start command is as follows:
export FLAGS_conv_workspace_size_limit=800 # MB export FLAGS_cudnn_exhaustive_search=1 export FLAGS_cudnn_batchnorm_spatial_persistent=1 # frames data format python3.7 -B -m paddle.distributed.launch --gpus="0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7" --log_dir=log_pptsn main.py --amp --validate -c configs /recognition/pptsn/pptsn_k400_frames.yaml # videos data format python3.7 -B -m paddle.distributed.launch --gpus="0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7" --log_dir=log_pptsn main.py --amp --validate -c configs /recognition/pptsn/pptsn_k400_videos.yaml
In addition, you can customize and modify the parameter configuration to achieve the purpose of training/testing on different data sets. It is recommended that the naming method of the configuration file is
model_dataset name_file format_data format_sampling method.yaml
, Please refer to config for parameter usage.
The PP-TSN model is verified during training. You can find the keyword
in the training log to obtain the model test accuracy. The log example is as follows:Already save the best model (top1 acc)0.7004
Since the sampling method of the PP-TSN model test mode is TenCrop, which is slightly slower but more accurate, it is different from the CenterCrop used in the verification mode during the training process, so the verification index recorded in the training log is
topk Acc
Does not represent the final test score, so after the training is completed, you can use the test mode to test the best model to obtain the final index, the command is as follows:python3.7 -B -m paddle.distributed.launch --gpus="0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7" --log_dir=log_pptsn main.py --test -c configs/recognition/ pptsn/pptsn_k400_frames.yaml -w "output/ppTSN/ppTSN_best.pdparams"
When the test configuration uses the following parameters, the test indicators on the validation data set of Kinetics-400 are as follows:
backbone Sampling method distill num_seg target_size Top-1 checkpoints ResNet50 TenCrop False 3 224 73.68 ppTSN_k400.pdparams ResNet50 TenCrop True 8 224 75.06 ppTSN_k400_8.pdparams -
The PP-TSN video sampling strategy is TenCrop sampling: in time sequence, the input video is evenly divided into num_seg segments, and the middle position of each segment is sampled 1 frame; spatially, from the upper left corner, upper right corner, center point, lower left corner, and lower right corner Each of the 5 sub-regions sampled an area of 224x224, and the horizontal flip was added to obtain a total of 10 sampling results. A total of 1 clip is sampled for 1 video.
Distill is
, which means that the pre-trained model obtained by distillation is used. For the specific distillation scheme, please refer to ppTSM Distillation Scheme.
python3.7 tools/export_model.py -c configs/recognition/pptsn/pptsn_k400_frames.yaml -p data/ppTSN_k400.pdparams -o inference/ppTSN
The above command will generate the model structure file ppTSN.pdmodel
and model weight files ppTSN.pdiparams
and ppTSN.pdiparams.info
files required for prediction, all of which are stored in the inference/ppTSN/
For the meaning of each parameter in the above bash command, please refer to Model Reasoning Method
python3.7 tools/predict.py --input_file data/example.avi \
--config configs/recognition/pptsn/pptsn_k400_frames.yaml \
--model_file inference/ppTSN/ppTSN.pdmodel \
--params_file inference/ppTSN/ppTSN.pdiparams \
--use_gpu=True \
The output example is as follows:
Current video file: data/example.avi
top-1 class: 5
top-1 score: 0.998979389667511
It can be seen that using the PP-TSN model trained on Kinetics-400 to predict data/example.avi
, the output top1 category id is 5
, and the confidence is 0.99. By consulting the category id and name correspondence table data/k400/Kinetics-400_label_list.txt
, it can be known that the predicted category name is archery
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- Distilling the Knowledge in a Neural Network, Geoffrey Hinton, Oriol Vinyals, Jeff Dean