0.12.1 (2024-06-20)
- relax constraint on phoenix_html (f28468e)
0.12.0 (2023-06-13)
- configure runtime attributes function (#202)
- docs: typos (7a50587)
- Rendering slots is now done by passing the assign with the slot name to the
keyword instead of name as an atom. If this slot has multiple definitions, you can loop through them and render each one individually, or render them all at once. Please see the migration guide for more information. - The
slot has been renamed to:inner_block
. This is to be easily compatible with HEEx/Surface. Please see the migration guide for more information. - Capturing the data being passed into a slot is now defined using the
attribute. Please see the migration guide for more information.
- Temple components are now compatible with HEEx/Surface components! Some small tweaks to the component implementation has made this possible. Please see the guides for more information.
- Multiple instances of the same slot name can now be declared and then rendered inside the component (similar to HEEx and Surface).
- You can now pass arbitrary data to slots, and it does not need to be a map or a keyword list. I don't think this is a breaking change, but please submit an issue if you notice it is.
- Slot attributes. You can now pass data into a slot from the definition site and use it at the call site (inside the component).
- Dynamic attributes/assigns. You can now pass dynamic attributes to the
attribute in a tag, component, or slot.
- Attributes with runtime values that evaluate to true or false will be rendered correctly as boolean attributes.
- mix temple.convert task to convert HTML into Temple syntax.
- Temple now works with SVG elements.
- Requires Elixir 1.13+
- Whitespace control is now controlled by whether you use
syntax. The:do
syntax will render "tight" markup. - Components are no longer module based. Any function can now be a component. Now to render a component, you pass a function reference
c &my_component/1
.- Temple.Component has been removed, which removes the
macro for defining a component. Now all you need to do is define a function and have it take anassigns
parameter and call thetemple/1
macro that is imported fromTemple
. - The
macro has been removed, since now all you need is a function.
- Temple.Component has been removed, which removes the
- All Phoenix related things and dependencies have been removed. If you are going to use Temple with Phoenix, now use the temple_phoenix package instead.
- Config options have changed. Now all you can configure are the aliases (unchanged from before) and now you can configure the EEx.Engine to use. By default it uses
Please see the guides for more in depth migration information.
Better whitespace control
You can now use a "bang" version of any nonvoid tag to forgo the internal whitespace.
span do "So much room for activities!" end # <span> # So much room for activities! # </span> span! do "It's a little cramped in here!" end # <span>It's a little cramped in here!</span>
- [breaking] Attributes who values are boolean expressions will be emitted as boolean attributes.
- Class "object" syntax. Conditionally add classes by passing a keyword list to the
- Compile void elements with zero attrs #135
- Only collect slots in the root of a component instance #127
Temple now is written to be fully compatible with Phoenix LiveView! This comes with substantial internal changes as well as a better component API.
Temple now outputs LiveView compatible EEx at compile time, which is fed right into the normal LiveView EEx engine (or the traditional HTML Engine if you are not using LiveView).
Temple now has a more complete component API.
Components work with anywhere, whether you are writing a little plug app, a vanilla Phoenix app, or a Phoenix LiveView app!
Please see the documenation for more information.
To migrate component from the 0.5.0 syntax to the 0.6.0 syntax, you can use the following as a guide
# 0.5.0
# definition
defmodule PageView do
defcomponent :flex do
div id: @id, class: "flex" do
# usage
require PageView
# or
import PageView
temple do
PageView.flex id: "my-flex" do
div "Item 1"
div "Item 2"
div "Item 3"
# with import
flex id: "my-flex" do
div "Item 1"
div "Item 2"
div "Item 3"
# 0.6.0
# definition
defmodule Flex do
import Temple.Component
render do
div id: @id, class: "flex" do
slot :default
# usage
temple do
c Flex id: "my-flex" do
div do: "Item 1"
div do: "Item 2"
div do: "Item 3"
0.6.0 has been a year in the making and a lot has changed in that time (in many cases, several times over), and I honestly can't really remember everything that is different now, but I will list some things here that I think you'll need to change or look out for.
- The
macro is removed.- You can now just call the
function like you normally would to render a phoenix partial.
- You can now just call the
- The
macro is removed.- You now define components using the API described above.
- The
macro is now removed.- You can just use a string literal or a variable to emit a text node.
- Elements and components no longer can take "content" as the first argument. A do block is now required, but you can still use the keyword list style for a concise style, e.g.,
span do: "foobar"
instead ofspan "foobar"
. - The
reserved keyword option was removed. - The macros that wrapped
are removed as they are no longer needed. - The
task has been removed, but I am working to bring it back.
There might be some more, so if you run into any problems, please open a GitHub Discussion.
- Components can now use slots.
- Markup is 100% live view compliant.
is removed in favor of invoking the default slot.- The
reserved keyword for elements has been removed. This is not really intentional, just a side effect of getting slots to a usable place. I expect to add it back, or at least similar functionality in the future.
- Can pass a keyword list to be evaluated at runtime as attrs/assigns to an element.
# compile time
div class: "foo", id: bar do
# something
# <div class="foo" id="<%= bar %>">
# <!-- something -->
# </div>
# runtime
div some_var do
# something
# <div<%= UtilsTempleModule.runtime_attrs(some_var) %>>
# <!-- something -->
# </div>
- it now parses
Components are now a thin layer over template partials, compiling to calls to render/3
and render_layout/4
under the hood.
To upgrade your components the new syntax, you can copy your component markup and paste it into the render/1
macro inside the component module and references to @children
can be updated to @inner_content
Components can are also referenced differently than before when using them. Before, one would simply call flex
to render a component named Flex
. Now, one must use the keyword c
to render a component, passing the keyword the component module along with any assigns.
# definition
div class: "flex #{@class}" do
# usage
flex class: "justify-between" do
for item <- @items do
div do
# definition
defmodule MyAppWeb.Component.Flex do
use Temple.Component
render do
div class: "flex #{@class}" do
# usage
alias MyApp.Component.Flex # probably located in my_app_web.ex
c Flex, class: "justify-between" do
for item <- @items do
div do
- Did not correctly parse expressions with do blocks where the expression had two or more arguments before the block
- Fix a bug where lists would not properly compile
- Compile functions/macros that take blocks that are not if/unless/for
Please see the README for more details regarding the Component API
You can now use mix temple.gen.live Context Schema table_name col:type
in the same way you can with Phoenix.
- Make a note in the README to set the filetype for Live temple templates to
. You should be able to set this extension to use Elixir for syntax highlighting in your editor. In vim, you can add the following to your.vimrc
augroup elixir
autocmd BufRead,BufNewFile *.lexs set filetype=elixir
augroup END
This version is the start of a complete rewrite of Temple.
- Compiles to EEx at build time.
- Compatible with
- All modules other than
are removed mix temple.convert
Mix task removed
- Introduce
assign - Join markup with a newline instead of empty string
- Removes unnecessary plug dependency.
- Bumps some other dependencies.
- Compiles when Phoenix is not included in the host application.
- temple.convert task no longer fails when parsing HTML fragments.
- Only use Floki in dev and test environments
modulemix temple.convert
Mix task- (dev) rename
mix update_mdn_docs
tomix temple.update_mdn_docs
and don't ship it to hex
- Rename
now correctly parse blocks. Before this, they would escape anything passed to the block instead of accepting it as raw HTML.
now prepends the doctype, making it valid HTMLTemple.Elements
no longer accepts content as the first argument. A legalhtml
tag must contain only a singlehead
and a singlebody
- Wrap
from Phoenix.HTML.Form
- Allow components to be used correctly when their module was
d instead ofimport
- Escape content passed to 1-arity tag macros
- Upgrade various optional development packages
- Initial Release