Uos - COMP1206 - Programming 2
The game is developed and managed using JavaFX and Maven.
A fast-paced block placement game
You have a 5x5 grid
You must place pieces in that grid
You score by clearing lines, horizontally or vertically
You can rotate pieces
You can store a single piece to come back to later
The more lines you clear in one go, the more points you get
Every piece that you play that clears at least one line increases your score multiplier
As your score goes up, so does your level, and you get less time to think
If you fail to place a block, you lose a life
Lose 3 lives, and you’re out of the game
The score is stored locally and the top ten list is refreshed if there is a new record on the server
Find all games
Create a new Game
Join a game that exists already
Multiplayer Gameplay
Create a leaderboard against the people you’re playing with
Send and receive blocks from the server
Send and receive game updates
mvn clean javafx:run
mvn javafx:run@debug
The server that is connected to is ofb-labs.ecs.soton.ac.uk:9700 (WARNING: Keys may have changed)
This is different to the ECS Chat Server
This is a dedicated server for TetrECS
You need to be on the VPN to reach this server
This coursework builds on everything you have learnt and practiced so far:
Custom Components
Graphics and Animation
Listeners, Properties and Binding