Create sqlalchemy python model files by defining tables and columns in a yaml file
pip install alchemy-modelgen
- To see the full list of options:
modelgen --help
modelgen --init FOLDER_NAME
The URI should follow sqlalchemy syntax.
export DATABASE_URI=dialect+driver://username:password@host:port/database`
Example: For MySQL
export DATABASE_URI=mysql+mysqlconnector://root:example@localhost:3306/modelgen
tables: # In this section, we define the tables, their name and schema
userinfo: # This is the table name
columns: # In this section, we define column names and their data types
- name: id
type: integer
primary_key: true # Set this value for the primary key column
- name: firstname # Column name
type: varchar # Column datatype
- name: lastname
type: varchar
- name: dob
type: date
- name: contact
type: numeric
nullable: false/true # Allow / disallow null values in the column, default `true`
unique: true/false # Apply unique constraint for the column, default `false`
- name: address
type: varchar
length: 200 # specify length of the column
Injecting extra parameters:
It is possible to inject database dialect parameters. For example, for redshift we can specify redshift_diststyle
or redshift_distkey
or any other feature supported by redshift.
- name: firstname
type: varchar
- name: lastname
type: varchar
- name: dob
type: date
- name: contact
type: numeric
- name: address
type: varchar
extra_params: # Here we can specify dialect specific extra parameters
- name: redshift_distkey # Name of the parameter
value: userid # Value of the parameter
modelgen -c path/to/yaml_schema.yaml -a
alembic revision --autogenerate -m "YOUR_COMMIT_MESSAGE"
alembic upgrade head
To alter any column's schema, make the relevant changes in the YAML template file.
Run the model generation code
modelgen -c path/to/yaml_schema.yaml -a
- Run alembic migrations
alembic revision --autogenerate -m "YOUR_COMMIT_MESSAGE"
alembic upgrade head
This functionality and code is forked from agronholm/sqlacodegen's repository (Copyright (c) Alex Grönholm), license: MIT License.
Basic Usage:
modelgen --source database --url mysql+mysqlconnector://user:password@host:port/db --outfile destination/path/
- To list the full usage:
modelgen --help