- Color Flipper- A simple App that lets you change background color.
- Get review- An app that helps you see next and previous review. It also shows random reviews.
- Modal- A simple modal implemented using JavaScript
- ToDo List App- A simple todo list app in JavaScript.
- Tabs- Implemented Tabs feature (used data-id)
- type-ahead - Implemented type-ahead feature
- array cardio- map(),filter(),reduce(),slice(),every(),some()
- shopping cart-Implemented add to cart feature
- quiz- Simple JavaScript quiz, used FormData
- Selectors- parent child selectors cardio
- quiz 2- A simple quiz app
- Event Bubbling-Implemeted event bubbling
- Instagram like feature -Implemented double tap like feature of Instagram
- Image Slider- Implemented image slide show feature
- Blinking container- challenge 1
- Blinking container -challenge 2
- Blinking container-challenge 3
- Multi Color Box challenge- Color box challenge 1
- calculator -Implemented basic calculator
- star ratings -Implemented star rating feature
- Color Palette Challenge- Pick a random color from the pallete and color any grid.
- Color Spotter Challenge-Part 1 , Implemented random blinking boxes in the grid.
- Color Spotter Challenge-Part 2, Implemented adding score feature in part1.