- removes unsightly scrollbars in the app
- updated minor dependencies, eslint, es6-plato, inquirer
- added a click event to get around chrome problem of not playing audio
- changes to preboot state and the teplated howler file, exploses global howler obj if needed;
- switch to Terser from Uglify Js for better production builds
- Add Howler!
- Add Inquirer and Yargs to begin refactoring scripts
- Put some sound effects in the game
- dependency updates
- phaser 3.18.1 → 3.19.0
- babel-jest ^24.8.0 → ^24.9.0
- css-loader 3.1.0 → 3.2.0
- file-loader 4.1.0 → 4.2.0
- gh-pages 2.0.1 → 2.1.1
- husky ^3.0.2 → ^3.0.3
- jest ^24.8.0 → ^24.9.0
- style-loader 0.23.1 → 1.0.0
- tile-extruder ^1.1.0 → ^2.0.1
- webpack 4.38.0 → 4.39.2
- webpack-dev-server 3.7.2 → 3.8.0
- changes the tile extruder to that it may later compress tilemaps when levels are processed
- Update all dependencies
- Update Phaser to 3.18 !
- Update babel to latest
- Level processor can now minify images, uses pngQuant
- Level processor gives better feedback about what got done
- moves all utilities into the scripts folder
- started on the utilities (renamer and sprite atlas) for sprit eprocessing. Assumes Texturepacker, currently
- Made headway on level triggers, will be integrated soon.
- animation sequencer is greatly improved and more reuseable, can take more robust configuration, see the /lib folder"
- got started on a better abstraction for controls, that can be passed around scenes
- fixes the deploy script, that pushes to gh-pages
- fixed a problem in the level processor, where the template for the 'images' file wasn't quite right
- replaces all the level art with new assets
- Includes the .tmx levels for Tiled
- Tiled is now a 'must have' utility for making levels
- Maps are loaded according to tiled properties (opacity, etc) this will be more tightly integrated over time
- Complete the player animtaions to include more particles on certain behaviors and add the vulcan cannon.
- Removes some unused experimental css
- Adds the sliding behaviors and also the 'shoot missiles' (which doesnt launch them just yet)
- Move the player into its own file, that's an Arcade Sprite.
- Extracts the player behavirs into a Finite State machine
- Creation fo the animation sequencer to make animations easier to play one after another
- ES6 classes for the finite state machine that drives player behavior
- Reproduces the walk animations as a hierarchical FSM
- Pulls some simple tools, like the Linear Scale tool into its own lib
- rudimentary jetpack, flying behavior, landing, etc.
- add flares particle effects (currently jsut using the ones fromt he demos)
- Create the tilemap processing pipeline
- Minor fixes after fixing debugging
- Fix colliders (minor tweak)
- Fix test level (minor tweak)
- Initial load of a second scene, as well as a basic level and player. Doesnt do all things a player cna do yet
- This resolves an issue related to using Browsersync with anything in a VM
- update the readme, show versions in the running app
- update Phaser to 3.10.1
- update other dependencies, like babel, webpack, etc.
- Adds more babel transforms, like support for decorators and class properties!
- Adds an import sorter
- Moves .babelrc to the package.json
- improves eslint
- update dependencies
- Merely adds a player image to the title screen to make it nicer
- init project
- include the webpack bundle visualizer
- include complexity reporting
- configure webpack and preprocesing
- configure project to handle pixelart
- Create boilerplate
- include fontloader
- make some start screen adn level assets to demonstrate the project
- make start screen