This project uses poetry==1.1.4 to make development environment.
Poetry can install via pip command:
$ pip install poetry==1.1.4
Then install dependencies (Maybe target version's Python install is necessary before command):
$ poetry install --no-root --no-dev
The following command will run overall testing:
$ poetry run pytest --cov=./ tests/ -v -s
If module or function name specification is necessary, add -k
keyword argument to command.
$ poetry run pytest --cov=./ tests/ -v -s -k <module_or_func_name>
Notes: this command maybe hang-up on Windows. In that case it is necessary to press Ctrl + C to stop.
$ poetry run stubgen --include-private ./
Notes: If you have not installed stubdoc yet, you need to install that before command.
$ stubdoc -m stubdoc/ -s out/stubdoc/stubdoc.pyi
$ stubdoc -m samples/ -s out/samples/sample.pyi
$ stubdoc -m tests/ -s out/tests/test_stubdoc.pyi
And check that stub files.
Build project for PyPI:
$ poetry run python
Install built package via pip command (need to replace <version_num>
, for example, 0.1.4
$ pip install dist/stubdoc-<version_num>-py3-none-any.whl
Upload to PyPI:
$ twine upload dist/*