Exercise 1: make a common array
+import numpy as np
+# Seed insures results are stable.
+random_integers = np.random.randint(1, high=500000, size=(20, 5))
array([[ 80842, 333008, 202553, 140037, 81969], + [ 63857, 42105, 261540, 481981, 176739], + [489984, 326386, 110795, 394863, 25024], + [ 38317, 49982, 408830, 485118, 16119], + [407675, 231729, 265455, 109413, 103399], + [174677, 343356, 301717, 224120, 401101], + [140473, 254634, 112262, 25063, 108262], + [375059, 406983, 208947, 115641, 296685], + [444899, 129585, 171318, 313094, 425041], + [188411, 335140, 141681, 59641, 211420], + [287650, 8973, 477425, 382803, 465168], + [ 3975, 32213, 160603, 275485, 388234], + [246225, 56174, 244097, 9350, 496966], + [225516, 273338, 73335, 283013, 212813], + [ 38175, 282399, 318413, 337639, 379802], + [198049, 101115, 419547, 260219, 325793], + [148593, 425024, 348570, 117968, 107007], + [ 52547, 180346, 178760, 305186, 262153], + [ 11835, 449971, 494184, 472031, 353049], + [476442, 35455, 191553, 384154, 29917]])+
Exercise 2:What is the average value of the second column (to one decimal place)
+# The average value of the second column
+random_integers[:, 1].mean()
Exercise 3: What is the average value of the first 5 rows of the third and fourth columns (to one decimal place)?
+# The average of the first 5 rows of 3rd and 4th columns
+subset = random_integers[:5, 2:4]
Exercise 4: Result of matrix 1 plus matrix 2 +
+# Exercise 4 Python:
+first_matrix = np.array([[1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6]])
+second_matrix = np.array([1, 2, 3])
+print(first_matrix + second_matrix)
[[2 4 6] + [5 7 9]] ++
Exercise 5: Result of my_vector[selection]: +
+# Exercise 5 python:
+my_vector = np.array([1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6])
+selection = my_vector % 2 == 0
[2 4 6] ++
For exercise 6: I didn't make any errors but I learned how to do matrix notation on markdown
+Exercise 7 slicing: +
+# Exercise 8
+my_array = np.array([[1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6]])
+my_slice = my_array[:, 1:3]
+my_array[:, :] = my_array * 2
[[ 4 6] + [10 12]] ++
Exercise 8 slicing and view +
+Exercise 9 what does the slice look like? +
+Exercise 10: my prediction was correct. I knew that slice would not change because my_slice creates its own subsetted array that is different from the original my array
+# exercise 10
+my_array = np.array([[1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6]])
+my_slice = my_array[:, 1:3]
+my_array = my_array * 2
[[2 3] + [5 6]] ++
Exercise 11: +
+my_array = np.array([[1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6]])
+my_slice = my_array[:, 1:3].copy()
+my_array[:, :] = my_array * 2
[[2 3] + [5 6]] ++
Exercise 12 prediction: +y would be ["a change", 2]
+Exercise 13 prediction: if we printed x it would be [1,2,3]
+# Exercise 12 and 13:
+x = [1, 2, 3]
+y = x[0:2]
+y[0] = "a change"
['a change', 2] +[1, 2, 3] ++
Exercise 14: I was correct and this is because we sliced y and then made a change on a specific index number for y and also x doesn't change at all.
+my_array = np.array([1, 2, 3])
+my_array = my_array[1:4]
+my_slice = my_array[1:3]
+my_slice[0] = -1
[2 3] +[3] +[ 2 -1] +[-1] ++