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Environment variable configuration

Some environment variables commonly used for pipelines under osde2e are indicated below. These flags or variables are shared by both osde2e and osde2ectl.

Common Environment Variables

Cluster related:

Environment variable Usage
TEST_KUBECONFIG This variable represents the filepath of an existing Kubeconfig. Will override fetching credentials from the OCM provider if specified.
OSD_ENV int, stage, prod
CLOUD_PROVIDER_REGION Must be a valid region enabled within OCM. Ex. us-east-1
CLUSTER_VERSION Must be a valid clusterimageset enabled within that environment. Ex. openshift-v4.6.0-fc.3-fast
CLUSTER_EXPIRY_IN_MINUTES Optional: Set this if you want to ensure the cluster gets cleaned up.
CLUSTER_ID The value identifying the cluster. If set at start, an existing cluster is tested.
CLUSTER_NAME The name of the cluster to be created.
PROVIDER Provider is what provider to use to create/delete clusters. Ex. ocm, rosa, crc, mock
PROVISION_SHARD_ID ProvisionShardID is the shard ID that is set to provision a shard for the cluster.
MULTI_AZ MultiAZ deploys a cluster across multiple availability zones.
DESTROY_CLUSTER Set to true if you want to the cluster to be explicitly deleted after the test.
AFTER_TEST_CLUSTER_WAIT AfterTestWait is how long to keep a cluster around after tests have run.
CLUSTER_UP_TIMEOUT InstallTimeout is how long to wait before failing a cluster launch.
USE_LATEST_VERSION_FOR_INSTALL UseLatestVersionForInstall will select the latest cluster image set available for a fresh install.
USE_MIDDLE_CLUSTER_IMAGE_SET_FOR_INSTALL UseMiddleClusterImageSetForInstall will select the cluster image set that is in the middle of the list of ordered cluster versions known to OCM.
USE_OLDEST_CLUSTER_IMAGE_SET_FOR_INSTALL UseOldestClusterImageSetForInstall will select the cluster image set that is in the end of the list of ordered cluster versions known to OCM.
DELTA_RELEASE_FROM_DEFAULT DeltaReleaseFromDefault will select the cluster image set that is the given number of releases from the current default in either direction.
NEXT_RELEASE_AFTER_PROD_DEFAULT NextReleaseAfterProdDefault will select the cluster image set that the given number of releases away from the the production default.
CLEAN_CHECK_RUNS CleanCheckRuns lets us set the number of osd-verify checks we want to run before deeming a cluster "healthy"
INSPECT_NAMESPACES InspectNamespaces is a comma-delimeted list of namespaces to perform an oc adm inspect on during E2E cleanup
USE_PROXY_FOR_INSTALL UseProxyForInstall will use a cluster-wide proxy for the cluster installation, provided that cluster proxy configuration is also supplied.

ROSA cluster related:-

Environment variable Usage
ROSA_ENV Environment for the e2e testing, default to prod.
ROSA_AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID AWSAccessKeyID for provisioning clusters.
ROSA_AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY AWSSecretAccessKey for provisioning clusters.
ROSA_AWS_REGION AWSRegion for provisioning clusters.
ROSA_STS Boolean value to indicate the cluster is STS enabled or not.
ROSA_SUBNET_IDS A list of subnets used to create the cluster, required for proxy enabled cluster.
ROSA_COMPUTE_NODES Compute node count for the rosa cluster, default is 2.

OCM related:-

Environment variable Usage
DEBUG_OSD Debug shows debug level messages when enabled.
NUM_RETRIES NumRetries is the number of times to retry each OCM call.
OCM_COMPUTE_MACHINE_TYPE ComputeMachineType is the specific cloud machine type to use for compute nodes.
OCM_COMPUTE_MACHINE_TYPE_REGEX ComputeMachineTypeRegex is the regex for cloud machine type to use for compute nodes.
OCM_USER_OVERRIDE UserOverride will hard set the user assigned to the "owner" tag by the OCM provider.
OCM_FLAVOUR Flavour is an OCM cluster descriptor for cluster defaults
OCM_ADDITIONAL_LABELS AdditionalLabels is used to add more specific labels to a cluster in OCM.
OCM_CCS CCS defines whether the cluster should expect cloud credentials or not
OCM_CCS_ADMIN Overwrite Flag that will attempt to cycle osdCcsAdmin credentials for a CCS install when the osdCcsAdmin credentials were not passed.
OCM_AWS_VPC_SUBNET_IDS Define existing VPC via a comma-separated list of subnet id's.
TEST_KUBECONFIG Path to a local kubeconfig; will override fetching Kubeconfig credentials from OCM if specified.

Upgrade variables:-

Environment variable Usage
UPGRADE_TYPE UpgradeType will define what managed cluster upgrader to use. Valid values "OSD" (default) or "ARO".
UPGRADE_TO_LATEST UpgradeToLatest will upgrade to the latest valid version found.
UPGRADE_TO_LATEST_Z UpgradeToLatestZ looks for the newest valid patch-release and selects it.
UPGRADE_TO_LATEST_Y UpgradeToLatestY looks for the newest valid minor release upgrade path and selects it.
UPGRADE_RELEASE_NAME ReleaseName is the name of the release in a release stream.
UPGRADE_IMAGE Image is the release image a cluster is upgraded to. If set, it overrides the release stream and upgrades.
UPGRADE_MONITOR_ROUTES MonitorRoutesDuringUpgrade will monitor the availability of routes whilst an upgrade takes place.
UPGRADE_MANAGED_TEST_PDBS Create disruptive Pod Disruption Budget workloads to test the Managed Upgrade Operator's ability to handle them.
UPGRADE_MANAGED_TEST_RESCHEDULE Test the managed upgrade when the upgrade schedule changed.

Job related:-

Environment variable Usage
JOB_NAME JobName lets you name the current e2e job run.
BUILD_NUMBER JobID is the ID designated by prow for a specific run.
DRY_RUN DryRun is a boolean flag that lets you run osde2e all the way up to the e2e tests then skips them.
REPORT_DIR ReportDir is the location JUnit XML results are written.
ARTIFACTS An alias for ReportDir but runs on Prow.
SUFFIX Suffix is used at the end of test names to identify them.
MUST_GATHER MustGather is a boolean flag that will run a Must-Gather process upon completion of the tests.
BASE_JOB_URL BaseJobURL is the root location for all job artifacts. For example, would be -- This is also our default.
BASE_PROW_URL BaseProwURL is the root location of Prow.

General test related:-

Environment variable Usage
POLLING_TIMEOUT PollingTimeout is how long (in seconds) to wait for an object to be created before failing the test.
GINKGO_SKIP GinkgoSkip is a regex passed to Ginkgo that skips any test suites matching the regex. ex. "Operator"
GINKGO_FOCUS GinkgoFocus is a regex passed to Ginkgo that focus on any test suites matching the regex. ex. "Operator"
TESTS_TO_RUN TestsToRun is a list of files which should be executed as part of a test suite
SUPPRESS_SKIP_NOTIFICATIONS SuppressSkipNotifications suppresses the notifications of skipped tests
CLEAN_RUNS CleanRuns is the number of times the test-version is run before skipping.
OPERATOR_SKIP OperatorSkip is a comma-delimited list of operator names to ignore health checks from. ex. "insights,telemetry"
SKIP_CLUSTER_HEALTH_CHECKS SkipClusterHealthChecks skips the cluster health checks. Useful when developing against a running cluster.
METRICS_BUCKET MetricsBucket is the bucket that metrics data will be uploaded to.
SERVICE_ACCOUNT ServiceAccount defines what user the tests should run as. By default, osde2e uses system:admin

Addon test related:-

Environment variable Usage
ADDON_IDS_AT_CREATION Comma separated list of IDs to create at cluster creation time
ADDONS_IDS Comma separated list of IDs to install after a cluster is created.
ADDON_TEST_HARNESSES: TestHarnesses is a comma separated list of container images that will test the addon
ADDON_TEST_USER TestUser is the OpenShift user that the tests will run as. If "%s" is detected in the TestUser string, it will evaluate that as the project namespace. Ex. "system:serviceaccount:%s:dedicated-admin" . Evaluated : "system:serviceaccount:osde2e-abc123:dedicated-admin"
ADDON_RUN_CLEANUP RunCleanup is a boolean to specify whether the testHarnesses should have a separate cleanup phase. This phase would run at the end of all e2e testing
ADDON_CLEANUP_HARNESSES CleanupHarnesses is a comma separated list of container images that will clean up any artifacts created after test harnesses have run
ADDON_POLLING_TIMEOUT PollingTimeout defines in seconds the amount of time to wait for an add-on test job to finish before timing it out

Prometheus related:-

Environment variable Usage
PROMETHEUS_ADDRESS Address of the Prometheus instance to connect to.
PROMETHEUS_BEARER_TOKEN Token needed for communicating with Prometheus.

Proxy related:-

Environment variable Usage
TEST_HTTP_PROXY Address of the HTTP Proxy to be added to a cluster.
TEST_HTTPS_PROXY Address of the HTTPS Proxy to be added to a cluster.
USER_CA_BUNDLE A file contains a PEM-encoded X.509 certificate bundle that will be added to the nodes' trusted certificate store.

Command Line Flags for osde2e

CLI flags that are commonly used include:

For the test sub-command:

--cluster-id: Existing OCM cluster ID to run tests against.
--configs:  A comma separated list of built in configs to use. (stage, prod, e2e-suite, etc.)
--custom-config: Custom config file for osde2e.
--destroy-cluster: A flag to trigger cluster deletion after test completion.
--environment: Cluster provider environment to use. (ocm, rosa, etc.).
--kube-config: Path to local Kube config for running tests against.
--skip-health-check:  a flag to skip cluster health checks.
--skip-tests: Skip any Ginkgo tests whose names match the regular expression.

For the query sub-command:

--output-format:  Output format for query results (json|prom). Defaults to json. (default "-")

Common config flag values

The following are the values that can be plugged in for the --configs flag when running osde2e/osde2ectl. The values correspond to existing YAML files in the /configs folder:-

OSD environment values:

Config Value Usage
crc To run osde2e/osde2ectl in a local CRC environment.
int To run osde2e/osde2ectl in the integration environment.
stage To run osde2e/osde2ectl on stage.
prod To run osde2e/osde2ectl in the production environment. (This is the default value if nothing is specified.)
scale To set scale testing configurations for a cluster.

Cloud Provider values:

Config Value Usage
aws To specify aws as the cloud provider.
gcp To specify gcp as the cloud provider.

Cluster Provider values:

Config Value Usage
ocm To specify ocm as the cluster provider.
rosa To specify rosa as the cluster provider.

Test suite values:

Config Value Usage
e2e-suite To test osde2e using the e2e tets suite (Includes operates, service-definition and app-builds suites).
informing-suite To run informing tests on osde2e clusters.
openshift-suite To run the openshift test suite on osde2e clusters.
addon-suite To include addon testing for osde2e clusters.
conformance-suite To run conformance tests on osde2e clusters.
scale-mastervertical-suite To run the scale:master vertical suite on osde2e clusters.
scale-nodes-and-pods-suite To run the scale:nodes and pods suite on osde2e clusters.
scale-performance-suite To run the scale:performance suite on osde2e clusters.

Other test flags:

Config Value Usage
dry-run To run osde2e all the way up to the e2e tests then skips them.
skip-health-checks To run osde2e while skipping all the preliminary cluster health checks.
long-timeout To extend cluster expiry to about 8 hours.
log-metrics To set log metric configs for a couple of errors that pop up while running osde2e.
region-random To set a random region for a cluster being created by the cloud provider.

Install/Upgrade flags:

Config Value Usage
use-middle-version To use the middle version for cluster install.
use-oldest-version To use the oldest version for cluster install.
one-release-from-prod-default To select the cluster image set that the given number of releases away from the the production default (1 in this case).
two-releases-from-prod-default To select the cluster image set that the given number of releases away from the the production default (2 in this case).
nightly-release-for-prod-default To select the cluster image set that the given number of releases away from the the production default (0 in this case).
upgrade-to-latest To select the newest valid version to upgrade to
upgrade-to-latest-z To select the newest valid patch version to upgrade to
upgrade-to-next-y To select the newest valid minor release to upgrade to
upgrade-rescheduled To test the upgrade being rescheduled.