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161 lines (114 loc) · 4.82 KB


A module for defacto that generically handles "asynchronous" resources.

;; deps.edn
{:deps {skuttleman/defacto-res {:git/url   ""
                                :git/sha   "{SHA_OF_HEAD}"
                                :deps/root "res"}}}
(ns killer-app.core
    [defacto.core :as defacto]
    [defacto.resources.core :as res]))

;; define your resource spec by returning a map by including any of the following
(defmethod res/->resource-spec ::fetch-thing
  [_ input]
  {:pre-events   [[::fetch-started]]
   :params       {:request-method :get
                  :url            (str "" (:id input))}
   :err-commands [[::toast!]]
   :ok-events    ...})

;; define a request-fn
(defn my-request-fn [resource-type params]
  ;; returns a vector tuple or a core.async channel
    ;; does whatever, http prolly
    ;; succeeds with a vector tuple
    [::res/ok {:some :data}] ;; if it isn't `::res/ok`, it's `::res/err`
    ;; or fails with a vector tuple
    [::res/err {:some :error}]))

;; resource key
(def resource-key [::fetch-thing ::numero-uno])

;; create your store your request handler
(def store (defacto/create (res/with-ctx {:some :ctx-map} my-request-fn) {}))
(def sub (defacto/subscribe store [::res/?:resource resource-key]))

;; submit the resource
(defacto/dispatch! store [::res/submit! resource-key {:id 123}])
(res/requesting? @sub) ;; => true
... after the request finishes
(res/success? @sub) ;; true (one would hope)
(res/payload @sub) ;; => {...}

What's a resource?

A resource is defined by extending [[defacto.resources.core/->resource-spec]] with your resource-type which you can use to create and reference resources in the system.

(defmethod defacto.resources.core/->request-spec ::resource-type
  [resource-key input] ;; resource-key is a vector beginning with the `resource-type`
  {:params {...}

Your spec can return any of the following keys

  • :params - a NON-nil argument to request the resource. If this key is nil, the resource will not be requested.
  • :pre-events, :pre-command - optional sequences of events/commands to be emitted/dispatched before the request is submitted. These occur even if :params is nil
  • :ok-events, :ok-commands - optional sequences of events/commands to emitted/dispatched after the request succeeds. These events/commands should be express "callback" style with the final argument to be the success result conj'ed on to the event/command vector.
  • :err-events, :err-commands - optional sequences of events/commands to emitted/dispatched after the request fails. These events/commands should be express "callback" style with the final argument to be the error result conj'ed on to the event/command vector.


This module exposes the following commands.

[::res/submit! resource-key params]

This submits a resource with the provided params.

(defacto/dispatch! store [::res/submit! [::resource-type] {:a 1}])

[::res/ensure! resource-key params]

This submits a resource if it is currently in the :init state.

(defacto/dispatch! store [::res/ensure! [::resource-type] {:a 1}])

[::res/poll! milliseconds resource-key params]

Continuously submits a resource in intervals of milliseconds.

;; sends a request now, and after every 2 seconds forever
(defacto/dispatch! store [::res/poll! 2000 [::resource-type] {:a 1}])
;; destroy the resource to stop the polling
(defacto/emit! store [::res/destroyed [::resource-type]])

[::res/delay! milliseconds command]

Executes a command after milliseconds have expired.

(defacto/dispatch! store [::res/delay! 123 [::any-command! {:a 1}]])


This module exposes the following queries.


Returns a sequence of all resources.

@(defacto/subscribe store [::res/?:resources])
;; returns `nil` for undefined resources

[::res/?:resource resource-key]

Retrieves the current state of a resource.

@(defacto/subscribe store [::res/?:resource [::some-key 123]])
;; returns `nil` for undefined resources


This module exposes the following events.

[::res/submitted resource-key request-params]

Transitions the resource from any state to :requesting. Not intended to be used directly

[::res/succeeded resource-key data]

Transitions the resource from a :requesting state to a :success state. Not intended to be used directly

[::res/failed resource-key error]

Transitions the resource from a :requesting state to an :error state. Not intended to be used directly

[::res/destroyed resource-key]

Destroys a resource.

(defacto/emit! store [::res/destroyed [::resource-type]])