The Skynet Protocol v4 had many problems that were experienced after it was designed. Solving these problems is the main goal for Protocol v5. Creating a stable and robust messenger is the first aim, security is the second aim and performance is on the third place.
These points will have to change to achieve this:
The UserData will get a revision control system that detects concurrent changes and forces clients to merge data sets before uploading new data.
Checking for updates using a single DateTime is very data efficient, but it is not guaranteed that you will receive all pending messages. Changes are very difficult to track like this and server development gets increasingly difficult.
The new revision-based system will need to transfer more data but it will be simpler to implement, more versatile and guarantees data integrity. Message edits and deletions will be treated like new messages. The most difficult thing will be the ViewableContentInfo
. Sending one packet per client and message would result in an inefficient system causing hundreds of separate packets.
Accepting a contact request is a complex process requiring many steps. The new protocol has to ensure that changes are only written to the database once all steps succeeded. If this is not the case, the client must be able to retry the action. Therefore changes, especially those done to the UserData must be linked to other packets.
Although Skynet should be designed to be more secure than other messengers, Protocol v4 was not able to use end-to-end encryption for profile data related content such as profile images or the daystream. Furthermore, we have to check each situation for whether a server-sided validation is enough or we should use a signature algorithm. Skynet will not offer Perfect Forward Secrecy because we want to keep cloud synchronization and data backup as our main features, which would not be possible with PFS.
Downloading all messages on startup wastes a lot of expensive data volume, slows down the client and makes a web integration completely impossible. A new revision-based system should allow sync on demand.
On the current server, anyone can request any file. Although, with the new system, most files will be encrypted and the file IDs are random which makes it more difficult to get a plaintext file, we need to implement permissions. Files will be pinned for single users or groups and unpinned once the associated messages or post was deleted. A cleanup service can then safely delete these files. The server must ensure that only clients with access to a file can share it.
- Inconsistent names and ids.
- Echo packets.
- Many packets that don't fulfill their purpose very well.
These problems have to be fixed with Protocol v5
Each connection begins with a handshake. This allows us to inform the user about new application versions, or even enforce an update. Application versions in VSL must only be incremented once the layout of the handshake packet changes. In Skynet however, we will treat each platform differently so that new versions can be released asynchronously for different platforms.
Using Firebase Cloud Messaging (FCM) requires the server to keep track of the registered devices. Furthermore, tracking devices brings two more important advantages: Devices that were not connected for more than half a year can be forced to reauthenticate. This also allows for other features such as two-factor authentication.
With the Skynet protocol v4 we had different implementations for many types of communication channels. This concept made abstraction almost impossible and increased the complexity, especially on the server side.
To avoid this problem, we introduce a completely new concept with Platinum Stack: Every communication channel will now be treated as a Channel
with a unique ChannelId
The server does not care which messages are sent over a channel. Data is sent over a Channel
as a Message
with a globally unique incremental ID. Each channel type provides its own mechanism for key exchange.
As messages are delivered asynchronously, it might happen that they arrive in a different order than their message IDs. Imagine the following situation in a group with Alice, Bob and Charlie:
- The last message in this channel has
MessageId = 3
- Bob and Charlie send a message at almost the same time.
- Bob's message has
MessageId = 5
- Charlie's message has
MessageId = 6
- Charlie's message is delivered to Alice with
SkipCount = 0
- Bob's message is delivered to Alice with
SkipCount = 1
If Alice would lose her connection after step 5, she would never receive Bob's message because her LastMessageId
is 6
Therefore, the server sends a SkipCount
indicating how many message IDs have been skipped regarding all her channels. With this information Alice can notice that she is missing a message.
If she doesn't receive this message at the next session restore, her client has to request it from the server.
indicates that a message is to be delivered only to the other devices of the sender of this message. Messages with the loopback flag are encrypted using the key of the users loopback channel.
Using a loopback flag solves many problems but makes the classical revision system of all clients having the same data impossible.
Therefore, a client which decides not to synchronize all messages has to request them later from the server which may lead to duplicate messages that have to be ignored.
marks a message that is not encrypted and should be processed by the server. Data such as blocked contacts and conversations is managed using the loopback channel with this flag.
This is a special channel whose only member is the creating user. It acts as kind of a clipboard which is sued to synchronize data across devices and replaces the old UserData
packet, which was prone to concurrency and timing errors. Its key is directly derived from the user's password.
This channel contains all public account information like the public keys to avoid individual forwarding to direct channels. All messages have to be sent with MessageFlags.Unencrypted
. The server automatically adds all contacts to the user's account data channel.
The direct channel is used for direct chat between two accounts. There is no longer a contact request. If Alice knows the AccountId
of Bob's account, which she can look up using the search packets, she can simply create a direct channel. The server will automatically inject the public keys for both sides. Once Alice has received Bob's public key, she can derive and cache the channel key. When the server has sent a DirectChannelUpdate packet, Alice can start sending chat messages to Bob.
Many other scenarios are realized with a group channel. This kind of channel is not limited to classical groups, but is also used for sharing profile related data. The key of a group channel is exchanged via the direct channel between the group admin and each member.
In order to manage key changes and being able to delete messages when they're not needed anymore, messages can have dependencies to multiple messages on the same or a different channel. Encrypted messages with MessageFlags.Loopback
must reference one 0x15 PasswordUpdate
, messages in direct channels must reference one 0x1B DirectChannelUpdate
and messages in group channels must reference one 0x1E GroupChannelUpdate
. A special case is the key change of a group channel, which has one dependency per account. Additionally, this message needs MessageFlags.NoSenderSync to indicate that it's not synchronized across the sender's devices.
Profile data can either be shared publicly via the account's account data channel with MessageFlags.Unencrypted or via a profile data channel, which technically inherit from the group channel. To manage permissions, multiple profile data channels containing different members can be created. The account data channel is unique per account and managed by the server.
The files attached to media messages are encrypted using AES-GCM-256
and then uploaded to file transfer servers over HTTPS (see
Authenticated clients can always upload files, and get an Int64 FileId
from the server. The owner of a file is allowed to reference it in a message. After that, all users in the same channel are allowed to reference it in other channels.
This saves a lot of bandwidth when files are forwarded. Clients are encouraged to search for an identical file before uploading as users might want to share the same file at different times to different users.
When a file is referenced for the first time in a channel, all of its members are granted permission to share the file. Files without any permissions are deleted by the garbage collector after a certain time.
When the last message referencing a file is deleted in a channel, the channel members lose their permission to share this file. Once a file that was previously referenced is not accessible to any users anymore, it is instantly deleted by the garbage collector.
If a client attempts to reference a file that does not exist or that it has no permission for, the client will know this from the status code in the ChannelMessageResponse
The security of Skynet is based on the user's password:
- Password (UTF-8)
(first 32 bytes for HMAC, last 32 bytes for AES)KeyHash
(32 bytes for authentication)
The AesKey
is derived from the user's password with Argon2id using the SHA256(AccountName)
as salt:
KeyMaterial = Argon2(P: Password, S: SHA256(AccountName), p: 8, T: 96, m: 8192, t: 2, v: 13, y: 2);
AccountKey = KeyMaterial.Slice(s: 0, l: 64);
KeyHash = KeyMaterial.Slice(s: 64, l: 32);
The protocol section consists of packets, which each have a name, an ID and the specification written in VPSL
The ChannelMessage used to be the most important packet of the new channel-based protocol.
Now it is no independent packet anymore but rather a specific type of packet. All channel messages (marked with @message
) inherit its class and behavior.
Use AccountId=0
to indicate a global dependency. The initial value for the version number is 1
During the session restore the server will send SkipCount = -1
which means the client does not have to check that no message is missing.
<Byte PacketVersion><Int64 ChannelId>
((ToClient)<Int64 SenderId>)<Int64 MessageId>
((ToClient)<Int64 SkipCount><DateTime DispatchTime>)
<MessageFlags:Byte MessageFlags>
((MessageFlags.ExternalFile)<Int64 FileId>)
[AesHmac/None:ByteArray PacketContent
((MessageFlags.MediaMessage)<File File>)
{UInt16 Dependencies
<Int64 AccountId><Int64 MessageId>
enum MessageFlags {
None = 0,
Loopback = 1,
Unencrypted = 2,
NoSenderSync = 4,
MediaMessage = 8,
ExternalFile = 16
<ShortString Name>
<DateTime CreationTime>
<DateTime LastWriteTime>
<ShortString ThumbnailContentType>
<ByteArray ThumbnailData>
<ShortString ContentType>
<Int64 Length>
<Byte[32] Key>
This packet is sent before any other packet to ensure that the client is using the latest version.
is necessary to catch breaking changes and enables the server to ignore indev versions with the same protocol version.
<Int32 ProtocolVersion><ShortString ApplicationIdentifier><Int32 VersionCode>
The application identifier consists of the platform identifier and the package/assembly name e.g. android/de.vectordata.skynet
This is the server's response to 0x00 ConnectionHandshake. This packet finishes the handshake and leads the way to register, login or restore a session.
<ConnectionState:Byte ConnectionState>
((ConnectionState != Valid)<Int32 LatestVersionCode><ShortString LatestVersion>)
enum ConnectionState {
This packet is sent when the user registers a new account. After e-mail address verification is completed, the server has to create the loopback channel and send a PasswordUpdate packet as base revision. For further account initialization see SyncFinished. If this packet is sent referencing an unconfirmed account with the correct password, the confirmation mail is sent again.
<ShortString AccountName><Byte[32] KeyHash>
<CreateAccountStatus:Byte StatusCode>
enum CreateAccountStatus {
This packet is sent by a client to delete the user's account. The server will delete only delete personal data that has not been sent to other users. This includes:
- Mail confirmations
- Loopback channel
- Loopback messages
- Blocked accounts
- Blocked conversations
- Account data channel memberships
- Group memberships
- Profile data channel memberships
Furthermore, all direct channels have to be archived and other accounts prevented from opening new channels.
All other messages are kept until they expire or a counterpart's account is deleted, too.
<Byte[32] KeyHash>
After receiving this packet with DeleteAccountStatus.Success
, the server closes the connection.
<DeleteAccountStatus:Byte StatusCode>
enum DeleteAccountStatus {
This packet is sent by the client after opening a connection. The FcmRegistrationToken
can be left empty if it is not necessary (e.g. for a desktop client). The Skynet server will send a Firebase message if a ChatMessage could not be delivered directly to a client. Client applications have to reconnect until they receive a SyncFinished packet. A newly created session does not need to be restored manually.
<ShortString AccountName><Byte[32] KeyHash><String FcmRegistrationToken>
<CreateSessionStatus:Byte StatusCode>
<Int64 AccountId><Int64 SessionId>
<Byte[32] SessionToken><String WebToken>
enum CreateSessionStatus {
After initializing a connection, the client can restore a session with this packet. The client sends the server its last message and all known channels. There can only be one client connected to the server with the same SessionId. Conflicting clients are kicked on automatically.
<Int64 SessionId><Byte[32] SessionToken>
<Int64 LastMessageId>
{UInt16 Channels
<Int64 ChannelId>
<RestoreSessionStatus:Byte StatusCode>
enum RestoreSessionStatus {
Sent by the server to a client to create a channel. If it is sent by the client with a random ChannelId
the server assigns one in the CreateChannelResponse packet.
<Int64 ChannelId><ChannelType:Byte ChannelType>
((ToClient)<Int64 OwnerId><DateTime CreationTime>)
((ChannelType.Direct)<Int64 CounterpartId>)
enum ChannelType {
The server responds to a CreateChannel packet with this packet. It tells the client about the status and the ChannelId
<Int64 TempChannelId><ChannelCreateStatus:Byte StatusCode>
<Int64 ChannelId><DateTime CreationTime>
enum ChannelCreateStatus {
Sent by the server to notify a client that a channel has been deleted permanently from the server. The client should not include this channel in RestoreSession packets anymore, but can keep the data locally.
<Int64 ChannelId>
If the client wants to send a new message, it chooses a random negative MessageId
. The server responds with this packet and assigns a new MessageId
. The DispatchTime
specifies when the server has processed this message.
<Int64 ChannelId><Int64 TempMessageId>
<MessageSendStatus:Byte StatusCode>
<Int64 MessageId><Int64 SkipCount>
<DateTime DispatchTime>
enum MessageSendStatus {
This packet is sent by the client to request channel messages that have not been synchronized yet.
Use ChannelId=0
to get messages from arbitrary channels.
Setting After
or Before
to 0
disables the boundry check.
Just like the session restore, this action starts a sync process with SyncStarted and SyncFinshed packets. It is likely that the client will receive messages from the server that it already has. These messages have to be ignored.
<Int64 ChannelId>
<Int64 After><Int64 Before>
<UInt16 MaxCount>
This packet is sent by the server to a client to indicate that a sync process has started.
specifies how many channel messages are going to be sent at least. A value of -1
means that the server did not check the message count in advance. Clients must not consider a sync process to be complete before they receive the respective SyncFinished packet.
<Int32 MinCount>
This packet is sent by the server to a client to indicate that all messages have been delivered. If the client has a WakeLock or something like this to prevent the user's device from sleeping, it can be released after receiving this message.
// No additional content
If a client receives this packet after session creation or restore, it should ensure that the following tasks have been completed or execute them in this order:
- PrivateKeys
- PublicKeys
- Nickname
- Bio
This packet is sent by the client to its loopback channel using MessageFlags.Unencrypted
. A message is sent to the old mail address to notify that it is about to be replaced.
@message Loopback Unencrypted
<ShortString NewMailAddress>
When the server has verified the client's new mail address, it sends this packet to the client's account data channel. If the new mail address is not verified within 24 hours, the address change is cancelled.
@message Unencrypted
<ShortString MailAddress>
This packet is sent to the loopback channel with MessageFlags.Unencrypted
. It informs the server and other devices of a password change and acts as a base revision for packets with MessageFlags.Loopback
The previous key is stored encrypted in the KeyHistory
encrypted with the new key. New devices need this information to decrypt messages that were encrypted with previous passwords.
This packet is generated by the server for new accounts with zero bytes as PreviousKeyHash
and an empty KeyHistory
@message Loopback Unencrypted
<Byte[32] PreviousKeyHash><Byte[32] KeyHash>
[AesHmac:ByteArray KeyHistory
<Byte[64] PreviousKey>
This packet is sent by the client to its loopback channel. It has no direct effect and is only used as a dependency.
@message Loopback
<KeyFormat:Byte SignatureKeyFormat><ByteArray SignatureKey>
<KeyFormat:Byte DerivationKeyFormat><ByteArray DerivationKey>
enum KeyFormat {
BouncyCastle = 0,
This packet is sent by the client to its account data channel with a mandatory reference to the matching private key as a dependency.
@message Unencrypted
@dependency PrivateKeys // only to server
<KeyFormat:Byte SignatureKeyFormat><ByteArray SignatureKey>
<KeyFormat:Byte DerivationKeyFormat><ByteArray DerivationKey>
This packet is optional and can be used for a QR-code based verification. It saves the SHA-256 over the counterpart's entire PublicKeys packet and is sent by the client to the associated direct channel with MessageFlags.Loopback
@message Loopback
<Byte[32] Sha256>
This packet is injected by the server and acts as base dependency for following channel messages in direct channels.
It references a keypair for two perspectives and thereby two PrivateKeys
packets and two PublicKeys
@message Unencrypted
@dependency PrivateKeys & PublicKeys // Alice's private and Bob's public key, specific for Alice's account
@dependency PrivateKeys & PublicKeys // Bob's private and Alice's public key, specific for Bob's account
// No additional content
This packet is sent by the client to the associated direct channel with MessageFlags.Loopback
@message Loopback
<ShortString CustomNickname><ImageShape:Byte ProfileImageShape>
enum ImageShape {
This packet is sent over a direct channel from a group admin to all clients. Because the admin's devices do not need all of these messages, the client should use MessageFlags.NoSenderSync
. This packet notifies all members about a group channel key change, which becomes active when an administrator client sends a GroupChannelUpdate packet.
@message NoSenderSync
<Int64 GroupChannelId><Byte[64] NewKey><Byte[64] HistoryKey>
To change the group channel key, the admin sends an update to each client in the group via direct channels. To do so, the client sends this packet with MessageFlags.Unencrypted
and a dependency referencing all direct channel messages. The incremental GroupRevision
counter is checked by the server and ensures that no concurrent changes are made. Following messages depend on this packet to specify the cryptographic key they use. When used to share profile data, all members should be invisible. The encrypted content uses the HistoryKey
from the GroupChannelKeyNotify packet if supplied to the matching client. With this key, the client can resolve all former channel and history keys.
@message Unencrypted
@dependency GroupChannelKeyNotify // per account
<Int64 GroupRevision>
{UInt16 Members
<Int64 AccountId><GroupMemberFlags:Byte Flags>
[AesHmac:ByteArray KeyHistory
<Byte[64] ChannelKey><Byte[64] HistoryKey>
enum GroupMemberFlags {
None = 0,
Administrator = 1,
NoContent = 2, // Prohibit sending of chat messages
NoMetadata = 4, // Prohibit sending of receive and read confirmations
Invisible = 8 // User is invisible for other group members
This packet changes a channel's archive mode which is necessary to avoid sending messages to a deleted or blocked channel.
Only direct channels can be blocked which is done by the server. In contrast to deleted channels, clients can still send messages with MessageFlags.Loopback
like DirectChannelCustomization as well as GroupChannelKeyNotify packets over blocked channels.
Direct channels can only be deleted by deleting one of the accounts involved, whereas group channels can be deleted by their administrators by sending this packet with ArchiveMode.Deleted
@message Unencrypted
<ArchiveMode:Byte ArchiveMode>
enum ArchiveMode {
The client sends a ChatMessage packet to one specific conversation channel.
Please look at the documentation of ChannelMessage to see how to send media messages.
Chat messages are always encrypted using the conversation key.
A message can always have a text and can always quote another message, regardless of the message type. For example, the user could quote a text message and answer with a voice message or send a contact and write some text in the same message.
If no message is quoted, set QuotedMessage
to 0
. Even if a message is quoted, there is only the dependency to a channel base revision.
@message [MediaMessage] [ExternalFile]
<MessageType:Byte MessageType><String Text><Int64 QuotedMessage>
enum MessageType {
To edit or delete a message or a daystream entry, the client sends a MessageOverride packet to the respective conversation channel with a dependency to the respective ChatMessage or DaystreamMessage.
@dependency ChatMessage | DaystreamMessage
<OverrideAction:Byte Action>((OverrideAction == Edit)<String NewText>)
enum OverrideAction {
The client sends this packet when it has received a chat message or a daystream to the respective channel with MessageFlags.Unencrypted
. The MessageId
is taken from the dependency (no dependency on ChannelKeyChange).
@message Unencrypted
@dependency ChatMessage | DaystreamMessage
// No additional content
The client sends this packet when the user has viewed a chat message or a daystream to the respective channel. The received confirmation (0x22
) can omitted if the read confirmation is sent directly. Handling is the same as 0x22 MessageReceived
@message Unencrypted
@dependency ChatMessage | DaystreamMessage
// No additional content
The client sends the DaystreamMessage packet to any profile data channel. It is always encrypted, since daystream posts are only visible to contacts.
@message [MediaMessage] [ExternalFile]
<MessageType:Byte MessageType><String Text>
The Nickname packet is sent by a client to any profile data channel. If sent with MessageFlags.Unencrypted
, the nickname is publicly visible. Nickname packets always use PersistenceMode.KeepLast
@message [Unencrypted]
<ShortString Nickname>
The Bio packet is sent by a client to any profile data channel. If it is sent with MessageFlags.Unencrypted
, the profile image is publicly visible. Bio packets always use PersistenceMode.KeepLast
@message [Unencrypted]
<String Bio>
Similar to Bio packet. This packet uses the FileId
of its container.
@message [Unencrypted] [MediaMessage] [ExternalFile]
<String Caption>
The blocked content packet is sent by a client to its loopback channel with MessageFlags.Unencrypted
and PersistenceMode.KeepLast
The server will then filter contact requests or group invites.
@message Loopback Unencrypted
{UInt16 BlockedAccounts
<Int64 AccountId>
{UInt16 BlockedConversations
<Int64 ChannelId>
The device list packet is sent by the server to the client's loopback channel with MessageFlags.Unencrypted
and PersistenceMode.KeepLast
With this data the client can inform the user after a new login.
@message Loopback Unencrypted
{UInt16 Sessions
<Int64 SessionId><DateTime CreationTime><ShortString ApplicationIdentifier>
This packet is used to change the private background image in a specific conversation. It is sent with MessageFlags.Loopback
to the affected channel. To set a default background image, send this packet to the loopback channel. For file uploading and selecting, use the file id of the wrapping channel message.
@message Loopback [MediaMessage] [ExternalFile]
// No additional content
This packet is injected by the server with MessageFlags.Unencrypted
and MessageFlags.NoSenderSync
in the user's account data channel. Later versions will have different channels to handle permissions.
@message Unencrypted NoSenderSync
<OnlineState:Byte OnlineState>((OnlineState.Inactive)<DateTime LastActive>)
// Might be extended to a bitmask later
enum OnlineState {
The server sends this packet to all channel members where a client starts or stops typing, audio recording, etc.
<Int64 ChannelId><Int64 AccountId><ChannelAction:Byte Action>
enum ChannelAction {
This packet informs the server about the current client state.
<OnlineState:Byte OnlineState><ChannelAction:Byte Action>((!ChannelAction.None)<Int64 ChannelId>)
Clients can use this packet to search for accounts in order to start a new conversation. The query may include the mail address or the public nickname of the sought account.
<ShortString Query>
This packet contains all results of a SearchAccount query. The server starts a sync to forward public profile data of every account asynchronously. These channel messages are forwarded with ChannelId = 0
and their original OwnerId
{UInt16 Results
<Int64 AccountId><ShortString AccountName>
Sent by the client to request device list details.
// No additional content
This packet contributes real time data to the general DeviceList packet.
{UInt16 SessionDetails
<Int64 SessionId><DateTime LastConnected><Int32 LastVersionCode>
- 0x10 RealTimeMessage
- 0x11 SubscribeChannel
- 0x12 UnsubscribeChannel
- 0x16 LoopbackKeyNotify
- 0x1F ProfileDataChannelUpdate
- 0x30 FileUpload
- 0x31 FileUploadResponse