title: merb - The Pocket Rocket Framework gradient: top-bottom black maroon
Rowan Hick @ Toronto Rails Night, June 2008
(Adapted S9 Version from Original PDF Slide Deck)
- Intended for people who don't know what Merb is
- Good grasp of Rails concepts
- Not patient enough to google/irc/blog search etc to get started on Merb
- Touch on a lot of features
- All links/references up on work.rowanhick.com tomorrow
- Product Development Mgr for a startup in Toronto
- Full time with Rails for 2.5 years
- Previously PHP/MySQL for 4 years
- 6 years Prior QA/BA/PM for Enterprise CAD/CAM software dev company
Super Bike
Sport Cars
- What are these doing in a presentation about Ruby web frameworks?
The Porsche, you just open the door, turn the key, and drive. It has a/c, a stereo, plush upholstery, everything. Accidents can and do happen but few and far between, but pretty user friendly.
The sports bike, it's raw, unadulterated. You can't hop on it wrapped in cotton wool, way easier to get burned. However it's faster, easier to replace, modify and tune things at a lower cost.
Rails is...
- Very user friendly & well documented
- suitable for 80% most web projects
- a turn-key framework.
Merb is...
- aiming for that other 20%
- fast as all hell
- going to require a little more skill to get up and running with
- "the framework for hackers"
- It's actually quite similar! (workflow, layout)
- However ... don't start emailing merb groups asking for feature XYZ to be implemented "like it is in Rails"
- Don't expect your app to port without code changes to Merb (although you'd be suprised how little needs to change)
- Ezra Zygmuntowicz
- Yehuda Katz
- many others
- You could get some glory too...
- gweezlebur.com/2008/2/1/so-you-want-to-contribute-to-merb-core-part-1
- All you need and none you don't
- No code is faster than no code
- Anything that slows Merb down is a bug (my personal favourite)
- What the? Isn't it just Merb?
is the basic slimmed down bare minimum codemerb-more
contains niceties to help you along your way (action-args, assets, builder, cache, freezer, gen, haml, jquery, mailer, parts, slices)
- Merb is the Switzerland of Ruby frameworks
- Doesn't care that you might favour Datamapper over ActiveRecord
- Lets you choose ORM, Test Framework, JS Framework, Rack Adaptor
To start off with get both core and more
gem install merb-core merb-more
Choose your ORM
gem install merb-activerecord
gem install sequel
gem sources -a http://gems.datamapper.org && sudo gem install addressable english rspec data_objects do_mysql do_postgres do_sqlite3 dm-core dm-more
- Your new friend
- generates code/files for your app
rowan$ merb-gen app speeddemon
create log
create app
merb-gen app yourapp --flat
(puts your application on a serious diet)
. | Rails | Merb |
Routes | config/routes.rb |
config/router.rb |
Initialization | config/environment.rb |
config/init.rb |
Environment specific | config/environments/* |
config/environments/* |
Plugins | vendor/plugins |
gems |
Migrations | db/migrate |
schema/migrations |
Testing | test |
test (or) spec |
Public | public |
public |
Models | app/models |
app/models |
Controllers | app/controllers |
app/controllers |
Helpers | app/helpers |
app/helpers |
Lib | lib/ |
(config in init.rb ) |
- Everything is a gem
- Freeze your gems with your app
- gem install -i somegem ~/yourapp/gems/ --no-ri --no-rdoc
- convert rails plugins, start with merb-gen plugin plugin_name
- Lots underway github.com/search?q=merb
Choose your ORM
use_orm: activerecord
use_test: rspec
Include dependencies (eg mailer)
dependencies "merb_helpers", "merb-parts"
Merb::BootLoader.after_app_loads do
# Add dependencies here that must load after the
application loads:
dependencies "merb-mailer"
# dependency "magic_admin" # this gem uses the
app's model classes
Patience. Because you've told merb you want active record, just fire merb for the first time:
rowan-laptop:speeddemon rowan$ merb
~ Loaded DEVELOPMENT Environment...
~ loading gem 'merb_activerecord' ...
~ loading gem 'activerecord' ...
~ No database.yml file found in /Users/rowan/testing/speeddemon/config.
~ A sample file was created called database.sample.yml for you to copy and edit.
Copy, edit and save.
Let's you know what you can create automagically:
rowan-laptop:b2b_merb rowan$ merb-gen generators
Installed Generators
Rubygems: authenticated, controller, database_sessions_migration,
migration, model, part_controller, resource, resource_controller
see more rubigen.rubyforge.org
Synonymous with script/generate mymodel
Extra points:
- dependent on ORM - creates migration or not
- dependent on test framework - creates spec or unit test
$ merb-gen resource Product title:string
- Sets up controller, views, model, test code
- Get coding!
Looks reasonably similar:
class Products < Application
before :check_access_level
provides :xml
def index
@products = Product.find(:all, :order => :sort_order )
display @products
def show
@product = Product.find_by_product_id(params[:id])
raise NotFound unless @product
display @product
Rails | Merb |
products_controller |
products |
redirect_to( hash ) |
redirect( string ) |
respond_to |
provides / only_provides / display |
before /after_filter |
before /after |
except |
exclude |
render(hash) *optional |
render or render('hello world') *mandatory to get a view |
logger |
merb.logger |
url_for |
url |
- Display handles mime type response
provides :xml
def index
@product = Product.find(params[:id])
display @product
- Goto
- Display then looks for
, if not found then calls@product.to_xml
- Making controller methods look more like methods
def my_action(id)
product = Product.find(id)
- Automagically assigns
- In
- Reusable 'components' for use in your views
- Not accessible from outside world, but can see params hash
- Their own generator
- Again in
In config/init.rb
dependency 'merb-parts'
Use merb-gen
to set it up for you
$ merb-gen part_controller widget
create app/helpers/widget_part_helper.rb
create app/parts/widget_part.rb
create app/parts/views/widget_part/index.html.erb
Edit action(s) then call it from a view
<%= WidgetPart => :index %>
- Handled in
def show
@product = Product.find_by_product_id(params[:id])
raise NotFound unless @product
display @product
method- render out in that view what you want to show for that error
Example from Yehudas slides at RailsConf
Merb::Router.prepare do |r|
r.match(%r{/login/(.*)}, :user_agent => /MSIE/).
to(:controller => "acount",
:action => "login",
:id => "[1]"
- Simple
merb -p 3000 -e development
- Fires up a mongrel instance through merb
- Hit it just like regular old rails app
- Merb implements a Rack adaptor
- Allows you to use different types of application server depending on your needs. Example:
merb -p 3000 -e production -a thin
- Mongrel, Thin, Ebb, Eventd Mongrel, Passenger
- Connect Apache/Nginx -> Merb (not) Apache -> Mongrel -> Merb
- merbivore.com
- wiki.merbivore.com
- Great videos mwrc2008.confreaks.com
- merbunity.com
- merborials.com
- github.com/search?q=merb
- www.slideshare.net/search/slideshow?q=merb
- www.slideshare.net/search/slideshow?q=datamapper
Should I use it ?