All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. See standard-version for commit guidelines.
- alert dialog text copied to clipboard when tapped (0ef4a46)
- DM Partner Branding (002e594)
- null safety (abb9b16)
- plugin migrated to null safety (6998442)
- smallplug integration and broker chooser rejig (c610e81)
- smartinvesting show user holdings (cb7fb36)
- SMT order integration (52c97e7)
- 5paisa pwa sending smallcaseauthtoken instead of gatewaytoken (1651093)
- added xcode 13 compatible scgateway pod dependency (3d7209d)
- custom broker list during gateway setup (09366d0)
- default dm values on android (6d4c87b)
- flutter version contstraint in yaml (c2a19b9)
- Market status check and iOS race condition (89faa5e)
- MethodChannel.Result.error - errorCode Type (3f22522)
- not yet implemented error (35d6b4a)
- Plugins crash with - Methods marked with @UiThread must be executed on the main thread. (66c2233)
- share data on txn error (52fc48a)
- SI- userId null for SI login (d219272)
- SMT integration android (15d7b13)
- transaction error response in onSuccess callback (a8fbe75)
- updtd clpbrd plugin and chngd gradle dist url (ddf86ec)
We have moved our changelog to a more convenient address