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Test instance patterns

This is a full list of test instance patterns that can be used for evaluating understanding workflow architectures by LLMs.

To create test instances from the patterns, substitute all the parameters. Note that it might also be necessary to alter the question formulations to adapt them to the language of the specific workflow architecture.

Structure patterns

List of tasks

Rationale: Can the LLM list the tasks in a workflow and filter them?


  • $P$: property of the tasks (e.g., the task has a parameter), can be empty (to list all the tasks)
  • $N$: number of tasks satisfying $P$
  • $T$: total number of tasks
  • $W$: workflow name

Architecture: Workflow $W$ with $N$ tasks satisfying $P$ and $T-N$ tasks not satisfying $P$.

Question: List all tasks in workflow $W$ that satisfy $P$.

Reference answer: a set of $N$ tasks satisfying $P$ (depends on the parameter substitution for the test instance)

Evaluation metric: Jaccard index

Example instance: "List all tasks in workflow 'MLTrainingAndEvaluation' that have a parameter."

Links in flow

Rationale: Can the LLM understand flow links between tasks?


  • $F$: flow type (e.g., control flow, data flow)
  • $W$: workflow name
  • $T_1, T_2$: tasks in $W$

Architecture: Workflow $W$ with tasks $T_1, T_2$ (and possibly other), linked $T_1 \to T_2$ in flow $F$.

Question: In workflow $W$, is there a flow $F$ link from $T_2$ to $T_1$?

Reference answer: yes

Evaluation metric: correctness

Example instance: "In workflow 'MLTrainingAndEvaluation', is there a control flow link from 'MLModelTraining' to 'MLModelEvaluation'?"

Rationale: Can the LLM understand flow links between tasks? (negative test)


  • $F$: flow type (e.g., control flow, data flow)
  • $W$: workflow name
  • $T_1, T_2$: tasks in $W$

Architecture: Workflow $W$ with tasks $T_1, T_2$ (and possibly other). There is no link $T_1 \to T_2$ in flow $F$.

Question: In workflow $W$, is there a flow $F$ link from $T_2$ to $T_1$?

Reference answer: no

Evaluation metric: correctness

Example instance: "In workflow 'MLTrainingAndEvaluation', is there a control flow link from 'MLModelEvaluation' to 'MLModelTraining'?"

Task after task

Rationale: Can the LLM understand flow links between tasks?


  • $F$: flow type (e.g., control flow, data flow)
  • $W$: workflow name
  • $T_1, T_2$: tasks in $W$

Architecture: Workflow $W$ with tasks $T_1, T_2$ (and possibly other), linked $T_1 \to T_2$ in flow $F$.

Question: In workflow $W$, does $T_2$ directly follow $T_1$ in flow $F$?

Reference answer: yes

Evaluation metric: correctness

Example instance: "In workflow 'MLTrainingAndEvaluation', does 'MLModelEvaluation' directly follow 'MLModelTraining' in control flow?"

Rationale: Can the LLM understand flow links between tasks? (negative test)


  • $F$: flow type (e.g., control flow, data flow)
  • $W$: workflow name
  • $T_1, T_2$: tasks in $W$

Architecture: Workflow $W$ with tasks $T_1, T_2$ (and possibly other). There is no link $T_1 \to T_2$ in flow $F$.

Question: In workflow $W$, does $T_2$ directly follow $T_1$ in flow $F$?

Reference answer: no

Evaluation metric: correctness

Example instance: "In workflow 'MLTrainingAndEvaluation', does 'MLModelTraining' directly follow 'MLModelEvaluation' in control flow?"

Next tasks in flow

Rationale: Can the LLM understand flow links between tasks?


  • $F$: flow type (e.g., control flow, data flow)
  • $W$: workflow name
  • $T_0$: task in $W$
  • $T_1, \dots, T_N$: tasks in $W$

Architecture: Workflow $W$ with tasks $T_0, \dots, T_KN$ (and possibly other). There are links in flow $F$ from task $T_0$ to $T_1, \dots, T_N$.

Question: In workflow $W$, which tasks come directly after $T_0$ in flow $F$?

Reference answer: $T_1, \dots, T_N$

Evaluation metric: Jaccard index

Example instance: "In workflow 'MainWorkflow', which tasks come directly after 'Task2' in the control flow?", reference answer: { "Task1", "Task3" } (block of parallel tasks)

Flow cycle

Rationale: Can the LLM find cycles in the flow?


  • $F$: flow type (e.g., control flow, data flow)
  • $C$: length of the cycle
  • $W$: workflow name

Architecture: Workflow $W$ with a cycle of length $C$ among the tasks (circular flow $F$ among several tasks).

Question: In workflow $W$, is there a cycle in the $F$?

Reference answer: yes

Evaluation metric: correctness

Rationale: Can the LLM find cycles in the flow? (negative test)


  • $F$: flow type (e.g., control flow, data flow)
  • $W$: workflow name

Architecture: Workflow $W$ without a cycle in flow $F$ among the tasks.

Question: In workflow $W$, is there a cycle in the $F$?

Reference answer: no

Evaluation metric: correctness

Task hierarchy (if the architecture is hierarchical)

Rationale: Can the LLM understand task hierarchy (if the architecture is hierarchical)?


  • $W$: workflow name
  • $T$: task in the workflow $W$ that is composite (has sub-tasks)
  • $S$: sub-task of $T$

Architecture: Workflow $W$ with task $T$ that has sub-tasks (sub-workflow). One of the sub-tasks is $S$.

Question: Is task $S$ a part of task $T$ (from workflow $W$)?

Reference answer: yes

Evaluation metric: correctness

Example instance: "Is task 'HyperparameterProposal' a part of task 'HyperparameterOptimization' (from workflow 'FailurePredictionInManufacture')?"

Rationale: Can the LLM understand task hierarchy (if the architecture is hierarchical)? (negative test)


  • $W$: workflow name
  • $T$: task in the workflow $W$ (it might be composite)
  • $S$: a different task from $W$ (or another workflow) that is not sub-task of $T$

Architecture: Workflow $W$ with task $T$. Another task $S$, that is not sub-task of $T$.

Question: Is task $S$ a part of task $T$ (from workflow $W$)?

Reference answer: no

Evaluation metric: correctness

Example instance: "Is task 'DataRetrieval' a part of task 'HyperparameterOptimization' (from workflow 'FailurePredictionInManufacture')?"

Infinite recursion in references

Rationale: Can the LLM detect infinite recursion in references (e.g., sub-workflows if the architecture is hierarchical)?


  • $W$: workflow name

Architecture: Workflow $W$ that references itself in the workflow.

Question: In workflow $W$, is there an infinite recursion in the references?

Reference answer: yes

Evaluation metric: correctness

Note: The recursion might also be more complicated than just a simple self-reference, i.e., $W_1$ references $W_2$, $W_2$ references $W_3$, $\dots$, $W_K$ references $W_1$.

Rationale: Can the LLM detect infinite recursion in references (e.g., sub-workflows if the architecture is hierarchical)? (negative test)


  • $W$: workflow name

Architecture: Workflow $W$ without infinite recursion of references.

Question: In workflow $W$, is there an infinite recursion in the references?

Reference answer: no

Evaluation metric: correctness

Dependency (in the flow)

Rationale: Can the LLM understand dependencies (in the flow)?


  • $W$: workflow name
  • $E$: entity (e.g., task, data) in the workflow
  • $T$: task in the workflow that depends on $E$ (trough e.g., control flow, data flow)

Architecture: Workflow $W$ with task $T$ that depends on $E$ (the dependency might be transitive through other entities).

Question: In workflow $W$, does $T$ depend on $E$?

Reference answer: yes

Evaluation metric: correctness

Example instances:

  • "In workflow 'MLTrainingAndEvaluation' does task 'MLModelEvaluation' depend on task 'MLModelTraining'?"
  • "In workflow 'MLTrainingAndEvaluation' does task 'MLModelTraining' depend on data 'TrainingData'?"

Rationale: Can the LLM understand dependencies (in the flow)? (negative test)


  • $W$: workflow name
  • $E$: entity (e.g., task, data) in the workflow
  • $T$: task in the workflow that does not depend on $E$ (trough e.g., control flow, data flow)

Architecture: Workflow $W$ with task $T$ that does not depend on $E$.

Question: In workflow $W$, does $T$ depend on $E$?

Reference answer: no

Evaluation metric: correctness

Example instances:

  • "In workflow 'MLTrainingAndEvaluation' does task 'MLModelTraining' depend on task 'MLModelEvaluation'?"
  • "In workflow 'MLTrainingAndEvaluation' does task 'MLModelTraining' depend on data 'TestData'?"

List of dependencies (in the flow)

Rationale: Can the LLM list dependencies (in the flow)?


  • $W$: workflow name
  • $E$: entity type (e.g., task, data)
  • $E_1, \dots, E_K$: entities (of type $E$) in the workflow
  • $T$: task in the workflow that depends on $E_1, \dots, E_K$

Architecture: Workflow $W$ with task $T$ that depends on $E_1, \dots, E_K$.

Question: List all entities of type $E$ that $T$ (from $W$) depends.

Reference answer: ${E_1, \dots, E_K}$

Evaluation metric: Jaccard index

Example instances:

  • "List all data that task 'MLModelEvaluation' (from workflow 'MLTrainingAndEvaluation') depends on.", reference answer: { MLModel, TestFeatures }
  • "List all tasks that must run before task 'MLModelEvaluation' in workflow 'MLTrainingAndEvaluation'.", reference answer: { FeatureExtraction, ModelTraining }

Data production

Rationale: Can the LLM detect which task produces the given data?


  • $W$: workflow name
  • $D$: data (or other entity) in the workflow
  • $T$: task which produces $D$ as its output

Architecture: Workflow $W$ with task $T$ that produces $D$.

Question: In workflow $W$, which task produces $D$?

Reference answer: $T$

Evaluation metric: correctness

Example instance: "In workflow 'MLTrainingAndEvaluation' which task produces 'MLModel'?", reference answer: 'MLModelTraining'

Behavior patterns

Trace of tasks

Rationale: Can the LLM determine if a trace of tasks can occur?


  • $W$: workflow name
  • $T_1, \dots, T_K$: tasks in the workflow $W$
  • $S$: situation (e.g., parameter values)
  • $R_1, \dots, R_L$ ($L \le K$): tasks that will run when the workflow is executed with initial situation $S$

Architecture: Workflow $W$ with tasks $T_1, \dots, T_K$. When $W$ is executed with initial situation $S$, tasks $R_1, \dots, R_L$ will run in this order.

Question: Can the trace of tasks $R_1, \dots, R_K$ occur in workflow $W$ in this order?

Reference answer: yes

Evaluation metric: correctness

Example instance: "Can the trace of tasks 'FeatureExtraction', 'MLModelTraining', 'MLModelEvaluation' occur in workflow 'MLTrainingAndEvaluation'?"

Rationale: Can the LLM determine if a trace of tasks can occur? (negative test)


  • $W$: workflow name
  • $T_1, \dots, T_K$: tasks in the workflow $W$
  • $R_1, \dots, R_L$: tasks (from $W$ or different workflow)

Architecture: Workflow $W$ with tasks $T_1, \dots, T_K$. When $W$ is executed (with any initial situation), the tasks that will run will not be exactly $R_1, \dots, R_L$ in this order.

Question: Can the trace of tasks $R_1, \dots, R_K$ occur in workflow $W$ in this order?

Reference answer: no

Evaluation metric: correctness

Example instance: "Can the trace of tasks 'TrainTestSplit', 'MLModelEvaluation', 'MLModelTraining' occur in workflow 'MLTrainingAndEvaluation'?"

Task order (without conditional flow)

Rationale: Can the LLM understand the order of tasks in the workflow without conditional flow?


  • $W$: workflow name
  • $T_1, \dots, T_K$: tasks in the workflow $W$

Architecture: Workflow $W$ with tasks $T_1, \dots, T_K$ in this order in control flow.

Question: List all the tasks in workflow $W$ in order in which they run.

Reference answer: $T_1, \dots, T_K$ (note: if some tasks can run in parallel, they can be listed in any order)

Evaluation metric: Damerau–Levenshtein distance (note: special care must be given to the order of parallel tasks)

Example instance: "List all the tasks in workflow 'MLTrainingAndEvaluation' in order in which they run.", reference answer: FeatureExtraction, MLModelTraining, MLModelEvaluation

Mutually exclusive conditional flow

Rationale: Can the LLM understand conditional flow guards?


  • $F$: flow type (e.g., control flow)
  • $W$: workflow name
  • $T_0, T_1, T_2$: tasks in the workflow
  • $C_1, C_2$: conditions for conditional links (in flow $F$) that are mutually exclusive

Architecture: Workflow $W$ with tasks $T_0, T_1, T_2$ (and possibly other), conditional link in flow $F$ between $T_0$ and $T_1$ with condition $C_1$, conditional link in flow $F$ between $T_0$ and $T_2$ with condition $C_2$, $C_1$ and $C_2$ are mutually exclusive

Question: Are conditional links in flow $F$ from task $T_0$ mutually exclusive?

Reference answer: yes

Evaluation metric: correctness ($1$ if LLM's answer is correct, $0$ otherwise)

Example instance: Workflow with a parameter $p$, $C_1$ is "$p < 0$", $C_2$ is "$p \ge 0$".

Rationale: Can the LLM understand conditional flow guards? (negative test)


  • $F$: flow type (e.g., control flow)
  • $W$: workflow name
  • $T_0, T_1, T_2$: tasks in the workflow
  • $C_1, C_2$: conditions for conditional links (in flow $F$) that are not mutually exclusive

Architecture: Workflow $W$ with tasks $T_0, T_1, T_2$ (and possibly other), conditional link in flow $F$ between $T_0$ and $T_1$ with condition $C_1$, conditional link in flow $F$ between $T_0$ and $T_2$ with condition $C_2$, $C_1$ and $C_2$ are not mutually exclusive

Question: Are conditional links in flow $F$ from task $T_0$ mutually exclusive?

Reference answer: no

Evaluation metric: correctness ($1$ if LLM's answer is correct, $0$ otherwise)

Example instance: Workflow with a parameter $p$, $C_1$ is "$p < 10$", $C_2$ is "$p > 0$" (both conditions can be true simultaneously).

Does task run in every situation?

Rationale: Can the LLM understand conditional flow guards?


  • $F$: flow type (e.g., control flow)
  • $W$: workflow name
  • $T$: task in the workflow $W$

Architecture: Workflow $W$ with task $T$ (and possibly other). There is at least one conditional link in flow $F$ into or before task $T$ such that for any initial situation, task $T$ is executed.

Question: Will the task $T$ be executed in every possible initial situation?

Reference answer: yes

Evaluation metric: correctness

Example instance: TODO

Conditional flow

Rationale: Can the LLM evaluate conditional flow?


  • $F$: flow type (e.g., control flow)
  • $W$: workflow name
  • $T_0, \dots, T_K$: tasks in the workflow
  • $C_1, \dots, C_K$: conditions for conditional links (in flow $F$)
  • $S$: situation (e.g., parameter values)

Architecture: Workflow $W$ with tasks $T_0, \dots, T_K$ (and possibly other), conditional links in flow $F$ between $T_0$ and $T_1$, \dots, $T_K$ with conditions $C_1, \dots, C_K$ respectively. Situation $S$ such that $C_1$ is true and $C_2, \dots, C_K$ are false.

Question: Which task will follow $T_0$ in flow $F$ in workflow $W$?

Reference answer: $T_1$

Evaluation metric: correctness ($1$ if LLM's answer is correct, $0$ otherwise)

Example instance: "Which task will follow 'HyperparameterProposal' in control flow in workflow 'HyperparameterOptimization'?"

Task order (with conditional flow)

Rationale: Can the LLM understand the order of tasks in the workflow with conditional flow?


  • $W$: workflow name
  • $T_1, \dots, T_K$: tasks in the workflow $W$
  • $S$: situation (e.g., parameter values)
  • $R_1, \dots, R_L$ ($L \le K$): tasks that will run when the workflow is executed with initial situation $S$

Architecture: Workflow $W$ with tasks $T_1, \dots, T_K$. When $W$ is executed with initial situation $S$, tasks $R_1, \dots, R_L$ will run in this order.

Question: Given the initial situation $S$, list all the tasks that will run when workflow $W$ is executed in order in which they will run.

Reference answer: $R_1, \dots, R_L$ (note: if some tasks can run in parallel, they can be listed in any order)

Evaluation metric: Damerau–Levenshtein distance (note: special care must be given to the order of parallel tasks)

Example instance: "Given the initial situation p=0, list all the tasks that will run when workflow 'Workflow3' is executed in order in which they will run.", reference answer: Task7, Task8

Basic functionality patterns

In the source code and raw results, these patterns are labeled semantics.

Inconsistent task name and description

Rationale: Can the LLM detect inconsistent task name and description?


  • $W$: workflow name
  • $T$: task name
  • $D_T$: task description that is inconsistent with name $T$

Architecture: Workflow $W$ with task $T$ that has a description $D_T$

Question: Identify potential errors in the specification of $W$ and present a list of them.

Reference answer: The description of task $T$ does not correspond with its name. (exact formulation might depend on the test instance)

Evaluation metric: ROUGE

Example instance: Task named 'BinaryClassificationModelTraining' with description 'Training of a regression ML model'

Inconsistent descriptions

Rationale: Can the LLM detect inconsistent descriptions of workflow and tasks?


  • $W$: workflow name
  • $D_W$: workflow description
  • $D_T$: task description that is inconsistent with $D_W$

Architecture: Workflow containing a task with inconsistent description.

Question: Identify potential errors in the specification of $W$ and present a list of them.

Reference answer: description of the inconsistency (depends on the test instance)

Evaluation metric: ROUGE

Example instance: A workflow specifying an ML pipeline where the ML goal is said to be "binary classification" in the workflow description. At the same time, the tasks perform training of a "regression" ML model (which is inconsistent with "binary classification").

Semantically incorrect order of tasks

Rationale: Can the LLM detect tasks that are clearly in wrong order (semantically)?


  • $W$: workflow name
  • $T_1, T_2$: tasks in $W$
  • $F$: flow type (e.g., control flow)

Architecture: Workflow $W$ containing tasks $T_1, T_2$ (and possibly other). In flow $F$, the link $T_1 \to T_2$ is semantically incorrect.

Question: Identify potential errors in the specification of $W$ and present a list of them.

Reference answer: Task $T_2$ should precede task $T_1$ in flow $F$. (concrete formulation depends on the test instance)

Evaluation metric: ROUGE

Example instance: Workflow with task 'MLModelTraining' after 'MLModelEvaluation'.

Understanding properties (meaning) of tasks

Rationale: Can the LLM understand meaning of tasks (e.g., task performs an operation that is not directly mentioned in the name)?


  • $W$: workflow name
  • $P$: property of task (e.g., the task is part of data preprocessing)
  • $T_1$: task in $W$ with property $P$
  • $T_2$: task in $W$

Architecture: Workflow $W$ containing tasks $T_1, T_2$ (and possibly other). Property $P$ is mentioned in description/specification of $T_1$. Task $T_1$ precedes (not necessarily directly) task $T_2$ in the control flow.

Question: Does a task with property $P$ run before $T_2$?

Reference answer: yes

Evaluation metric: correctness

Example instance: Task 'FeatureExtraction' is labeled as "data preprocessing" and it precedes 'MLModelTraining', question: "Does a data preprocessing task run before 'MLModelTraining?"

Note: Other variants of this pattern can also be created, e.g., "Does a task with property $P$ run after $T_2$?" (if the order of tasks is appropriately changed in the architecture).

Rationale: Can the LLM understand meaning of tasks (e.g., task performs an operation that is not directly mentioned in the name)? (negative test)


  • $W$: workflow name
  • $P$: property of task (e.g., the task is part of data preprocessing)
  • $T_2$: task in $W$

Architecture: Workflow $W$ containing task $T_2$ (and possibly other). No tasks preceding $T_2$ in the control flow satisfy the property $P$.

Question: Does a task with property $P$ run before $T_2$?

Reference answer: no

Evaluation metric: correctness

Example instance: "Does a data preprocessing task run before 'DataRetrieval?" (some of the later tasks might be labeled as "data preprocessing")

Note: Other variants of this pattern can also be created, e.g., "Does a task with property $P$ run after $T_2$?" (if the order of tasks is appropriately changed in the architecture).

Evaluation metrics used in the patterns

Yes-no questions, questions with one correct answer

  • correctness: $1$ if LLM's answer = reference answer, $0$ otherwise

Set questions

  • Jaccard index: the size of the intersection divided by the size of the union of the sets (LLM's answer set and the reference answer set)

List (ordered) questions

  • Damerau–Levenshtein distance: edit distance between two sequences allowing insertions, deletions, substitutions, and transposition (swap) of two adjacent elements

Open-ended questions

  • ROUGE (Recall-Oriented Understudy for Gisting Evaluation): the word overlap of the reference answer and the LLM output
  • BERTScore: the cosine similarity of word embeddings (that capture the meaning of words)
  • manual: manual assessment of the LLM's output
  • LLM as a judge (e.g., G-Eval): use another LLM to assess the LLM's output