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Change Log

0.10.0 (2022-08-07)

Summary Changelog:

  • Update requirements to Node.js 14 LTS (14.15.0)
  • Ensure all is good as before
  • Change CloudEvent validation methods/functions: the given argument to validate/check in strict mode now defaults to null, so validation/check will override the value in the event (is any) only when that flag has a value in arguments
  • Add a flag in CloudEvent serialization/deserialization to simplify debugging issues
  • Small improvements in Validator functions
  • Add some Utility functions, in its own source
  • Add an example (minimal) benchmark
  • Small improvements in performances (inline some small utility code block), as seen in flame graph on both examples; later check if do more
  • Rewritten some code to use new ES features and operators; but not (yet) private functions/methods to avoid less code coverage (to not add a library to mock that code for testing it once private; later check if it worth the effort)

0.9.0 (2022-04-16)

Summary Changelog:

  • Implement the v1.0.2 - CloudEvents Spec but ensure compatibility with release 1.0 of the spec
  • Update dependencies but keep compatibility with Node.js 10
  • Update internals about 'time', to be managed as a string (as in spec); in costructor now is accepted even as a string (that could be checked later during validation); added a getter method to get its value as a Date
  • Update JSONBatch serialize/deserialize with an additional argument: a callback function to notify when each item has been processed (in the right way or not), it could be useful
  • General cleanup
  • No features implemented as async functions here at the moment

0.8.0 (2021-03-26)

Summary Changelog:

  • Implement the v1.0.1 - CloudEvents Spec but ensure compatibility with release 1.0
  • Update requirements to Node.js 10 LTS (10.13.0 or later)
  • Update dependencies for the development environment
  • Generate documentation from sources with JSDoc, no more ESDoc
  • Fix: Manage in the right way optional values given as null (even extensions)
  • Fix: remove the unnecessary executable attribute from sources and some other file in the repo
  • Feature: add to CloudEvent an utility (static) method to dump validation results
  • Feature: ensure 'data' works in the right way with a string value and even with a boolean value, both with a non default datacontenttype (for example 'text/plain')
  • Feature: handle 'data' as array (it was previously forbidden)
  • Feature: update example and update/simplify README
  • Feature: update JSONBatch strict validation to consider even null/undefined items in the array
  • Feature: update to string representation including all mandatory attributes, and by using 'payload' instead of 'data' (shortened if more than 1024 chars) because it's more general

0.7.0 (2020-09-20)

Summary Changelog:

  • Implement the v1.0 - CloudEvents Spec with all breaking changes since its v0.3
  • Update dependencies for the development environment
  • Update JSON Schema to that of spec v1.0
  • Feature: keep compatibility with Node.js 8 (but this is latest release that supports it)
  • Breaking change: updated attributes as per spec
  • Breaking change: updated my extension/s to be compliant with updated spec
  • Breaking change: updated getter method 'payload' to return parsed JSON data if datacontenttype is default or json-derived, and unparsed data in other cases; if data_base64 is defined, an uncoded version of it will be returned
  • Feature: implement a getter method 'dataType' to tell if data is text or binary encoded
  • Feature: added as validation option a user defined function to validate data with dataschema
  • General: ensured some CloudEvent serialized instances pass some online validators for this spec version; for example this from its Web UI

0.6.0 (2019-10-23)

Summary Changelog:

  • Implement the v0.3 - CloudEvents Spec with all breaking changes since its v0.2
  • Update dependencies for the development environment
  • Update JSON Schema to that of spec v0.3
  • Breaking change: updated attributes as per spec, like: rename 'contenttype' into 'datacontenttype', add the new attribute 'subject', remove the 'extensions' specific attribute, standard names no more usable in extensions, handle 'datacontentencoding' and its 'base64' encoding (other encodings with a user-defined encode function), etc; updated/renamed methods (normal and static) in the same way, for consistency with the naming of attributes
  • Update Validator and Transformer with some new useful (static) methods
  • Restore the ability to have object (and not only string) value for data when 'datacontenttype' is not default
  • Implement even the "JSON Batch Format" (many Cloudevents inside a JSON array) in a new class JSONBatch, with specific new static methods for serializing/deserializing array of Cloudevents; but do not use streaming here (for simplicity)
  • Improve generated docs with an update of ESDoc syntax, to clarify not nullable parameters, nullable parameters, optional, optional with a default value
  • Update examples with new features
  • Add npm custom command to run Tap tests in a 'dev' mode (but without debugger breaks), by continuously run it in 'watch' mode
  • Add npm custom command 'example:debug' to be able to debug the example
  • Refactor unit tests to share some common parts
  • Use Node.js assertions but in strict mode, available in Node.js 8.16.x (but not in previous like 8.9.0)
  • Ensure test code has 100% coverage
  • Other small changes
  • Add a badge for license, another for vulnerabilities in dependencies

0.5.0 (2019-04-28)

Summary Changelog:

  • Implement the v0.2 - CloudEvents Spec with all breaking changes since its v0.1
  • Updated dependencies for the development environment
  • Updated documentation and samples to describe/show changes and the new behavior
  • Updated Tap unit tests to always run in strict mode, and some refactoring
  • Clarify which CloudEvents Spec version is implemented in the current release

0.4.0 (2019-03-15)

Summary Changelog:

  • Updated dependencies for the development environment
  • Remove unused dev dependencies
  • In serialization/deserialization methods, add a boolean option 'onlyValid' (by default false) to serialize/deserialize only if validation is successful
  • Relax strict validation rules, so when contentType is not default, the 'data' attribute could be a string
  • in Transformer, add utility static methods 'timestampToNumber' and 'timestampFromNumber', to simplify timestamp handling even when in number format
  • in Transformer, add utility static method 'uriStripArguments', to return the given URI/URL string but without arguments (if any); note that this would be useful to cleanup given url (sometimes returned by frameworks as requested by web clients), to put into the 'source' attribute
  • in Transformer, add utility static method 'mergeObjects', to merge the given objects and return the merged one (but with the same prototype of the first object); note that this is useful to merge a CloudEvent instance with other objects containing attribute values to merge in it
  • Achieve 100% test code coverage

0.3.0 (2019-02-12)

Summary Changelog:

  • Updated dependencies for the development environment
  • Add the ability to deserialize/parse a string into a CloudEvent (via the static method 'deserializeEvent')
  • Add a static method 'isCloudEvent' to tell the given object, if it's a class/subclass instance of CloudEvent
  • Add an utility class 'Transformer' with useful static methods to transform CloudEvent related data, like: tmestamp (Date) to/from string, error to data (the CloudEvent data attribute), process info to data, etc
  • Add some useful static methods to the class 'Validator'
  • Breaking change: to be more future proof, the main object exported by the library now is only a container for library classes/objects/functions; using destructuring assignment, using the library will be simple the same; see samples and documentation for more info
  • Breaking change: move the utility static method 'dumpObject' from the CloudEvent class to the new Transformer class
  • Improve (Test) Code Coverage, to be near 100%

0.2.2 (2019-01-20)

Summary Changelog:

  • Updated dependencies for the development environment
  • Add some tests with nested data (objects nested with some levels of depth)
  • Add a getter method for reading the data attribute (payload)
  • To handle non default 'contentType' mime type, pass an options object to serializer
  • In serialization options, add a function to transform data and return the encoded version (but without checks on the transformed value), used with non default 'contentType'
  • In serialization options, add an argument to specify the (already) encoded version of the data (payload) (but without checks on the value), used with non default 'contentType'
  • Add an npm custom command to run Tap unit tests with Node.js debugger breaks enabled (inspector) and no parallel and no timeout, useful for example in Visual Studio Code
  • Note that accordingly with the Semantic Versioning specification (version number: MAJOR.MINOR.PATCH), in this case I added functionality in a backwards-compatible manner, so I should update the MINOR version now (update MAJOR is for incompatible changes, MINOR for compatible changes, and PATCH is for compatible fixes); but in this case there are no real addition of new features (but an improvement over existing features, and remove some TODO), so could be good the same even a PATCH release

0.2.1 (2018-12-20)

Summary Changelog:

  • Updated dependencies for the development environment
  • Expose the JSON Schema even with a static method, for simpler usage by others
  • Fix documentation generation in ESDoc (using latest JavaScript syntax), and tweak configuration for documentation on tests
  • Added badge for the status (updated or not) for dependencies, in the README

0.2.0 (2018-12-09)

Summary Changelog:

  • Updated dependencies
  • Add Badges in the README for simpler download/identify from NPM web site
  • Remove cloudEventsVersion attribute from constructor (it's defined in the implementation, as a read-only private property); so the change in release number
  • Move source attribute from constructor options to a constructor property (for simpler set/override) and remove its default value; so the change in release number
  • Add JSON Schema for CloudEvent, related to current attributes (so it makes sense to expose here, even if used only by other serializing libraries)
  • Deprecate the current package name, the new name (simpler) will be cloudevent (drop the .js from the package name); this release will have both, but later versions will be published only with the new name; unluckily I can't use 'cloudevents' because it's already used

0.1.0 (2018-08-28)

Summary Changelog:

  • First release compliant with current CloudEvent Spec (0.1.0), with basic features: create instances with all attributes, or with some useful defaults
  • Provide some basic validation checks and validation functions
  • Implement Serialization in the default format
  • Provide a Node.js Example