- Setup:
just setup
oruv pip install --editable ".[dev]"
- Format:
just format
oruvx ruff format py_launch_blueprint/
- Lint:
just lint
oruvx ruff check py_launch_blueprint/
- Type check:
just typecheck
oruvx --with-editable . mypy py_launch_blueprint/
- Test all:
just test
oruvx --with-editable . pytest
- Test single:
uvx --with-editable . pytest tests/test_file.py::test_name
- All checks:
just check
- Pre-commit:
just pre-commit-run
- Line length: 88 characters (Black standard)
- Types: Strict typing required for all functions
- Imports: Sorted with relative imports preferred
- Naming: PEP 8 conventions enforced via Ruff
- Errors: Prefer explicit error handling over assertions
- Tests: Type annotations optional for test files
- Security: No hardcoded credentials, follow bandit rules
- Python: 3.10+ required
- Package manager:
recommended, pip supported - IDE: VS Code with Ruff, MyPy and Pylance extensions