diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore
index faca3dbb..cbde1218 100644
--- a/.gitignore
+++ b/.gitignore
@@ -1,3 +1,12 @@
+# kdevelop
diff --git a/src/parser/parser_ninetwo.cpp b/src/parser/parser_ninetwo.cpp
index 1dab8be3..8d418c96 100644
--- a/src/parser/parser_ninetwo.cpp
+++ b/src/parser/parser_ninetwo.cpp
@@ -1,26 +1,28 @@
-** This file is a part of Fahrplan.
-** This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-** it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-** the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
-** (at your option) any later version.
-** This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-** but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-** GNU General Public License for more details.
-** You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
-** with this program. If not, see .
+ * *
+ ** This file is a part of Fahrplan.
+ **
+ ** This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ ** it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ ** the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ ** (at your option) any later version.
+ **
+ ** This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ ** but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ ** GNU General Public License for more details.
+ **
+ ** You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
+ ** with this program. If not, see .
+ **
+ ****************************************************************************/
#include "parser_ninetwo.h"
#ifdef BUILD_FOR_QT5
# include
@@ -28,7 +30,7 @@
-#define BASE_URL "https://api.9292.nl/0.1/"
+#define BASE_URL "https://9292.nl/en"
inline qreal deg2rad(qreal deg)
@@ -62,11 +64,11 @@ void ParserNinetwo::getTimeTableForStation(const Station ¤tStation,
QUrl uri(QString(BASE_URL "/locations/%1/departure-times").arg(currentStation.id.toString()));
-#if defined(BUILD_FOR_QT5)
+ #if defined(BUILD_FOR_QT5)
QUrlQuery query;
+ #else
QUrl query;
+ #endif
query.addQueryItem("lang", "en-GB");
@@ -78,34 +80,38 @@ void ParserNinetwo::getTimeTableForStation(const Station ¤tStation,
void ParserNinetwo::findStationsByName(const QString &stationName)
- qDebug() << "FINDBYNAME";
- QUrl uri(BASE_URL "locations");
+ // TODO: do a bogus search, and use the "did you perhapss mean ..." response
+ // bacause it seems that some places do not get suggested
+ QUrl url(BASE_URL "/suggest");
+ qDebug() << "FINDBYNAME" << stationName << url;
-#if defined(BUILD_FOR_QT5)
+ #if defined(BUILD_FOR_QT5)
QUrlQuery query;
+ #else
QUrl query;
- query.addQueryItem("lang", "en-GB");
- query.addQueryItem("q", stationName);
- uri.setQuery(query);
+ #endif
+ query.addQueryItem("userInput", stationName);
+ url.setQuery(query);
- sendHttpRequest(uri);
+ sendHttpRequest(url);
void ParserNinetwo::findStationsByCoordinates(qreal longitude, qreal latitude)
+ // No longer supported.
+ // TODO: use a free geocoding api, and then search on
+ // postal code
QUrl uri(BASE_URL "locations");
-#if defined(BUILD_FOR_QT5)
+ #if defined(BUILD_FOR_QT5)
QUrlQuery query;
+ #else
QUrl query;
+ #endif
query.addQueryItem("lang", "en-GB");
- query.addQueryItem("type", "station,stop");
query.addQueryItem("latlong", QString("%1,%2").arg(latitude).arg(longitude));
query.addQueryItem("includestation", "true");
@@ -129,43 +135,66 @@ void ParserNinetwo::searchJourney(const Station &departureStation,
- QUrl uri(BASE_URL "journeys");
+ QUrl url(BASE_URL "/journeyadvice");
-#if defined(BUILD_FOR_QT5)
- QUrlQuery query;
- QUrl query;
- query.addQueryItem("lang", "en-GB");
- query.addQueryItem("before", "1");
+ #if defined(BUILD_FOR_QT5)
+ QUrlQuery postData;
+ #else
+ QUrl postData;
+ #endif
+ /*
+ // this is for /journeyadvice-page
query.addQueryItem("from", departureStation.id.toString());
- if(viaStation.valid)
- query.addQueryItem("via", viaStation.id.toString());
query.addQueryItem("to", arrivalStation.id.toString());
- query.addQueryItem("sequence", "1");
- query.addQueryItem("dateTime", dateTime.toString("yyyy-MM-ddTHHmm"));
- switch(trainrestrictions){
- default:
- case all:
- query.addQueryItem("byFerry", "true");
- case noFerry:
- query.addQueryItem("byBus", "true");
- query.addQueryItem("byTram", "true");
- query.addQueryItem("bySubway", "true");
- case trainsOnly:
- query.addQueryItem("byTrain", "true");
- }
- query.addQueryItem("searchtype", mode==Departure?"departure":"arrival");
- //TODO: make transport types work
- query.addQueryItem("after", "5");
- uri.setQuery(query);
- sendHttpRequest(uri);
+ query.addQueryItem("searchType", mode == Mode::Arrival ? "arrival" : "departure");
+ query.addQueryItem("dateTime", dateTime.toString("yyyy-MM-ddThhmm"));
+ query.addQueryItem("extraInterchangeTime", 0);
+ query.addQueryItem("flexStop", "False");
+ query.addQueryItem("flexAddress", "False");
+ query.addQueryItem("before", QString::number(-1));
+ query.addQueryItem("bfter", QString::number(5));
+ */
+ // This post request is inconsistent AF. here and there it uses "true"/"false"
+ // and other places it uses "on"/"off"
+ static const char* const o[] = {"off", "on"};
+ postData.addQueryItem("fromText","");
+ postData.addQueryItem("fromLock","false");
+ postData.addQueryItem("fromOriginal","");
+ postData.addQueryItem("fromRef",departureStation.id.toString());
+ postData.addQueryItem("fromRefOriginal","");
+ postData.addQueryItem("viaText", viaStation.valid ? viaStation.name : "");
+ postData.addQueryItem("viaOriginal","");
+ postData.addQueryItem("viaRef", viaStation.valid ? viaStation.id.toString() : "");
+ postData.addQueryItem("viaRefOriginal","");
+ postData.addQueryItem("toText","");
+ postData.addQueryItem("toLock","false");
+ postData.addQueryItem("toOriginal","");
+ postData.addQueryItem("toRef",arrivalStation.id.toString());
+ postData.addQueryItem("toRefOriginal","");
+ postData.addQueryItem("date",dateTime.toString("dd-MM-yyyy"));
+ postData.addQueryItem("time",dateTime.toString("hh:mm"));
+ postData.addQueryItem("dateTime",dateTime.toString("yyyy-MM-ddhh:mm"));
+ postData.addQueryItem("searchType", (mode == Mode::Arrival) ? "aankomst" : "vertrek");
+ postData.addQueryItem("extraInterchangeTime","0");
+ postData.addQueryItem("travelByBus",o[trainrestrictions != restrictions::trainsOnly ]);
+ postData.addQueryItem("travelByTrain","on");
+ postData.addQueryItem("travelByTram",o[trainrestrictions != restrictions::trainsOnly ]);
+ postData.addQueryItem("travelBySubway",o[trainrestrictions != restrictions::trainsOnly ]);
+ postData.addQueryItem("travelByFerry",o[trainrestrictions == restrictions::all]);
+ postData.addQueryItem("planWithAccessibility","false");
+ #if defined(BUILD_FOR_QT5) || defined(BUILD_FOR_QT6)
+ QByteArray data = postData.query().toUtf8().replace(' ', '+') ;
+ #else
+ QByteArray data = postData.encodedQuery().toUtf8().replace(' ', '+') ;
+ #endif
+ qDebug() << "SEARCH JOURNEYS" << url << postData.query();
+ sendHttpRequest(url, data);
void ParserNinetwo::searchJourneyLater()
@@ -188,11 +217,11 @@ void ParserNinetwo::getJourneyDetails(const QString &id)
QStringList ParserNinetwo::getTrainRestrictions()
- QStringList restrictions;
- restrictions << tr("All");
- restrictions << tr("Only trains");
- restrictions << tr("All, except ferry");
- return restrictions;
+ QStringList restrictions;
+ restrictions << tr("All");
+ restrictions << tr("Only trains");
+ restrictions << tr("All, except ferry");
+ return restrictions;
bool sortByTimeLessThan(const TimetableEntry &first, const TimetableEntry &second)
@@ -207,7 +236,7 @@ void ParserNinetwo::parseTimeTable(QNetworkReply *networkReply)
TimetableEntriesList result;
QByteArray allData = networkReply->readAll();
-// qDebug() << "REPLY:>>>>>>>>>>>>\n" << allData;
+ qDebug() << "REPLY:>>>>>>>>>>>>\n" << allData;
QVariantMap doc = parseJson(allData);
if (doc.isEmpty()) {
@@ -226,14 +255,14 @@ void ParserNinetwo::parseTimeTable(QNetworkReply *networkReply)
case all:
+ break;
+ case trainsOnly:
+ if(type!="train")
+ continue;
- case trainsOnly:
- if(type!="train")
- continue;
- break;
- case noFerry:
- if(type=="ferry")//not sure if this ever happens
- continue;
+ case noFerry:
+ if(type=="ferry")//not sure if this ever happens
+ continue;
@@ -275,7 +304,7 @@ void ParserNinetwo::parseTimeTable(QNetworkReply *networkReply)
// Departures / arrivals are grouped by transportation type,
// while we want them sorted by departure / arrival time.
- qSort(result.begin(), result.end(), sortByTimeLessThan);
+ std::sort(result.begin(), result.end(), sortByTimeLessThan);
emit timetableResult(result);
@@ -283,12 +312,13 @@ void ParserNinetwo::parseTimeTable(QNetworkReply *networkReply)
void ParserNinetwo::parseStationsByName(QNetworkReply *networkReply)
- qDebug() << "PARSING STATIONS";
QByteArray allData = networkReply->readAll();
-// qDebug() << "REPLY:>>>>>>>>>>>>\n" << allData;
+ qDebug() << "REPLY:>>>>>>>>>>>>\n" << allData;
QVariantMap doc = parseJson(allData);
if (doc.isEmpty()) {
+ qWarning() << __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ << "empty response";
emit errorOccured(tr("Cannot parse reply from the server"));
@@ -301,32 +331,14 @@ void ParserNinetwo::parseStationsByName(QNetworkReply *networkReply)
for (i = stations.constBegin(); i != stations.constEnd(); ++i) {
QVariantMap station = i->toMap();
Station s;
- bool okLat, okLon;
- double lat = station.value("latLong").toMap().value("lat").toDouble(&okLat);
- double lon = station.value("latLong").toMap().value("long").toDouble(&okLon);
//s.name=QString("[%1]%2").arg(station.value("type").toString(), station.value("name").toString());
- const QString name = station.value("name").toString();
- const QString place = station.value("place").toMap().value("name").toString();
- if (place.isEmpty())
- s.name = name;
- else
- s.name = QString("%1 (%2)").arg(name, place);
- s.miscInfo = station.value("type").toString();
- if (okLat && okLon) {
- s.latitude = lat;
- s.longitude = lon;
- if (lastCoordinates.isValid) {
- if (!s.miscInfo.isEmpty())
- s.miscInfo.prepend(", ");
- //: Distance in meters
- s.miscInfo.prepend(tr("%n m", "",
- distance(lastCoordinates.latitude, lastCoordinates.longitude,
- s.latitude, s.longitude)));
- }
- }
- if (station.value("type").toString() == "address")
- s.name = s.name + " " + station.value("houseNr").toString();
- s.id = station.value("id").toString();
+ const QString name = station.value("Displayname").toString();
+ const QString place = station.value("Region").toString();
+ s.miscInfo = station.value("EnglishSubType",station.value("SubType")).toString();
+ s.name = QString("%3 %1 (%2)").arg(name, place, s.miscInfo);
+ s.id = station.value("Url").toString();
@@ -342,69 +354,59 @@ void ParserNinetwo::parseStationsByCoordinates(QNetworkReply *networkReply)
void ParserNinetwo::parseSearchJourney(QNetworkReply *networkReply)
- qDebug() << "PARSING JOURNEYS";
- QByteArray allData = networkReply->readAll();
- qDebug() << "REPLY:>>>>>>>>>>>>\n" << allData;
- QVariantMap doc = parseJson(allData);
- if (doc.isEmpty()) {
- emit errorOccured(tr("Cannot parse reply from the server"));
- return;
- }
+ std::unique_ptr resultList{ new JourneyResultList};
- QVariantList journeys = doc.value("journeys").toList();
+ qDebug() << __LINE__ << "PARSING JOURNEYS" ;
+ //qDebug() << "REPLY:>>>>>>>>>>>>\n" << allData;
+// QVariantMap data = parseJson(allData);
- JourneyResultList* result=new JourneyResultList;
+ //QDomDocument slider { data.value("JourneySliderBlock").toString() };
+ //qDebug() << "DETAIL" << data.value("JourneyDetailBlock");
+ //QDomDocument detail { data.value("JourneyDetailBlock").toString().replace("\\r\\n", "\n").replace("\\\"", "\"" ).replace("&", "&") };
- QDateTime arrival;
- QDateTime departure;
+ QTextStream stream{networkReply};
- QVariantList::const_iterator i;
- for (i = journeys.constBegin(); i != journeys.constEnd(); ++i) {
- QVariantMap journey = i->toMap();
- parseJourneyOption(journey);
- JourneyResultItem* item = new JourneyResultItem;
- arrival = QDateTime::fromString(journey.value("arrival").toString(), "yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm");
- departure = QDateTime::fromString(journey.value("departure").toString(),
- "yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm");
- if (i == journeys.constBegin())
- lastsearch.firstOption=departure;
- item->setArrivalTime(arrival.toString("HH:mm"));
- item->setDepartureTime(departure.toString("HH:mm"));
- QVariantList legs = journey.value("legs").toList();
- QStringList trains;
- QVariantList::const_iterator j;
- for (j = legs.constBegin(); j != legs.constEnd(); ++j)
+ QString line;
+ while(!stream.atEnd())
+ {
+ stream.readLineInto(&line);
+ if(line.contains("Journey.Legs"))
- const QVariantMap mode = j->toMap().value("mode").toMap();
- if (mode.value("type").toString() != "walk") {
- const QString typeName = mode.value("name").toString();
- if (!typeName.isEmpty())
- trains.append(typeName);
+ // use qDom struff only on this one element
+ // to extract the "value" and to do urlDecode
+ QDomDocument detail;
+ QString error;
+ detail.setContent(line, &error);
+ if(!error.isEmpty())
+ {
+ qWarning() << "error parsing html" << "\n" << error;
+ auto input = detail.documentElement();
+ JourneyResultItem* option = parseJourneyJson(input.attribute("value"));
+ if(option)
+ resultList->appendItem(option);
+ else
+ qWarning() << "parsing json faied";
+ }
- trains.removeDuplicates();
- item->setTrainType(trains.join(", ").trimmed());
- item->setTransfers(QString::number((int) journey.value("numberOfChanges").toDouble()));
- int minutes = departure.secsTo(arrival)/60;
- item->setDuration(QString("%1:%2").arg(minutes/60).arg(minutes%60,2,10,QChar('0')));
- item->setId(journey.value("id").toString());
- result->appendItem(item);
+ //for (int i = 0; i < divs.count(); i++)
+ //{
+ // auto div = divs.item(i);
+ // if(!div.isElement()) continue;
+ // if(!div.toElement().hasAttribute("data-icscontent")) continue;
+ // qDebug() << "found ics data";
+ // auto* res = parseJourneyICS(div.toElement().attribute("data-icscontent"));
+ // if(res)
+ // resultList->appendItem(res);
+ //}
+ //lastsearch.lastOption=departure;
- //Set result metadata based on first result
- if (result->itemcount() == 1) {
- result->setTimeInfo(arrival.date().toString());
- result->setDepartureStation(cachedResults[item->id()]->departureStation());
- result->setArrivalStation(cachedResults[item->id()]->arrivalStation());
- }
- }
- lastsearch.lastOption=departure;
- emit journeyResult(result);
+ emit journeyResult(resultList.release());
void ParserNinetwo::parseSearchLaterJourney(QNetworkReply *)
@@ -422,90 +424,206 @@ void ParserNinetwo::parseJourneyDetails(QNetworkReply *)
//should never happen
-void ParserNinetwo::parseJourneyOption(const QVariantMap &object)
- JourneyDetailResultList* result = new JourneyDetailResultList;
- QString id = object.value("id").toString();
- QVariantList legs = object.value("legs").toList();
- QDateTime arrival = QDateTime::fromString(object.value("arrival").toString(),
- "yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm");
- QDateTime departure = QDateTime::fromString(object.value("departure").toString(),
- "yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm");
- result->setArrivalDateTime(arrival);
- result->setDepartureDateTime(departure);
- int minutes=departure.secsTo(arrival)/60;
- int hours=minutes/60;
- minutes=minutes%60;
- result->setDuration(QString("%1:%2").arg(hours).arg(minutes, 2, 10, QChar('0')));
- result->setId(id);
- for(int i = 0; i < legs.count(); i++)
- {
- QVariantMap leg = legs.at(i).toMap();
- JourneyDetailResultItem* resultItem = new JourneyDetailResultItem;
+// Not finished and untested
+// but might be a start, if the json way breaks:w
- QVariantList stops = leg.value("stops").toList();
- QVariantMap firstStop = stops[0].toMap();
- QVariantMap lastStop = stops[stops.size()-1].toMap();
- QVariantMap firstLocation = firstStop.value("location").toMap();
- QVariantMap lastLocation = lastStop.value("location").toMap();
+JourneyResultItem* ParserNinetwo::parseJourneyICS(QString const & ics)
+ std::unique_ptr item {new JourneyResultItem};
+ qDebug() << "parsing ICS" << ics;
+ QStringList lines = ics.split("\r\n");
+ QDateTime startTime{};
+ QString description{};
- resultItem->setArrivalStation(lastLocation.value("name").toString());
- resultItem->setDepartureStation(firstLocation.value("name").toString());
+ for(QString line: lines)
+ {
+ auto sp = line.split(':');
+ if(sp.length() < 2) continue;
+ QString key = sp[0];
+ QString value = sp[1];
+ if(key == "DTSTART" ) startTime = QDateTime::fromString(value, Qt::DateFormat::ISODate);
+ if(key == "DESCRIPTION") description = value;
+ }
- QDateTime stopDeparture = QDateTime::fromString(firstStop.value("departure").toString(),
- "yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm");
- QDateTime stopArrival = QDateTime::fromString(lastStop.value("arrival").toString(),
- "yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm");
+ if(description.isEmpty()) return nullptr;
- resultItem->setDepartureDateTime(stopDeparture);
- resultItem->setArrivalDateTime(stopArrival);
+ QStringList descLines {description.split("\\n") };
- QString type = leg.value("mode").toMap().value("type").toString();
- QString typeName;
- if (type != "walk")
- typeName = leg.value("mode").toMap().value("name").toString();
+ int walkCount = 0;
- //Fallback if typeName is empty
- if (typeName.isEmpty() && !type.isEmpty()) {
- typeName = type;
- typeName[0] = type.at(0).toUpper();
+ auto iter = descLines.begin();
+ std::unique_ptr detail{ new JourneyDetailResultList };
+ while(iter != descLines.end())
+ {
+ // legs are separated by a blank line
+ QStringList legLines;
+ do
+ {
+ legLines.append(iter->toLower());
+ iter++;
+ while(iter != descLines.end() && *iter != "");
- const QString service = leg.value("service").toString();
- if (!service.isEmpty())
- typeName.append(" ").append(service);
+ JourneyDetailResultItem* leg = new JourneyDetailResultItem;
- if (type == "walk") {
- const QString duration = leg.value("duration").toString();
- resultItem->setTrain(tr("%1 for %2 min").arg(typeName, duration));
- } else {
- resultItem->setTrain(typeName);
+ QString verb; // walk, train, metro etc
+ QString direction;
+ QString train;// metro B
+ {
+ QStringList words{ legLines[0].split(' ', Qt::SkipEmptyParts) };
+ verb = words[0];
+ if(verb == "walk")
+ walkCount++;
+ int directionIndex = words.indexOf("direction");
+ if(directionIndex >= 0 && directionIndex+1 < words.count())
+ {
+ direction = words.takeAt(directionIndex + 1);
+ words.takeAt(directionIndex); // "direction"
+ }
+ train = words.join(' ');
- if (!firstStop.value("platform").toString().isEmpty()) {
- resultItem->setDepartureInfo(tr("Pl. %1")
- .arg(firstStop.value("platform").toString()));
- }
- if (!lastStop.value("platform").toString().isEmpty()) {
- resultItem->setArrivalInfo(tr("Pl. %1").arg(lastStop.value("platform").toString()));
+ for(QString line : legLines)
+ {
+ if(line.startsWith("departure") || line.startsWith("arrival"))
+ {
+ QStringList words = line.split(' ', Qt::SkipEmptyParts);
+ if(words.count() < 3) return nullptr;
+ QString depArr = words.takeFirst();
+ QTime time = QTime::fromString(words.takeFirst(), "hh:mm");
+ QDateTime dateTime {startTime.date(), time};
+ QString platform;
+ int platformIndex = words.indexOf("platform");
+ if(platformIndex >= 0 && platformIndex+1 < words.count())
+ {
+ platform = words.takeAt(platformIndex + 1);
+ words.takeAt(platformIndex); // "platform"
+ }
+ QString station = words.join(' ');
+ leg->setProperty((depArr + "DateTime").toStdString().c_str(), dateTime);
+ leg->setProperty((depArr + "Station").toStdString().c_str(), station);
+ leg->setProperty((depArr + "Station").toStdString().c_str(), station);
+ }
- resultItem->setDirection(leg.value("destination").toString());
+ detail->appendItem(leg);
+ }
+ if(detail->itemcount() == 0)
+ return nullptr;
+ static int count = 0;
+ QString id = QString::number(count ++);
+ cachedResults.insert(id, detail.release());
+ item->setDepartureTime(detail->getItem(0)->departureDateTime().toString("hh:mm"));
+ item->setArrivalTime (detail->getItem(detail->itemcount()-1)->arrivalDateTime().toString("hh:mm"));
+ item->setTransfers(QString::number(detail->itemcount() -walkCount-1) + " +" + QString::number(walkCount) );
+ item->setId(id);
+ return item.release();
+JourneyResultItem * ParserNinetwo::parseJourneyJson(const QString& jsonData)
+ // this really helps :)
+ //std::ofstream("/tmp/journey.json") << jsonData.toStdString();
+ std::unique_ptr response {new JourneyResultItem};
+ std::unique_ptr detail {new JourneyDetailResultList};
- QStringList attributes;
- const QVariantList attrs = leg.value("attributes").toList();
- foreach (const QVariant &attr, attrs) {
- attributes << attr.toMap().value("title").toString();
+ // wrap it in an object, bcause it is a naked list
+ auto json = parseJson("{\"legs\":" + jsonData.toUtf8() + "}");
+ if(json["legs"].type() != QVariant::List)
+ return nullptr;
+ QVariantList legs = json["legs"].toList();
+ QSet transportTypes;
+ int walkCount = 0;
+ for(auto const & legv: legs)
+ {
+ if(legv.type() != QVariant::Map)
+ {
+ qWarning() << "non-map leg detected";
+ continue;
- resultItem->setInfo(attributes.join(tr(", ")));
+ QVariantMap leg = legv.toMap();
+ QString mode = leg["Mode"].toMap()["ModeType"].toString();
+ transportTypes.insert(mode);
+ QString modeName = leg["Mode"].toMap()["Name"].toString();
+ QString direction = leg["Destination"].toString();
+ // eg. B for metro line b
+ QString service = leg["Service"].toString();
+ QString company = leg["Operator"].toMap()["Name"].toString();
+ if(mode == "walk")
+ walkCount++;
+ QVariantList calls = leg["Calls"].toList();
+ QString departureStation = calls[0].toMap()["Location"].toMap()["Cluster-Type"].toString() + " "
+ + calls[0].toMap()["Location"].toMap()["Name"].toString();
+ QString departurePlatform = calls[0].toMap()["Platform"].toString();
+ QDateTime departureTime = QDateTime::fromString(calls[0].toMap()["Departure"].toString(), Qt::ISODate);
+ int const lastCall = calls.count()-1;
+ QString arrivalStation = calls[lastCall].toMap()["Location"].toMap()["Cluster-Type"].toString() + " "
+ + calls[lastCall].toMap()["Location"].toMap()["Name"].toString();
+ QDateTime arrivalTime = QDateTime::fromString(calls[lastCall].toMap()["Arrival"].toString(), Qt::ISODate);
+ QString arrivalPlatform = calls[lastCall].toMap()["Platform"].toString();
+ JourneyDetailResultItem* item = new JourneyDetailResultItem;
+ item->setDirection(direction);
+ if(mode == "walk")
+ item->setTrain(tr("Walk"));
+ else
+ item->setTrain(modeName + ": " + service);
- result->appendItem(resultItem);
+ item->setArrivalDateTime(arrivalTime);
+ item->setArrivalStation(arrivalStation);
+ if(!arrivalPlatform.isEmpty())
+ item->setArrivalInfo(QString(tr("Pl. %1")).arg(arrivalPlatform));
+ item->setDepartureDateTime(departureTime);
+ item->setDepartureStation(departureStation);
+ if(!departurePlatform.isEmpty())
+ item->setDepartureInfo(QString(tr("Pl. %1")).arg(departurePlatform));
+ detail->appendItem(item);
+ }
+ if(detail->itemcount() == 0)
+ return nullptr;
+ static int count = 0;
+ count++;
+ QString id = QString::number(count);
+ detail->setId(id);
+ response->setId(id);
+ response->setDate(detail->getItem(0)->departureDateTime().date());
+ response->setDepartureTime(detail->getItem(0)->departureDateTime().toString("hh:mm"));
+ response->setArrivalTime (detail->getItem(detail->itemcount()-1)->arrivalDateTime().toString("hh:mm"));
+ response->setTransfers(QString::number(detail->itemcount()-1 -walkCount) + " +" + QString::number(walkCount) );
+ {
+ QString tt;
+ for(QString const & t: transportTypes)
+ tt += t + ',';
+ tt.resize(tt.size()-1);
+ response->setTrainType(tt);
+ int durationMins = (
+ detail->getItem(detail->itemcount()-1)->arrivalDateTime().toMSecsSinceEpoch() -
+ detail->getItem(0)->departureDateTime().toMSecsSinceEpoch()
+ )/1000 / 60;
+ response->setDuration(
+ QString::number(durationMins / 60) + ":" + QString::number(durationMins % 60)
+ );
- result->setDepartureStation(result->getItem(0)->departureStation());
- result->setArrivalStation(result->getItem(result->itemcount() - 1)->arrivalStation());
- cachedResults.insert(id, result);
+ cachedResults.insert(id, detail.release());
+ return response.release();
diff --git a/src/parser/parser_ninetwo.h b/src/parser/parser_ninetwo.h
index ed379065..da31fbeb 100644
--- a/src/parser/parser_ninetwo.h
+++ b/src/parser/parser_ninetwo.h
@@ -75,10 +75,10 @@ public slots:
void searchJourneyLater();
void searchJourneyEarlier();
void getJourneyDetails(const QString &id);
- bool supportsGps() { return true; }
- bool supportsVia() { return true; }
- bool supportsTimeTable() { return true; }
- bool supportsTimeTableDirection() { return false; }
+ bool supportsGps() final { return false; }
+ bool supportsVia() final { return false; }
+ bool supportsTimeTable() final { return false; }
+ bool supportsTimeTableDirection() final { return false; }
QStringList getTrainRestrictions();
@@ -92,7 +92,9 @@ public slots:
QMap cachedResults;
- void parseJourneyOption(const QVariantMap &object);
+ JourneyResultItem* parseJourneyICS(QString const & ics);
+ JourneyResultItem* parseJourneyJson(QString const & json);