Perhaps the testnet was reset? Try deleting folder /deps/pink_hash in your testnet folder.
Erlang (version >= 18)
Ubuntu (version >=16) (Windows coming soon) Or Mac OS
Make sure that that you are running Ubuntu 16 or later:
(earlier versions of ubuntu requires manually installing the latest version of erlang, because the package manager installs an old version)
Use this command to check your version number
lsb_release -a
Make sure that your system is up-to-date:
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get upgrade
For Ubuntu, install following dependencies:
sudo apt-get install erlang libncurses5-dev libssl-dev unixodbc-dev g++ git erlang-base-hipe
Next, download Aeternity Testnet. Optionally you can run next steps with a non-root user, for better security.
git clone
Now you can go into the directory, and compile the aeternity testnet.
cd testnet/
Now you can run your node. with sh
##For Mac
First install brew, a package manager for OSX.
Next install erlang and rebar, the package manager for erlang
brew install erlang
brew install rebar
now use rebar to get and compile Aeternity:
rebar get
rebar get-deps
rebar compile
Now you can run your node with sh